
Contents at a Glance


About the Authors

About the Technical Reviewers



Who is this book for?

How is this book structured?

Conventions used in this book

Chapter 1: HTML5: Now, Not 2022

Basic tenets

A web standards approach

The Dao of web design: embracing uncertainty


Crafting your markup

How was HTML5 created?

Beyond HTML 4…


XHTML 2.0 and the backlash

HTML5 moving forward!

HTML5 design principles

Supporting existing content

Degrading gracefully

Don’t reinvent the wheel

Paving the cowpaths

Evolution, not revolution

A dozen myths about HTML5

1. Browsers don’t support HTML5

2. OK, most browsers support HTML5, but IE surely doesn’t

3. HTML5 won’t be finished until 2022

4. Now I have to relearn everything!

5. HTML5 uses presentational elements

6. HTML5 is a return to tag soup

7. HTML5 kills accessibility kittens

8. Flash is dead

9. HTML5 will break the Web!

10. HTML5’s development is controlled by browser vendors

11. HTML5 includes CSS3, Geolocation, SVG, and every other modern technology under the sun

12. So when can I start using HTML5?



Chapter 1 homework

Directed reading

Chapter 2: Your First Plunge into HTML5

Homework review

Our page

84.8% of your markup remains

It’s all in the head

A more perfect DOCTYPE

Declaring languages in HTML5

Character encoding

Mr. Memory

A “Hello World!” journey

“Hello World!” in XHTML1.0 style

“Hello World!” in HTML4 style

“Hello World!” in HTML5 “loose” style

“Hello World!” in HTML5 “strict” style

Supporting HTML5 cross-browser

How do browsers deal with unknown elements?

Meet the shiv

IE print protector

Declaring block-level elements

An HTML5 boilerplate page

No more type attribute

Polyfills and alternatives


HTML5 validator


Revisiting Miss Baker



Chapter 3: New Structural Elements

Workflow practices, evolving?

A brave new semantic dawn

Structural building blocks: <div>, <section>, and <article>

The difference between <div>, <section>, and <article>

Which one to choose?

Basic structures using these elements

Headings: <header>, <hgroup>, and <h1>–<h6>, plus <footer>

An article with one heading

An article <header> with heading and metadata

An article with an <hgroup>-enclosed subheading

An article with heading, subheading, and metadata

Some examples of <hgroup> use

The HTML5 outlining algorithm

Outlining in action

Sectioning root elements

The scourge of the untitled section

HTML5-style heading element levels

Example of nesting heading element levels

Example of the new style for heading element levels

Even more structural elements: <nav>, <aside>, <figure> (and <figcaption>)

Putting it all together

New sectioning content elements in a nutshell

Converting a simple page to HTML5

Introducing “HTML4.5”: Adding HTML5’s semantics via <div class=””>

Adding semantics to “HTML4.5” and HTML5 via ARIA landmark roles

Reality rains on our accessible parade

Accessibility and HTML5

Accessibility techniques, evolving

Other HTML5 accessibility issues

HTML5 accessibility: A new hope



Further Reading

Chapter 4: A Richer Approach to Marking Up Content

Ex-presentational elements and friends

Giving the <i> and <b> elements new semantic meanings

The <small> element

The <hr> element

The <s> element, together with <del> and <ins>

The <u> element

Presentational elements: relics of a bygone era

Block-level links with the <a> element

Writing a Block Link

Browser caveats with Firefox <4

Other elements with minor changes from HTML 4

The <ol> element and related new (and old) attributes

The <dl> element

The <cite> element

New semantic elements

The <mark> element

Ruby annotations with <ruby>, <rt>, and <rp>

The <time> element

Extending HTML5

The <data> element

The custom data attribute (data-*)


A lightning introduction to microformats

Microdata: HTML5’s semantic sprinkles

Microdata syntax

Microdata in action

Final thoughts on microdata


Further reading and related links

Chapter 5: Rich Media

The case for Flash

Proprietary formats vs. open standards

Enter HTML5 and friends

Does HTML5 signal the end of Flash?

Video the HTML5 way

Video formats

Browser support

Adding video source

The track element

Do more with video

Take out the heavy lifting


Audio codecs

Browser support

Adding audio source

Using jPlayer

Video and audio summary


Pixel-based freedom

Adding/implementing canvas

The power and potential of canvas

Further canvas resources


Vector power

Vectors unleashed with SVG

SVG-related reading



Chapter 6: Paving the Way for Web Applications

HTML5 forms

A history of HTML5 forms

HTML5 forms attributes

New input types

Validation and how to provide fallbacks

Current browser support

Forms in action

HTML5 forms APIs

HTML5 forms summary

Web applications

Introduction to elements for web applications

Introduction to HTML5-related APIs

The glorious dawn of the age of the standards-based Web, accessible to all, in a world of compliant browsers, on a variety of devices

Homework: Mark up the “Join Gordo’s Space Cadets” form using the new markup covered

Chapter 7: CSS3, Here and Now

A Refresher on the importance of web standards

CSS 1, CSS 2.1, CSS3 ...

Is CSS3 ready?


CSS3 modularity

Maturity levels

The benefits of CSS3

Streamlining design

Reduced workarounds and hacks

CSS basics refresher

Anatomy of a rule (or rule set)

A property

A value

A declaration

Declaration block


CSS units

Functional notation




Vendor-specific extensions

CSS shorthand

The cascade, specificity, and inheritance

CSS cascade

Calculating specificity

CSS inheritance

CSS organization and maintenance

CSS conventions

Commenting best practices

CSS resets and normalize.css

CSS frameworks and toolkits

Maintainable CSS

CSS validation

CSS lint

Browser support, vendor prefixes, polyfills, and progressive enhancement

Progressive enhancement

CSS3 browser support

Feature detection and polyfills


IE-specific polyfills



Appendix: CSS3 Module Status

Chapter 8: Keeping Your Markup Slim Using CSS Selectors

Selectors rundown

CSS3 selectors


Attribute and substring selectors

UI element states pseudo-classes

Target pseudo-class

Structural pseudo-classes


Negation pseudo-class

Browser support

Selectors of the future




Chapter 9: A Layout for Every Occasion

The web of many devices

Evolution of monitor sizes

Separate sites optimized for each device? But that’s crazy talk!

The Visual Formatting Model of CSS—it’s boxes all the way down!

The Box Model: content, padding, border, margin

CSS3 layouts

CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3

CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3

Multi-column Layout Module

CSS Regions Module Level 3

CSS Exclusions and Shapes Module Level 3

CSS Paged Media Module Level 3

CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module

The Flexible Box Layout Module

The CSS Grid Layout Module

CSS3 layout modules in summary


Further reading



Chapter 10: Improving Web Typography

Typeface and fonts

Anatomy of type

A brief history of web type

Text as image

Farhner Image Replacement (FIR)

Leahy/Langridge method

Phark method

Gilder/Levin method

JavaScript Image Replacement (JIR)



SVG fonts


Web fonts

In the beginning

@font-face strikes back

Dissecting font face syntax: @font-face declaration

Bulletproof syntax for @font-face

Avoiding the flash of unstyled text (FOUT)

Things to keep in mind while using web fonts

Finding web fonts

Free web fonts

Commercial web fonts

Font as a service

Designing with web fonts

Using web fonts as icons

Web fonts in summary


Setting font-family

Setting vertical spacing

Setting font sizes

Designing with a grid

With pixels

With ems

Setting the grid

Automating vertical rhythms

Baseline grid in summary

Fun with web type

Choose the weight of glyphs

Choosing the right font width

Control text overflow

Align text vertically from baseline

Control the white space between letters of a word

Adjust spacing between words

Break Long Words

Control white space and line breaks

Print hyphens

Control the quote glyphs

Hanging Punctuation

Control the rendering of non-latin web type



Use ligatures and additional OpenType font features


Further Reading

Chapter 11: Putting CSS3 Properties to Work

Color and transparency


RGBa transparency







Multiple backgrounds




Drop shadows





Detecting support and helping other browsers

Using Modernizr

CSS3 Pie

Combining CSS3 effects

Hold the cheese



Chapter 12: Transforms, Transitions, and Animation

Translate, rotate, scale, skew, transform: 2D and 3D CSS transforms

Using transform and the transform functions

Putting 3D things into perspective with perspective and transform:perspective()

Changing the origin of perspective with the perspective-origin property

Changing transforms via transform-origin

3D or flat transforms with transform-style

Hiding and showing the back of a transformed element with backface-visibility

Browser support for CSS transforms

CSS transforms gotchas

CSS transforms in summary

CSS transitions and CSS animations: compare and contrast

CSS transitions: bling in 4D!

Setting what to transition with transition-property

Controlling the duration of a transition with transition-duration

transition-timing-function, cubic Bézier curves, and steps()

Delaying the start of a transition with transition-delay

Multiple transition values and the transition shorthand property

transition shorthand property order

Browser support for CSS transitions

CSS transitions gotchas

CSS transitions in summary

Keyframin’ with CSS animations

A simple animation example with animation-name and animation-duration

Controlling an animation using @keyframes

Timing functions with animation-timing-function

Changing how an animation starts using animation-delay

How many times? animation-iteration-count will tell you!

Mixing it up with animation-direction

Control how elements behave before and after an animation with animation-fill-mode

Pausing an animation using animation-play-state

The animation shorthand property and comma-separated animation-* values

Browser support for CSS animations

A little animation-related JavaScript detour

Animation gotchas

CSS animations in summary

Putting it all together

Further Reading

Chapter 13: The Future of CSS or, Awesome Stuff That’s Coming

Hardware acceleration and CSS performance


Define your own list counters with the CSS Counter Styles Module

The calc() and attr() functions

Variables, mixins, and nesting

Turning the “OMG!” up to 11 with CSS shaders

Go forth and make awesome

Appendix: essential links


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