2. Drupal Planning Explained

Before you build any website, it’s important to plan.

However, it’s difficult for you to plan a Drupal site at the moment because you have little or no experience with Drupal.

So, in this chapter we’re going to suggest some things you should plan for before you begin building a Drupal site.

We’re also going to recommend a workflow that will help you carry out your plan successfully.

At the end of this chapter, you should be able to

Image Understand what’s involved in a website plan

Image Understand what’s involved in a project management plan

Image Understand what’s involved in a development plan

Image Understand what’s involved in a maintenance plan

Image Start to think about the website, project management, development and maintenance plans for the site we’ll build in this book

Drupal Site Planning Explained

Planning means different things to different people. Your role in the project, your experience, and your skills all influence your approach to planning:

Image If you are a project manager, your thoughts might go directly to scheduling and budgets.

Image If you are a designer, your first thoughts might lean more toward how each page of the site will look.

Image If you are a content manager, content development workflows might come to mind followed quickly by how the content will be organized on the site.

Image If you are a developer, your idea of a plan might be which development methodology you want to use or which strategies are best for implementing the design created by the designer.

There are many things to consider when you plan. For example, if the schedule is tight and the budget is low, the planned design might not be possible. To take another example, if you do not have the appropriate skills on your development team, you might need to change your development strategy to one that meets most of your planned design, leaving the more customized functionality to a time when time, skills, and budget allow.

There are general guidelines, but each plan must be customized to your situation.

To plan a Drupal site, you need four types of plans:

Image Website

Image Project management

Image Development

Image Maintenance

Now consider a brief introduction of each type of plan. For a more detailed view into planning Drupal websites, check out Cindy’s other book called Drupal: The Guide to Planning and Building Websites.

Website Plan

This plan focuses on defining the content and functional requirements, as well as the design (visual, structural, layout, and interaction) aspects of the site. The website plan conveys what you want for your site after it is built. It influences the schedule, required budget, and skills, and provides a way to manage expectations for all involved. The more detailed the plan, the higher probability that you will get the site you want, assuming all things equal.

A website plan commonly includes a requirements document and a design:

Image Requirements, which includes but is not limited to the

Image Types of content required

Image Communication strategies the site needs to support

Image Strategies that will support visitors finding the content they need

Image Features that add value to users’ experiences

Image Roles of your users and what they will be allowed to do

Image Performance expectations based on projected use

Image Security requirements

Image Design, which includes but is not limited to the

Image Wireframes for the homepage, the landing pages, and the different types of content

Image Interaction plan describing the behavior of the objects included in the wireframes

Image Style guide to be used when rendering the visual aspects of the site

Image Theme region plan required to support the layout strategies assumed in the wireframes

Image Graphic rendering of the finished pages

Project Management Plan

For this type of plan, you should consider the resources required to meet the website plan and the maintenance plan:

Image What skills will you need?

Image What order will the website planning and development tasks be accomplished?

Image When can the site be launched?

Image How much will it cost?

Image How will you monitor progress?

Image How will you manage expectations if a requirement or design feature cannot be met as originally requested?

These are only some of the questions that fall into the realm of project management. With these questions, you can start a discussion with those involved in the website project, whether you are the client, the developer, or the designer.

The project management plan can include one or more of the following:

Image Schedule

Image Budget

Image Skills

Image Expectations

Development Plan

Development plans are a source of much discussion among people who build websites. As you’ve seen, a simple development plan could be this: Install Drupal.

For professionals, entire methodologies have grown up around development plans. Two of the most famous are Agile and Waterfall.

The development plan can document your content strategy. For example, if you add events to your site, you can enter all the event information into one text field or split the information into different fields, such as date, location, and price.

What would influence your decision? For a simple site, it might be sufficient to have all the information in one text field. For a larger, more complex site you may need to filter or sort events by date, location, price, host, and more. To filter and sort in this way, you need to make sure that information is entered into different fields.

Another aspect of a development plan is when each strategy will be implemented. For instance, will each section of the site be implemented one at a time? Or will aspects of each site section be implemented, thus implementing all sections at the same time but in varying degrees of detail?

In the end, the development plan should convey what is needed to implement the requirements and design in the website plan and meet the project management expectations regarding schedule and budget. For example, development plans can include one or more of the following:

Image A list of different types of content along with their data fields, features, and user permissions

Image A list of features needed on your site together with the modules required to provide those features

Image A strategy for the design of your site

Image A development methodology

Image A test plan that covers each aspect of testing, including integration, regression, security, usability, and accessibility

Maintenance Plan

Maintenance tasks are typically performed after the site is officially launched, but that doesn’t mean you start planning your maintenance when the site is about to go live. At least three types of maintenance tasks need to be planned:

Image Routine monitoring maintenance

Image Planned update maintenance

Image Site management

The way you plan to perform each type of maintenance can influence development strategies. For instance, if you plan to maintain the content on your site by allowing particular people to manage specific types of content, the development team needs to be aware of that and provide the necessary functionality.

Our Drupalville Website Plan

As mentioned in the previous chapter, we’re going to build a site called Drupalville. By the end of this book, our plan is for the site to look like Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1. The completed Drupalville site for this book

Content Requirements

The site we’re going to build has multiple types of content. Here’s a list of the types of content that we’ll add to our site:

Image News articles

Image Static content

Image Blog posts

Image Documentation

Image Information about Drupal companies

Image Events

Image Discussion forums

Image Information about useful Drupal websites

Image Information about useful Drupal user groups

Communications Requirements

The site will also have these types of communication:

Image The content communicates the message.

Image Drupal’s default emails communicate account settings actions.

Image Comments are allowed for users to respond to the content.

Image Social media links provided can help visitors to share pages of the site with others.

Image Polls enable users to respond to questions.

Image Contact form so that users can reach the administrators on the site.

Navigation Requirements

We’re going to provide the following to help visitors navigate the site:

Image Menus

Image Dynamically generated lists of content that can be filtered

Image Breadcrumbs

Feature Requirements

The content, communications, and navigation requirements previously listed hint to many of the features planned for the site. The following list reinforces that which has already been implied and adds additional features. The list could be quite extensive if you include all the default functionality on the site:

Image Weather: A block that displays the weather

Image Sharing capability: Functionality that enables users to post to social media sites and email

Image Forum management: Functionality that organizes forums and their displays

Image Polls: Functionality that manages the availability and access to the polls

Image Contact Forms: Enable users to submit an inquiry

Image Search

Image Site map

User Requirements

There will be several different groups of users:

Image Anonymous visitors who can only look at the site

Image Authenticated users who can log in, post comments, and join the discussion forums

Image Bloggers who can write blog posts

Image Company editors who can manage the Drupal company listings

Image Moderators who can manage the comments and discussion forums

Image Administrators who have free reign to do anything on the site

Design Requirements

To help you visualize what our Drupalville site can look like at the end of this book, here are screen shots of the landing pages you will be building:

Image News articles: Displayed in a teaser list layout with comments and social media links. You can see these articles in a slideshow on the author’s homepage. There’s a preview in Figure 2.2.


Figure 2.2. A preview of the news layout

Image Blog posts: Displayed in a blog layout with comments and social media links. There’s a preview in Figure 2.3.


Figure 2.3. A preview of the blog layout

Image Events: Displayed in a calendar layout, as shown in Figure 2.4.


Figure 2.4. A preview of the calendar layout

Image Discussion forums: Displayed in a bulletin board layout, as shown in Figure 2.5.


Figure 2.5. A preview of the discussion forum layout

Image Information about Drupal companies: Displayed with detailed, business directory-style information. There’s a preview in Figure 2.6.


Figure 2.6. A preview of the company’s layout

Image Information about useful Drupal websites: Displayed with the name of site and the topic they address, as shown in Figure 2.7.


Figure 2.7. A preview of the websites layout

Image Drupal user group listings: Displayed with location information, as shown in Figure 2.8.


Figure 2.8. A preview of the user group layout

Our Drupalville Project Management Plan

Project management plans aren’t usually conveyed in four bullet points, but here is a quick summary of what we’ll need to complete this book’s project successfully:

Image Schedule: You’ll build this site at your own pace. Someone working quickly may finish this book in two days or less. Someone without so much free time can build the site successfully, but more slowly.

Image Budget: Zero. You won’t need to spend any money to build the site for this book.

Image Skills: Zero. You’ll learn everything you need to know to build the site.

Image Expectations: Your first Drupal site does not come with very complicated expectations. Your Drupalville site won’t be the most beautiful Drupal site in the world and it won’t make you a million dollars. However, we do expect that it will be a giant step towards helping you learn Drupal.

Our Drupalville Development Plan

In this book, we’re going to use a specific development plan. Figure 2.9 shows the plan that we’re going to use and refer to throughout the book. Here are the chapters in which each step is detailed. Not every chapter contains a step, but the book does follow the order of the plan:

Image Planning (Chapter 2, “Drupal Planning Explained”)

Image Installation (Chapter 3, “Drupal Installations Explained”)

Image Content types (Chapter 5, “Drupal Content Explained”)

Image Fields (Chapter 6, “Drupal Fields Explained”)

Image Themes (Chapter 9, “Drupal Themes Explained”)

Image Blocks (Chapter 10, “Drupal Blocks Explained”)

Image Views (Chapter 11, “Drupal Views Explained”)

Image Layout modules (Chapter 12, “Drupal Layout Modules Explained”)

Image Users (Chapter 13, “Drupal Users Explained”)


Figure 2.9. Our Development Plan in this book

We recommend that you follow this plan when building your first few Drupal sites.

In a few months’ time, when you’re more experienced with Drupal, you may find ways to improve this plan, skip some steps, or even rearrange some steps. That’s great. However, as a beginner, you should follow these steps closely until you reach that more experienced stage.

Our Drupalville Maintenance Plan

Because the site we’re creating is only designed to help you learn, we don’t necessarily need an ongoing maintenance plan. At the end of this book, you have two options:

Image You can delete the Drupalville site that we’ve built.

Image You can maintain the Drupalville site using the techniques shown in Chapter 14, “Drupal Site Management Explained.”

What’s Next?

Now that we’ve discussed planning, you’re ready to build your first Drupal site.

Turn the page and let’s continue with the next step in our Drupal plan: installation.

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