
We would like to thank the Apress team that made this book possible in the first place. Specifically we'd like to thank Candace English and Adam Heath, our awesome coordinating editors, who never got tired answering all of our silly questions; Matthew Moodie for helping us structure the sections and giving invaluable hints and suggestions to make this book a whole lot better; and Damon Larson and James Compton, for being the brave souls that had to correct all of our grammar errors. Thanks guys, it's been a pleasure working with you.

Special thanks to all of our friends around the globe who gave us ideas, feedback, and comfort. This goes specifically to Nathan Sweet, Dave Clayton, Dave Fraska, Moritz Post, Ryan Foss, Bill Nagel, Zach Wendt, Scott Lembke, ChristophWidulle, and Tony Wang, the coding ninjas working with me on libgdx; John Phil and Ali Mosavian, long-time coding buddies from Sweden; and Roman Kern and Markus Muhr, whom Mario has had the pleasure to work with at his day job.

Rob would like to thank his wife, Holly, for all of her patience and understanding throughout not just this book but his game development career. Without her, he wouldn't have been able to make it this far. He would also like to thank his parents for bringing home that KayPro II in the 80s, buying him his 486 in 1993 and allowing him to chase that lifelong curiosity that is technology and software.

Last, but certainly not least, Mario would like to thank his love, Stefanie, who put up with all the long nights alone in bed, as well as his grumpiness. Luipo!

—Mario and Rob

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