Day 17


1:What is a breakpoint?
A1: A breakpoint is a method of setting automatic stops within a stored procedure to halt the execution of the procedure at a particular statement in order to debug a problem.
2:What is being displayed in the Local Variables pane?
A2: The Local Variables pane displays all the parameters that were passed to the procedure as well as any variables that you declared within the procedure.
3:How can comments help in the testing process?
A3: You can use comments to prevent sections of SQL code from being executed when testing the procedure. Comments also enable you to leave testing code, such as PRINT statements and parameter assignment statements, in the procedure without concern that they will be executed accidentally.


Q1:Because of the nature of testing and debugging, it is almost impossible to provide exercises for you. I suggest that you work with several of the functions, triggers, and stored procedures to see how the different techniques help. Finally, using the T-SQL debugger, select a stored procedure and test it using the debugger.
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