Bibliography and Further Reading

There are few books written on the subject of game audio. However, there are many web articles and conference presentations that are essential reading.We’ll provide links to the latest articles and features on the Game Audio Tutorial website ( Here is a selected list from this larger bibliography.

General Texts

These selections are relevant to all chapters.

Collins, K. (2008). From Pac-Man to Pop Music: Interactive Audio in Games and New Media (5th ed.). Ashgate.

Collins, K. (2008). Game Sound: An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Video Game Music and Sound Design. MIT Press.

Marks, A. (2008). Game Development Essentials: Game Audio Development. Delmar.

Bridgett, R. (2010). From the Shadows of Film Sound: Cinematic Production & Creative Process in Video Game Audio [Internet]. Available from<““>

The two books that follow are currently out of print, but they are well worth tracking down in your local library.

Brandon, A. (2004). Audio for Games: Planning, Process, and Production. New Riders Games.

Sanger, G. M. (2003). The Fat Man on Game Audio: Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodness, (illustrated ed.). New Riders.

Chapters 1 and 2

Epic Games, UDK Documentation [Internet]. Available from <>

Chapter 3

Everest, F. A., & Pohlmann, K. C. (2009). Master Handbook of Acoustics (5th ed.). Tab Electronics.

Farnell, A. (2010). Designing Sound. MIT Press.

Howard, D., & Angus, J. (2009). Acoustics and Psychoacoustics (4th ed.). Focal Press.

Miranda, E. (2002). Computer Sound Design: Synthesis Techniques and Programming (2nd ed.). Focal Press.

Roads, C. (1996). The Computer Music Tutorial. MIT Press.

Rossing, T. D., Moore, R. F., & Wheeler, P. A. (2001). The Science of Sound (3rd ed.). Addison Wesley.

Russ, M. (2008). Sound Synthesis and Sampling (3rd ed.). Focal Press.

Chapter 4

AudioKinetic. Wwise Documentation. [Internet]. Available from <>

Davis, R. (2000). Complete Guide to Film Scoring. Hal Leonard Corporation.

Donnelly, K. (2001). Film Music: Critical Approaches. Edinburgh University Press.

Drescher, P. (2010). Game Audio in the Cloud. O’Reilly Broadcast [Internet]. Available from <>

Firelight Technologies. FMod Documentation. [Internet]. Available from <>.

Hayward, P. (2004). Off the Planet: Music, Sound and Science Fiction Cinema (illustrated ed.). John Libbey Cinema and Animation.

IASIG, Interactive XMF: File Format Specification Draft 0.0.1a Available from <>

Juslin, P., & Sloboda, J. (2001). Music and Emotion: Theory and Research. Oxford: OUP.

Larsen, P. (2007). Film Music (illustrated ed.). Reaktion Books.

Levitin, D. J. (2008). This is Your Brain on Music: Understanding a Human Obsession. Atlantic Books.

Rona, J. (2009). Reel World: Scoring for Pictures (2nd ed.). Music Pro Guides.

Veca, D.,& Napolitano, J. (2009) Dead Space Sound Design. [Internet]. Available from <>

Chapter 5

Beauchamp, R. (2005). Designing Sound for Animation. Pap/DVD Focal Press.

Borwick, J. (1996). Sound Recording Practice (4th ed.). Oxford: OUP.

Ince, S. (2006). Writing for Video Games. Methuen Drama.

Woodhall, W. (2010). Audio Production and Post-Production. Pap/Com Jones & Bartlett.

Yewdall, D. L. (2007). The Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound (3rd ed.). Focal Press.

Chapter 6

Altman, R. (1992). Sound Theory/Sound Practice. Routledge.

Bridgett, R. Gamasutra–Features–The Future of Game Audio: Is Interactive Mixing the Key?. [Internet]. Available from <>

Bridgett, R. Gamasutra–Features–The Game Audio Mixing Revolution. [Internet]. Available from <>

Chion, M. (1994). Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen. Columbia University Press.

Clerwall, A. (2009). How high dynamic range audio makes Battlefield: Bad Company go BOOM Game Developers Conference. [Internet]. Available from <>

Jorgensen, K. (2009). A comprehensive study of sound in computer games: How audio affects player action. Edwin Mellen Press.

Juul, J. (2005). Half-Real: Video Games Between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds. MIT Press.

Katz, B. (2007). Mastering Audio: The Art and The Science (2nd ed.). Focal Press.

Salen, K. (2003). Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals (illustrated ed.). MIT Press.

Sider, L. (2003). Soundscape: School of Sound Lectures 1998–2001. Wallflower Press.

Sonnenschein, D. (2001). Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema. Michael Wiese Productions.

Whittington, W. (2007). Sound Design and Science Fiction. University of Texas Press.

Chapter 7

Sweetman, C. Criterion Games > Black > Behind the Scenes > A Choir of Guns. [Internet]. Available from <>

Chapter 8

Chandler, H. M. (2008). Game Production Handbook (2nd ed.). Infinity Science Press.


Ament, V. T. (2009). The Foley Grail: The Art of Performing Sound for Film, Games, and Animation. Pap/DVD Focal Press.

Brandon, A. (2004). Audio for Games: Planning, Process, and Production. New Riders.

Case, A. (2007). Sound FX: Unlocking the Creative Potential of Recording Studio Effects. Focal Press.

Krause, B., & Krause, B. L. (2002). Wild Soundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World. Wilderness Press. [With CD]. Pap/Com

Marks, A. (2008). The Complete Guide to Game Audio: For Composers, Musicians, Sound Designers, Game Developers (2nd ed.). Focal Press.

Oltyan, C. Gamasutra–Features–Game Dev Collaboration: Google Docs Style. [Internet]. Available from <>.

Rinzler, J., & Burtt, B. (2010). Sounds of Star Wars. Simon & Schuster.

Rumsey, F., & McCormick, T. (2009). Sound and Recording (6th ed.). Focal Press.

Sonnenschein, D. (2001). Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema. Michael Wiese Productions.

Viers, R. (2008). The Sound Effects Bible: How to Create and Record Hollywood Style Sound Effects. Michael Wiese Productions.

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