
Numbers and Symbols

α (alpha) sign, 466, 477

[ ] (square brackets), 638

< (less-than operator), 643

0 dB full scale, 574


AAC files, 161

abbreviations, SurroundStems folder, 597–598

AC-3 audio files

bit rates for, 663–664

control parameters settings in, 558

defined, 554, 685

DVD-Video files, 15

encoded data settings in, 558

encoding movie with preset, 252

fitting assets on DVD with, 244

frequency masking in, 560

importing into slideshows, 161

overview of, 257–258

AC-3 audio files, Compressor creating, 560–574

assigning coding mode, 567–568

assigning source audio channels, 562–565

choosing bit rate, 568–572

creating Dolby Digital preset, 565–566

encoding, 572–574

overview of, 560–562

action safe area

activating guides for, 126

Cmd-Shift-E shortcut showing, 139

defined, 35, 685

activated button state

in advanced overlays, 371–372

defined, 280

highlights for, 289–290

saving new default colors, 375–377

active area, 685

Add Chapter Marker button, 307

Add slideshow (Cmd-K), 175

Add Track (Cmd-Ctrl-T), 107

advanced menu design, 349–407

audio, concatenating files, 385–388

audio, overview, 382–385

keyboard shortcuts, 407

overview of, 350

refreshing assets, 377–381

review Q & A, 407

advanced menu design, in Photoshop, 351–358

creating new document, 352–358

layer styles, 377–381

pixel aspect ratio, 351–352

storage space for layer menus, 664

advanced menu design, layered menus, 397–406

adding, 399–402

creating buttons, 403–406

defining, 350

overview of, 397–399

advanced menu design, motion menus, 389–397

advanced overlays, 395–397

creating in Final Cut Pro, 657

defined, 689

looping, 291–292

overlays, 284–286

setting loop point, 391–394

transitions, 464–470

using, 389–391

advanced menu design, standard menus, 359–377

advanced overlays, 368–372

customizing button colors, 372–375

defining, 350

layered menus vs., 400

overlays, 365–368

overview of, 358–364

saving new default colors, 375–377

advanced MPEG encoding, 489–521

adding encoded file to project, 514–520

choosing Quality settings, 491–495

cropping video, 511–514

GOP structures, 496–501

previewing compression settings, 502–505

review Q & A, 520

setting markers in Compressor, 505–511

setting up, 490–491

advanced overlays, 292–298

adding, 293–294

choosing highlight colors for, 295–298

grayscale color mapping in, 368–372

key colors for, 292

Advanced view, 325–327, 330–331

AIFF files

bit rates for, 663–664

choosing, 257–258

creating new preset group, 266–268

defined, 554

DVD-Video files, 15

encoding movie with preset, 252–253

importing into slideshows, 161

transforming noncompliant digital audio into, 555–558

alerts, build, 219

All setting, Basic connections, 326

alpha (α) sign, 466, 477

alpha channels

LiveType, 443

working with, 480–482

alpha transitions, 474–478

background matte movie with, 484–486

defined, 464

installing, 475–478

names and location of default, 466–467

overview of, 474

scripting with, 602–604

transition asset folder, 474–475

alternate angles, 522–551

creating mixed-angle tracks, 533–538

creating multi-angle tracks, 529–533

encoding streams, 528

errors, 544–546

Final Cut Pro markers, 546–550

overview of, 523

review Q & A, 550

setting up, 524–527

simulating, 543–544

targeting, 539–542

types of, 527

Amaray cases, 236–237

amber dot, 51

Angle button, 543

animation. see LiveType

Apple DVD Player

playing Tiger DVD with, 278–280

previewing simple project with, 84–87

testing build before burning with, 221

testing DVD@access link with, 206–207

testing functionality of entire project on, 212

Apple Pro Certification Program, 7

Apple Pro Training Series, 6

Apple Pro Training Series: Advanced Editing and Finishing Techniques in Final Cut Pro, 575

Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 7 and Express 7, 591

Apple shape group, 424

aspect ratio

checking, 641–645

defined, 685

overview of, 639–640

asset matte movie, 474

asset movie, 478–483

defined, 474

overview of, 478–479

using alpha channels, 480–482

using transition switch point, 482–483


bit budgeting of, 244–246

connecting menu to, 37–40

creating simple DVD with, 21–25

creation process with, 12–13

defined, 685

encoding, 13, 15–16

importing, 94–98, 110–112

keyboard shortcut, 73, 299

refreshing, 378–381

Assets tab

adding slideshow, 161–164

adding sound to menu, 128–129

creating advanced menu audio, 382–385

creating Intro menu, 130–132

creating transitional movies, 322–324

importing folders into, 282–284

overview of, 50–52


advanced menus with, 382–385

bit budgets with, 663–664

choosing, 257

concatenating files, 385–388

deleting from menu, 386

DVD-Video file formats for, 15

layered menus, 405

matching formats in, 385, 388

menus with, 128–129

options menu, 626

Palette tab links to, 20

scripting streams. see scripting, audio streams

simple DVD with, 23, 94–98

slideshow, 39–40, 161, 165–167

testing, 42

video, 517

audio coding modes

assigning, 567–568

bit rate, 568–572

dialog normalization formula, 580

setting, 562

surround sound and downmixing, 592

audio encoding, 553–599

AC-3 files and, 558–560

compression profiles, 584–590

formats for, 554

review Q & A, 598–599

surround sound and downmixing, 591–598

using digital audio files, 555–558

audio encoding, creating AC-3 files with

Compressor, 560–574

bit rate, 568–572

coding mode, 567–568

Dolby Digital presets, 565–566

encoding file, 572–574

overview of, 560–562

source audio channels, 562–565

audio encoding, dialog normalization, 574–583

auditioning file, 582–583

formula, 577–581

overview of, 574–576

audio streams, scripting, 626–639

overview of, 626–628

targeting scripts, 635–636

using pre-scripts, 636–639

using SPRM, 628–635

AUDIO_TS (Audio Title Set) folder, 216, 685

audioButtonSelector script, 635–639

audioStreamChecker menu

scripting audio streams, 626–628

targeting scripts, 635–636

using pre-scripts, 639

AudioStreamSelector button, 608

auditioning files, AC-3 dialog


compression profiles, 590

overview of, 582–583


defined, 686

DVD-R media for, 232

overview of, 12–13

traditional vs. QuickTime encoding, 51

average bit rate, 247–248

average volume levels

dialog normalization formula, 577–581

peak vs., 574–575



adding graphic to, 112–115

adding transitions to, 322, 464–470

chapter index menu, 144–145

keyboard shortcut, 157

layered menu, 401–402

menu, 110

motion, 284–286

standard menu, 358–364

background image, 686

background matte movie, 474, 484–486

Basic view, 21–25

Batch Monitor, 262–263

Before & After track

adding to project, 524–527

creating multi-angle tracks, 529–532

previewing multi-angle tracks, 532–533

simulating alternate angles, 543–544

targeting alternate angles, 539–542

B-frames (bi-directional frames)

defined, 248, 497

GOP structures and, 497–501

bit budget calculator, 245

bit budgeting, 242–246, 659–667

calculating audio storage, 663–664

calculating DVD-ROM storage, 665

calculating still menu storage, 664–665

calculating subtitle storage, 664

calculating transition storage, 665

calculating video bit rates, 666–667

defining, 242–243

determining disc capacity, 243–244, 662

determining reserve, 662–663

DVD storage capacity, 662

how it works, 660

methods, 245

overview of, 659

steps for, 661

using disc size indicator, 245

using storyboards for, 246

when assets won’t fit on DVD, 244

bit rate calculations

alternate angle streams, 528

audio streams, 663–664

bit budgeting, 242–246

common audio coding modes, 568

defined, 228, 686

encoding movie, 251–257

encoding MPEG streams, 494

presets, 265

terminology, 247

videos, 666–667

viewing settings, 262

bits, defined, 243

Bold text (Cmd-B), 139

broadcast filters, 161

Build and Format command, 221–223, 238

Build command

creating build of DVD, 218–220

formatting project, 221

keyboard shortcut, 238

build, project, 216–223

burning disc after, 43

defined, 211, 686

and format in single step, 221–223

formatting, 221

overview of, 216

setting preferences, 217–218

steps for, 218–219

VIDEO_TS folder, 220

.bup files, 220, 662–663


after tweaking, 71–72

with Burn command, 225–226

choosing any VIDEO_TS folder for, 221

keyboard shortcut, 45, 238

overview of, 43

speed of DVD recordable media, 228

testing links to DVD-ROM files, 208

burning a coaster, 221

button navigation, 686

button shapes, 415–419, 432–435

button states

advanced overlays and, 368–372, 395–397

calculating disc space for, 664–665

customizing colors for, 372–375

defined, 280, 687

keyboard shortcut for toggling through, 368, 407

layered menus, 403–406

saving new default colors, 375–377

shapes creating multicolored, 433–434

buttons. see also overlays

chapter index menu, 144–145

chapter index navigation, 148–150

customized, 32–36

defined, 686

deleting menu template, 31

deleting toolbar, 59

drop zones vs., 134, 410–415

highlights, 190–191, 289–290

layered menu, 350, 403–406

standard menu, 350

storyboard, 79

styles. see styles

buttons, creating, 115–123

drawing, 115–116

drop shadows, 118

font, 118–119

highlights, 119–121

naming, 116–117

new, 121–123

overview of, 110

simulating, 123

buttons, creating transitions, 463–487

alpha, 464, 474–478

applying, 464–470

defined, 463

exploring asset movie, 478–483

exploring background matte movie, 484–487

overview of, 67–69

review Q & A, 487

standard, 463

video, 464, 470–473

buttonSelector GPRM

overview of, 611–614

using last item command, 618–620

using Simulator’s information drawer, 614–616

buttonSelectorScript, 635–636

bytes, 243, 660


calculator, bit budget, 245

capacity, disc, 243–244

case inserts, designing, 236–237

CBR (constant bit rate), 247

cell markers

background graphics using, 113

mixed-angle tracks using, 536–538

certification, Apple Pro, 7

channels, AC-3

assigning, 562–565

assigning audio coding mode, 567–568

downmixing for surround sound, 595–598

Chapter Index button, 86

chapter index menus, 141–157

automating creation of, 154–157, 307

chapter markers for, 280

customizing, 142–148

keyboard shortcuts, 157

navigation buttons, 148–150

overview of, 141–142

review Q & A, 157

template, 150–153

chapter markers, 301–313

creating before chapter index menu, 280

creating in Final Cut Pro, 303–310

creating perfect layer break points with, 233

creating simple, 64–66

creating stories with multiple, 318

defined, 14

in DVD Studio Pro, 310–313

DVD-Video file format, 15

keyboard shortcuts, 320

maximum number for single track, 302

overview of, 302–303

review Q & A, 319

chapter markers, setting, 98–104

in Compressor, 505–511

importing from text list, 99–102

manually, 102–104

testing, 105

viewing in Track Editor, 98–99

chapter menus, 519–520

chapters, defined, 687

chroma (chrominance) mapping, 292, 370

circles, drawing in Photoshop, 355–357


defined, 687

resizing video, 534–535

closed captioning

DVD subtitles vs., 177

overview of, 194

closed GOPs, 500–501

Cmd—(Show small thumbnails), 175

Cmd-(Preferences), 107

Cmd-= (Show large thumbnails), 175

Cmd-0 (Viewer tab), 73

Cmd-1 (Assets tab), 73, 299

Cmd-2 (Connections tab), 73

Cmd-3 (Log tab), 73

Cmd-4 (Menu tab), 73, 139, 299

Cmd-5 (Outline tab), 73, 299

Cmd-6 (Script tab), 73

Cmd-7 (Slideshow tab), 73, 175

Cmd-8 (Story tab), 73, 320

Cmd-9 (Track Editor tab), 320

Cmd-A (Select all slides), 175

Cmd-A (Select all), 175

Cmd-B (Bold text), 139

Cmd-Ctrl-T (Add Track), 107

Cmd-D (Duplicate), 139, 157

Cmd-F (Format), 238

Cmd-I (Italic text), 139

Cmd-K (add slideshow), 175

Cmd-N (Create New project), 45

Cmd-Option I (Show/Hide Inspector), 74, 139

Cmd-Option O (Simulate from first play), 107

Cmd-Option P (Show/Hide Palette), 74, 175

Cmd-Option-5 (Graphical tab), 73

Cmd-Option-C (Build), 238

Cmd-Option-E (Show action safe area), 139

Cmd-Option-F (Build and Format), 238

Cmd-Option-I (Inspector tab), 299

Cmd-Option-I (Open Subtitle Inspector), 175

Cmd-Option-I (Show/Hide Inspector), 107

Cmd-Option-O (Simulate from First Play), 238

Cmd-P (Burn), 45, 238

Cmd-R (Show/Hide rulers), 139

Cmd-S (Save project), 45

Cmd-Shift-B (Send to background), 157

Cmd-Shift-C (Color Picker), 139

Cmd-Shift-C (Show/Hide Colors window), 74

Cmd-Shift-E (Show title safe area), 139

Cmd-Shift-I (Import asset), 107

Cmd-Shift-T (Add story), 320

Cmd-T (Font window), 139, 175

Cmd-T (Show/Hide Font window), 74

Cmd-U (Underline text), 139

Cmd-Y (Add standard menu), 139

Cmd-Z (Undo), 45


chapter index menu buttons, 146–147

chapter index navigation buttons, 150

creating advanced overlays, 395–397

creating button shapes, 433–435

creating Intro menu, 132

customizing button, 372–375

menu graphics design, 281

modifying subtitle, 182–185

motion estimation and, 494–495

setting button highlight, 119–121, 289–290

slideshow image, 161

color mapping, 687

Color Picker

applying transitions with, 468–469

customizing button colors, 374–375

keyboard shortcut, 139

Colors window, show/hide keyboard shortcut, 74

compare commands

adding random play jumps with, 340–343

checking aspect ratio with, 642–643

creating and using, 620–625

creating menu loop scripts with, 335–337

moving value of current audio stream to GPRM with, 633–634

compile. see build, project

complex DVDs

adding random play commands, 338–343

connections, 325–331, 343–345

creating stories, 313–318

encoding. see encoding

complex DVDs, advanced overlays, 292–298

adding, 293–294

choosing highlight colors for, 295–298

key colors, 292

complex DVDs, chapter markers, 301–313

creating in Final Cut Pro, 303–310

creating stories with multiple, 318

in DVD Studio Pro, 310–313

keyboard shortcuts, 320

maximum number for single track, 302

overview of, 302–303

review Q & A, 319

complex DVDs, encoding, 242–273

bit budgeting, 242–246

creating droplet, 269–271

creating preset, 263–268

Dolby Digital (AC-3) audio, 257–258

importing file from Final Cut Pro, 248–251

movie, 251–257

review Q & A, 272–273

settings, 258–263

terminology, 247–248

complex DVDs, menu loop scripts, 331–338

adding random play commands, 338–343

connecting to menu, 343–345

overview of, 331–332

resetting counter, 337–338

setting up compare condition, 335–337

setting up counter, 333–335

compression. see also Compressor

AC-3 lossy, 560

frames, 248

profiles, 584–590

compression markers

creating in Final Cut Pro, 304–310

defining, 304

higher quality encoding and, 546

setting in Compressor, 505–509

Compressor, 246–273

compression profiles, 584–590

creating droplets, 269–271

creating presets, 263–268

defined, 687

encoding movie, 251–257

exporting Final Cut Pro markers using, 546–550

importing file from Final Cut Pro into, 248–251

overview of, 241–242

review Q & A, 272–273

settings, 258–263

terminology, 247–248

Compressor, advanced encoding, 489–521

adding encoded file to project, 514–520

cropping video, 511–514

examining GOP structures, 496–501

previewing compression settings, 502–505

Quality settings, 491–495

review Q & A, 520

setting markers, 505–511

setting up, 490–491

Compressor, creating AC-3 files, 560–574

assigning coding mode, 567–568

assigning source audio channels, 562–565

choosing bit rate, 568–572

creating Dolby Digital preset, 565–566

encoding, 572–574

overview of, 560–562

Compressor, dialog normalization, 574–583

auditioning file, 582–583

compression profiles, 584–590

formula, 577–581

overview of, 574–576

pressing Return when entering setting for, 576

computers, pixel aspect ratio, 351–352

concatenation, audio files, 385–388


buttons to videos, 124–125

creating on storyboard, 83

scripts to menus, 343–345

Connections tab

establishing connections with, 325–327

finding unconnected elements, 327–331

keyboard shortcut, 73

review Q & A, 345

window configuration with, 54

constant bit rate (CBR), 247

Content Scrambling System (CSS), 234

control parameter settings, AC-3 files, 558–559

copy protection, adding, 234–236


copy (Cmd-C) command, 647

lesson files for this course, 3–5

counter, menu loop scripts, 333–338

resetting, 337–338

setting up, 333–335

setting up compare condition, 335–337

course structure, 2–3

Create New project (Cmd-N), 45

cropping video, 511–514

CRT televisions, 352

CSS (Content Scrambling System), 234

Ctrl-left arrow, 107, 320

Ctrl-right arrow, 107, 320

custom alpha transitions, 477, 602–604

Custom group

creating button shapes, 434–435

importing shapes into, 424–426

saving styles to, 438–441

cut markers, 546


dash (-), 399

data rates, 568–572, 592–594


build preferences, 217–218

encodes files, 253–257

encoding to folder, 557

dialog normalization, 574–583

auditioning file, 582–583

compression profiles, 584–590

formula, 577–581

overview of, 574–576

pressing Return when entering settings, 576

dialog normalization value (DNV), 577

Digital Linear Tape (DLT), 228, 232

Digital Theater System (DTS) format

defined, 554

DVD-Video files, 15

Simulator not including decoder for, 383

digital, defined, 243 button, 651, 654

disc items, defined, 13


choosing type, 229–232

designing labels and case inserts, 236–237

determining capacity, 243–244, 662

distribution, DVD, 228–236

choosing disc type, 229–232

copy protection, 234–236

duplication vs. replication, 228–229

setting layer break point, 232–233

DJ-webSelector script, 650–652

DLT (Digital Linear Tape), 228, 232

DNV (dialog normalization value), 577


adding Compressor icon to, 560

adding Final Cut Pro icon to, 304

Dolby Digital. see AC-3 audio files

Dolby Digital presets

assigning audio coding mode, 567

assigning compression profiles through, 584–590

creating, 565–566

creating for each type of audio, 568

dialog normalization formula, 579–580

surround sound and downmixing, 592–598

Down arrow, 74, 107

downmixing, 591–598

drawing, buttons, 115–116

Drop palette

adding background graphic to menu, 114

creating custom buttons, 33–34

delay time, 115

modifying menu templates, 30–31

drop shadows

adding title and text to menus, 126–127

adding to buttons, 118

drop zone shapes

changing drop zone order, 430–431

configuring shape layers, 419–422

creating, 428–430

importing shapes, 424–428

overview of, 415–419

drop zones

adding to main menu, 134–137

buttons vs., 410–415

defined, 688

modifying menu templates, 28

droplets, 269–271, 687

.dspproj extension, 25

DTS (Digital Theater System) format

defined, 554

DVD-Video files, 15

Simulator not including decoder for, 383

dual-layer disc, 688

Duplicate (Cmd-D), keyboard shortcut, 139, 157


fitting assets on DVDs with, 244

replication vs., 228–229


changing motion menu, 137

changing slideshow, 164–168

matching menu with audio, 387

DV video, cropping, 511–514

DVD Forum, 16

DVD Player. see Apple DVD Player

DVD Recorder, 222

DVD Studio Pro

adding markers in, 303

creating markers in Final Cut Pro for, 304–310

DVD-R authoring supported by, 232

increasing still images in slideshows, 160

launching, 80

setting preferences, 88–90

using digital audio files in, 555–558

using Photoshop layer styles in, 377–381

working with markers in, 310–313

DVD Studio Pro Files folder, 217

DVD Studio Pro Layout file, 220

DVD@access, 199–207

activating DVD-ROM content, 208

defined, 688

formatting project using, 221

link and menu actions, 203–204

overview of, 197

returning to correct menu after clicking, 650–654

review Q & A, 209

setting up Web link menu, 200–202

testing link, 205–207

using Jump Indirect, 650–654

Web links invisible on televisions, 654

DVD+R DL (dual layer) format, 227, 228

DVD+R format

burning speed, 228

defined, 16, 227

replication difficulties, 232

DVD+RW format, 227, 228

DVD-10 disc, 230–231, 662

DVD-18 disc, 230–231, 662

DVD-5 disc

defined, 16

fitting assets on, 244

five percent reserve values, 662

overview of, 230

storage capacity, 662

DVD-9 disc

burning, 225

defined, 16, 688

fitting assets on, 244

five percent reserve values, 662

overview of, 230–231

resetting automatic layer break point in, 232

storage capacity, 662

DVD-R disc

building and formatting in single step, 223

burning, 43, 225–226

burning speed, 228

defined, 16, 226–227

replication using, 232

DVD-RAM media, 227

DVD-ROM content

activating with DVD@access, 208

adding to DVD project, 222

adding to DVD-Video disc, 198–199

calculating storage, 665

defined, 688

factoring into total file size, 199, 221

overview of, 197

review Q & A, 209

DVD-RW format, 227, 228


bit budgeting, 662

creating complex. see complex DVDs

creating first project. see first project DVD

creating simple. see simple DVD, creating

distributing. see distribution, DVD

finishing DVD. see finishing DVD

storage capacity on, 660


audio formats, 554

creating, 13

with DVD-ROM content, 197–199

features, 16–17

file formats, 15–16

overview of, 14

scripting improving technology of. see scripting

DVD-Video-compliant, defined, 554

dynamic range compression profiles, 584–590


Edit Marker window, 306–307

elementary streams, defined, 51

elements, defined, 688

Elliptical Marquee tool, 355–357

encode on build, defined, 13

encoded data settings, AC-3 files, 558–559


advanced. see Compressor, advanced encoding

alternate angle streams, 528

bit budgeting and, 242–246

defined, 688

formats, 15–16

overview of, 13, 241–242

setting preferences, 88–90

traditional vs. QuickTime, 51

encoding, using Compressor, 246–273

creating droplet, 269–271

creating preset, 263–268

Dolby Digital (AC-3) audio, 257–258

importing file from Final Cut Pro into, 248–251

of movie, 251–257

review Q & A, 272–273

settings, 258–263

terminology, 247–248

End (Go to end of timeline), 107

errors, alternate angle, 544–546

escape commands

checking aspect ratio with, 644

unnecessary in pre-scripts, 639

using, 625–626

using Jump Indirect with, 652–653

exporting, video to QuickTime, 308–310

Extended window configuration, 48–50

extensions, filename, 25

Eye icon, 399


F1, 73

F2, 73

F3, 73

fades, motion menu, 291–292

file formats. see formats


slideshow image, 161

Track Editor, 529–530

Final Cut Pro

building slideshow in, 160

creating markers for DVD Studio Pro in, 304–310

creating markers in, 303

creating motion menus in, 657

creating transitional movies, 322

importing files into Compressor, 248–251

LiveType program. see LiveType

markers, 546–550

types of markers in, 303–304

Final Cut Studio, workflows, 671

Finder window, 547

finishing DVD, 211–238

burning disc, 225–226

choosing recordable DVD media, 226–228

designing labels and case inserts, 236–237

distributing. see distribution, DVD

formatting, 221–223

keyboard shortcuts, 238

lesson review, 237–238

overview of, 211–212

testing project, 212–216

using Apple DVD Player, 224–225

finishing DVD, distribution, 228–236

choosing disc type, 229–232

copy protection, 234–236

duplication vs. replication, 228–229

setting layer break point, 232–233

finishing DVD, project build, 216–223

burning disc after, 43

defined, 211, 686

and format in single step, 221–223

formatting, 221

overview of, 216

setting preferences, 217–218

steps for, 218–219

VIDEO_TS folder, 220

FireWire hard drive, 228–229

first play, defined, 688

first project DVD, 11–45

build and burn disc, 43

connect assets to menu, 37–40

create in Basic view, 21–26

creation process, 12–13

DVD-Video specification, 14–17

interface, 17–21

keyboard shortcuts, 45

review Q & A, 44

simulate disc, 41–42

first project DVD, creating menu, 26–40

applying Apple menu template, 26–27

connecting assets to, 37–40

custom buttons, 32–36

modifying Apple menu template, 27–32

overview of, 26

first-play action, 93–94

Fit To Audio setting, 165–167

Fit To Slides setting, 165–167

5.1 surround stream, 554, 569, 591–598

Font window, show/hide, 74


button, 118–119

chapter index menu button, 146

menu graphics and, 281

menu templates, 29

subtitle, 182–185

title and text, 126–127

Format (Cmd-F), 238

Format command, 221


advanced menu audio, 382

and build in single step, 221–223

concatenating audio files, 385–388

defined, 211, 688

DVD-Video, 15–16

DVD-Video audio, 554

encoding for DVD authoring, 13

matching audio, 385–388

menu audio, 129

noncompliant audio, 555–557

overview of, 221

recordable DVD media, 226–228

slideshow, 160–161

VIDEO_TS folder information, 220

4:3 aspect ratio, 639, 642–645, 685

frame-accurate loop points, 394

frequency masking, AC-3 files, 560

frequency, surround sound, 593–595


General (G) rating, 645

General Parameter Register Memory (GPRM)

adding random play commands, 338–340

checking aspect ratio, 641–643

checking parental level, 645–646

resetting counters, 337

scripting with, 609–614

setting up counters for menu loop scripts, 333–334

using Jump Indirect, 650–654

using last item command, 618–620

using Simulator’s information drawer, 614–616

using SPRMs in conjunction with, 628

General tab, 392–394

Geometry pane, 513

getting started, 1–7

about Apple Pro Certification Program, 7

about Apple Pro Training Series, 6

copying lesson files, 3–5

course structure, 2–3

resources, 6

system requirements, 6

gigabytes, computer vs. DVD, 660

glossary, 685–691

GPRM. see General Parameter Register Memory (GPRM)

Graphical tab

adding layered menu using, 399–402

creating storyboard using, 79–83

creating transitional movies with, 322–324

importing images into slideshows with, 163–164

keyboard shortcut, 73

placing markers in DVD Studio Pro with, 311–313

working with Story Editor, 314–317

graphics. see also shapes

adding drop zones to main menu, 134–137

background menu, 112–115

disc labels and case inserts, 236–237

pixel aspect ratio, 351–352

video, 194

viewing standard menu layers, 361–364

graphics, using overlays, 274–299

adding motion background, 284–286

advanced, 292–298, 395–397

choosing highlights for button states, 289–290

creating buttons, 287–288

creating for subtitle stream, 190–194

defined, 689

designing, 282

importing entire folder, 282–284

keyboard shortcuts, 299

lesson review, 299

looping motion menu, 291–292

overview of, 280–281

playing Tiger DVD with DVD player, 278–280

standard menus, 359, 361–363, 365–368

for Tiger DVD, 276–278

graphs, 20

grayscale color (luma) mapping

advanced overlay tricks, 395–397

advanced with, 292

defined, 369

Mask layer using, 421

standard menu overlay layer with, 365–368

using advanced overlays with, 368–372


new preset, 266–268

shape buttons, 416

groups of pictures (GOPs)

defined, 248

encoding alternate angle streams, 528

I-frames, P-frames and B-frames, 496–501

importing markers in DVD Studio Pro, 310–313

overview of, 496

setting size of, 508

viewing settings, 248

guides, hiding, 32–33


hearing-impaired viewers, 194

Highlight layer, shapes, 420, 423, 433–435


advanced overlays using, 295–296

button states using, 289–290

calculating disc storage space for, 664

overlays using, 280–281

setting button, 119–121, 190

Home (Go to beginning of timeline), 107

hybrid DVDs, 197


Icon layer, shapes, 420, 423

.ifo files, 220, 662–663

I-frames (intra-frames)

defined, 248, 496

encoding alternate angle streams, 528

encoding with cut markers, 546, 549

FCP chapter markers and, 304

GOP structures and, 497–501

placing chapter markers only at, 302–303

as reference frames, 496

setting compression markers, 507–509


assets directly, 13

custom buttons, 32–36

DVD-compliant audio formats into slideshows, 161

DVD-Video file formats, 15

from Final Cut Pro into Compressor, 248–251

images into slideshows, 161–164

marker lists from text files, 99–102

menu assets, 110–112

movies into Compressor, 490–491

shapes, 424–428

subtitles, 185–188

video and audio tracks, 94–98

Increment button, 393–394

indicator, disc size, 245

Information Drawer, Simulator, 614–616, 649

input channel matrix, Compressor, 562


compression profiles in, 586–590

creating Dolby Digital preset, 566

encoding audio files in, 572–574

keyboard shortcuts, 74, 107, 139, 175, 299

naming buttons in, 116–117

overview of, 21

reflecting assets in, 52

setting up disc properties in, 91–94

setting up navigation on remote control in, 133–134

surround sound and downmixing in, 592–598

targeting alternate angle streams in, 540–542

installation, DVD Studio Pro 4

lesson/media files, 4

interface, 47–74

burning tweaked discs, 71–72

button transitions, 67–69

Inspector, 21

opening project, 48

overview of, 17–19

Palette, 20–21

project window, 20

review Q & A, 72

simple chapter markers, 64–66

simulating disc to view tweaks, 69–71

Interface, window configurations, 48–63

Basic, 21–25

customizing tabs and quadrants, 56–58

customizing toolbar, 58–61

Extended and Advanced, 48–50

Extended tabs, 50–56

keyboard shortcuts, 73

saving, 61–63

intro menu, creating, 129–132

.ipr files, LiveType, 443, 444–449

Italic text (Cmd-I), 139

iTunes, 161


Joliet Extension Support, 198

jump actions, 604–609

jump commands

checking aspect ratio, 642–643

checking parental level, 647

creating compare command with, 621–623

escape commands with, 626

moving value of current audio stream to GPRM, 633–634

overview of, 335–337

setting up random play jumps, 340–343

jump indirect, 650–654


key colors

highlights for advanced overlay, 295–298

overview of, 292

using advanced overlays with, 293–294, 368–372

key frames, 248

keyboard shortcuts

Cmd—(Show small thumbnails), 175

Cmd-(Preferences), 107

Cmd-= (Show large thumbnails), 175

Cmd-0 (Viewer tab), 73

Cmd-1 (Assets tab), 73, 299

Cmd-2 (Connections tab), 73

Cmd-3 (Log tab), 73

Cmd-4 (Menu tab), 73, 139, 299

Cmd-5 (Outline tab), 73, 299

Cmd-6 (Script tab), 73

Cmd-7 (Slideshow tab), 73, 175

Cmd-8 (Story tab), 73, 320

Cmd-9 (Track Editor tab), 320

Cmd-9 (Track tab), 73, 107, 299

Cmd-A (Select all), 175

Cmd-B (Bold text), 139

Cmd-Ctrl-T (Add Track), 107

Cmd-D (Duplicate), 139, 157

Cmd-F (Format), 238

Cmd-I (Italic text), 139

Cmd-K (add slideshow), 175

Cmd-N (Create New project), 45

Cmd-Option I (Show/Hide Inspector), 74, 139

Cmd-Option O (Simulate from first play), 107

Cmd-Option P (Show/Hide Palette), 74, 175

Cmd-Option-5 (Graphical tab), 73

Cmd-Option-C (Build), 238

Cmd-Option-E (Show action safe area), 139

Cmd-Option-F (Build and Format), 238

Cmd-Option-I (Inspector tab), 299

Cmd-Option-I (Open Subtitle Inspector), 175

Cmd-Option-I (Show/Hide Inspector), 107

Cmd-Option-O (Simulate from First Play), 238

Cmd-P (Burn), 45, 238

Cmd-R (Show/Hide rulers), 139

Cmd-S (Save project), 45

Cmd-Shift-B (Send to background), 157

Cmd-Shift-C (Color Picker), 139

Cmd-Shift-C (Show/Hide Colors window), 74

Cmd-Shift-E (Show title safe area), 139

Cmd-Shift-I (Import asset), 107

Cmd-Shift-T (Add story), 320

Cmd-T (Font window), 139, 175

Cmd-T (Show/Hide Font window), 74

Cmd-U (Underline text), 139

Cmd-Y (Add standard menu), 139

Cmd-Z (Undo), 45

Ctrl-left arrow (Move playhead to previous marker), 107, 320

Ctrl-right arrow (Move playhead to next marker), 107

Ctrl-right arrow (Move playhead to previous marker), 320

Down arrow (Move playhead to next marker), 107

Down arrow, Shift-M, Ctrl-right arrow (Next marker), 74

End (Go to end of timeline), 107

F1, 73

F2, 73

F3, 73

Home (Go to beginning of timeline), 107

M (Set Marker), 107, 175, 320

menu design, 407

Option-left arrow, 320

Option-M (Move playhead to previous marker), 107, 320

Option-right arrow, 320

Shift-M (Move playhead to next marker), 107, 320

Spacebar or L (Play slideshow in Viewer), 175

Up arrow (Move playhead to previous marker), 107

Up arrow, Option-M, Ctrl-left arrow (Previous marker), 74

W (toggles between button states), 407

keyboard shortcuts, by subject

chapter index menus, 157

chapter markers and stories, 320

creating menus, 139

creating slideshows, 175

finishing DVD, 238

overlays, 299

preparing first DVD project, 45

setup of simple DVD, 107

for Simulator, 105

subtitles, 195

tabs, 73

timeline navigation, 74

window configurations, 73


labels, designing, 236–237

last item command, 618–620

layer break point, 232–233

layer styles, 378, 379

layered menus, 397–406

adding, 399–402

creating buttons, 403–406

defining, 350

overview of, 397–399


button shape, 433–435

calculating disc storage space for, 664

configuring shape, 419–422

graphics on standard menus, 361–364

for PSD files in slideshows, 160

Layers tab, 403–406

less-than operator (>), 643

letterbox, 688

LFE channel, 595–596

licenses, copy protection, 234

line 21 support, 689

lines, thickness of, 281

links. see connections LiveType, 443–449

defined, 443

features of, 443–444

performing round-trip, 444–449

Log tab

keyboard shortcut for, 73

testing functionality of entire project, 213, 215

viewing build using, 218–219

viewing menu loop scripts, 344

viewing progress of burn session, 71

viewing tweaks on disc, 71

viewing window configuration, 54

Logic Pro, 577

Loop Audio option, 165

loop point setting, 391–394


glitches in audio playback and, 386

motion menus and, 291–292

loops, menu loop scripts, 331–338

adding random play commands, 338–343

connecting to menu, 343–345

overview of, 331–332

resetting counter, 337–338

setting up compare condition, 335–337

setting up counter, 333–335

lossy compression, AC-3, 560

low-frequency effects, 593

luma mapping. see grayscale color (luma) mapping


M (Set Marker), 74, 107, 175, 320 button, 650

macro-blocks, 494–495

Macrovision, 234

Make Movie Self-Contained option, 309–310


button highlight, 190–194

defined, 689

Final Cut Pro, 303–304, 546–550

keyboard shortcuts for, 74, 107, 175, 320

sandwich, 536–538

markers, chapter, 301–313

creating before chapter index menu, 280

creating in Final Cut Pro, 303–310

creating perfect layer break points with, 233

creating simple, 64–66

creating stories with multiple, 318

defined, 14

in DVD Studio Pro, 310–313

DVD-Video file format, 15

keyboard shortcuts, 320

maximum number for single track, 302

overview of, 302–303

review Q & A, 319

markers, setting chapter, 98–104

in Compressor, 505–511

importing from text list, 99–102

manually, 102–104

testing, 105

viewing in Track Editor, 98–99

Mask layer, shapes, 420–422

masking, defined, 560

maximum bit rate, 247–248

media files, reconnecting, 5

menu design, 407

Menu Editor

adding background graphic, 114

adding drop zones, 134–137

creating buttons for overlay, 287–288

drawing buttons, 115–116

menu elements, 409–461

button shapes, 432–435

drop zone shapes, 419–431

drop zones vs. buttons, 410–415

menu templates, 450–460

overview of, 409–410

review Q & A, 460–461

round-trips to LiveType, 443–449

shapes, 415–419

styles. see styles

menu loop scripts, 331–338

connecting to menu, 343–345

overview of, 331–332

random play commands, 338–343

resetting counter, 337–338

setting up compare condition, 335–337

setting up counter, 333–335

Menu tab, keyboard shortcut, 73, 139, 299


accessing with remote control device, 16–17

advanced. see advanced menu design

connecting scripts to, 343–345

creating and editing in project window, 20

defined, 14, 689

previewing with DVD Player, 87

storyboarding DVDs, 79–80

targeting alternate angle streams, 539–542

menus, creating, 26–40, 108–139

adding background graphic, 112–115

adding sound, 128–129

adding title and text, 126–128

applying Apple menu template, 26–27

buttons. see buttons, creating

changing still menu to motion menu, 134–137

chapter index. see chapter index menus

connecting assets to, 37–40

creating intro menu, 129–132

custom buttons, 32–36

importing assets, 110–112

keyboard shortcuts, 139

making connections from buttons to video, 124–125

modifying Apple menu template, 27–32

overview of, 26

review Q & A, 138

setting up navigation, 132–134

using title safe, 125–126

menus, creating transitions, 463–487

alpha, 464, 474–478

applying, 464–470

defined, 463

exploring asset movie, 478–483

exploring background matte movie, 484–487

review Q & A, 487

standard, 463

video, 470–473

menus, with overlays, 274–299

adding motion background, 284–286

advanced, 292–298, 395–397

choosing highlights for selected and active states, 289–290

creating buttons, 287–288

creating for subtitle stream, 190–194

defined, 689

designing graphics, 282

importing entire folder, 282–284

keyboard shortcuts, 299

lesson review, 299

looping motion menu, 291–292

overview of, 280–281

playing Tiger DVD with DVD player, 278–280

standard menu, 359, 361–363, 365–368

Tiger DVD, 276–278

Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, 160

Microsoft Windows, 206

Mini DVDs, 231

mixed-angle tracks, 533–538

adding sandwich markers, 536–538

creating, 533–534

defined, 527

encoding alternate angle streams, 528

multi-angle tracks vs., 533–534

resizing video clips, 534–535

monitor, for grayscale mapping, 370

Mono audio coding mode, 569

Motion button

concatenating audio files, 388

creating motion menus, 391

defined, 689

playing audio files with, 385

motion estimation settings, Compressor, 494–495

motion menu

changing duration of, 137

changing to still menu, 134–137

motion menus, 389–397

applying transitions to, 464–470

creating, 389–391

creating in Final Cut Pro, 657

defined, 689

looping, 291–292

setting loop point, 391–394

using advanced overlays, 395–397

using overlays, 284–286

Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG), 389, 689

movies, encoding using Compressor, 251–257

moving, slides, 168–169

MP3 files, 161

MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group), 389, 689

MPEG-1, 15, 244

MPEG1-Layer 2, 161, 554


creating new preset group, 266–268

creating preset, 264

defined, 15

encoding movie with preset, 252–253

encoding settings, 259–260

transitions encoded into, 465

MPEG-2, advanced encoding, 489–521

adding encoded file to project, 514–520

choosing Quality settings, 491–495

cropping video, 511–514

GOP structures, 496–501

previewing compression settings, 502–505

review Q & A, 520

setting markers in Compressor, 505–511

setting up, 490–491

MPressionist.X, 495

MPV-webSelector script, 650, 652

multi-angle tracks

creating, 529–532

defined, 527

encoding alternate angle streams, 528

previewing, 532–533

multiplexing (muxing) tracks, 218, 689


naming conventions

buttons, 116–117, 122

chapter index navigation buttons, 148–150

chapter markers, 307, 510

encoded file for project, 515

GPRM, 610

movies with alpha transitions, 475

National Television Standards Committee. see NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)

navigation. see also chapter markers

building with scripting, 605

chapter index, 148–150

checking with Simulator, 105

keyboard shortcuts for timeline, 74

between markers, 308

remote control device, 16–17, 92–93

setting up menu, 132–134

timeline keyboard shortcuts, 74

New dialog, Photoshop, 354–355

Next Chapter button, 87

No-one under 17 permitted (NC-17) rating, 645

Nop (No Operation) command

counter for menu loop script, 333–334, 338

moving value of audio stream to GPRM, 631

overview of, 606

programming jump action with script, 606–609

normal state, buttons, 280, 395–397

normalization, 574

normalization, dialog, 574–583

auditioning file, 582–583

compression profiles, 584–590

formula, 577–581

overview of, 574–576

pressing Return when entering settings, 576

NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)

burning disc with Burn command, 226

creating new menu in Photoshop, 352–358

defined, 689

identifying source video settings, 87–88

pixel aspect ratio, 351–352

scaling slideshow images for, 161

setting preferences for, 88–90

vertical resolutions signifying, 475

null band, compression profiles, 585



button state colors, 375–377

highlights for advanced overlay, 295–298

shape highlight layers, 433–434

subtitle color, 184

open GOPs, 500–501

Operation pop-up menu, GPRM, 611–612

Option-left arrow, 320

Option-M, 107, 320

Option-right arrow, 320

Outline tab

automating chapter index menus, 154–157

creating storyboard, 82

keyboard shortcut, 73, 299

layered vs. standard menus, 400

subtitles, 185

window configuration, 55

overlays, 274–299

adding motion background, 284–286

choosing highlights for button states, 289–290

creating buttons, 287–288

creating for subtitle stream, 190–194

defined, 689

designing graphics, 282

importing entire folder, 282–284

keyboard shortcuts, 299

lesson review, 299

looping motion menu, 291–292

overview of, 280–281

playing Tiger DVD with DVD player, 278–280

standard menu, 359, 361–363, 365–368

Tiger DVD and, 276–278

overlays, advanced, 292–298

adding, 293–294

highlight colors for, 295–298

key colors, 292

overview of, 395–397

overscan area, 35, 125–126


packaging, disc, 236–237

PAL (Phase Alternating Line)

creating new menu in Photoshop, 352–358

defined, 690

pixel aspect ratio, 352

scaling slideshow images to fit, 161

setting preferences for, 88–90

source video settings, 87–88

vertical resolutions signifying, 475


Assets tab vs., 51

creating button shapes, 434–435

creating simple DVD, 21–25

importing shapes, 424–428

importing video and audio files, 94–98

overview of, 20–21

show/hide, 74, 175

pan and scan, 690

Parental Guidance (PG) rating, 645

parental level, checking, 645–649

Parents Strongly Cautioned (PG-13) rating, 645

paste (Cmd-V) command, 647

pathname, 208

Pause option, slideshow, 160, 168

PCM (Pulse Code Modulated) format

bit rates for, 663–664

choosing, 257–258

creating new preset group, 266–268

defined, 554

DVD-Video files, 15

encoding movie with preset, 252–253

transforming noncompliant digital audio into, 555–558

peak volume levels, 574–575

P-frames (predicted frames), 248, 496–501

PG (Parental Guidance) rating, 645

PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned) rating, 645

phantom center channel, 595

Phase Alternating Line. see PAL (Phase Alternating Line)

Photoshop, 351–358

creating new document in, 352–358

pixel aspect ratio and, 351–352

storage space for layer menus, 664

using layer styles, 377–381

pixel aspect ratio

creating new menu in Photoshop, 352–358

defined, 690

overview of, 351–352


rendering layer styles into, 378–381

sizing images for menus, 282

Play Movie button, testing, 214


adding subtitle at, 178–179

adjusting length or position of subtitles, 180–181

keyboard shortcuts, 74, 107, 175, 320

setting chapter markers, 510

setting compression markers, 508–509

playlists, 313–317

predicted frames (P-frames), 248, 496–501


build, 217–218

delay time for Drop palette, 115

DVD Studio Pro, 88–90

keyboard shortcut for, 107

saving new default button colors, 375–377

Simulator operating like real DVD player, 212

premultiplied alpha channels, LiveType, 443


Nop command behavior in, 606

scripting audio streams, 636–639

presets, Compressor

creating, 263–268

creating droplets, 269–271

Dolby Digital. see Dolby Digital presets

encoding movie, 251–257


with Apple DVD Player, 84–87

compression markers, 509

Compressor settings, 502–505

images for slideshows, 163

slide transitions, 171

subtitles, 189–190

project bundle, saving to, 557–558

Project group

saving styles to, 438–441

shapes, 424, 426–428

project window, 20

project, defined, 690


GPRM, 609–610

setting up disc, 91–94

viewing and changing with Inspector, 21

PSD files, 160

Pulse Code Modulated. see PCM (Pulse Code Modulated) format


Q & A review

advanced menu design, 407

advanced MPEG encoding, 519–520

audio encoding, 598–599

chapter index menus, 157

chapter markers and stories, 319

creating menus, 138

creating slideshows, 174–175

encoding, 272–273

exploring interface, 72

finishing DVD, 237–238

overlays, 299

preparing first DVD project, 44

scripting, 654–655

setup of simple DVD, 106

subtitles, 194

transitions, 487


Extended window configuration, 49

repositioning tabs into, 57

Quality settings, Compressor

choosing, 491–495

overview of, 262

previewing, 502–505


encoding movie, 251

exporting movie to, 308–310

importing DVD-Video file formats with, 15

importing files from, 51

importing files into Compressor, 248

playing audio files first in, 382

transforming noncompliant digital audio from, 555–558


R (Restricted) rating, 645

Ramseier, Adrian, 75

random play commands, 338–343

reconnecting media, 5

recordable DVD media, 226–228

reference frames, 248

defined, 496

reference movie, 309–310

remote control device

accessing DVD-Video features with, 16

setting up navigation on, 92–93, 132–134

for Simulator, 213–214

testing finished project, 215


adding copy protection to, 234–236

choosing disc type for, 232

duplication vs., 228–229

reserve, 662–663

resolution. see pixel aspect ratio

resources, 6

reviews, chapter. see Q & A review

ROM. see DVD-ROM content

round-trips, LiveType, 444–449

rulers (Cmd-R), 139


sandwich markers, 536–538


default styles, 442–443

Final Cut Pro movie to Desktop, 310

keyboard shortcut, 45

to project bundle, 557–558

styles, 438–441

scoring markers, 303–304

Script Editor

checking aspect ratio, 642

copying and pasting command lines in, 647

moving value of audio stream to GPRM, 631

programming jump action with script, 606–609

using compare commands, 621–624

using Jump Indirect, 651–654

Script tab, 53, 73

scripting, 601–655

adding random play commands, 338–343

checking aspect ratio, 639–645

checking parental level, 645–649

connecting script to menu, 343–345

defined, 14, 690

getting started, 602–604

jump actions, 604–609

jump indirect, 650–654

review Q & A, 345, 654–655

Simulator’s information drawer, 614–616

variables, 609–614

scripting, audio streams, 626–639

overview of, 626–628

targeting scripts, 635–636

using pre-scripts, 636–639

using System Parameter Register Memories (SPRMs), 628–635

scripting, Title button, 616–626

overview of, 616–617

using compare commands, 620–625

using escape commands, 625–626

using last item command, 618–620

scripts, menu loop, 331–338

overview of, 331–332

resetting counter, 337–338

setting up compare condition, 335–337

setting up counter, 333–335

SD (standard definition) video, cropping, 511–514

Select all (Cmd-A), 175

selected state, buttons

advanced overlays with grayscale mapping, 370–371

choosing highlights for, 289–290

defined, 280

saving new default colors, 375–377

Self-Contained check box, 439–440

self-contained files, QuickTime, 309–310

Send to background (Cmd-Shift-B), 157

Set GPRM command, 611

shadow setting, 436–437

Shape layer, 420, 422


creating drop zone. see drop zone shapes

overview of, 415–419

Palette tab, 20

Shift-M, 107, 320

Shift-Z, 74

shortcuts. see keyboard shortcuts

Show action safe area (Cmd-Option-E), 139

Show/Hide Colors window (Cmd-Shift-C), 74

Show/Hide Font window (Cmd-T), 74

Show/Hide Inspector (Cmd-Option I), 74, 139

Show/Hide Palette (Cmd-Option P), 74, 175

Show/Hide rulers (Cmd-R), 139

simple DVD, creating

chapter markers, 98–104

disc properties, 91–94

first-play action, 93–94

importing video and audio files, 94–98

keyboard shortcuts, 107

preferences, 88–90

previewing, 84–87

review Q & A, 106

simulating project, 105

source video settings, 87–88

storyboard, 78–83

Simulate from First Play (Cmd-Option-O), 107, 238


alpha transitions, 478

alternate angle streams, 543–544

building first project, 41–42

button states, 290

checking aspect ratio, 644–645

checking parental level, 647–648

connections from buttons to video, 124–125

converting slideshow to track, 174

creating buttons, 123

creating simple DVD, 105

defined, 690

DVD@access link, 205–206

features of, 17

functionality of entire project, 212–216

highlights, 298

Information Drawer, 614–616, 649

keyboard shortcut, 105

lacking DTS encoder, 383, 554

loop point setting, 394

menu loop scripts, 344

Pause function in slideshows, 168

programming jump actions, 609

scripting audio streams, 627–628

subtitles, 189–190

tweaks on disc, 69–71

sixteen16:9 aspect ratio

checking, 604, 642–645

defined, 639, 685


adding transitions, 465

final disc. see bit budgeting

GOP, 497–501

measuring in bytes, 228

menu image, 282

quadrant, 57–58

shape, 419

slideshow image, 161

subtitle font, 182–183

Track Editor window, 98–99

Slideshow Editor

converting slideshow to track, 172–174

creating slideshow, 39

editing slideshow, 164

moving and deleting slides, 168–169

slide duration, 167–168

transitions, 169–172

slideshows, 158–175

adding, 161–164

audio, 165–167

button transitions, 69

converting to track, 172–174

creating, 38–40

creating transitions, 463–470

defined, 14, 690

file formats, 160–161

keyboard shortcuts, 175

moving and deleting slides, 168–169

overview of, 159–160

playing with DVD Player, 279–280

previewing, 86

repositioning tab, 57

review Q & A, 174–175

slide duration, 167–168

storyboard, 80

testing, 42

transitional movies for, 323–324

transitions, 169–172

using project window, 20

viewing tweaks on disc, 69–70

sound. see audio

Soundtrack, 304

Source column, Connections tab, 327

Source pop-up menu, GPRM, 613

spatial compression, 496


of burning, 228

measuring, 243

SPRMs. see System Parameter Register Memories (SPRMs)

square brackets ([ ]), 638

standard definition (SD) video, cropping, 511–514

standard menus, 359–377

customized button colors, 372–375

defining, 350

layered menus vs., 400

overlay area in, 365–368

overview of, 358–364

saving new default colors, 375–377

using advanced overlays, 368–372

standard transitions, 463, 467

Standard view, 330–331

startup action, testing, 214

states. see button states

Stereo audio coding mode, 569

still images

adding menu background, 113–114

applying transitions to, 463–470

creating buttons with. see buttons, creating

creating simple DVD with, 24

creating slideshow, 38–39

creating standard menu, 411

DVD-Video file formats, 15

menu templates, 29–32

overlays using, 280–281

Palette tab links to, 20

still menus, 134–137, 664–665

storage capacity. see bit budgeting


creating chapter markers in FCP for, 304–310

creating with multiple markers, 318

defined, 14, 690

fitting assets on DVD using, 244

keyboard shortcuts, 320

as playlist, 313–317

review Q & A, 320

Story Editor, 314–317

Story tab, 52–53, 73, 320


bit budgeting with, 246

creating, 79–83

creation process using, 12–13

overview of, 78–79

previewing, 84–87

Streams area, Inspector, 540–542

styles, 436–443

adding title and text to menus, 127–128

button, 121–123

chapter index menu, 144–147

chapter index navigation buttons, 149–150

creating, 436–438

custom button, 33–34

defined, 325

Palette tab, 20

saving, 438–441

saving default, 442–443

submenus, 83, 200–202

subtitles, 176–195

adjusting length or position of, 180–181

buttons over video, 190–194

closed captioning, 194

creating, 178–182

defined, 691

DVD-Video file formats, 15

font and color, 182–185

importing, 185–188

keyboard shortcuts, 195

making bit budgets, 664

overview of, 177

previewing, 189–190

review Q & A, 194

surround sound, 591–598

SurroundStems folder, 597–598

sweet spot, compression, 666

System Parameter Register Memories (SPRMs), 628–635

checking aspect ratio, 640–649

checking parental level, 645–646

list of values, 629–630, 633

using in conjunction with GPRMs, 628, 630–635

system requirements, for this course, 6



Extended window configuration, 50–56

keyboard shortcuts, 73

Palette, 20–21

project window, 20

target, 124–125

Target column, Connections tab, 327–330

target menus, 635

Target pop-up menu, GPRM, 612–613

targeting scripts, 635–636


pixel aspect ratio for, 351–352

Web links invisible on, 654

templates, chapter index menu. see chapter index menus

templates, menu, 450–460

applying, 26–27, 456–460

modifying, 27–32

saving, 451–455

special-purpose buttons, 450–451

templates, Palette tab, 20

temporal compression, 496

testing project. see Simulator


adding subtitles. see subtitles

adding to menus, 126–128

animating with LiveType. see LiveType

chapter index menu, 144–145

choosing fonts for buttons, 118–119

creating new buttons, 122

importing marker lists from, 99–102

importing subtitles from, 185–188

menu graphics design, 281

naming buttons, 117

thumbnails, 175


adding drop zones to main menu, 136–137

adding subtitles using, 185–188

changing duration of motion menu, 137

creating chapter markers in FCP, 306–310

creating chapter markers manually, 102–104

creating Intro menu, 131–132

creating subtitles, 178

defined, 691

importing marker lists from text, 99–102

placing markers in DVD Studio Pro, 311–313

resizing video clips, 534–535

setting compression markers, 508


keyboard shortcuts, 74, 107

placing markers in DVD Studio Pro, 311–313

timeout action, 204–205

Title button, programming, 616–626

compare commands, 620–625

escape commands, 625–626

last item command, 618–620

overview of, 616–617

title safe area

creating menus using, 125–126

defined, 691

overview of, 35


adding to menus, 126–128

animating with LiveType. see LiveType

chapter index menu buttons, 147–148

testing finished project, 215

toolbar, customizing, 58–61

tooltips, 40

Track Editor

adding encoded file for project, 516–518

creating subtitles in. see subtitles

filtering to display video streams, 529–530

importing marker lists from text, 100–102

keyboard shortcut, 320

placing markers, 311–313

previewing multi-angle tracks, 532–533

resizing video clips, 534–535

setting chapter markers, 98–99

Track tab

adding background graphic for menu, 112–115

keyboard shortcut, 73, 107, 299

setting chapter markers, 64–66

window configuration, 52

tracks, 463–487

Add Track keyboard shortcut, 107

applying transitions to, 463–470

converting slideshows to, 172–174

creating, 37–38

defined, 691

defining DVD-Video, 14

training, Apple Pro, 6

transition asset folder, 474–475

transition switch point, 482–483

transitions, 463–487

adding tracks, 322–324

alpha, 464, 474–478

applying, 464–470

asset movie, 478–483

audio playback glitch during, 386

background matte movie, 484–487

calculating storage, 665

creating Intro menu, 132

defined, 463

looping motion menu, 291–292

review Q & A, 487

slideshow, 169–172

standard, 463

video, 464, 470–473

transparency, shape, 421–423


Up arrow, 74, 107

URLs, DVD@access, 203–204

Users folder, 217


variable bit rate (VBR), 247, 691

variables, scripting with, 609–614

vertical resolutions, 475


adding drop zones to main menu, 134–137

bit budgeting, 666–667

bit rates, 666–667

connections from buttons to, 124–125

creating simple DVD in Basic view, 21–22

creating track, 37–38

cropping, 511–514

DVD-Video file formats, 15

identifying source settings, 87–88

importing, 94–98

Palette tab links to, 20

resizing clips, 534–535

safe filters, 161

transitions, 464, 467, 470–473

using buttons over, 190–194

Video Format tab, 261

VIDEO_TS (Video Title Set) folder

building and formatting in single step, 221–223

burning disc, 225–226

contents of, 220

creating build of, 218–219

defined, 691

formatting project, 221

overview of, 216

playback on DVD Player, 224–225

Viewer Stream Selection button, 532

Viewer tab, 73

VOB files, VIDEO_TS, 220


W (toggles between button states), 407

WAV files, 15, 161

Waves Paz Analyzer, 577

Web links, DVD@access, 199–207

activating DVD-ROM content, 208

defined, 688

formatting project using, 221

invisible on televisions, 654

link and menu actions, 203–204

navigating with Jump Indirect, 650–654

overview of, 197

returning to correct menu after clicking, 650–654

review Q & A, 209

setting up Web link menu, 200–202

testing link, 205–207

window configurations, 48–63

Basic, 21–25

customizing tabs and quadrants, 56–58

customizing toolbar, 58–61

Extended and Advanced, 48–50

Extended tabs, 50–56

keyboard shortcuts, 73

saving, 61–63

workflows, Final Cut Studio, 671


zoom controls

subtitles, 180–181

in Track Editor, 99

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