
1 Drupal Explained

The What, When, Where, Who of Drupal

Why Drupal?

How Much Is Drupal?

What Does Drupal Mean?

How Many Versions of Drupal Are There?

Who Uses Drupal?

This Book Explained

What You Need

What This Book Covers

This Book Is Small

This Book Is Active

This Book Uses Specific Examples

Things in This Book May Have Changed

What’s Next?

2 Drupal Planning Explained

Drupal Site Planning Explained

Website Plan

Project Management Plan

Development Plan

Maintenance Plan

Our Drupalville Website Plan

Content Requirements

Communications Requirements

Navigation Requirements

Feature Requirements

User Requirements

Design Requirements

Our Drupalville Project Management Plan

Our Drupalville Development Plan

Our Drupalville Maintenance Plan

What’s Next?

3 Drupal Installations Explained

Hosting Your Drupal Site Explained

A Local Server Installed on Your Computer

A Web Server That You Own or Rent

A Web Server That’s Hosted by Drupal Specialists

Installation Recommendations Explained

Automatic Drupal Installations Explained

Manual Drupal Installations Explained

Step 1: Create a Database

Step 2: Download the Drupal Files and Upload Them to Your Web Server

Step 3: Complete the Drupal Installation by Connecting the Database and Files Together

Getting Help with Installations

What’s Next?

4 Drupal Administration Explained

The Administration Menu Explained

Home Icon











The Administration and Visitor Areas Explained

Log Out

What’s Next?

5 Drupal Content Explained

Content Types

Default Content Types Explained

Creating an Article

Creating a Basic Page

What Have We Learned?

Extra Content Types Explained

Creating a Blog Entry

Creating a Poll

Creating a Forum

Creating a Book

Custom Content Types Explained

Creating the Events Content Type

Creating an Events Content Item

Creating the Sites Content Type

Creating User Groups

Creating Companies

Editing Content Types

What Have You Learned?

What’s Next?

6 Drupal Fields Explained

Planning Your Fields

Sites Fields Explained

Editing a Field: Title

Editing a Field: Body

Reusing a Field: Image

Reusing a Field: Term Reference

Adding a Field: Boolean

Adding a List (Text) Field

Creating New Sites Content

Companies Fields Explained

Editing a Field: Title

Editing a Field: Body

Reusing a Field: Image

Reusing a Field: Term Reference

Adding a List (Text) Field

Adding a Link Field

Creating New Companies Content

Editing Fields

Events Fields Explained

Editing a Field: Title

Editing a Field: Body

Reusing a Field: Image

Reusing a Field: Term Reference

Reusing a Field: Link

Adding a Field: Decimal

Adding a Field: Date

Adding a Field: Entity Reference

Creating Content: Events

Editing the Default Field Display

Editing the Teaser Display

User Groups Fields Explained

Editing a Field: Title

Editing a Field: Body

Reusing a Field: Term Reference

Reusing a Field: Link

Adding a Field: Entity Reference

Adding a Field: Address

Creating Content: User Groups

Taxonomy Explained

Understanding the Term Reference Field: Terms

Arranging Terms in a Simple Hierarchy

Arranging Terms in a Complex Hierarchy

What’s Next?

7 Drupal Modules Explained

Adding Modules Explained

Sharing Drupal Content

Printing Drupal Content

Bookmarking Drupal Content

Voting on Drupal Content

Changing Drupals URLs

Creating a Form

Showing Weather

Showing Maps

Text Editors for Drupal Explained

Image Management

Finding Modules Explained

How to Search for Modules Explained

How to Evaluate Modules Explained

What to Do if You’re Really Stuck

Testing Modules

Evaluating Modules

What’s Next?

8 Drupal Menus Explained

The Four Default Drupal Menus

Adding a New Menu Link: Site Map

Adding a New Menu Link: Blogs

Adding a New Menu Link: Forums

Finding the URL for a New Menu Link

Using the Module Name

Using the Pathauto Module

Using the Search Module

Reorganizing Menu Links

Reorganizing Menu Links Using Weight

Creating Parent and Child Menu Links

What’s Next?

9 Drupal Themes Explained

Bartik Explained

Theme Settings

Enabling Themes Explained

Set Garland to Default

Set Stark to Default

Installing Themes Explained

Installing the Danland Theme

Installing the Zero Point Theme

Installing the Company Theme

Setting Up the Drop-Down Menu

Subthemes Explained

Finding Themes Explained

Avoiding Starter Themes, Theme Frameworks, Base Themes

Evaluating Themes

Commercial Themes


A Final Note on How Themes Get Built

Installing the Final Theme for Your Site

What’s Next?

10 Drupal Blocks Explained

Theme Regions Explained

Placing Blocks in Regions Explained

Showing Blocks Under Certain Conditions Explained

Editing Blocks Explained

Block Settings

Creating Blocks Explained

What’s Next?

11 Drupal Views Explained


Installing the Views Modules

Generating Sample Content Explained

Creating Blocks with Views Explained

New User Groups Block

New Sites Block

New Articles Block

New Companies View Block

Creating Pages with Views Explained

Articles Landing Page

User Groups Landing Page

Sites Landing Page

Companies Landing Page

Resources Landing Page

Reorganizing the Main Menu

Creating a Calendar of Events Explained

Install Calendar

Configure the Calendar of Events Views

Add Event Blocks to Events Page

Cloning Views Explained

Enable and Clone the View

Configure the Blog Archive Block

Creating a Slideshow Explained

Create an Image Style

Create an Image Style

Create Views Slideshow Block

Configure the Slideshow Block

What’s Next?

12 Drupal Layout Modules Explained

Display Suite Explained

Installing Display Suite

Using Display Suite

Using Display Suite for Other Layouts

Advanced Display Suite

Panels Explained

Install Panels

Panels User Interface

The Drupal Workflow Explained

What’s Next?

13 Drupal Users Explained

Drupal Permissions Explained

First Example

Second Example

Third Example

Drupal User Profiles Explained

Create the Profile Fields

What’s Next?

14 Drupal Site Management Explained

Updating Your Site Explained

An Overview of Drupal Version Numbers

What Version Do I Have?

How Do I Get Notified About Updates?

How Do I Update?

Updating Your Modules and Themes Explained

Uninstalling Modules or Themes Explained

Backing Up Your Site Explained

Backups Made by Your Hosting Company

Backups Made by You

Additional Measures to Protect Your Site

What’s Next?


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