
Applied models, 1

Applied software, 1

Applied software

-data processing, 1

-graphical user interface (GUI), 1

- linear solver, 1

-modular structure, 1

-nonlinear solver, 1

- parametric study, 1

- post-processor, 1

- pre-processor, 1

- processor, 1

Applied software

-ODE solver,1

CAD systems, 1

Commercial multiphysical numerical package, 1

Component-oriented programming, 1

Computational experiment, 1

Computer architecture, 1

-MIMD, 1

-MISD, 1

-SIMD, 1

-SISD, 1

Counting semaphore, 1

Delaunay triangulation,1

Eclipse IDE, 1

Equation for electric potential, 1


-calculate the norm, 1

-compile program, 1

-features, 1

-finite element method, 1

-installation, 1

-linearsolvers, 1

-Newton’s method, 1

-preconditioners, 1

- UFL format, 1

-unsteady problem, 1

-variational problem, 1

-visualization, 1

FEniCS framework, 1

Flow in a square cavity with a moving lid, 1

Geometrical models, 1


- building 2D domain, 1

- building 3D domain, 1

-extrude command, 1

-generate mesh, 1

- install,1

- line,1

-physical entities, 1

-point, 1


-tools, 1

-volume, 1

Joule heating, 1

Joule’s law, 1

Massively Parallel Processors (MPP), 1

Mathematical model, 1



-generation, 1

-structured, 1

- unstructured, 1

Message Passing Interface Standard (MPI), 1


- broadcast, 1

-collective operations, 1

-datatypes, 1

-gather data, 1

-installation, 1

- program, 1

- Recv, 1

-reduction operations, 1

-Send, 1

-splits data, 1

-synchronization function, 1

Multithread programming, 1

Mutex, 1

Navier-Stokes equations, 1


-building 3D domain, 1

-generate mesh, 1

-geometric primitives, 1

- install, 1

Newton’s method, 1

Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), 1

Numerical simulation technology, 1

OpenMP, 1

-#pragma omp, 1

-atomic directive, 1

- barrier directive, 1

-clause, 1

-combined constructs, 1

-critical directive, 1

-directives, 1

-for directive, 1

-parallel construct, 1

-parallel region, 1

- private clause, 1

-reduction clause, 1

-schedule clause, 1

-sections directive, 1

-shared clause, 1

-single directive, 1

-work-sharing constructs, 1

Parallel programming, 1

Parallel Tools Platform (PTP), 1


-architecture, 1

-filters, 1

-grid dataset, 1

-installation, 1

-load data, 1

- parallel mode, 1

-structured 3D grid dataset, 1

-transient fields, 1

-unstructured 2D grid dataset, 1

-user interface, 1

-VTK dataset, 1

-VTK format, 1

PETSc, 1


- components, 1

- install, 1

-KSP module, 1

-matrices, 1

-modules, 1

-Newton’s method, 1

- program, 1

-SNES module, 1

-solvingsystem of equations, 1

-TS module, 1

- unsteady PDEs, 1


-vectors and matrices operations, 1

Physical model, 1

Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), 1

Processes, 1


-ParaView, 1


-Gmsh, 1


Pthreads, 1


-breakpoints, 1

-build a project, 1

-creating projects, 1

-debugging configuration, 1

-installation, 1

-integrated environment, 1

-parallel debugging,1

-Parallel Language Development Tools (PLDT), 1

- project synchronization, 1

-remote system, 1

-run configuration, 1

Salome platform, 1

Shared-Memory multiprocessors (SMP), 1

Software module, 1

Standard timers, 1

Stefan problem, 1

Stress state of a two-layer plate, 1

System of equations for the displacement u and temperature T, 1


-installation, 1

-run configuration, 1

Threads, 1

TOP500 project, 1

Tuning and Analysis Utilities (TAU), 1

Unsteady heat distribution with phase transitions, 1

Voronoi diagram, 1

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