Chapter 3

As explained in Chapter 2, the information bits that were mapped onto the codewords need to be correctly recovered at the receiver. This is the very essence of data transmission, where the role of the receiver is to “decode” the information bits contained in the received signals.

This chapter studies different decoding strategies and is organized as follows. The optimal maximum a posteriori (MAP) and maximum likelihood (ML) decoding strategies are introduced in Section 3.1 where we also introduce the L-values which become a key element used throughout this book. The bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) decoder is defined in Section 3.2. In Section 3.3, some important properties of L-values are discussed and we conclude with a discussion about hard-decision decoding in Section 3.4.

3.1 Optimal Decoding

In this section, we review well-known decoding rules. They will be compared in Section 3.2 to the BICM decoding rule, which will be based on the L-values which we will define shortly.

The logarithm is used in (3.2) to remove an exponential function which will ultimately appear in the expressions when a Gaussian channel is considered. As the logarithm is a monotonically increasing function, it does not change the maximization result in (3.1).

From Bayes' rule we obtain

where the factorization into the product of c03-math-0005 conditional channel transition probabilities is possible thanks to the assumption of transmission over a memoryless channel. Using the fact that c03-math-0006 in (3.3) does not depend on c03-math-0007, we can express (3.2) as

3.4 equation

Throughout this book, the information bits are assumed to be independent and uniformly distributed (i.u.d.). This, together with the one-to-one mapping performed by the coded modulation (CM) encoder (see Section 2.2 for more details), means that the codewords c03-math-0009 are equiprobable. This leads to the definition of the ML decoding rule.

As the mapping between code bits and symbols is bijective and memoryless (at a symbol level), we can write the ML rule in (3.6) at a bit level as

For the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with conditional channel transition probabilities given in (2.31), the optimal decoding rule in (3.7) can be expressed as

where c03-math-0014.

As the optimal operation of the decoder relies on exhaustive enumeration of the codewords via operators c03-math-0015 or c03-math-0016, the expressions we have shown are entirely general, and do not depend on the structure of the encoder. Moreover, we can express the ML decoding rule in the domain of the codewords generated by the binary encoder, i.e.,

3.9 equation

where c03-math-0018 is defined in Section 2.3.3.

The decoding solution in (3.19) is indeed appealing: if the decoder is fed with the deinterleaved metrics c03-math-0053, it remains unaware of the form of the mapper c03-math-0054, the channel model, noise distribution, demapper, and so on. In other words, the metrics c03-math-0055 act as an “interface” between the channel outcomes c03-math-0056 and the decoder. We call these metrics L-values and they are a core element in BICM decoding and bit-level information exchange. The underlying assumption for optimality of the processing based on the L-values is that the observations associated with each transmitted bit are independent (allowing us to pass from (3.11) to (3.12)). Of course, this assumption does not hold in general, nevertheless, the possibility of bit-level operation, and binary decoding in particular, may outweigh the eventual suboptimality of the resulting processing.

We note that most of the encoders/decoders used in practice are designed and analyzed using the simple transmission model of Example 3.3. In this way, the design of the encoder/decoder is done in abstraction of the observation c03-math-0057, which allows the designer to use well-studied and well-understood off-the-shelf binary encoders/decoders. The price to pay for the resulting design simplicity is that, when the underlying assumptions of the channel are not correct, the design is suboptimal. The optimization of the encoders taking into account the underlying channel for various transmission parameters are at the heart of Chapter 8.

3.2 BICM Decoder

As we have seen in Example 3.3, the decoding may be carried out optimally using L-values. This is the motivation for the following definition of the BICM decoder.

Using (3.17), the BICM decoding rule in (3.20) can be expressed as

which, compared to the optimal ML rule in (3.7), allows us to conclude that the BICM decoder uses the following approximation:

As (3.24) shows, the decoding metric in BICM is, in general, not proportional to c03-math-0064, and thus, the BICM decoder can be seen as a mismatched version of the ML decoder in (3.7). Furthermore, (3.24) shows that the BICM decoder assumes that c03-math-0065 is not affected by the bits c03-math-0066. The approximation becomes the identity if the bits c03-math-0067 are independently mapped into each of the dimensions of the constellation c03-math-0068 as c03-math-0069, i.e., we require c03-math-0070, cf. Example 3.3.

The principal motivation for using the BICM decoder in Definition 3.4 is due to the bit-level operation (i.e., the binary decoding). While, as we said, this decoding rule is ML-optimal only in particular cases, cf. Example 3.3, the possibility of using any binary decoder most often outweighs the eventual decoding mismatch/suboptimality.

We note also that we might have defined the BICM decoder via likelihoods as in (3.23); however, defining it in terms of L-values as in (3.20) does not entail any loss and is simpler to implement because (i) we avoid dealing with very small numbers appearing when likelihoods are multiplied and (ii) we move the formulation to the logarithmic domain, so that the decoder uses additions instead of multiplications, which are simpler to implement.

As we will see, the expression in (3.20) is essential to analyze the performance of the BICM decoder. It will be used in Chapter 6 to study its error probability and in Chapter 7 to study the correction of suboptimal L-values. We will also use it in Chapter 8 to study unequal error protection (UEP).

3.3 L-values

In BICM, the L-values are calculated at the receiver and are used to convey information about the a posteriori probability of the transmitted bits. These signals are then used by the BICM decoder as we explain in Section 3.2.

The logarithmic likelihood ratio (LLR) or L-value for the c03-math-0082th bit in the c03-math-0083th transmitted symbol is given by

where the a posteriori and a priori L-values are, respectively, defined as

3.31 equation

We note that unlike c03-math-0088 and c03-math-0089, c03-math-0090 in (3.32) does not include a time index c03-math-0091. This is justified by the model imposed on the bits c03-math-0092, namely, that c03-math-0093 are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables (but possibly distributed differently across the bit positions), and thus, c03-math-0094. We mention that there are, nevertheless, cases when a priori information may vary with c03-math-0095. This occurs in bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative demapping (BICM-ID), where the L-value calculated by the demapper may use a priori L-values obtained from the decoder. In those cases, we will use c03-math-0096.

It is well accepted to use the name LLR to refer to c03-math-0097, c03-math-0098 and c03-math-0099. However, strictly speaking, only c03-math-0100 should be called an LLR. The other two quantities (c03-math-0101 and c03-math-0102) are a logarithmic ratio of a posteriori probabilities and a logarithmic ratio of a priori probabilities, respectively, and not likelihood ratios. That is why using the name “L-value” to denote c03-math-0103, c03-math-0104 and c03-math-0105 is convenient and avoids confusion. Furthermore, the L-value in (3.30) is sometimes called an extrinsic L-value to emphasize that it is calculated from the channel outcome without information about the a priori distribution of the bit the L-value is being calculated for.

To alleviate the notation, from now on we remove the time index c03-math-0106, i.e., the dependence of the L-values on c03-math-0107 will remain implicit unless explicitly mentioned. Using (3.29) and the fact that c03-math-0108, we obtain the following relation between the a posteriori probabilities of c03-math-0109 and its L-value c03-math-0110

3.34 equation

An analogous relationship links the a priori L-value c03-math-0113 and the a priori probabilities, i.e.,

3.36 equation

Combining (3.33) (3.35), and (3.30) we obtain

3.37 equation
3.38 equation

The constants c03-math-0118, and c03-math-0119 in the above equations are independent of c03-math-0120. Therefore, moving operations to the logarithmic domain highlights the relationship between the L-values and corresponding probabilities and/or the likelihood; this relationship, up to a proportionality factor, is in the same form for a priori, a posteriori, and extrinsic L-values.

We note that the L-values in (3.29) may alternatively be defined as

which could have some advantages in practical implementations. For example, in a popular complement-to-two binary format, the most significant bit (MSB) carries the sign, i.e., when an MSB is equal to zero (c03-math-0124), it means that a number is positive, and when an MSB is equal to one (c03-math-0125), it means that the number is negative. Then, if (3.39) is used, the transmitted bit obtained via hard decisions can be recovered directly from the MSB. This, of course, has no impact on any theoretical consideration, and thus, we will always use the definition (3.29).


Figure 3.1 A posteriori probabilities c03-math-0121 as a function of the L-value c03-math-0122. The thick-line portion of the plot corresponds to the function (3.45)

Assuming that the bits c03-math-0141 are independent2 (see (2.72)), the L-values in (3.29) for the AWGN channel with conditional probability density function (PDF) given by (2.31) can be calculated as

where c03-math-0145 is the c03-math-0146th bit of the labeling of the symbol c03-math-0147 and c03-math-0148 is the a priori information given by (3.32). To pass from (3.47) to (3.48), we used (2.74), and to pass from (3.48) to (3.49), we used (3.33) and the fact that the denominator of (3.33) does not depend on c03-math-0149.

The expression (3.49) shows us how the extrinsic L-values are calculated for the c03-math-0150th bit in the symbol, from both the received symbol c03-math-0151 and the available a priori information c03-math-0152 for c03-math-0153. When the code bits c03-math-0154 are nonuniformly distributed, the a priori L-values are obtained from the a priori distributions of the bits. Alternatively, c03-math-0155 could be obtained from the decoder, which is shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 2.7. When this feedback loop is present, the BICM system is referred to as BICM-ID. In BICM-ID, the decoding is performed in an iterative fashion by exchanging L-values between the decoder and the demapper.

When the feedback loop is not present in Fig. 2.7, the system is called a noniterative BICM, or simply BICM. In this case, the demapper computes the L-values, which are passed to the deinterleaver and then to the decoder, which produces an estimate of the information sequence c03-math-0156. When the bits are uniformly distributed, the extrinsic L-values are calculated as

This expression shows how the demapper c03-math-0158 computes the L-values, which depends on the received signal c03-math-0159, the constellation and its binary labeling, and the SNR.

Having clarified the importance of the L-values for the decoding, we will now have a closer look at their properties and models. A detailed probabilistic modeling of the L-values is covered in Chapter 5.

3.3.1 PDF of L-values for Binary Modulation

The L-value c03-math-0160 in (3.50) is a function of the received symbol c03-math-0161. For a given transmitted symbol c03-math-0162, the received symbol c03-math-0163 is a random variable c03-math-0164, and thus, the L-value is also a random variable c03-math-0165. In this section, we show how to compute the PDF of the L-values for an arbitrary binary modulation. These developments are an introduction to more general results we present in Chapter 5.

For notation simplicity, we use c03-math-0166 to denote the functional relationship between the L-value c03-math-0167 and the (random) received symbol c03-math-0168, i.e., c03-math-0169. Even though binary modulation may be analyzed in one dimension, we continue to use a vectorial notation to be consistent with the notation used in Chapter 5, where we develop PDFs of 2D constellations.

We consider binary modulation over the AWGN channel (i.e., c03-math-0170 and c03-math-0171) where the constellation c03-math-0172 consists of two elements, and where the labeling is c03-math-0173, i.e., c03-math-0174 and c03-math-0175. In this case, (3.50) becomes

3.51 equation

By introducing3

where c03-math-0181 is given by (2.39), we obtain from (3.53)

Given a transmitted symbol c03-math-0183, c03-math-0184, and thus, (3.56) can be expressed as

3.57 equation
3.58 equation
3.59 equation

As for binary modulation we have c03-math-0189, we can express (3.60) conditioned on the transmitted bit c03-math-0190 as

3.61 equation

To calculate the PDF of the L-value c03-math-0193 conditioned on the transmitted bit, we recognize (3.62) as a linear transformation of the Gaussian vector c03-math-0194, where c03-math-0195 are i.i.d. c03-math-0196. So we conclude that c03-math-0197 is a Gaussian random variable, c03-math-0198.


The results in (3.63) and (3.64) show that transmitting any c03-math-0201-dimensional binary modulation over the AWGN channel yields L-values whose PDF is Gaussian, with the parameters fully determined by the squared Euclidean distance (SED) between the two constellation points. The following example shows the results for the case c03-math-0202, i.e., 2PAM (binary phase shift keying (BPSK)).


Figure 3.2 The L-values for binary modulation are known to be Gaussian distributed as they are a linear transformation of a Gaussian random variable

The result in (3.63) shows that the PDF of the L-values for binary modulation is Gaussian and this form of the PDF is often used for modeling of the L-values in different contexts. In reality, the PDF is not Gaussian in the case of multilevel modulations, as we will show in Chapter 5.

3.3.2 Fundamental Properties of the L-values

In what follows, we discuss two fundamental properties of the PDF of the L-values which will become useful in the following chapters.

As we will see later, consistency is an inherent property of the L-values if they are calculated via (3.29).

We note that the practical implementation of equation (3.70) is, in general, rather tedious, as will be shown in Section 5.1.2. Another important observation is that the proof relies on the relationship c03-math-0236 obtained from (3.29), and thus, it does not hold for max-log (or any other kind of approximated) L-values.

The consistency condition is an inherent property of the PDF of an L-value, but there is another property important for the analysis: the symmetry.

Clearly, a necessary condition for a PDF to satisfy the symmetry condition is that its support is symmetric with respect to zero.

The symmetry condition in Definition 3.11 can be seen as a “natural” extension of the symmetry of the 2PAM case in Example 3.12. As we will see, this condition is not always satisfied; however, it it is convenient to enforce it as then, the analysis of the BICM receiver is simplified. To this end, we assume that before being passed to the mapper, the bits c03-math-0251 are scrambled, as shown in Fig. 3.3, i.e., the bits at the input of the mapper are a result of a binary exclusive OR (XOR) operation

with bits c03-math-0253 generated in a pseudorandom manner. We model these scrambled bits as i.i.d. random variables c03-math-0254 with c03-math-0255.


Figure 3.3 The sequence of pseudorandom bits c03-math-0256 is known by the scrambler c03-math-0257 and the descrambler c03-math-0258. The dashed-dotted boxes indicate that these two processing units may be considered as a part of the mapper and demapper

We assume that both the transmitter and the receiver know the scrambling sequence c03-math-0259, as schematically shown in Fig. 3.3. Thus, the “scrambling” and the “descrambling” may be considered, respectively, as part of the mapper and the demapper, and consequently, are not shown in the BICM block diagrams. In fact, the scrambling we described is often included in practical communication systems.

The L-values at the output of the descrambler can be expressed as

3.78 equation
3.79 equation
3.80 equation

which gives

where c03-math-0264 is the L-value obtained for the bits c03-math-0265. From (3.81), we see that the operation of the descrambler simply corresponds to changing the sign of the L-value c03-math-0266 according to the scrambling sequence.

Thus, thanks to the scrambler, the PDF of the L-values c03-math-0276 in Fig. 3.3 are symmetric regardless of the form of the PDF c03-math-0277. In analogy to the above development, we conclude that the joint symmetry condition (3.75) is also satisfied if the scrambler is used.

The symmetry-consistency condition (also referred to as the exponential symmetric condition) in Definition 3.14 will be used in Chapters 6 and 7. Clearly, the PDF of the L-values for 2PAM fulfills this condition.

3.3.3 Approximations

The computation of c03-math-0294 in (3.50) involves computing (c03-math-0295 times) the function c03-math-0296. To deal with the exponential increase of the complexity as c03-math-0297 grows, approximations are often used. One of the most common approaches stems from the factorization of the logarithm of a sum of exponentials via the so-called Jacobian logarithm, i.e.,

3.92 equation



The function c03-math-0301 in (3.94) is shown in Fig. 3.4.


Figure 3.4 The function c03-math-0302 in (3.94) and the two approximations in Example 3.16

The “max-star” operation in (3.93) can be applied recursively to more than two arguments, i.e.,

The advantage of using (3.95) is that the function c03-math-0304 in (3.94) fulfills c03-math-0305, and thus, can be efficiently implemented via a lookup table or via an analytical approximation based on piecewise linear functions. This is interesting from an implementation point of view because the function c03-math-0306 does not have to be explicitly evoked.

Example 3.16 shows two simple ways of approximating c03-math-0322 in (3.93), and in general, other simplifications can be devised. Arguably, the simplest approximation is obtained ignoring c03-math-0323, i.e., setting c03-math-0324 which used in (3.95) yields the popular max-log approximation

By using (3.98) in (3.50), we obtain the following approximation for the L-values

which are usually called max-log L-values.

Although the max-log L-values in (3.99) are suboptimal, they are frequently used in practice. One reason for their popularity is that some arithmetic operations are removed, and thus, the complexity of the L-values calculation is reduced. This is relevant from an implementation point of view and it explains why the max-log approach was recommended by the third-generation partnership project (3GPP) working groups. Most of the analysis and design of BICM transceivers in this book will be based onmax-log L-values, which we will simply call L-values, despite their suboptimal calculation.

It is worthwhile mentioning that the max-log approximation given by (3.98) as well as the max-star approximation in (3.93) can also be used in the decoding algorithms of turbo codes (TCs), i.e., in the soft-input soft-output blocks described in Section 2.6.3. When MAP decoding is implemented in the logarithmic domain (Log-MAP) using the Bahl–Cocke–Jelinek–Raviv (BCJR) algorithm, computations involving logarithms of sum of terms appear. Consequently, the max-star and max-log approximations can be used to reduce the decoding complexity, which yields the Max-Log-MAP algorithm. Different approaches for simplified metric calculation have been investigated in the literature, for both the decoding algorithm and the metric calculation in the demapper. Some of the issues related to optimizing the simplified metrics' calculation in the demapper will be addressed in Chapter 7.

Another interesting feature of the max-log approximation will become apparent on the basis of the discussion in Section 3.2. As we showed in (3.20), the decisions made by a BICM decoder are based on calculating linear combinations of the L-values. Then, a linear scaling of all the L-values by a common factor is irrelevant to the decoding decision, so we may remove the factor c03-math-0327 in (3.99) without affecting the decoding results. Consequently, the receiver does not need to estimate the noise variance c03-math-0328. The family of decoders that are insensitive to a linear scaling of their inputs includes, e.g., the Viterbi algorithm and the Max-Log-MAP turbo decoder. However, the c03-math-0329 factor should still be considered if the decoder processes the L-values in a nonlinear manner, e.g., when the true MAP decoding algorithm is used.

While the reasons above are more of a practical nature, there are other more theoretical reasons for considering the max-log approximation. The first one is that max-log L-values are asymptotically tight, i.e., when one of the SEDs c03-math-0330 is (on average) very small compared to the others (i.e., when c03-math-0331), there is no loss in only considering the dominant exponential function. Another reason favoring the max-log approximation is that, although suboptimal, it has negligible impact on the receiver's performance when Gray-labeled constellations are used.

Finally, the max-log approximation transforms the nonlinear relation between c03-math-0332 and c03-math-0333 in (3.50) into a piecewise linear relation and this enables the analytical description of the L-values we show in Chapter 5.

3.4 Hard-Decision Decoding

The decoding we have analyzed up to now is based on the channel observations c03-math-0334 or the L-values c03-math-0335. This is also referred to as “soft decisions” to emphasize the fact that the reliability of the MAP estimate of the transmitted bits may be deduced from their amplitude (see Example 3.6).

By ignoring the reliability, we may still detect the transmitted symbols/bits before decoding. This is mostly considered for historical reasons, but still may be motivated by the simplicity of the resulting processing. The idea is to transform the hard decisions on c03-math-0336 or c03-math-0337 into MAP estimates of the symbols/bits. Nowadays, such a “hard-decision” decoding is rather a benchmark for the widely used soft-decision decoding we are mostly interested in.

In hard-decision symbol detection, we ignore coding, i.e., we take c03-math-0338. From (3.11), assuming equiprobable symbols and omitting the time instant c03-math-0339, we obtain

which finds the closest (in terms of Euclidean distance (ED)) symbol in the constellation to the received vector c03-math-0341, where the set of all c03-math-0342 producing the decision c03-math-0343 is called the Voronoi region of the symbol c03-math-0344, c03-math-0345 (discussed in greater detail in Chapter 6).

Once hard decisions are made via (3.100), we obtain the sequence of symbol estimates c03-math-0346, which can be seen as a discretization of the received signal c03-math-0347. The discretized sequence of received signals can still be used for decoding the transmitted sequence in an ML sense. To this end, the obtained estimates c03-math-0348 should be considered the observations and modeled as random variables (because they are functions of the random variable c03-math-0349) with the conditional probability mass function (PMF)

The ML sequence decoding using the hard decisions c03-math-0351 is then obtained using (3.101) in (3.6), i.e.,

While we can use the hard decisions to perform ML sequence decoding, this remains a suboptimal approach due to the loss of information in the discretization of the signals c03-math-0353 to c03-math-0354 points (when going from c03-math-0355 to c03-math-0356 via (3.100)).

In the same way that we considered hard-decision symbol detection, we may consider the BICM decoder in (3.20) when hard decisions on the transmitted bits are made according to (3.40). Formulating the problem in the optimal framework of Section 3.1, the ML sequence decoding is given by

The decision rule in (3.103) uses the “observations” c03-math-0358 in an optimal way, but is not equivalent to the sequence decoding (3.102) because c03-math-0359. As we will see, the equivalence occurs only when making a decision from the max-log L-values.

The decision rule in (3.103) uses the observations c03-math-0373 in an ML sense, and thus, is optimal. On the other hand, if we want to use a BICM decoder (i.e., L-values passed to the deinterleaver followed by decoding), we need to transform the hard decisions on the bits c03-math-0374 into “hard-decision” L-values. To this end, we use (3.29) with c03-math-0375 as the observations, i.e.,

The hard-decision L-values in (3.107) are a binary representation of the reliability of the hard decisions made on the bits, and can be expressed as

3.108 equation
3.109 equation

where the bit-error probability (BEP) for the c03-math-0379th bit is defined as

The BEP in (3.110) is an unconditional BEP (i.e., not the same as the conditional BEP in (3.41)) which can be calculated using methods described in Section 6.1.1.

3.5 Bibliographical Notes

BICM was introduced in [1], where it was shown that despite the suboptimality of the BICM decoder, BICM transmission provides diversity gains in fading channels. This spurred the interest in the BICM decoding principle which was later studied in detail in [2–4].

The symmetry-consistency condition of the L-values appeared in [5] and was later used in [6], for example. The symmetry condition for the channel and the decoding algorithm was studied in [7]. The symmetry and consistency conditions were also described in [8, Section III]. The idea of scrambling the bits to “symmetrize” the channel was already postulated in [2] and it is nowadays a conventional assumption when studying the performance of BICM.

The use of the max-star/max-log approximation has been widely used from the 1990s for both the decoding algorithm and the metrics calculation in the demapper (see, e.g., [9–15] and references therein). This simplification, proposed already in the original BICM paper [1] has also been proposed by the 3GPP working groups [16]. The small losses caused by using the max-log approximation with Gray-labeled constellations has been reported in [17, Fig. 9; 18].

Recognizing the BICM decoder as a mismatched decoder [19–21] is due to [22] where the generalized mutual information (GMI) was shown to be an achievable rate for BICM (discussed in greater detail in Section 4.3). Mismatched metrics for BICM have also been studied in [23 24]. The equivalence between the bitwise hard decisions based on max-log L-values and the symbolwise decisions was briefly mentioned in [25, Section IV-A] and proved in [26, Section II-C] (see also [27]).


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