
Next we will look at the different settings available for media management in Drupal 8.

Go to the Configuration page where you will see a number of entries under the heading MEDIA.


File system

Starting from the top, click on the File system option.

Later we will find that other modules give us more options in this screen, but for now, let's have a look at what this setting screen tells us.

File system

The public file system path is the location on the web server where any files uploaded to Drupal via the user interface will be placed.

The public file system folder can be found inside the sites/default/files folder in your Local Drupal codebase.

You can locate the Drupal codebase on your computer now using Dev Desktop; click on the Local code link on the control panel:

File system

Then navigate down to public files folder at sites/default/files.

The Temporary directory is used when files are uploaded for temporary storage. The value of this depends on the operating system your computer or server is running.

File system

It is important to note that Drupal understands what files are available based on a database table that is updated when files are uploaded. For this reason, simply copying files to the folder will not allow them to be used within Drupal.

This is also where the Delete orphaned files after setting comes in.

File system

If a file exists in the folder but is not in the Drupal database, it is considered orphaned and will be cleaned up periodically. The length of time between becoming orphaned and the file actually being deleted is set here. You'll not normally need to adjust this.

Image styles

We looked at image styles earlier when we were applying them to content fields in the section entitled Customizing the display, back in Chapter 4, Getting Started with the UI.

You may recall, by default we have three image styles:

Image styles

You can modify these from their default settings or we can define completely new ones.

To recap, image styles are used to apply to images uploaded as content on your website. This means that even if your users upload huge photo direct from their camera, Drupal can automatically resize the image so that it is appropriate for use on the Web.

Also, this functionality means that we don't need to manually create lots of different size versions of an image for use as thumbnails. This is all completely automated using image styles.

We can also apply more advanced image styling such as color desaturation, as we'll see next. This means you can apply consistent effects for images across your site without having to remember something like the Photoshop filter settings used.

Let's go back to our scenario now and create a new image style.

Click on Add image style and create a new style called Black and white thumbnail.

Image styles

Click on Create new style and you will be on the image style editing screen, as shown in the following:

Image styles

Image styles are created by applying a number of image effects one after another. Once all the image effects are applied, Drupal saves a modified copy of the image, leaving the original one untouched. This means that when the styled version of the image is required, it is quickly available.

Click the Select a new effect dropdown and you'll see there are a number of different effects.

Each of these effects can have additional settings as well, as described in the following:




This converts the original image format to a new format— PNG, JPG, or GIF.

This is useful if the original images are uploaded in a format that is not commonly used in web browsers.


This allows you to crop the image to a preset size. This means that parts of the image outside of the crop size will be lost in the styled version. You can also specify where the center of the crop should be.


This removes all color from an image (converting it to black and white) and offers no further options.


This allows you to specify the exact size of the styled image. Note however this can cause the image to be distorted if (for example) you enter square dimensions for an image that was originally rectangular.


This rotates the source image by a specified angle. You can also specify the background color that is exposed as a result.


This is similar to resize but the aspect ratio (shape) of the original image is retained. This avoids the distortion effect you can end up with when using resize.

When dealing with images, it's always better to scale down rather than up for best quality. For this reason, this option will only allow scaling more than 100 percent of the original size when specifically set to do so using the Allow Upscaling option.

Scale and crop

As you might have guessed, Scale and Crop is a combination of the scale and crop actions where the image is scaled to the smaller dimension specified with the larger one being cropped. This is a way to make a square thumbnail out of a rectangular image without distorting the image.

For our scenario, we are going to replace our image thumbnail style for the Article listing to be a desaturated square.

Press Select new effect and then select Scale and crop and press Add, set the width and height to 200 and click on Add effect.

Image styles

You'll now see that the list of effects for your style has been updated:

Image styles

Press Select a new effect again and this time choose Desaturate.

You should notice that when you return to the style page, you will see a preview of the image style with the effects applied.

Image styles

Each time you apply a new effect, you will see the preview update.

Be sure to press Update style when you have everything as you want.

Now we have created our new style, which we can apply to the Article content type. To do so, visit Structure | Content types (admin/structure/types).

Locate the Article content type (1) and click on Manage display (2) on the article content type dropdown.

Image styles

You'll recall that back in Chapter 7, Advanced Content, you customized the Full content view mode for the Article content type so to see the effect of your new Image style in action, switch to the Full content view mode in order to apply it.

Image styles

Locate the image field and click on the gear icon.

Image styles

Now change the image style from Large to Black and white thumbnail.

Image styles

Click on Update and then take care to also hit Save, and when you go back to the news page that you made on the site in the Working with the Views module section in Chapter 6, Structure, you should now see that the new image style has taken effect, as shown in the following:

Image styles

Image toolkit

A final note about image resizing before we move on.

Go back to the Configuration page and navigate down to the MEDIA section again.

Image toolkit

The setting here determines the quality of JPEG images when they are resized. The default value is 75 percent, which is a reasonable compromise between file size and quality.

However, we'll change the value to 90 percent so as to have slightly better quality resized images.

Before we do, try drastically changing the quality to something like 10 percent so that you can see the effect of JPEG data loss, and then the save the configuration settings and go back to the news page to see the effect.

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