

actionable manifest, creating, 80

aligning stakeholders. See collaboration in design process


design collaboration, 19-29

empowerment, 16

Psycho-Aesthetics maps, 94

first connectors, 125

Psycho-Aesthetics mapping, 45

Angelou, Maya, 18

AOL, 86

Apple, 135

Artistic quadrant (Psycho-Aesthetics map), 44

design priorities, determining, 108

Hero’s Journey in, 134

aspirations, determining, 104-105

attraction stage (Hero’s Journey), 130-131


Barnes, Eric, 139-155

Basic quadrant (Psycho-Aesthetics map), 44

design priorities, determining, 107

Hero’s Journey in, 133-134

behavior change, motivation for, 128

belonging, importance of, 122-124

brand value, 17

brands, convergence with design, 49

BriteSmile, 117

business models, identifying opportunities, 81


camcorder example. See Flip camcorder example (design based on consumer experience)

Campbell, Glen, 113

Campbell, Joseph, 126, 135, 153

Carbone, Lewis, 33

Castle (television show), business model opportunities, 81


Discus Dental example, 116-119

identifying opportunities, 81

collaboration, 159

consumer experience as basis of, 92

collaboration in design process, 20-21, 29, 31

Amana example, 24-29

difficulties of, 21-22

KOR Water example, 142-143

requirements for, 22-23

collaboration tools, lack of, 12

competition, based on design, 10-11

complexity, reducing, 92

consumer analytics in persona development, 56

consumer behavior, 141

consumer experience

as collaboration basis, 92

design based on

experience mapping, 38-40, 47-48. See also Psycho-Aesthetics maps

Flip camcorder example, 33-37

innovation freedom, 39

market share–based design versus, 37

consumer priorities, adhering to, 110-114

consumer testing, 26-27

Consumer’s Hierarchy of Needs, Desires, and Aspirations, 40, 62


connections with, 80

identifying opportunities, 80

personas. See personas

thought process of, 88

context, provided by personas, 54

Cooper, Alan, 53

core consumers, identifying, 85

corporate performance, design and, 49

Cosby, Bill, 79

creative process, starting, 105-106


Day, Clarence, 1

day-in-the-life scenarios, 59

demographics, in persona development, 56


aligning with strategy, 14

based on consumer experience

experience mapping, 38-40, 47-48. See also Psycho-Aesthetics maps

Flip camcorder example, 33-37

innovation freedom, 39

market share–based design versus, 37

challenges in, 12

collaboration in, 20-21, 29, 31

Amana example, 24-29

difficulties of, 21-22

KOR Water example, 142-143

requirements for, 22-23

convergence with brand, 49

corporate performance and, 49

as differentiator, 140

emotional connections to, 9-13. See also Psycho-Aesthetics

Amana example, 28-29

empowerment, 15-18

for personas, JBL Professional example, 64, 67

priorities, determining

in Artistic quadrant, 108

in Basic quadrant, 107

in Enriched quadrant, 109

in Versatile quadrant, 108

starting points, importance of, 91

sustainability and, 49

for value communications, 51-52

design process, 101-102

Discus Dental example, 116-119

guitar example, 102-103

aspirations, determining, 104-105

consumer priorities, 110-114

execution, importance of, 114-115

role of experts in, 106, 110

starting creative process, 105-106

war room, 103-104

KOR Water example, 139-155

emotional engagement, 150-153

experience mapping, 143-144

identifying opportunities, 146-148

personas, 144-146

stakeholder alignment, 142-143

priorities of, 92-93

Desire Code, 129

Deutsch, Bob, 88

development process, focusing, 79

Discus Dental example (channels), 116-119

Dorfman, Robert, 116

Dowdy, Ben, 151

Dutch Boy, perspective provided by personas example, 67

Dyson, James, 101


emotional benefits, identifying, 86

emotional connections

to design, 9-13. See also Psycho-Aesthetics

Amana example, 28-29

empowerment, 15-18

value of, 17-18

emotional engagement, 121-122

first connectors, 124-125

Hero’s Journey, 125-126

in Artistic quadrant, 134

in Basic quadrant, 133-134

benefits of design, enhancing, 128

in Enriched quadrant, 135

motivation for behavior change, 128

recall, increasing, 128-129

stages of, 130-133

stories, impact of, 126-128

in Versatile quadrant, 134-135

viral marketing and, 136-137

KOR Water example, 150-153

MiniMed example, 122-124


mapping, 40-41

quantifying, 22

travel through social networks, 136

empathy, in personas, 54, 69-70

EMPOWER, 15-18

empowerment, 41

engagement stage (Hero’s Journey), 131-132

engaging emotionally. See emotional engagement

engaging interactivity, 42-43

Enriched quadrant (Psycho-Aesthetics map), 45

design priorities, determining, 109

Hero’s Journey in, 135

EONs. See JBL Professional

ergonomics (guitar example), 112

ethnography, in persona development, 57

execution, importance of, 114-115

experience. See consumer experience

experience mapping, 38-40. See also Psycho-Aesthetics maps

KOR Water example, 143-144

power of design and, 47-48

strategy based on, 47

value of, 48

experts, role in design process, 106, 110


Farber, Sam, 55

feature creep, 108

Felder, Don, 113

financial modeling, vulnerability of, 17

first connectors, 124-125

first movers, 124-125

Fleming-Wood, Simon, 35, 86

Flip camcorder

design based on consumer experience, 33-37

Psycho-Aesthetics mapping, 48, 95

FloH Club, 86

Freud, Sigmund, 126


gap mining, benefits of, 79-82

Glee (television show), business model opportunities, 81

green movement, 140

guitar example (design process), 102-103

aspirations, determining, 104-105

consumer priorities, 110-114

execution, importance of, 115-116

role of experts in, 106, 110

starting creative process, 105-106

war room, 103-104

Guitar Hero example (engaging interactivity), 43


Hackett, James, 55

Haeckel, Steve, 33

Hayman, Robert, 116

Henderson, Florence, 86

Hero’s Journey, 125-126

in Artistic quadrant, 134

in Basic quadrant, 133-134

benefits of design, enhancing, 128

in Enriched quadrant, 135

KOR Water example, 153-154

motivation for behavior change, 128

recall, increasing, 128-129

stages of, 130-133

stories, impact of, 126-128

in Versatile quadrant, 134-135

viral marketing and, 136-137

heroic evangelist stage (Hero’s Journey), 132

Herrington, John, 19, 23, 29

Horwitz, Jeremy, 72


inclusion, 23

information overload, 12

innovation freedom, 39

insulin pump example (emotional engagement), 122-124

intangible assets, 17

interactivity, engaging, 42-43

iTunes/iPod example (engaging interactivity), 43

Jagger, Mick, 113

Janowski, Paul, 102

JBL Professional

design for value communications example, 51-52

designing for personas example, 64, 67

perspective provided by personas example, 68

Psycho-Aesthetics maps, 96

usage scenarios for personas, 60-61

Jones, Rickie Lee, 113

Jones, Simon, 52, 68

Jung, Carl, 126


key attractors, 59

KOR Water example (design process), 139-155

emotional engagement, 150-153

experience mapping, 143-144

identifying opportunities, 146-148

personas, 144-146

stakeholder alignment, 142-143

Lafley, A. G., 69

Laliberté, Guy, 153

language barriers, in collaboration, 22


manufacturing, importance of execution, 114-115

mapping. See also experience mapping;

Psycho-Aesthetics maps

emotions, 40-41

personas, 61-64

role in design process, 92

market research, in persona development, 56

market share–based design, 37

Martin, Roger, 4

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 40

Mason, Dave, 106, 110, 157

Matano, Tom, 30


emotional engagement, 122-124

empowerment, 16

mining the gaps, benefits of, 79-82

Moment of Truth stage (Hero’s Journey), 132

motivation for behavior change, 128


Net Promoter Score, 137

Olson, Carla, 151



benefits of, 79-82

KOR Water example, 146-148

matching personas and products, 82-85

Vestalife example, 71-75, 78

power of Opportunity Zone, 87-88

selecting, 85-87

Opportunity Zone, 79-80, 93

matching products and personas, 82-85

power of, 87-88


pain points, identifying, 86

Paul, Les, 104

Penn, Mark, 73

performance. See corporate

performance, 49

persona dashboards, 58

personalization (guitar example), 113-114

personas, 53

benefits of, 54-56

designing for, JBL Professional example, 64, 67

elements of, 56-57

empathy and, 69-70

KOR Water example, 144-146

mapping, 61-64

matching products to

in Opportunity Zone, 82-85

Vestalife example, 71-75, 78

outcomes of, 58-59

perspective provided by, 67-68

stories created around, 126-128

usage scenarios for, 60-61

perspective, provided by personas, 67-68

Plato, 91

positioning, role in first connectors, 125

products, matching to personas

in Opportunity Zone, 82-85

Vestalife example, 71-75, 78

Psycho-Aesthetics, 10, 13-14

consumer thought processes, 88

maximizing investment in, 157-159

Psycho-Aesthetics maps

Amana example, 94

emotion mapping, 40-41

Flip camcorder example, 95

interactivity, 42-43

JBL Professional example, 96

persona mapping, 61-64

quadrants in, 44-47

role in design process, 92

Vestalife example, 71-75, 78, 97

purchase stage (Hero’s Journey), 132

Pure Digital Technologies

design based on consumer experience example, 34

Psycho-Aesthetics mapping example, 48


quadrants (Psycho-Aesthetics maps), 44-47

recall, increasing, 128-129

Rhea, Darrel, 85

Richards, Keith, 113

risk mitigation, with personas, 55

RKS. See guitar example (design process)


selecting opportunities, 85-87

Shustak, Paul, 139-155

Sinegal, Jim, 56

social media, magnitude of, 137

social networks

emotions traveling through, 136

impact of, 18

sound quality (guitar example), 111

speakers example. See JBL Professional

stakeholder alignment. See collaboration in design process

Starbucks, survivability example, 17

starting creative process, 105-106

statistics, technology consumer trends, 73


benefits of design, enhancing, 128

impact of, 126-128

motivation for behavior change, 128

recall, increasing, 128-129


aligning with design, 14

selecting opportunities, 85, 87

survivability of companies, 17

sustainability, 140

design and, 49


Target, first connectors, 125

Tech Fatales, 73

technology consumer trends, 73

Teddy Ruxpin example (engaging interactivity), 42

teeth whitening example (channels), 116-119

Tenite, 111

Tesco, personas and empathy example, 69

thought process of consumers, 88

tone wood alternatives (guitar example), 111

touch points, 129

triggers, 59

Twain, Mark, 159

Tyneski, Frank, 39


usage scenarios for personas, 60-61

user-centric design with personas, 54-56

value communication, design for, 51-52

Versatile quadrant (Psycho-Aesthetics map), 44

design priorities, determining, 108

Hero’s Journey in, 134-135

Vestalife example

identifying opportunities, 71-75, 78

Psycho-Aesthetics maps, 97

viral marketing, Hero’s Journey and, 136-137

visualization, 23-24

Volkswagen, 131


Walker, Rob, 129, 135

war room, 103-104

water bottle example (design process), 139-155

emotional engagement, 150-153

experience mapping, 143-144

identifying opportunities, 146-148

personas, 144-146

stakeholder alignment, 142-143

Wood, Ron, 113

word of mouth marketing, 137

Zalesne, E. Kinney, 73

Zoom! Tooth Whitening system

channels, 118

empowerment example, 16

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