Chapter 11. Controlling Access and Configuring System Messaging


The following test objectives for Exam CX-310-202 are covered in this chapter:

Configure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), including assigning rights, profiles, roles, and authorizations to users.

Image   This chapter describes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and identifies the four main databases involved with RBAC. The system administrator needs to understand the function and structure of each of these databases and how to apply the RBAC functionality in real-world situations.

Analyze RBAC configuration file summaries and manage RBAC using the command line.

Image   You will see how to assign a role to a user and use rights profiles by using commands that are described in this chapter. These can greatly assist the system administrator when managing a large number of rights that are to be assigned to a number of users.

Explain syslog() function fundamentals, and configure and manage the /etc/syslog.conf file and syslog messaging.

Image   This chapter describes the basics of system messaging in the Solaris operating environment, introduces the daemon responsible for managing the messaging, and describes the configuration file that determines what information is logged and where it is stored. It also describes the new method of restarting/refreshing the syslog process when changes are made to its configuration file.

Study Strategies

The following strategies will help you prepare for the test:

Image   As you study this chapter, it’s important that you practice each exercise and each command that is presented on a Solaris system. Hands-on experience is important when learning these topics, so practice until you can repeat the procedures from memory.

Image   Be sure you understand each command and be prepared to match the command to the correct description.

Image   Be sure you know all of the terms listed in the “Key Terms” section at the end of this chapter. Pay special attention to the databases used in Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and the uses and format of each. Be prepared to match the terms presented in this chapter with the correct description.

Image   Finally, you must understand the concept of system messaging—its purpose, how it works, and how to configure and manage it.


This chapter covers two main topics—Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and system messaging (syslog). These are both related in that they participate in the securing and monitoring of systems in a Solaris environment. The use of Role-Based Access Control makes the delegation of authorizations much easier for the system administrator to manage, as groups of privileges can easily be given to a role through the use of profiles. Also, the use of roles means that a user has to first log in using his or her normal ID, then use the su command to gain access to the role (and therefore assigned privileges). This has the advantage of being logged and so helps to establish accountability. The system messaging service (syslog) stores important system and security messages and is fully configurable. The system administrator can tune the service so that certain messages are delivered to several places (such as a log file, a message, and the system console), greatly increasing the chances of it being noticed quickly.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)


Configure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) including assigning rights, profiles, roles, and authorizations to users.

Image   Analyze RBAC configuration file summaries and manage RBAC using the command line.

Granting superuser access to non-root users has always been an issue in Unix systems. In the past, you had to rely on a third-party package, such as sudo, to provide this functionality. The problem was that sudo was an unsupported piece of freeware that had to be downloaded from the Internet and installed onto your system. In extreme cases, the system administrator had to set the setuid permission bit on the file so that a user could execute the command as root.

With Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in the Solaris 10 operating environment, administrators can not only assign limited administrative capabilities to non-root users, they can also provide the mechanism where a user can carry out a specific function as another user (if required). This is achieved through three features:

Image   Authorizations—User rights that grant access to a restricted function.

Image   Execution profiles—Bundling mechanisms for grouping authorizations and commands with special attributes; for example, user and group IDs or superuser ID.

Image   Roles—Special type of user accounts intended for performing a set of administrative tasks.


Assigning Superuser Access Using RBAC Most often, you will probably use RBAC to provide superuser access to administrative tasks within the system. Be careful to exercise caution and avoid creating security lapses by providing access to administrative functions by unauthorized users.

Using RBAC

To better describe RBAC, it’s easier to first describe how a system administrator would utilize RBAC to delegate an administrative task to a non-root user in a fictional setting at Acme Corp.

At Acme Corp., the system administrator is overwhelmed with tasks. He is going to delegate some of his responsibility to Neil, a user from the engineering department who helps out sometimes with system administration tasks.

The system administrator first needs to define which tasks he wants Neil to help out with. He has identified three tasks:

Image   Change user passwords, but do not add or remove accounts.

Image   Mount and share file systems.

Image   Shut down the system.

In RBAC, when we speak of delegating administrative tasks, it is referred to as a role account. A role account is a special type of user account that is intended for performing a set of administrative tasks. It is like a normal user account in most respects except that users can gain access to it only through the su command after they have logged in to the system with their normal login account. A role account is not accessible for normal logins, for example, through the CDE login window. From a role account, a user can access commands with special attributes, typically the superuser privilege, which are not available to users in normal accounts.

At Acme Corp, the system administrator needs to define a role username for the tasks he wants to delegate. Let’s use the role username “adminusr.” After Neil logs in with his normal login name of ncalkins, he then needs to issue the su command and switch to adminusr whenever he wants to perform administrative tasks. In this chapter, you learn how to create a role account using the command line interface, although you should note that the Solaris Management Console can also be used.

So far we have determined that we want to name the role account adminusr. The system administrator creates the role account using the roleadd command. The roleadd command adds a role account to the /etc/passwd, etc/shadow, and /etc/user_attr files. The syntax for the roleadd command is as follows:


You’ll notice that roleadd looks a great deal like the useradd command described in Chapter 4, “User and Security Administration.” Table 11.1 describes the options for the roleadd command.

Table 11.1 roleadd Options


The other options are the same options that were described for the useradd command, outlined in Chapter 4.

When creating a role account with the roleadd command, you need to specify an authorization and profile to the role. An authorization is a user right that grants access to a restricted function. It is a unique string that identifies what is being authorized as well as who created the authorization.

Certain privileged programs check the authorizations to determine whether users can execute restricted functionality. Following are the predefined authorizations from the /etc/security/auth_attr file that apply to the tasks to be delegated:


All authorizations are stored in the auth_attr database, so the system administrator needs to use one or more of the authorizations that are stored in that file. For the Acme Corp. example, the system administrator needs to specify the authorizations shown here:


The system administrator would therefore issue the roleadd command as follows:


A role account named adminusr with the required directory structures has been created. The next step is to set the password for the adminusr role account by typing the following:

passwd adminusr

You are prompted to type the new password twice.

Now we need to set up Neil’s account so he can access the new role account named adminusr. With the usermod command, we assign the role to the user account using the –R option as follows:

usermod -R adminusr neil


No Need to Be Logged Out Previously, you needed to ensure that the user was not logged in at the time of assigning a role; otherwise you received an error message and the role was not assigned. This is no longer the case and a role can be assigned to a user whilst the user is still logged in.

To access the administrative functions, Neil needs to first log in using his regular user account named neil. Neil can check which roles he has been granted by typing the following at the command line:


The system responds with the roles that have been granted to the user account neil as follows:


Neil then needs to su to the adminusr account by typing the following:

su adminusr

Neil is prompted to type the password for the role account.

Now Neil can modify user passwords, shut down the system, and mount and share file systems. Any other user trying to su to the adminusr account gets this message:


If later on, the system administrator wants to assign additional authorizations to the role account named adminusr, he would do so using the rolemod command. The rolemod command modifies a role’s login information on the system. The syntax for the rolemod command is as follows:

rolemod [-u uid] [-o] [-g group] [-G group] [-d dir] [-m] [-s shell]
[-c comment] [-l new_name] [-f inactive] [-e expire] [-A Authorization]
[-P profile] <role account>

Options for the rolemod command where they differ from the roleadd command are described in Table 11.2.

Table 11.2 rolemod Options


To add the ability to purge log files, you need to add solaris.admin.logsvc.purge to the list of authorizations for adminusr. To do this, issue the rolemod command as follows:


You can verify that the new authorizations have been added to the role by typing the auths command at the command line as shown below:



rolemod Warning The rolemod command does not add to the existing authorizations; it replaces any existing authorization setting.

If you want to remove a role account, use the roledel command as follows:

roledel [-r] <role account name>

The -r option removes the role’s home directory from the system. For example, to remove the adminusr role account, issue the following command:

roledel -r adminusr

The next section discusses each of the RBAC databases in detail, describing the entries made when we executed the roleadd and usermod commands.

RBAC Components

RBAC relies on the following four databases to provide users access to privileged operations:

Image   /etc/user_attr (extended user attributes database)—Associates users and roles with authorizations and profiles.

Image   /etc/security/auth_attr (authorization attributes database)—Defines authorizations and their attributes and identifies the associated help file.

Image   /etc/security/prof_attr (rights profile attributes database)—Defines profiles, lists the profile’s assigned authorizations, and identifies the associated help file.

Image   /etc/security/exec_attr (profile attributes database)—Defines the privileged operations assigned to a profile.

These four databases are logically interconnected.

Exam Alert

RBAC Database Functions You need to be able to correctly identify the function and location of each RBAC database. A common exam question is to match the description with the relevant RBAC database. Remember that the user_attr database resides in the /etc directory and not in the /etc/security directory.

Extended User Attributes (user_attr) Database

The /etc/user_attr database supplements the passwd and shadow databases. It contains extended user attributes, such as authorizations and profiles. It also allows roles to be assigned to a user. Following is an example of the /etc/user_attr database:


The following fields in the user_attr database are separated by colons:


Each field is described in Table 11.3.

Table 11.3 user_attr Fields


In the previous section, we issued the following roleadd command to add a role named adminusr:


The roleadd command made the following entry in the user_attr database:


We can then issue the following usermod command to assign the new role to the user neil:

usermod -R useradmin neil

and then make the following entry to the user_attr database:


Authorizations (auth_attr) Database

An authorization is a user right that grants access to a restricted function. In the previous section, the system administrator wanted to delegate some of the system administrative tasks to Neil. Assigning authorizations to the role named adminusr did this. An authorization is a unique string that identifies what is being authorized as well as who created the authorization. Remember that we used the following authorizations to give Neil the ability to modify user passwords, shut down the system, and mount and share file systems:


Certain privileged programs check the authorizations to determine whether users can execute restricted functionality. For example, the authorization is required for one user to edit another user’s crontab file.

All authorizations are stored in the auth_attr database. If no name service is used, the database is located in a file named /etc/security/auth_attr. Authorizations can be assigned directly to users (or roles), in which case they are entered in the user_attr database. Authorizations can also be assigned to profiles, which in turn are assigned to users. They are described in the “Rights Profiles (prof_attr) Database” section, later in this chapter.

The fields in the auth_attr database are separated by colons, as shown here:


Each field is described in Table 11.4.

Table 11.4 auth_attr Fields


The following are some typical values found in the default auth_attr database:


Look at the relationship between the auth_attr and the user_attr databases for the adminusr role we added earlier:


Notice the authorization entries that are bold. These authorization entries came out of the auth_attr database, shown previously. The solaris.system.shutdown authorization, which is defined in the auth_attr database, gives the role the right to shut down the system.

Rights Profiles (prof_attr) Database

We referred to rights profiles, or simply profiles, earlier in this chapter. Up until now, we assigned authorization rights to the role account. Defining a role account that has several authorizations can be tedious. In this case, it’s better to define a profile, which is several authorizations bundled together under one name called a profile name. The definition of the profile is stored in the prof_attr database. Following is an example of a profile named Operator, which is in the default prof_attr database. Again, if you are not using a name service, the prof_attr file is located in the /etc/security directory.


Several other profiles are defined in the prof_attr database. Colons separate the fields in the prof_attr database, as follows:


The fields are defined in Table 11.5.

Table 11.5 prof_attr Fields


Perhaps the system administrator wants to create a new role account and delegate the task of printer management and backups. He could look through the user_attr file for each authorization and assign each one to the new role account using the roleadd command, or he could use the Operator profile currently defined in the prof_attr database, which looks like this:

The Operator profile consists of three other profiles:

Image   Printer Management

Image   Media Backup

Image   All

Let’s look at each of these profiles as defined in the prof_attr database:


Printer Management has the following authorizations assigned to it:


Image   solaris.admin.printer.modify

Image   solaris.admin.printer.delete

When you look at these three authorizations in the auth_attr database, you see the following entries:


Assigning the Printer Management profile is the same as assigning the three authorizations for viewing, updating, and deleting printer information.

The Media Backup profile provides authorization for backing up data, but not restoring data. The Media Backup profile does not have authorizations associated with it like the Printer Management profile has. I’ll describe how this profile is defined in the next section when I describe execution attributes.

The All profile grants the right for a role account to use any command when working in an administrator’s shell. These shells can only execute commands that have been explicitly assigned to a role account through granted rights. We’ll explore this concept further when I describe execution attributes in the next section.

To create a new role account named admin2 specifying the Operator profile, use the roleadd command with the -P option, as follows:


The following entry is added to the user_attr database:


At any time, users can check which profiles have been granted to them with the profiles command, as follows:


The system lists the profiles that have been granted to that particular user account.

Execution Attributes (exec_attr) Database

An execution attribute associated with a profile is a command (with any special security attributes) that can be run by those users or roles to which the profile is assigned. For example, in the previous section, we looked at the profile named Media Backup in the prof_attr database. Although no authorizations were assigned to this profile, the Media Backup profile was defined in the exec_attr database as follows:


The fields in the exec_attr database are as follows and are separated by colons:


The fields are defined in Table 11.6.

Table 11.6 exec_attr Fields



Trusted Solaris You will see an additional security policy if you are running Trusted Solaris, a special security-enhanced version of the operating environment. The policy tsol is the trusted solaris policy model.

Looking back to the Media Backup profile as defined in the exec_attr database, we see that the following commands have an effective UID of 0 (superuser):


Therefore, any user that has been granted the Media Backup profile can execute the previous backup commands with an effective user ID of 0 (superuser).

In the prof_attr database, we also saw that the Operator profile consisted of a profile named All. Again, All did not have authorizations associated with it. When we look at the exec_attr database for a definition of the All profile, we get the following entry:


Examining each field, we see that All is the profile name, the security policy is suser, and the type of entity is cmd. The attribute field has an *.

It’s common to grant all users the All profile. The * is a wildcard entry that matches every command. In other words, the user has access to any command while working in the shell. Without the All profile, a user would have access to the privileged commands, but no access to normal commands such as 1s and cd. Notice that no special process attributes are associated with the wildcard, so the effect is that all commands matching the wildcard run with the UID and GID of the current user (or role).


The All Profile Always assign the All profile last in the list of profiles. If it is listed first, no other rights are consulted when you look up command attributes.



Explain syslog function fundamentals and configure and manage the /etc/syslog.conf file and syslog messaging.

A critical part of the system administrator’s job is monitoring the system. Solaris uses the syslog message facility to do this. syslogd is the daemon responsible for capturing system messages. The messages can be warnings, alerts, or simply informational messages. As the system administrator, you customize syslog to specify where and how system messages are to be saved.

The syslogd daemon receives messages from applications on the local host or from remote hosts and then directs messages to a specified log file. To each message that syslog captures, it adds a timestamp, the message type keyword at the beginning of the message, and a newline at the end of the message. For example, the following messages were logged in the /var/adm/messages file:


syslog enables you to capture messages by facility (the part of the system that generated the message) and by level of importance. Facility is considered to be the service area generating the message or error (such as printing, email, or network), whereas the level can be considered the level of severity (such as notice, warning, error, or emergency). syslog also enables you to forward messages to another machine so that all your messages can be logged in one location. The syslogd daemon reads and logs messages into a set of files described by the configuration file /etc/syslog.conf. When the syslogd daemon starts up, it preprocesses the /etc/syslog.conf file through the m4 macro processor to get the correct information for specific log files. syslogd does not read the /etc/syslog.conf file directly. syslogd starts m4, which parses the /etc/syslog.conf file for ifdef statements that can be interpreted by m4. The function ifdef is an integral part of m4 and identifies the system designated as LOGHOST. The macro is then able to evaluate whether log files are to be held locally or on a remote system, or a combination of both.

If m4 doesn’t recognize any m4 commands in the syslog.conf file, output is passed back to syslogd. syslogd then uses this output to route messages to appropriate destinations. When m4 encounters ifdef statements that it can process, the statement is evaluated for a true or false condition and the message is routed relative to the output of the test.

Exam Alert

/etc/syslog.conf and ifdef statements Make sure you become familiar with the facilities and values listed in the tables in this section. An exam question might provide a sample file and ask where a specific type of message, such as a failed login, will be logged. Also watch out for the ifdef statements to see if the logging is being carried out on a remote system.

An entry in the /etc/syslog.conf file is composed of two fields:

selector     action

The selector field contains a semicolon-separated list of priority specifications of this form:

facility.level [ ; facility.level ]

The action field indicates where to forward the message. Many defined facilities exist.

Exam Alert

Separate with Tabs The separator between the two fields must be a tab character. Spaces will not work and will give unexpected results. This is a very common mistake to make.

The facilities are described in Table 11.7.

Table 11.7 Recognized Values for Facilities


Table 11.8 lists recognized values for the syslog level field. They are listed in descending order of severity.

Table 11.8 Recognized Values for level



Levels Include All Higher Levels Too When you specify a syslog level, it means that the specified level and all higher levels. For example, if you specify the err level, then this will include crit, alert and emerg levels as well.

Values for the action field can have one of four forms:

Image   A filename, beginning with a leading slash. This indicates that messages specified by the selector are to be written to the specified file. The file is opened in append mode and must already exist. syslog will not create the file if it doesn’t already exist.

Image   The name of a remote host, prefixed with a @. An example is @server, which indicates that messages specified by the selector are to be forwarded to syslogd on the named host. The hostname loghost is the hostname given to the machine that will log syslogd messages. Every machine is its own loghost by default. This is specified in the local /etc/hosts file. It is also possible to specify one machine on a network to be loghost by making the appropriate host table entries. If the local machine is designated as loghost, syslogd messages are written to the appropriate files. Otherwise, they are sent to the machine loghost on the network.

Image   A comma-separated list of usernames, which indicates that messages specified by the selector are to be written to the named users if they are logged in.

Image   An asterisk, which indicates that messages specified by the selector are to be written to all logged-in users.

Blank lines are ignored. Lines in which the first nonwhitespace character is a # are treated as comments.

All of this becomes much clearer when you look at sample entries from an /etc/syslog.conf file:


In this example, the first line prints all errors on the console.

The second line sends all errors, daemon and authentication system notices, and critical errors from the mail system to the file /var/adm/messages.

The third line sends mail system debug messages to /var/log/syslog.

The fourth line sends all alert messages to user root.

The fifth line sends all emergency messages to all users.

The sixth line forwards kernel messages of err (error) severity or higher to the machine named server.

The last line logs all alert messages and messages of warning level or higher from the authorization system to the file /var/log/auth.

The level none may be used to disable a facility. This is usually done in the context of eliminating messages. For example:

*.debug;mail.none /var/adm/messages

This selects debug messages and above from all facilities except those from mail. In other words, mail messages are disabled. The mail system, sendmail, logs a number of messages. The mail system can produce a large amount of information, so some system administrators disable mail messages or send them to another file that they clean out frequently. Before disabling mail messages, however, remember that sendmail messages come in very handy when you’re diagnosing mail problems or tracking mail forgeries.

As of Solaris 10, the mechanism for stopping, starting, and refreshing syslogd has changed. The syslog function is now under the control of the Service Management Facility (SMF), which is described in detail in Chapter 3.

To stop or start syslogd, use the svcadm command with the appropriate parameter, enable or disable as follows:


The syslog facility reads its configuration information from /etc/syslog.conf whenever it receives a refresh command from the service administration command, svcadm, and when the system is booted. You can make your changes to /etc/syslog.conf, then run the following command to cause the file to be re-read by the syslogd daemon:

# svcadm refresh system-log

Exam Alert

No More kill -HUP Make sure you remember that the kill -HUP facility should no longer be used to try to cause a daemon process to re-read its configuration file, even though it still works. The svcadm refresh command is now the recommended way of achieving this.

The first message in the logfile is logged by the syslog daemon itself to show when the process was started.

syslog logs are automatically rotated on a regular basis. In previous Solaris releases, this was achieved by the program newsyslog. A new method of log rotation was introduced with Solaris 9—logadm, a program normally run as a root-owned cron job. A configuration file /etc/logadm.conf is now used to manage log rotation and allows a number of criteria to be specified. See the logadm and logadm.conf manual pages for further details.

Using the logger Command

The logger command provides the means of manually adding one-line entries to the system logs from the command line. This is especially useful in shell scripts.

The syntax for the logger command is as follows:


Options to the logger command are described in Table 11.9.

Table 11.9 logger Options


As an example, to log a message to the default system log file stating that the backups have completed successfully, enter the following:

logger "Backups Completed Successfully"


In this chapter you learned about Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), which allows the system administrator to delegate administrative responsibilities to users without having to divulge the root password. A number of profiles allow privileges to be grouped together so that a user can easily be granted a restricted set of additional privileges. There are four main RBAC databases that interact with each other to provide users with access to privileged operations:

Image   /etc/security/auth_attr—Defines authorizations and their attributes and identifies the associated help file.

Image   /etc/security/exec_attr—Defines the privileged operations assigned to a profile.

Image   /etc/security/prof_attr—Defines the profiles, lists the profile’s assigned authorizations, and identifies the associated help file.

Image   /etc/user_attr—Associates users and roles with authorizations and execution profiles.

Also in this chapter, you learned about the system logging facility (syslog) and the configuration that facilitates routing of system messages according to specific criteria, as well as determining where the messages are logged. The logger command was covered, which allows the system administrator to enter ad-hoc messages into the system log files.

Key Terms

Review Exercises

11.1 Creating a User and a Role

In this exercise, you’ll create a new role named admin1 and a profile called Shutdown. The Shutdown profile will be added to the role. A user account trng1 will be created and have the admin1 role assigned to it. The user will then assume the role and execute a privileged command to shut down the system.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

To create a user and a role, perform the following steps:

1.   Create the role named admin1, as shown here:


You will be prompted to enter the password twice.

2.   Create a profile to allow the user to shut down a system.

Edit the /etc/security/prof_attr file and enter the following line:

Shutdown:::Permit system shutdown:

Save and exit the file.

3.   Add the Shutdown and All profiles to the role as follows:

rolemod -P Shutdown,All admin1

4.   Verify that the changes have been made to the user_attr database:

more /etc/user_attr

5.   Create the user account and assign it access to the admin1 role:


6.   Assign a password to the new user account as follows:

passwd trng1

You will be prompted to enter the password twice.

7.   Verify that the entry has been made to the passwd, shadow, and user_attr files as follows:


8.   Assign commands to the Shutdown profile:

Edit the /etc/security/exec_attr file and add the following line:


Save and exit the file.

9.   Test the new role and user account as follows:

a.   Log in as trng1.

b.   List the roles that are granted to you by typing the following:


c.   Use the su command to assume the role admin1:

su admin1

You will be prompted to enter the password for the role.

d.   List the profiles that are granted to you by typing the following:


e.   Shut down the system:

/usr/sbin/shutdown -i 0 -g 0

Exam Questions


Which of the following commands is used to create a role?


A. useradd


B. makerole


C. roleadd


D. addrole


In Role-Based Access Control, which file contains details of the user attributes?


A. /etc/security/prof_attr


B. /etc/user_attr


C. /etc/security/user_attr


D. /etc/shadow


Which two statements about the roleadd command are true? (Choose two.)


A. roleadd looks similar to the useradd command.


B. roleadd uses the profile shell (pfsh) as the default shell.


C. The -A option associates an account with a profile.


D. An account created with roleadd is the same as a normal login account.


Which component of RBAC associates users and roles with authorizations and profiles?


A. user_attr


B. prof_attr


C. auth_attr


D. exec_attr


Which component of RBAC defines the privileged operations assigned to a profile?


A. user_attr


B. prof_attr


C. auth_attr


D. exec_attr


In the execution attributes database, which of the following is not a valid value for the attr field?


A. euid


B. uid


C. egid


D. suid


After creating an RBAC role, you find that the only commands that can be executed within the role are the privileged commands that you have set up. Ordinary nonprivileged commands are not available. The RBAC setup has a problem. What is the cause of this problem?


A. The role is not associated with a correct profile.


B. The access mechanism to the role is not initializing properly.


C. The role’s profile is not associated with the correct commands.


D. The file identifying the privileged commands has missing entries.


E. The role’s profile is not associated with the correct authorizations.


Which of the following are valid RBAC databases? (Choose three)


A. /etc/usr_attr


B. /etc/user_attr


C. /etc/security/exec_attr


D. /etc/security/prof_attr


You want to enable a user to administer all user cron tables. This includes amending entries in any user’s crontab. Given due care to system security, what should you do to enable the user to carry out this duty?


A. Give the user the root password.


B. Set the suid on the crontab command.


C. Use RBAC to authorize the user to administer cron tables.


D. Use RBAC to give the user an ID of root when executing the crontab command.


E. Use the ACL mechanism to give the user RW access to each crontab table.


Which command(s) grant a user access to a role account? Choose all that apply.


A. roleadd


B. rolemod


C. useradd


D. usermod


Which option to the rolemod command appends an authorization to an exiting list of authorizations?


A. -A


B. -P


C. -a


D. -o


E. None


In which files are profiles defined? Choose all that apply.


A. /etc/security/prof_attr


B. /etc/user_attr


C. /etc/security/exec_attr


D. /etc/security/auth_attr


Which statements are true regarding the following line? Choose all that apply.

Media Restore:suser:cmd:::/usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsrestore:euid=0


A. It represents a profile in the exec_attr database.


B. Any role that has Media Restore as a profile is able to execute the ufsrestore command with an effective UID of root.


C. It represents a profile in the prof_attr database.


D. It represents a role definition in the user_attr database.


In RBAC, which of the following is a bundling mechanism for grouping authorizations and commands with special attributes?


A. Profile


B. Role


C. Authorization


D. Group

Answers to Exam Questions


C. Use the roleadd command to create a role account. For more information, see the “Using RBAC” section.


B. /etc/user_attr contains details of the extended user attributes. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.


A, B. The roleadd command looks very similar to the useradd command, but it uses the profile shell as the default shell. For more information, see the “Using RBAC” section.


A. user_attr (extended user attributes database) associates users and roles with authorizations and profiles. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.


D. exec_attr (profile attributes database) defines the privileged operations assigned to a profile. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.


D. Four valid keys exist: euid, uid, egid, and gid. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.


A. If a role is not associated with a correct profile, the only commands that can be executed within the role are the privileged commands that you have set up. Ordinary non-privileged commands are unavailable. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.


B, C, D. The three valid RBAC databases are /etc/user_attr, /etc/security/exec_attr, and /etc/security/prof_attr. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.


C. To enable a user to administer all user cron tables, configure RBAC to authorize the user to administer cron tables. For more information, see the “Using RBAC” section.


C, D. Use the roleadd command to create a role account. Then, with the usermod command, assign the role to an existing user account using the -R option. If you are creating a new user account, use the useradd command with the –R option to assign the role to the new user account. For more information, see the “Using RBAC” section.


E. The rolemod command does not add to the existing authorizations; it replaces any existing authorization setting. For more information, see the “Using RBAC” section.


A, C. /etc/security/prof_attr (rights profile attributes database) defines profiles, lists the profile’s assigned authorizations, and identifies the associated help file. /etc/security/exec_attr (profile attributes database) defines the privileged operations assigned to a profile. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.


A, B. The following entry in the exec_attr database represents a profile named Media Restore:

Media Restore:suser:cmd:::/usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsrestore:euid=0

Any role that has Media Restore as a profile can execute the uf srestore command with an effective UID of root. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.


A. Execution profiles are bundling mechanisms for grouping authorizations and commands with special attributes. For more information, see the “RBAC Components” section.

Suggested Readings and Resources

1.   Solaris 10 Documentation CD—“Security Services” and “System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration” manuals.

2. Solaris 10 documentation set—“Security Services” and “System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration” books in the System Administration collection.

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