Part III

Advancing to Professional Windows 8 Development

  • Chapter 13: Creating Windows 8 Style Applications with C++
  • Chapter 14: Advanced Programming Concepts
  • Chapter 15: Testing and Debugging Windows 8 Applications
  • Chapter 16: Introducing the Windows Store

Chapter 13

Creating Windows 8 Style Applications with C++


  • Understanding the scenarios where the C++ programming language is the right choice
  • Getting to know the most important recent enhancements to the C++ language
  • Getting acquainted with the new features that make it possible to write Windows 8 style applications in C++


You can find the code downloads for this chapter on the Download Code tab at The code is in the download and individually named, as described in the corresponding exercises.

Although the title of this chapter may suggest that it is only for C++ developers, this is not true. In this chapter, if you are a C#, Visual Basic, or JavaScript developer, you learn in which scenarios C++ is the best choice of available Windows 8 languages. If you have had experience with C++ in the past (even if it was frustrating), this chapter demonstrates that C++ has become a modern, fast, clean, and safe language, as well as a first-class citizen in Windows 8 style application development.

First, you learn about the renaissance of C++, and then you are presented with an overview of recent improvements to the programming language. In most of this chapter, you learn about new features that Microsoft has added to its C++ implementation in Visual Studio 2012, additions that support Windows 8 style application development and integration with Windows Runtime. After learning about all these new things and extensions, you work with a small sample application to see how the theory works in practice.

NOTE Teaching you the C++ programming language is far beyond the scope of this book. If you are interested in learning this language, a good starting point is Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2012 (Indianapolis: Wiley, 2012). If you want to obtain more reference information about the elements or standard libraries of the language, see

Microsoft and the C++ Language

Although circumstances may show that .NET languages (C# and Visual Basic) are the standard programming languages for Microsoft (and, thus, are used in most products), this is not the situation. Most product development within Microsoft still happens with C++, and it seems as though this development will go on with this language for a long time.

Why is this so? Does Microsoft not believe in its own managed runtime environment (.NET Framework), and is that why it does not utilize it? Does Microsoft not want to (or can’t) leverage the productivity benefits of .NET? No! C++ provides two things that challenge managed programming languages: performance and fine-grained control over system resources.

When you work with the managed languages of the .NET Framework, the compiler creates executable programs that contain Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) code, or instructions from an intermediate language. When this program runs, MSIL instructions are compiled to CPU-specific instructions on the fly with a just-in-time (JIT) compiler, and then this CPU-specific code is executed. Although the managed languages and MSIL contain constructs that make software development really productive, it is circuitous to describe low-level instructions (such as bit-level operations), which are very easy to declare with CPU-specific instructions. So, although an algorithm’s performance benefits significantly from low-level constructs, managed languages have challenges.

Of course, using native languages (including C++) has its drawbacks. By controlling all the details in order to achieve performance, you often must deal with many subtle things. For example, if you want to have total control over memory consumption, you must allocate and dispose of resources explicitly. This activity requires a lot of attention to avoid memory leaks, or to reuse disposed resources.

Earlier, you learned that the beginning of the Windows era was about C and C++ programming. At that time, productivity of developers was very low in contrast to productivity achieved by using the managed languages emerging with .NET in 2002. Managed languages always had a performance penalty in exchange for productivity. For a long time, with great hardware (especially at the server side), it was an acceptable trade-off, because buying hardware with about 20 percent more performance was cheaper than paying developers to tune the app for a few more months.

Smartphones, new-generation tablets, and ultra-mobile devices totally changed the rules of the game. The CPUs in these devices are generally less powerful than in desktop computers, so the same algorithms may run longer on them. To keep the device weight low, these devices work with batteries that have limited capacity. The more performance you use, the shorter the time the battery holds on. Moreover, consumers want to have a great user experience with these devices, so they prefer responsive user interfaces (UIs), and do not like bitty animations.

The key to writing well-behaving applications for these mobile devices is efficiency. The applications should carry out many activities in a short time, with as little CPU usage as possible. They must be frugal with memory and other hardware resources. This is the point at which native coding can be drawn into the scene, because these requirements are exactly the ones where native programming languages (including C++) perform their best.

So, it is not surprising that Microsoft wanted to support the C++ language as a first-class citizen in Windows 8 style application development. Microsoft not only solved Windows 8 style development in C++, but also modernized the language by making it clean and safe.

Clean and Safe

Most programmers either love or hate C++. No one would say, “I like it a bit,” or “It’s OK, but I don’t like that feature.” Lovers of C++ like it because of the full control this language provides over the application’s execution. It’s a kind of excitement to almost know in advance what instructions will be executed on the CPU as a result of a certain C++ programming construct. Those who hate C++ hate the low-level constructs and the common pitfalls coming from them.

With the newest C++ implementation (the one you can find in Visual Studio 2012), Microsoft invested a lot to make C++ a modern language by means of productivity, while still keeping the opportunity to maintain full control over the application’s execution. Microsoft implemented a number of new features in C++11. Moreover, Microsoft extended the language to support Windows 8 style applications and Windows Runtime integration.

NOTE The C++ programming language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bell Labs. At that time, it was named “C with classes.” The language went through its first standardization process in 1998 (C++98), then later in 2003 (C++03). The latest major revision of the standard is C++11, approved by the International Organization for Standardization Organization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) on August 12, 2011.

To understand what kind of features make C++ more productive than it ever was before, let’s take a look at a code sample written with C++03 (the previous revision of the C++ standard), as shown in Listing 13-1 (code file: LegacyCppLegacyCpp.cpp).

Listing 13-1: A simple C++ program — using the old style

// --- Create a vector of 10 rectangles
vector<rectangle *> shapes;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
    shapes.push_back(new rectangle(i * 100, i * 200));

// --- This is the rectangle we are looking for
rectangle* searchFor = new rectangle(300, 600);

// --- Iterate through all rectanges
for (vector<rectangle*>::iterator i = shapes.begin(); i != shapes.end(); i++)
    if (*i && **i == *searchFor)
        cout << "*** Rectangle found." << endl;

// --- Dispose resources held by this program
for (vector<rectangle*>::iterator i = shapes.begin(); i != shapes.end(); i++)
    delete *i;
delete searchFor;

This program creates a vector of ten rectangle objects (stored in shapes), and then draws them in a for loop and checks if any of these rectangles matches with the one stored in the searchFor variable. A few points add disturbing complexity to this simple task:

  • The shapes variable is a vector of pointers to rectangle objects. The first for loop that goes from 1 to 10 creates rectangle objects and attaches them to shapes. The programmer must keep in mind that these objects must be disposed of at a certain point of the program. The last for loop with the delete i body performs this cleanup.
  • The searchFor variable holds a pointer to a rectangle object. This object is disposed of with the delete searchFor statement in the last line.
  • Two for loops use an iterator object that goes through the elements of the vector. Although the intention of this cycle is really clear, the code expressing it seems a bit lengthy.
  • The *i && **i == *searchFor conditional expression is simple, but still difficult to decode. In this expression, i is an iterator and *i represents the pointer to a rectangle object the iterator is currently referring to. The **i expression is the rectangle the iterator points to, and *searchFor is the rectangle object the cycle is looking for. This condition says that, if the iterator is pointing to a rectangle object, and that rectangle has the same value as the one you search for, it is a match. Although the meaning is trivial for seasoned C++ developers, it’s still difficult to read.

A potential pitfall with such a program is that the programmer ought to take the full control of the heap where rectangle objects are stored. It is not always entirely clear who is responsible for managing the rectangle objects stored in shapes. In Listing 13-1, it is clear, because the code disposes of them. But if you see only the for loop allocating these objects, this intention is not trivial at all.

With the new C++ language that now is available in Visual Studio 2012, this program can be written in a more elegant way, as shown in Listing 13-2 (code file: ModernCppModernCpp.cpp).

Listing 13-2: A simple C++ program — using the new style

// --- Create a vector of 10 rectangles
vector<shared_ptr<rectangle>> shapes;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        new rectangle(i * 100, i * 200)));

// --- This is the rectangle we are looking for
auto searchFor = make_shared<rectangle>(300, 600);

// --- Iterate through all rectangles
for_each(begin(shapes), end(shapes), [&](shared_ptr<rectangle>& rect)
    if (rect && *rect == *searchFor)
        cout << "*** Rectangle found." << endl;

This program contains a few elements that resolve the issues noted in Listing 13-1:

  • The shapes vector holds reference-counted rectangle objects (as is indicated by shared_ptr). One or more objects can hold such a pointer to a rectangle. When the last object is destroyed (which owns the pointer), the rectangle is freed.
  • The auto keyword before the searchFor variable declaration automatically infers the type of this variable from the initialization expression. If you did not use auto, you should know that make_shared<rectangle> creates a shared_ptr<rectangle> and use this type instead of the auto keyword.
  • The for_each method clearly tells that it’s a loop that traverses through the items of the shapes vector. The first two arguments of the method are begin(shapes) and end(shapes), respectively, making it clear that the loop goes from the first to the last element. The third argument is a lambda expression (a new feature in C++11) that draws the rectangle and checks for matching. Comparing the body of the lambda expression with Listing 13-1, you can see that here rect is a reference to a rectangle, and so the *rect == *searchFor is easier to understand than **i == *searchFor.

Listing 13-2 does not contain any statement to explicitly dispose of the memory held by the rectangles in shapes. The behavior of shared_ptr type reclaims the memory automatically; developers do not have to explicitly do it.

This little code snippet was just one example of the changes in C++ that make the language modern and productive. Microsoft also implemented numerous new features in its C++ compiler, according to the C++11 standard.

NOTE It’s been a long time since the C++03 standard (released in 2003) was revised and the new C++11 standard was approved in August 2011. The world of software development has changed a lot, and C++ had to accommodate to these changes. Although Microsoft has not implemented all C++11 features, in Visual Studio, you can use the ones that deliver the best improvements in productivity. You can find detailed information about these features in the Visual C++ Team Blog on MSDN (

C++ and Windows 8 Apps

In Chapter 3, you learned that by creating an independent stack of layered components for Windows 8 style applications, Microsoft has introduced a new concept that re-images the idea of Windows API and language run times. As shown in Figure 13-1, these components allow C++, C#, Visual Basic, and the HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript technology stack to be first-class citizens in programming Windows 8 apps.

Figure 13-1: Windows 8 style application technology layers


Let’s dive deeper into this figure and see what types of Windows 8 apps can be implemented with the direct or indirect utilization of C++.

Privileges of C++ in Windows 8 Apps

Figure 13-1 shows the four programming languages (C/C++, C#, Visual Basic, and JavaScript/HTML/CSS3) as if they were co-equal. But, in reality, C++ is “more equal” than the others. The C++ language has a few privileges in terms of accessing Windows 8 system resources that are unavailable in the other programming languages:

  • You can still use a narrow set of Win32 API services (Windows Kernel Services) from C++. These do not go through Windows Runtime. They are available through system dynamic link libraries (DLLs).
  • You can easily use DirectX technologies (Direct2D, Direct3D, DirectWrite, XAudio2, and so on) from C++. These use the graphics processing unit (GPU) and sound devices directly with amazing performance.
  • A brand-new technology, C++ Accelerated Massive Parallelism (C++ AMP) enables you to use today’s massively parallel hardware — that is, GPUs and audio processing units (APUs). C++ AMP enables you to run parts of your C++ program on the GPU in your computer.

As Figure 13-1 points out, you can use C++ entirely to write Windows 8 apps with the XAML UI. However, you have other scenarios where C++ is also a great choice:

  • You can write Windows 8 style games that use DirectX and C++. Because most games need to squeeze out the last drops of performance that the CPU and the GPU can provide, C++ seems the perfect tool for game development.
  • You can write hybrid Windows 8 apps that use C++ components, but are implemented either in C#, Visual Basic (of course, using .NET Framework in the back, and XAML for the UI), or in JavaScript with HTML5/CSS3 UI. In this case, C++ components can undertake those tasks that require direct system resource access and/or solid performance.

Let’s take a look at how Windows Runtime and C++ work together.

Windows Runtime and C++

Almost every chapter in this book mentions Windows Runtime, and it would be difficult to avoid using its objects and operations. As you have already learned, Windows Runtime objects have been implemented in native (C++ and assembly) code. However, it has scarcely been mentioned that these objects utilize a new version of the old component object model (COM).

COM is an almost 20-year-old binary interface standard developed by Microsoft in 1993. Its original aim was to enable a wide range of programming languages to create their own dynamic objects and proffer them to other processes — even written in a different programming language. COM itself became an umbrella term that embraces other related technologies, such as distributed component object model (DCOM), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), OLE automation, COM+, and ActiveX.

Although this binary standard is technically great, using it is often a pain, especially from C++:

  • Objects and their interfaces must be registered in the Windows system registry, which is a main source of deployment issues.
  • The lifetime management of COM objects is based on reference counting. When the address of an object is assigned to a new variable, a reference counter must be increased manually. When the object is detached from this variable, or the variable is disposed of, this counter must be decreased. When the counter reaches zero, the COM object is automatically disposed of. You can imagine what confusion could be caused when this manual reference counting is misused!
  • Exceptions are handled through the HRESULT values (32-bit integers) retrieved from method calls. Callers of COM operations always must check these values to check whether operations are successful.

Now, Windows Runtime uses a new version of COM that does not require interface and object registration, and provides a transparent way to manage reference counting — as you learn in the next section.

Managing Windows Runtime Objects in C++

In Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft added new features to C++ to manage Windows Runtime objects with the ease that developers have used to handle .NET Framework objects in C# and Visual Basic. This set of new language extensions is called C++ for Windows Runtime.

The objects of Windows Runtime are strongly typed, and implement automatic reference counting. Instead of HRESULT values, you can use structured exception handling to catch and manage operation failures. Windows Runtime objects are deeply integrated with the STL, so all functions, collections, and algorithms implemented in the STL still work together with Windows Runtime types. There is a boundary between Windows Runtime and the external world; the new version of COM is a well-defined binary contract between these two domains. This brings up some obvious questions.

When and how should C++ programmers use these language extensions? Should they use these new types for every Windows 8 app? How can old-fashioned C++ types and the STL be used?

The answer to these questions is really simple! You should use the Windows Runtime types when you need to cross this boundary — either when you want to call Windows Runtime operations, or when you want to provide services for other languages. Figure 13-2 shows the programming style you need to follow.

Figure 13-2: Using C++ with Windows Runtime objects


So, you can write a C++ module (assuming you are already a C++ programmer) just as you’ve been doing it, and these modules can be consumed directly by native C or C++ callers and callees. The same module can consume Windows Runtime objects or proffer operations to other Windows Runtime objects or other languages through a thin boundary layer that passes all data to and fro through Windows Runtime compatible objects.

To allow this kind of boundary crossing, C++ comes with component extensions (C++/CX) that provide bindings to foreign type systems such as the ones used by .NET or the JavaScript engine. Table 13-1 summarizes the new data types in C++/CX.

Table 13-1: New C++ Component Extensions Data Types

Value typesValue type instances are always stored in the call stack or in the static data of an application. Value structures (declared using the value struct keyword) contain only public data fields. Value classes (declared with the value class keyword), which are less frequently used, contain only public data fields and methods.
Reference typesReference type instances are always allocated dynamically (and disposed of) in the memory space of the application. A reference class can be declared with the ref class keyword, and it can contain public, protected, and private function members; data members; and even nested classes. A reference structure is signified with the ref struct keyword. It is the same as a reference class, except that a ref class declares a runtime class that, by default, has public accessibility.
Interface classesInterface classes (declared with the interface class keyword) are very similar to the native C++ interfaces. However, they have a number of specialties:
  • All members are implicitly public.
  • Fields and static members are not permitted.
  • Their members can include properties, methods, and events.
  • Types that are used as parameters can only be Windows Runtime types.
Generic typesNow you can use generic interface classes in C++ following the same semantics as generic types in the .NET Framework. They are declared with the generic<typename T1, …, typename Tn> interface class construct. Generic interfaces can be implemented with C++ template definitions, too. However, these templates can use only typename parameters. Non-type parameters are not supported.
PropertiesThe standard C++ does not support properties. With the property keyword of the C++/CX, now you can define a property with the same GET/SET semantics as used by the .NET languages.
DelegatesDelegates declare type-safe function pointers, and so they resemble a function declaration, except that a delegate is a type. They are declared with the delegate keyword.
EventsEvents are special types (you may call them “delegate properties”) that have add/remove semantics just as .NET events have. They are declared with the event keyword. In addition to the add/remove semantics, they contain a raise accessor that defines the way an event is signed.

As you learned earlier, Windows Runtime types are COM types, and so they are inherently reference counted. To avoid the manual work of managing reference counters, there is a special notation for pointers referencing Windows Runtime types. They use the ^ (“hat” or “handle”) character to signify they are reference counted, and they must be allocated with the ref new keyword, as this sample code snippet shows:

Map<String^, int>^ MainPage::CreateMap()
    map<String^, int> myMap;
    myMap.insert(pair<String^, int>("One", 1));
    myMap.insert(pair<String^, int>("Two", 2));
    myMap.insert(pair<String^, int>("Three", 3));
    return ref new Map<String^, int>(move(myMap));

Here, the CreateMap() method creates an associative dictionary of integer values with string keys. Both Map and String are Windows Runtime types. The method returns a reference-counted pointer to a Map, so the ref new operator is used, and the return value has the ^ notation. Also, the keys of the map use reference-counted pointers to a String, so these are declared as String^.

NOTE The ^ notation and the ref new keyword are simple compiler tricks. Without these notations, the programmer would have to increment and decrement the reference counter of COM (Windows Runtime) objects. Now, with these extensions, the compiler undertakes all these challenges and generates the appropriate code. Note that you cannot use the * (pointer) notation with a Windows Runtime object. If you try, the compiler will raise an error message.

Defining Runtime Classes

When writing Windows 8 apps in C++, in addition to consuming Windows Runtime objects, you create Windows Runtime types. For example, the application and its pages are also represented with these runtime classes. From the implementation point of view, these should be reference classes with a few restrictions, as this code snippet shows:

public ref class Customer sealed
    Customer(String^ firstName, String^ LastName);
    Customer(String^ lastName);
    property String^ FullName
        String^ get();
    void MarkAsKeyAccount();
     std::wstring m_firstName;
     std::wstring m_LastName;

The runtime classes must be marked with the public modifier so that they can be consumed by external applications and other languages. Although the parameters and return values of function members can be any arbitrary C++ types, public members can use only Windows Runtime types. You also must apply the sealed keyword to prevent derivation from these classes.

NOTE The public keyword in the class definition also forces the compiler to put the metadata (about public functions and data members) into the .winmd file exposed to the external world. If you do not remember what a .winmd file is, refer to Chapter 3 (in the, “Metadata Format,” section) to refresh your knowledge. In Chapter 14, you learn how to create and consume .winmd files. You can omit the sealed modifier, but, in this case, the compiler will issue a warning telling you that the runtime type won’t be consumable from JavaScript, because it is not marked sealed.

You can instantiate your own runtime class with the ref new operator, just like any other Windows Runtime class:

Customer^ myCustomer = ref new Customer("John", "Doe");

Using a runtime class as a simple local variable also provides automatic life-cycle management:

    Customer myOtherCustomer("Jane", "Doe");
    // ...
    // Process customer data, i.e. query it, modify it, etc.
    // ...
}   // ~Customer() is automatically invoked

In this code snippet, myOtherCustomer is a local variable. The compiler manages its life cycle, and automatically destroys it, as soon as the variable exits its scope. In this case, the ~Customer() destructor is invoked when the control flow of the application leaves the statement block.


Managing COM exceptions was a laborious task, because COM operations returned HRESULT error codes. For example, when you passed a wrong argument to an operation, an HRESULT value with E_INVALIDARG code was retrieved. If you did not check the return value for this code and allowed the program to flow ahead, sooner or later you might have caused an application crash.

Windows Runtime still uses COM, but now it also allows structured exception handling. Instead of dealing with HRESULT codes directly, you can now catch and handle exceptions that represent the HRESULT codes. Table 13-2 shows these COM-specific exception types with the HRESULT codes they represent.

Table 13-2: Windows Runtime Exceptions with Related HRESULT Codes

Exception TypeHResult Code

NOTE You can find all these exceptions in the Platform namespace.

You do not need to care about how HRESULT codes are wrapped into exceptions; the runtime environment does it for you. If you want to handle potential issues with using Windows Runtime objects, you can follow this pattern:

void MyWIndowsRTOperation(String^ parameter1, int parameter2)
    OtherRuntimeObject^ otherObj = ref new OtherObj();
        // ...
        // ...
        otherObj->CompountOperation(parameter1, parameter2)
        // ...
    catch (NotImpelentedException^ ex)
        // Respond to the issues when an operation is not implemented
    catch (InvalidArgumentException^ ex)
        // Log that the operation was invalid
       throw ex;
    catch (COMException^ ex)
        // Examine ex->HResult values and decide what to do
    catch (...)
        // Decide what to do with any other exceptions

The first two catch blocks handle a specific COM exception. The third catch block accepts a pointer to a COMException instance. Because all exception types in Table 13-2 derive from COMException, this block catches all of them except NotImplementedException and InvalidArgumentException, because these two are handled with the previous catch blocks. In this block, you can examine the HResult property of the exception instance to decide how to go on. The fourth catch block traps any other exceptions. In this pattern, you can see that the most-specific exceptions are always caught first, and the least-specific ones at the end.

Because these exceptions derive from COMException, you might be tempted to create your own COM-specific exception with your own failure code by inheriting a new class from COMException. Well, because of internal implementation details, it will not work. In this case, you need to raise a COMException and pass the HRESULT code to the constructor, as shown in this code snippet:

void MyOperation(int param)
    if (param == 0)
        throw ref new COMException(MY_ERROR_CODE);
    // ...
// ...

    // ...
    // ...
catch (COMException^ ex)
    if (ex->HResult == MY_ERROR_CODE)
        // Handle your own error code
    // ...

The COMException instance can be caught only in the catch (COMException^ ex) branch. Even if you raise a COMException instance with a known failure code that has a corresponding exception class in Table 13-2, you cannot catch it with that exception, only with COMException:

    // ...
    throw ref new COMException(E_FAIL)
    // ...
catch (FailureException^ ex)
    // The COMException above cannot be caught here
catch (COMException^ ex)
    if (ex->HResult == E_FAIL)
        // This is where to handle the COMException above

You’ve now learned enough about C++ and Windows 8 apps. It’s time to try out these features with Visual Studio.

Discovering C++ Features with Visual Studio

Visual Studio provides great support for C++ applications. You can find all important productivity enhancement tools in the IDE, just like for the other programming languages. In this section, you learn a few things about creating and editing C++ applications. You also get to know some new C++ features.

In the previous chapters, you learned some important things about creating a Windows 8 application UI, so, in this section, you start with a prepared sample, and add new code snippets to that application in each exercise. Before you start to play with the sample, let’s have a look at creating C++ projects.

Creating C++ Projects

You can create C++ programs in Visual Studio with the File &menuarrow; New Project command (Ctrl+Shift+N), just as you already learned. Of course, you need to select the Visual C++ node under Templates, as shown in Figure 13-3. In the middle of this figure you can see the types of Windows 8 style templates supported by C++ in Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows 8.

NOTE The other (non-free) editions of Visual Studio 2012 contain additional C++ project templates to create desktop applications and components.

C++ supports the same standard Windows 8 application templates as the other languages (Blank Application, Grid Application, and Split Application), and a few additional ones, as described here:

  • Blank Dynamic-Link Library — Use this project type to create a library that is compiled into a .dll file. Although this library has the same extension as .NET component library assemblies, it’s in native code, so you cannot reference it from C# or Visual Basic projects.
  • Blank Static Library — With this project type, you can compile libraries with a .lib extension. You can link these libraries statically with executable files of your other projects.
  • Unit Test Library — As the name of this template suggests, you can create unit test projects for your C++ applications and libraries.
  • WinRT Component DLL — This project type enables you to create native Windows Runtime components that can be referenced from any other languages. In addition to the component library, this project creates a .winmd file that contains metadata information about your public classes.
  • Direct2D Application and Direct3D Application — These templates help you to start creating applications using the Direct2D and Direct3D technologies, respectively.

Figure 13-3: Windows 8 style templates for the C++ programming language


To specify the attributes of your projects, the New Project dialog box provides you with the same options (for example, solution and application name, location, and solution creation mode) as the other programming languages.

Elements of a C++ Project

To examine the elements of a project, you use the CppDemo Start solution, which you can find in the download. The structure of a C++ project is very similar to the one created with other programming languages. However, slight differences exist, as you learn from the next exercise.

Try It Out: Examining the Elements of a C++ Project
To examine the structure of a simple C++ project, follow these steps:

Figure 13-4: The CppDemo project in Solution Explorer

1. With the File &menuarrow; Open Project (Ctrl+Shift+O) command, open the CppDemo.sln file from the CppDemo Start folder of this chapter’s download. In a few seconds, the solution loads into the IDE, and its structure is displayed in the Solution Explorer window, as shown in Figure 13-4.
2. Under the Solution CppDemo node, you will find the CppDemo project node (this solution contains only one project). Click the small triangle to the left of the Assets folder to expand its content. You can see four image files in Assets that represent the application’s logo and splash screen in different sizes.
3. Expand the Common folder. It contains various C++ and header files that are part of your Windows 8 application’s skeleton. There is a StandardStyles.xaml file that holds the fundamental XAML resources used in the application.
4. Expand the External Dependencies node. It contains more than a hundred nodes, including directly or indirectly used header files and .winmd file references in your project. Collapse this node.
5. Expand the MainPage.xaml file. Just like in other programming languages, this XAML file nests a code-behind file, MainPage.xaml.cpp, where the .cpp extension suggests it’s written in C++. There is another nested file here, MainPage.xaml.h, which contains the definition of types in MainPage.xaml.cpp.
6. Double-click the MainPage.xaml.cpp file to open it. In the code editor, scroll down to the bottom of the file, where you can see several methods with an empty body and a comment line starting with “Feature.” These are the placeholders of the code you are going to write in the next exercises.
7. Double-click the MainPage.xaml.h file to open it. In the code editor, click the #include "MainPage.g.h" line and press Ctrl+Shift+G. The MainPage.g.h file opens and shows the definition of objects described in the MainPage.xaml file.
8. Use the Debug &menuarrow; Start Without Debugging command (Ctrl+F5) to build and immediately start the application. It takes a few seconds to compile and link the project files, and then the application starts with the screen shown in Figure 13-5.

Figure 13-5: The CppDemo application in action

9. Now you can select an item from the feature list to display the specified scenario’s input panel to the right of the list. In this initial version of the project, all buttons are non-functional.
10. Close the application by pressing Alt+F4.
How It Works
While examining the structure of the CppDemo project, you may recognize that is very similar to projects created with other programming languages, although folders have different names.
C++ has a very tight integration with XAML. As you discovered in Step 5, MainPage.xaml has code-behind files. The MainPage.xaml.cpp file is there for you to create your code, and the MainPage.g.h file is automatically generated every time you modify and save the MainPage.xaml file. Behind the scenes, the IDE generates a MainPage.xaml.hpp file that initializes your components when constructing the MainPage object.
When you started the CppDemo application in Step 9 after building it, the IDE also created the deployment package of the app (using the Pakage.appmanifest file) and installed it, just as you already experienced with other applications in the exercises shown in previous chapters.

You are now ready to modify this simple C++ application.

Using the Platform::String type

To provide a way to pass character strings to Windows Runtime components, and retrieve strings from Windows Runtime operations, Microsoft created a new String type that is located in the Platform namespace. This new type is a very thin wrapper type that enables the construction of immutable string objects with a few operations. The great thing about this type is that it totally cooperates with the STL’s wstring type, as you learn in the next exercise.

NOTE If you are not a C++ programmer, you should know that C++ uses the :: scope-resolution operator to separate the namespace and type elements. So, the qualified type name of Windows Runtime’s String class is Platform::String, because it is declared in the Platform namespace.

Try It Out: Using the Platform::String Type
To get acquainted with the Platform::String type, follow these steps:
1. Open the CppDemo solution from the CppDemo Start folder, unless it is still open in the Visual Studio IDE.
2. In Solution Explorer, double-click the MainPage.xaml.cpp file (expand the MainPage.xaml node if it is collapsed), and locate the ReverseStringButton_Tapped method with an empty body.
3. Insert the following boldfaced code into the method body:
void MainPage::ReverseStringButton_Tapped(Object^ sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs^ e)
    String^ yourName = YourName->Text;
    Feature1OutputText->Text += "Your name: " + yourName + "
    wstring inputString(yourName->Data());
    wstring reverseString(inputString.rbegin(), inputString.rend());
    String^ yourReversedName = ref new String(reverseString.c_str());
    Feature1OutputText->Text += "Reversed: " + yourReversedName + "
In this code, yourName is a reference-counted pointer (as the ^ indicates) that is set to the content of the YourName text box. You can use this variable to concatenate it with string literals because of the + operators declared by the String class, and set the Text property of the Feature1OutputText block.
4. Run the application by pressing Ctrl+F5. In the feature list, the first item is selected. Type your name (or any other text) into the text box and click the Reverse button. The Feature output writes out the text in reverse order. For example:
Your name: My nickame is DeepDiver
Reversed: reviDpeeD si emankcin yM
5. Close the application.
How It Works
You can use the String type directly with other Windows Runtime types, including XAML controls. This is how the code snippet set the content of the Feature1OutputText variable. However, String implements only a few operations. Whenever you want to carry out more complex operations, you can use the STL’s wstring type in connection with String. To set up its initial content, inputString in the previous code snippet (it is a wstring) uses the String::Data() method to obtain a pointer to a C++ null-terminated string.
In the next line, reverseString uses the wstring constructor that iterates through a range of characters to create its content. Thanks to the rbegin() and rend() methods, this iterator traverses from the last character of the string to the first one, so it constructs the reverse of the original string. To write back the reversed string to the output, you need a String^ instance. The yourReversedName variable instantiates a new String (with the ref new operator), and uses the c_str() method to obtain the content of the reverseString variable.

This type of cooperation between Windows Runtime types and STL types is a common pattern. You can use Windows Runtime collections together with STL collections in a similar way, as you learn in the next exercise.

Using Runtime Collections

The C++ STL defines a number of collections with a plethora of related operations. Moreover, as you learned earlier from Table 13-1, C++11 adds new collection types to the STL. You can use the STL collections everywhere, but you cannot pass them to Windows Runtime objects directly.

The solution is to use the Windows Runtime collections that are found in the Platform::Collections namespace. In the next exercise, you learn to utilize the Vector and the VectorView collections.

Try It Out: Using the Vector and VectorView Collections
To learn how to use these collection classes, follow these steps:
1. Open the CppDemo solution from the CppDemo Start folder, unless it is still open in the Visual Studio IDE.
2. In Solution Explorer, double-click the MainPage.xaml.cpp file, and locate the CreateRandomVector() method that returns nullptr.
3. Insert the following boldfaced code into the method body:
col::Vector<int>^ MainPage::CreateRandomVector()
    vector<int> myNumbers;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        myNumbers.push_back(rand()%100 + 1);
    return ref new col::Vector<int>(move(myNumbers));
This method uses a for loop to set up a vector<int> collection — it is declared in the STL — with random numbers. The return statement in the last code line creates a new Vector<int> collection that uses the move method to take the ownership of the random vector.
4. Locate the SumAVectorButton_Tapped method and copy the following boldfaced code into its body:
void MainPage::SumAVectorButton_Tapped(Object^ sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs^ e)
    wstringstream streamVal;
    WFC::IVectorView<int>^ vv = CreateRandomVector()->GetView();
    int sum = 0;
    int index = 0;
    for_each(begin(vv), end(vv), [&](int value)
        streamVal << "Number " << ++index << " is " << value << endl;
        sum += value;
    streamVal << "Sum of these values is " << sum;
    Feature2OutputText->Text = ref new String(streamVal.str().c_str());
This method invokes CreateRandomVector() and uses its GetView() method that creates a snapshot of the random vector. The for loop summarizes the elements of this view, and writes them to the streamVal stream. When the sum is calculated, the stream’s content is sent to the FeatureOutput2Text block that displays the output of this exercise.
5. Run the application by pressing Ctrl+F5. In the feature list, select the Using Windows Runtime Collections item and click or tap the “Sum Up a Vector” button.
6. In the output pane, the program displays a random vector and the sum of its elements. Close the application.
How It Works
The CreateRandomVector() operation uses the STL’s vector class to generate its values, and wraps it into a Vector object only when returning the values. The SumAVectorButton_Tapped method wants to read the values of this vector without changing them, so it uses a VectorView object (that implements the IVectorView interface). The WFC identifier is an alias for the Windows::Foundation::Collections namespace defined at the beginning of the MainPage.xaml.cpp file.
In the last code line, you can also see a good example of using the String class. All the output in this exercise was written into the streamVal string stream. In the last line, it was converted to a String so that it could be assigned to the output text block.

NOTE Windows Runtime defines a relatively small set of collection classes, each living and acting together with the STL collection classes. You can find a list of them on the MSDN web page at

Using Asynchronous Operations

In previous chapters, you saw many examples using asynchronous method calls. In C#, the new async and await keywords performed magic with the compiler, and enabled you to consume asynchronous methods as if they were synchronous — while keeping the UI responsive. In JavaScript, you can use the Common JavaScript Promises pattern, as you learned in in Chapter 5.

Well, C++ does not have such a compiler trick like C#, but it has a great component, the Parallel Pattern Library (PPL), which helps you to invoke asynchronous operations with a relatively simple pattern, as you learn in the next exercise.

Try It Out: Writing to a File Asynchronously
To create a simple text file with a short text message asynchronously, follow these steps:
1. Open the CppDemo solution from the CppDemo Start folder, unless it is still open in the Visual Studio IDE.
2. In Solution Explorer, double-click the MainPage.xaml.cpp file, and locate the WriteFileButton_Tapped method.
3. Insert the following boldfaced code into the method body:
void MainPage::WriteFileButton_Tapped(Object^ sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs^ e)
    Feature3OutputText->Text += "File creation has been started.
    StorageFolder^ documentsFolder = KnownFolders::DocumentsLibrary;
    // --- Start file creation
    task<StorageFile^> createTask(documentsFolder->CreateFileAsync(
        "MySample.txt", CreationCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting));
    createTask.then([this](StorageFile^ file)
        Feature3OutputText->Text += "File " + file->Name + " has been created.
        // --- Start writing into the file
        task<void> writeTask(FileIO::WriteTextAsync(file, YourMessage->Text));
            Feature3OutputText->Text += "Text '" + YourMessage->Text +
                "' has been written to the file.
This code snippet chains two asynchronous operations: createTask that creates the MySample.txt file, and writeTask that outputs the message specified by the user. Each task uses its then method with a lambda expression to define the continuation of the particular task.
4. Run the application by pressing Ctrl+F5. In the feature list, select the Asynchronous Method Invocation item. Type a message into the text box, and click (or tap) the “Write Message to File” button.
6. In the output pane, the program displays a few lines of output telling you that the file has been created and the message has been written.
7. Start Windows Explorer and select the Documents node under Libraries. Locate the MySample.txt file, and double-click to open it. You can check that the message is really written there.
8. Return to the running CppDemo application and close it.
How It Works
The code in this exercise uses the task<TResult> template to create and start an asynchronous task, where TResult is the type of the result the task is expected to retrieve. The argument of the task is an object implementing the IAsyncOperation<TResult> interface.
createTask uses the CreateFileAsync operation that retrieves a StorageFile^ object. writeTask invokes the WriteTextAsync operation that does not retrieve any object. These tasks are chained — the continuation (the then method) of createTask instantiates the writeTask with the file result of createTask.
You can see that the lambda expressions in continuation methods capture the this pointer, and so they access all UI elements. This is how these methods write messages to the output pane.

NOTE You can use several asynchronous patterns with C++. For more information, see

Using Accelerated Massive Parallelism

Most computers contain not only a CPU, but also a very high-performance GPU and other processing units (such as APUs). Many operations can be executed much faster on these units, because they have special architecture that allows a high level of concurrency of special operations. Microsoft’s C++ Accelerated Massive Parallelism (AMP) is an open specification implementing data parallelism directly in C++.

The Direct2D and Direct3D technologies use the GPU for rendering complex graphics. GPUs have an architecture that can process pixels and vectors in a very fast way. They can carry out many operations simultaneously. You can use this power not only to draw graphics, but also for processing data. C++ AMP is a technology that extends C++ with its own library and a compiler that is able to generate code that executes on GPUs and other accelerator units.

NOTE It is far beyond the scope of this book to discuss C++ AMP in detail. If you are interested, you can find more details on MSDN. Start your discovery at

You can use C++ AMP in Windows 8 apps, as you learn in the next exercise. In this exercise you multiply float-number matrices with 1,000 rows and 1,000 lines. This is a complex operation because of the size of matrices. For calculating the 1 million cells altogether, this operation requires 1,000 multiplications of float-number pairs, and then summing up the result of these multiplications. In total, this results in 2 billion operations.

In the next exercise you implement this operation both with the traditional sequential algorithm and with C++ AMP.

NOTE You can refresh your knowledge about matrix multiplication by reading the article at

Try It Out: Using C++ AMP in Windows 8 Apps
To compare the sequential and C++ AMP matrix multiplication algorithms, follow these steps:
1. Open the CppDemo solution from the CppDemo Start folder, unless it is still open in the Visual Studio IDE.
2. In Solution Explorer, double-click the MainPage.xaml.cpp file and fill up the body of the CalculateSerialButton_Tapped method with the following boldfaced code:
void MainPage::CalculateSerialButton_Tapped(Object^ sender, 
    TappedRoutedEventArgs^ e)
    Feature4OutputText->Text += "Sequential matrix multiplication started...
    CalculateSerialButton->IsEnabled = false;
    MatrixOperation matrixOp;
    task<unsigned long long> matrixTask (matrixOp.MultiplyMatrixSeriallyAsync());
    matrixTask.then([this](unsigned long long elapsed)
        CalculateSerialButton->IsEnabled = true;
        wstringstream streamVal;
        streamVal << "Sequential operation executed in " << elapsed << "ms.
        Feature4OutputText->Text += ref new String(streamVal.str().c_str());
3. Copy the following boldfaced code into the body of the CalculateWithAMPButton_Tapped method:
void MainPage::CalculateWithAMPButton_Tapped(Object^ sender, 
     TappedRoutedEventArgs^ e)
    Feature4OutputText->Text += "AMP matrix multiplication started...
    CalculateWithAmpButton->IsEnabled = false;
    MatrixOperation matrixOp;
    task<unsigned long long> matrixTask (matrixOp.MultiplyMatrixWithAMPAsync());
    matrixTask.then([this](unsigned long long elapsed)
        CalculateWithAmpButton->IsEnabled = true;
        wstringstream streamVal;
        streamVal << "AMP operation executed in " << elapsed << "ms.
        Feature4OutputText->Text += ref new String(streamVal.str().c_str());
4. In Solution Explorer, double-click the MatrixOperation.cpp file, and fill up the body of the MultiplySequential method with the following boldfaced code that uses the sequential approach:
void MatrixOperation::MultiplySequential(vector<float>& vC, 
    const vector<float>& vA, const vector<float>& vB, 
    int M, int N, int W)
    for (int row = 0; row < M; row++) 
      for (int col = 0; col < N; col++)
        float sum = 0.0f;
        for(int i = 0; i < W; i++)
          sum += vA[row * W + i] * vB[i * N + col];
        vC[row * N + col] = sum;
5. Copy the following boldfaced code into the body of the MultiplyAMP method:
void MatrixOperation::MultiplyAMP(vector<float>& vC, 
    const vector<float>& vA, const vector<float>& vB, 
    int M, int N, int W)
    concurrency::array_view<const float,2> a(M, W, vA);
    concurrency::array_view<const float,2> b(W, N, vB);
    concurrency::array_view<float,2> c(M, N, vC);
    [=](concurrency::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      int row = idx[0]; int col = idx[1];
      float sum = 0.0f;
      for(int i = 0; i < W; i++)
        sum += a(row, i) * b(i, col);
      c[idx] = sum;
6. Build and start the application by pressing Ctrl+F5. In the feature list, select the Using C++ AMP item, and click or tap the Multiply Matrices Sequentially button. Depending on your computer’s performance, it will take about 5 to 20 seconds before you get a message about the successful operation that indicates the execution time.
7. Now, click or tap the “Multiply Matrices with C++ AMP” button. This operation will take less time, as you can see from the message. Depending on your computer and GPU, it should be about 10 to 25 times faster than the sequential execution.
8. Close the application.

NOTE You can find the complete code to download for this exercise on this book’s companion website at in the CppDemo Complete folder.

How It Works
The code you created in Step 2 and Step 3 is quite simple — in relation to the techniques you learned in the previous exercises. These code snippets call the serial and AMP-based matrix multiplication in an asynchronous way. The lion’s share of the work is done by the MultiplySequential and MultiplyAMP methods of the MatrixOperation class, which you created in Step 4 and Step 5.
Both methods represent matrices with flat vectors. The MultiplySequential method works totally according to the simplest matrix multiplication algorithm; it does not require further explanation.
However, MultiplyAMP is different. It is not really straightforward at first sight. The first three lines define that the vA, vB, and vC vectors should be managed on the GPU as two-dimensional float arrays (matrices), through the a, b, and c variables, respectively:
concurrency::array_view<const float,2> a(M, W, vA);
concurrency::array_view<const float,2> b(W, N, vB);
concurrency::array_view<float,2> c(M, N, vC);
The array_view type is responsible for managing the data movement between the CPU and the GPU. The c.discard_data() method declares that the c matrix on the GPU should not be copied back to the vC vector. The next two lines declare the parallel_for_each construct to be executed on the GPU with a lambda expression:
[=](concurrency::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
It declares that this parallel loop should go through all the cells of the c matrix (c.extent), and within the loop’s body the current cell is identified with the idx index that has two dimensions (the row and the column index of a matrix cell). The restrict(amp) clause tells the compiler two things. First, the body of the loop should be compiled to code that can run on AMP-compatible hardware (for example, a GPU with DirectX11 driver). Second, only those statements and constructs are allowed in the body that can be managed by AMP. For example, you cannot open files in the loop body, because this operation is not viable on the GPU. The body of the loop simply calculates the cell value referenced with idx.
The great thing is that this parallel construct lets the DirectX11 driver and the GPU decide about the level of the concurrency. For example, if the GPU supports 128 independent processing channels, 128 cell values can be calculated simultaneously.


C++ is a co-equal programming language with the others (C#, Visual Basic, and JavaScript) when creating Windows 8 apps. Because of new devices such as tablets, smartphones, and ultra-mobile computers, C++ has experienced a renaissance — sort of. These devices have less powerful CPUs and GPUs than desktop computers, and they also must be frugal with their batteries, while user expectations (most importantly, the responsiveness of the UI) are very high. Application performance is a key in these devices. The lower-level constructs of C++ and its capability leverage underlying hardware capabilities directly, which makes C++ the best programming language for these new devices.

In the past, C++ never had greater productivity than other (especially managed) languages. However, the C++11 standard added new features to the language that made it cleaner, faster, and more robust. To make it a first-class citizen for Windows 8 app development, Microsoft extended the language with new features. These provide seamless integration with Windows Runtime, and new constructs (such as generics, value, reference types, and so on) make C++ as strong as managed languages.

C++ has some unique features in Windows 8 app development. It can use DirectX technologies, and create Windows 8 apps that leverage Direct2D, Direct3D, DirectWrite, and XAudio2, among others. Microsoft created a new technology for leveraging hardware-accelerated devices such as GPUs and APUs, called C++ AMP, which can be accessed only from C++.

In Chapter 14, you learn advanced techniques that help you create hybrid applications (apps with mixed programming languages) and perform often-used chores, such as running background tasks or managing network status changes.


1. Why does the C++ programming language have such an important role in mobile Windows 8 style application development?
2. Which new C++ feature allows converting functors into anonymous functions with state management?
3. What is the role of the ^ (hat) operator?
4. Which operator can you use to create reference-counted Windows Runtime types?
5. How can you mix the types declared in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) with the Windows Runtime types?
6. What technology would you use to create a very fast C++ function to invert the colors of a large bitmap?

NOTE You can find answers to the exercises in Appendix A.

What You Learned In This Chapter

TopicKey Concepts
C++11The latest major revision of the C++ standard is C++11, approved by ISO/IEC on August 12, 2011.
auto keywordThis new feature of C++11 implements an automatic type deduction, provided that an explicit initializer is given. The compiler infers the type of the variable from the initialization value.
Smart pointers in C++11C++11 deprecates the auto_ptr, and introduces three new smart pointers: unique_ptr (sole ownership of an object), shared_ptr (shared ownership of an object), and weak_ptr (non-owning reference to an object).
Rvalue referencesC++11 uses the && notation to bind rvalue (right-hand side value) references to identifiers.
Move semanticsC++11 introduces move semantics to improve the performance in such situations where a large amount of data should be copied between caller and callee methods. Move semantics allow moving the ownership of the data instead of the data itself.
Lambda functionsLambda functions are anonymous functions that allow capturing variables from the enclosing scope of the expression.
C++ for Windows RuntimeIn Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft added new features to C++ in order to manage Windows Runtime objects with the ease that developers are used to in the .NET Framework. This set of new language extensions is called C++ for Windows Runtime.
C++Component ExtensionsMicrosoft provides C++ Component Extensions (C++/CX) to provide bindings to foreign type systems, such as the ones used by .NET or the JavaScript engine.
Reference counter managementWindows Runtime types are COM types and so inherently they are reference counted. There is a special notation for pointers referencing Windows Runtime types. The ^ (“hat” or “handle”) character signifies that they are reference counted, and they must be allocated with the ref new keyword. Using ^ and ref new, the compiler takes over the responsibility of managing reference counting and object disposal automatically.
COM exceptionsWindows Runtime still uses COM, but now it also allows structured exception handling. Instead of dealing with HRESULT codes directly, you can now catch and handle exceptions representing those HRESULT codes.
Creating C++ projects in Visual StudioUse the File &menuarrow; New Project command (Ctrl+Shift+N) and select Visual C++ node under Templates to list the available C++ templates. Set the solution properties, and click OK to create the selected project.
Platform::StringThis Windows Runtime type is a very thin wrapper around the STL’s wstring type, and it is used to pass reference-counted immutable string values crossing the Windows Runtime boundary.
Windows Runtime CollectionsYou can use these types to pass reference-counted collections crossing the Windows Runtime boundary. They can be used in cooperation with the STL’s standard collection types.
Parallel Pattern Library (PPL)This library provides useful types to implement asynchronous operations in C++, using the task pattern with continuations.
C++ AMPAccelerated Massive Parallelism (AMP) is a unique feature of C++. It is able to use hardware-accelerated devices (such as GPUs and APUs) to execute programs written in C++. It may provide a great performance boost for methods running on these devices.
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