
From Jim Boyce

I’ve authored and contributed to more than 50 books, and each project has been much the same in terms of compressed schedules and tight deadlines. This book was no different in that respect, but what made it very enjoyable and possible to accomplish was the phenomenal dedication to the project shown by everyone involved.

I offer sincere thanks to Sandra Haynes, Valerie Woolley, and Kathleen Atkins, who helped launch the project and kept it and the people involved all moving forward as a team. My sincere thanks also go to Juliana Aldous Atkinson for the opportunity to do the project and for her help in getting the project rolling. Carole McClendon, my agent at Waterside Productions, gets a well-deserved thanks, as well.

Thanks also go to Peter Harrison, Aline Phelps, and Mike Toot, who had the difficult task of not only verifying the accuracy of a wide range of information but also trying to do that with a moving target during the beta process. Vince Averello gets a nod for tech editing the programming chapters on the CD. I thank Jennifer Harris and Nancy Sixsmith, who served as copyeditors and did a great job tightening up and clarifying the manuscript. Thanks also to Shawn Peck, proofreader, for checking everyone’s work and catching those errors that always seem to sneak by somehow.

My appreciation to the personnel at Waypoint Press for their outstanding project management, editorial, and production work.

Many thanks go to the other authors who contributed to this book: Beth Sheresh and Doug Sheresh, Rob Tidrow, Bill Zumwalde, and Sharyn Graham for the 2007 edition; Blair Rampling, Rob Tidrow, Deanna Maio, Tyler and Rima Regas, Dan Newland, John Durant, Matthew Nunn, and KC Lemson for their contributions to the previous edition. All of them poured heart and soul into their contributions. I offer an extra bit of thanks to Rob, Doug, Beth, Bill, and Sharyn for making time in their schedules to take on some extra material yet again and help us make our deadlines.

I also express sincere thanks to Westley Annis, who took the rough script code I developed for the CustomContactPrint and CustomMessagePrint scripts and performed a major overhaul of the code to make the scripts functional and presentable.

I offer my appreciation and admiration to the Microsoft Outlook development team for their efforts in making a great program even better!

Last but not least, I extend my deepest love and appreciation to my wife, Julie, for her tolerance of my obsessive work habits and understanding of my myriad other annoying character traits and bad habits.

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