Series ISSN: 1947-945X
Dynamic Stability and
Control of Tripped
and Untripped
Vehicle Rollover
Zhilin Jin
Bin Li
Jingxuan Li
Series Editor: Amir Khajepour, University of Waterloo
Dynamic Stability and Control of Tripped
and Untripped Vehicle Rollover
Zhilin Jin, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Bin Li, Aptiv PLC
Jingxuan Li, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautic
Vehicle rollover accidents have been a serious safety problem for the last three decades. Although
rollovers are a small percentage of all trac accidents, they do account for a large proportion of severe
and fatal injuries. Specically, some large passenger vehicles, such as large vans, pickup trucks, and sport
utility vehicles, are more prone to rollover accidents with a high center of gravity (CG) and narrow track
width. Vehicle rollover accidents may be grouped into two categories: tripped and untripped rollovers. A
tripped rollover commonly occurs when a vehicle skids and digs its tires into soft soil or hits a tripping
mechanism such as a curb with a suciently large lateral velocity. On the other hand, the untripped
rollover is induced by extreme maneuvers during critical driving situations, such as excessive speed during
cornering, obstacle avoidance, and severe lane change maneuver. In these situations, the forces at the tire-
road contact point are large enough to cause the vehicle to roll over. Furthermore, vehicle rollover may
occur due to external disturbances such as side-wind and steering excitation. erefore, it is necessary
to investigate the dynamic stability and control of tripped and untripped vehicle rollover so as to avoid
vehicle rollover accidents.
In this book, dierent dynamic models are used to describe the vehicle rollover under both
untripped and special tripped situations. From the vehicle dynamics theory, rollover indices are deduced,
and the dynamic stabilities of vehicle rollover are analyzed. In addition, some active control strategies are
discussed to improve the anti-rollover performance of the vehicle.
This volume is a printed version of a work that appears in the Synthesis
Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science. Synthesis
books provide concise, original presentations of important research and
development topics, published quickly, in digital and print formats.
Synthesis Lectures on
Advances in Automotive Technology
Synthesis Lectures on
Advances in Automotive Technology
Series Editor: Amir Khajepour, University of Waterloo
Series ISSN: 2576-8107
Dynamic Stability and Control
of Tripped and Untripped
Vehicle Rollover
Synthesis Lectures on
Advances in Automotive
Amir Khajepour, University of Waterloo
e automotive industry has entered a transformational period that will see an unprecedented
evolution in the technological capabilities of vehicles. Significant advances in new manufacturing
techniques, low-cost sensors, high processing power, and ubiquitous real-time access to information
mean that vehicles are rapidly changing and growing in complexity. ese new
technologies—including the inevitable evolution toward autonomous vehicles—will ultimately
deliver substantial benefits to drivers, passengers, and the environment. Synthesis Lectures on
Advances in Automotive Technology Series is intended to introduce such new transformational
technologies in the automotive industry to its readers.
Dynamic Stability and Control of Tripped and Untripped Vehicle Rollover
Zhilin Jin, Bin Li, and Jingxuan Li
Real-Time Road Profile Identification and Monitoring: eory and Application
Yechen Qin, Hong Wang, Yanjun Huang, and Xiaolin Tang
Noise and Torsional Vibration Analysis of Hybrid Vehicles
Xiaolin Tang, Yanjun Huang, Hong Wang, and Yechen Qin
Smart Charging and Anti-Idling Systems
Yanjun Huang, Soheil Mohagheghi Fard, Milad Khazraee, Hong Wang, and Amir Khajepour
Design and Avanced Robust Chassis Dynamics Control for X-by-Wire Unmanned
Ground Vehicle
Jun Ni, Jibin Hu, and Changle Xiang
Electrification of Heavy-Duty Construction Vehicles
Hong Wang, Yanjun Huang, Amir Khajepour, and Chuan Hu
Vehicle Suspension System Technology and Design
Avesta Goodarzi and Amir Khajepour
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