Chapter 14

Advanced Programming Concepts


  • Understanding the scenarios in which solutions using more than one programming language (hybrid solutions) are advantageous
  • Getting acquainted with the role and implementation of background tasks in Windows 8
  • Learning how to query for the capabilities of internal and external input devices connected to your computer


You can find the code downloads for this chapter on the Download Code tab at The code is in the download and individually named, as described in the corresponding exercises.

As the title suggests, in this chapter you learn several concepts that enable you to develop more advanced Windows 8 apps. By now, you should be familiar with all four Windows 8 languages (C++, C#, Visual Basic, and JavaScript). In previous chapters, you used them as exclusive choices to implement apps. Here you learn how you can mix these languages to provide an optimal solution in terms of productivity, user experience, and performance.

In Windows 8, for the sake of providing the best available user experience, only the application in the foreground receives resources from the system. Applications in the background (that is, suspended apps) cannot run code. However, in some situations even the suspended apps should have a connection with the external world, such as checking new e-mails, downloading information from the Internet, and so on. Windows 8 provides the concept of background tasks, as described in this chapter.

Windows 8 supports many input devices. A great app is prepared to use different input devices, depending on availability, device features, and on the user’s choice. In this chapter, you learn how to query about input device capabilities so that you’ll be able to provide the best user experience in your apps.

Building Solutions with Multiple Languages

In previous chapters, you learned about peculiarities for each Windows 8 programming language. You already know that HTML and JavaScript are great for utilizing your existing web programming knowledge. C# and Visual Basic are great with XAML, especially if you already have Silverlight and/or Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) experience. C++ is about performance and direct access to system resources.

When you’re about to design an application and prepare the development project, one of your most important decisions is the choice of a programming language. It is often difficult to choose the best trade-off when selecting the right language for a certain application, because you have multiple choices. For example, say that you would like to create a web-page like application and use your HTML/JavaScript knowledge, but you still have a large amount of the existing codebase written in C#. Or, say that you must create a very fast algorithm with a great user interface (UI), and you know C# and XAML, but you guess C++ Accelerated Massive Parallelism (AMP) would provide the best solution.

Well, you are not tied to a single programming language when creating Windows 8 apps! You can create solutions that allow the mixing of programming languages. If you have an existing codebase, you can reuse it with minimal effort. You can decompose your application into components, and you can use different programming languages for each of them. Visual Studio 2012 supports the mixed-language model.

Hybrid Solutions

Solutions using multiple programming languages are often referred as hybrid solutions. A Visual Studio hybrid solution contains at least two projects with two different programming languages. Of course, a single Visual Studio project may use only one programming language, because the project is the smallest physical compilation unit. However, each project can use already built binary components that can be created with another language.

An application generally can be decomposed into software layers. Following is one possible separation:

  • The UI layer of the application — This layer is responsible for rendering and displaying the UI, and allowing user interactions (including navigation).
  • The application logic layer — This layer implements the logic (workflows, algorithms, and rules) of your application, generally using a more detailed component model.
  • Data and service access layer — This layer provides access to the data and services used by your app. Either data or services can belong to your application, or can be provided by third parties.
  • Device access layer — In certain cases, you must access special devices (such as bar-code readers, security devices, special hardware, and so on) from your application.

You can choose a separate programming language for each software layer. Moreover, if you have more than one physical component in one layer, you can implement each component in its own programming language.

If you actively use .NET Framework, you already know that assemblies written in separate .NET languages can easily refer to each other. In a Visual Studio solution, you can add a project (written in Visual Basic) as a referenced project to another one (written in C#), and so types and operations in the referenced project can be accessed in the host project. For example, a C# project can invoke an operation implemented in a Visual Basic project.

The Windows 8 programming languages are more diverse. C++ is compiled to CPU-specific code. .NET languages use an intermediate language that is compiled to machine instructions only when running the application. JavaScript provides a third approach, because it has its own run-time engine. How is it possible that such dissimilar languages can cooperate and access each other’s objects and operations?

The answer is Windows Runtime. Each programming language is capable of consuming Windows Runtime objects. If you want to utilize a component in any other language, expose the functionality through Windows Runtime objects! With Visual Studio, it is fairly easy.

Creating a Hybrid Solution with C# and C++ Projects

To learn how to work with hybrid solutions, let’s create a very simple Windows 8 app that displays prime numbers between 1 and 5,000. Assume that you are expected to create an app with great performance that still uses low memory. You decide to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to collect prime numbers between 2 and an upper-bound value that can be specified by the user. If the upper-bound value is n, this algorithm uses an array of n Boolean values. You choose C++, because it provides the best performance, and you can also be frugal with the memory representing eight flags in a single byte. However, you are a seasoned C# developer, so you decide to create the UI of this Windows 8 app in C#.

NOTE To refresh your knowledge about Sieve of Eratosthenes, see

In the following exercise you start with a prepared sample, which you can find in the CSharpHybrid Start folder within the download. This project contains the skeleton of the UI, and you extend it with a C++ project that implements the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Try It Out: Creating a Hybrid Solution with C# and C++ Projects
To extend the prepared C# solution with a new C++ project, follow these steps:
1. In Visual Studio, open the CSharpHybrid Start solution. In Solution Explorer, you can see that it contains a single C# project, named CSharpHybrid. This solution was created with the C# Blank Application template and expanded with a few custom styles.
2. In Solution Explorer, select the Solution (root) node. Use the File &menuarrow; Add New Project command. When the Add New Project dialog box opens, select the Visual C++ node under the Installed node, and choose the Windows Runtime Component template, as shown in Figure 14-1.

Figure 14-1: Creating a new project with the C++ Windows Runtime Component DLL template

3. Name the project PrimeNumbers, and click OK. The IDE adds this new project to the solution, which now contains two projects, one in C# and another one in C++. These projects are independent from each other.
4. In Solution Explorer, expand the CSharpHybrid (C#) project node, and right-click the References node. From the context menu, select the Add Reference command. The Reference Manager dialog box opens.
5. In this dialog box, select the Solution node and check the PrimeNumbers project, as shown in Figure 14-2. Click OK to add this project reference to CSharpHybrid. The PrimeNumbers project immediately appears in the References node of the CSharpHybrid project, as shown in Figure 14-3.

Figure 14-2: Referencing the PrimeNumbers project from CSharpHybrid


Figure 14-3: PrimeNumbers among the references of CSharpHybrid

6. Build the solution by pressing F7.
7. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Solution node, and select the “Open Folder in Windows Explorer” command. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the DebugPrimeNumbers folder. In this folder, you will find the PrimeNumbers.winmd file with the Windows Runtime metadata of the C++ project, in addition to PrimeNumbers.dll, as shown in Figure 14-4.
8. In Solution Explorer, expand the MainPage.xaml node, and double-click MainPage.xaml.cs to open it. In the code editor, navigate to the first empty line following the last using directive. Start typing using P, and IntelliSense displays a list of possible continuations, including the PrimeNumbers namespace, as shown in Figure 14-5.

Figure 14-4: PrimeNumbers.dll with the related .winmd file


Figure 14-5: IntelliSense offers the PrimeNumbers continuation

9. Press Tab, and close the line with a semicolon, as shown here:
using PrimeNumbers;
10. Now, the CSharpHybrid project (C#) has a valid reference to a C++ project. Press F7 to check that the solution still builds.
How It Works
The solution you opened in Step 1 contained the UI layer. To implement the Sieve of Eratosthenes, in Step 2 you added a C++ project to the solution with the WinRT Component DLL template. This template compiles to a Windows Runtime component with a metadata file, as you saw in Figure 14-4.
To utilize the PrimeNumbers component, you referenced it from the CSharpHybrid project. After you built the solution in Step 7, the metadata became available in the IDE. IntelliSense used it in Step 8, and offered the continuation of the using directive.

Your hybrid project’s skeleton is ready, but you must implement the prime number collection algorithm, and integrate it with the UI.

Creating and Consuming Windows Runtime Components

Windows Runtime components can be consumed from any Windows 8 language. So, if you want to create reusable artifacts that can be utilized from any Windows 8 app independently of the programming language implementing a particular application, implement them as Windows Runtime components. You can use C++, C#, and Visual Basic for this purpose, but, because of its nature, you can’t create these components in JavaScript.

Windows Runtime components are compiled into a .dll file, and the build process always generates a .winmd (Windows Metadata) file that exposes information about the public types of the component library. Although you can use this internally at any time in your Windows Runtime component projects, restrictions exist about types and members you intend to publish.

These restrictions are specific to the programming language used to implement the component. However, the most important rule is that public types and their members (including fields, properties, operations, parameters, and return values) must be Windows Runtime types — and it’s independent from the language used.

NOTE The rules and restrictions about creating Windows Runtime components in C++ are detailed on the MSDN library page at You can also use C# and Visual Basic. These languages have other restrictions, because the .NET and Windows Runtime type systems are different. See for more information.

Fortunately, the build process always raises an error when you’re trying to expose an invalid type or member on the public interface of a Windows Runtime component. If you experience unusual errors and warnings for code that otherwise (compiled as a non-Windows Runtime component) are not raised, there is a high likelihood that you have violated a restriction.

In the next exercise, you implement the PrimeNumbers component you prepared in the previous exercise.

Try It Out: Implementing a Windows Runtime Component in C++
To implement the PrimeNumbers component in C++, follow these steps:
1. In Visual Studio, open the CSharpHybrid Start solution, unless it is still open.
2. In Solution Explorer, expand the PrimeNumbers node, and double-click the WinRTComponent.h file to open it. In the code editor, type the following boldfaced code to create the definition of the prime number collection algorithm.
#pragma once
#include <collection.h>

namespace PrimeNumbers
    public ref class Prime sealed
        Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<unsigned long long>^ 
            GetPrimes(int upperBound);
3. Open the WinRTComponent.cpp file. Delete its content and type the following code to implement the algorithm:
#include "pch.h"
#include "WinRTComponent.h"
#include <cmath>

using namespace PrimeNumbers;

Prime::Prime() {}

Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<unsigned long long>^ 
    Prime::GetPrimes(int upperBound)
    // ~DH- Create an array of bits and initialize all of them to 1
    int length = upperBound/8 + 1;
    char* numberFlags = new char[length];
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) numberFlags[i] = (char)0xff;

    // ~DH- Use Sieve of Eratosthenes
    int seekLimit = (int)sqrt(upperBound);
    for (int i = 2; i <= seekLimit; i++)
        if (numberFlags[i>>3] & (0x80 >> i % 8))
            for (int j = i + i; j < upperBound; j += i)
                numberFlags[j>>3] &= ~(0x80 >> j % 8);

    // ~DH- Collect prime numbers
    std::vector<unsigned long long> primeNumbers;
    for (int i = 2; i < upperBound; i++)
        if (numberFlags[i>>3] & (0x80 >> i % 8)) primeNumbers.push_back(i);
    return (ref new Platform::Collections::
        Vector<unsigned long long>(move(primeNumbers)))->GetView();
4. Build the solution by pressing F7. Now, the PrimeNumbers Windows Runtime component is ready to be consumed.
5. In Solution Explorer, expand the CSharpHybrid project, and open the MainPage.xaml.cs file. In the code editor, type the following boldfaced code into this file:
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Input;
using System.Text;
using PrimeNumbers;

namespace CSharpHybrid
    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        public MainPage()

        private void DisplayPrimesButton_Tapped(object sender,
            TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            var builder = new StringBuilder("Prime numbers between 1 and 5000:
            var primes = new Prime().GetPrimes(5000);
            bool appendComma = false;
            foreach (var prime in primes)
                if (appendComma) builder.Append(", ");
                appendComma = true;
            OutputText.Text = builder.ToString();
6. Build and run the project by pressing Ctrl+F5. Click or tap the Display Prime Numbers button, and you will immediately see the results, as shown in Figure 14-6.
7. Close the application.

NOTE You can find the complete code to download for this exercise on this book’s companion website at in the CSharpHybrid &menuarrow; Complete folder.

How It Works
In Step 2 you declared the class implementing the prime number collection algorithm as public ref class Prime sealed. In this declaration, public ref class tells the compiler that this reference class should be exposed on the component interface. The sealed modifier is required so that you can use this component from JavaScript code, too.
The GetPrimes method accepts an int argument, which is not a Windows Runtime type, but the C++ compiler automatically wraps it into the Windows Runtime representation of a 32-bit integer. The method returns with an IVectorView<usingned long long> that is an appropriate type to cross the Windows Runtime boundary.

Figure 14-6: The CSharpHybrid project in action

The algorithm you specified in Step 3 uses a char array, where each bit represents a number. The Sieve of Eratosthenes uses this array, and at the end, it transforms the numbers stuck in the sieve into a vector, and retrieves the related IVectorView object with the GetView method.
The DisplayPrimesButton_Tapped method uses a StringBuilder object and iterates through the results to display each number collected by the algorithm.

Hybrid solutions are very useful, because they provide a way to combine the best features of Windows 8 programming languages into a great application. In the next section, you learn how to harness your application with background tasks that may run automatically, even if your app is not in the foreground.

Background Tasks

As you already learned in Chapter 9, Windows 8 introduces a new model of application behavior. Windows 8 apps are in the foreground while the user interacts with them, and they get the system resources to provide great user experience with continuous responsiveness. However, when an application is not in the foreground, it is suspended, and cannot run any code. When the user again brings the application into the foreground, the app can continue its work. In some situations, a suspended app is terminated because of limited system resources. This model ensures that the user experience is not impacted by delays or lags, because applications running somewhere in the background cannot gobble up resources.

However, sometimes suspended apps still must be able to communicate with the outside world. For example, a mailing app must be able to check your inbox, even if it is not in the foreground. Moreover, this mail app should be able to display the number of new messages when you see the Windows 8 lock screen, without explicitly starting the app.

NOTE The lock screen is the screen that you see right after Windows is started (before you log in), or when you lock your device either using the Windows key+L key sequence, or pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and then selecting Lock.

Several mechanisms in Windows 8 make an app update its content even when the app is not in the foreground (that is, when it is suspended):

These mechanisms are optimized for system performance and battery life, but they are specialized for a particular kind of task. Windows 8 also offers the capability to create background tasks. With them, suspended applications can run their own code to execute tasks and keep the suspended application’s content up-to-date.

Understanding Background Tasks

Most developers know that the Windows operating system has a concept called Windows services to run background tasks. Many components of the operating system run in Windows services, and a lot of programmers develop Windows services as a part of their systems. Well, Windows services are still available in Windows 8, and they are still a fundamental part of the operating system. So, the obvious question is why does Windows 8 have a separate concept for background tasks?

Windows services are kings in their own fiefdoms, and although the operating system has full control over them, they can devour system resources. They exist to implement heavy background processing tasks, such as parsing and executing SQL queries, compressing files, providing a web server, and so on.

In contrast to Windows services, background tasks are lightweight constructs that use a limited amount of system resources to carry out a certain chore. They are primarily designed for real-time class applications, such as chat, e-mail, voice over IP (VOIP), financial dashboards, weather displays, and so on.

Background Tasks and System Resources

Because of the limited amount of system resources, you should use background tasks for small task items that do not require user interaction, and provide only the necessary minimal effort to keep an application up to date (such as downloading new e-mails, sending a chat message typed in by the user, or downloading ticker information from a stock exchange portal). Compressing an image taken by a tablet’s camera, or executing heavy and time-consuming mathematical operations, are definitely not for background tasks.

Background tasks can interact with the Windows 8 lock screen. This is very important from the point of view of a user’s experience, because the lock screen is a perfect place to catch the user’s attention. For example, displaying the number of unread e-mails, incoming chat messages, friend requests from a social portal, and so on, can shepherd the user immediately to the relevant application without having to browse applications one by one just to see what’s new.

How Background Tasks Work

A background task can run while the application is suspended. But, if the application is suspended, it cannot run any code. So, how does a background task know when to run? Of course, the suspended application cannot start it! Background tasks are run by the operating system. They are tied to a trigger that signals the task to run, and they can be tied to an optional set of conditions, too.

For example, there is a trigger called UserPresent. This trigger represents the event when a user logs in to the computer, or returns from a break while there was no user activity on the computer for a while. Combined with this trigger, the InternetAvailable condition means that the background task will start as soon as a user is present and the Internet is available. If the user returns to the computer, but the Internet is not available, the background task will not launch.

Of course, the operating system must know that an application has one or more background tasks, and it also must know the trigger and conditions the specific task is bound to. It is the responsibility of an application to negotiate with the operating system the scenarios concerning its own background tasks. As shown in Figure 14-7, the whole process takes the following steps:

1. The application that contains the background task registers the details about the trigger that should launch the background task. In this particular case, the application registers with the UserPresent trigger, which is a system event trigger.
2. The application registers with the system infrastructure the class that implements the background task. During this phase, the app passes the details about the trigger specified in the previous step.

Figure 14-7: Registering and triggering a background task

3. When the event is raised (in this case, the UserPresent event), the system notifies the background tasks infrastructure.
4. The infrastructure knows all background classes that should be launched in the case of a specific event (because of the registration), and launches the appropriate task by instantiating the specified background task class.

Trigger Events and Task Conditions

The Windows 8 background task infrastructure defines more than a dozen trigger events. Most of them are system event triggers. Following are a few of them:

  • UserAway — The user is away (for example, he or she leaves the computer while having a coffee break).
  • UserPresent — The user is present (for example, he or she returns from the coffee break, unlocks the device, and resumes working).
  • TimeZoneChange — The time zone changes on the device (for example, when the system adjusts the clock for daylight saving time, or the user changes the current time zone in the Control Panel).
  • NetworkStatusChange — A network change occurs, such as a change in cost (for example, moving from the wireless company network to a paid cellular network) or connectivity (for example, the Internet becomes unavailable).

NOTE You can get the full list of system event triggers supported by Windows 8 from

Table 14-1 summarizes the roles of a few other trigger events.

Table 14-1: Special Trigger Events

Trigger NameDescription
TimeTriggerRepresents a time event that triggers a background task to start.
PushNotificationTriggerRepresents an event that invokes a background task item of the app in response to the receipt of a raw notification (that is, a push notification that does not involve the UI).
ControlChannelTriggerEnables real-time communication to be received in the background for several network transports, primarily the ones in the Windows.Networking.Sockets namespace.
MaintenanceTriggerThe operating system periodically executes maintenance tasks, provided that the system is on AC power. This event is raised when such background tasks should be launched.

When registering a trigger, you can optionally add conditions, as summarized in Table 14-2.

Table 14-2: Background Task Conditions

Condition NameSatisfied When
InternetAvailableThe Internet is available.
InternetNotAvailableThe Internet is unavailable.
SessionConnectedThe session is connected.
SessionDisconnectedThe session is disconnected.
UserNotPresentThe user is away.
UserPresentThe user is present.

The Lock Screen and Background Tasks

Users can add applications to the lock screen, and these applications can display important status information (such as the number of unread e-mails, the number of chat messages, the number of newly connected friends, and so on). By placing these applications on the lock screen, the user indicates that those applications are especially important for him or her.

Background tasks are the keys to communicating between the lock screen and the apps. The application for which particular status information is displayed may not run when the user sees the lock screen, so adding the background task to the lock screen is the way to display up-to-date information in real time.

Certain triggers are restricted to only applications on the lock screen. If an app that is not on the lock screen tries to use such a trigger, the background task will not be launched, even if the event is triggered. All triggers except SystemTrigger and MaintenanceTrigger require the app to be added to the lock screen. This means, for example, that you cannot use a TimeTrigger to periodically execute a background task, unless the app is assigned to the lock screen.

NOTE One of the SystemTrigger types, SessionStart, does need the app to be on the lock screen.

The BackgroundTaskHost.exe Program

As mentioned previously, background tasks can be triggered even when their host application does not run. This means that these tasks should be hosted in such a way so that the operating system can manage them separately from their owner app (in other words, from the app that the tasks provide services for).

Background tasks are implemented in a class library, and this class library can run either within its main application, or in a system-provided executable, BackgroundTaskHost.exe. When you create your application, in the package manifest file, you must declare the host to let the system know your intention. However, several rules exist for background task trigger types and host processes:

  • Tasks registered with TimeTrigger, SystemTrigger, or MaintenanceTrigger must be hosted in BackgroundTaskHost.exe.
  • Tasks listening with ControlChannelTrigger can run only in the hosting application.
  • Background tasks working with PushNotificationTrigger events can be hosted either in the main app, or within the BackgroundTaskHost.exe.

NOTE As a rule of thumb, host your tasks within the BackgroundTaskHost.exe, unless your application does not require hosting it directly.

Communicating between Foreground Applications and Background Tasks

Background tasks can communicate with the main application in two ways:

  • The progress of the background task can be reported back to the application.
  • The application can be notified about the completion of tasks.

Both mechanisms assume that the main application is running in the foreground; otherwise, notifications coming from the background tasks cannot be caught by the main app. These notifications are implemented as events, so event handlers must be used in the foreground app to respond to them. These event handlers are generally used to update the UI.

Because background tasks may run even when the foreground application is terminated, there is a mechanism to rebuild the event handlers when the foreground application starts. The app in the foreground can query its own background tasks and re-associate the completion and progress event handlers.

Canceling Background Tasks

In some situations (such as a low battery level, disconnected network, and so on), the system can cancel a background task. To save battery power and CPU bandwidth, canceled tasks should finish their own work as soon as possible, and they also have the opportunity to save their state. To receive cancelation notifications, background tasks should register a cancelation event handler. A task must respond to this cancelation notification — and return from the handler — in 5 seconds; otherwise, the application gets terminated.

A well-behaving application uses the cancelation notification to save its state, so that later, when the background task is launched again, the task can continue from the saved state.

Application Updates

Background tasks are registered in the system so that they persist across application updates. This registration contains the entry points of these tasks by means of the full name of a Windows Runtime class responsible for servicing the task. However, when an application is updated, there is no guarantee that the background task that existed in the previous version still exists in the updated version, too.

Applications can register a background task for the ServicingComplete trigger (it’s a type of SystemTrigger) to be notified when the application is updated. When the notification arrives, the application can unregister those background tasks that are no longer valid in the new application version.

Now that you have learned all basics required to create background tasks, the best way to proceed with this knowledge is to try it out in a few exercises.

Implementing Background Tasks

A background task is a Windows Runtime object that implements the IBackground interface located in the Windows.ApplicationModel.Background namespace. Background tasks are declared in the application manifest, where the full name of the Windows Runtime type is passed as the task entry point. A task is registered with its entry point, and from this registration, the system knows exactly where to find and launch that task.

Creating a Simple Background Task

In the following exercise, you learn the basic steps for creating and using a background task. You create a task that is triggered when the Internet connection becomes available, and reports it back to the foreground application. To implement this task, you use the InternetStatusTaskSample - Start solution, which you can find in the download.

Try It Out: Creating a Background Task
To create a background task that communicates with the main application, follow these steps:
1. With the File &menuarrow; Open Project (Ctrl+Shift+O) command, open the InternetStatusTaskSample.sln file from the InternetStatusTaskSample - Start folder of this chapter’s download. In a few seconds, the solution loads into the IDE.
2. In Solution Explorer, select the Solution node, and use the File &menuarrow; Add New Project command to add a C# Windows Runtime Component project to the solution. Name this project InternetStatusTask.
3. Expand the InternetStatusTask node, and remove the Class1.cs file from the project.
4. In Solution Explorer, double-click the Package.appxmanifest file. In the manifest editor, click the Declarations tab, and select Background Tasks from the Available Declarations combo box. Click the Add button.
5. Under the Supported Types, click the “System event” check box. Type InternetStatusTask.StatusWatcherTask into the “Entry point” box, as shown in Figure 14-8.

Figure 14-8: Background Task manifest properties

6. In Solution Explorer, select the InternetStatusTaskSample project and add a reference to the InternetStatusTask project.
7. Add a new code file to the InternetStatusTask project, and name it StatusWatcherTask.cs. Type the following code into this file:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Background;
using Windows.Storage;

namespace InternetStatusTask
    public sealed class StatusWatcherTask : IBackgroundTask
        public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
            var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
            var key = taskInstance.Task.TaskId.ToString();
            settings.Values[key] = string.Format(
                "StatusWatcherTask invoked at {0}", DateTime.Now);
8. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs file, and type in the following boldfaced code:
using System;
using Windows.UI.Core;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Input;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Background;
using Windows.Storage;

namespace InternetStatusTaskSample
    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
        private CoreDispatcher StatusDispatcher;

        public MainPage()
            StatusDispatcher = Window.Current.CoreWindow.Dispatcher;
            UnregisterTaskButton.IsEnabled = false;

        private void RegisterTask_Tapped(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var builder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
            builder.Name = "StatusWatcherTask";
            builder.TaskEntryPoint = "InternetStatusTask.StatusWatcherTask";
            builder.SetTrigger(new SystemTrigger(
                SystemTriggerType.NetworkStateChange, false));
            IBackgroundTaskRegistration task = builder.Register();
            task.Completed += OnCompleted;
            RegisterTaskButton.IsEnabled = false;
            UnregisterTaskButton.IsEnabled = true;
            OutputText.Text += "StatusWatcherTask registered.

        private void UnregisterTask_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            foreach (var cur in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks)
                if (cur.Value.Name == "StatusWatcherTask")
                    OutputText.Text += "StatusWatcherTask unregistered.
            RegisterTaskButton.IsEnabled = true;
            UnregisterTaskButton.IsEnabled = false;
        private async void OnCompleted(IBackgroundTaskRegistration task, 
            BackgroundTaskCompletedEventArgs args)
           await  StatusDispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
                () =>
                        var key = task.TaskId.ToString();
                        var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
                        OutputText.Text += settings.Values[key].ToString() + "
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        OutputText.Text += ex.ToString() + "
9. Run the application by pressing Ctrl+F5. Click the Register Background Task button.
10. Disconnect from the Internet by removing the network cable from your computer, or using the Settings charm in Windows 8 to disconnect from your wireless network. The application displays a message about the lost Internet availability.
11. Connect back to the Internet by plugging the network cable back to your computer, or connecting to the appropriate wireless network using the Settings charm.
12. Click the Unregister Background Task button. Your application should display messages, as shown in Figure 14-9.
13. Close the application.

NOTE You can find the complete code to download for this exercise on this book’s companion website at in the InternetStatusTaskSample &menuarrow; Simple folder.

Figure 14-9: The InternetStatusTaskSample application in action

How It Works
As you have learned, background tasks are implemented as Windows Runtime classes. In Step 4, when you changed the project output type to WinMD File, you declared that you wanted to create a Windows Runtime DLL and a related .winmd file.
The code you typed in Step 6 implemented the Run method of the IBackgroundTask interface. It simply saved the fact that the Internet was unavailable into the application settings.
Registering the background task required a few steps:
var builder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
builder.Name = "StatusWatcherTask";
builder.TaskEntryPoint = "InternetStatusTask.StatusWatcherTask";
builder.SetTrigger(new SystemTrigger(
    SystemTriggerType.NetworkStateChange, false));
IBackgroundTaskRegistration task = builder.Register();
task.Completed += OnCompleted;
The key component was the BackgroundTaskBuilder class. You set up the name, entry point, and trigger information before calling the Register() method that retrieved the task registration instance. In this code snippet, you used the SetTrigger() method of the builder to associate the task with the event when Internet access becomes unavailable. You intended to handle the event when the task completes, so you set up the Completed event.
Unregistering the class required finding the background task by its name:
foreach (var cur in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks)
    if (cur.Value.Name == "StatusWatcherTask")
        OutputText.Text += "StatusWatcherTask unregistered.
The AllTasks collection of BackgroundTaskRegistration provided you with the list of tasks registered by your application. The code iterated through this collection and removed the StatusWatcherTask instance.
The OnCompleted method seemed a bit long. However, it was not very complex. The most important thing was that it used a CoreDispatcher instance named StatusDispatcher to invoke the RunAsync method to execute the event handler asynchronously. This was required, because the thread reporting back the completion was not the UI thread, and so it was not able to access the elements of the UI. StatusDispatcher executed the specified lambda method on the UI thread.
The body of the lambda method extracted the event parameters, checked them, and obtained the status information saved by the task to set the message on the UI:
var key = task.TaskId.ToString();
var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
OutputText.Text += settings.Values[key].ToString() + "
This program would not work without registering the background task in the application manifest file, as you did in Step 8 and Step 9.
As you saw, both disconnecting from and connecting to the network triggered the background task.

Managing Task Progress and Cancelation

The background task in the previous exercise was a very lightweight one. It simply saved a message. In real life, background tasks are often more complex, and sometimes they need several seconds (or even a minute) to complete, so it is a great feature to have background tasks report their progress back to the UI. If your task runs for a long time, it is always subject to cancelation (for example, the task may become unregistered). Your task can catch the cancelation notification and stop the task gracefully.

Try It Out: Reporting Background Task Progress and Handling Cancelation
To add progress reporting and cancelation management to the StatusWatcherTask, follow these steps:
1. Open the InternetStatusTaskSample solution from the InternetStatusTaskSample Start folder, unless it is still open in the Visual Studio IDE.
2. Open the StatusWatcherTask.cs file, and replace the existing code with the following:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Background;
using Windows.Storage;
using Windows.System.Threading;

namespace InternetStatusTask
    public sealed class StatusWatcherTask : IBackgroundTask
        private volatile bool _cancelRequested = false;
        private BackgroundTaskDeferral _taskDeferral = null;
        uint _progress = 0;
        ThreadPoolTimer _timer = null;
        IBackgroundTaskInstance _instance;

        public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
            taskInstance.Canceled += 
                new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(OnCanceled);
            _taskDeferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
            _instance = taskInstance;
            _timer = ThreadPoolTimer.CreatePeriodicTimer(
                new TimerElapsedHandler(TimerCallback), 

        private void OnCanceled(IBackgroundTaskInstance sender, 
            BackgroundTaskCancellationReason reason)
            _cancelRequested = true;

        private void TimerCallback(ThreadPoolTimer timer)
            if (_cancelRequested == false && _progress < 100)
                _progress += 10;
                _instance.Progress = _progress;
                var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
                var key = _instance.Task.TaskId.ToString();
                settings.Values[key] = _cancelRequested
                    ? "Task cancelled." : "Task completed.";
3. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs file, and add the following boldfaced code to the RegisterTask_Tapped method:
IBackgroundTaskRegistration task = builder.Register();
task.Completed += OnCompleted;
task.Progress += OnProgress;
4. Add the OnProgress method directly after the OnCompleted method:
private async void OnProgress(IBackgroundTaskRegistration task, 
    BackgroundTaskProgressEventArgs args)
    await StatusDispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
        () =>
                OutputText.Text += String.Format("Background task progress: {0}%
            catch (Exception ex)
                OutputText.Text += ex.ToString() + "
5. Run the application by pressing Ctrl+F5. Click the Register Background Task button.
6. Disconnect from the Internet by removing the network cable from your computer, or using the Settings charm in Windows 8 to disconnect from your wireless network. The application starts displaying progress messages every 2 seconds. Wait while all status messages are displayed (that is, the progress reaches 100%).
7. Click the Unregister Background Task button. Your application should display messages, as shown in Figure 14-10.
8. Connect back to the Internet by plugging the network cable back in to your computer, or connecting to the appropriate wireless network using the Settings charm.
9. Click the Register Background Task button, and then disconnect from the Internet. When the progress messages start to be displayed, click the Unregister Background Task button. In a few seconds, the task is canceled, as shown in Figure 14-11.

Figure 14-10: The InternetStatusTaskSample application reports progress


Figure 14-11: The background task is canceled

10. Connect back to the Internet, and close the application.

NOTE You can find the complete code to download for this exercise on this book’s companion website at in the InternetStatusTaskSample &menuarrow; Reporting folder.

How It Works
The StatusWathcerTask’s Run() method used a timer object to emulate a long-running task that uses the CPU slightly. The timer was set up to invoke the TimerCallback method every 2 seconds (or 2,000 milliseconds):
taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler
_taskDeferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
_instance = taskInstance;
_timer = ThreadPoolTimer.CreatePeriodicTimer(
    new TimerElapsedHandler(TimerCallback), 
However, before activating the timer, it set the Cancelled event handler in order to get cancelation notifications. Normally, a task is completed when the Run() method returns. But, in this method, Run() would return immediately after setting up the timer, without completing the task. To signal this situation, the code snippet obtained an object with the GetDeferral() method. As a result of this call, the completion of the task was deferred while the _taskDeferral object’s Complete() method was called. The OnCanceled event handler simply set the _cancelRequested flag.
The lion’s share of the work was done in the TimeCallback method that first checked for cancelation or completion. In both cases, it meant the task was about to be finished. Unless the task was finished, it increased the progress counter. Then it canceled the timer, and set the response messages according to whether the task was canceled or completed. Most importantly, it called the _taksDeferral.Complete() method to signal that the task finished its job:
var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
var key = _instance.Task.TaskId.ToString();
settings.Values[key] = _cancelRequested
    ? "Task cancelled." : "Task completed.";
The current progress of the task was handled by the OnProgress method. Its structure was very similar to the OnCompleted method. The StatusDispatcher object was used to direct the activities to the UI thread. The progress was refreshed in the UI with a simple statement:
OutputText.Text += String.Format("Background task progress: 
In Step 6, when you disconnected from the Internet the first time, the task was completed. However, in Step 9, when you disconnected a second time, you unregistered the background task before it was completed, and unregistering it caused the system to cancel the task.

Now that you know the basics of background tasks, let’s learn about input devices.

Input Devices

When you create an application, you must be prepared for several input devices. In contrast to desktop computers where the keyboard and mouse are the essential input devices, portable devices and tablets have pens and touch or similar digitizer devices. A great Windows 8 app should be prepared to provide the best user experience available on a particular device.

Without knowing what kinds of input devices are available for your application, it is not easy to select the best for your user. Windows Runtime provides you with easy-to-use objects to enumerate input devices and their capabilities.

Querying Input Device Capabilities

The Windows.Devices.Input namespace encapsulates a few object types that help you to query specific device capabilities. Table 14-3 describes these types.

Table 14-3: Helper Classes to Query Input Device Capabilities

Type Description
KeyboardCapabilitiesYou can use this class to determine the capabilities of any connected hardware keyboard, including wired and wireless keyboard devices.
MouseCapabilitiesYou can use this class to query the capabilities of any connected mouse devices.
TouchCapabilitiesYou can use this class to determine the capabilities of any connected touch digitizers.

Each class has a set of properties to access device capability information. Using these properties, you can obtain all information about input devices.

Keyboard Capabilities

The KeyboardCapabilities class has a single integer property named KeyboardPresent. When this integer value is 0, there is no hardware keyboard connected to your computer; otherwise, there is. Technically, you can connect more than one keyboard to your computer, but from the point of view of input capabilities, it does not matter how many of them you have, as long as there is at least one connected.

This code snippet shows that it is easy to work with KeyboardCapabilities. (This code may be found in the InputDevicesMainPage.xaml.cs downloadable code file.)

var output = new StringBuilder();
// ...
~DH- Querying keyboard capabilities
var keyboardCaps = new KeyboardCapabilities();
output.Append(keyboardCaps.KeyboardPresent == 0
    ? "No keyboard device is present.
    : "There is a keyboard device present.
// ...
OutputText.Text = output.ToString();

Mouse Capabilities

The MouseCapabilities class has a few properties, as summarized in Table 14-4.

Table 14-4: Properties of MouseCapabilities

Property NameDescription
MousePresentThis property gets an integer value indicating whether the mouse is present on the computer. A value of 0 indicates that no mouse is connected to the computer; 1 indicates there is at least one mouse connected. The value does not indicate the number of mice that are present.
NumberOfButtonsThis property gets a value representing the number of buttons on the mouse. If multiple mice are present, it returns the number of buttons of the mouse that has the maximum number of buttons. Some mice have programmable buttons. This property gets only the number of buttons reported by the mouse driver, which may be different from the actual number of physical buttons.
SwapButtonsThis property gets a value indicating whether any of the mice connected to the computer has swapped left and right buttons. Left-handed users often swap mouse buttons.
HorizontalWheelPresentThis property’s value indicates whether any of the mice connected to the computer has a horizontal wheel.
VerticalWheelPresentThis property’s value indicates whether any of the mice connected to the computer has a vertical wheel.

This code snippet shows a brief sample of using MouseCapabilities. (This code may be found in the InputDevicesMainPage.xaml.cs downloadable code file.)

var output = new StringBuilder();
// ...
~DH- Querying mouse capabilities
var mouseCaps = new MouseCapabilities();
output.Append(mouseCaps.MousePresent == 0
    ? "No mouse is present.
    : "There is a mouse present.
output.AppendFormat("The mouse has {0} buttons.
", mouseCaps.NumberOfButtons);
output.AppendFormat("The user has {0}swapped the mouse buttons.
    mouseCaps.SwapButtons == 0 ? "not " : "");
output.Append(mouseCaps.VerticalWheelPresent == 0
    ? "No vertical mouse wheel is present.
    : "There is a vertical mouse wheel present.
output.Append(mouseCaps.HorizontalWheelPresent == 0
    ? "No horizontal mouse wheel is present.
    : "There is a horizontal mouse wheel present.
");// ...
// ...
OutputText.Text = output.ToString();

Touch Device Capabilities

The TouchCapabilities class has only two properties, as summarized in Table 14-5.

Table 14-5: Properties of TouchCapabilities

Property NameDescription
TouchPresentThis property indicates whether the computer has any touch digitizer device (pen or human touch). Any non-zero value means that there is at least one touch digitizer device connected.
ContactsThis property gets the minimum number of contacts supported by all touch devices. This property returns the value 1 in most cases, even if the device allows multi-finger touch, because often pen devices are also enabled, which support only one contact.

Here is a short code snippet demonstrating the use of TouchCapabilities. (This code may be found in the InputDevicesMainPage.xaml.cs downloadable code file.)

var output = new StringBuilder();
// ...
output.Append("~DH- Querying touch capabilities
var touchCaps = new TouchCapabilities();
output.Append(touchCaps.TouchPresent == 0
    ? "No touch device is present.
    : "There is a touch device present.
output.AppendFormat("The touch device supports {0} contacts.
// ...
OutputText.Text = output.ToString();

Querying Pointer Device Information

Your computer may have one or more pointer devices. In many applications, it is important to know which devices are available. The Windows.Devices.Input namespace has a class named PointerDevice that you can use to query pointer device information. You can invoke the static GetPointerDevices() method to enumerate all pointer devices installed on your system. The use of this class is best explained by this code snippet. (This code may be found in the InputDevicesMainPage.xaml.cs downloadable code file.)

var output = new StringBuilder();
// ...
~DH- Querying pointer device information
var index = 0;
foreach (var device in PointerDevice.GetPointerDevices())
    string deviceType;
    switch (device.PointerDeviceType)
        case PointerDeviceType.Mouse:
            deviceType = "mouse";
        case PointerDeviceType.Pen:
            deviceType = "pen";
        case PointerDeviceType.Touch:
            deviceType = "touch";
            deviceType = "unknown";
    output.AppendFormat("Device #{0} is an {1} {2} device with {3} contacts.
        index, device.IsIntegrated ? "internal" : "external",
        deviceType, device.MaxContacts);
    var rect = device.PhysicalDeviceRect;
        "Device #{0} supports the [{1},{2}]-[{3},{4}] rectangle.
        rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);
OutputText.Text = output.ToString();

NOTE You can find the previous code snippets in the InputDevices folder of this chapter’s download.

Each device is represented by a PointerDevice instance, and the foreach loop iterates through them. The PointerDeviceType property indicates the type of a particular device that can be any of the Mouse, Pen, or Touch values. Devices can be built into the computer hardware, or can be connected to the machine (for example, through a Bluetooth controller). The IsIntegrated property indicates whether the device is integrated with the hardware, or it is an external one. Touch devices can have a number of contacts, as indicated by the MaxContacts property. A touch device can address virtual points in a two-dimensional coordinate system that can be queried with the PhysicalDeviceRect property.

Querying all device capabilities on a Windows 8 tablet with an external keyboard and mouse will result in the information shown in Figure 14-12. The output of the program tells a few important facts:

Three pointer devices are attached to the tablet, as you can see at the bottom of Figure 14-13. One of them (Device #2) is an external mouse; the other two internal devices are pen and touch, respectively. At the top of the figure, the message says that “The touch device supports 1 contacts,” although the touch device (Device #1) can handle up to 8 contacts. Remember, the message at the top was the value of the Contacts property coming from TouchCapabilities, and this property retrieves the minimum number of contacts of any touch devices. It is one, because the pen (Device #0) has only one contact.

Figure 14-12: Device capabilities of a Windows 8 tablet


Another interesting thing is that pointer devices use different coordinate maps. Whereas the mouse device retrieves [0,0][1366,768] (or the exact resolution of the screen), other devices use different values, depending on the resolution and sensitivity of the particular device.


You are not constrained to using a single programming language when creating Windows 8 apps, because with Visual Studio, you can create hybrid solutions using a mix of Windows 8 programming languages. If you create Windows Runtime component DLL projects, you can use C++, C#, and Visual Basic for this purpose. These projects can be referenced from any other programming languages, including JavaScript. Each language has its own strength, so using a mix of them enables you to leverage the best features out of them, and make you more productive.

Although suspended Windows 8 apps do not receive resources from the operating system, with background tasks, you can carry out activities while apps are not in the foreground. Background tasks can use only a limited amount of CPU time, and their network throughput is constrained when the computer runs on battery. So, they are suitable for lightweight tasks, such as checking e-mail, downloading small pieces of data, managing instant messages, and so on. Heavy tasks (such as background processing of pictures, or making CPU-intensive computations) are not for Windows 8 background tasks. In these cases, you should use Windows services.

Background tasks are assigned to triggers, such as when the user becomes present, the Internet becomes available, the time zone is changed, and so on. When you register a background task, the task is always associated with a trigger and with optional conditions. Background tasks can be added to the lock screen (assuming they are associated with a certain set of triggers), and these tasks can have roughly twice as many resources as background tasks not on the lock screens. Foreground applications can subscribe to the OnCompleted and OnProgress events, so they have a way to communicate with the task.

Windows 8 computers can have many input devices (mice, hardware keyboards, pens, and touch devices), depending on their form factors. For the best user experience, your application should use the input device (or a combination of them) that is best suited for a certain application function. The Windows.Devices.Input namespace provides you with a number of classes to query input device capabilities, such as the KeyboardCapabilities, MouseCapabilities, TouchCapabilities, and PointerDevice classes.

In Chapter 15, you learn several useful testing and debugging techniques that are great tools for creating solid Windows 8 apps, and also help you in troubleshooting.


1. How should you set up a C# class library so that it can be referenced from any projects written in other programming languages?
2. Which system resources are constrained when you use background tasks?
3. How can background tasks communicate with foreground applications?
4. Can a background task run longer than 1 minute?
5. Why is it important to query input device capabilities?

NOTE You can find answers to the exercises in Appendix A.

What You Learned In This Chapter

TopicKey Concepts
Hybrid solutionA solution in Visual Studio that contains a set of projects using different programming languages. For example, a foreground application project in this solution can be implemented in C#, while an embedded runtime component can be implemented in C++.
Windows Runtime component libraryA project that contains reusable Windows Runtime objects. The main goal of such a component library is to produce objects that can be utilized in Windows 8 applications independently of the consuming programming language.
Creating Windows Runtime component library in C# and Visual BasicUse the File &menuarrow; New Project command, and in the New Project dialog box, select C# or Visual Basic, then choose the Windows Runtime Component template.
Creating Windows Runtime components library in C++Use the File &menuarrow; New Project command, and in the New Project dialog box, select Visual C++, and then choose the WinRT Component DLL template.
Background tasksWindows 8 provides the concept of background tasks to allow suspended (or even terminated) applications to carry out lightweight background activities (such as checking e-mail messages, downloading small packets of data, and so on). Background tasks can use limited CPU time, and when they run on battery, their network throughput is constrained.
Trigger eventsBackground tasks are activated in response to triggered events (such as the user becoming present/absent, the Internet becoming available/unavailable, a certain amount of time expired, a change in the time zone, and many more).
Task conditionsBackground tasks may have optional launch conditions in addition to triggers. For example, a task can be assigned to the “time zone changed” trigger with the “Internet is available” condition. The task will be launched only after the Internet becomes available when the time zone has been changed.
Lock screen applicationsApplications can be assigned to the lock screen. The background tasks of these apps can have about twice as much resource consumption as the background tasks of applications not on the lock screen.
Communicating with foreground applicationsForeground tasks can subscribe to the OnCompleted and OnProgress events of their registered background tasks to manage when tasks are completed, or when they report progress, respectively. With the help of a CoreDispatcher instance, the UI can be refreshed from these event handlers.
Cancelling background tasksBackground tasks can be canceled by the operating system after they are launched (for example, when their application unregisters them). Tasks can respond to cancelation by subscribing to the OnCanceled event.
Querying input device capabilitiesThe Windows.Devices.Input namespace defines a number of classes to query the capabilities of input devices connected to the computer, such as KeyboardCapabilities, MouseCapabilities, and TouchCapabilities.
Querying pointer devicesWith the PointerDevice class of the Windows.Devices.Input namespace, you can query all pointer devices connected to the system, including the internal and external ones.
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