About the Author

Named one of the most powerful women in social media by Working Mother magazine, Amy Lupold Bair is the owner of Resourceful Mommy Media, LLC (www.resourcefulmommymedia.com), a social media marketing company that includes the blogger network Global Influence as well as her own blog, Resourceful Mommy (www.resourcefulmommy.com). She has loved the Internet since she first heard the whir-whir-click of a dial-up modem. Her first home online was a Geocities community, and she still maintains a Prodigy email account for sentimental reasons. Amy’s primary digital addiction is Twitter, where she is always available in 280 characters or less as @ResourcefulMom, although her use of Instagram is climbing the social media ladder and is nearly on par with her Diet Dr Pepper obsession. Over the years, she has contributed to a variety of sites including Lifetime Moms and the Disney Voices team at Babble.com. Amy is also the author of Raising Digital Families For Dummies (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). Prior to her career as a social media consultant, writer, and speaker, Amy taught middle school English and drama. She and her social media–averse husband live in the D.C. suburbs where they are raising their two bloggers-in-training along with three social media–savvy pets.


This book is dedicated to all of the people in my life who jump excitedly on board every time I say, “I have an idea … ,” encouraging me to buy the URL and create the social media accounts, understanding my twisted sense of humor, and supporting my optimistic and creative outlook on life.

Author's Acknowledgments

Thank you first and foremost to John Wiley & Sons for giving me this opportunity and making me part of the For Dummies family. It is an absolute pleasure and a highlight of my blogging adventure. Special thanks to Ellen Gerstein, who changed my life with the best Twitter direct message ever, as well as to Amy Fandrei, the first Wiley team member to give this very grateful blogger a chance at book writing. Thank you as well to my acquisitions editor, Ashley Coffey, my project editor, Tim Gallan, and the entire For Dummies team.

I am grateful, always, for the love and support of my husband, Jason, and our children, Emma and Noah. I am also thankful for Winnie the Wonder Pup, Mr. Lumperson, and Soozle Doodle, the best home office pets a girl could hope for. Mom and Dad, thank you for not rolling your eyes too often when I told you I was becoming a blogger and for getting me through many crazy deadlines over the past eleven years. Thank you to Al Gore for inventing the Internet and Rich Crandall for introducing me to it. Thank you to my Celebrate Recovery family for your encouragement and support. It is far easier to enjoy this writer’s life without hurts, habits, and hang-ups weighing me down. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” —Proverbs 27:17

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Acquisitions Editor: Ashley Coffey

Project Editor: Tim Gallan

Technical Reviewer: Thomas Egan

Proofreader: Debbye Butler

Production Editor: Mohammed Zafar Ali

Cover Image: © petekarici/Getty Images

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