

  • AAC format, 260
  • accepting gifts, 353–354
  • accessing Blogger settings, 96
  • accounts
    • creating in Blogger, 82–84
    • creating in Squarespace, 139–143
    • creating in, 110–113
  • achievement systems, forums and, 282
  • actions, generating with business blogs, 363–364
  • Activity panel (WordPress), 134
  • ad networks, 345–346, 368
  • Add This, 312
  • adding
    • authors to blogs in Blogger, 96
    • blog content in Squarespace, 144–147
    • gadgets in Blogger, 104–105
    • links in Blogger, 88–89
    • members to Blogger blogs, 97
    • podcasts to FeedBurner, 263–264
    • podcasts to iTunes, 264–265
  • adjusting
    • brightness in photos, 249
    • color in photos, 249
    • contrast in photos, 249
    • settings for comments in Blogger blogs, 97
    • settings in, 114–115
  • Administrator role, 130
  • Adobe Audition (website), 256
  • Adobe Photoshop, 241
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements, 240
  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, 241
  • advertising
    • about, 341–342
    • on business blogs, 366–369
    • contextual, 344, 367–368
    • formats for, 343–344
    • planning for, 343
  • affiliate marketing, 349
  • aggregating news, 298
  • allowing comments in Blogger posts, 94
  • Amazon Associates Program, 349
  • Amazon Prime Photo Storage, 244
  • anonymous blogging
    • about, 39, 225–226
    • choosing passwords, 229–230
    • content for, 231
    • establishing pseudonyms, 228
    • IP addresses, 232
    • level of anonymity, 226–228
    • location awareness, 230
    • resources for, 234
    • security for, 231–234
    • setting up email addresses, 228–229
    • software for, 233
    • starting, 230
    • staying up to date, 233–234
    • time awareness, 230
  • Anonymous Blogging 101: A Quick and Dirty Primer (website), 234
  • Anyone option (Blogger), 97
  • Apache, 58
  • Appearance menu (WordPress), 133
  • Apple iTunes (website), 256
  • Apple Podcasts, 252
  • (website), 262
  • archives, 17, 19
  • Armstrong, Heather (blogger), 46
  • Asgaros Forum plug-in, 279
  • assessing. See also statistics
    • blog presence, 329–338
    • business models, 345
    • tools for podcasts, 255–256
    • your involvement, 34–36
  • assigning metadata for podcasts, 260
  • At a Glance panel (WordPress), 134
  • @ messages, 322
  • Attribution license, 257
  • Audacity, 256
  • audience(s)
    • about, 30–31
    • connecting with your, 301
    • knowing your, 180–186
    • profiling, 184–186
    • prompting participation from, 305
    • social networking and, 300
    • writing for specific, 186
  • audio podcasts, 201
  • Aunt Peaches (blog), 164
  • Author role, 130
  • authority, as a successful blog characteristic, 25
  • authors, adding to blogs in Blogger, 96
  • Automattic Akismet, 219, 221
  • availability, forums and, 281
  • AWStats, 338


  • Babble (blog), 197
  • backups, 59, 65–66
  • bandwidth, 59, 261, 262
  • banner ads, 343
  • Basic Settings area (Blogger), 96–97
  • bbPress, 280
  • Be the Match program, 10
  • A Beautiful Mess (blog), 164
  • Best of the Web (website), 180
  • blacklists, 220–221
  •, 308–309
  • Blog Catalog (website), 180
  • Blog Menu (Squarespace), 149
  • blog presence, measuring, 329–338
  • Blogads, 368
  • Blogarama (website), 180
  • Blogger
    • about, 22–23, 69, 81
    • adding links, 88–89
    • allowing comments, 94
    • asking email changes, 98
    • choosing themes, 99–100
    • configuring post settings, 93–94
    • cost of, 66
    • creating accounts, 82–84
    • customizing blogs, 98–105
    • Dashboard, 86
    • editing page elements, 103–105
    • editing themes, 99
    • including images, 90–92
    • launching posts, 94
    • making basic changes, 96–97
    • making comment changes, 97
    • naming blogs, 84–86
    • previewing posts, 92–93
    • publishing posts, 92–94
    • scheduling posts, 93
    • selecting Dashboard settings, 95–98
    • spellchecking text, 89–90
    • starting blogs with, 81–86
    • using Theme Designer, 100–103
    • viewing posts, 94–95
    • website, 82, 110
    • writing posts, 87–92
  • Bloggernity (website), 180
  • bloggers, 175–177, 360–361. See also specific people
  • The Bloggess (blog), 8, 27, 205
  • blogging, 45–47, 326. See also anonymous blogging; specific topics
  • Blogging Fusion (website), 180
  • blogosphere, 87
  • blogs
    • about, 7–9
    • adding advertising to, 346–347
    • anatomy of, 17–21
    • Aunt Peaches, 164
    • Babble, 197
    • A Beautiful Mess, 164
    • The Bloggess, 8, 27, 205
    • branding, 292–293
    • Bust a Name, 53–54
    • The Castle Run, 10–11
    • The Centsible Life, 293
    • Comet Camper, 170
    • Common Craft, 296
    • The Craft Blog by Trimcraft, 15
    • creating successful, 24–28
    • customizing in, 118–120
    • Dooce, 46
    • The Frugal Girl, 169
    • Girl Gone Travel, 50
    • Gizmodo, 121
    • Go Grow Go, 163
    • guest, 376
    • From Hip to Housewife, 185, 293
    • history of, 17
    • Home-Ec 101, 188, 198, 244
    • hosted, 62
    • Jacks & Kate, 164
    • Little Tech Girl, 165
    • lurking on other, 173–174
    • Mama's Geeky, 172
    • The Mama Maven, 17–21
    • The Moz Blog, 292
    • My Work From Home Money, 228
    • Neil Patel, 292
    • Nesting Place, 169
    • No Time For Flashcards, 170
    • non-hosted, 62
    • NYCity Mama, 50
    • A Parenting Production, 189
    • participating on with comments, 174–175
    • Pepper, Jeremy, 375
    • personal vs. professional, 35–36
    • Pinterest, 168–169, 245
    • Pistol Packin' Dad, 210
    • Postpartum Progress, 13, 14
    • privacy of, 33–34
    • reasons for using, 9–15
    • recognizing, 16–17
    • Resourceful Mommy, 52, 217–218, 313, 330, 382
    • Savings Lifestyle, 168
    • Savor the Thyme, 9–10
    • Scary Mommy, 204
    • Search Engine Journal, 292
    • selecting topics for, 23–24
    • Selfish Mom, 41–42, 210
    • SEO Roundtable, 292
    • Shop Gussy, 363
    • The Sisters' Hood, 303–304
    • Southwest Airlines, 12–13
    • Southwest Community, 204
    • starting, 21–23
    • Teachmama, 48–49
    • TechCrunch, 11, 121
    • Truthdig, 166, 204
    • tying into Twitter, 324–325
    • Wine Carolinas, 52
  • Blood, Rebecca (writer), 46
  • Bluehost (website), 61, 122
  • bonus content, 88
  • brand(ing)
    • blogs, 292–293
    • consistency in, 302–304
    • creating your, 48–50
    • rebooting your, 49–50
  • branding/logo header, 1, 18
  • brightness, adjusting in photos, 249
  • budgeting, for software, 63
  • bulletin boards, 27
  • business blogs
    • about, 355–356
    • advertising on, 366–369
    • advertising via ad networks, 368
    • benefits of, 356–357
    • choosing bloggers for, 360–361
    • contextual advertising, 367–368
    • creating RSS/web feeds, 365
    • enabling comments, 364–365
    • examples of, 357
    • generating sales/actions, 363–364
    • joining social networks, 366
    • leveraging LinkedIn, 370
    • planning, 359–364
    • podcasting, 365
    • reasons for, 358–359
    • setting goals, 359–360
    • sponsoring, 368–369
    • starting wikis, 365–366
    • technology and, 364–366
    • topic decisions, 361–363
  • business models, assessing, 345
  • Bust a Name (blog), 53–54
  • button ads, 343
  • Buzz Marketing with Blogs For Dummies (Gardner), 355
  • Buzzsprout (website), 262
  • BuzzSumo (website), 291


  • Cain, Carol (blogger), 50
  • calendars, 26–27, 191–194
  • camps, 137
  • CAPTCHAs, 66, 217–219
  • Carr, Kelby (author)
    • Pinterest For Dummies, 310
    • Pinterest Marketing For Dummies, 310
  • Carter, Felicia (blogger), 163
  • The Castle Run (blog), 10–11
  • Castos (website), 262
  • categories, 17, 64
  • categorized archives, 19, 20
  • Ccleaner (website), 233
  • The Centsible Life (blog), 293
  • certified domain seal, 57
  • Cheat Sheet (website), 3
  • Check Spelling icon (Blogger), 89
  • choosing
    • bloggers for business blogs, 360–361
    • Dashboard settings in Blogger, 95–98
    • digital cameras, 238–240
    • domain names, 52–54
    • equipment for vlogging, 271
    • formats for podcasts, 260
    • hosted blog software, 69–72
    • hosted statistics software, 337
    • installable statistics software, 337–338
    • non-hosted blog software, 74–76
    • passwords, 229–230
    • photo-editing software, 240–241
    • photo-sharing tools, 242–244
    • site names in Squarespace, 142–143
    • social networks, 301–302
    • software, 61–66
    • templates in Squarespace, 140–142
    • themes in Blogger, 99–100
    • themes in, 118–120
    • visuals for blogs, 244–246
    • web hosting, 121–122
  • ChronoForums plug-in, 280
  • ClickZ, 368
  • CNET (website), 239
  • color, adjusting in photos, 249
  • Comet Camper (blog), 170
  • comment form, 217–219
  • comment signatures, forums and, 282
  • Commentluv plug-in, 208
  • comments
    • about, 16
    • adjusting settings for in Blogger blogs, 97
    • allowing in Blogger posts, 94
    • building community with, 27–28, 203–223
    • deleting, 211–212
    • editing, 211
    • enabling, 207–208, 364–365
    • fighting spam with software, 217–222
    • handling coverage on other blogs, 222–223
    • managing, 208–213
    • moderating, 212–213
    • participating on blogs with, 174–175
    • as a software feature, 64
    • spam, 213–217
    • spammers and, 28, 213–217
    • starting interaction with, 204–208
    • as a successful blog characteristic, 25
  • Comments menu (WordPress), 133
  • commercial forum software, 280
  • Commercial Use license, 257
  • commitment level, 35
  • Common Craft (blog), 296
  • communicating
    • updating, 298
    • via email/newsletters, 376–377
    • who you are, 48–49
  • community
    • blogs for creating a, 14–15
    • building with comments, 27–28, 203–223
    • establishing guidelines for, 208–210
    • growing, 373–380
    • leveraging with forums, 275–286
    • social networking and, 300
    • standards for, 285–286
    • visiting and participating with, 374–375
    • WordPress, 137
  • competitors, finding, 180–181
  • conferences, attending, 176
  • configuring post settings in Blogger, 93–94
  • connecting
    • in Squarespace, 147–149
    • through LinkedIn, 325
    • with your audience, 301
  • connecting offline, 379
  • consistency, in branding, 302–304
  • Constant Contact (website), 377
  • contact forms, 66
  • content
    • about, 179
    • adding to blogs in Squarespace, 144–147
    • for anonymous blogs, 231
    • being yourself, 187–189
    • calendar for, 191–194
    • copyright, 187
    • discovering secrets of success, 181–184
    • drawing in readers, 195–198
    • editing, 190–191
    • finding competitors, 180–181
    • following trends, 196
    • food, 198
    • frequency of writing, 186–194
    • headline hook, 195
    • importing to Squarespace from other platforms, 146–147
    • including related, 190
    • joining crowds, 196–197
    • knowing your audience, 180–186
    • links, 199–200
    • listicles, 197
    • overcoming writer's block, 200–201
    • photos, 195
    • profiling audiences, 184–186
    • proofreading, 190–191
    • quality of writing, 186–194
    • serving readers, 198–200
    • syndicating, 297
    • videos, 195
    • writing for specific audiences, 186
  • content types, 30
  • Contentful (website), 156
  • contextual advertising, 344, 367–368
  • contrast, adjusting in photos, 249
  • Contributor role, 131
  • control panel, as a software feature, 64
  • conversation, creating opportunities for, 304–305
  • copyright, 187
  • cost per action, 345
  • cost per click, 345
  • cost per impression, 345
  • costs
    • Adobe Photoshop, 241
    • Adobe Photoshop Elements, 240
    • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, 241
    • ExpressionEngine, 76
    • Flickr, 242
    • for software, 63
    • Squarespace, 71, 140
    • TypePad, 71
  • coupon codes, 55
  • coupons, as a blog niche, 162, 168
  • cPanel, 122, 127
  • CPU resources, requirements for, 59
  • The Craft Blog by Trimcraft (blog), 15
  • creating
    • accounts in Blogger, 82–84
    • accounts in, 110–113
    • Facebook pages, 316–317
    • LinkedIn accounts, 326
    • posts in WordPress, 134–135
    • RSS/web feeds, 365
    • sales/actions with business blogs, 363–364
    • SEO-friendly blogs, 290–291
    • Squarespace accounts, 139–143
    • vlogging spaces, 271–272
    • web feeds for blogs, 296–297
    • web traffic, 296
    • your brand, 48–50
  • Creative Commons, 246, 257–258
  • creativity, blogs for, 13–14
  • cropping photos, 248
  • customizing
    • blogs in Blogger, 98–105
    • designs in WordPress, 136
    • forums and, 282
    • in Squarespace, 147–149
    • blogs, 118–120
  • Cyberduck (website), 124


  • Dad 2.0 Summit (website), 176
  • Dashboard
    • Blogger, 86
    • selecting settings for in Blogger, 95–98
    • WordPress, 132–133
    •, 114
  • databases, setting up, 126–128
  • date-based archives, 19
  • deals, as a blog niche, 162, 168
  • Deckard, Andrea (blogger), 168
  • decor, for vlogging, 272
  • deleting comments, 211–212
  • delivering podcasts, 262–263
  • Dell, 357
  • Derivatives Allowed license, 257
  • design
    • about, 28–29
    • audience, 30–31
    • content types, 30
    • customizing in WordPress, 136
    • themes, 29–30
  • design blogs, 162, 168–169
  • dialogue, handling, 43–44
  • digital cameras, selecting, 238–240
  • digital footprint, 47–48
  • Digital Photography Review (website), 239
  • DiNoto, Lisa (blogger), 10–11
  • direct messages (Twitter), 323
  • directories, podcast, 265
  • discussions, for podcasts, 255
  • disk space, requirements for, 58
  • Disney Parks Blog, 357
  • DISQUS, 207
  • diversification, 380
  •, 324
  • documenting your life, blogs for, 9–10
  • Do-It-Yourself blogs, 162, 168–169
  • domain names
    • about, 51–52
    • registering, 54–57, 121
    • selecting, 52–54
  •, 56
  • Dooce (blog), 46
  • Doteasy (website), 60–61
  • Dr Pepper, 39, 40
  • DreamHost (website), 122


  • EasyDiscuss plug-in, 280
  • Edited to Add (ETA), 41–42
  • editing
    • comments, 211
    • page elements in Blogger, 103–105
    • photos, 246–250
    • posts, 37, 190–191
    • themes in Blogger, 99
    • vlogs, 272–273
    • web addresses for Blogger blogs, 96
  • Editor account, setting up in WordPress, 130–131
  • Editor role, 130
  • educational blogs, 170
  • EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), 48
  • Elad, Joel (author)
    • LinkedIn For Dummies, 3rd Edition, 326
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), 48
  • EllisLab, 76
  • email
    • communicating via, 376–377
    • requirements for managing, 58–59
  • email addresses, setting up for anonymous blogging, 228–229
  • email newsletters, 298
  • Email settings page (Blogger), 98
  • Emma (website), 377
  • emoticons, forums and, 282
  • employers, blogging and, 44–45
  • enabling comments, 207–208, 364–365
  • endorsement relationships, 39
  • entries, 16
  • equipment
    • choosing for vlogging, 271
    • for photos, 238–244
  • errors, 335
  • establishing
    • community guidelines, 208–210
    • pseudonyms, 228
  • ETA (Edited to Add), 41–42
  • ethics
    • about, 38
    • handling dialogue, 43–44
    • making mistakes, 41–43
    • telling the truth, 39–41
  • events, for podcasts, 255
  • evergreen content, 191, 200
  • Evernote (website), 192
  • ExpressionEngine, 76


  • Facebook
    • about, 177, 306–307
    • creating pages in, 316–317
    • joining, 316–318
    • using your page, 317–318
    • website, 316, 366
  • Facebook Comments plug-in, 208
  • Facebook Video, 270
  • features, for forums, 281–283
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 39, 40, 347
  • Feed43, 297
  • Feedblitz, 297
  • FeedBurner
  • Feedburner Ad Network (website), 368
  • FeedForAll, 297
  • fictional characters, blogging as, 40
  • file formats, for photos, 240
  • file transfer protocol (FTP), 126
  • FileZilla (website), 124
  • finding
    • competitors, 180–181
    • web hosting, 57–61
    • your niche, 161–177
    • your tribe, 383–384
  • first-person writing, 187
  • Fitton, Laura (author)
    • Twitter For Dummies, 319
  • 5 Reasons to Blog Anonymously (and 5 Reasons Not To) (website), 234
  • flaming, 285
  • Flickr, 242, 250, 310
  • food-based content, 198
  • footers, 29
  • formats
    • for advertising, 343–344
    • choosing for podcasts, 260
  • forums
    • about, 27, 275–276
    • benefits of, 276–278
    • commercial software for, 280
    • community standards for, 285–286
    • features for, 281–283
    • free vs. commercial software for, 279–281
    • hosted solutions, 281
    • installing software for, 284–285
    • open source software for, 280
    • software options for, 278
  • Fotor (website), 250
  • Free Music Archive, 259
  • Freesound, 258
  • frequency, of writing, 186–194, 373–374
  • Friedman, Nancy (blogger), 185, 293
  • friend-based social networks, 306–308
  • friendships, social networking and, 300
  • From Hip to Housewife (blog), 185, 293
  • frugal living blogs, 169
  • The Frugal Girl (blog), 169
  • FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 39, 40, 347
  • FTP (file transfer protocol), 126


  • gadgets, adding in Blogger, 104–105
  • Gardner, Susannah (author)
    • Buzz Marketing with Blogs For Dummies, 355
  • Gawker (website), 121
  • George, Eddie (NFL player), 276
  • Ghost (website), 156
  • gifts, accepting, 353–354
  • GIMP (website), 250
  • Girl Gone Travel (blog), 50
  • Gizmodo (blog), 121
  • Gmail (website), 229
  • Go Grow Go (blog), 163
  • goal setting, 25, 359–360, 385
  • GoDaddy, 55–56, 122
  • Goodreads, 308
  • Google AdSense (website), 12
  • Google AdWords For Dummies (Jacobson), 367
  • Google Analytics, 337
  • Google Calendar, 192–194
  • Google Drive, 383
  • Google Feedburner, 297
  • Google Photos
    • getting photos into, 248
    • using, 241–242
    • website, 247
  • Google Play Podcasts (website), 265
  • Google Trends (website), 196, 291
  • Google Voice (website), 256
  • Google's Mobile-Friendly Test (website), 380
  • graphical banner ads, 343
  • Gruen, Michael (author)
    • Twitter For Dummies, 319
  • guest blogs, 200, 376


  • handle, 47
  • headers, 18, 29
  • headline hooks, 195
  • Help section (Squarespace), 149
  • Hewlett-Packard, 357
  • hits, 333
  • hobbies, blogs for, 10–11, 162, 164
  • hobby-based social networks, 308–309
  • Home-Ec 101 (blog), 188, 198, 244
  • Horn, Nancy (blogger), 17–21
  • hosted blog software
    • about, 66–67
    • benefits of, 67
    • limitations of, 68
    • selecting, 69–72
  • hosted blogs, 62
  • hosted forum solutions, 281
  • hosted statistics software, 337
  • HostGator (website), 61, 122
  • Hover, 56
  • “How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else),” 48, 234
  • HTML code, 88
  • HTML tab (Blogger), 89
  • Hubpages (website), 157


  • I Simply Am (podcast), 252
  • I Think I'm Gonna Lose It (podcast), 252
  • icons, explained, 3
  • ignore lists, forums and, 282
  • images. See photos
  • importing content to Squarespace from other platforms, 146–147
  • income, as a successful blog characteristic, 25
  • information about the author, 19, 21
  • information sharing, blogs for, 11
  • informational social networks, 311
  • Instagram
  • install script, running, 128–129
  • installable statistics software, selecting, 337–338
  • installing
    • forum software, 284–285
    • non-hosted blog software, 77–78
    •, 120–129
  • IntenseDebate, 208
  • Interactive Advertising Bureau (website), 344
  • interests, as a blog niche, 162
  • International Food Blogger Conference (website), 176
  • Internet Protocol (IP), 221
  • involvement, assessing your, 34–36
  • IP (Internet Protocol), 221
  • IP addresses, anonymous blogs and, 232
  • IP banning, 221–222
  • IP.Board, 280
  • iTunes, 264–265


  • Jacks & Kate (blog), 164
  • Jacobson, Howie (author)
    • Google AdWords For Dummies, 367
  • Jill the Squirrel, 327
  • job, blogging while having a, 44–45
  • Jobs.Progblogger (website), 348
  • joining
    • ad networks, 345–346
    • Facebook, 316–318
    • social networks, 366
  • Joomla, 75, 157


  • Kaufman, Zuade (journalist), 166
  • Kent, Peter (author)
    • Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, 5th Edition, 290
  • keyword filters, 220
  • Keyword Tool (website), 291
  • kids, as a blog niche, 162, 163–164
  • Kunena plug-in, 279


  • LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) web server, 58
  • Lane, Erin (blogger), 189
  •, 308
  • launching posts in Blogger, 94
  • Lawson, Jenny (blogger), 8, 27
  • Leal, Jennifer (blogger), 9–10
  • “Legal Guide for Bloggers,” 48
  • Lessons learned from two bloggers who chose to blog anonymously (website), 234
  • LibraryThing, 308
  • life bloggers, 167–168
  • Lifehacker (website), 121
  • lifestyle blogs, 162, 168–169
  • lighting, for vlogging, 271
  • Link icon (Blogger), 88
  • LinkedIn
    • about, 176–177, 309–310, 325
    • blogging on, 326
    • connecting through, 325
    • creating an account in, 326
    • leveraging with business blogs, 370
    • website, 325, 366, 370
  • LinkedIn For Dummies, 3rd Edition (Elad), 326
  • linking social networks in Squarespace, 148–149
  • LinkPatrol (website), 291
  • links, 88–89, 199–200
  • Links menu (WordPress), 132
  • Linux, 58
  • Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP (LAMP) web server, 58
  • listening, to readers, 374
  • listicles, 197
  • Little Tech Girl (blog), 165
  • Livefyre, 207
  • LiveJournal (website), 157
  • location-based social networks, 312
  • logging in, 130
  • logo header, 18
  • logos, 29
  • lurking, on other blogs, 173–174


  • Maggie Whitley Designs (website), 363
  • Magnatune, 258, 259
  • MailChimp (website), 377
  • Mama's Geeky (blog), 172
  • The Mama Maven (blog), 17–21
  • managing comments, 208–213
  • marketing, 349, 366
  • marketing campaigns, participating in, 347–348
  • Mascott, Amy (blogger), 48–49
  • Mashable (website), 121
  • McDonald, Allison (blogger), 170
  • McDonald, Kris (blogger), 165
  • Media menu (WordPress), 132
  • Media Temple (website), 122
  • media tools, as a software feature, 64
  • media-sharing social networks, 310–311
  • Medium (website), 157
  • meeting bloggers, 175–176
  • Meetup (website), 176
  • membership tools, forums and, 282–283
  • metadata, assigning for podcasts, 260
  • Metrics section (Squarespace), 149
  • miniBB, 280
  • mistakes, making, 41–43
  • Mix, 311
  • mobile apps, 380
  • moderating comments, 212–213
  • monetizing
    • about, 341, 386
    • accepting gifts, 353–354
    • adding ads to blogs, 346–347
    • advertising, 341–345
    • affiliate marketing, 349
    • Amazon Associates Program, 349
    • assessing business models, 345
    • blogging professionally, 348
    • formats, 343–344
    • joining ad networks, 345–346
    • participating in marketing campaigns, 347–348
    • planning for advertising, 343
    • Rakuten Affiliate Network, 349
    • sponsorships, 350–352
    • tying in social media presence, 348
    • viewing blogs as influential platforms, 354
  • money, blogs for making, 11–13
  • Morgan, Nicole (blogger), 303
  • Morris, Tee (author)
    • Podcasting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, 251
  • Movable Type, 75–76
  • The Moz Blog (blog), 292
  • MP3 format, 260
  • multi-track recording program, 256
  • muse, 382
  • music, for podcasts, 257–259
  • My Work From Home Money (blog), 228
  • MySQL, 58, 126


  • Namecheap, 56
  • naming blogs in Blogger, 84–86
  • navigation, 18
  • negativity, on other blogs, 221–222
  • negotiating sponsorships, 350–352
  • Neil Patel (blog), 292
  • Nesting Place (blog), 169
  • Network Solutions, 56
  • news, aggregating, 298
  • news reports, as a blog niche, 167
  • newsletters, communicating via, 376–377
  • niches, finding, 161–177, 171–172
  • Nicole, Kaycee (blogger), 39
  • No Derivatives Allowed license, 257
  • No Time For Flashcards (blog), 170
  • Noncommercial use license, 257
  • non-hosted blog software
    • about, 72
    • benefits of, 72–73
    • installing, 77–78
    • limitations of, 73–74
    • selecting, 74–76
  • non-hosted blogs, 62
  • numbers, as a successful blog characteristic, 25
  • NYCity Mama (blog), 50


  • offline connections, 379
  • 1&1 (website), 122
  • one-on-one interviews, for podcasts, 254
  • online influencers, blogs for, 14
  • online privacy, protecting, 302
  • Only Members of the Blog option (Blogger), 97
  • OOG format, 260
  • open source forum software, 280
  • open source software, 109
  • OpenSource CMS, 278
  • Oztan, Amy (blogger), 41–42


  • page elements, editing in Blogger, 103–105
  • page views, 333–334
  • Pages menu (WordPress), 132
  • Paint.NET (website), 250
  • Panabee, 57
  • panels (WordPress Dashboard), 134
  • parent blogging, 162, 163–164
  • A Parenting Production (blog), 189
  • participating in marketing campaigns, 347–348
  • passions, blogs for, 10–11
  • passwords, choosing, 229–230
  • pay per click, 345
  • pen names, 39
  • (website), 157
  • Pepper, Jeremy (blogger), 375
  • permalinks, 16, 133, 200
  • permission, for photo use, 246
  • personal diaries, as a blog niche, 162, 167–168
  • personal enjoyment, as a successful blog characteristic, 25
  • Pew Research Center, 65, 315, 380
  • photo sharing, 240
  • Photobucket, 243
  • PhotoCat (website), 250
  • photo-editing software, selecting, 240–241
  • photo-editing tools, 250
  • photography focused blogging, 30
  • photos
    • about, 237
    • adjusting brightness and contrast, 249
    • adjusting color, 249
    • cropping, 248
    • editing, 246–250
    • equipment for, 238–244
    • forums and, 283
    • including in Blogger posts, 90–92
    • optimizing for web, 250
    • photo-editing tools, 250
    • in posts, 195
    • selecting digital cameras, 238–240
    • selecting for blogs, 244–246
    • selecting photo-editing software, 240–241
    • selecting photo-sharing tools, 242–244
    • taking, 244–245
    • uploading in Squarespace, 145–146
    • using from other sources, 246
    • using Google Photos, 241–242, 248
  • Photoscape (website), 250
  • photo-sharing tools, selecting, 242–244
  • PHP, 58
  • PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition (Valade), 126
  • phpBB, 280
  • phpMyAdmin, 127
  • Picmonkey, 247
  • Pinterest, 168–169, 245, 310, 328
  • Pinterest For Dummies (Carr), 310
  • Pinterest Marketing For Dummies (Carr), 310
  • Pistol Packin' Dad (blog), 210
  • Pixlr (website), 250
  • planning
    • for advertising, 343
    • for business blogs, 359–364
    • podcasts, 253–255
  • platforms. See also Blogger; Squarespace; WordPress
    • additional, 156–157
    • vlogging, 269–270
    • Weebly, 155–156
    • Wix, 151–154
  • Plesk, 127
  • Plugins menu (WordPress), 133
  • pMachine, 76
  • Pocket, 311
  • Podbean (website), 262
  • Podcasting For Dummies, 2nd Edition (Morris, Tomasi, Terra and Steppe), 251
  • podcasts
    • about, 30, 201, 251–253
    • adding to FeedBurner, 263–264
    • adding to iTunes, 264–265
    • assessing tools, 255–256
    • assigning metadata, 260
    • business blogs and, 365
    • choosing formats, 260
    • Creative Commons search, 257–258
    • delivering, 262–263
    • Free Music Archive, 259
    • Freesound, 258–259
    • I Simply Am, 252
    • I Think I'm Gonna Lose It, 252
    • listed in directories, 265
    • Magnatune, 258
    • music and sound effects, 257–259
    • planning, 253–255
    • promoting, 263–265
    • publishing, 259–263
    • storing, 261–262
  • Podtopia (website), 262
  • politics, as a blog niche, 162, 166
  • Pollock, Peter (author)
    • Web Hosting For Dummies, 61
  • polls, forums and, 282
  • pop-up ads, 344
  • (website), 157
  • Poston, Leslie (author)
    • Twitter For Dummies, 319
  • Postpartum Progress (blog), 13, 14
  • posts
    • about, 16
    • allowing comments in Blogger, 94
    • configuring settings for in Blogger, 93–94
    • creating in WordPress, 134–135
    • editing, 37
    • information about, 18–19
    • launching in Blogger, 94
    • most recent, 18
    • previewing in Blogger, 92–93
    • publishing in Blogger, 92–94
    • recycling, 201
    • scheduling in Blogger, 93
    • updating, 41–42
    • viewing in Blogger, 94–95
    • writing in Blogger, 87–92
    • writing in, 115–118
  • Posts menu (WordPress), 132
  • preparing, for growth, 387
  • previewing posts in Blogger, 92–93
  • privacy, protecting your, 47–48
  • private domain registration, 57
  • products, blogging about, 39–40
  • professional blogs, 348
  • professional social networks, 309–310
  • profiling audiences, 184–186
  • promoting
    • causes, blogs for, 13, 263–265
    • vlogs, 273–274
  • proofreading, 190–191
  • ProPodder (website), 265
  • protecting online privacy, 302
  • pseudonyms, establishing, 228
  • public domain photos, 246
  • publishing
    • about, 36–37
    • podcasts, 259–263
    • posts in Blogger, 92–94
  • publishing interface, as a software feature, 64


  • quality, of writing, 186–194
  • Quick Draft panel (WordPress), 134


  • Rakuten Affiliate Network, 349
  • Ravelry, 229, 309
  • readers
    • involving, 378–379
    • listening and responding to, 374
    • surveying, 383
  • Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
    • about, 294
    • creating feeds for blogs, 296–297, 365
    • generating web traffic, 296
    • optimizing, 297–298
    • web feeds, 294–296
  • recycling posts, 201
  • registered trademarks, 52
  • registering domain names, 54–57, 121
  • relationships, 25, 45–47
  • Remember icon, 3
  • removing page elements in Blogger, 105
  • repeat visitors, 335
  • reputation, protecting your, 47–48
  • (website), 48
  • Resourceful Mommy (blog), 52, 217–218, 313, 330, 382
  • responding to readers, 374
  • results, as a successful blog characteristic, 25
  • retweets, 323
  • reverse chronological order, 16
  • rich media, forums and, 283
  • RiseUp (website), 229
  • RSS. See Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
  • RSS ads, 343
  • RSS feed link, 21
  • running install script, 128–129


  • Sabin-Wilson, Lisa (author)
    • WordPress All-In-One For Dummies, 108, 137
  • sales, generating with business blogs, 363–364
  • Savings Lifestyle (blog), 168
  • Savor the Thyme (blog), 9–10
  • Scary Mommy (blog), 204
  • scheduling Blogger posts, 93
  • Scheer, Robert (journalist), 166
  • screening, for spam, 219–222
  • Search Engine Journal (blog), 292
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • about, 289–290
    • branding blogs, 292–293
    • changes in, 292
    • creating SEO-friendly blogs, 290–291
    • Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, 294–298
    • as a software feature, 64
    • tools for, 291
  • Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, 5th Edition (Kent), 290
  • search feature, 16
  • security, for anonymous blogs, 231–234
  • Selfish Mom (blog), 41–42, 210
  • SEO Book (website), 291
  • SEO Roundtable (blog), 292
  • SEOquake (website), 291
  • server logs, 336
  • services, blogging about, 39–40
  • serving readers, 198–200
  • settings
    • Blogger Dashboard, 95–98
    • Blogger posts, 93–94
    • changing in, 114–115
    • goals for blogs, 385
    • goals for business blogs, 359–360
    • Twitter, 324
    • WordPress, 130–134
  • Settings menu (WordPress), 133
  • Settings section (Squarespace), 149
  • setup
    • databases, 126–128
    • Editor account in WordPress, 130–131
    • email addresses for anonymous blogging, 228–229
  • Shareaholic, 312
  • ShareThis, 312
  • sharing, on social networks, 312–313
  • Shop Gussy (blog), 363
  • Shutterfly, 244
  • sidebar material, 19–21
  • sidebars, 29, 149
  • signing up, for a Twitter account, 321–322
  • Simple Machines Forum, 280
  • Simplecast (website), 262
  • The Sisters' Hood (blog), 303–304
  • site names, choosing in Squarespace, 142–143
  • Siteground (website), 60, 122
  • Skype (website), 256
  • social media buttons, 19, 20
  • Social Media Marketing World (website), 176
  • social networking
    • about, 176–177, 299–300, 306, 315
    • community and, 378
    • connecting with audiences, 301
    • consistency in branding, 302–304
    • conversation in, 304–305
    • Facebook, 306–307, 316–318
    • friend-based, 306–308
    • hobby-based, 308–309
    • informational, 311
    • Instagram, 326–328
    • joining, 366
    • LinkedIn, 325–326
    • linking in Squarespace, 148–149
    • location-based, 312
    • media-sharing, 310–311
    • professional, 309–310
    • prompting audience action, 305
    • protecting online privacy, 302
    • selecting networks, 301–302
    • sharing on, 312–313
    • strategies for, 300–305
    • Twitter, 307–308, 319–325
  • social sharing icons, 16
  • software
    • about, 51
    • for anonymous blogs, 233
    • budgeting for, 63
    • commercial forum, 280
    • domain name, 51–57
    • fighting spam with, 217–222
    • for forums, 278, 279–281
    • hosted, 66–72
    • installed on your server, 72–78
    • installing for forums, 284–285
    • installing WordPress files from, 122–124
    • open source, 109
    • open source forum, 280
    • selecting, 61–66
    • for tracking statistics, 336–338
    • upgrading, 65–66
    • web hosting, 57–61
  • Solos, Heather (blogger), 188
  • Sony's Sound Forge (website), 256
  • sound, for vlogging, 272
  • sound effects, for podcasts, 257–259
  • sound-editing software, for podcasts, 256
  • sound-recording software, for podcasts, 256
  • soundscapes, for podcasts, 254–255
  • Southwest Airlines (blog), 12–13
  • Southwest Community (blog), 204
  • spam
    • fighting with software, 217–222
    • forums and controls for, 283
    • screening for, 219–222
  • spam blacklist, 66
  • spam comments, 213–217
  • spam deterrents, as a software feature, 64
  • spammers, comments and, 28
  • specialized news, as a blog niche, 162, 167
  • spellchecking text in Blogger, 89–90
  • sponsorships
    • about, 345, 350
    • for business blogs, 368–369
    • negotiating, 350–352
    • setting boundaries for, 352
  • Spotify, 252, 265
  • Squarespace
    • about, 71–72, 139
    • adding blog content, 144–147
    • choosing site names, 142–143
    • connecting, 147–149
    • creating accounts in, 139–143
    • customizing, 147–149
    • importing content from other platforms, 146–147
    • linking social networks, 148–149
    • selecting templates, 140–142
    • uploading images, 145–146
    • using sidebar, 149
  • standards, 336
  • StatCounter, 337
  • statistics
    • importance of, 330–333
    • software for tracking, 336–338
    • terminology for, 333–335
    • traffic, 384–385
  • Steppe, Kreg (author)
    • Podcasting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, 251
  • Stone, Katherine (blogger), 13
  • storing podcasts, 261–262
  • Subscriber role, 131
  • subscribing to web hosting, 59–61
  • success, defining, 386
  • Survey Monkey, 378
  • surveying readers, 383
  • Svbtle (website), 157
  • Swarm by Foursquare, 312
  • syndicating content, 297


  • tags, as a software feature, 64–65
  • Teachmama (blog), 48–49
  • TechCrunch (blog), 11, 121
  • Technical Stuff icon, 3
  • technology
    • as a blog niche, 162, 165
    • for business blogs, 364–366
  • templates, selecting in Squarespace, 140–142
  • Terra, Evo (author)
    • Podcasting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, 251
  • text, spellchecking in Blogger, 89–90
  • text-based ads, 343
  • Theme Designer (Blogger), 100–103
  • themes
    • about, 29–30
    • editing in Blogger, 99
    • selecting in Blogger, 99–100
    • selecting in, 118–120
  • threading, forums and, 281
  • Tip icon, 3
  • Tofig, Dana (writer), 252
  • Tomasi, Chuck (author)
    • Podcasting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, 251
  • tools, SEO, 291
  • Tools menu (WordPress), 133
  • Topica (website), 377
  • trademarks, registered, 52
  • traffic, 384–385
  • Transistor (website), 262
  • Trello (website), 192
  • trending content, 196
  • tribe, finding your, 383–384
  • trolls, 285
  • truth, telling the, 39–41
  • Truthdig (blog), 166, 204
  • Twingly (website), 180–181
  • Twitter
    • about, 177, 307–308, 319–321
    • getting started with, 321–325
    • settings, 324
    • signing up for, 321–322
    • tweeting, 322–323
    • tying blogs into, 324–325
    • website, 196, 319
  • Twitter For Dummies (Fitton, Gruen and Poston), 319
  • TypePad, 66, 71


  • UBB.Threads, 280
  • unconferences, 137
  • uniform resource locator (URL), 84
  • unique visitors, 334
  • updating
    • blog posts, 41–42
    • frequency of, 16
  • upgrading software, 65–66
  • uploading
    • images in Blogger posts, 90–92
    • images in Squarespace, 145–146
    • WordPress files, 124–126
  • URL (uniform resource locator), 84
  • user registration, 219
  • Users menu (WordPress), 133
  • Users with Google Accounts option (Blogger), 97


  • Valade, Janet (author)
    • PHP & MySQL For Dummies, 4th Edition, 126
  • Vanilla Forums, 280
  • vBulletin, 280
  • video blog (vlog), 201
  • video posts, 195
  • viewing
    • blog posts in Blogger, 94–95
    • blogs as influential platforms, 354
  • Vimeo, 270
  • viral marketing, 366
  • Visual Networking Index (website), 268
  • vlog (video blog), 201
  • vlogging
    • about, 30, 267–268
    • choosing equipment for, 271
    • creating a space for, 271–272
    • editing vlogs, 272–273
    • platforms for, 269–270
    • promoting vlogs, 273–274
    • reasons for, 268
    • setting up, 270–272
  • voice, discovering your, 381–382


  • Warning icon, 3
  • web
    • optimizing photos for, 250
    • Vanilla Forums, 280
  • web addresses, editing for Blogger blogs, 96
  • web feeds, 294–296, 365
  • web hosting
    • about, 57
    • finding, 57–61
    • Hostgator, 61
    • selecting, 121–122
    •, 60
    • subscribing to, 59–61
  • Web Hosting For Dummies (Pollock), 61
  • web traffic, generating, 296
  • The Webalizer, 338
  • web-hosting software, storing files on, 261–262
  • websites
    • Add This, 312
    • Adobe Audition, 256
    • Adobe Photoshop, 241
    • Adobe Photoshop Elements, 240
    • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, 241
    • Amazon Associates Program, 349
    • Amazon Prime Photo Storage, 244
    • anonymous blog resources, 234
    • Anonymous Blogging 101: A Quick and Dirty Primer, 234
    • Apple iTunes, 256
    • Apple Podcasts, 252
    •, 262
    • Asgaros Forum plug-in, 279
    • Audacity, 256
    • Automattic Akismet, 219, 221
    • AWStats, 338
    • bbPress, 280
    • Best of the Web, 180
    •, 308–309
    • Blog Catalog, 180
    • Blogads, 368
    • Blogarama, 180
    • Blogger, 22, 69, 110
    • Bloggernity, 180
    • Blogging Fusion, 180
    • Blood, Rebecca (writer), 46
    • Bluehost, 61, 122
    • bonus content, 88
    • Buzzsprout, 262
    • BuzzSumo, 291
    • Castos, 262
    • Ccleaner, 233
    • Cheat Sheet, 3
    • ChronoForums plug-in, 280
    • ClickZ, 368
    • CNET, 239
    • Constant Contact, 377
    • Contentful, 156
    • Creative Commons, 257
    • Cyberduck, 124
    • Dad 2.0 Summit, 176
    • Dell, 357
    • Digital Photography Review, 239
    • Disney Parks Blog, 357
    • DISQUS, 207
    •, 324
    •, 56
    • Doteasy, 60
    • DreamHost, 122
    • EasyDiscuss plug-in, 280
    • Emma, 377
    • Evernote, 192
    • ExpressionEngine, 76
    • Facebook, 177, 306, 316, 366
    • Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 347
    • Feed43, 297
    • Feedblitz, 297
    • FeedBurner, 263, 368, 377
    • Feedburner Ad Network, 368
    • FeedForAll, 297
    • FileZilla, 124
    • finding IP addresses, 232
    • 5 Reasons to Blog Anonymously (and 5 Reasons Not To), 234
    • Flickr, 242, 310
    • Fotor, 250
    • Free Music Archive, 259
    • Freesound, 258
    • FTC guidelines, 39, 40
    • Gawker, 121
    • George, Eddie (NFL player), 276
    • Ghost, 156
    • GIMP, 250
    • Gmail, 229
    • GoDaddy, 55, 122
    • Goodreads, 308
    • Google AdSense, 12
    • Google Analytics, 337
    • Google Drive, 383
    • Google Feedburner, 297
    • Google Photos, 241, 247
    • Google Play Podcasts, 265
    • Google Trends, 196, 291
    • Google Voice, 256
    • Google's Mobile-Friendly Test, 380
    • Hewlett-Packard, 357
    • HostGator, 122
    • Hover, 56
    • “How to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else),” 48, 234
    • Hubpages, 157
    • Instagram, 177, 196, 244, 310, 327
    • IntenseDebate, 208
    • Interactive Advertising Bureau, 344
    • International Food Blogger Conference, 176
    • IP.Board, 280
    • iTunes, 264
    • Jill the Squirrel, 327
    • Jobs.Progblogger, 348
    • Joomla, 75, 157
    • Keyword Tool, 291
    • Kunena plug-in, 279
    •, 308
    • “Legal Guide for Bloggers,” 48
    • Lessons learned from two bloggers who chose to blog anonymously, 234
    • LibraryThing, 308
    • Lifehacker, 121
    • LinkedIn, 176, 309, 325, 366, 370
    • LinkPatrol, 291
    • Livefyre, 207
    • LiveJournal, 157
    • Maggie Whitley Designs, 363
    • Magnatune, 258
    • MailChimp, 377
    • Mashable, 121
    • Media Temple, 122
    • Medium, 157
    • Meetup, 176
    • miniBB, 280
    • Mix, 311
    • Movable Type, 75
    • Namecheap, 56
    • Network Solutions, 56
    • 1&1, 122
    • OpenSource CMS, 278
    • Paint.NET, 250
    • Panabee, 57
    •, 157
    • Pew Research Center, 65, 315, 380
    • Photobucket, 243
    • PhotoCat, 250
    • Photoscape, 250
    • phpBB, 280
    • Picmonkey, 247
    • Pinterest, 310
    • Pixlr, 250
    • Pocket, 311
    • Podbean, 262
    • Podtopia, 262
    •, 157
    • ProPodder, 265
    • Rakuten Affiliate Network, 349
    • Ravelry, 229, 309
    • registered trademarks, 52
    •, 48
    • RiseUp, 229
    • SEO Book, 291
    • SEOquake, 291
    • Shareaholic, 312
    • ShareThis, 312
    • Shutterfly, 244
    • Simple Machines Forum, 280
    • Simplecast, 262
    • SiteGround, 122
    • Skype, 256
    • Social Media Marketing World, 176
    • Sony's Sound Forge, 256
    • Spotify, 252, 265
    • Squarespace, 71
    • StatCounter, 337
    • Survey Monkey, 378
    • Svbtle, 157
    • Swarm by Foursquare, 312
    • Topica, 377
    • Transistor, 262
    • Trello, 192
    • Twingly, 180
    • Twitter, 177, 196, 307, 319
    • TypePad, 71
    • UBB.Threads, 280
    • vBulletin, 280
    • Vimeo, 270
    • Visual Networking Index, 268
    • The Webalizer, 338
    • websites Lipstick Alley, 276
    • Weebly, 155
    • Wikipedia, 48, 366
    • Wix, 151
    • WordCamp, 137
    • WordPress instructions, 121
    • WordPress SEO by Yoast, 291
    • WordPress technical requirements, 122
    •, 10
    •, 69, 209
    •, 74, 108
    • Worldometers, 10
    • WPBeginner, 230
    • wpForoForum plug-in, 279
    • WriterDuet, 255
    • XenForo, 280
    • Yola, 157
    • YouTube, 269, 311
  • websites Lipstick Alley (website), 276
  • Weebly, 155–156
  • Whalen, Kelly (blogger), 293
  • what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG), 68, 144
  • whitelists, 220–221
  • Wikipedia, 48, 366
  • wikis, starting, 365–366
  • Wine Carolinas (blog), 52
  • wireframe, 103
  • Wix
    • blogging with, 151–154
    • website, 151
  • WordCamp, 137
  • WordPress
    • about, 107–108
    • community, 137
    • creating posts in, 134–135
    • customizing designs in, 136
    • Dashboard, 132–133
    • open source software, 109
    • running install script, 128–129
    • settings for, 130–134
    • technical requirements for, 122
    • uploading files, 124–126
  • WordPress All-In-One For Dummies (Sabin-Wilson), 108, 137
  • WordPress Events and News panel (WordPress), 134
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast (website), 291
    • about, 69–71, 209
    • changing settings in, 114–115
    • compared with, 108–109
    • creating accounts in, 110–113
    • customizing blogs, 118–120
    • Dashboard, 114
    • installing, 120–129
    • selecting themes in, 118–120
    • starting blogs in, 110–115
    • website, 10
    • writing posts in, 115–118
    • about, 71, 74–75
    • compared with, 108–109
    • installing WordPress files from, 122–124
    • website, 108
  • Worldometers (website), 10
  • WPBeginner (website), 230
  • wpForoForum plug-in, 279
  • WriterDuet (website), 255
  • writer's block, 200–201
  • writing
    • frequency of, 26–27, 186–194, 373–374
    • posts in Blogger, 87–92
    • posts in, 115–118
    • quality of, 25–26, 186–194
    • for specific audiences, 186
  • WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), 68, 144



  • Yola (website), 157
  • YouTube, 269–270, 311
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