• Galilei, Galileo, 30

  • Die galvanische Kette mathematisch bearbeitet (Ohm), 539

  • Gateway Arch, 318

  • Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 377, 733

  • Gaussian elimination

    • matrices and, 595597

    • systems of equations in three variables and, 528529

  • Gauss-Jordan elimination, 597600

  • GCF (greatest common monomial factor), 41, 42

  • General form

    • of equation of a circle, 193194

    • of equation of a line, 203205

    • of equation of an ellipse, 682

    • of equation of a parabola, 667668

  • General term of a sequence, 716, 717719

    • of a geometric, 740

  • Geometric progressions. See Geometric sequences

  • Geometric sequences, 738745

    • applications involving, 744745

    • defined, 738

    • finite, sum of, 743744

    • graphing, 741742

    • properties of, 741

    • recursive definition of, 739

  • Geometric series, infinite, 746747

  • Geometry formulas, 88

  • Geometry problems, modeling, 9394

  • Gifts, distributing, 774

  • Global warming, 352

  • Golden ratio, 105, 114115

  • Golden rectangle, 105, 114115

  • GPS system, 690

  • Graphical method, for solving systems of linear equations, 515516

  • Graphing calculators

    • absolute value function on, 10

    • binomial coefficients using, 761

    • combinations using, 772

    • complex conjugates on, 123

    • complex numbers on, 121, 125

    • determinants on, 639

    • ellipses on, 679

    • evaluating exponential functions using, 424

    • exponential functions using, 435, 436

    • exponents on, 6

    • Factor Theorem and, 358360

    • fractions on, 62

    • functions and, 264

    • geometric sequences on, 744

    • graphing using intercepts on, 204

    • greatest integer function on, 256

    • horizontal and vertical lines on, 203

    • inequalities in two variables on, 561

    • linear regression using, 208209

    • logarithmic functions and, 467

    • matrices on, 591

    • matrix addition on, 608

    • matrix inverses on, 623

    • matrix multiplication on, 612

    • matrix subtraction on, 609

    • one-to-one functions and, 301

    • opposites on, 13

    • order of operations and, 12

    • parabolas on, 664, 665

    • partial fractions on, 542

    • permutations using, 771

    • power functions on, 336

    • rational functions and, 389, 391, 397

    • rational numbers on, 62

    • Remainder Theorem and, 357358

    • row-echelon form of a matrix on, 598

    • row operations using, 593

    • scales on, 178

    • scientific notation on, 26

    • semicircles on, 193

    • sequences on, 717

    • solution sets of a system of inequalities on, 562

    • summation using, 723

    • symmetry and, 189

    • synthetic division using, 355

    • systems of linear equations on, 516

    • systems of nonlinear equations on, 553

    • viewing rectangle of, 178

    • zeros of a polynomial function on, 338, 366

  • Graphs and graphing, 185197

  • Gravity, Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and, 403, 408409

  • Greatest common monomial factor (GCF), 41, 42

  • Greatest integer function, 256, 258

  • Greenhouse effect, 352

  • Grid cells, 527, 534535

  • Gross production matrix, 628

  • Grouping, factoring by, 4647

  • Grouping symbols (()), 11

  • Growth

  • Growth models

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