Day 21


1:What is the difference between the data types TEXT and NTEXT?
A1: The main difference between these two data types is that the TEXT data type is used to store non-Unicode data up to a length of 2,147,483,647 bytes. The NTEXT data type is used to store Unicode data up to a length of 1,073,741,823 characters.
2:What amount of data can be stored before it is considered a large object?
A2: Whenever character or binary data is larger than 8,000 bytes, it should be stored in a large data object.
3:How do I tell the server to store the text in the row, instead of using separate pages?
A3: You should use the sp_tableoption stored procedure to turn the 'text in row' option ON or OFF for a specified table as shown:
Exec sp_tableoption 'Customers', 'text in row', 'ON'


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