Chapter 13

Starting a Podcast


Bullet Figuring out whether you want to create podcasts

Bullet Evaluating the equipment and tools needed for podcasting

Bullet Finding fun audio files to include in your podcast

Bullet Getting your podcast onto the web and promoting it

By adding podcasts — audio files that you publish on the Internet for people to download and listen to or view — to your blog, you reach a wider audience and reach your audience in different locations: People might listen to you while they drive or commute, catch up on your latest episode while out for a run, or make what you have to say the backdrop for daily activities like cooking dinner or getting ready for work!

The production process for a podcast is (in theory) simple: You go out into the world, record some audio, edit it on your computer, and then upload the files onto the Internet. You then share the information about your latest podcast episode with your blog readers; your readers then download the files; and they can still leave comments and interact with your blog in the usual way.

Intrigued? Podcasts are attracting a whole new audience to the blogosphere. With the creation of improved software and mobile devices that can consume these kinds of media, you might want to seriously consider adding podcasting to your blog or even making a podcast your blog’s focus.

Tip If you want to become the coolest podcaster in your neck of the woods, check out Podcasting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, by Tee Morris, Chuck Tomasi, Evo Terra, and Kreg Steppe (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.).

Deciding to Podcast

Podcasts come in all flavors. You can find personal podcasts, technical podcasts, sports reports, music samples, recorded social gatherings, previously recorded radio broadcasts, book reviews, and audio books. If you can think of a topic, you can probably find a podcast for it.

I Simply Am ( is a blog about one man's journey to live life as his authentic self as well as a source of tips and tools for others hoping to do the same. The I Simply Am podcast page ( is shown in Figure 13-1. Following in this thread is the I Think I’m Gonna Lose It podcast ( by writer Dana Tofig, who takes listeners along on his very relatable weight-loss journey. Podcasts are the perfect platform for anyone wanting to share his or her personal story with either current or future blog readers.

Screenshot of homepage of Josh Becker blog, podcast page that provides readers with an additional way to receive content.


FIGURE 13-1: The I Simply Am podcast page provides readers with an additional way to receive content.

Blogs and podcasts can look very similar; the main difference is that a podcast entry contains an audio file that the consumer can download and listen to either directly on a blog or on platforms and apps such as Apple Podcasts ( or Spotify ( See the section “Delivering your podcasts,” later in this chapter, for more information about your options.

Many bloggers who want to podcast don't because of the perceived learning curve to build and maintain a podcast. As wonderful as podcasts can be, writing, recording, uploading, hosting, and promoting one requires a higher level of technical proficiency than written blog posts do. However, you may find figuring out how to work podcasts worth it if you think they can help grow your audience, enhance your blog content, or improve and expand your blogging skills. In the following sections, you can take a closer look at the advantages of podcasting and figure out how to choose between audio and video podcasts.

Podcasting can help you reach a different audience than you might with a traditional blog post. Many people like to read and enjoy taking in a well-written blog post. However, some blog readers enjoy listening to what you have to say as an audio recording. Also, some of the things that you want to talk about on your blog might work better as an audio recording than a text post, such as interviews, soundscapes, or special events.

Tip Think about when and where people might play your podcast, and use that knowledge to help focus your entries.

Planning Your Podcast

To create a podcast, you first need the desire to make it the best experience for the listeners that you can. If you aren't having fun, it shows in the final result. Remember, even if you find your very first podcast a little frustrating, it gets easier.

Here are a few key ingredients that you need for a good podcast:

  • Planning what you'll say: You can make a single podcast about anything, so have a clearly defined topic before you start. Some podcasters write a script for every podcast they record. Although you may find that a script is overkill for you, jotting down a few notes or creating an outline to follow can help you streamline the creation process. You can find a list to help you brainstorm topics and the flow of your podcast later in this section.
  • Finding your voice: You need to establish the tone of the piece before you go forward. How will the format of your overall podcast determine how you shoot or record it? Do you want to use some kind of traditional show format, or do you want to improvise the entire program each time? Taking these kinds of questions into account when you're planning your first podcast can help you make your program a success.
  • Timing: Technically speaking, you can use as much or as little time as you want in your podcast. You may find, however, that you get a better end product when you give yourself limits, rather than chattering on about your favorite color or a funny thing your cat did when you really should be getting to the point of your recording session. Think about how much time you can reasonably expect your audience to give you, and target that length for your podcasts. In general, podcasts range from a few minutes to an hour. Also, make sure that you have enough time to record the entire podcast in the same location so that you don't have awkward changes in the background noise, which can distract your listener or viewer.
  • Recording conditions: When you want to record anything, you need to take into account environmental considerations before you hit the Record button. Is the environment you're in quiet enough? Background noise from fans or computers may annoy the listeners! Try to eliminate distractions, such as phones ringing or people walking by. And if you can, do some test recording that you can listen to so that you know what the quality of the final product will be before you record your entire podcast.

Remember Blogging in writing is relatively easy in comparison to recording a podcast, and you can also more easily hide your inexperience in a text blog because you can rewrite and edit before posting. Although you can edit audio, removing stuttered speech is harder than revising text in a blog post. The good news is that practice can help eliminate awkward moments.

Tip If you get stuck thinking about a podcast topic or format, ask your readers for suggestions. Even if only five or ten readers respond, you can get some good ideas and direction.

Here's a short list of podcast ideas that have been successful for other podcasters. Use this list to spark your creativity to find other topics that interest you:

  • One-on-one interviews: Fascinating people in your neighborhood are just waiting to get on your podcast — especially people involved in a cause, an organization, or a business. Discover more about your family's background or the adventures of your friends. See who in your acquaintance might fit the theme and direction of your podcast.
  • Show your expertise: Show off what you know and share your knowledge with others — maybe even show your audience how to do something.
  • Soundscapes: You can find fascinating sounds all around you that you can document. Record yourself walking through a forest or park. Make some observations about your surroundings, describe each sound, and explain why it's important to you. Remember, what's ordinary for you (waves at the beach, a passing train, construction noise, or a barn owl) might fascinate someone living on the other side of the country or the world.
  • Events: A performance at your local coffeehouse, a city hall meeting, or a surprise party all might make for an interesting podcast. Make sure to get permission before recording or publishing a podcast of an event.
  • Discussions: General discussions in social settings can reveal some great conversations. Take your recorder along to your next BBQ or evening social, and direct the conversation along a theme or idea.

If you take the time to plan what you want to share with your subscribers, you can make your podcast happen. With a recording device, a plan, and maybe even someone else to talk to, you can have a complete podcast episode in no time.

Assessing the Tools

Making your podcast requires a bit more than your fingers and a computer keyboard. Podcasts require recording equipment for audio. Here's what you're looking at:

  • Computer, tablet, or high quality smartphone: In the early days of podcasting, you needed a computer of some kind. Now podcasters are also able to record, edit, and distribute their content via a tablet or even a smartphone as long as they have a good mic and a capable recording application. Be sure that the device you select is able to handle editing audio files, which can be fairly large.
  • Microphone: Microphones these days are built into almost every laptop, and you can easily buy external microphones. Consider purchasing a good microphone from a professional audio store because the microphones that you get from the average computer store or on the typical laptop are poor quality. Ask a podcaster or the staff of a good audio store for advice about the best microphone for the kind of recording situation that you expect to be in. Expect to spend at least $40 for your microphone: It isn't the item to economize on.
  • Collaboration tools: Many successful podcasts involve more than one podcaster or, at the very least, the occasional special guest. Online tools aimed at making collaborating a breeze are a podcasting team’s dream. Check out WriterDuet ( for script writing and Doodle ( for scheduling. Want to record video with multiple people in multiple places? Check out Skype (, another incredibly useful and free tool, or Google Voice (, a simple and straightforward way to record conversations.
  • Sound-recording and sound-editing software: Unless you're the sort of person who never deviates from a script or says “um,” you need software to edit your audio. Solutions range from free to the price of a small automobile. Let your budget be your guide. You may want to start small and upgrade when you know more about podcasting and your own needs. A good starting point for audio software is the free program Audacity ( Audacity (shown in Figure 13-2) is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux/Unix. It's the program of choice for many podcasters, largely because it's free and open source. Audacity is a multi-track recording program, which means you can have two pieces of audio, such as a voice and a piece of music, and you can mix the two at different volumes or even fade from one to the other. A high-end solution is Sony's Sound Forge ( You may also want to check out Adobe Audition ( or even the GarageBand app available at Apple iTunes (
Screenshot of audacity which is a popular audio-editing software program.


FIGURE 13-2: Audacity is a popular audio-editing software program.

Dressing Up Your Podcast with Music and Sound Effects

Nothing spices up a podcast like a little intro or background music. But podcasts — even if they're produced and released at no cost to the listener — aren't exempt from copyright restrictions. You need to find music or images that are in the public domain or licensed for republication.

Warning Let me be clear: Even if you use only a little bit of a copyrighted song or give the performer credit, you're still violating copyright if you don't have a license or other permission to use the music. The same goes for using copyrighted images and video clips in videocasts.

But plenty of this material is available for you to use. The term podsafe has appeared to describe music, sounds, and other clips that are available for free, unlimited use in podcasting, but no specific license exists to identify that a clip is podsafe. Read the terms and conditions before you integrate sound or audio into your productions.

Creative Commons Search

Creative Commons is an organization that has evolved a set of licenses that you can use on your own content to permit or disallow use by others. If a publisher applies a Creative Commons license that allows republication, you can search for and find that content in the Creative Commons search area, specifically requesting content that you can use for commercial purposes or modify (see Figure 13-3).

Screenshot of Creative Commons search area, specifically requesting content that you can use for commercial purposes or modify.


FIGURE 13-3: Search Creative Commons for licensed content to use in your podcast.

Some of the types of licenses are

  • Commercial Use: Permits use of the content for business and revenue-generating purposes.
  • Noncommercial Use: You may use this media only for noncommercial podcasts.
  • Attribution: You can use the work only when you give credit to the creator.
  • Derivatives Allowed: You can cut, chop, and excerpt this media to create new works.
  • No Derivatives Allowed: You must leave the media intact and unchanged.


Magnatune is a record label that helps artists promote and share their music, and make money doing it. The label and artists sell their albums on CD and via download, and they split the money evenly. The music on Magnatune (shown in Figure 13-4) is available for download and purchase, as well as to noncommercial podcasters. To help promote artists, podcasters are granted a waiver to use Magnatune music without paying a royalty fee.

Screenshot of Magnatune homepage which is one of the only record labels that specifically allow noncommercial podcasters to use music for free.


FIGURE 13-4: Magnatune is one of the only record labels that specifically allow noncommercial podcasters to use music for free.


This online database is the result of a collaborative effort, bringing Creative Commons–licensed sound effects to the Internet for use in podcasts.

Free Music Archive

The Free Music Archive is another online database that allows podcasters to search for music to use in their recordings. It is free to access and use the database, but be sure to check out artist bios and information regarding the use of their art.

Publishing Your Podcast

You can put your podcast into the blogosphere fairly simply: Write a blog post about your podcast, upload your podcast media file, and then publish it by using your blog software.

But before you do that, you have a couple of tasks: You need to add metadata to and choose a file format for your podcast.

Assigning metadata

Metadata, simply put, is data about data. In the case of podcasts, metadata is data that describes your video or audio podcast. When you publish a podcast, whether audio or video, you need to provide descriptive metadata that podcast systems such as Apple Podcasts and the RSS feed can read. After all, the computer can't listen to or watch your podcast and figure out what it contains!

Common metadata types include

  • Title
  • Author name
  • Publication information
  • Topics covered
  • Type of file
  • Descriptions
  • Keywords

Your editing software asks you to enter metadata when you create your audio files, and software such as iTunes, which is designed to support podcasts, also offers you a chance to provide metadata.

Choosing a format

Creating audio for general release means that you need to choose a file format that your audience can consume.

Most audio bloggers release audio files in the MP3 format. MP3 files are easy to create and play on a variety of devices. Most computer users are familiar with the format, and both browsers and preinstalled audio players have good built-in support for MP3s.

Other options are available, such as OOG, an open format, and AAC, a format popular on Apple computers. Windows users can play AAC files, too, if they install QuickTime. The Apple iPod can't play OOG files, which is a significant issue for most audiences. AAC has some nice features, such as audio bookmarks.

Storing your podcasts

When you have a podcast ready for primetime, you need to figure out where to host it online. Posting your podcast poses two problems:

  • Storage: You need a place to put the actual file. Audio and video files are larger than text files, so you may run into an issue with disk space when you store them.
  • Bandwidth (the amount of data your audiences downloads): You have to account for the additional bandwidth required for your audience to download those files. It takes more bandwidth to deliver audio or video to your audience than it does text or images.

You have two options for getting the storage and bandwidth you need: your web-hosting server (the one that hosts your blog) or a free storage website.

Putting your files on your own web-hosting server

Check with your web host to find out how much disk space you have available and what it costs to increase your allotment. Be aware that if you keep podcasting, you'll eventually run out of disk space, even if you start off with quite a bit. If you're a video podcaster, you want a hosting package that has several gigabytes of storage space. If you stick with only audio, you need a few gigabytes to start. When your podcasts grow in number, you'll require more and more space, so keep that in mind. I talk about choosing a web host in Chapter 3.

You also need to consider bandwidth when you choose your hosting service. Most web-hosting packages offer a standard amount of bandwidth, and you're charged if you and your audience use more than that. Most web hosts have pretty reasonable fees, unless your podcast becomes the hottest thing on the web and your traffic becomes astronomical.

To give you a better idea about how file sizes can affect your web-hosting costs, I show you some reasonable working numbers. You can compare these to your hosting package bandwidth:

  • 1MB (megabyte) audio file: If you have 100 subscribers and you post one audio file a week, your estimated bandwidth for that file is about 100MB.
  • 10MB (megabyte) video file: If you have 100 subscribers and you post one video file a week, your estimated bandwidth for that file is 1000MB or 1GB.

From these numbers, you can see how your bandwidth needs may skyrocket. Thinking about these almost hidden costs is important because you can get stuck with a hosting bill you weren't expecting.

Tip Bandwidth can be a confusing concept, especially when dealing with a podcast. Websites like Podtopia ( have tools that let you generate estimates on how much it can cost you to host your own files.

Remember Most hosting packages come with a finite amount of disk space and bandwidth. You most likely can post only a certain number of podcasts before your hosting package runs out of space. Unless you have the dollars to spend, you probably need to find an alternative for storing your files.

Using a storage and sharing host

Luckily for podcasters, a great service called ( is the home of the Internet Archive, a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 to build an Internet library in which researchers, historians, and the general public can store and access text, audio, moving images, software, and a vast collection of archived web pages.

Tip You can upload your podcasts to the Internet Archive for free, as long as you comply with its guidelines and describe your content. The system also provides and converts your video or audio format into other formats for increased accessibility.

Consider the following podcast hosting options, all with paid options depending on your needs:

Delivering your podcasts

After you have created your podcast file and uploaded it to your hosting service, you need to submit your podcast to a platform such as Apple Podcasts or upload the file to your blog. You’ll then be able to share your podcast via RSS feed. You can read more about RSS in Chapter 16.

Suffice it to say that you need an RSS feed so that your viewers and listeners can subscribe to it themselves, but also so that you can promote your podcast by using some of the handy podcast promotional directories and software out there. (See the following section for the promotion details.)

If you already subscribe to a number of blogs, you know that a syndicated blog feed contains information such as the title of the post, the main content, and maybe some author information. A podcast feed, in addition to the typical entry information, contains a link to a media file. If a consumer subscribes to a podcast feed by using an RSS reader, most modern readers automatically download the files so that the user can listen or watch at his or her convenience.

Promoting Your Podcast

Publishing your podcast on your website can help you promote it, but you can get the word out in more effective ways. If you already have a good promotional system built into your site and a decent-sized audience, you can get users to subscribe to your podcast without too much additional marketing. If you need a little more promotion, however, you also can use a number of other strategies.

Adding your podcast to FeedBurner

FeedBurner ( provides custom tracking and customization of podcast feeds. If you submit your podcast to FeedBurner's service, you can implement good promotion tools to help your podcast get more play.

Now a Google company, FeedBurner has a lot to offer bloggers and podcasters. You can use FeedBurner to do the following:

  • Add metadata to your files.
  • Make your feeds compatible with every RSS reader available.
  • Add your podcast to the major podcast directories, making sure that people can find your podcast.
  • Track the number of subscribers to your feed.
  • Keep track of which podcasts visitors actually download.

By using FeedBurner, you can actually keep track of how many subscribers your feed has and how they're using your podcast, which is useful information if you plan to pursue funding or sponsorship. After you have set up a podcast with FeedBurner, log in and select it to view traffic information in the Analyze section of the site.

Adding your podcast to iTunes

Because of the overwhelming popularity of Apple's iTunes software as the main podcast host, you absolutely must submit your podcast to its service.

Before you submit your podcast to iTunes, you need to do the following:

  • Sign up for an Apple ID. Each submission is associated with a user account. If you have iTunes installed on your computer and have purchased songs or other media from the iTunes store, you already have an Apple ID. To get an ID, download iTunes, which you find at; after you install the software, select the iTunes Store option on the left of the main screen to begin setting up your ID.
  • Set up an RSS feed. If you're using blog software, you likely already have a feed. Check your documentation for more information, and jump to Chapter 16 for more about RSS feeds.
  • Have a few entries in your feed and make sure that the feed is working. You can test your feed by making sure that your own feed reader can subscribe to your feed. If you see your posts in your reader, the feed should be working fine.

    Tip If you have a FeedBurner feed set up, you've already taken care of some of the optimization to make your feed work well in iTunes. Be sure to use the FeedBurner feed address when you sign up in iTunes.

Before iTunes adds podcasts to the Store, Apple iTunes staff reviews podcast submissions. The staff can refuse podcasts for even very small reasons. You may have problems getting a podcast added if you've been turned down before.

If you have the iTunes software installed on your computer, you can submit your podcast by using the iTunes interface. In order to get your podcast into the iTunes Store, follow these steps:

  1. Start your iTunes software.
  2. Click the iTunes Store navigation item in the left column (its location depends on the version of iTunes that you have, though).

    The iTunes Store interface opens.

  3. Select the Podcasts link from the iTunes Store menu on the top of the screen.

    The Podcasts page appears.

  4. Click the Submit a Podcast menu item located in the top-right of the page.

    iTunes loads the Submit Podcasts page.

  5. Enter the RSS feed of your podcast in the Podcast Feed URL field and click the Continue button.

    If you're not logged in to the iTunes Store, you're prompted to log in at this point.

    iTunes submits your feed for review by Apple staff.

After you submit your podcast, it might take several days or even weeks until your feed shows up in the iTunes library of podcasts. If your podcast is rejected for any reason, you'll receive an email from Apple. (Unfortunately, it doesn't provide reasons for rejections.)

Getting listed in podcast directories

Podcast directories help would-be listeners and viewers find known podcasts. Getting listed in these directories is an easy way to let people know about your podcast. Most directories are organized by topic, and many of them offer subscription features that allow people to quickly sign up for your podcast. Listing your podcast in these directories can most certainly provide you with new traffic to your blog and podcast.

Consider the following options beyond Apple Podcasts:

Need more ideas? Check out the extensive list of podcasting resources at ProPodder (

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