
Image Symbols and Numerics

! command, sftp, 495

# symbol, 554

BASH command index, 539

prompt when logged in as root, 521

$ prompt, 554

BASH command index, 539

& (ampersand symbol) running commands in background, 511

? character, 554

. symbol, 553

.. symbol, 553

{} symbols

brace expansion, 538539

* character, 554

*nix character, 554

/ symbol, 553

| symbol, 553

piping command output, 536

~ character, 553

< symbol, 553

<> (angle brackets), 537

> symbol, 554

2> redirection, 538

3D drivers, 133, 134

3D effects, Impress, 306

3D graphics

proprietary drivers, 97

3G devices

connecting to mobile broadband network, 121

Image A

AACS (Advanced Access Content System), 350

AbiWord, 242, 287

About Me dialog

changing login picture, 198

absolute paths, 531

Acceleration setting, mouse preferences, 101

Acceleration slider, keyboards, 106

Access, Microsoft

Ubuntu alternative to, 242

Access Files access, folders, 456


see also remote access

Universal Access Preferences button, 79

Accessibility category

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 194

Accessibility tab

Keyboard Preferences dialog, 105

Mouse Preferences dialog, 102

Account Configuration section, MeMenu, 339

Account type

creating users, 448

accounts, user, 443

Add new inbound rule dialog, 172

Add new outbound rule dialog, 173

Add Rule dialog

sorting and filtering messages, 321

address book

adding/editing contacts, Evolution, 324

Address Cards view, Evolution, 324

adm/admin groups, 450


controlling processes, 503

Administration menu, Ubuntu desktop, 82

administrator account, 79, 554

sysadmin, 571

Administrator profile

creating users, 448

Adobe Flash see Flash

Adobe Illustrator

Ubuntu alternative to, 242

Adobe Photoshop, 243

Ubuntu alternative to, 243

Advanced Access Content System (AACS), 350

Advanced Packaging Tool see APT

Advanced Search option

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 197

Airbrush tool, GIMP, 392

Aisleriot, gnome-games, 404

AIX, 554

alias command, 539

aliases, 554

commands, 526

making aliases permanent, 526

Alien Arena, 406

alien program, 96, 422

Alignment tool, GIMP, 391

Alpha to Logo filters, GIMP, 400

alsamixer command, 539

Alt key

keyboard shortcuts, 533534

Alternative Installer, 67

Amarok, 351

Amaya, 242


default Ubuntu themes, 183

ampersand symbol (&)

running commands in background, 511

anacron command

scheduling tasks with, 486487

anacrontab file, 487

angle brackets (<>)

redirecting command output, 537

animating slides, Impress, 305

Animation filters, GIMP, 400

antialiasing, 189

anticipatory value, scheduler, 467

antivirus protection

ClamAV program, 175

Ubuntu, 147

antivirus protection, Ubuntu

adding virus scanning to Ubuntu, 175179

AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), 332

Apache, 20, 555

APIC (advanced programmable interrupt controller)

computer freezes during installation, 65

AppArmor, 168


personalizing, OpenOffice, 291

Appearance Preferences dialog

Background tab, 187

Style drop-down list, 188

Fonts tab, 189

personalizing Ubuntu, 182

Theme tab, 182

Visual Effects tab, 189

Apple computer

installing Ubuntu on Mac, 5960

running Ubuntu virtually, 30

applets, 555

adding/removing, 205

working with, 204

applets, list of

Battery Charge Monitor, 205

Character Palette, 205

Clipboard Text Encryption, 205

Clock, 205

Connect to Server, 205

Dictionary Lookup, 205

Disk Mounter, 205

Drawer, 205

Dwell Click, 205

Eyes, 206

Fish, 206

Force Quit, 206

Inhibit, 206

Invest, 206

Lock Screen, 206

Log Out, 206

Main Menu, 206

Notification Area, 206

Run Application, 206

Search for Files, 206

Separator, 206

Show Desktop, 206

Shut Down, 206

Sticky Notes, 206

Switch Off, 206

System Monitor, 206

Terminal Server Client, 207

Tomboy Notes, 207

Trash, 207

Weather Report, 207

Window List, 207

Window Selector, 207

Workspace Switcher, 204, 207

application installation

Ubuntu Linux, 6

application launchers, Ubuntu desktop, 83

application security with AppArmor, 168

Application Switcher effect, 191, 192


accessing GUI apps remotely, 495498

advanced application management, 428

installing Windows apps with Wine, 438440, 279

profiling, 168

reasons to stop using Windows, 11

Run Application applet, 206

running programs, 90

running X applications on remote computer, 496

social networking, 338342

Ubuntu alternatives to Windows, 241243

Ubuntu Software Center, 416421

uninstalling applications, 418

Applications menu

adding menus to bottom panel, 203

deleting menus, 204

modifying menus, 204

personalizing, 204

running programs, 90

Ubuntu desktop, 82, 83, 181

Ubuntu Software Center, 416

Wine category, 438

Applications option, Finder, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 89

applications, OpenOffice, 296306

Calc, 300303

Impress, 303306

Writer, 297300


adding/editing diary entry, Evolution, 327329

specifying types, Calendars, 326

apropos command, 539

APT (Advanced Packaging Tool), 555

emptying cache of package files to free up disk space, 468

package management system, 425

Synaptic Package Manager, 433

apt-cache command, 539

apt-get command, 469, 540

Aqualung, 242

.ar file type, 477

Archive Manager, 258

archives, 555

creating and compressing, 477

creating with Nautilus, 477478

extracting files from, 258, 479

extracting folders from, 479

file types, 477, 479

managing archive files, 478479

storing archive files, 472

tar (Tape ARchive) files, 477

viewing contents of archive files, 478479

Ardour, 364

arguments, commands, 527

Artistic filters, GIMP, 398


creating vector artwork, 389

aspell command, 268

Assistive Technologies Preferences dialog, 102

assistive themes

partially sighted users, 182

Asterisk Password Reveal, 33

at command, 485

ATI graphics card

display configuration screen, 74

graphical problems, 72

monitor resolution not recognized, 69

Audacity, 365


configuring input device, 335

file extensions, 216

listening to podcasts, 361362

making music, 364

multimedia playback, 349351

playing audio files, 351357

purchasing from online music stores, 357360

recording audio, 364

recording from microphone, 367

ripping tracks, 363, 364

tuning in to online radio stations, 360361

audio CDs

creating, 365366

listening to, 362363

ripping tracks, 364

audio file formats, 363364

FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), 363

MP3, 364

Ogg Vorbis, 363

Speex, 363

WAV, 364

audio playback

MP3 playback, 349

normalization, 366

playing audio files, 351357

Rhythmbox, 253254, 355357

purchasing from online music stores, 357360

tuning in to online radio stations, 360361

Authentication tab, Software Sources tool, 431

Auto Indentation option, gedit, 275

autoclean command

emptying cache of package files, 469


BASH commands, 531533

viewing available options, 532

Autofilter, Calc, 302

Autohide feature

personalizing panels, 202

autoremove command, 469

aux command options, 510

awk command, 267

A-Z glossary of Linux terms, 553574

Image B

b file type, 453


bringing command to foreground, 512

running commands in, 511

sending several jobs to, 512

sleeping jobs, 512

Background tab, Appearance Preferences dialog, 187

Style drop-down list, 188


personalizing Ubuntu, 187188

backing up data, 3134, 471

changing time period between backups, 476

common personal data file types, 31

creating and compressing archives, 477

creating archives with Nautilus, 477478

custom settings, 473

deciding what data to backup, 471472

default backup directory, 473, 475

deleting old backup files, 476

excluding files and folders, 474

full and incremental backups, 474

including files and folders, 474

managing archive files, 478479

manual backups, 473

recommended settings, 473

removing Windows to free space, 29

restoring data via Simple Backup, 476

Simple Backup, 472, 473476

storing archive files, 472

transferring backup directory across Internet, 475

viewing contents of archive files, 478479

Backport (Unsupported) Updates repository, 426

backslash () escaping character, 530

backup commands, 477

Backup Now! button, 473

Backup Properties dialog, 473

Destination tab, 475

Exclude tab, 474

General tab, 473

Include tab, 474

Purging tab, 476

Time tab, 476

Banshee, 242

Base (database), 249250

alternatives to Windows software, 242 applications, 280

BASH commands, 539552

see also commands, list of

arguments, 527

bringing to foreground, 512

DOS commands and shell equivalents, 524

history, 534535

options, 526, 527

other commands to control processes, 510511

running in background, 511

terminating, 512

text-processing commands, 268

BASH shell, 268, 517539, 555

see also shells

acronym expanded, 518

aliases, 526

autocompletion, 531533

booting into the shell, 524

brace expansion, 538539

built-ins, 523

controlling jobs, 511513

controlling zombie processes, 509510

copying files and directories, 527528

deleting files and directories, 529

getting help, 523

info pages, 523

keyboard shortcuts, 533534

killing processes, 507509

listing files, 526527

man pages, 523, 576

moving files and directories, 528

piping output, 536537

reasons for shells, 518

redirecting output, 537538

referring to parent directory, 530

running programs from shell, 521523

running shell via virtual console, 523

switching to root of file system, 530

viewing processes, 503507

when to use, 520

wildcards, 529

Basic program

creating macros, OpenOffice, 246, 295

Battery Charge Monitor applet, 205

Battery Power tab, 142

BCC field, 317

bin directory, 223

binary executable, 555

binary files, 422

BIOS Setup option, 166

BIOS setup program, entering, 40, 69

BitTorrent, 358

inbound traffic policy, Firestarter, 172

outbound connection rules, Firestarter, 174

blacklisting existing built-in driver, 118

BleachBit application, 469

Blend tool, GIMP, 392

block device, 555

file type code for, 453

blogs, 338

microblogging with Gwibber, 340342


browsing files on remote device, 137

configuring, 135140

pairing devices, 136137

sending files from Ubuntu PC to another device, 138

transferring files between devices, 137139

using Bluetooth keyboard or mouse, 139140

Bluetooth Manager program, 461

Blur tool, GIMP, 393, 398

Bogofilter, 321

bonding Bluetooth devices, 136137

bookmarking locations, 212


backing up data, 32

Bookmarks menu, Nautilus, 210

Boot Camp utility

installing Ubuntu on Mac, 60

boot directory, 223

boot loader

programs, Ubuntu file system, 223

starting up Ubuntu Linux, 77, 79

boot menu

accessing recovery mode, 72

reducing boot menu delay, 460

boot sector, location of, 26

bootable CDs

creating from ISO images, 590593


assigning static IP address, 463

computer no longer boots, postinstallation, 70

creating readahead list, 464

dual-boot setup, 25

from DVD-ROM, 39

managing GNOME sessions, 461464

partitioning laptop for dual-booting, 27

programs starting up with GNOME desktop, 461

reducing boot menu delay, 460

remembering running programs from log out, 462

running startup scripts in parallel, 459, 460

screen goes blank or corrupted, 64

speeding up, 459464

starting up Ubuntu Linux, 7779

Ubuntu working, Windows won't boot, 70

Upstart, 459

Bottom Pane option, gedit, 273

Bounce keys, 105

brace expansion, 538539

Bracket Matching option, gedit, 275

Brasero, 255256

alternatives to Windows software, 242

creating audio CDs, 365366

listening to audio CDs, 362

saving files to CD/DVD, 479


connecting to mobile network, 121123

Broadcast section, MeMenu, 339

browsers see web browsers

brush selector, GIMP, 393


Bucket Fill tool, GIMP, 392


application security with AppArmor, 168

reasons to stop using Windows, 11

build-essential metapackage, 440

built-ins, BASH commands, 523

burning CDs

Mac OS X, 593

Ubuntu, 592

Windows 7, 592

Windows Vista/XP, 592

burn-proof technology, 256

By Company view

Contacts mode, Evolution, 324

bzip2 command, 540, 555

bzip2 recover command, 540

Image C

c file type, 453

C programming language, 556

C# programming language, 556

C++ programming language, 556


emptying cache of package files to free up disk space, 468

cal command, 540

Calc (spreadsheet), 246247, 300303

alternatives to Windows software, 242

Basic (macro language), 246

charting and graphing tools, 246

creating charts, 303

entering and formatting data, 301

entering sequence of data across cells, 301

entering special characters, 301

filter function, 302

formatting cells, 246

functions, 246

inserting/deleting data and cells, 302 applications, 280

sorting data, 302

support for VBA macros, 246

working with functions, 302

Calc (Windows calculator), 243

Calculator, 243

GNOME, 258

calendar software, 242

Calendars mode, Evolution, 251, 311, 326329

Evolution Alarm Notifier utility, 461


connecting to PC, 383

disconnecting from PC, 384

Ubuntu support for hardware, 96

Capacity property, drives, 230

Caps Lock key, configuring, 104

cat command, 266, 267, 540

redirecting command output, 537

.cbz file type, 477

CC field, 317

CD burning software, 255256

alternatives to Windows software, 242

burn-proof technology, 256

cd command, 525, 541

changing directories, 530

Cd command, sftp, 494

CD player software

alternatives to Windows software, 243

CD/DVD Creator folder, 479

cdparanoia command, 541

CD-R/RW, saving files to, 479

cdrom directory, 223

cdrom group, 450


creating audio CDs, 365366

creating bootable CDs from ISO images, 590593

listening to audio CDs, 362363

ripping tracks, 364

CDs, burning

using Mac OS X, 593

using Ubuntu, 592

using Windows 7, 592

using Windows Vista/XP, 592


inserting/deleting, Calc, 302

Center option, backgrounds, 188

CentOS, 19

Certificate and Key Storage tool, 461

cfdisk command, 541

cfq value, scheduler, 467

Change Case plug-in, gedit, 276

Change User Password window, 450


character device, 556

file type code for, 453

character formatting, Writer, 298

Character Palette applet, 205

characters, escaping, 530

charts, creating, Calc, 303

chat accounts, configuring, 331

Check for New Hardware Drivers tool, 461

checking file system, 231

checksum, 556

chgrp command, 541

chkdsk command-line tool, 70

chmod command, 541

chown command, 541

Chrome OS, 19

Chromium, 242

chroot command, 541

chvt command, 541

Cinelerra movie-editing software, 380

CinePaint, 381

Clam AntiVirus (ClamAV) program, 175

dealing with infections, 178

installing, 175

scanning for viruses, 176

updating virus database, 176

ClamTk, 175

dealing with infections, 178

false positives, 178

installing, 175

scanning for viruses, 177

updating ClamAV database, 176

clean option

recovery mode start up, 78

clear command, 525, 542

Clear Highlight option, gedit, 274


dwell click, 102

options, 102, 103

client, 556

Clipboard Text Encryption applet, 205

Clock applet, 205

clock, Ubuntu desktop, 83

Clone tool, GIMP, 392

Close button, Ubuntu desktop, 82, 183

Close option, File menu, gedit, 273

closed source, 556

cloud computing, 337, 342347

sending photos to cloud with F-Spot, 347

storing data online with Ubuntu One, 342347

web-based gaming, 408

code see source code

code name, Ubuntu, 583


Fluendo MP3 codec, 355

installing for movie file formats, 370371

installing in one package, 352353

installing when required, 353354

multimedia playback, 352

playing audio files, 351


Pick a Color dialog, 187

Color Picker tool, GIMP, 391

Color Scheme option, gedit, 275

Colors tab, Customize Theme dialog, 184

Combine filters, GIMP, 398

COMMAND column, top program output, 505

command history, BASH shell, 534535

command-line prompts, 517, 521

see also shells

symbols used at, 553

command-line shell, 7

commands, 556

see also BASH shell

BASH command index, 539552

reading man pages, 576

commands, list of

alias, 539

alsamixer, 539

apropos, 539

apt-cache, 539

apt-get, 540

aux, 510

bzip2, 540

cal, 540

cat, 540

cd, 525, 530, 541

cdparanoia, 541

cfdisk, 541

chgrp, 541

chmod, 541

chown, 541

chroot, 541

chvt, 541

clear, 525, 542

cp, 524, 527, 542

crontab, 542

date, 542

df, 542

diff, 525, 542

diff3, 542

dig, 542

dmesg, 542

dosfsck, 542

dpkg, 543

dpkg-reconfigure, 543

du, 543

echo, 522

eject, 543

ex, 543

exit, 525, 543

fdformat, 543

fdisk, 543

fg, 512, 543

file, 543

find, 525, 544

free, 544

fsck, 525, 544

ftp, 544

fuser, 544

genisoimage, 544

grep, 545

groupadd, 545

groupdel, 545

groups, 545

gzip, 545

halt, 545

hdparm, 545

head, 545

help, 545

help option, 523

history, 535, 545

host, 545

hostname, 545

id, 546

ifconfig, 519, 525, 546

info, 546

init, 546

jobs, 511, 546

kill, 510, 546

killall, 510, 546

last, 546

ldd, 546

less, 507, 525, 546

ln, 546

lpr, 525, 547

lpstat, 547

ls, 526, 527, 547

lsmod, 547

lsof, 547

man, 525, 547

md5sum, 547

mkdir, 524, 530

mkfs, 547

modinfo, 547

modprobe, 547

more, 547

mount, 548

mv, 524, 528, 548

netstat, 548

nice, 507, 548

nohup, 513, 548

passwd, 548

pgrep, 511

ping, 525, 548

printenv, 548

ps, 510, 548

pstree, 507

pwd, 548

reboot, 548

renice, 507, 549

rm, 524, 525, 529, 549

rmmod, 549

route, 549

runlevel, 549

screen, 549

set, 522

sftp, 549

shred, 549

sleep, 549

smbclient, 549

sort, 550

ssh, 550

startx, 550

su, 550

sudo, 550

tac, 550

tail, 550

tar, 550

tee, 550

top, 503, 550

touch, 551

tracepath, 525, 551

type, 523

umask, 551

umount, 551

unalias, 551

uname, 551

unzip, 511, 551

uptime, 551

useradd, 551

userdel, 551

vi, 525

vim, 551

wc, 551

whatis, 552

whereis, 552

wodim, 541

xhost, 552

xinit, 552

zip, 552

zipgre, 552

comma-separated value (CSV) files, 282

commodity, 557

Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS), 557


Ekiga, 335

Empathy (instant messaging), 331333

Evolution (Mail mode), 311324

Skype, 334335


configuring Ubuntu, 100

forums, 579

mailing lists, 580

Ubuntu Linux, 1011, 557

RTFM, 575

Compact view, Nautilus, 211


Office and OpenOffice, 281284

compilation, 557

compiling code, 440

compiling program, 441442

installing compiler tools, 440

Compiz Fusion system, 193, 194

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 193197

Complain mode, AppArmor, 168

Compose Message dialog, 317, 318

signing and encrypting e-mail, 165

compositing, 133

Compress dialog, 477

Compressed files

file extensions, 216

Computer window, Places, 235

Concurrent Versions System (CVS), 558

configuration files

config file, 557

home directory, 472

Ubuntu file system, 223

configure script, 441

configuring Ubuntu, 99, 181

backgrounds, 187188

changing login picture, 198

configuring mouse options, 100103

desktop visual effects, 189198

fonts, 188189

input devices, 100106

keyboard settings, 103106

keyboard shortcuts, 106

mouse options, 100103

themes, 182186

Connect to Server applet, 205

connecting computers

SSH (Secure Shell), 489495

connecting to remote computers, 498501

Mac, Linux, other Windows, 500501

Windows 7 and Vista, 498499

Windows XP, 2000, and NT, 499500

Connection property, drives, 230


running shell via virtual console, 523

Contact Information option, 449

contacts, Evolution

adding/editing, 324325

creating contact list, 326

contacts manager software

alternatives to Windows software, 242

Contacts mode, Evolution, 251, 310, 324326

Ubuntu One synchronizing contacts, 346

content scrambling system see CSS

Content tab, Firefox

web browser security, 179

context menu

formatting text, Writer, 298

Control Panel, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

controlling jobs, 511513

controlling processes, 507511

controlling zombie processes, 509510

Controls tab, Customize Theme dialog, 184

Copy option, Edit menu, gedit, 273

copying text, 93

copyleft, 15, 557

copyright, 349


reasons to stop using Windows, 11

cp command, 524, 527, 542

r (recursive) option, 527

cpio command, 477

CPU column, top program output, 505

crackers, 149, 557

crashed processes

clearing up, 511

killing crashed program, 509

Create and Delete Files access, folders, 456

Create Launcher dialog, 199

Create New User dialog, 447

Create Partition dialog, 51

cron command/daemon

changing time period between backups, 476

problem with, 486

scheduling tasks with GNOME Scheduler, 481, 484

cron service, 557

crontab command, 542

crontab file, 481, 557

scheduling tasks with GNOME Scheduler, 481, 482, 484

Crop tool, GIMP, 392, 397

CrossOver Professional, 374

cryptographic key, 150

CSS (content scrambling system)

DeCSS software, 377

multimedia playback, 350

Ctrl key

accessing virtual console, 523

command history, 535

keyboard shortcuts, 533534

terminating commands, 512

CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System), 557

Current Line option, gedit, 275

curses, 557

Cursor Blinking slider, keyboard, 103

Custom profile, creating users, 448

Customize Theme dialog

changing individual theme components, 183

Colors tab, 184

Controls tab, 184

Icons tab, 184

Pointer tab, 185

Window Border tab, 184

Cut option, Edit menu, gedit, 273

cutting text, 93

CVS (Concurrent Versions System), 558

Image D

d file type, 453, 454

execute (x) permission applied to, 453, 454, 455

daemons, 558


see also backing up data

common personal data file types, 31

entering and formatting, Calc, 301

inserting/deleting, Calc, 302

sorting, Calc, 302

storing data online with Ubuntu One, 342347

data file permissions, 453454


alternatives to Windows software, 242

Base, OpenOffice, 249250, 280


Adjust Date & Time option, 84

Insert Date/Time plug-in, gedit, 276

date command, 542

deadline value, scheduler, 467

Debian, 558

see also dpkg

Linux distributions, 19

Ubuntu Linux based on, 56

Debian Package, 424

decoding ISO filenames, 591

decoding package filenames, 428

Decor filters, GIMP, 398


e-mail, 165

files, 160164

DeCSS software, 377

defragmenting disk, 38

Delay slider, keyboards, 106

Delete button, Users and Groups tool, 449

Delete option, Edit menu, gedit, 273

deleting e-mail messages, 315

deleting old backup files, 476

deleting partition, 231

dependency, 558

dependency chains, 424

dependency management, 423424, 437

apt (Advanced Packaging Tool), 425

Gdebi Package Installer, 438

unpacking tarball and solving dependencies, 440

derivatives, Ubuntu Linux, 10

Desktop category

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 195

Desktop directory, home folder, 221

desktop games software

alternatives to Windows software, 243

desktop solutions, Ubuntu Linux, 6

Desktop User profile, 448

desktop visual effects, 133135

see also visual effects

desktops see Ubuntu desktop

Destination tab, Simple Backup, 475

dev directory, 223, 226

Devhelp Support plug-in, gedit, 276

Device Manager

blacklisting existing built-in driver, 118

installing, 9899

installing Windows XP drivers, 115, 116, 117

device property

manually editing partition table, 48

Device property, drives, 230

devices, 558

see also hardware

block device, 555

character device, 556

configuring input devices, 100106

installing Device Manager, 9899

removable storage devices, 130132

df command, 542

DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)

assigning static IP address, 463

configuring wired networking, 108, 109

diagnostic services

turning off, Firestarter, 174

dialout group, 450


adding/editing diary entry, Calendars, 327329

Dictionary Lookup applet, 205

Dictionary tool, 259

diff command, 267, 525, 542

diff3 command, 542

Diffuse Merge Tool, 277278

dig command, 542

Digg, 341

digiKam, 401

digital audio see audio

digital cameras

removable storage devices, 130

digital images

see also images

editing photos using F-Spot, 385386

editing photos using GIMP, 388401

importing photos using F-Spot, 384385

tagging photos using F-Spot, 386388

digital rights management see DRM

digital signing

signing and encrypting e-mail, 164165, 314315

directories, 558

see also folders

changing, 530

copying, 527528

creating, 530

deleting, 529

execute (x) permission applied to, 453, 454, 455

file type code for, 453, 454

hidden files and, 215

moving, 528

permissions, 446, 457

referring to parent directory, 530

root directory permissions, 454455

Ubuntu file system, 222224

user directory permissions, 454

Disable touchpad while typing option, 103

Disk Cleanup tool, Windows, 28

Disk Management tool, Windows, 26

Disk Mounter applet, 205

Disk Notifications option, 461

Disk Utility tool, 229230

disks see hard disks


power management, 141144

display area, gedit, 271

Distort filters, GIMP, 398

distributions see Linux distributions

distro mode

running Ubuntu in live distro mode, 36

DivX, 370

dmesg command, 542

Dock, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 89

document (editing) area, OpenOffice, 287

document formatting compatibility, 282

Document menu, gedit, 274

Document Statistics plug-in, gedit, 276

documentation, 558

GNU Free Documentation License, 561

info pages, 577578

man pages, 575577

Official Ubuntu Documentation, 580

README files, 578579


importing documents on installation, 56

sharing, Writer, 299

Documents directory, home folder, 221

Dolphin file manager, 588

DOS commands

shell equivalents, 524

dosfsck command, 542

Double-Click Timeout setting, mouse preferences, 102

Downloads directory, home folder, 221

dpkg (Debian package management system), 424, 425, 559

recovery mode start up, 78

dpkg command, 543

dpkg-reconfigure command, 543

Drag and Drop setting, mouse preferences, 102

Dragon Player, 351

Draw, 242, 280

Drawer applet, 205


alternatives to Windows software, 242

Drawing toolbar, Impress, 304

drive references, 225


3D drivers, 133, 134

blacklisting existing built-in driver, 118

Check for New Hardware Drivers tool, 461

connecting to wireless network, 110

Hardware Drivers utility, 134

installing Windows wireless network device drivers, 113121

installing Windows XP drivers, 115121

proprietary vs. open source drivers, 97

removing NdisWrapper drivers, 120

Ubuntu support for hardware, 95, 96

using NdisWrapper to install drivers, 119120


managing volumes, 231

mounting, 225, 228

properties, 230

DRM (digital rights management)

multimedia playback, 349, 350

watching DVDs, 377

du command, 543

dual-boot setup, 25

partitioning laptop for dual-booting, 27

dummy account

sharing folder from within Ubuntu, 234

DVD burning software, 255256

alternatives to Windows software, 242

burn-proof technology, 256

DVD player

alternatives to Windows software, 243

DVD-R, saving files to, 479


booting from DVD-ROM, 39

disc doesn't boot, 63

installing Ubuntu, 35

DVDs, watching, 377381

dwell click, 102

Dwell Click applet, 205

Dynamic Host Control Protocol see DHCP

Image E

echo command, 522

ed text editor, 269

Edge-Detect filters, GIMP, 398

Edit menu

gedit, 273

Nautilus, 210

Ubuntu Software Center, 417

Edit Partition dialog, 50

Edit Signature dialog, 319

editing filesystem label, 231

editing partition, 231

editing photos

F-Spot, 385386

GIMP, 388401

image-editing tools, GIMP, 390


Ubuntu Linux, 910

Editor options, gedit, 275

editors see text editors

Edubuntu, 586, 590

installing Ubuntu, 36

Edubuntu Linux, 10, 559

Effect Options dialog

animating slides, Impress, 306


3D effects, Impress, 306

Effects category

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 195

eject command, 543

ejecting media, 236

disconnecting camera from PC, 384

Ekiga, 261, 335

Ellipse Select tool, GIMP, 390

Emacs, 269, 270, 559

e-mail encryption, 150

decrypting e-mail, 165

signing and encrypting e-mail, 164165, 314315

validating e-mail, 165

e-mail files

backing up, 31, 33

importing Outlook e-mail via Thunderbird, 33

e-mail programs

see also Evolution (Mail mode)

alternatives to Windows software, 242

e-mailing files, Nautilus, 219

emblem icons, Nautilus, 214


file and folder icons, 214

Emblems view mode, Nautilus, 212

Empathy (instant messaging), 260, 331333

People Nearby feature, 333

Enable Assistive Technologies check box, 102

Enable ICMP Filtering check box, Firestarter

turning off diagnostic services, 174

Enable mouse clicks with touchpad option, 103

Encrypt Multiple Files dialog, 161, 163

encryption, 150165

Clipboard Text Encryption applet, 205

cryptographic key, 150

e-mail, 150

encrypting and decrypting files, 160164

exporting public key, 155156

file encryption, 150

generating key pair, 151155

importing and signing public keys, 158160

public key encryption system, 150

publishing public key, 156

Seahorse application, 151160

signing and encrypting e-mail, 164165, 314315

Text Encryption plug-in, gedit, 277

encryption key

logging in to remote computer, 491

Encryption Type option, PGP Key, 153

end-of-file (EOF) message, programs, 534

Enforce mode, AppArmor, 168

Enhance filters, GIMP, 398

Enter Passphrase dialog

decrypting e-mail, 165

signing and encrypting e-mail, 165

signing public keys with Seahorse, 160

environment, 559

Erase tool, GIMP, 392


redirecting standard error output, 538

standard error, 570

unrecoverable error during installation, 66

ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier)

connecting to wireless network, 111

etc directory, 223

fstab file, 228

Ethernet, 108, 110


Evolution Alarm Notifier utility, 461

Evince, 31

Evolution, 250251, 309

e-mail encryption, 150

generating key pair for, 151

hidden files, 221

signing and encrypting e-mail, 164165

Evolution (Calendars mode), 311, 326329

adding/editing diary entry, 327329

alternatives to Windows software, 242

managing multiple calendars, 329

specifying appointment types, 326

Evolution (Contacts mode), 310, 324326

adding/editing contacts, 324325

alternatives to Windows software, 242

creating contact list, 326

synchronizing, Ubuntu One, 346

Evolution (Mail mode), 310, 311324

alternatives to Windows software, 242

always creating HTML e-mail, 324

changing plain text font, 323

composing messages, 317319

configuring e-mail access, 311313

contact manager, 324

creating e-mail folders, 320321

creating e-mail signature, 319320

creating search folders, 323

dealing with junk e-mail, 321

deleting messages, 315316

emptying trash on exit, 324

flagging messages, 316

forwarding e-mail inline, 323

importing data, 31

importing Outlook e-mail via Thunderbird, 317

reading e-mail, 315

sending and receiving e-mail, 313314

signing and encrypting e-mail, 314

sorting and filtering messages, 321322

tips for using, 323324

vertical message window, 324

viewing e-mail, 315

Evolution (Memos mode), 311, 330331

Evolution (Tasks mode), 311, 330331

Evolution Alarm Notifier utility, 461

ex command, 543

Examples directory, home folder, 221

Excel, Microsoft

Ubuntu alternative to, 242

Exclude tab, Simple Backup, 474

execute (x) permission, 452, 453

applied to directories, 453, 454, 455

enabling in file Permissions tab, 456

numeric notation for, 457

exit command, 525, 543

Exit command, sftp, 495


brace expansion, 538539

Expiration Date option, PGP Key, 153

Explorer, Windows

Ubuntu alternative, 209

ext4 file system, 224


adding to Nautilus, 219

external file systems, 223

External Tools plug-in, gedit, 276

extra visual effects, 192

extracting folders or files from archives, 479

Extras category

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 196

Extreme Tux Racer, 406

eyedropper tool, 187

Eyes applet, 206

Image F

Facebook, 341

Facebook Chat, 332

failsafeX, 72

false positives, virus scanning, 178

FAT32, 559

Favorites, Internet Explorer

backing up data, 32

fdformat command, 543

fdisk command, 543

feed aggregator, real-time, 341

FFmpeg project, 370

fg command, 512, 543

file associations

launching files, Nautilus, 216218

RealPlayer handling its own file types, 375

file browser see Nautilus

File Browser Pane plug-in, gedit, 276

file command, 543

file compatibility

Office and OpenOffice, 281284

file encryption, 150

encrypting and decrypting files, 160164

file formats, audio, 363364

file links, 458

File menu

gedit, 272

Nautilus, 210

Ubuntu Software Center, 417

file names see filenames

file ownership, 452

changing, 456

changing after restoring data, 476

changing permissions, 455

file permissions, 452458

changing permissions within Nautilus, 455

codes for type of file, 453

data file permissions, 453454

directories, 457

everyone else permissions, 453

files and folders, 446, 452458

group permissions, 453

levels of folder access, 456

numeric notation for, 457

octal notation, 457

root directory permissions, 454455

rwx characters indicating, 452, 454, 457

symbolic links, 458

symbolic notation, 457

type of file, 452

umask variable, 457

user directory permissions, 454

users, 445, 452

viewing, 452453

File Roller, 258

adding support for rar files to, 479

alternatives to Windows software, 243

managing archive files, 478479

File Saving option, gedit, 275

file sharing

Personal File Sharing program, 462

file shortcuts, 458

file system, Ubuntu, 222226

file systems

checking, 231

editing filesystem label, 231

mounting, 231

types of, 224

file transfer

between remote computers, 493495

File Types tab

excluding files and folders from backup, 474


avoiding spaces in, Linux, 225

case sensitivity of, Ubuntu, 225

decoding ISO filenames, 591


absolute and relative paths, 531

accessing networked files, 232233

adding data to existing file, 537

autocompletion, 532

changing ownership of, 456

changing permissions for, 456

within Nautilus, 455

common personal data file types, 31

comparing multiple files with Diffuse, 277278

configuring computer to synchronize, 344345

copying, 527528

creating link to, 201202

data file permissions, 453454

deleting, 529

Do not extract older files option, 479

e-mailing files, Nautilus, 219

excluding from backup, 474

extensions and types, 216

extracting from archives, 479

file type code for, 453

hidden files, 215

home folder, 219

icons and emblems, 214

including in backup, 474

joining with paste command, 269

listing, 526527

matched selection, Nautilus, 218

mounting, 227

moving, 528

opening file type with different program, 217 compatibility, 282

Overwrite existing files action, 479

ownership, 452

permissions, 446, 452

Permissions tab, 455

real and virtual files, 226

redirecting command output to, 537538

saving to CD-R/RW or DVD-R, 479

saving, OpenOffice, 295

Search for Files applet, 206

searching for, Nautilus, 213

text files, 270278

Ubuntu file system, 222224

viewing file sizes, Nautilus, 218

working with, 524531

filenames that have spaces, 529

in Windows partitions, 232

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), 222

filter function, Calc, 302

Filter text box

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 194

filtering messages, Evolution, 321322


GIMP, 397400

Synaptic Package Manager, 433, 434

find command, 525, 544

Find Files, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

Find options, Search menu, gedit, 274

Find Remote Keys dialog, 158

Finder, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 89

Firefox web browser, 251253, 559

adding Java support, 374

Adobe Flash Player plug-in, 409

alternatives to Windows software, 242

backing up bookmarks, 32

hidden files, 221

identifying installed plug-ins, 372

installing Flash plug-in, 374

personas, 197

removing Flash plug-in, 374

Swfdec SWF Player plug-in, 409

tabbed browsing, 252

Totem browser plug-in, 370

Ubuntu desktop, 83

video and audio playback, 370

web browser security, 179

Firestarter, 169175

Add new inbound rule dialog, 172

Add new outbound rule dialog, 173

configuring, 170175

Enable ICMP Filtering check box, 174

inbound traffic policy, 171173

installing, 169170

logging in to remote computer, 490

outbound connection rules, 173174

turning off diagnostic services, 174


configuring Ubuntu firewall, 169175

Firestarter, 169175

Linux, 147

software and hardware firewalls, 169

Ubuntu firewall, 147

Firmware Version property, drives, 230

Fish applet, 206

Five or More, gnome-games, 404

FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)

audio file formats, 363

playing audio files, 351


adding Flash support, 373374

Adobe Flash Player, 409

Gnash, 409

installing codecs in one package, 352

installing Flash plug-in, 374

removing Flash plug-in, 374

Swfdec SWF Player, 409

web-based gaming, 408409

Flash file

exporting presentation as, Impress, 306

Flickr, 341

Flip tool, GIMP, 392

FLOSS, 559

Fluendo MP3 codec, 355

fmt command, 268

fold command, 269


see also directories

changing group of folder, 456

changing ownership of, 456

changing permissions for files in, 456

changing permissions within Nautilus, 455

creating e-mail folders, 320321

excluding from backup, 474

extracting from archives, 479

icons and emblems, 214

including in backup, 474

levels of folder access, 456

permissions, 452458

Re-create folders action, 479

search folders, Evolution, 323

sharing from within Ubuntu, 234235

User Folders Update tool, 462

Font & Colors Preferences options

Preferences dialog, gedit, 275

Font option, gedit, 275


copying Windows fonts, 285

installing TrueType core fonts, 285286

Liberation fonts, 284, 284287

personalizing Ubuntu, 188189

Fonts tab, Appearance Preferences, 189

Fontwork tool, Impress, 306

footers, adding, Writer, 299

Force Quit applet, 206

Foreground Select tool, GIMP, 391

foreground, bringing command to, 512

Format Cell dialog, Calc, 301

format property

manually editing partition table, 48

format, documents

OASIS OpenDocument Format (ODF), 284 compatibility, 282

formatting data, Calc, 301

formatting text, Writer, 297298

formatting toolbar

Calc, 301

Writer, 298

formatting volumes, 231


working with, Calc, 302

forums, 579580

Absolute Beginner Talk forum, 580

forwarding e-mail inline, 323

FOSS, 559

Four-in-a-row, gnome-games, 404

FQDN (fully qualified domain name) logging in to remote computer, 490

frame formatting, Writer, 298

Freax, 16

free, 560

free command, 544

Free Select tool, GIMP, 390

free software, 427, 560

copyleft, 15

GNU project, 14

RMS (Richard Matthew Stallman), 14

Free Software Foundation, 14, 560

free space

checking, 28

freeing up space, 28, 30

minimum for Ubuntu in Windows partition, 28

reclaiming space, 2829

removing Windows to free space, 29

using another hard disk, 29

FreeCiv, 406

freshclam, 176

Frets on Fire, 406

FriendFeed, 341

FrontPage, 242

Frozen Bubble, 406

frozen computer

computer freezes during installation, 65

fsck command, 525, 544

F-Spot Photo Manager, 256, 257

alternatives to Windows software, 243

connecting camera to PC, 383

copy of original image, 386

editing photos, 385386

importing photos, 384385

sending photos to cloud, 347

tagging photos, 386388

fstab file, 228


transferring backup directory across Internet, 475

ftp command, 544

full desktop solutions, 6

Fullscreen option, gedit, 273

Function Wizard button, Calc, 302


working with, Calc, 302

functions, OpenOffice

adding functions to toolbars, 288290

fuser command, 544

Image G

Gadu-Gadu, 332


Alien Arena, 406

Extreme Tux Racer, 406

Flash and web-based gaming, 408409

FreeCiv, 406

Frets on Fire, 406

Frozen Bubble, 406

gnome-games package, 403405

installing Windows games on Linux, 410411

Linux games, 403408

Pingus, 406, 407408

Pysol, 406

sources for, 403, 407408

Super Tux, 406

Tremulous, 406

Ubuntu Software Center, 405

Warzone 2100, 406

games software, 262

alternatives to Windows software, 243

Gates, Bill

attitude to software, 15

Gcalctool, 258

GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), 560

installing compiler tools, 440

GCompris, 590

Gdebi Package Installer, 437

Gedit, 270277

alternatives to Windows software, 243

applying formatting, 272

creating file, 272

display area, 271

Document menu, 274

Edit menu, 273

editing configuration files, 272

elements of window, 271

File menu, 272

Help menu, 274

menubar, 271, 272274

opening file, 272

panes, 271

Personalize dialog, 272

plug-ins, 274, 275277

Preferences dialog, 273, 274

running X applications on remote computer, 496

saving file, 272

Search menu, 274

starting, 272

statusbar, 271

tabs, 271

toolbar, 271

View menu, 273

working with, 272277

General category

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 194

General tab

Keyboard Preferences dialog, 103

Mouse Preferences dialog, 100102

Power Management applet, 143

Simple Backup, 473

Generic filters, GIMP, 398

genisoimage command, 544

Get command, sftp, 494

Get Software element

Ubuntu Software Center, 417

GIDs (group IDs), 560

adding groups, 449

identifying groups, 447

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 256257, 383, 388401, 560

Airbrush tool, 392

Alignment tool, 391

Alpha to Logofilters, 400

alternatives to Windows software, 243

Animation filters, 400

Artistic filters, 398

Blend tool, 392

Blur tool, 393, 398

brightness corrections, 395

Brightness-Contrast option, 395

brush selector, 393

Bucket Fill tool, 392

buffers, 393

Clone tool, 392

color corrections, 395396

Color Picker tool, 391

color saturation corrections, 395

Combine filters, 398

contrast corrections, 395

copy buffer, 393

Crop tool, 392, 397

cut buffer, 393

Decor filters, 398

Distort filters, 398

Edge-Detect filters, 398

Ellipse Select tool, 390

Enhance filters, 398

Erase tool, 392

essential concepts, 393

filters, 397400

Flip tool, 392

foreground and background colors, 393

Foreground Select tool, 391

Free Select tool, 390

Generic filters, 398

Healing tool, 393, 397

Hue-Saturation option, 396

image-editing tools, 390

Ink tool, 392

launching, 389

layers, 394

Layers dialog, 394

Levels function, 396

Light filters, 398

main toolbar window, 389, 390

Map filters, 399

Measure tool, 391

menu bar, 389

Move tool, 391

Noise filters, 398

Paintbrush tool, 392

paste buffer, 393

paths, 393

Paths dialog, 394

Paths tool, 391

Pencil tool, 392

Perspective tool, 392

Rectangle Select tool, 390

Render filters, 399

right-clicking, 389

Rotate tool, 392

Scale tool, 392

Scissors Select tool, 391

Select by Color tool, 391

Select tools, 390

selection areas, 393

Shadow filters, 398

Sharpen tool, 393, 400

Single Document Interface, 388

Smudge tool, 393

switching to different virtual desktop, 389

Text tool, 392

Web filters, 399

Zoom tool, 391, 393

GimPhoto, 400

GIMPshop, 400

gksu command

borrowing superuser powers, 444

gksu gedit

editing configuration files, 272

Gksudo, 446

adding to application launcher, 482

glossary (A-Z) of Linux terms, 553574

Gnash, 409

adding Flash support, 373

gNewSense, 586

GNOME, 81, 560

adding programs to GNOME startup, 463

gedit, 270277

managing GNOME sessions during boot, 461464

mounting external storage devices, 228

personalizing Ubuntu, 182

Power Manager program, 462

screen reader software, 103

working with applets, 204

GNOME Art web site

additional theme components, 185

GNOME Calculator, 258

GNOME desktop

applets, 555

controlling which programs start up with, 461

e-mail program, 311324

GNOME Login Sound, 461

GNOME Scheduler

creating recurrent task, 482484

problem with cron, 486

scheduling one-off tasks, 485

scheduling tasks with, 481486

using templates, 486

GNOME Terminal, 243, 521

gnome-games package, 403405

table showing games in package, 404

GNU (GNU's Not UNIX), 560

GNU Compiler Collection see GCC

GNU Free Documentation License, 561

GNU project, 14, 561

copyleft, 16

free, 560

Linux and, 517

GNU Public License (GPL), 561

Lesser GPL (LGPL), 561, 564

GNU/Linux, 17, 517, 561

Gnumeric, 242, 287

Go menu, Nautilus, 210

Go to Line option, gedit, 274

Google calendar

managing multiple calendars, 329

Google Talk, 332

GParted, 47

gphoto2, 401

GPL see GNU Public License

grammar, checking, Writer, 298

GRand Unified Bootloader see GRUB

graphical problems, 7174


desktop visual effects, 134

inserting, Writer, 298

low-graphics mode, 72

NVidia X Server Setting program, 462, 72

graphics cards

Ubuntu support for hardware, 96

graphs, creating, Calc, 303

grep command, 265, 267, 545, 561

piping command output to, 536

Grip, 243

Group column, file listing, 452, 454

group permissions, files, 453

groupadd command, 545

groupdel command, 545

groups, 561

adding, 449

adding users to, 449

changing after restoring data, 476

changing, folder, 456

deleting, 449

Main Group drop-down list, 449

identifying users and, 447

root, 444

system groups within Ubuntu, 450

Ubuntu and UNIX, 446

user accounts, 444

users, 443, 445

groups command, 545

GroupWise, 333

GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader), 561

Grub option

recovery mode start up, 78

Grub program

computer no longer boots, postinstallation, 70

reducing Grub boot menu delay, 460

starting up Ubuntu Linux, 77

GStreamer multimedia framework, 351, 352, 379

finding version of Totem currently in use, 380

installing codecs when required, 353

plug-in, 369, 370, 371

Guest Session option

shutting down Ubuntu, 85

GUI, 561

GUI applications

accessing remotely, 495498

command-line programs, 520

guru, 561


microblogging with, 340342

social networking sites supported by, 341

gzip command, 545, 562

Image H

hackers, 149, 557, 562

halt command, 545

Handout tab, Impress, 304

hard disks

computer can't find on installation, 68

defragmenting, 38

freeing up disk space, 2830, 467469

emptying cache of package files, 468

emptying tmp folder, 468

emptying trash, 468

removing unused software, 469

installing Windows on Ubuntu hard disk, 29

managing, 230231

many hard disks visible in partitioner, 68

mounting volumes, 228

preparing Windows partition for resizing, 3738

repartitioning on installation, 4354

too many partitions on installation, 68

understanding partitioning, 25, 27

using another hard disk, 29

viewing disk and volume information, 229230

viewing disk partitions, 26

hard links, 201, 458


see also devices

adding printers, 124130

Check for New Hardware Drivers tool, 461

configuring Bluetooth, 135140

configuring scanners, 132133

configuring sound cards, 140141

file type codes for hardware device, 453

proprietary vs. open source drivers, 97

Ubuntu support for, 9599

virtual files, 226

what hardware works under Ubuntu, 97

hardware detection, 34

Hardware Drivers utility, 134

hash (#) prompt, 521

hdparm command, 545

head command, 267, 545

headers, adding, Writer, 299

Healing tool, GIMP, 393, 397

help, 575581

Devhelp Support plug-in, gedit, 276

forums, 579580

info pages, 523, 577578

LTS (Long-Term Support), 583

mailing lists, 580

man pages, 523, 575577

Official Ubuntu Documentation, 580

online help, 579581, 293

README files, 578579

reasons to stop using Windows, 12

RTFM, 575

third-party web sites, 580

Ubuntu desktop, 83

Ubuntu Linux, 10

Help Agent, OpenOffice, 293

help command, 545

Help command, sftp, 495

Help menu

gedit, 274

Ubuntu Software Center, 417

Hex keys, 112

hibernate feature, Power Manager, 462

Hibernate option

power management, 142, 143, 144

shutting down Ubuntu, 85, 86

hidden files, home directory, 471

Hide Windows button, Ubuntu desktop, 84

hierarchical file system, 222

Highlight Mode option, gedit, 273

hinting, 189

history command, 535, 545

History view mode, Nautilus, 212

home directory/folder, 212, 219

backing up data, 471

configuration files, 472

default directories, 220

Desktop directory, 221

Documents directory, 221

Downloads directory, 221

Examples directory, 221

hidden files, 215, 471

Music directory, 221

Pictures directory, 221

Places pane, 220

Public directory, 221

shorthand for user's home directory, 521

Templates directory, 221

Videos directory, 221

Horizontal gradient option, backgrounds, 187

host command, 545

hostname command, 545

hosts, 562

HP-UX, 562


movie file formats, 377

HTML e-mail, always creating, 324

HTML files

file extensions, 216

HTML mail

composing messages, 317

https, 121

HURD, 562

GNU project, 14

quest for UNIX-like OS, 16

Image I


decoding package filenames, 428

Iagno, gnome-games, 404

IBM PC, 14

ICMP Filtering, Firestarter

turning off diagnostic services, 174

Icon view, Nautilus, 211

Icons tab, Customize Theme dialog, 184

icons, OpenOffice

adding icons to toolbars, 288

deleting icons from toolbars, 290

ICQ, 333

id command, 546, 341

ifconfig command, 519, 525, 546

Illustrator, 242

IM Status section, MeMenu, 339

Image editor software

alternatives to Windows software, 243

Image files

file extensions, 216

Image Loading category

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 196

image-editing tools, GIMP, 390


see also digital images

backing up data, 31

creating bootable CDs from ISO images, 590593

creating vector artwork, 389

inserting, Writer, 298

IMAP mail accounts

configuring e-mail access, Evolution, 311

importing photos using F-Spot, 384385

Impress (presentations), 247249, 303306

3D effects, 306

alternatives to Windows software, 242

animating slides, 305

creating quick presentation, 303

Drawing toolbar, 304

elements in program window, 303

exporting presentation as Flash file, 306

Fontwork tool, 306

Handout tab, 304

Layouts preview, 304

Normal tab, 304

Notes tab, 304 applications, 280

Outline tab, 304

Slide Sorter tab, 304

Slides pane, 303

Tasks pane, 304

View menu, 305

In Progress element

Ubuntu Software Center, 417, 418

inbound traffic policy

configuring Firestarter, 171173

Include tab, Simple Backup, 474

Incremental Search option, gedit, 274

Indicator applet, Ubuntu desktop, 84

info command, 546, 562

info pages, 523, 577578

Information view mode, Nautilus, 212

Inhibit applet, 206

init command, 546, 562

Upstart, 572

init.d, 563

initrd, 563

Ink tool, GIMP, 392

Inkscape, 242, 389


forwarding e-mail inline, 323

inode, 563


standard input, 266, 570

input devices

configuring keyboard settings, 103106

configuring mouse options, 100103

Insert Date/Time plug-in, gedit, 276

Insert OLE Object dialog, 294

Install Driver dialog, 120

Install Multimedia Codecs dialog, 353, 371

Installed Software element

Ubuntu Software Center, 417

installing software see software installation

installing Ubuntu, 3561

booting from DVD-ROM, 39

confirming installation choices, 5657

confirming keyboard layout, 4243


importing documents and settings, 56

installing inside Windows, 39

installing on Mac, 5960

overview of installation process, 3537

performing installation, 5758

preparing Windows partition for resizing, 3738

rebooting, 58

repartitioning hard disk, 4354

manually editing partition table, 4754

resizing main partition, 4445

using entire disk, 45

using largest continuous free space, 46

using second hard disk, 46

running in live distro mode, 36

selecting location and time zone, 41

setting up user, 5455

trying or installing Ubuntu, 40

instant messaging

Empathy, 260, 331333

MeMenu, 339

Integrated Peripherals section

BIOS setup program, 69


installing Ubuntu on Mac, 60

Internet Explorer

Ubuntu alternatives to, 242

Internet Explorer Favorites

backing up data, 32

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)

configuring network printer, 127

Internet telephone calls

Ekiga, 261, 335

Skype, 334335

Invest applet, 206

IP address, 232

assigning static IP address, 463

ipchains, 563


accessing networked files, 232

iptables, 563

Linux firewall, 147

Ubuntu firewall, 169

ISO filenames, decoding, 591

ISO images

creating bootable CDs from, 590593

Image J

Jabber, 332

JACK, 364

Jamendo, 357, 358

.jar file type, 477


installing codecs in one package, 352

playing online Java games, 409

Java applets

adding Java support, 374

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) software

installing, 293

JeOS, 585

jfs file system, 224

jobs, 563

controlling jobs, 511513

processes compared, 511

sending several jobs to background, 512

sleeping jobs, 512

jobs command, 511, 546

journaling, 563

JRE (Java Runtime Environment) software

installing, 293

junk e-mail

dealing with, 321

Image K

K3b, 242

Karbon 14, 242

KArchiver, 243

Kate, 243

KDE, 563

Kubuntu, 587

metapackage for, 437

personalizing Ubuntu, 182

KDE-Edu programs, 590

Kdenlive, 243

kernel, 5, 79, 563

choosing from menu of options, 65

Linux, 517

optimizing, 466467

preinstallation problems, 64

shells and, 517

kernel panic, 564

key pair

generating with Seahorse, 151155

Key Servers tab, Preferences dialog

publishing public key with Seahorse, 157

Key Strength option, PGP Key

generating key pair with Seahorse, 153, 154

Keyboard Indicator applet, 104

Keyboard Layout Options dialog, 104

Keyboard Preferences dialog

Accessibility tab, 105

configuring keyboard settings, 103106

General tab, 103

Layouts tab, 104

Mouse Keys tab, 105

Typing Break tab, 106

keyboard shortcuts, 533534

creating, 106


Acceleration slider, 106

Bounce keys, 105

configuring settings, 103106

confirming layout during installation, 4243

creating shortcuts, 106

Delay slider, 106

Simulate Simultaneous Keypresses check box, 105

Slow keys, 105

Speed slider, 106

standard input, 536

Sticky keys, 105

switching between, 104

USB keyboard not recognized, postinstallation, 69

using Bluetooth keyboard, 139140


Certificate and Key Storage tool, 461

cryptographic key, 150

reducing number of keys to sign, 160

kill command, 510, 546

killall command, 510, 546

killing processes, 507509

Kino movie-editing software, 380

Klotski, gnome-games, 404

kludge, 564

KMail, 242, 588

Knod, 242

KOffice, 242, 287

KompoZer, 242

Konqueror, 242, 588

Kontact, 242

Kopete, 588

Kpresenter, 242

Krita, 243

KSpread, 242

Kubuntu, 564, 585, 587588

installing Ubuntu, 36

metapackage for, 437

Kubuntu desktop, 82

Kubuntu Linux, 10

KubuntuKde3Lucid, 586

KVM switch

screen is corrupted preinstallation, 66

Kword, 242

Image L

l file type, 453

LAMP, 8, 20, 564


switching between keyboards, 104


partitioning for dual-booting, 27

resizing main partition, 45

Ubuntu support for hardware, 96

last command, 546


adding gksudo to application launcher, 482

creating, 199200

creating link to file/program, 201202

Launchpad, 421

accessing Ubuntu One via browser, 346

adding PPAs to software sources, 431

configuring Ubuntu One to synchronize files, 344

PPAs (Personal Package Archives), 430

subscribing to Ubuntu One, 343

layers, GIMP, 394

Alignment tool, 391

Layout Options dialog, keyboard, 104

Layouts preview, Impress, 304

Layouts tab, Keyboard Preferences, 104

Lcd command, sftp, 494

ldd command, 546

least privilege principle, 168

Lemmings, 406


installing Ubuntu on Mac, 60

less command, 267, 268, 507, 525, 546

piping command output to, 536

Levels function, GIMP, 396

LGPL (Lesser GPL), 561, 564

lib directory, 223

Liberation fonts, 284

libraries, prelinking, 464

library, 564

Light filters, GIMP, 398

Lights Off, gnome-games, 404

line breaks

removing with fmt command, 268

line numbers

adding with nl, 269

Line Numbers option, gedit, 275


removing duplicates with uniq command, 268

wrapping words with fold, 269

link, symbolic

file type code for, 453


configuring wired networking, 108

links, 564

creating link to file/program, 201202

file links, 458

hard links, 201, 458

symbolic links, 201, 458, 570

Linux, 564

antivirus protection, 147

avoiding spaces in filenames, 225

A-Z glossary of Linux terms, 553574

booting into the shell, 524

compiling programs from source code, 440

description, 517

distributions, 18

drive references, 225

drivers, 95, 96

Edubuntu Linux, 559

firewalls, 147

formats of Linux installation files, 421422

GNU/Linux, 17

installing from source code, 440442

installing RealPlayer, 371372

installing Windows games on, 410411

mounting volumes, 228

movie-editing software, 380

office software, 287

open source, 20

penguin mascot, 18

philosophy of sharing, 21

real files and virtual files, 226

reasons for shells, 518

root and ordinary users, 148149

running shell via virtual console, 523

shorthand for user's home directory, 521

text files, importance of, 265

types of file systems, 224

Ubuntu support for hardware, 95, 96

UNIX and, 13

variables, 522

versions, 18

when to use shell, 520

Windows security compared, 147148

working in Computer window, 235

working with files, 524531

Linux 0.01, 17

Linux distributions, 18, 558

CentOS, 19

Chrome OS, 19

Debian, 56, 19, 558

Mandriva, 19

reasons for shells, 519

Red Hat, 19

Slackware, 19

SuSE Linux, 19

Ubuntu, 19

Linux for human beings

Ubuntu Linux, 67

Linux Foundation, 565

Linux games, 403408

Linux kernel

GPL (GNU Public License), 561

List Files Only access, folders, 456

list formatting, Writer, 298

List view

Contacts mode, Evolution, 324

Nautilus, 211


sort command, 269

live distro mode

running Ubuntu in, 36

Lls command, sftp, 494

Lmkdir command, sftp, 495

ln command, 546

local machine, 490, 565

localhost, 565

Locate Pointer option, mouse preferences, 101

location bar, Nautilus, 210

Location property, drives, 230


bookmarking locations, 212

selecting during installation, 41

Lock Screen applet/option, 206

shutting down Ubuntu, 85

Log Out applet/option, 206

shutting down Ubuntu, 85

logging out

remembering running programs at log out, 462

login picture, changing, 198

login screen, Ubuntu, 7980

only offered text login on installation, 67

only offered text login, postinstallation, 71

look command, 268

lost+found directory, 223

low-graphics mode, 72

lpadmin group, 450

lpr command, 525, 547

lpstat command, 547

ls command, 526, 527, 547

h (human-readable) option, 527

l (long) option, 527

m option, 526

Ls command, sftp, 494

lsmod command, 547

lsof command, 547

LTS (Long-Term Support), Ubuntu, 583

Lubuntu, 586

Lucid Lynx

default Ubuntu themes, 183

installing Ubuntu, 35

MeMenu, 338339, 72

Image M


installing Ubuntu on, 5960

Mac OS X

burning CDs using, 593

desktop compared with Ubuntu, 8990 versions for, 282

Macintosh HD, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 89


creating, OpenOffice, 295

macros, VBA compatibility, 281

Magnatune, 358359

Mahjongg, gnome-games, 404

Mail mode, Evolution, 310, 311324

mail program

redirecting command output, 537

mail servers

configuring e-mail access, Evolution, 311, 312

mailing lists, 580

Main Distribution repository, 426

Main Group drop-down list

deleting groups, 449

Main Menu applet, 206

adding Start-like button to panel, 203

main partition

manually editing partition table, 49, 52

Main section, repositories, 427

Mains Power tab, 142

make command, 441

make install command, 442

man command, 525, 547

man pages, 523, 565, 575577

BASH command index, 539

how to read man page, 576

tips for working with, 577

Manage Groups button, Users and Groups tool

adding groups, 449

Mandriva, 19


RTFM, 575

Map filters, GIMP, 399

Mark As Important

flagging messages, 316

Mark for Complete Removal

Synaptic Package Manager, 437

Mark for Follow Up

flagging messages, 316

Mark for Installation, SPM, 435

Mark for Removal, SPM, 437

Mark Recommended for Installation, SPM, 435

Mark Suggested for Installation, SPM, 435

matched selection

Nautilus, 218

Math applications, 280

Max Size tab

excluding files and folders from backup, 474

Maximize button, Ubuntu desktop, 82, 183

md5sum command, 547

Me Menu see MeMenu

Measure tool, GIMP, 391


creating open source media player, 370

ejecting, 236

installing RealPlayer, 371372

Ogg Vorbis media format, 350

media directory, 223

Media Player see Windows Media Player


specifying appointment types, Calendars, 326

MEM column, top program output, 505

MeMenu, 338339

Me section, 339

Ubuntu desktop, 83

warning when root account, 444


testing computer's memory, 64

Memos mode, Evolution, 251, 311, 330331

Memtest86 program, 59, 64

menu bar

GIMP, 389

Nautilus, 210

OpenOffice, 287

Ubuntu Software Center, 417

menubar, gedit, 271, 272274

menus, OpenOffice

customizing, 290

menus, Ubuntu desktop

adding to bottom panel, 203

deleting, 204

Main Menu applet, 206

modifying, 204

messages, e-mail

always creating HTML e-mail, 324

changing plain text font, 323

composing, 317319

creating folders, 320321

creating signature, 319320

dealing with junk e-mail, 321

deleting, 315316

emptying trash on exit, 324

flagging, 316

forwarding e-mail inline, 323

reading, 315

sending and receiving, 313314

sorting and filtering, 321322

vertical window, 324

viewing, 315


Empathy, 331333

metapackages, 437

Mget command, sftp, 494


social networking sites, 341

with Gwibber, 340342

microphone, recording from, 367


history of, 14

OpenDocument Format (ODF), 284

Ubuntu alternatives to Windows software, 241243

Microsoft Exchange server

configuring e-mail access, Evolution, 311, 313

Microsoft Office

backing up data, 31 file compatibility with, 281284 similarities to, 279280

zero-cost equivalent, 279

Microsoft Outlook

importing data from, 31

importing e-mail via Thunderbird, 33, 317

Ubuntu alternatives to, 242

Microsoft TrueType core fonts

installing codecs in one package, 352

Midori, 242

Mines games software, 243, 262, 404

Minimize button, Ubuntu desktop, 82, 183

MINIX, (minimal UNIX), 16, 565

mkdir command, 524

creating directories, 530

p option, 531

Mkdir command, sftp, 495

mkfs command, 547

mnt directory, 223

mobile broadband network

connecting to, 121123

Model property, drives, 230

Modelines plug-in, gedit, 276

modinfo command, 547

modprobe command, 547

module, 565

monitor resolution, 72, 73

not recognized, postinstallation, 69

screen resolution, 83

more command, 267, 268, 547

Motion Threshold setting, mouse, 102

mount, 565

mount command, 548

mount points, 228

manually editing partition table, 47, 48, 50, 52


drives, 225, 228

external storage devices, 228

file systems, 231

files, 227

volumes, 228


configuring mouse options, 100103

functionality, Ubuntu, 82, 92

Motion Threshold setting, 102

USB mouse not recognized, postinstallation, 69

using Bluetooth mouse, 139140

Mouse Keys tab, Keyboard Preferences, 105

Mouse Orientation option, 101

mouse pointer, Customize Theme dialog, 185

Mouse Preferences dialog

Accessibility tab, 102

configuring mouse options, 100103

General tab, 100, 101102

Touchpad tab, 103

Move tool, GIMP, 391

movie file formats, 369

installing codecs for, 370371

open source formats, 377

movie-editing software, 380


Gnash movie player, 409

Totem movie player, 254255, 369

watching DVDs, 377381

watching movies, 375377

Mozilla Firefox see Firefox web browser

Mozilla Foundation, 565

Mozilla Thunderbird see Thunderbird

Mozilla Weave account, 32

MP3 format

audio file formats, 364

encoding/decoding MP3s, 355

Fluendo MP3 codec, 355

installing codecs in one package, 352

playing audio files, 351

MP3 playback, 349

MP3 players

alternatives to Windows software, 242

removable storage devices, 130

MPlayer, 243, 370

Mput command, sftp, 495

MS-DOS prompt

alternatives to Windows software, 243

MSN Messenger, 333


adding Flash support, 373374

adding Java support, 374

backing up data, 31, 473, 474

installing codecs for movie file formats, 370371

installing RealPlayer, 371372

playing audio files, 351357

retrieving streaming content, 370

Totem movie player, 369

watching DVDs, 377381

watching movies, 375377

watching TV, 381382

multimedia framework, 351

multimedia playback, 349351

DRM (digital rights management), 349, 350

installing codecs in one package, 352353

installing codecs when required, 353354

installing playback software, 369375

MP3 playback, 349

Ogg Vorbis media format, 350

Multiverse section, repositories, 427

MusE, 364

Music directory, home folder, 221

Music Player Video files

file extensions, 216

music stores

purchasing online, 357360

music, making, 364

mv command, 524, 528, 548

mxit, 333

My Computer, Windows

Nautilus, Ubuntu, 209

Ubuntu equivalent, 87

My Documents, Windows

importing documents on installation, 56

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

My Network Places, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

My Personal Keys tab

exporting public key with Seahorse, 156

Passwords and Encryption Keys, 154

signing and encrypting e-mail, 314

MySpace, 333

MySQL, 20, 565

Mythbuntu, 586

MythTV, 382

Image N

named pipe

file type code for, 453

nano text editor, 269

Nautilus, 209221, 255256

accessing networked files, 233

adding extensions to, 219

browsing files on remote device, 137

changing permissions within, 455

creating archives, 477478

e-mailing files, 219

emblem icons, 214

encrypting and decrypting files, 150, 160164

generating key pair for, 151

hidden files and directories, 215, 471

home folder, 219

launching files and running programs, 216218

matched selection, 218

object modes, 214

searching for files, 213

special windows, 214

starting Nautilus, 209

symbolic links, 458

tabbed browsing, 218

view modes, 212

viewing file sizes, 218

viewing permissions, 452453

working in Computer window, 235

Nautilus window, 210

Bookmarks menu, 210

Compact view, 211

Edit menu, 210

File menu, 210

Go menu, 210

Icon view, 211

List view, 211

location bar, 210

menu bar, 210

Places pane, 211

toolbar, 210

View As options, 211

View menu, 210

zoom controls, 211

navigation pane, Ubuntu Software Center, 417

ncurses, 557


installing configuration tools, 114

installing Windows wireless network device drivers, 113120

installing Windows XP drivers, 115121

removing NdisWrapper drivers, 120

using NdisWrapper to install drivers, 119120

NeoOffice, 282

Nero, 242

netbooks see Ubuntu Netbook Edition

Netfilter, Ubuntu firewall, 169

netroot option

recovery mode start up, 78

netstat command, 548

Network button, Finder, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 89

Network Manager applet, 84, 461

Network Neighborhood, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

network server configuration, 223


accessing networked files, 232233

assigning static IP address, 463

configuring Bluetooth, 135140

configuring network printer, 127128

configuring Windows/SMB shared printer, 128130

configuring wired networking, 108109

connecting to mobile broadband network, 121123

connecting to wireless network, 110113

installing Windows wireless network device drivers, 113121

working with proxy server, 123124

NetworkManager, 107108

configuring wired networking, 108

connecting to wireless network, 110, 111, 112

installing Windows wireless network device drivers, 113

New option, File menu, gedit, 272

New PGP Key dialog

generating key pair with Seahorse, 152, 153

newbie, 10, 566

NFS (Network File System), 566

NI column, top program output, 505

Nibbles, gnome-games, 404

nice command, 507, 548

nl command, 269

nohup command, 513, 548

Noise filters, GIMP, 398

noop value, scheduler, 467

Normal tab, Impress, 304

normalization, audio playback, 366

NoScript plug-in

Firefox web browser security, 179


display looks corrupted during installation, 66

resizing main partition, 45

Notepad, 243

Notepad++ application, 439

Notes tab, Impress, 304

Notes view mode, Nautilus, 212

notes, inserting, Writer, 300

Notes, Tomboy

synchronizing, Ubuntu One, 345346

Tomboy Notes applet, 207

notification area

online updates, 166167

Ubuntu desktop, 84

Notification Area applet, 206


Disk Notifications option, 461

Ubuntu desktop, 84

NTFS (NT File System), 566

types of file systems, 224

NTFS partition

working with files in Windows partitions, 232

Nvidia graphics card

display configuration screen, 74

graphical problems, 72

monitor resolution not recognized, 69

NVidia X Server Setting program, 462

NVidia X Server Setting program, 462

Image O

OASIS OpenDocument Format (ODF), 284

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), 293

object modes, Nautilus, 214

octal notation, 457

ODF (OpenDocument Format), 284

Off button, Ubuntu desktop, 83, 85

Office see Microsoft Office

office software

Linux, 287

zero-cost equivalent to Microsoft, 279

Official Ubuntu Documentation, 580

Ogg Theora movie file format, 377

Ogg Vorbis media format, 350

audio file formats, 363

playing audio files, 351

OICQ (Open ICQ), 333

OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), 293

On Battery Power tab, 142

On Mains Power tab, 142

one-off tasks, GNOME Scheduler, 485

online activity

configuring wired networking, 108109

connecting to mobile broadband network, 121123

connecting to wireless network, 110113

getting online with Ubuntu, 106124

installing Windows wireless network device drivers, 113121

NetworkManager, 107108

working with proxy server, 123124

online help, 579581

forums, 579580

mailing lists, 580

third-party web sites, 580

online music stores

Jamendo, 357, 358

Magnatune, 358359

purchasing from, 357360

Ubuntu One, 359360

online radio stations, tuning in to, 360361

online updates, 166167

Open option, File menu, gedit, 272

open source, 20, 566

proprietary vs. open source drivers, 97

Open Source Initiative (OSI), 20

open source movie file formats, 377

open source software

Apache, 20

MySQL, 20, 20

Open With tab, 217

OpenDocument Format (ODF), 284

saving files, OpenOffice, 295


installing codecs in one package, 352, 20, 244250, 566

alternatives to Windows software, 242

applications, 279, 296306

background and StarOffice, 279

Base, 249250

Basic (macro language), 246

Calc, 246247, 300303

configuring options, 291

copying Windows fonts, 285

core functions, 292296

creating macros, 295

customizing interface, 288292

customizing menus, 290

document (editing) area, 287

file compatibility with Microsoft Office, 281284

fonts, 284287

help, 293

Impress, 247249, 303306

inserting objects with OLE, 293

installing TrueType core fonts, 285286

introducing components of interface, 287288

key features, 281

Mac OS X versions, 282

menu bar, 287

metapackages, 437

OpenDocument Format (ODF), 284

password encryption, 150

personalizing appearance, 291

ruler, 287

saving files, 295

similarities to Microsoft Office, 279280

status bar, 287

toolbars, 287

adding functions to, 288290

adding new toolbars, 290

formatting, 287

standard toolbar, 287

wizards, 292

Writer, 244246, 297300

zero-cost equivalent to Microsoft Office, 279

OpenShot, 243

OpenSSH, 489

Opera, 242

operating systems see OS

opt directory, 223

optimizing Ubuntu, 459469

freeing up disk space, 467469

emptying cache of package files, 468

emptying tmp folder, 468

emptying trash, 468

removing unused software, 469

kernel, 466, 466467

prelinking, 464465

speeding up booting, 459464

options, commands, 526

using one or two dashes, 527

Orca, 103

OS (operating systems)

choosing between, 26

computer no longer boots, postinstallation, 70

GNU project, 14

quest for UNIX-like OS, 16

Ubuntu Linux, 45, 78

Other Software tab, Software Sources, 430

adding PPAs to software sources, 431

outbound connection rules, Firestarter, 173174

outbound traffic, Firestarter, 171

Outline tab, Impress, 304

Outlook see Microsoft Outlook

Outlook Express, importing data from, 31

output, command

piping, 536537

redirecting, 266, 537538

redirecting standard error output, 538

standard output, 266, 570

Overwrite existing files action, 479

Owner column, file listing, 452, 454

ownership see file ownership

Image P

p file type, 453

package conflict

dependency management, 424

package files, 422

converting packages between distributions, 422

freeing disk space by emptying cache of, 468

metapackages, 437

understanding filenames, 428

package management

Gdebi Package Installer, 437

refreshing package database, 433

removing unused software to free up disk space, 469

Synaptic Package Manager, 433437

package management system, 422423

apt (Advanced Packaging Tool), 425

components, 423

dependency chains, 424

dependency management, 423424

dpkg (Debian Package), 424, 425

software repositories, 424428


emblem icons, Nautilus, 214

page formatting, Writer, 298

page numbers, inserting, Writer, 299

pagers, 268

Paint, Tux, 590

Paintbrush tool, GIMP, 392

pairing Bluetooth devices, 136137


adding menus to bottom panel, 203

adding Start-like button to panel, 203

deleting menus, 204

moving panel item, 204

personalizing, 202

Ubuntu desktop, 8385

panes, gedit, 271

paragraph formatting, Writer, 298

parent directory, referring to, 530

Partitioning property, drives, 230

partitions, 566

boot sector, 26

choosing between, 26

computer can't find hard disk on installation, 68

Create Partition dialog, 51

creating main and swap partitions, 5154

deleting, 231

determining size of Windows partition, 4950

Edit Partition dialog, 50

editing, 231

editing partition properties, 5051

freeing up space, 2830

GParted, 47

main partition, 49, 52

manually editing partition table, 4754

many hard disks visible on installation, 68

only offered text login on installation, 67

partitioning laptop for dual-booting, 27

preparing partitions, 4749

preparing Windows partition for resizing, 3738

repartitioning hard disk on installation, 4354

using entire disk, 45

using largest continuous free space, 46

using second hard disk, 46

resizing main partition, 4445

swap partition, 49, 53

too many partitions on installation, 68

understanding partitioning, 2527

viewing disk partitions, 26

working with files in Windows partitions, 232

Partner section, repositories, 427

Passphrase for New PGP Key dialog

generating key pair with Seahorse, 154


connecting to wireless network, 112

Enter Passphrase dialog, 160

passwd command, 548

Password Keyring option, 151


adding and changing, 450, 451

Asterisk Password Reveal, 33

blank passwords, 451

changing other users passwords, 451

creating perfect passwords, 165

creating users, 448

making harder to guess, 451

memory time for, 99

recording whilst backing up data, 33

root password security, 165

Passwords and Encryption Keys dialog

choosing PGP Key to create key pair, 152

exporting public key, 156

generating key pair with Seahorse, 151

importing and signing public keys, 158, 159

My Personal Keys tab, 154

syncing public key, 157

paste command, 269

Paste option, Edit menu, gedit, 273

pasting text, 93

patents, 349

path bar, Ubuntu Software Center, 418

PATH variable, 522


absolute paths, 531

autocompletion, 532

relative paths, 531

Paths dialog, GIMP, 394

Paths tab

excluding files and folders from backup, 474

Paths tool, GIMP, 391

Pattern dialog

matched selection, Nautilus, 218

pax command, 477

PC market

quest for UNIX-like OS, 16

PCI ID number

installing Windows XP drivers, 115, 116, 117

PDF files

file extensions, 216 creating, 280, 281

saving files, OpenOffice, 295

PDKSH (Public Domain Korn SHell), 518

Pencil tool, GIMP, 392

penguin mascot, Linux, 18

People Nearby feature, Empathy, 333


assigning static IP address, 463

freeing up disk space, 467469

optimizing kernel, 466467

prelinking, 464465

speeding up booting, 459464

permissions see file permissions

Permissions column, file listing, 452

Permissions tab, files, 455

enabling Execute permission, 456

permissive policy, outbound traffic

configuring Firestarter, 171

Personal File Sharing program, 462

Personalize dialog, gedit, 272

personalizing panels, 202

personalizing Ubuntu see configuring Ubuntu

personalizing visual effects, 193198

personas, Firefox, 197

Perspective tool, GIMP, 392

PGP key

My Personal Keys tab, 154

signing and encrypting e-mail, 314

PGP Key option

generating key pair with Seahorse, 151

My Personal Keys tab, 154

New PGP Key dialog, 152, 153

Passphrase for New PGP Key dialog, 154

pgrep command

clearing up crashed processes, 511

photo editor software, 256257

alternatives to Windows software, 243


editing with F-Spot, 385386

editing with GIMP, 388401

importing using F-Spot, 384385

inserting, Writer, 298

scanning, 384

sending to cloud with F-Spot, 347

tagging using F-Spot, 386388


Ubuntu alternatives to, 243

physical access to PC

restricting for security, 166

Picasa, 385, 401

Pick a Color dialog, 187

Pictures directory, home folder, 221

pictures, inserting, Writer, 298

PID (Process ID), 566

PID column, top program output, 505

kill command, 510

killing processes, 508, 509

Pidgin contacts, synchronizing, 325

ping command, 525, 548

turning off diagnostic services, Firestarter, 174

Pingus, 406

pipe, 566

file type code for named pipe, 453

piping, 265

grep command, 266

piping command output, 536537

PiTiVi movie-editing software, 243, 380

Places menu

adding menus to bottom panel, 203

starting Nautilus, 209

Ubuntu desktop, 82, 83

working with files in Windows partitions, 232

Places pane, Nautilus, 211

accessing root of file system, 222

bookmarking locations, 212

home folder, 220

working in Computer window, 235


multimedia playback, 349351

playback software

adding Flash support, 373374

installing, 369375

installing codecs for movie file formats, 370371

installing RealPlayer, 371372

MP3 playback, 349

Totem movie player, 369, 407408

player application

multimedia playback, 351


installing Windows games on Linux, 410411

plugdev group, 450

Plugin Finder Service dialog

installing Flash plug-in, 374


CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 194

gedit, 274, 275277

installing Flash plug-in, 374

installing seahorse-plugins package, 160

removing Flash plug-in, 374

Plugins options, gedit, 275

podcasts, listening to, 361362

point releases, 67

Pointer Speed settings, mouse preferences, 101

Pointer tab, Customize Theme dialog, 185

Policy tab, Firestarter

configuring Firestarter, 171

inbound traffic policy, 172

outbound connection rules, 173

POP3 mail accounts

configuring e-mail access, Evolution, 311, 312

POSIX, 567

postinstallation problems, 6971

computer no longer boots, 70

monitor resolution not recognized, 69

only offered text login, 71

Ubuntu working, Windows won't boot, 70

USB mouse/keyboard not recognized, 69

PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file

configuring local printer, 125

power management, 141144

value of power saving, 144

Power Management applet

General tab, 143

On Battery Power tab, 142

On Mains Power tab, 142

Power Manager program, 462


installing Ubuntu on Mac, 60

PowerPoint, Microsoft

Ubuntu alternatives to, 242

PPAs (Personal Package Archives), 430

PPID column, top program output

killing processes, 508, 509

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 567

PR column, top program output, 505

Preferences dialog, gedit, 273, 274

Preferences menu

creating temporary access to, 72

Ubuntu desktop, 82

Preferences option

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 196

Edit menu, gedit, 273

preinstallation problems, 6367

computer freezes during installation, 65

disc doesn't boot, 63

Kernel Panic errors, 64

notebook display looks corrupted during installation, 66

screen goes blank or corrupted, 64

unrecoverable error message, 66

using Alternative Installer, 67

using KVM switch and screen is corrupted, 66

preinstallation steps, 2534

backing up data, 3134

freeing up space, 2830

understanding partitioning, 2527

prelinking, 464465

caution when using, 465

configuring, 465

deactivating, 465

Premiere, 243

Premiere Elements, 243

Prepare Disk Space stage, installation

computer can't find hard disk, 68


alternatives to Windows software, 242

exporting as Flash file, Impress, 306

Impress, OpenOffice, 247249, 280, 303306

Print option, File menu, gedit, 273

Print Preview option, gedit, 273

Print Queue applet, 462

print queues, 130

printenv command, 548


adding, 124130

administering, 130

configuring local printer, 125127

configuring network printer, 127128

configuring Windows/SMB shared printer, 128130

support for Linux, 125

Ubuntu support for hardware, 96


sharing folder from within Ubuntu, 234

Privacy tab, Firefox, 179

private key

public key encryption system, 150


application security with AppArmor, 168

least privilege principle, 168

User Privileges option, 449

proc directory, 223

processes, 503, 567

children of terminated processes, 509

clearing up crashed processes, 511

controlling, 507511

controlling zombie processes, 509510

jobs compared, 511

killing, 507509

other commands to control, 510511

parent and child processes, 507

renicing processes, 506

troublesome processes, 507, 508

viewing, 503507


creating users, 448

profiling, 168


creating link to file/program, 201202

end-of-file (EOF) message, 534

quitting current program, 534

running programs, 90

from shell, 521523

Nautilus, 216218

stopping current program, 534

terminal programs, 517

Programs menu see Applications menu

progress bar, Ubuntu Software Center, 417, 418


command prompt, 521

logging in as root, 521

Proposed Updates repository, 426

proprietary, 567

proprietary drivers, 97

connecting to wireless network, 110

proxy server

working with, 123124

ps command, 266, 510, 548

aux command options, 510

pstree command, 507

Public directory, home folder, 221

public key

encryption system, 150

exporting with Seahorse, 155156

importing and signing with Seahorse, 158160

publishing with Seahorse, 156, 158

signing and encrypting e-mail, 314

Publish Keys To combo box, 158

Purging tab, Simple Backup, 476

Put command, sftp, 495

PuTTY, 492

Puzzle Bobble, 406

pwd command, 548

Pwd command, sftp, 495

Pysol, 406

Python Console plug-in, gedit, 276

Image Q

Qaiku, 341

QEMU, 30

QQ, 333

Quadrapassel, gnome-games, 404

queues, print, 130

Quick Launch toolbar, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 87

Quick Open plug-in, gedit, 276

QuickTime, 370


Force Quit applet, 206

Quit option, File menu, gedit, 273

quitting current program, 534

Image R

r (read) permission, 452, 457


default Ubuntu themes, 183

radio stations

tuning in online to, 360361

Rar, 243

rar file type, 479

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), 498, 500

read (r) permission, 452

numeric notation for, 457

readahead list, creating, 464

README files, 265, 578579

Real Simple Syndication (RSS), 361


handling its own file types, 375

installing, 371372


movie file formats, 369

reboot command, 548

rebooting Ubuntu, 8586

Recommended Updates repository, 426

recording changes

sharing documents, Writer, 299

recovery mode, 72

accessing boot settings, 77

starting up Ubuntu Linux, 78

Rectangle Select tool, GIMP, 390

recurrent task

creating, GNOME Scheduler, 482484

Recycle Bin, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 87

Red Hat

Linux distributions, 19, 567

Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), 568

redirecting command output, 537538

adding data to existing file, 537

redirecting output, 266, 567

redirecting standard error output, 538

Redo option, gedit, 273

Regex tab

excluding files/folders from backup, 474

regular expressions, 567

reiserfs file system, 224

relative paths, 531

Reload button

Synaptic Package Manager, 433

remote, 567

remote access

connecting to remote computers, 498501

Mac, Linux, other Windows, 500501

Windows 7 and Vista, 498499

Windows XP, 2000, and NT, 499500

GUI applications, 495498

logging in, 490492

managing sessions, 492

reasons for shells, 519

running X applications, 496

SSH (Secure Shell), 489495

transferring files between computers, 493495

Ubuntu via remote desktop, 497498

Remote Desktop feature, 462

accessing Ubuntu via remote desktop, 497498

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), 498, 500

remote device, browsing files on, 137

remote machine, 490

removable storage devices, 130132

unattaching devices, 131

Remove button

uninstalling applications, 418

Render filters, GIMP, 399

Rendering section, Fonts tab

Appearance Preferences dialog, 189

renice command, 549

renicing processes, 506

repartitioning hard disk on installation, 4354

manually editing partition table, 4754

resizing main partition, 4445

using entire disk, 45

using largest continuous free space, 46

using second hard disk, 46

Repeat Keys settings, keyboard, 103

Replace option, Search menu, gedit, 274

repositories see software repositories

RES column, top program output, 505


graphical problems, 72

monitor resolutions, 72, 73

screen resolution, 83

Restart button, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

Restart option, Ubuntu, 85, 86

restoring data, Simple Backup, 476

Restricted Extras

installing codecs in one package, 352353

Restricted section, repositories, 427

restrictive policy, outbound traffic

configuring Firestarter, 171

resume option

recovery mode start up, 78

reverse dependency, 424

Revert option, File menu, gedit, 272

Rhythmbox Music Player, 253254, 351, 355357

alternatives to Windows software, 242

audio file playback, 355357

listening to audio CDs, 362

listening to podcasts, 361

playing audio files, 351

purchasing from online music stores, 357360

ripping tracks, 364

tuning in to online radio stations, 360361

Rich Text Format (RTF)

file compatibility, Office/OpenOffice, 282

Right Margin option, gedit, 275

ripping tracks, 363, 364

choosing audio file format, 363364

rm command, 524, 525, 529, 549

f (force) option, 529

r (recursive) option, 529

wildcards, 529

Rm command, sftp, 495

Rmdir command, sftp, 495

rmmod command, 549

RMS see Stallman, Richard Matthew

Robots, gnome-games, 404

root, 567

writing files to, 222

root (administrator) account, 80

activating root account, 444

prompt when logged in as root, 521

root directory, 223

permissions, 454455

switching to root of file system, 530

root group, 444

root option

recovery mode start up, 78

root users, 444445, 446

BASH command index, 539

borrowing superuser powers, 444, 446

changing other users passwords, 451

root and ordinary users, 148149

rootkits, 148

Rosegarden, 364

Rotate tool, GIMP, 392

Rotation Rate property, drives, 230

route command, 549

RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 568

RSS (Real Simple Syndication)

listening to podcasts, 361

RTFM, 568, 575

ruler, OpenOffice, 287


sorting and filtering messages, 321

Run Application applet, 206

run level, 568

runlevel command, 549

rwx characters, permissions, 452, 454, 457

directories, 457

octal notation as alternative, 457

Image S

S column, top program output, 505

s file type, 453

Safe Mode, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 72

Samba, 568

sambashare group, 450

Sametime, 333

Save As option, gedit, 272

Save option, gedit, 272

saving files, OpenOffice, 295

sbackup, 472

sbin directory, 223

scalable, 568

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 570

Scale option, backgrounds, 188

Scale tool, GIMP, 392

scanbus option, wodim command, 538


configuring, 132133

Ubuntu support for hardware, 96

scanning photos, 384

scheduler, 467

scheduling tasks

anacron command, 486487

GNOME Scheduler, 481486

creating recurrent task, 482484

one-off tasks, 485

Scissors Select tool, GIMP, 391

scp program

transferring files between remote computers, 493


goes blank or corrupted, preinstallation, 64

Lock Screen applet, 206

only offered text login, postinstallation, 71

standard output, 536

screen command, 549

managing remote sessions, 492

screen reader software, GNOME, 103

screen resolution, 83


applets and, 205

using desktop widgets, 197

script, 568

scrolling options, touchpad, 103

Seahorse application, 151160

exporting public key, 155156

generating key pair, 151155

importing and signing public keys, 158160

logging in to remote computer, 491

publishing public key, 156

reducing number of keys to sign, 160

signing and encrypting e-mail, 314, 315

seahorse-plugins package

encrypting and decrypting files, 160

Search dialog, Ubuntu Software Center, 421

search folders, Evolution, 323

Search for Files applet, 206

Search menu, gedit, 274

searching for files, Nautilus, 213

searching for software

Synaptic Package Manager, 433

Secret Storage service, 462

Secure Shell Key option, 151

Secure Shell see SSH

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 121, 570


adding virus scanning to Ubuntu, 175179

application security with AppArmor, 168

BIOS Setup option, 166

commonsense security, 165166

configuring Ubuntu firewall, 169175

encryption, 150165

installing software, 166

locking doors and closing windows, 175

online updates, 166167

passwords, 165

reasons to stop using Windows, 11

restricting physical access to PC, 166

root and ordinary users, 148149

root and standard users, 446

rootkits, 148

updating system, 166

web browser security, 179

Windows and Linux compared, 147148

Security tab, Firefox, 179

Security Updates repository, 426

sed command, 267

Select All option, gedit, 273

Select by Color tool, GIMP, 391

Select tools, GIMP, 390

self-installing binary files, 422

selinux directory, 223

Send To option

Ubuntu PC to another device, 139

Sensitivity setting, mouse preferences, 101

Separator applet, 206

Serial Number property, drives, 230

Server Message Block see SMB

servers, 569

Connect to Server applet, 205

working with proxy server, 123124

services, 569

set command, 522

settings, importing on installation, 56

sftp commands, 494495, 549

sftp program, 549

transferring files between remote computers, 493495

Shadow filters, GIMP, 398

sharing files

file compatibility, Office/OpenOffice, 282

sharing folder from within Ubuntu, 234235

Sharpen filter, GIMP, 393, 400

shell commands

controlling jobs, 511513

controlling zombie processes, 509510

DOS equivalents, 524

killing processes, 507509

other commands to control processes, 510511

viewing processes, 503507

shell commands see BASH commands

shells, 569

see also BASH shell

booting into the shell, 524

command prompt, 521

command-line shell, 7

description, 517

differences between shells, 518

kernel and, 517

reasons for, 518

running programs, 521523

running via virtual console, 523

symbols used at command-line prompts, 553

terminal emulator program, 521

when to use, 520

working with files, 524531

Shockwave Director plug-in, 374


adding, Ubuntu desktop, 199

file shortcuts, 458

keyboard shortcuts, 533534

Shotwell, 243

Show Desktop applet, 206

SHR column, top program output, 505

shred command, 549

Shut Down applet/option, 206

shutting down Ubuntu, 85, 86

Shut Down the Computer dialog, 85, 86

Shutdown button, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

Shutdown dialog, 102

Shutdown Options button, Ubuntu, 79

shutting down Ubuntu, 8586

Guest Session option, 85

Hibernate option, 85, 86

Lock Screen option, 85

Log Out option, 85

Restart option, 85, 86

Shut Down option, 85, 86

Sleep option, 86

Suspend option, 85, 86

Switch User option, 85

Shuttleworth, Mark, 21, 569

Side Pane option, gedit, 273

Sign Key dialog

signing public keys with Seahorse, 159, 160


creating e-mail signature, 319320

signing and encrypting e-mail, 164165, 314315

SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing), 333

Simple Backup, 472476

Backup Properties dialog, 473

changing time period between backups, 476

default backup directory, 475

deleting old backup files, 476

excluding files and folders, 474

full and incremental backups, 474

including files and folders, 474

restoring data, 476

Simulate Simultaneous Keypresses check box, 105

Single Document Interface (SDI), 388

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 333

SIP address, 335

size property

manually editing partition table, 48

Skype, 334335


Linux distributions, 19

sleep command, 549

sleep mode

power management, 142, 143

Sleep option

shutting down Ubuntu, 86

sleeping jobs, 512

Slide Sorter tab, Impress, 304


animating, Impress, 305

Slides pane, Impress, 303

Slow keys, keyboards, 105

SMART Status property, drives, 230

SMART utility

Disk Notifications option, 461

SMB (Server Message Block), 569

configuring network printer, 127

configuring Windows/SMB shared printer, 128130

smbclient command, 549

SMTP server address

configuring e-mail access, Evolution, 311, 313

Smudge tool, GIMP, 393

Snippets plug-in, gedit, 276

Snow Leopard

installing Ubuntu on Mac, 60

social networking, 337, 338

MeMenu, 338339

microblogging with Gwibber, 340342

social networking applications, 338342

socket, file type code for, 453


adding PPAs to software sources, 430

advanced application management, 428

browsing and searching for, 418421

compiling programs from source code, 440

free software, 14, 427

Get Software element, 417

Installed Software element, 417

installing playback software, 369375

managing software updates, 431433

movie-editing software, 380

removing unused software to free up disk space, 469

security when installing, 166

Ubuntu alternatives to Windows, 241243

Ubuntu Software Center, 416421

uninstalling applications, 418

virtualization software, 30

software installation, 421428

Alternative Installer, 67

backing up data, 3134

binary files, 422

dependency chains, 424

dependency management, 423424

dpkg (Debian Package), 424

formats of Linux installation files, 421422

freeing up space, 2830

Gdebi Package Installer, 437

graphical problems, 7174

installation problems, 6769

computer can't find hard disk, 68

many hard disks visible in partitioner, 68

only offered text login, 67

too many partitions, 68

installing Windows applications with Wine, 438440

package files, 422

package management system, 422423

postinstallation problems, 6971

computer no longer boots, 70

monitor resolution not recognized, 69

only offered text login, 71

Ubuntu working, Windows won't boot, 70

USB mouse/keyboard not recognized, 69

preinstallation problems, 6367

computer freezes during installation, 65

disc doesn't boot, 63

Kernel Panic errors, 64

notebook display looks corrupted during installation, 66

screen goes blank or corrupted, 64

unrecoverable error message, 66

using Alternative Installer, 67

using KVM switch and screen is corrupted, 66

preinstallation steps, 2534

self-installing binary files, 422

source code, 422

Synaptic Package Manager, 435436

updated versions (point releases), 67

what installing Ubuntu actually means, 25

software item screen

Ubuntu Software Center, 420

software repositories, 424428

apt (Advanced Packaging Tool), 425

categories of repositories, 426427

Main Distribution repository, 426

Main section, 427

Multiverse section, 427

official/unofficial repositories, 425

Partner section, 427

Proposed Updates repository, 426

Recommended Updates repository, 426

refreshing package database, 433

repository components, 427428

Restricted section, 427

Security Updates repository, 426

Source Code section, 427

Universe section, 427

Unsupported (Backport) Updates repository, 426

Software Sources tool, 429433

Authentication tab, 431

managing Ubuntu software options, 429

Other Software tab, 430

Ubuntu Software tab, 429

Updates tab, 431

Software Update Notifier, 84, 88

software updates see updates

software versions, 426

Solaris, 569

Solid color option, backgrounds, 187

sort command, 267, 269, 550

redirecting command output, 537

Sort plug-in, gedit, 277

sorting data, Calc, 302

sorting messages, Evolution, 321322

sound cards

configuring, 140141

Ubuntu support for hardware, 96

Sound Juicer, 243

Sound Preferences dialog, 140

Sound Recorder

recording from microphone, 367

source code, 422, 569

compilation, 557

compiling programs, 440, 441442

installing compiler tools, 440

installing from source, 440442

unpacking tarball and solving dependencies, 440

Source Code section, repositories, 427, 421

space see free space

spaces, filenames with, 529

Spaces, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 90

SpamAssassin, 321

Span option, backgrounds, 188

Speed slider, keyboards, 106


audio file formats, 363

Spell Checker plug-in, gedit, 277


aspell command, 268

Evolution, 318

look command, 268

Writer, 245, 298

SPM see Synaptic Package Manager

Spotlight, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 90


alternatives to Windows software, 242

Calc, OpenOffice, 246247, 280, 300303

Gnumeric, 287


configuring Firestarter, 171

srv directory, 223

SSH (Secure Shell), 489495, 569

configuring Firestarter, 171, 172

ending ssh session, 492

initiating ssh session, 490

logging in to remote computer, 490492

managing remote sessions, 492

running X applications on remote computer, 496

transferring backup directory across Internet, 475

transferring files between remote computers, 493495

scp program, 493

sftp program, 493495

ssh command, 550

ssh-keygen program

logging in to remote computer, 491

SSID (Service Set Identifier)

connecting to wireless network, 111

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 121, 570

Stallman, Richard Matthew, 570

attitude to software, 15

copyleft, 15

free software, 14

standard error, 570

redirecting output, 538

standard input, 266, 536, 570

standard output, 266, 536, 570

standard visual effects, 190192

StarOffice, 279

Start menu, Windows

adding Start-like button to panel, 203

Ubuntu equivalent, 87

Start Search, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

Startup Applications Preferences dialog

adding programs to GNOME startup, 463

controlling which programs start up with GNOME Desktop, 461

startup scripts see booting

startx command, 550

static IP address, assigning, 463

status bar

OpenOffice, 287

Ubuntu Software Center, 417

Statusbar option, gedit, 273

statusbar, gedit, 271

StatusNet, 341

Sticky keys, keyboards, 105

Sticky Notes applet, 206

storage devices

ejecting media, 236

removable storage devices, 130132

accessing, 235

Secret Storage service, 462

viewing disk and volume information, 230

Stored Password option, 151

storing data online with Ubuntu One, 342347

streaming content, retrieving, 370

Stretch option, backgrounds, 188

string, 570

Style drop-down list

Appearance Preferences dialog, 188

Styles and Formatting palette, Writer, 298

su command, 550

sudo command, 550, 570

acting as sudoer, 446

borrowing superuser powers, 444, 446

sudoer user, 80, 446

Sudoku, gnome-games, 405

Super Grub Disk, 71

Super Tux, 406

superuser see root users

support see help

SuSE Linux, 19

Suspend option

shutting down Ubuntu, 85, 86

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 570

swap file, 570

manually editing partition table, 49, 53

Sweep, 365

Swell Foop, gnome-games, 404

SWF file

exporting presentations as Flash file, Impress, 306

Swfdec SWF Player, 409

adding Flash support, 373

Switch From option, Shutdown menu

activating root account, 444

Switch Off applet, 206

Switch User option

shutting down Ubuntu, 85

Switch User option, Windows

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

Switcher Appearance menu, Evolution, 309

symbolic links, 201, 458, 570

file type code for, 453

Synaptic and Update Manager

installing DeCSS, 378

Synaptic Package Manager (SPM), 433437

filters, 433, 434

installing software, 435436

installing system updates, 436

installing totem-xine package, 379

metapackages, 437

refreshing package database, 433

Reload button, 433

removing software, 437

searching for software, 433

using APT, 555

Sync Keys dialog

publishing public key with Seahorse, 156, 157

synchronizing Evolution contacts, Ubuntu One, 346

synchronizing files

configuring computer to, 344345

synchronizing Tomboy Notes

Ubuntu One, 345346

sys directory, 223

sysadmin, 571


installing system updates, Synaptic Package Manager, 436

keyboard shortcuts, 534

security when updating, 166

system files

dependency, 558

system groups within Ubuntu, 450

System menu

adding menus to bottom panel, 203

personalizing, 204

Ubuntu desktop, 82, 83

System Monitor applet, 206

freeing up disk space, 467

System Preferences, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 89

System Restore, Windows

reclaiming space, 29

System V, 571

Image T

Tab Stops option, gedit, 275

tabbed browsing

Firefox, 252

Nautilus, 218

tables, working with, Writer, 299

tac command, 550

Tag plug-in, gedit, 277

tagging photos using F-Spot, 386388

tail command, 267, 550

tainted, 571

Tali, gnome-games, 405

Tanenbaum, Andrew

quest for UNIX-like OS, 16

tar (Tape ARchive) files, 477, 571

tar command, 550

.tar file type, 477

creating archives with Nautilus, 477

saving files to CD-R/RW or DVD-R, 479

.tar.bz2 file type, 477

.tar.gz file type, 478

.tar.lzma file type, 478

tarball, 422

unpacking source tarball, 440


scheduling with anacron, 486487

scheduling with GNOME Scheduler, 481486

Tasks mode, Evolution, 251, 311, 330331

Tasks pane, Impress, 304

TCP/IP, 571

technical drawing

Draw, OpenOffice, 280

tee command, 550


GNOME Scheduler using, 486

Templates directory, home folder, 221

terminal, 571

terminal emulator program, 521

terminal programs, 517

Terminal Server Client applet, 207

terminating commands, 512


A-Z glossary of Linux terms, 553574

Tetravex, gnome-games, 405

TeX, 571

Texinfo system, 577


changing plain text font, e-mail, 323

cutting and pasting, 93

formatting, Writer, 297298

pagers, 268

piping, 265

text editors, 269270

alternatives to Windows software, 243

ed, 269

Emacs, 269, 270

gedit, 270277

nano, 269

Vim, 269, 270

Text Encryption plug-in, gedit, 277

Text files, 270278

comparing files with Diffuse, 277278

file extensions, 216

Linux and, 265

text login

only offered text login on installation, 67, 71

Text tool, GIMP, 392

Text Wrapping option, gedit, 275

text-manipulation tools, 267

Bash, 268

text-processing commands, 268

Theme tab, Appearance Preferences, 182


additional components, 185186

assistive themes for partially sighted users, 182

changing individual components, 183

Customize Theme dialog, 183

default Ubuntu themes, 183

personalizing Ubuntu, 182186

third-party web sites, 580

Thunar, 589


alternatives to Windows software, 242

importing Outlook e-mail via, 33, 317


installing Ubuntu on Mac, 60


connecting to remote computers, 501

Tile option, backgrounds, 188


Adjust Date & Time option, 84

Insert Date/Time plug-in, gedit, 276

selecting time zone during installation, 41

Time tab, Simple Backup, 476

TIME+ column, top program output, 505

Title section, MeMenu, 339

tmp directory, 223

emptying to free up disk space, 468

Tomboy, 330

Tomboy Notes applet, 207

synchronizing, Ubuntu One, 345346

Toolbar option, gedit, 273


Drawing toolbar, Impress, 304

formatting toolbar, Calc, 301

formatting toolbar, Writer, 298

gedit, 271

Nautilus, 210

toolbars, OpenOffice, 287

adding functions to, 288290

adding new toolbars, 290

formatting toolbar, 287

standard toolbar, 287

Tools for the visually impaired, visual effects, 190

top command/program, 550

altering update interval, 506

clearing up crashed processes, 511

information output on processes, 505

killing processes, 508, 509

renicing processes, 506

troublesome processes, 508

viewing processes, 503

zombie processes, 509

Torvalds, Linus, 16, 571

Totem browser plug-in, 370

Totem media player

alternatives to Windows software, 243

playing audio files, 351

Totem movie player, 254255, 351, 369

audio file playback, 355

finding version currently in use, 380

installing codecs, 371

movie file formats, 369

running Xine version of Totem, 379

watching DVDs, 378, 379

watching movies, 375377

totem-xine package, 378, 379

touch command, 551

Touchpad tab, Mouse Preferences, 103

tracepath command, 525, 551


turning off diagnostic services, Firestarter, 174

Track Changes

sharing documents, Writer, 299

tracks, ripping, 364

transferring files between remote computers, 493495

scp program, 493

sftp program, 493495

transform tools, GIMP, 392


emptying on exit, Evolution, 324

emptying to free up disk space, 468

Trash applet, 207

Trash folder

deleting e-mail messages, 315

Trash icon, Ubuntu desktop, 84

Trash, Mac OS X

Ubuntu equivalent, 89

Tree view mode, Nautilus, 212

Tremulous, 406


reasons for shells, 519

TrueType core fonts

installing, 285286

installing codecs in one package, 352


importing and signing public keys with Seahorse, 158160

PPAs (Personal Package Archives), 430

reducing number of keys to sign, 160

web of trust, 158

Try Ubuntu 10.04 option, 41

tty device, 518, 571

Tux, 572

Tux Paint, 590

TV, watching, 381382

tvtime, installing, 381


using Ubuntu Tweak, 200201

Twitter, 341

type commands, 523

type property

manually editing partition table, 48

Typing Break tab, Keyboard Preferences, 106

Image U

Ubuntu, 572

accessing recovery mode boot settings, 77

accessing via remote desktop, 497498

adding printers, 124130

alternatives to Windows software, 241243

antivirus protection, 147

adding virus scanning to Ubuntu, 175179

blacklisting existing built-in driver, 118

booting into the shell, 524

burning CDs using, 592

code name, 583

configuring, 99

configuring input devices, 100106

configuring keyboard settings, 103106

configuring mouse options, 100103

copying Windows fonts, 285

creating link to file/program, 201202

cutting and pasting text, 93

Debian, 558

Device Manager, 9899

firewalls, 147

configuring, 169175

forums, 579580

getting online with, 106124

graphical problems, 7174

hardware detection, 34

hardware support, 9599

help, 575581

home folder, 219

installation problems, 6769

installing see installing Ubuntu

installing software see software installation

Linux distributions, 19

login screen, 7980

Long-Term Support, 583

low-graphics mode, 72

managing software options, 429

managing software updates, 431433

manually adding user, 450

minimum free space in Windows partition, 28

MP3 playback, 349

Official Documentation, 580

optimizing, 459469

package management system, 422423

personalizing, 181

postinstallation problems, 6971

power management, 141144

preinstallation problems, 6367

rebooting, 8586

recovery mode, 72

removable storage devices, 130132

running in live distro mode, 36

running programs, 90

running Windows within virtual machine on, 30

sending files from Ubuntu PC to another device, 138

Shutdown Options button, 79

shutting down, 8586

starting up, 7779

system groups within, 450

types of file systems, 224

Universal Access Preferences button, 79

updated versions of software (point releases), 67

upgrading to newer version, 584

using virtualized computer to try Ubuntu, 30

version number, 583

versions of, 584590

viewing disk and volume information, 229230

virtualization software, 30

watching DVDs, 377381

watching movies, 375377

watching TV, 381382

what hardware works under, 97

working with files, 524531

working with files in Windows partitions, 232

working with virtual desktops, 9092, 72

Ubuntu alternate installer, 585

Ubuntu community see community

Ubuntu Desktop, 8090, 585

adding shortcuts, 199

adding Start-like button to panel, 203

Administration menu, 82

application launchers, 83

Applications menu, 82, 83, 90

backgrounds, 187188

clock, 83

creating launcher, 199200

Firefox web browser, 83

fonts, 188189


help, 83

Hide Windows button, 84

Indicator applet, 84

Mac OS X compared, 8990

Maximize, Minimize, and Close buttons, 82

Me Menu, 83

menus, 82

adding to bottom panel, 203

deleting, 204

modifying, 204

mouse functionality, 82, 92

Network Manager, 84

notification area, 84

Off button, 83, 85

only offered text login, 67

panels, 8385

moving panel item, 204

personalizing, 202

Places menu, 82, 83

Preferences menu, 82

Remote Desktop feature, 462

Show Desktop applet, 206

Software Update Notifier, 84

System menu, 82, 83

themes, 182186

Trash icon, 84

using Ubuntu Tweak, 200201

using widgets, 197

visual effects, 189198

Volume Control applet, 84

Window List, 84

Windows compared, 8689

working with applets, 204

working with virtual desktops, 9092

Workspace switcher, 85, 9192

Ubuntu file system, 222226

accessing networked files, 233

accessing removable storage devices, 235

case sensitivity of filenames, 225

directories and files, 222224

drive references, 225

ejecting media, 236

root, 222

sharing folder from within Ubuntu, 234235

working in Computer window, 235

Ubuntu Foundation, 572

Ubuntu Guide, 100

Ubuntu Linux, 48

background, 21

ClamTk, 175

community, 1011, 557

continuous improvements, 89

Debian, 56

derivatives, 10

editions, 910

Edubuntu Linux, 559

Firestarter, 169175

formats of Linux installation files, 421422

full desktop solution, 6

installing from source code, 440442

installing Windows games on Linux, 410411

introduction, 411

Linux for human beings, 67

Linux games, 403408

reasons for using Ubuntu, 12

reasons to try, 3

support, 10

Windows and Linux security compared, 147148

Ubuntu Netbook Edition, 585

installing Ubuntu, 36

Ubuntu Netbook Remix Linux, 10

Ubuntu One

accessing information via browser, 346

configuring computer to synchronize files, 344345

managing GNOME sessions, 462

music store, 359360

storing data online with, 342347

subscribing to, 343

subscription options, 343

synchronizing Evolution contacts, 346

synchronizing Tomboy Notes, 345346

Ubuntu PowerPC, 586

Ubuntu Restricted Extras

installing codecs in one package, 352353

Ubuntu Server, 585

Ubuntu Software Center, 416421

browsing and searching for software, 418421

games, 405

Get Software element, 417

GUI for apt, 425

In Progress element, 417, 418

Installed Software element, 417

menu bar, 417

metapackages, 437

navigation pane, 417

path bar, 418

Search dialog, 421

software item screen, 420

Software Sources tool, 429

status bar, 417

uninstalling applications, 418

Ubuntu Software tab, Software Sources, 429

Ubuntu Studio, 365, 586

Ubuntu Tweak, using, 200201

Ubuntu Update Manager, 432

managing GNOME sessions, 462

online updates, 166167

ufw tool, Ubuntu firewall, 169

UIDs (user IDs), 572

identifying users, 447

umask command, 551

umask variable, file permissions, 457

umount command, 551

unalias command, 551

uname command, 551

Undo option, Edit menu, gedit, 273

uniq command, 268

Universal Access Preferences button, 79

Universal Extractor

installing Windows XP drivers, 118

Universe section, repositories, 427

UNIX, 13, 572


quest for UNIX-like OS, 16

Unmount Volume

disconnecting camera from PC, 384


ejecting media, 236

volumes, 231

Unrar, 243

unrar package, 479

unrecoverable error during installation, 66

Unsupported (Backport) Updates repository, 426

unzip command, 551

running commands in background, 511

Update Manager see Ubuntu Update Manager

Update Notifier applet

managing GNOME sessions, 462

updated versions of software (point releases), 67


frequency of checking for, 432

managing software updates, 431433

new versions of OS, 432

online updates, 166167

types of, 432

Updates tab, Software Sources, 431

upgrading to newer version of Ubuntu, 584

Upstart, 459, 572

uptime command, 551

USB memory sticks, 130

USB mouse/keyboard

not recognized, postinstallation, 69

used property

manually editing partition table, 48

user accounts, 443

groups, 444

root user, 444445

temporarily switching, 451

USER column, top program output, 505

user directory permissions, 454

User Folders Update tool, 462

user permissions, 452

User Privileges option, 449

User Switcher, Ubuntu desktop, 88

useradd command, 551

userdel command, 551

users, 572

adding and changing passwords, 450, 451

adding users, 447449

adding users to groups, 449

BASH command index, 539

borrowing superuser powers, 444, 446

changing other users passwords, 451

deleting, 449

groups, 443, 445

identifying users and groups, 447

manually adding, 450

partially sighted users, 182

permissions, 445

root and ordinary users, security, 148149

root user, 444445

setting up user on installation, 5455

shorthand for user's home directory, 521

Users and Groups tool

adding and changing passwords, 450, 451

adding and deleting users, 449

adding groups, 449

adding users, 447449

adding users to groups, 449

changing passwords, 448

deleting groups, 449

deleting users, 449

usr directory, 223

Utility category, CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 196

Image V

validating e-mail, 165

var directory, 224

variables, 573

Linux, 522

VBA macros compatibility, 281

vCards, 326

vector artwork

alternatives to Windows software, 242

creating, 389

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 570

verbose, 573

version number, Ubuntu, 583

versions, 584590

Edubuntu, 590

installation of, 587

Kubuntu, 587588

package management system, 423

software versions, 426

upgrading to newer version, 584

Xubuntu, 588589

Vertical gradient option, backgrounds, 187

VFAT, 573

vi command, 525, 573


adding Flash support, 373374

movie file formats, 369

installing codecs for, 370371

watching movies, 375377

video conferencing

Ekiga, 261

Video editor software

alternatives to Windows software, 243

Video for Linux project, 381

Videos directory, home folder, 221

View As options, Nautilus, 211

View menu

gedit, 273

Impress, 305

Nautilus, 210

Ubuntu Software Center, 417

view modes, Nautilus, 212

View options, Preferences, gedit, 275

viewing processes, 503507

vim command, 551

Vim text editor, 269, 270

stopping and starting, 512

VIRT column, top program output, 505

virtual console, 523

virtual desktops

personalizing Ubuntu, 181

visual effects, 191

working with, 9092

virtual directory, 223

virtual files, 223, 226

Virtual Network Computing see VNC

VirtualBox, 30

virtualization software, 30

installing Ubuntu on Mac, 60

virus scanning

adding to Ubuntu, 175179

ClamAV program, 175, 176

ClamTk, 175, 177

dealing with infections, 178

false positives, 178

scanning for viruses, 176177

superuser permissions, 178

updating virus database, 176

Visual Assistance utility, 462

visual effects

desktop visual effects, 133135

extra visual effects, 192

personalizing Ubuntu, 189198

personalizing, 193198

standard visual effects, 190192

Visual Effects tab, Appearance Preferences, 189

visually impaired, tools for, 190

VLC media player, 243

vmlinuz directory, 224

VMware, 30

VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

accessing Ubuntu via remote desktop, 497498

connecting to remote computers, 500, 501

VoIP (Voice over IP)

Ekiga, 261, 335

Skype, 334335

Speex, 363

Volume Control applet, 84


editing filesystem label, 231

formatting, 231

managing, 231

mounting, 228

unmounting, 231

viewing disk/volume information, 229230

Vorbis see Ogg Vorbis media format

Image W

w (write) permission, 452

numeric notation for, 457

Warzone 2100, 406

watching DVDs, 377381

watching movies, 375377

watching TV, 381382

WAV audio file format, 364

wc command, 268, 551

Weather Report applet, 207

web 2.0, 338

web browsers

accessing Ubuntu One via, 346

alternatives to Windows software, 242

Firefox web browser, 251253, 559

security, 179

Web filters, GIMP, 399

web of trust, 158

web page creation

alternatives to Windows software, 242

web server software

Apache, 555

web site creation

Writer, OpenOffice, 280

web sites, third-party, 580

web-based gaming

Flash and, 408409

WEP keys, 112

WEP vs. WPA, 113

whatis command, 552

whereis command, 552


working with filenames that have spaces, 529

widescreen monitor

resolution not recognized, postinstallation, 69


using desktop widgets, 197

wi-fi see wireless networking

wi-fi cards, 96

wikis, 338

community wiki, 100

wildcards, commands, 529

Winamp, 242

Window Border tab, Customize Theme dialog, 184

Window List applet, 207

Ubuntu desktop, 84

Window Management category

CompizConfig Settings Manager tool, 196

Window Selector applet, 207


accessing networked files, 232233

burning CDs using Windows 7, 592

burning CDs using Windows Vista/XP, 592

checking free space, 28

chkdsk command-line tool, 70

configuring Windows/SMB shared printer, 128130

connecting to remote computers, 498501

connecting to Windows 7 and Vista, 498499

connecting to Windows XP, 2000, and NT, 499500

copying Windows fonts, 285

defragmenting disk, 38

desktop compared with Ubuntu, 8689

drive references, 225

installing Ubuntu inside, 39

installing Windows applications with Wine, 438440

installing Windows games on Linux, 410411

installing Windows on Ubuntu hard disk, 29

installing Windows XP drivers, 115121

Linux security compared, 147148

preparing Windows partition for resizing, 3738

reasons to stop using, 1112

removing Windows to free space, 29

sharing folder from within Ubuntu, 234235

Ubuntu software alternatives, 241243

Ubuntu working, Windows won't boot, 70

wireless network device drivers, 113121

working with files in Windows partitions, 232

Windows Explorer

Nautilus, Ubuntu, 209

Windows key, configuring, 104

Windows Live Messenger, 333

Windows Media Player

alternatives to Windows software, 243

movie file formats, 369

retrieving streaming content, 370

Windows Update program

Ubuntu equivalent, 88

Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator), 438, 573

installing and configuring, 438

installing Windows applications with, 439440

installing Windows games on Linux, 410

Windows application support, 263

WinRar, 479

WinZip, 243

wired networking, configuring, 108109

Wireless Network Drivers dialog

using NdisWrapper to install drivers, 120

wireless networking

connecting to wireless network, 110113

Ethernet networks compared, 110

installing Windows device drivers, 113121

WEP vs. WPA, 113

wi-fi cards, 96

wizards, OpenOffice, 292

wodim command, 538, 541

Word, Microsoft

Ubuntu alternatives to, 242

word count (wc) command, 268

word processors

AbiWord, 287

file extensions, 216

Ubuntu alternatives to Windows, 242

Writer, 244246, 280, 297300


looking up with look command, 268

wrapping with fold, 269

workspace, 573

Workspace switcher, Ubuntu desktop, 85

Workspace Switcher applet, 204, 207

working with virtual desktops, 9192

workspaces see virtual desktops

Workstation, 30

World Wide Name property, drives, 230

WPA-protected wireless networks

connecting to wireless network, 112

WEP vs. WPA, 113

Wrap option

inserting pictures, Writer, 299

write (w) permission, 452

numeric notation for, 457

Write Cache property, drives, 230

Writer applications, 280

wizards, 293

Writer (web page creation), 242

Writer (word processor), 244246, 297300

adding headers and footers, 299

alternatives to Windows software, 242

checking spelling and grammar, 298

formatting text, 297298

inserting graphics, 298

inserting notes, 300

inserting page numbers, 299

sharing documents, 299

spell-checking, 245

working with tables, 299

Wubi Windows, 35

installing Ubuntu inside Windows, 39


Image X

x (execute) permission, 452, 453

applied to directories, 453, 454, 455

numeric notation for, 457

X applications

running on remote computer, 496

X Server

NVidia X Server Setting program, 462

X Window, 573, 72, 574

X11, 573

Xenix, 13

Xfce Desktop Environment, 588

XFree86 project, 573

xfs file system, 224

xhost command, 552

Xine multimedia framework, 351

finding version of Totem currently in use, 380

totem-xine package, 378

xinetd, 574

xinit command, 552

XMMS (X Multimedia System), 574

Xorg program, 506

XSane program, 384

Xterm, 574

alternatives to Windows software, 243

Xubuntu, 574, 585, 588589

installing Ubuntu, 36

Xubuntu desktop, 82

Xvid movie file format, 377

Image Y

Yahoo, 333

Yahoo Japan, 333

Image Z

z/OS, 7

Zephyr, 333


configuring wired networking, 108

zero-day exploit, 168

zfs file system, 224

zip command, 552

.zip file type, 478

zip files software

alternatives to Windows software, 243

Archive Manager (File Roller), 258

zipgre command, 552

zombie processes, controlling, 509510

zoom controls, Nautilus, 211

Zoom option, backgrounds, 188

Zoom tool

GIMP, 391, 393

tools for visually impaired, 190

ZSH (Z shell), 518

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