Endnote References

Chapter 1

1. Accolo, Inc., “About EcoPartnership.” See www.accolo.com/ecopartnership/about/.

2. The Marlin Company, “14th Annual ‘Attitudes in the American Workplace’ Poll of 2008,” conducted by Zogby International for The Marlin Company. See www.themarlincompany.com/MediaRoom/PollResults.aspx.

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4. C. J. Campbell, Oil Crisis, (Essex, U.K.: Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd., 2005).

5. M. Lynas, Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet (New York: Random House, 2008).

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7. O. Brown, “Migration and Climate Change” (Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Migration, 2008). See www.iisd.org/pdf/2008/migration_climate.pdf.

8. D. C. Esty and A. S. Winston, Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009).

9. Answers.com, “Global Warming.” See www.answers.com/topic/global-warming.

10. R. Spencer, Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians, and Misguided Policies That Hurt the Poor (New York: Encounter Books, 2008).

11. K. E. Trenberth, P. D. Jones, P. Ambenje, R. Bojariu, D. Easterling, A. Klein Tank, D. Parker, et al., “Observations: Surface and Atmospheric Climate Change,” in Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007). See http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/wg1-report.html.

12. N. L. Bindoff, J. Willebrand, V. Artale, A. Cazenave, J. Gregory, S. Gulev, K. Hanawa, et al., “Observations: Oceanic Climate Change and Sea Level,” in Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007). See http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/wg1-report.html.

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14. Global Warming Trends, “Global Warming—Climate.” See www.globalwarmingtrends.com/.

15. Ibid.

16. S. Solomon, G. K. Plattner, R. Knutti, and P. Friedlingstein, “Irreversible Climate Change Due to Carbon Dioxide Emissions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS) 106, no. 6 (10 February 2009): 1704–1709. See www.pnas.org/content/early/2009/01/28/0812721106.full.pdf.

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18. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990–2006,” U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reports (15 April 2008). See http://epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/downloads/08_CR.pdf.

19. B. Kenney, “Green Spot: United Technologies: Think Global, Act Global,” Industry Week (14 November 2007). See www.industryweek.com/articles/green_spot_united_technologies_think_global_act_global_15296.aspx.

20. J. Brodkin, “Dell Says It’s ‘Carbon Neutral,’” NetworkWorld (7 August 2008). See www.networkworld.com/news/2008/080708-dell-carbon-neutral.html.

21. J. Ball, “Green Goal of ‘Carbon Neutrality’ Has Limits,” The Wall Street Journal (30 December 2008). See http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123059880241541259.html.

22. United Nations Population Division, “The World at Six Billion,” (12 October 1999): Part 1, p. 5. See www.un.org/esa/population/publications/sixbillion/sixbilpart1.pdf.

23. United Nations Environment Programme, “Millions at Risk of Hunger and Water Stress in Asia Unless Global Greenhouse Emissions Cut” (10 April 2007). See www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?ArticleID=5551&DocumentID=504&l=en.

24. R. E. Schmidt, “Climate warming gases rising faster than expected,” USAToday.com (16 February 2009). See www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2009-02-14-climate-report_N.htm.

25. Live Science, “Earth’s Limited Supply of Metals Raises Concerns” (19 January 2006). See www.livescience.com/strangenews/060119_scarce_metals.html.

26. S. L. Nunes, “Big Green Innovations” presentation, Surface Mount Technology Association (2008). See www.smta.org/files/Nunes_SMTAI_presentation.pdf.

27. P. Déry, and B. Anderson, “Peak Phosphorous,” Energy Bulletin (13 August 2007). See www.energybulletin.net/node/33164.

28. K. P. Green, “Are Polar Bears Really an Endangered Species?” The American: A Magazine of Ideas (13 May 2008). See www.american.com/archive/2008/may-05-08/are-polar-bears-really-an-endangered-species.

29. B. Knickerbocker, “Charismatic Bears on Thin Ice: As the Arctic Heats Up Sooner Than Scientists Anticipated, Animals Like the Polar Bear Are Losing Ground,” The Christian Science Monitor (13 September 2007). See www.csmonitor.com/2007/0913/p03s03-wogi.html.

30. A. Westervelt, “Seeing Green: And Why It Matters to Your Business and Clients,” California Real Estate Magazine: The Green Issue 8: no. 7 (September 2008): 7. See www.car.org/newsstand/crem/past-issues/september2008/seeinggreen/.

31. Interview with David O’Reilly, chairman and CEO of Chevron Corp., CNN Larry King Live (30 June 2008), See http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0806/30/lkl.01.html.

32. J. W. Schoen, “Oil Prices Include a Growing ‘Risk Premium’: Fears of Attack, Supply Disruptions Add to Crude Costs,” msnbc.com (12 May 2004). See www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4962032/.

33. T. Wu and A. McCallum, “Do Oil Futures Prices Help Predict Future Oil Prices?” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, FRBSF Economic Letter no. 2005-38 (30 December 2005). See www.frbsf.org/publications/economics/letter/2005/el2005-38.html.

34. FreshPlaza.com, “The British Government and Carbon Trust Will Devise the New Label System—UK: Carbon Reduction Label for All Products” (26 June 2007). See www.freshplaza.com/news_detail.asp?id=3424.

35. GreenBiz.com, “New Cars in California Must Display Global Warming Score” (7 July 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/07/07/cars-california-global-warming-score.

36. Green Seal, “About Green Seal.” See http://greenseal.org/about/index.cfm.

37. NYDAILYNEWS.COM, “G-8 Endorses Halving Global Emissions by 2050” (8 July 2008). See www.nydailynews.com/news/us_world/2008/07/08/2008-07-08_g8_endorses_halving_global_emissions_by_.html.

38. Office of Public Sector Information, “Climate Change Act 2008, Chapter 27” (United Kingdom: The Stationary Office Limited, 2008). See www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2008/pdf/ukpga_20080027_en.pdf.

39. Army Energy Program, “The U.S. Army Strategy for Installations” (8 July 2005). See http://army-energy.hqda.pentagon.mil/docs/strategy.pdf.

40. D. Eng, “Finding Green Financing: Green Mortgages Reward Green-Minded Clients for Audits, Upgrades, and Enhancements,” California Real Estate Magazine: The Green Issue 8: no. 7 (September 2008): 22. See www.car.org/newsstand/crem/past-issues/september2008/findinggreenfinancing/.

41. R. Freedman, “Climate-Change Crossfire,” Realtor Magazine (August 2007): 15. See www.realtor.org/archives/frontlinesledeaug07.

42. Forest Stewardship Council, “The Chain of Custody Certification Process,” Fact Sheet. See www.fscus.org/images/documents/COC%20Process%20Sheet.pdf.

43. U.S. Green Building Council, “Frequently Asked Questions about the LEED Green Building Certification System.” See www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=3330.

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45. Food & Water Watch, “All Bottled Up: Nestlé’s Pursuit of Community Water” (January 2009). See www.foodandwaterwatch.org/water/pubs/reports/all-bottled-up/download?id=pdf.

46. J. Lumborg, J. Kelley, and P. Beygirci, “Overview of the WEEE, RoHS, and ElektroG Environmental Legislation,” U.S. Commercial Service Germany (29 July 2005). See www.buyusa.gov/europeanunion/64.pdf.

47. GreenBiz.com, “California Considers Product Stewardship Bill” (3 March 2009). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2009/03/03/california-considers-product-stewardship-bill.

48. Dell, Inc., “Dell to Launch Free Recycling of Dell-Branded Products for Consumers Globally,” company press release (28 June 2006). See www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/corp/pressoffice/en/2006/2006_06_28_rr_001.

49. Electronics TakeBack Coalition, “Which Manufacturers Take Back Their Products?” See www.electronicstakeback.com/corporate/who_takes_back.htm.

50. Sony Electronics, Inc., “Trade-In Program” and “Recycling Program.” See www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&categoryId=8198552921644513777.

51. Electronics TakeBack Coalition, “Which Manufacturers Take Back Their Products?” See www.electronicstakeback.com/corporate/who_takes_back.htm.

52. G. Pohle and J. Hittner, “Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility,” IBM Institute for Business Value (Endicott, New York: IBM Global Business Services, 2008). See www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/bus/pdf/gbe03019-usen-02.pdf.

53. A. Collier, “You Can’t Go Green Without Adding a Little Blue,” GreenBiz.com (15 December 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/feature/2008/12/15/cant-go-green-without-a-little-blue.

54. G. Pohle and J. Hittner, “Attaining Sustainable Growth through Corporate Social Responsibility,” IBM Institute for Business Value (Endicott, New York: IBM Global Business Services, 2008). See www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/bus/pdf/gbe03019-usen-02.pdf.

55. Environmental Leader, “Tesco Powers Distribution Center on Straw” (22 July 2008). See www.environmentalleader.com/2008/07/22/tesco-powers-distribution-center-on-straw/.

56. Environmental Leader, “Tesco U.S.A. to Install $13 Million Solar Roof” (19 January 2007). See www.environmentalleader.com/2007/01/19/tesco-usa-to-install-13-million-solar-roof/.

57. Wal-Mart, “Wal-Mart Mexico Inaugurates Largest Sun-Operated Photovoltaic Installation in Latin America,” company press release (19 January 2009). See http://walmartstores.com/FactsNews/NewsRoom/8913.aspx.

58. EcoSecurities and ClimateBiz, “Carbon Offsetting Trends Survey 2008” (2008). See www.carbonflow.com/files/ECO_Carbonoffsettingtrendssurvey2008_US.pdf.

59. A. J. Hoffman, “Getting Ahead of the Curve: Corporate Strategies That Address Climate Change,” Prepared for the Pew Center on Global Climate Change (October 2006). See www.pewclimate.org/docUploads/PEW_CorpStrategies.pdf.

60. Deloitte U.S. Manufacturing Industry Practice, “Creating the ‘Wholly Sustainable Enterprise’—A Practical Guide to Driving Shareholder Value Through Enterprise Sustainability” (January 2007). See www.deloitte.com/dtt/cda/doc/content/Creating%20the%20wholly%20sustainable%20enterprise%281%29.pdf.

61. Harvard Business Review Paperback Series, Harvard Business Review on Green Business Strategy (Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2007).

Chapter 2

1. Internal Revenue Service, “Internal Revenue Manual (IRM),” Part 1, Chapter 14, Section 12, Paragraph (27 June 2008). See www.irs.gov/irm/part1/ch10s10.html.

2. J. Senxian, “The Greening of Business Culture: Comparing the Best-in-Class,” Environmental Leader (11 September 2008). See www.environmentalleader.com/2008/09/11/the-greening-of-business-culture-comparing-the-best-in-class/.

3. BHP Billiton, “BHP Billiton Climate Change Policy” (June 2007). See www.bhpbilliton.com/bbContentRepository/bhpbclimatechangepolicy.pdf.

4. BHP Billiton, “BHP Billiton Launches Revised Climate Change Policy.” company news release (18 June 2007). See www.bhpbilliton.com/bb/investorsMedia/news/2007/bhpBillitonLaunchesRevisedClimateChangePolicy.jsp.

5. Intel Capital, “Cogentrix Energy, PCG Clean Energy and Technology Fund, Solon AG Also Invest in SpectraWatt to Deliver Solar Cells,” investor news release (16 June 2008). See www.intc.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=316866.

6. Applied Materials, “Applied Materials to Accelerate Its Solar Roadmap with Acquisition of Baccini,” company news release (19 November 2007). See www.appliedmaterials.com/news/pr2007.html.

7. Applied Materials, “Applied Materials Revolutionizes Solar Module Manufacturing with Breakthrough SunFab Thin Film Line,” company news release (4 September 2007). See www.appliedmaterials.com/news/pr2007.html.

8. Applied Materials, “Applied Materials Launches Strategy to Reduce the Cost Per Watt of Solar Power,” company news release (5 September 2006). See www.appliedmaterials.com/news/pr2006.html.

9. B. Caulfield, “Intel, IBM Get Solar Exposure,” Forbes.com (16 June 2008). See www.forbes.com/technology/2008/06/16/solar-intel-ibm-tech-cx_bc_0616techsolar.html.

10. General Electric—Ecomagination, “Welcome to Our Vision of a Healthier World.” See http://ge.ecomagination.com/site/vision.html.

11. USA Today, “Branson Commits $3B to Fight Global Warming” (21 September 2006). See www.usatoday.com/money/2006-09-21-branson-warming_x.htm.

12. Virgin Green Fund, “Khosla Ventures and Virgin Fuels Invest in Gevo, Inc. (19 July 2007). See www.virgin-fuels.net/images//gevo%20press%20release%20vf%20final%20_3_.pdf.

13. Virgin Green Fund, “Odersun Secures US$90 Million Financing Round” (1 February 2008). See www.virgingreenfund.com/images/odersun%20release%20final.doc.

14. Virgin Green Fund, “Masdar Clean Tech Fund and Virgin Green Fund Complete Buy-Out of Texas Petroleum and Metal Recycling Business” (7 July 2008). See www.virgingreenfund.com/images//mctf%20vgf%20announcement%20%28final%29.doc.

15. Virgin Green Fund, “Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Fuels and Gemini Lead Investment Round in Metrolight,” August 16, 2007; see http://www.virgin-fuels.net/images/metrolight%2012%208%2007.pdf.

16. Virgin Green Fund, “Virgin Green Fund and Benchmark Capital Lead $14.5 Million Investment Round in GreenRoad Technologies” (31 January 2008). See www.virgingreenfund.com/images/virgin_green%20road%20series%20final.doc.

17. Office Depot, “Office Depot Unveils Company’s First: New Retail Location Incorporates Sustainable Building Design and Innovative Green Visual Merchandising,” company press release (10 July 2008). See http://investor.officedepot.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=94746&p=irol-newsCorporateArticle&ID=1173598&highlight=green.

18. Office Depot, “Office Depot Survey Shows Half of Business Professionals Seek ‘Greener Offices,’” company press release (30 June 2008). See http://investor.officedepot.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=94746&p=irol-newsCorporateArticle&ID=1170510&highlight=green.

19. GreenBiz.com, “USPS Aims to Cut Energy Use by a Third” (3 October 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/10/03/usps-aims-cut-energy-use-a-third.

20. PepsiCo, Inc., “PepsiCo Marks Progress Toward Sustainability Goals: Advancing on Water, Electricity and Fuel Conservation Initiatives,” company news release (2 October 2008). See http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=78265&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=1204941&highlight=.

21. The Coca-Cola Company, “The Coca-Cola System Announces New Global Targets for Water Conservation and Climate Protection in Partnership with WWF,” company news release (30 October 2008). See www.thecoca-colacompany.com/presscenter/nr_20081030_wwf.html.

22. The Coca-Cola Company, “Act. Inspire. Make a Difference. A Dialogue of Progress and Responsibility,” 2007/2008 Sustainability Review (September 2008): 35. See www.thecoca-colacompany.com/citizenship/pdf/2007-2008_sustainability_review.pdf.

23. GreenBiz.com, “PricewaterhouseCoopers to Cut CO2 by a Fifth” (26 September 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/09/26/pricewaterhousecoopers-cut-co2-a-fifth.

24. GreenBiz.com, “JPMorgan Chase Aims for 20 Percent Carbon Reduction” (24 April 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/04/24/jpmorgan-chase-aims-20-percent-carbon-reduction.

25. PR Leap, “On-line Entertainment Guide Goes Carbon Negative” (20 October 2007). See www.prleap.com/pr/99137/.

26. GreenBiz.com, “Clinton Global Initiative Brings Big Corporate, NGO Commitments” (26 September 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/09/26/clinton-global-initiative-big-corporate-commitments.

27. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Private Sector Tops Green Power List” (29 January 2007). See http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/4b729a23b12fa90c8525701c005e6d70/70628d9a3fdd05ac85257272005a8efe.

28. IBM Corporation, “IBM Honored by EPA for Climate Protection,” company press release (11 May 2006). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/19660.wss.

29. E. Rabin, “Green Performance Creates Value and Competitive Advantage,” GreenBiz.com (17 July 2003). See www.greenbiz.com/blog/2003/07/17/green-performance-creates-value-and-competitive-advantage.

30. IBM Corporation, “IBM Ranks #1 on Climate Change Strategies in Ceres Report,” company press release (11 December 2008). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/26269.wss.

31. Corporate Knights, Inc., and Innovest Strategic Advisors, “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations Announced in Davos,” company press release (28 January 2009). See www.global100.org/PR_Global_2009.pdf.

32. Ceres, “Southern, Massey Energy and Chevron Among Nine ‘Climate Watch’ Companies Targeted by Investors,” company press release (18 February 2009). See www.ceres.org/Page.aspx?pid=1033.

33. GreenBiz.com, “Wineries Embrace Green Business Practices but Hesitate Telling Customers” (29 September 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/09/29/wineries-embrace-green-business-practices-hesitate-telling-customers.

34. GreenBiz.com, “Consumers Still Buying Green Through Economic Changes” (9 February 2009). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2009/02/09/consumers-buying-green.

35. C. Jackson and D. Houlihan, “Greening Today’s Products: Sustainable Design Meets Engineering Innovation,” Aberdeen Group (August 2008). See www.aberdeen.com/summary/report/benchmark/5147-RA-green-sustainable-innovation.asp.

36. Indiatimes Infotech, “Sony’s Green TV” (21 June 2008). See http://infotech.indiatimes.com/articleshow/3136428.cms.

37. The Hindu BusinessLine, “Sanyo to Unveil ‘GreenTV’ Next Year,” (14 February 2007). See www.thehindubusinessline.com/2007/02/14/stories/2007021403490500.htm.

38. IBM Corporation, “IBM and APC Partner to Create Energy Efficient Green Data Center for Bryant University,” company press release (13 July 2007). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/21858.wss.

39. IBM Corporation, “IBM Helps Religare Go Green in a US$3.1 Million Agreement,” company press release (2 February 2009). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/26584.wss.

40. GreenerDesign.com, “Cradle to Cradle Certification Now Available for Product Ingredients” (28 January 2009). See www.greenerdesign.com/news/2009/01/28/cradle-cradle-ingredients.

41. Arrowhead Brand, “The Eco-Shape Bottle.” See www.arrowheadwater.com/DoingOurPart/EcoShapeBottle.aspx.

42. Poland Brand, “The Eco-Shape Bottle.” See www.polandspring.com/DoingOurPart/EcoShapeBottle.aspx.

43. Treehugger, “A World of Reasons to Ditch Bottled Water” (9 July 2007). See www.treehugger.com/files/2007/07/reasons_to_ditch_bottled_water.php.

44. GreenBiz.com, “Wal-Mart, Kmart Stock Up on Organic Jeans” (18 February 2009). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2009/02/18/walmart-kmart-organic-jeans.

45. IBM Corporation, “IBM Data Center Technology Helps Solar-Powered Web Hosting Firm AISO.Net Build on Its ‘Green’ Commitment to Customers,” company press release (18 June 2007). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/21740.wss.

46. Discussion with Peter Williams, IBM CTO for Big Green Innovations, 14 April 2009.

47. GE Money’s My Earth Rewards, “My Earth Rewards.” See www.myearthrewards.com/creditcard.html.

48. The Nature Conservancy, “The Nature Conservancy Visa Credit Card.” See www.nature.org/joinanddonate/corporatepartnerships/tnccard/.

49. E. Pilloton, “Chicago Green Roof Program,” Inhabitat.com (1 August 2006). See www.inhabitat.com/2006/08/01/chicago-green-roof-program/.

50. A. Kriscenski, “Green Roofs for Healthy Cities Awards 2008,” Inhabitat.com (12 May 2008). See www.inhabitat.com/2008/05/12/green-roofs-for-healthy-cities-awards-2008/.

51. Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, “Green Roofs Goes to Washington—Category: Intensive Institutional.” See www.greenroofs.org/washington/index.php?page=schwab.

52. Green Century Funds, “Our Finds: Overview—Since 1991, the Green Century Funds Have Offered Environmentally Responsible Mutual Funds.” See www.greencentury.com/funds/.

53. Hewlett-Packard, “HP Makes It Easy to Make Smart Environmental Choices with Unrivaled Portfolio of Printing Solutions,” company news release (22 May 2008). See www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/press/2008/080522xa.html.

54. Xerox Company, “Xerox Creates Calculator That Measures Environmental Efficiency; First in the Industry to Answer ‘How Green Is Your Office?’,” company news release (25 March 2008). See www.xerox.com/go/xrx/template/inv_rel_newsroom.jsp?app=Newsroom&ed_name=NR_2008March25_Xerox_Sustainability_Calculator_Green_Office&format=article&view=newsrelease&metrics=NWS_Link1&Xcntry=USA&Xlang=en_US.

55. M. Studley, “Energy Audit: Making Your Small Business Greener,” Capital.com. See www.capital.com/business-planning/energy-audit.aspx.

56. Microsoft Corporation, “Environmental Sustainability Dashboard for Microsoft Dynamics AX.” See www.microsoft.com/environment/business_solutions/articles/dynamics_ax.aspx.

57. Accenture, “Accenture Introduces Green Technology Suite to Help Organizations Use IT to Assess and Improve Green Agenda,” company news release (23 July 2008). See http://newsroom.accenture.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=4724.

58. Bank of America, “San Jose Unified School District, Chevron, and Bank of America Establish Largest K–12 Solar Power and Energy Efficiency Program in the United States,” joint press release (25 July 2007). See http://newsroom.bankofamerica.com/index.php?s=press_releases&item=7843.

59. Green Highways Partnership, “ACAA and Chevron Support GHP.” See www.greenhighways.org/new.cfm?Page=1&NewsID=35625.

60. Ricoh Group, “Green Partnership.” See www.ricoh.com/environment/green/index.html.

61. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Green Power Partnership.” See http://epa.gov/greenpower/index.htm.

62. Global Water Challenge, “Our Mission.” See www.globalwaterchallenge.org/about-us/mission.php.

63. International Paper, “Ecotainer Partnership Receives Sustainability Award” (21 May 2007). See www.internationalpaper.com/packaging/Packaging%20Stand%20Alone%20Pages/Foodservice/Press_Release/ecotainerTM_Partners1.html.

64. J. Ball, “Green Goal of ‘Carbon Neutrality’ Has Limits,” The Wall Street Journal (30 December 2008). See http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123059880241541259.html.

65. Sustainable Supply Chain Summit, “Green Purchasing,” 2nd Green Purchasing Summit 2008, San Francisco, Calif., July 2008. See www.eyeforprocurement.com/green/report.pdf.

66. Accenture, “Only One in 10 Companies Actively Manage Their Supply Chain Carbon Footprints, Accenture Study Finds,” company news release (25 February 2009). See http://newsroom.accenture.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=4801.

67. M. Kistler, “Save More. Live Better,” Awareness into Action. See www.awarenessintoaction.com/whitepapers/Wal-Mart-Supply-Chain-Packaging-Scorecard-sustainability.html.

68. B. Alter, “Tesco Goes Green,” TreeHugger.com (15 May 2006). See www.treehugger.com/files/2006/05/tesco_goes_gree.php.

69. J-P. Rodriguez, B. Slack, C. Comtois, “Green Logistics (The Paradoxes of),” from The Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management, Handbooks in Transport #2 (London: Pergamon/Elsevier, 2001). See http://people.hofstra.edu/Jean-paul_Rodrigue/downloads/Green%20Logistics.pdf.

Chapter 3

1. GreenBiz.com, “Ben & Jerry’s Trial Cleaner Freezers” (2 October 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/10/02/ben-jerrys-trials-cleaner-freezers.

2. J. Gogek, “Construction for the Sustainable Energy Program at UC San Diego Begins,” UC San Diego Environment and Sustainability Initiative (21 July 2008). See http://esi.ucsd.edu/esiportal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=183&Itemid=101.

3. ReCellular, “Motorola Races to Recycle during Boston’s 14th Annual Earthfest, Memorial Day Weekend” (16 May 2007). See www.recellular.com/about/news46.asp.

4. Nokia, “Recycle Your Nokia Phone.” See www.nokiausa.com/A4761433.

5. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, “Our Commitment, Why Recycle? How to Recycle.” See www.sonyericsson.com/recycling/en_us/.

6. The Home Depot Investor Relations, “The Home Depot Launches National CFL Bulb–Recycling Initiative,” company news release (24 June 2008). See http://ir.homedepot.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=317987.

7. Greenpeace, “Greenpeace Light Bulb FAQ.” See www.greenpeace.org.uk/climate/light-bulb-faq.

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Chapter 5

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11. IBM Corporation, “Smart Surveillance System.” See http://domino.research.ibm.com/comm/research_projects.nsf/pages/s3.index.html.

12. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, “Pacific Northwest GridWisee Testbed Demonstration Projects. Part I. Olympic Peninsula Project,” PNNL-17167 (2007). See www.gridwise.pnl.gov/docs/op_project_final_report_pnnl17167.pdf.

13. The Nature Conservancy, “The Great Rivers Center for Conservation and Learning.” See www.nature.org/wherewework/greatrivers/science/art21888.html.

14. IBM Corporation, “Water for Tomorrow” (16 October 2007). See www.ibm.com/ibm/ideasfromibm/us/environment/100807/images/IFI_10082007.pdf.

15. The Nature Conservancy, “Water Monitoring Equipment Provides Window into Restoration Project,” The Great Rivers Partnership (February 2006). See www.nature.org/wherewework/greatrivers/namerica/art17426.html.

16. The Beacon Institute, “River and Estuary Observatory Network (REON).” See www.thebeaconinstitute.org/institute/innovation.php.

17. Ministry of Research, Sciences and Technology, “Environmental Sensing for Real Time Resource Management” (July 2007). See www.morst.govt.nz/current-work/transformational-rst/sensing/.

18. Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc., “Hydrologic Information System” (12 July 2008). See http://his.cuahsi.org/documents/HISOverview.pdf.

19. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Bear River Watershed, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming—Water Quality Trading Program and Model” (December 2006). See www.epa.gov/watershed/winnews/2006/0612.html#5.

20. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “State and Individual Trading Programs.” See www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/trading/tradingmap.html.

21. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Data Buoy Center, “Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) Description.” See www.ndbc.noaa.gov/dart/dart.shtml.

22. Singapore Land Transport Authority, “Electronic Road Pricing.” See www.lta.gov.sg/motoring_matters/index_motoring_erp.htm.

23. IBM Corporation, “Driving Change in Stockholm,” How It Works (3 April 2007). See www.ibm.com/podcasts/howitworks/040207/images/HIW_04022007.pdf.

24. Masdar—Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, “Welcome to Masdar.” See www.masdaruae.com/home/index.aspx.

25. General Electric, “Masdar and GE Announce World’s First ecomagination Centre at Masdar City,” company press release (20 January 2009). See www.genewscenter.com/Content/Detail.asp?ReleaseID=5514&NewsAreaID=2&MenuSearchCategoryID=.

Chapter 9

1. Interview with David Cote, chairman and CEO of Honeywell International, Inc., “Honeywell’s CEO on the Economy,” CNBC Power Lunch, aired 28 January 2009. See www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=1015760906&play=1.

2. N. Mims, M. Bell, and S. Doig, “Assessing the Electric Productivity Gap and the U.S. Efficiency Opportunity,” Rocky Mountain Institute (January 2009). See http://ert.rmi.org/files/documents/CGU.RMI.pdf.

3. IBM Corporation, “The Planet Will Be Instrumented, Interconnected, Intelligent.” See www.ibm.com/ibm/ideasfromibm/us/smartplanet/20081106/index.shtml.

4. IBM Corporation, “IBM Unveils New Carbon Management Analysis Tool to Optimize Supply Chain Efficiencies,” company press release (22 May 2008). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/24296.wss.

5. TerraPass, “TerraPass Carbon Balanced Business Program.” See www.terrapass.com/business/.

6. Carbon Footprint, “Business Carbon Footprint Calculator.” See http://www.carbonfootprint.com/index.html.

7. EcoForests.org, “Carbon Footprint Calculator.” See http://carbon.ecoforests.org/.

8. The Climate Trust, “Business and Organization Carbon Calculator.” See www.climatetrust.org/content/calculators/Business_&_Org_Calculator.pdf.

9. The Carbon Neutral Company, “Business Carbon Calculator.” See www.carbonneutral.com/business-carbon-calculator/index.asp.

10. Carbon UK, “Your Company Carbon Footprint Calculator.” See www.carbonuk.co.uk/carbonemission.asp.

11. Center for Sustainable Innovation, “Corporate Water Gauge,” Version 3.0. See http://www.sustainableinnovation.org/Corporate-Water-Gauge.pdf.

12. IBM Corporation, “Foxconn Teams with IBM to Fight Asia Pacific Region’s Carbon Emissions,” company press release (4 March 2009). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/26836.wss.

13. C. Bottrill, “Internet-Based Carbon Tools for Behaviour Change,” Environmental Change Institute at the Oxford University Center for the Environment (November 2007). See www.scribd.com/doc/7964527/Internetbased-carbon-tools-for-behaviour-change.

14. Stockholm Environment Institute and Tufts Climate Initiative, “Voluntary Carbon Offset Information Portal: Airtravel Emissions Calculator.” See www.tufts.edu/tie/carbonoffsets/aircalculator.htm.

15. C. Reich-Weiser, G. Bullock, J. Hartnett, E. J. Jin, P. Mittal, S. Parthasarathy, “Creating a Greenhouse Gas Calculator for Consumer Goods: A Methodological Case Study of the VW Golf,” Berkeley University of California (11 December 2006). See http://www.me.berkeley.edu/~corinne/CE268EFinalReport.pdf.

16. Supply Chain Consulting—Carbon View, “Carbon Management Maturity Model (CM3).” See www.carbon-view.com/cmmm.htm.

17. IBM Corporation, “Lead Now or Be Left Behind—the Choice Is Yours.” See www-935.ibm.com/services/au/gbs/pdf/ibm_carbonview_brochure.pdf.

18. J. Murray, “IBM Outlines Carbon Management Ambitions,” businessGreen.com (17 March 2008). See www.businessgreen.com/business-green/news/2212191/ibm-outlines-carbon-management.

19. Cygnus Supply & Demand Chain Executive, “Green Enterprise Maturity Model Debuts,” Decision Support News (4 August 2008). See www.sdcexec.com/web/online/Decision-Support-News/Green-Enterprise-Maturity-Model-Debuts/37$10592.

20. B. Schneiderman, “Winners and Losers in Sustainability: Accelerating Green Enterprise Maturity for Competitive Advantage,” presentation from The Results Group at the 2nd Sustainable Supply Chain in Summit, San Francisco (16 October 2008). See www.resultsgroup.com/pdf/Eye_For_Transport_Presentation.pdf.

21. M. Wheeland, “Intel, Microsoft, Sap and Others Unveil Lean, Green IT Toolbox,” GreenBiz.com (12 February 2009). See http://www.greenbiz.com/news/2009/02/12/lean-green-it-toolbox.

22. Accenture, “Accenture Introduces Green Technology Suite to Help Organizations Use IT to Assess and Improve Green Agenda,” company press release (23 July 2008). See http://newsroom.accenture.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=4724.

23. European Photovoltaic Industry Association, and Greenpeace, “Solar Generation V—2008: Solar Electricity for over One Billion People and Two Million Jobs by 2020” (September 2008). See www.epia.org/fileadmin/EPIA_docs/documents/EPIA_SG_V_ENGLISH_FULL_Sept2008.pdf.

24. UD Daily, “UD-Led Team Sets Solar Cell Record, Joins DuPont on $100 Million Project,” University of Delaware (23 July 2007). See www.udel.edu/PR/UDaily/2008/jul/solar072307.html.

25. RenewableEnergyWorld.com, “PV You Can Drive On: Promising Technology in Solar Roads” (6 March 2008). See www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/story?id=51755.

26. A. Blakers and K. Weber, “The Energy Intensity of Photovoltaic Systems,” Australian National University (October 2000). See www.ecotopia.com/apollo2/pvepbtoz.htm.

27. E. A. Alsema, M. J. de Wild-Scholten, and V. M. Fthenakis, “Environmental Impacts of PV Electricity Generation—a Critical Comparison of Energy Supply Options,” Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN), presented at the 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference in Dresden, Germany (4–8 September 2006; published November 9, 2006). See www.ecn.nl/docs/library/report/2006/rx06016.pdf.

28. BP p.l.c., “Going for grid parity,” Frontiers Magazine 12 (April 2005). See www.bp.com/genericarticle.do?categoryId=9013609&contentId=7005395.

29. BP p.l.c., “Gaining on the Grid,” Frontiers Magazine 19 (August 2007). See www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9019305&contentId=7035199.

30. U.S. Climate Change Technology Program, “Transmission and Distribution Technologies,” Technology Options for the Near and Long Term (November 2003): 34–35. See http://climatetechnology.gov/library/2003/tech-options/tech-options-1-3-2.pdf.

31. V. M. Fthenakis and P. D. Moskowitz, “The Value and Feasibility of Proactive Recycling,” National Photovoltaics Environmental Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory. See www.bnl.gov/pv/abs/abs_142.asp.

32. R. Neal, “Storm over Mass. Windmill Plan: Plan for Nantucket Sound Wind Farm Raises Debate,” CBS News (23 June 2003). See www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/06/26/sunday/main560595.shtml.

33. N. Pierpont, Wind Turbine Syndrome (Santa Fe, New Mexico: K-Selected Books, 2009). See www.windturbinesyndrome.com/.

34. F. Pearce, “Sea Birds Might Pay for Green Electricity,” New Scientist (7 May 2005). See www.newscientist.com/article/dn7350-sea-birds-might-pay-for-green-electricity.html.

35. The British Wind Energy Association, “Birds and Wind Energy: Wind Farm and Ornithological Interests Can Co-exist” (3 March 2004). See http://web.archive.org/web/20060113010247/http://www.bwea.org/media/news/birds.html.

36. Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program, “Development of a Cost-Effective System to Monitor Wind Turbines for Bird and Bat Collisions: Phase I, Sensor System Feasibility Study,” California Energy Commission (March 2007). See www.energy.ca.gov/2007publications/CEC-500-2007-004/CEC-500-2007-004.PDF.

37. The British Wind Energy Association, “Wind Energy: Top Myths About Wind Energy.” See www.bwea.com/energy/myths.html.

38. U.K. Parliament Publications & Records, “Energy Payback Times” (28 June 2004). See www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200304/ldselect/ldsctech/126/12620.htm.

39. U.S. Geological Survey, “Hydroelectric Power Water Use.” See http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/wuhy.html.

40. U.S. Department of the Interior, “Reclamation: Managing Water in the West—Hydroelectric Power,” Bureau of Reclamation, Power Resources Office (July 2005). See www.usbr.gov/power/edu/pamphlet.pdf.

41. U.S. Geological Survey, “Hydroelectric Power Water Use.” See http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/wuhy.html.

42. M. Scherber, “How Tides Could Power the Future,” Live Science (16 July 2008). See www.livescience.com/environment/080716-pf-tidal-current.html.

43. Taipei Times, “Generating Power from Ocean Currents Is Promising: CEPD” (3 July 2007). See www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2007/07/03/2003367869.

44. M. G. Richard, “Wave Power: Spotlight on Ocean Power Delivery Ltd.,” TreeHugger (10 October 2006). See www.treehugger.com/files/2006/10/wave_power_ocean.php.

45. GreenBiz.com, “Disneyland Resort Greens Transportation in Its Small World” (11 February 2009). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2009/02/11/disneyland-resort-greens-transportation-its-small-world.

46. J. Leckie, G. Masters, H. Whitehouse, and L. Young, More Other Homes and Garbage: Designs for Self-Sufficient Living (San Francisco, California: Sierra Club Books, 1981).

47. J. Winters, “The Sunshine Solution,” Mechanical Engineering: The Magazine of ASME 130, no. 12 (December 2008): 24–29. See http://memagazine.asme.org/articles/2008/december/Sunshine_Solution.cfm.

48. Calpine, “Welcome to The Geysers.” See www.geysers.com.

49. International Energy Agency, “Key World Energy Statistics: Total Primary Energy Supply—2008.” See www.iea.org/textbase/nppdf/free/2008/key_stats_2008.pdf.

50. IBM Corporation, “A Measured Approach to Going Green: IBM ‘Green Sigma (TM)’ Consulting Offering to Help Clients Reduce Energy and Water Usage,” company press release (18 August 2008). See www-304.ibm.com/jct03001c/press/us/en/pressrelease/24945.wss.

51. Microsoft Corporation, “Environmental Sustainability Dashboard for Microsoft Dynamics AX.” See www.microsoft.com/environment/business_solutions/articles/dynamics_ax.aspx.

52. Accenture, “Accenture Introduces Green Technology Suite to Help Organizations Use IT to Assess and Improve Green Agenda,” company press release (23 July 2008). See http://newsroom.accenture.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=4724.

53. IBM Corporation and Enterprise Storage Group, “IBM Information Infrastructure to Meet New Emerging Green Initiatives and Needs in IT” (June 2008). See www-03.ibm.com/systems/resources/Green_IIIS_07222008.pdf.

54. Ibid.

55. GreenBiz.com, “Ben & Jerry’s Trials Cleaner Freezers” (2 October 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/10/02/ben-jerrys-trials-cleaner-freezers.

56. Southwest Airlines Spirit Magazine, “For a Green Time Call” advertisement, Avis Rent a Car System, LLC (September 2008).

57. P. Muncaster, “PowerDown Tool Could Save Thousands in Energy Bills,” BusinessGreen.com (6 February 2009). See www.businessgreen.com/vnunet/news/2235955/software-save-thousands-energy.

58. IBM Corporation, “Made in IBM Labs: IBM Creates Software for Holding Face-to-Face Meetings in Virtual Worlds,” company press release (4 March 2009). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/26837.wss.

59. C. Lockwood, “Building the Green Way,” Harvard Business Review (June 2006): 129–137.

60. C. J. Kibert, Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery, 2nd Ed. (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008).

61. C. Werthmann, Green Roof—A Case Study (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007).

62. J. Clark, “What Is Gray Water, and How Can It Solve the Global Water Crisis?” HowStuffWorks. See http://home.howstuffworks.com/gray-water.htm.

63. Epuramat, “Box4Water—Turning Wastewater into Drinking Water,” company news release (12 February 2009). See www.epuramat.com/en/news/newsItem.asp?id=56.

64. IST Energy Corporation, “IST Energy Announces Waste-to-Energy System That Turns Trash into Clean Energy,” company press release. (19 January 2009). See http://www.istenergy.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=174:gem-annoucement&catid=54:press-releases&Itemid=83.

65. K. C. Bhasin, “Plasma Arch Gasification for Waste Management,” Electronics for You (February 2009). See www.electronicsforu.com/EFYLinux/efyhome/cover/February2009/Plasma-Arc-2.pdf.

66. GreenBiz.com, “Terracycle Sets Up Waste Collection Bins in Home Depot, Petco” (25 February 2009). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2009/02/25/terracycle-sets-up-waste-collection-bins-home-depot-petco.

67. U.S. Tile Company company press release (10 November 2008). See http://ustile.com/pressReleases/CradleToCradle.html.

Chapter 10

1. R. Bowden, “Long-Term CO2 Reduction Targets May Lead to ‘Dangerously Misguided’ Government Policies,” The Tech Herald (1 September 2008). See www.thetechherald.com/article.php/200836/1912/Long-term-CO2-reduction-targets-may-lead-to-dangerously-misguided-government-policies.

2. J. Clark, “Have We Reached Peak Oil?” HowStuffWorks. See http://science.howstuffworks.com/peak-oil.htm.

3. S. J. Berman and P. J. S. Korsten, “Corporate Strategy for the New Millennium,” IBM Institute for Business Value (2003). See www-935.ibm.com/services/in/igs/pdf/corporate_strategy_for_the_new_milleninium.pdf.

4. S. L. Nunes, “Big Green Innovations” presentation, Surface Mount Technology Association (2008). See www.smta.org/files/Nunes_SMTAI_presentation.pdf.

5. P. Déry and B. Anderson, “Peak Phosphorous,” Energy Bulletin (13 August 2007). See www.energybulletin.net/node/33164.

6. D. Smolen, “The Rise of the Chief Green Officer,” Sturdy Roots Blog (11 July 2008). See http://sturdyroots.wordpress.com/2008/07/11/the-rise-of-the-chief-green-officer/.

7. Georgia-Pacific, “Georgia-Pacific Names Chief Sustainability Officer,” company press release (5 November 2007). See www.gp.com/newsroom/newsReleases/news.asp?NewsID=6148.

8. C. H. Deutsch, “Companies Giving Green an Office,” The New York Times (3 July 2007). See www.nytimes.com/2007/07/03/business/03sustain.html.

9. Discussion with Peter Williams, IBM CTO for Big Green Innovations, 14 April 2009.

10. GreenBiz.com, “Sustainability Reporting Grows Dramatically Among Multinationals” (29 October 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/10/29/sustainability-reporting-grows-dramatically-among-multinationals.

11. GreenBiz.com, “Underwriters Laboratories Launches Green Verification Service” (26 January 2009). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2009/01/26/underwriters-labs-launches-green-service.

12. B. Westley, “Hybrid Vehicles Threaten Commuters’ Trip in the Fast Lane,” SignOnSanDiego.com (7 July 2005). See www.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/20050707-2335-hybrids-carpoollanes.html.

13. Texarcana Gazette, “California Adopts Tough Greenhouse Gas Restrictions” (12 December 2008). See www.texarkanagazette.com/news/WireHeadlines/2008/12/12/california-adopts-tough-greenhouse-gas-r-48.php.

14. Chicago Climate Exchange, “Exchange Overview.” See www.chicagoclimatex.com/.

15. Environmental Defense Fund, “Companies Across U.S. Poised for Growth under Cap on Carbon,” company press release (27 February 2009). See www.edf.org/pressrelease.cfm?contentID=9307.

16. MyBarackObama, “New Energy for America.” See http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/newenergy.

17. J. Fichera and J. Kueter, “Considering Brazil’s Energy Independence,” George C. Marshall Institute Policy Outlook (September 2006). See www.marshall.org/pdf/materials/455.pdf.

18. M. Reel, “Brazil’s Road to Energy Independence: Alternative-Fuel Strategy, Rooted in Ethanol from Sugar Cane, Seen as Model,” Washington Post (20 August 2006): A1. See www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/19/AR2006081900842.html.

19. J. Moody, “A Green Lesson from Iceland,” The Christian Science Monitor (2 November 2008). See http://features.csmonitor.com/environment/2008/11/02/a-green-lesson-from-iceland/.

20. GreenBiz.com, “Google, U.S. Chamber Offer Energy Plans” (6 October 2008). See www.greenbiz.com/news/2008/10/06/google-us-chamber-offerenergyplans.

21. Ibid.

22. S. Rishi, B. Stanley, and K. Gyimesi, “Automotive 2020: Clarity beyond the Chaos,” IBM Global Business Services—IBM Institute for Business Value (2008). See www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/bus/pdf/gbe03079-usen-auto2020.pdf.

23. San Francisco Chronicle, “Rolling Blackouts Hit Southern California” (25 August 2005). See www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/chronicle/archive/2005/08/25/BAblackouts25.DTL.

24. IBM Corporation, “‘Smarter’ Food Systems Required to Improve Safety and Availability of World’s Food Supplies, Says IBM,” company press release (8 December 2008). See www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/26241.wss.

25. J. Bonasia, “IBM Plans to Put Its Fingerprint All over Smart Sensor Industry,” Investor’s Business Daily (8 December 2008): xx. See www.investors.com/editorial/IBDArticles.asp?artsec=17&issue=20081208.

26. Ibid.

27. General Electric Company, “GE Debuts World’s First Truly Incandescent-Shaped Energy Smart CFL Bulb,” company press release (11 December 2008). See www.genewscenter.com/Content/Detail.asp?ReleaseID=4933&NewsAreaID=2.

28. A Closer Look, Inc., “Guests Want Hotels to Be More Environmentally Conscious: Survey Reveals Guests Will Reuse Towels, Use Recycle Bins and Even Bulk Amenities, If Offered These Choices” (12 November 2007). See www.a-closer-look.com/ACLInTheNews.aspx.

29. Hospitality Trends, “Survey—Guests Say Hotels Not ‘Green’ Enough” (14 November 2007). see www.htrends.com/article30124.html.

30. CERES Green Hotel Initiative, “Best Practice Survey” (May 2001). See www.bluegreenmeetings.org/HostsAndPlanners/PDFs/GHIsurvey.pdf.

31. D. L. Goodison, “‘Green Hotel’ Program Gets Nod from Corporations,” Boston Business Journal (8 June 2001). See www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-10718952_ITM.

32. Motorola, “Motorola Unveils World’s First Mobile Phone Made Using Recycled Water Bottle Plastics and New 3G Touch Tablet with Customizable Home Screen,” company press release (6 January 2009). See http://mediacenter.motorola.com/content/Detail.aspx?ReleaseID=10464&NewsAreaID=2.

33. Motorola, “Citizens Advisers Releases Top Ten Corporate Citizens List,” company press release (7 October 2004). See www.motorola.com/mediacenter/news/detail.jsp?globalObjectId=4752_4048_23&page=archive.

34. S. Rishi, B. Stanley, and K. Gyimesi, “Automotive 2020: Clarity beyond the Chaos,” IBM Global Business Services—IBM Institute for Business Value (2008). See www-935.ibm.com/services/us/gbs/bus/pdf/gbe03079-usen-auto2020.pdf.

35. Raytheon Company, “Environment.” See www.raytheon.com/stewardship/environment/.

36. Lockheed Martin, “Energy Program Improves Efficiency, Reduces Emissions.” See www.lockheedmartin.com/aboutus/energy_environment/energy-program.html.

37. Honeywell International, Inc., “Honeywell’s Environmental Values: A Comprehensive Commitment.” See www51.honeywell.com/hser/our-values-our-commitments.html.

38. C. Harrison and M. Fleming, “Life on an Instrumented Planet,” presentation at Stanford University (5 May 2008). See http://weigend.com/files/teaching/stanford/2008/guest%20speaker%20powerpoints/ColinHarrisonMartinFleming.Stanford2008.05.05.ppt.

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