Chapter 36. Sharing Calendars

Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 provides a number of ways for you to share your calendar information with others. In addition to using Microsoft Exchange Server to share your calendar with other Exchange Server users, you can also publish your calendar to the Web and invite others to share access to it. You can publish your calendar to Microsoft Office Online or to any Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) server. You can also send your calendar to someone else via e-mail, save the calendar as a Web page and then send it, or post the calendar to a Web server.

Sharing Your Calendar

If you use Exchange Server, you can allow other users to access your entire calendar or selected calendar items. To share your calendar and its items, you must set permission levels for various users. In most cases, permissions are set by using built-in roles, as described in Table 36-1, but you can also set custom permissions for the rare cases when the built-in role does not fit the situation. Some permissions allow users only to view your calendar; others allow users to add or even edit items.

Table 36-1. Folder Permissions




The Owner role gives full control of the calendar. An Owner can create, modify, delete, and read folder items; create subfolders; and change permissions on the folder.

Publishing Editor

The Publishing Editor role has all rights granted to an Owner except the right to change permissions. A Publishing Editor can create, modify, delete, and read folder items and create subfolders.


The Editor role has all rights granted to a Publishing Editor except the right to create subfolders. An Editor can create, modify, delete, and read folder items.

Publishing Author

A Publishing Author can create and read folder items and create subfolders but can modify and delete only folder items that he or she creates, not items created by other users.


An Author has all rights granted to a Publishing Author but cannot create subfolders. An Author can create and read folder items and modify and delete items that he or she creates.

Nonediting Author

A Nonediting Author can create and read folder items but cannot modify or delete any items, including those that he or she creates.


A Reviewer can read folder items but nothing else.


A Contributor can create folder items but cannot delete items.

Free/Busy Time, Subject, Location

A user with these access rights can view the free/busy information as well as the subject and location.

Free/Busy Time

A user with these access rights can view only the free/busy information.


The None role has no access to the folder.

The first step in sharing a calendar is to right-click it in the Navigation Pane and then choose Properties. Click the Permissions tab to view the current permissions for the folder. Figure 36-1 shows the Permissions tab with the Calendar folder’s default permissions.

The default permissions for a calendar are set to Free/Busy Time.

Figure 36-1. The default permissions for a calendar are set to Free/Busy Time.

To allow all users to view details of the calendar, you need to assign Reviewer permission to the default user. A default user is any user who is logged in. (An anonymous user is any user, whether or not he or she is logged in. Default users are a subgroup of anonymous users.) Select Default in the Name column, and then change the permission level by selecting Reviewer in the Permission Level drop-down list.

You might assign a permission of Publishing Author to users if they are colleagues who need to be able to schedule items for you as well as view your calendar.

To give users Publishing Author access to the calendar, follow these steps:

  1. On the Permissions tab in the Calendar Properties dialog box, click Add to open the Add Users dialog box, shown in Figure 36-2. Alternatively, you can right-click the calendar in the Navigation Pane and then choose Change Sharing Permissions.

    Add users to the Permissions tab so that you can specify their permissions for folder sharing.

    Figure 36-2. Add users to the Permissions tab so that you can specify their permissions for folder sharing.

  2. Select a user or distribution list in the Add Users dialog box (hold down Shift and click to select a range of users, or hold down Ctrl and click to select multiple users), and then click Add. After you have selected all the users you want to add, click OK.

  3. By default, Office Outlook 2007 adds users to the Permissions tab with Reviewer permission. To change the permission of a newly added user to Publishing Author, select the user’s name, and then select the permission in the Permission Level drop-down list. Figure 36-3 shows the Permissions tab after these changes have been made.

    A user has been added and the permission level has been changed to Publishing Author.

    Figure 36-3. A user has been added and the permission level has been changed to Publishing Author.

As you can see in Figure 36-3, the permissions granted to a user can be configured manually using the check boxes in the bottom half of the Permissions tab. However, this is usually unnecessary because you can set most combinations of settings using the Permission Level drop-down list.

You can configure your Free/Busy settings by clicking the Other Free/Busy button. The Free/Busy Options dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 36-4, allowing you to set the amount of free/busy information you publish on the computer running Exchange Server and specify the frequency of updates. You can also configure your Internet free/busy publishing and search locations to set custom Internet addresses for your free/busy publishing and search locations.

Configure your free/busy options for Exchange Server and Internet calendar publishing.

Figure 36-4. Configure your free/busy options for Exchange Server and Internet calendar publishing.

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