

Accenture Green Technology Suite, 38, 161

Accolo, 4

Act Governing the Sale, Return, and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ElektroG), 18, 36

alignment of driving forces for environmental stewardship, 6-7

alternative energy production, targeted point solutions

energy from biomass, 165-166

hydroelectric power, 164-165

overview, 161

photovoltaic solar cells, 162-163

thermal energy, 166-167

wind turbines, 163-164

anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, 9

Apple, 19

application layers (interactive modeling framework), 147-149

Applied Materials, 30

Arrowhead, 35

aspirations assessment in green strategy development, 55-56

assessing organization gaps, 68-69

Asus, 19

Australia, ban on incandescent light bulbs, 182

automotive industry, environmental intelligence in vehicles, 180

Avis, 169

awards for green initiatives, 32-33

awareness training, 26-27


Baccini, 30

Bank of America, 38

Beacon Institute, River and Estuary Observatory Network (REON), 151

Ben & Jerry’s, 43, 169

benefit tracking, 80

Berman, Saul, 182

Best Buy, 46

BHP Billiton, 29

Big Green Innovations, 134-135

biomass, converting to fuel, 165-166

BOTDR (Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry), 138

Box4Water (Epuramat), 170

branding, role in environmental stewardship, 30-33

Branson, Richard, 31

Brazil, as model for energy independence, 179

Brazilian Forest Certification Standards (Cerflor), 47

break-even timeline for green initiatives, 52-53

Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry (BOTDR), 138

Burt’s Bees, 86

business logistics, measurement of carbon emissions, 100

business strategy, green strategy within, 29-41

branding and market positioning, 30-33

channels and partnerships, 38-41

locations and geographies, 41

products and services, 33-38

business transformation

Green Sigma methodology. See also electronics manufacturing warehouse facility case study

control of ongoing performance, 105

KPIs (key performance indicators), 90-93

management dashboard system, 101-103

measurement system, 93-101

overview, 85-90

process improvement and optimization, 103-104

Lean methodology, 88

managing, 77

Six Sigma methodology, 89

success factors, 78-81

toward environmental stewardship, 4-6

business travel, measurement of carbon emissions, 99, 108


C2C (Cradle to Cradle) certification, 35, 171

California, initiatives to phase out incandescent light bulbs, 182

California Air Resources Board, 179

California Energy Commission, 17

capability management, 81

Cape Wind project, 164, 37

carbon credit trading, 178-179

carbon emissions. See greenhouse gas emissions

carbon footprint, 8-10

carbon labeling, 16

Carbon Rating Agency (CRA), 143

Carbon Tradeoff Modeler, 160

Carbon Trust, 92

CarbonView (SCC), 161

Catalyst Paper Corporation, 19

CCERS (Certified Carbon Emissions Reduction Credits), 160

CCX (Chicago Climate Exchange), 179

CDP (Climate Disclosure Project), 143

Cellint, 129

Center for Sustainable Innovation, Corporate Water Gauge, 160

CEP (Council on Economic Priorities), 32

Ceres investor coalition, 32

Cerflor (Brazilian Forest Certification Standards), 47

Certified Carbon Emissions Reduction Credits (CCERS), 160

CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) bulbs, recycling, 46

CGO (chief green office), 177

change management in green strategy, 28-29

channels in green strategy, 38-41

Chevron, 38

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), 179

chief green officer (CGO), 177

chief sustainability officer (CSO), 177

Cisco, 32, 125

Clean Energy 2030 plan (Google), 180

climate change

evidence for, 8-9

as foundational driver, 8-11

Climate Disclosure Project (CDP), 143

Climate Group, “SMART 2020: Enabling the Low-Carbon Economy in the Information Age” (report), 123

Coca-Cola Company, 18, 32

committed leadership, 78

commodity prices, risk premium in, 15

communication of green strategy, 28

commuting, measurement of carbon emissions, 99, 109-110

Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs, recycling, 46

computer simulation techniques, 132

concurrent engineering, 175

consequences of lack of environmental stewardship, 11-14

national security, 13-14

natural resources, scarcity of, 12-13

public pressure, 13

water shortages, 12

consistency among fragmented data sources, establishing, 142

Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Hydrologic Information System, 152

construction industry

energy-efficiency standards for, 17

green building construction, 169-170

consumer preferences, market risk associated with, 16

consumption, reducing, 14-15

copper, scarcity of, 12

core competencies in green strategy, 47-49

corporate culture, fostering, 24-29

awareness training, 26-27

change management, 28-29

communications, 28

leading by example, 25

measuring performance, 27

responsibility for, 27-28

tools required for, 26

Corporate Knights, 32

corporate social responsibility (CSR), 19-20. See also environmental stewardship

Corporate Water Gauge (Center for Sustainable Innovation), 160

Cote, David, 157

Council on Economic Priorities (CEP), 32

CRA (Carbon Rating Agency), 143

Cradle to Cradle (C2C) certification, 35, 171

crop yield shortages, 12

CSO (chief sustainability officer), 177

CSR (corporate social responsibility), 19-20. See also environmental stewardship

Cuba, initiatives to phase out incandescent light bulbs, 182

culture. See corporate culture


DART (Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis) sensors, 152


Green Sigma management dashboard system, deploying, 101-103

management dashboard system, case study: electronics manufacturing warehouse facility, 110

data sources, establishing consistency among, 142

data-centric modeling, 139

Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) sensors, 152


initiatives, 72-75

KPIs (key performance indicators), 90-93, 107-108

Dell, 19, 39

demand for natural resources, growth in, 127-128


management of, 81

of management dashboard system, 101-103, 110

design for manufacture (DFM), 175

design for recycling (DFR), 171

design of experiments (DOE), 104

development of technology solutions, 157-158

DFM (design for manufacture), 175

DFR (design for recycling), 171

diagnostic tools, 160-161

direct measurement of carbon emissions

benefits, 96-97

electrical power, 97-98

natural gas, 98-99

Disneyland Resort, 165

distributed collaboration tools, 142-143

DOE (design of experiments), 104

domains of RWA (real-world aware) systems

edge domains, 144

stream-processing domains, 145-146

transactional and business-processing domains, 145

driving forces

for environmental stewardship, 5-6

alignment of, 6-7

consequences of ignoring, 11-14

foundational drivers, 8-11

risk mitigation, 14-21

in green strategy development, identifying, 56-57

Duke Energy, 32


Earth Rewards credit card, 37

Earth System Modeling Framework, 142

Ecomagination, 30

economic risk, 14-15

edge domains (RWA systems), 144

efficiency, targeted point solutions

green building construction, 169-170

green computing, 167-168

green product solutions, 168-169

overview, 167

recycling and water reclamation, 170-171

efficiency-based green products and services, 34-35

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), 135

electrical power

measuring use of, 97-98

supply management, mathematical and optimization models, 135

electronic equipment, recycling and disposal of, 18-19

Electronic Road Pricing (Singapore Land Transport Authority), 153

electronics industry, environmental stewardship in, 183

electronics manufacturing warehouse facility case study (Green Sigma), 107

control of ongoing performance, 116-117

KPIs (key performance indicators), 107-108

management dashboard system, 110

measurement system, 108-110

process improvement and optimization, 111-115

summary, 118-119

ElektroG, 18

eliminating waste, 116-117

Emerald Group Publishing, 93

emissions. See greenhouse gas emissions

employee commutes, measurement of carbon emissions, 99, 109-110

enabling green business capabilities, 62, 64-65

energy consumption, reducing, 14

energy independence

in Brazil, 179

in Iceland, 180

energy production, targeted point solutions

energy from biomass, 165-166

hydroelectric power, 164-165

overview, 161

photovoltaic solar cells, 162-163

thermal energy, 166-167

wind turbines, 163-164

Energy Smart CFL bulb, 182

Energy Star, 18, 32, 53

ensemble models, 133

Enterprise Rent-a-Car, 51

environmental control best practices, adopting, 114-115

Environmental Defense Fund, 179

environmental intelligence, integration with traditional operations, 180-182

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 32, 38, 86

environmental risk, 11

environmental stewardship. See also corporate social responsibility (CSR); green strategy

branding and market positioning, 30-33

business transformation to include, 4-6

driving forces, 5-6

alignment of, 6-7

consequences of ignoring, 11-14

foundational drivers, 8-11

risk mitigation, 14-21

financial advantages to businesses, 182-184

green strategy implementation methodology

assessing organization gaps, 68-69

defining and prioritizing initiatives, 72-75

enabling green business capabilities, 62-65

establishing future-state needs, 65-68

establishing transformation roadmap, 75-76

formulating strategic vision and imperatives, 60-62

managing transformation, 77

refreshing plan at regular intervals, 77-78

success factors for transformation, 78-81

tracing initiatives to objectives, 59-60

growth in importance, 175-177

opportunity presented by, 3-4

strategy formulation, 21-22

Environmental Sustainability Dashboard, 38

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 32, 38, 86

EPA Green Power Partnership, 39

EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute), 135

Epuramat, Box4Water, 170

European Commission, cap-and-trade program, 128

evaluating green initiatives, 52-54

break-even timeline, 52-53

government incentives, 53

product differentiation, 53

risk management, 53

soft benefits, 53

evidence for climate change, 8-9


facilities in green strategy, 43-44

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 38, 86

filtering low-value green capabilities, 63-64

5mW power plants, 166

Flexible Modeling System, 142

floodplain-restoration projects, 151

focus on environment, 79

food, transportation costs of, 181

Force-Field Analysis, 57

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 18, 47

fossil fuels, scarcity of, 13

foundational drivers, 8-11

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), 18, 47

future-state blueprint, establishing, 75-76

future-state needs, establishing, 65-68


G-8 countries, greenhouse gas emissions standards, 17

gap assessments, 44, 68-69

gas, measuring use of, 98-99

GE Money, 37

GEM (Green Energy Machine), 171

General Electric, 30, 182

General Mills, 40

geographies in green strategy, 41

Georgia-Pacific, 177

geothermal energy, 167

GHP (Green Highways Partnership), 38

global warming

evidence for, 8-9

as foundational driver, 8-11

Global Water Challenge (GWC), 39

Google, 32

Clean Energy 2030 plan, 180

GOSAT (Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite), 129


incentives, in green initiatives, 53

mandates, regulatory risk associated with, 17-19

role of, 178-180

gray water, recycling, 170

Great Rivers Partnership of the Nature Conservancy, 151

green building construction, 169-170

green business capabilities, enabling, 62, 64-65

Green Century Capital Management, 37

green computing, 167-168

green data centers, 34, 167-168

Green Energy Machine (GEM), 171

Green Enterprise Maturity Model (TRG), 161

Green Highways Partnership (GHP), 38

green initiatives, evaluating, 52-54

break-even timeline, 52-53

government incentives, 53

product differentiation, 53

risk management, 53

soft benefits, 53

Green Jobs Act, 47

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 39

green product solutions, 168-169

green rooftops, 37

Green Roof—A Case Study (Werthmann), 170

Green Seal, 16

Green Sigma methodology, 38

case study: electronics manufacturing warehouse facility, 107

control of ongoing performance, 116-117

KPIs (key performance indicators), 107-108

management dashboard system, 110

measurement system, 108-110

process improvement and optimization, 111-115

summary, 118-119

control of ongoing performance, 105

KPIs (key performance indicators), importance of, 90-93

management dashboard system, 101-103

measurement system

building, 94-96

challenges, 93-94

conceptual technology architecture, 94-95

direct measurement of carbon emissions, 96-99

indirect measurement of carbon emissions, 99-100

measurement of water and natural resources, 100-101

overview, 85-90

process improvement and optimization, 103-104

green strategy. See also environmental stewardship

developing, 21-22, 54-57

fostering green corporate culture, 24-29

implementation methodology

assessing organization gaps, 68-69

benefit tracking, 80

business process framework, 80

capability, learning, and knowledge management, 81

committed leadership, 78

defining and prioritizing initiatives, 72-75

deployment management, 81

enabling green business capabilities, 62-65

establishing future-state needs, 65-68

establishing transformation roadmap, 75-76

focus on environment, 79

formulating strategic vision and imperatives, 60-62

full-time staffing and organization skill availability, 79

integrated approach to change, 80

managing transformation, 77

performance management, 80

refreshing plan at regular intervals, 77-78

strategic alignment, 79

success factors for transformation, 78-81

tracing initiatives to objectives, 59-60

principles of, 23-24

purpose of, 23-24

value propositions for, 51-54

within business strategy, 29-41

branding and market positioning, 30-33

channels and partnerships, 38-41

locations and geographies, 41

products and services, 33-38

within operational strategy, 43-51

core competencies, 47-49

facilities, 43-44

information technology, 49-51

lifecycle chain, 44-47

process improvement, 44

Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage (Esty and Winston), 6

GreenCert, 160

greenhouse gas emissions

anthropogenic emissions, 9

carbon footprint and, 8

direct measurement of, 96-99

effect of, 8

growth of, 12

indirect measurement of, 99-100

measuring, 9-10

PFC (perfluorocarbon) emissions, IBM initiative to reduce, 87

standards for, 17

Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT), 129

GreenPoint Rated, 18

Greensource, 35

GridWise Olympic Peninsula Project, 149-151

GWC (Global Water Challenge), 39


Harrison, Colin, 184

Hart, S. L., 54

Harvard Business Review on Green Business Strategy, 22

Hewlett-Packard, 19, 37, 45

Hilton, 36

Hirshberg, Gary, 54

Home Depot, 46

Honeywell, 157, 184

hotel industry, green practices, 182

hydroelectric power, 164-165

Hydrologic Information System, 152


IBM, 182

Carbon Tradeoff Modeler, 160

Green Sigma methodology. See Green Sigma methodology

initiative to reduce perfluorocarbon (PFC) emissions, 87

Many Eyes, 143

Smart Planet vision, 159

strategic procurement of renewable energy, 87

T. J. Watson Research Center, 139

Iceland, as model for energy independence, 180

IEA (International Energy Agency), 32

imperatives, formulating, 60-62

improper utilization of intellect, 117

incandescent light bulbs, bans on, 182

An Inconvenient Truth (Gore), 6, 8

indirect measurement of carbon emissions, 99-100

industrialization, as foundational driver, 11

information technology, in green strategy, 49-51

ingredient-based green products and services, 35-36


defining and prioritizing, 72-75

tracing to objectives, 59-60

Innovation Value Institute (IVI), 161

innovation-based green products and services, 36-38

Innovest, 32

INRIX, 129

Institute for 21st Century Energy, 180

instrumented world

benefits of, 123-126, 154-155

challenges, 141-142

data and information flow in, 125

definition of, 123

examples, 149-154

growth of real-world sensing, 128-130

models, 130-134

role in managing use of natural resources, 127-128

RWA (real-world aware) computing, 126, 143-149

sample applications, 135-139

integrated approach to change, 80

Intel, 30

intellect, improper utilization of, 117

intelligent levee management, 138-139

interactive modeling framework, application layers, 147-149

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 26

International Energy Agency (IEA), 32

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 93

International Paper, 39, 47

inventory, controlling, 116

IRS (Internal Revenue Service), 26

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 93

IST Energy Corporation, GEM (Green Energy Machine), 171

IT-CMF (IT Capability Maturity Framework), 161

IVI (Innovation Value Institute), 161


JPMorgan Chase, 32

key performance indicators (KPIs)

case study: electronics manufacturing warehouse facility, 107-108

defining, 91-93

importance of, 90-91

Kmart, 35

knowledge management, 81

Kodak, 32

KPIs. See key performance indicators

Kyoto Protocol, 17, 179



commitment from, 78

by example, 25

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), 18

Lean methodology, 44, 88

learning management, 81

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), 18


in green initiatives, 53

regulatory risk associated with, 17-19

Lenovo, 19

levee management, 138-139

lifecycle chain in green strategy, 44-47

Lighting Unlimited, 53

Limits to Growth, 127, 32, 47

locations in green strategy, 41

Lockheed Martin, 184

logistics in green strategy, 40

The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century (Kunstler), 6

low-value green capabilities, filtering, 63-64


macro-level environmental models, 159


capability, learning, and knowledge management, 81

deployment management, 81

performance management, 80

transformation management, 77

management dashboard system

case study: electronics manufacturing warehouse facility, 110

deploying, 101-103

Many Eyes (IBM), 143

market positioning in environmental stewardship, 30-33

market risk, 16

Marriott, 36

Maryland State Highway Administration, 38

Mason, Tim, 20

mathematical models

need for standard interfaces, 141-142

role of, 130-131

sample applications, 135-139

techniques for, 131-132

maturity model assessment in green strategy development, 54-55

MBDC (McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry), 35

measurement system

building, 94-96

case study: electronics manufacturing warehouse facility, 108-110

challenges, 93-94

conceptual technology architecture, 94-95

direct measurement of carbon emissions, 96-99

for greenhouse gas emissions, 9-10

indirect measurement of carbon emissions, 99-100

for performance, 27

for water and natural resources, 100-101

Migration and Climate Change (Brown), 6

mitigating risk. See risk, mitigation


computer simulation techniques, 132

ensemble models, 133

macro-level environmental models, 159

mathematical models, 130-132, 141-142

optimization techniques, 133

sample applications, 135-139

support for, 134

motion, reducing, 116

MOTO W233 Renew mobile phone (Motorola), 183

Motorola, 45, 183


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) sensors, 152

national security, effect on environmental stewardship, 13-14

natural gas, measuring use of, 98-99

natural resources

growth of real-world sensing, 128-130

increased demand for, 127-128

increased scarcity of, 127-128

measuring use of, 100-101

scarcity of, 12-13

Nature Conservancy, Water for Tomorrow, 151

The Nature Conservancy Visa credit card, 37

needs, establishing future-state needs, 65, 67-68

Nestlé, 18

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) sensors, 152

Nokia, 45


O’Reilly, David J., 14

Obama, Barack, 47, 179

objectives, tracing to initiatives, 59-60

OFEE (Office of the Federal Environmental Executive), 86

Office Depot, 31

oil, 13

Oil Crisis (Campbell), 6

operational risk, 20-21

operational strategy, green strategy within, 43-51

core competencies, 47-49

facilities, 43-44

information technology, 49-51

lifecycle chain, 44-47

process improvement, 44


processes, 103-104, 111-115

techniques for, 133

Orbiting Carbon Observatory, 129

organization gaps, assessing, 68-69

organizational culture. See corporate culture

overprocessing, 116

overproduction, 116


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), GridWise Olympic Peninsula Project, 149-151

Palmisano, Sam, 182

Parker, Dave, 39

partnerships in green strategy, 38-41

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification), 47

PepsiCo, 32, 86

perfluorocarbon (PFC) emissions, IBM initiative to reduce, 87


control of ongoing performance, 105, 116-117

KPIs (key performance indicators), 90-93, 107-108

management, 80

measurement system, 27

building, 94-96

case study: electronics manufacturing warehouse facility, 108-110

challenges, 93-94

conceptual technology architecture, 94-95

direct measurement of carbon emissions, 96-99

indirect measurement of carbon emissions, 99-100

measurement of water and natural resources, 100-101

reporting, 27

Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 22

PFC (perfluorocarbon) emissions, IBM initiative to reduce, 87

photovoltaic solar cells, 162-163

platinum, scarcity of, 12

PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), GridWise Olympic Peninsula Project, 149-151

Poland Spring, 35

population growth, as foundational driver, 11

power management, rolling blackouts, 181

PowerDown, 169

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 32


actions based on greenhouse gas emissions, 10

initiatives, 72-75

Proalcool Program, 179


business process framework, 80

improvement and optimization, 103

case study: electronics manufacturing warehouse facility, 111-115

DOE (design of experiments), 104

in green strategy, 44

SPC (statistical process control), 104

VOE (voice of the environment) VSM (value stream mapping), 104

products and services

differentiation in green initiatives, 53

green product solutions, 168-169

in green strategy, 33-38

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), 47

Project Big Green, 30

Project Quake Catcher Network (QCN), 129

public pressure for environmental stewardship, 13

public transportation management, 137

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), 32


QCN (Quake Catcher Network), 129

radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, 46

raw materials, scarcity of, 12-13

Raytheon, 184

real-world aware computing. See RWA computing

real-world sensing, growth of, 128-130

recognition for green initiatives, 32-33

RECs (renewable energy credits), 87

recycling, 46, 170-171. See also lifecycle chain in green strategy


consumption, 14-15

variability, 117

waste, 116-117

regulatory risk, 17-19

relationships in green strategy, 38-41

renewable energy, IBM procurement of, 87

renewable energy credits (RECs), 87

REON (River and Estuary Observatory Network), 151

reporting performance, 27

reputational risk, 19-20

reservoir management, 136

resource management, targeted point solutions

green building construction, 169-170

green computing, 167-168

green product solutions, 168-169

overview, 167

recycling and water reclamation, 170-171

responsibility for environmental stewardship, 27-28

Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive, 18

The Results Group (TRG), Green Enterprise Maturity Model, 161

rework, 116

RFID (radio frequency identification) technology, 46

Ricoh, 38, 86


environmental risk, 11


in green initiatives, 53

in green strategy, 28-29

mitigation, 14-21

economic risk, 14-15

market risk, 16

operational and supply-chain risk, 20-21

regulatory risk, 17-19

reputational risk, 19-20

risk premium in commodity prices, 15

River and Estuary Observatory Network (REON), 151

RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) directive, 18

rolling blackouts, 181

RWA (real-world aware) computing, 126, 143

advantages of, 146-147

edge domains, 144

interactive modeling framework, 147-149

stream-processing domains, 145-146

topology, 144

transactional and business-processing domains, 145


San Jose Unified School District, 38

Sanyo, 34

SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America), 39

Scalable Modular Data Centers, 35

SCC (Supply Chain Consulting), CarbonView, 161

Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital, 37

scopes of KPIs (key performance indicators), 93

sensors, growth of real-world sensing, 128-130

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), 147

SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative), 47

shared services, 175

sharing data, 142-143

Silva, Lula de, 179

Singapore Land Transport Authority, Electronic Road-Pricing, 153

Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet (Lynas), 6

Six Sigma methodology, 44, 89

“SMART 2020: Enabling the Low-Carbon Economy in the Information Age” (report), 123

“A Smart Planet: The Next Leadership Agenda” (Palmisano), 182

Smart Planet vision, 159

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), 147

soft benefits in green initiatives, 53

solar cells, 162-163

solar power, role in business strategy, 30

solar-electric management, 138

solar-thermal management, 138

solutions. See technology solutions

Sony, 19, 34

Sony Ericsson, 45

Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler (STEM), 142

SPC (statistical process control), 104

Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), 39

staffing needs, 79

Starwood, 36

statistical process control (SPC), 104

STEM (Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler), 142

Stonyfield Farm, 54

strategic alignment, 79

strategic imperatives, formulating, 60-62

strategic vision, formulating, 60-65

strategy formulation for environmental stewardship, 21-22

stream-processing domains (RWA systems), 145-146

substitute-based green products and services, 36

success factors for transformation, 78-81

benefit tracking, 80

business process framework, 80

capability, learning, and knowledge management, 81

committed leadership, 78

deployment management, 81

focus on environment, 79

full-time staffing and organization skill availability, 79

integrated approach to change, 80

performance management, 80

strategic alignment, 79

suppliers in green strategy, 39-40

supply chain, 44-47

Supply Chain Consulting (SCC), CarbonView, 161

supply-chain risk, 20-21

Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery (Kibert), 170

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), 47


T. J. Watson Research Center (IBM), 139

targeted point solutions

for alternative energy production

energy from biomass, 165-166

hydroelectric power, 164-165

overview, 161

photovoltaic solar cells, 162-163

thermal energy, 166-167

wind turbines, 163-164

for efficiency and resource management

green building construction, 169-170

green computing, 167-168

green product solutions, 168-169

overview, 167

recycling and water reclamation, 170-171

technology in green strategy, 49-51

technology solutions. See also targeted point solutions

availability of, 157

development of, 157-158

diagnostic tools, 160-161

macro-level environmental models, 159

transformation methodologies, 159

TerraCycle, Inc., 171

Tesco, 20, 40

thermal energy, 166-167

tools for fostering green corporate culture, 26

topology of RWA (real-world aware) systems, 144

Toshiba, 19

TQM (total quality management), 175

tracing initiatives to objectives, 59-60

traffic management, 137

training for fostering green corporate culture, 26-27

transactional and business-processing domains (RWA systems), 145

transformation. See business transformation

transformation methodologies, 159

transformation roadmap, esablishing, 75-76

transportation, reducing, 116

travel, measurement of carbon emissions, 99, 108

TRG (The Results Group), Green Enterprise Maturity Model, 161

tsunami warning systems, 152


U.S. Army Energy Strategy for Installations, 17

U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), 18

U.S. Manufacturing Industry Practice, 22

Underwriters Laboratories, 178

UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), “Global Environment Outlook 4 Report,” 127

United Kingdom Climate Change Act, 17

United States Postal Service (USPS), 31

United Technologies, 9

Universal Product Code (UPC) numbers, 142

University of California, San Diego, 43

UPC (Universal Product Code) numbers, 142

USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council), 18

USPS (United States Postal Service), 31


value chain management, 10

value propositions for green strategy, 51-52, 54

value stream mapping (VSM), VOE (voice of the environment) VSM, 104

variability, reducing, 117

Venezuela, initiatives to phase out incandescent light bulbs, 182

Virgin Group, 31

vision, formulating, 60-62

VSM (value stream mapping), VOE (voice of the environment) VSM, 104


Wal-Mart, 20, 32, 35, 40, 51

Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive, 18

waste, eliminating, 116-117


measuring use of, 100-101

regulation of, 18

Water for Tomorrow, 151

water management

Corporate Water Gauge (Center for Sustainable Innovation), 160

hydroelectric power, 164-165

reservoir management, 136

water quality prediction, 136-137

water reclamation, 170-171

water supply and demand management, 137

water quality prediction, 136-137

water shortages, 12

water supply and demand management, 137

weather change. See climate change

WEC (World Environmental Center), 32

WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive, 18

WIA (Workforce Investment Act), 47

Williams, Peter, 134, 177

wind farm management, 138

wind turbines, 163-164

wine industry, 33

Workforce Investment Act (WIA), 47

World Environmental Center (WEC), 32

Xerox, 37

Yum! brands, 32

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