
Please note that index links to approximate location of each term.


../, 279, 287, 325

.bash_profile, 81

/etc/passwd, 252, 291

/etc/shadow, 177, 249, 253260, 279, 332

.git directory, 328330. See also Git

annotated tags, 330

blobs, 330

commits, 330

trees, 330


access control, 43, 175, 177178, 278, 324, 364365. See also broken access control

access tokens, 312316, 364365

long-lived tokens, 316

account takeover, 172, 185, 321

active scanning, 69. See also passive scanning

ADB. See Android Debug Bridge (ADB)

admin panels, 7071, 278, 321

AFL. See American Fuzzy Lop (AFL)

alert box, 116, 122126

allowlist, 133, 141, 194, 215, 220221. See also blocklist

Altdns, 69

Amass, 68

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), 77, 226. See also Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon S3, 7477, 226. See also Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Lazys3, 74

S3 buckets, 61, 64, 74

Amazon Web Services (AWS), 61, 75, 308, 316

awscli, 75

American Fuzzy Lop (AFL), 370

Android, 335, 347354

Android Debug Bridge (ADB), 351

Android Package (APK), 350

Activities, 350

AndroidManifest.xml, 350

assets, 351

BroadcastReceivers, 350

classes.dex, 351

ContentProviders, 350

lib, 351



res, 351

resources.arsc, 351

res/values/strings.xml, 354

Services, 350

Android Studio, 352

developer options, 352


Apache Cassandra, 199

Apache Commons FileUpload, 243

Apache CouchDB, 199

Apache Groovy, 243

APIs. See application programming interfaces (APIs)

APK. See Android Package (APK)

Apktool, 352

application logic errors, 275281, 379. See also business logic vulnerabilities

application programming interfaces (APIs), 6, 34, 355367

API-centric applications, 361

API enumeration, 362

API keys, 75, 226

apt-get, 219

ASCII, 126127, 138140, 293

ASNs. See autonomous systems (ASNs)

asset, 4. See also scope

attack scenarios, 19

attack surface, 56, 25, 6162, 104, 309

authentication app, 276

authentication keys, 62

authorization code, 276, 314

automated testing toolkit, 379

automation strategies, 318

autonomous systems (ASNs), 67

AWS. See Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Ayrey, Dylan, 339


bash script, 62, 80104, 372

basic authentication, 376

Big List of Naughty Strings, 372

billion laughs attack, 258. See also XML bomb

Bitbucket, 316, 119

black-box testing, 336. See also gray-box testing, white-box testing

blocklist, 126, 133, 215. See also allowlist

broken access control, 275281, 364. See also access control

brute-forcing, 42, 54, 7071, 376377

directory brute-forcing, 62, 7071

URL brute-forcing, 278

bug bounty

bug bounty hunter, 3

bug bounty platforms, 8

bug bounty program, 34

notes, 58

private programs, 11

bug chains, 27

Bugcrowd, 4, 8, 17

bug slump, 27

built-in functions, 270272, 288

BuiltWith, 79, 104

Burp, 39, 4758

AuthMatrix, 185

Auto Repeater, 185

Autorize, 185

BAppStore, 185

Burp Suite Pro, 47, 219

Collaborator, 219

comparer, 58

crawler, 72

decoder, 39, 57

intruder, 54, 129, 370, 372

repeater, 56

SQLiPy, 203

business impact, 17, 27, 104, 379. See also business priorities

business logic vulnerabilities, 276. See also application logic errors

business priorities, 17, 27. See also business impact

business requirements, 279


CA. See certificate authority (CA)

capitalization, 126


Capture the Flag, 12, 28

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 34, 147

opacity, 148

z-index, 147

cat command, 92

CDATA. See character data (CDATA)

Censys, 67, 70, 104

central processing units (CPUs), 206

certificate authority (CA), 50

certificate parsing, 67

certificate pinning, 349350, 353

cert pinning. See certificate pinning

character data (CDATA), 259

chmod, 82

clickjacking, 143154, 163165

client, 34. See also server

client IDs, 313315

Cloud computing, 226

CNAME, 308

dangling CNAMEs, 309

Cobalt, 4, 8

Codecademy, 44, 80

code injection, 283. See also command injection, RCE

command injection, 285, 343. See also code injection, RCE

command substitution, 84, 101, 292

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), 78, 281, 332, 340

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), 17

concurrency, 206

confidentiality, 312

configuration files, 70

CORS. See Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

CPUs. See central processing units (CPUs)

Cron, 102103, 318

crontabs, 102103

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), 297298, 302306

cross-site request forgery (CSRF), 128, 152, 155174

cross-site scripting (XSS), 111129, 308

CSRF. See cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

cryptography, 67, 339

weak cryptography, 339

CSS. See Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

CTF. See Capture the Flag

CTF Wiki, 273

curl, 87, 211, 366

CVEs. See Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)

CVE database, 340

CVSS. See Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)

CyberChef, 39

Cyrillic, 140


Damn Vulnerable Web Application, 203

data:, 122, 138

database, 188

data entry points, 371

data exfiltration, 259

data injection points, 371

debugging mode, 351

debug messages, 64

Denial-of-Service Attacks (DoS), 10, 200, 258

ReDoS, 63

dependencies, 76, 250, 288, 340

outdated dependencies, 76, 340

descriptive error, 196, 257, 266, 268

deserialization, 231246

developer comments, 324, 328, 331, 340, 345

developer tools, 129

DigitalOcean, 227

directory enumerator, 370

directory traversal, 43, 177, 279, 325. See also path traversal

DNS. See Domain Name System (DNS)


document.cookie, 115

Document Object Model (DOM), 117118

document type definition (DTD), 248250, 253260

DOM. See Document Object Model (DOM)

domain name, 33. See also hostname

Domain Name System (DNS), 3435

DNS records, 222

AAAA records, 222

A records, 222

DNS zone transfers, 68

domain privacy, 66

domain registrar, 65, 223

DoS. See Denial-of-Service Attacks (DoS)

DTD. See document type definition (DTD)


EC2. See Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

ECB, 339

echo command, 83

EdOverflow, 125, 317

Eloquent JavaScript, 44

embedded browser, 47, 50

emulator, 6, 348349, 352353

mobile emulator, 348349


base64 encoding, 38, 138, 181

content encoding, 38

decimal encoding, 223

double encoding, 139

double word (dword) encoding, 223224

hex encoding, 38, 223

mixed encoding, 223

octal encoding, 223

URL decoding, 138

URL encoding, 38, 138, 181, 223

encryption, 312, 338339, 353

entropy, 77, 159, 182, 339

ERB. See Embedded Ruby template (ERB)

escaping, 119

escape character, 101, 119, 293

output escaping, 119

eval, 284285, 336338

event listener, 298300, 302303, 305

onclick, 122

onerror, 122

onload, 122

executable, 7

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 247260, 309, 357358

external entities, 248

parameter entities, 256

XML entities, 248

XML parsers, 247

EyeWitness, 71, 316


file inclusion, 286287

local file inclusions, 287

remote file inclusion, 286

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 260

filter bypass, 128, 293

fingerprinting, 78

Firefox, 4652, 124, 160161

Flash, 111

Frida, 350, 353

Objection, 350

Universal Android SSL Pinning Bypass, 350

FTP. See File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

fuzzing, 125, 195, 363, 370379

FuzzDB, 372

fuzzers, 369379

web application fuzzing, 370


gadgets, 238, 243245

gadget chains, 243245

getopts, 9298

Git, 328

Blame, 76

git diff, 103

History, 76

Issues, 76

GitHub, 75, 316

GitHub gists, 327

GitHub Pages, 308309, 317

repositories, 75

Gitleaks, 328

Gitrob, 77

Global Regular Expression Print (grep), 8889

GoDaddy, 219

Google Cloud, 226227, 316

Google dorking, 62, 65, 74, 134, 278

Google Hacking Database, 65

Graphical User Interface (GUI), 373

GraphQL, 179, 358365

Clairvoyance, 362

introspection, 360-361

__schema, 360

__type, 361

mutations, 359

queries, 359

Playground, 362

gray-box testing, 336. See also black-box testing, white-box testing

grep. See Global Regular Expression Print (grep)

GUI. See Graphical User Interface (GUI)


hacker blogs, 28

HackerOne, 4, 8, 11, 17, 111, 233

Hacktivity, 209

hacking, 61

hacking environment, 45

HackTricks, 273

hardcoded secrets, 76, 338339, 354

hardware, 7

hashing, 177

Haverbeke, Marijn, 44

HMAC, 42

Hostinger, 219

hostname, 67, 296. See also domain name

HTML. See Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

HTTP. See HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HttpOnly, 115, 120

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 34

HTML tag, 123

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 3639

cookies, 39

cookie sharing, 308

double-submit cookie, 167

request headers, 36

Authorization, 36, 376

Cookie, 36

Host, 36

Origin, 297

Referer, 36

User-Agent, 36, 377

request methods, 183

response bodies, 37, 324

response headers, 37, 151, 324

Access-Control-Allow-Origin, 37, 297298, 302305

Content-Security-Policy, 37, 120, 149, 151

Content-Type, 37, 242, 251

frame-ancestors, 149

Location, 37

Set-Cookie, 37, 150, 156

X-Frame-Options, 37, 149, 151, 153154

response times, 9

status code, 36, 219


identity assertion, 309312

identity provider, 309314, 316, 319

IDE. See integrated development environment (IDE)

IDORs. See insecure direct object references (IDORs)

IETF. See Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

iframe, 144154, 158, 160, 163164, 298299, 304

double iframe, 152

frame-busting, 151152

information leaks, 170, 226, 229, 295, 312, 324, 331332, 354, 363365

inline scripts, 113114

input redirection, 83

input validation, 119120, 250, 288, 291, 293, 366

insecure deserialization, 231246, 337338, 366367

insecure direct object references (IDORs), 175186, 353354

blind IDORs, 183

read-based IDORs, 184

write-based IDORs, 184

instance metadata, 226229, 255

integrated development environment (IDE), 59

internal network, 214. See also private network

internal domains, 66

internet, 33

internet security controls, 38

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 222

Internet of Things (IoT), 5, 7, 122, 347, 358

Internet Protocol (IP), 34

IPv4, 34

IPv6, 34, 222

IP addresses, 6566

IP range, 66

reserved IP addresses, 218

Intigriti, 4, 8

iOS, 348, 350, 353

IoT. See Internet of Things (IoT)

IP. See Internet Protocol (IP)

J, 241

readObject(), 241242, 244

writeObject(), 241

javascript:, 122126

JavaScript (JS), 34, 44, 111, 353

Angular, 120

fromCharCode(), 126

Jenkins, 69

jq, 9091

jQuery, 118, 127

React, 120

Retire.js, 180

Vue.js, 120

JS. See JavaScript (JS)

JSON, 68, 184, 234, 357

JSONP. See JSON with Padding (JSONP)

JSON Web Tokens (JWT), 4143

alg field, 42

header, 41

JSON with Padding (JSONP), 300302, 305306. See also JSON

JWT. See JSON Web Tokens (JWT). See also JSON


Kali Linux, 46

KeyHacks, 76

Kibana, 64

Kubernetes, 227


Learn Python the Hard Way, 44

LinkFinder, 331

Linux, 62

localhost, 218

low-hanging fruit, 25


macOS, 62

man, 96

man-in-the-middle attacks, 349

Markdown, 59

Masscan, 69

MD4, 339

MD5, 339

memory leaks, 370

methodology, 25, 27

MFA. See multifactor authentication (MFA)

Miessler, Daniel, 372

mind-mapping, 59

mitigation process, 1921

mkdir, 83

mobile applications, 6

mobile hacking, 347354

Mobile Security Framework, 353

MongoDB, 199

monitoring system, 318

multifactor authentication (MFA), 276277, 280

multithreading, 206

MySQL, 188, 196, 198, 201


Namecheap, 223

Netcat, 219

NetRange, 66

network perimeter, 214

network scanning, 215, 224228

NoSQL, 188, 199201

NoSQL injections, 199201

NoSQLMap, 200

nslookup, 66, 222

NULL origin, 297298, 303305


OAuth, 141, 312316, 320321

redirect_uri, 313316

object-oriented programming languages, 234

Obsidian, 59

Offensive Security, 120

open redirect, 131141, 221, 314316, 338, 342343

open redirect chain, 315

parameter-based open redirects, 135

referer-based open redirects, 132, 135

operating system, 46, 62


outbound requests, 228, 249, 252

out-of-band interaction, 289

out-of-band techniques, 219

output redirection, 8384

OWASP, 28, 72

Code Review Guide, 336

Dependency-Check tool, 340

Deserialization Cheat Sheet, 244

IoTGoat, 122

Mobile Security Testing Guide, 348

SQL injection prevention cheat sheet, 195

Web Security Testing Guide, 367

XSS filter evasion cheat sheet, 128

XSS prevention cheat sheet, 120


parameterized queries, 192. See also prepared statements

parent directory, 279, 325

passive scanning, 6970. See also active scanning

password-cracking, 269

Pastebin, 7778, 324, 327328

pastebin-scraper, 328

PasteHunter, 78, 328

paste dump sites, 327

path enumeration, 374375

path traversal, 177, 279, 325, 366367. See also directory traversal

PATH variable, 81

pattern matching, 89

payload, 41, 54, 154

payouts, 911

Periscope, 153

permissions, 178

permutations, 69, 7475

phishing, 129, 132, 140, 309

PHP, 61, 7071, 232241

ExtendsClass, 232

instantiation, 235, 239

magic methods, 235238

object injection vulnerabilities, 233, 238

unserialize(), 235

wrappers, 259

phpmyadmin, 70, 79


POC. See proof of concept

POP chain. See property-oriented programming chain

pop-up, 154

port, 35

port number, 35, 296

port scanning, 62, 69

Postman, 362

postMessage(), 298306

prepared statements, 192194

principle of least privilege, 201, 210, 288

private network, 218. See also internal network

Programmer Help, 273

programming, 44

expression, 262

for loop, 93

function library, 96

functions, 87

if-else statements, 86

interactive programs, 97

statement, 262

while loop, 98

Project Sonar, 70

proof of concept (POC), 18

POC generation, 174

property-oriented programming chain, 238239

protocol, 43, 120, 296, 325

proxy, 46, 52, 72, 348

proxy services, 216

web proxy, 45

publicly disclosed reports, 25. See also write-up

publicly disclosed vulnerabilities, 324

Python, 44, 244245, 262273, 289292

dictionary, 272

object, 270


Quora, 77


race conditions, 205212, 366, 370

randomization, 178

rate-limiting, 365366, 378

RCE. See remote code execution (RCE)

reachable machines, 224

recon. See reconnaissance

reconnaissance, 25, 61107, 243, 360, 369

recon APIs, 104

referer, 132135, 141163, 168169, 315

regex. See regular expression

regular expression, 77, 8890, 221, 298, 338339

constants, 89

operators, 89

RexEgg, 90

remote code execution (RCE), 236237, 283293, 337

blind RCEs, 288

classic RCEs, 288

report states, 21

duplicate, 22

informative, 22

invalid reports, 26

low-severity bug, 26

mediation, 23

N/A, 22

need more information, 22

resolved, 23

triaged, 22

Representational State Transfer (REST), 357

resource locks, 210

REST. See Representational State Transfer (REST)

return-oriented programming, 241

reverse engineering, 6

reverse shell, 285

rooted device, 6

RSA, 42


S3. See Amazon S3

safe concurrency, 206

same-origin policy (SOP), 43, 295306

SameSite, 149152, 159160

SAML. See Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)


sandbox environment, 265166

sandbox escape, 269273

sanitizing, 114

SAST. See static analysis security testing (SAST)

SCA. See software composition analysis (SCA)

scanner, 72

scheduling, 206

scope, 913, 26

scope discovery, 65

search engine, 63

SecLists, 68, 372

secret-bridge, 325

secret key, 40

secret storage system, 325

Secure Shell Protocol (SSH), 218, 225, 227

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 67, 349

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), 309

SAML Raider, 320

SAML signature, 311

security context, 302

security patches, 340

security program, 4

sensitive data leaks, 312

sensitive information, 324

serialization, 232. See also deserialization

serialized string, 233

server, 34, 79. See also client

server logs, 64

server status, 64

server-side request forgery (SSRF), 213229, 278

blind SSRF, 214

server-side template injections (SSTIs), 261274

server-side vulnerabilities, 6

service banner, 218

service enumeration, 69

service provider, 309

session, 3940

session cookie, 115, 156160, 162172, 308309, 318321. See also session ID

session ID, 39. See also session cookie

session management, 39

Shaw, Zed, 44

shebang, 80


commands, 285

interpreter, 62

Shopify, 359

signature, 4043, 311312, 319321, 351

single sign-on (SSO), 307321

shared-session SSO, 308309

SlideShare, 77

Snapper, 71, 316

SOAP, 358

social engineering, 119, 132

Social-Engineer Toolkit, 154

software composition analysis (SCA), 340

software supply chain attack, 288

SOP. See same-origin policy (SOP)

source code review, 76, 328, 335346, 351, 378. See also static analysis security testing (SAST), static code analysis

source command, 96

spidering, 62, 71

Spring Framework, 243

SQL. See Structured Query Language (SQL)

SQL injections, 187203

blind, 188, 195

Boolean based, 196

classic, 188, 195

error based, 195

first-order, 191

inferential, 196

out-of-band, 188, 195

second-order, 191

time based, 197

UNION based, 195

sqlmap, 202

Squarespace, 316

SSH. See Secure Shell Protocol (SSH)

SSL. See Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

SSL pinning. See certificate pinning

SSO. See single sign-on (SSO)

SSRF. See server-side request forgery (SSRF)

SSRFmap, 220

SSTIs. See server-side template injections (SSTIs)

Stack Overflow, 77

state-changing action, 149, 161

static analysis security testing (SAST), 346. See also source code review, static code analysis

static code analysis, 378. See also source code review, static analysis security testing (SAST)

Structured Query Language (SQL), 187188

SubBrute, 68

subdomain, 6465

sibling subdomains, 296

subdomain enumeration, 6869, 379

subdomain takeovers, 308309, 316318

Subject Alternative Name, 6768

Sublime Text, 59

superdomain, 296

SVG, 253

Swagger, 363

Synack, 4, 8

synchronization, 210

syntax error, 123

system root, 279


technology stack, 6, 69, 7879, 104

template engines, 261266

Embedded Ruby template (ERB), 266

FreeMarker, 266

Jinja, 262

Smarty, 266

Thymeleaf, 266

Twig, 266

template injections. See server-side template injections (SSTIs)

test command, 95

testing guides, 28

third-party service, 308

threads, 206

time-of-check/time-of-use vulnerabilities. See race conditions

time throttling, 366, 373374

token-based authentication, 40

token forgery, 40

Tomnomnom, 78

tplmap, 273

triage, 89

truffleHog, 77, 328, 339

tuple, 270

Tutorials Point, 232

Twitter, 356


Unarchiver, 253

unexpected behavior, 370

Unicode, 140

Unix, 46, 81, 100102, 177, 249, 279, 290, 292, 325, 372

Unrouted addresses, 228

URLs, 63

absolute URL, 133134, 325

components of, 136

internal URLs, 218

mangled URLs, 136

relative URLs, 133, 325

URL fragments, 118, 121, 266

URL validation, 133, 136

USB debugging, 351

user input, 342

user-interface redressing, 143. See also clickjacking


validating, 114

Vault, 325

VBScript, 111

VDPs. See vulnerability disclosure programs (VDPs), 66

View Source Code, 79

virtual environment, 352

vulnerabilities, 61

vulnerability disclosure programs (VDPs), 10

vulnerability report, 16. See also write-up

severity, 16

steps to reproduce, 18

vulnerability scanners, 25


W3Schools, 188

WAF. See web application firewall (WAF)

Wappalyzer, 79

Wayback Machine, 326

Waybackurls, 78

web application firewall (WAF), 288

WAF bypass, 293

web applications, 5

web browser, 46

web crawling, 71, 326

web frameworks, 187

Webhooks, 216

web-hosting service, 223

web page, 34

Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 358, 362

web shell, 202

web spidering, 62, 71

Wfuzz, 370371, 374379

wget, 285, 329

white-box testing, 336. See also black-box testing, gray-box testing

whoami, 289

whois, 65

reverse whois, 65, 67

Wikipedia, 63

wildcard, 63, 101, 292, 297299

Windows 353

WordPress, 7, 79, 280

write-up, 28

WSDL. See Web Services Description Language (WSDL)


XInclude Attacks, 251, 254

XMind, 59

XML. See Extensible Markup Language (XML)

XML bomb, 258. See also billion laughs attack

XML external entity (XXE), 247260

blind XXE, 252

classic XXE, 251

XMLHttpRequest, 128, 170

XmlLint, 259

X-Powered-By, 79, 324

XSS, 111129

blind XSS, 116, 125

reflected XSS, 117, 343

self-XSS, 119, 171

stored XSS, 115

XSS filter, 126

XSS Hunter, 125

XSS polyglot, 124

XSS protection, 126

XXE. See XML external entity (XXE)


YAML, 234, 338

Ysoserial, 243


ZAP. See Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)

Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), 47, 7273, 174, 362, 374

zip command, 254

zlib, 331

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