Scriptable Debugging

Since OllyDbg plug-ins are compiled into DLLs, creating or modifying a plug-in tends to be an involved process. Therefore, when extending functionality, we employ ImmDbg, which employs Python scripts and has an easy-to-use API.

ImmDbg’s Python API includes many utilities and functions. For example, you can integrate your scripts into the debugger as native code in order to create custom tables, graphs, and interfaces of all sorts. Popular reasons to write scripts for malware analysis include anti-debugger patching, inline function hooking, and function parameter logging—many of which can be found on the Internet.

The most common type of Python script written for ImmDbg is known as a PyCommand. This is a Python script located in the PyCommands directory in the install location of ImmDbg. After you write a script, you must copy it to this directory to be able to run it. These Python commands can be executed from the command bar with a preceding !. For a list of available PyCommands, enter !list at the command line.

PyCommands have the following structure:

  • A number of import statements can be used to import Python modules (as in any Python script). The functionality of ImmDbg itself is accessed through the immlib or immutils module.

  • A main function reads the command-line arguments (passed in as a Python list).

  • Code implements the actions of the PyCommand.

  • A return contains a string. Once the script finishes execution, the main debugger status bar will be updated with this string.

The code in Example 9-3 shows a simple script implemented as a PyCommand. This script can be used to prevent malware from deleting a file from the system.

Example 9-3. PyCommand script to neuter DeleteFile

import immlib

def Patch_DeleteFileA(imm): 
    delfileAddress = imm.getAddress("kernel32.DeleteFileA")
    if (delfileAddress <= 0):
        imm.log("No DeleteFile to patch")
    imm.log("Patching DeleteFileA")
    patch = imm.assemble("XOR EAX, EAX 
 Ret 4") 
    imm.writeMemory(delfileAddress, patch)

def main(args): 
    imm = immlib.Debugger()
    return "DeleteFileA is patched..."

Malware often calls DeleteFile to remove files from the system before you can copy them to another location. If you run this script via !scriptname, it will patch the DeleteFileA function, rendering it useless. The main method defined at calls Patch_DeleteFileA. This is a function we have defined at that returns the address of DeleteFileA by calling the ImmDbg API function getAddress. Once we have that location, we can overwrite the function with our own code. In this case, we overwrite it with the patch code at . This code sets EAX to 0 and returns from the DeleteFileA call. This patch will cause DeleteFile to always fail, thus preventing the malware from being able to remove files from the system.

For additional information about writing Python scripts, use the Python command scripts that ImmDbg has built for reference. For further in-depth commentary on writing Python scripts for ImmDbg, see Gray Hat Python by Justin Seitz (No Starch Press, 2009).

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