Soft-Switching DC/AC Inverters

The soft-switching technique has been implemented in DC/DC conversion for more than 25 years. We also would like to introduce this technique in DC/AC inverters in this chapter.

There are numerous ways of implementing soft-switching methods, such as zero voltage switching (ZVS) and zero current switching (ZCS), to reduce the switching losses and to increase efficiency for different multilevel inverters. For the cascaded multilevel inverter, because each inverter cell is a two-level circuit, the implementation of soft switching is not at all different from that of conventional two-level inverters. For capacitor- or diode-clamped inverters, however, the choices of soft switching circuit involve different circuit combinations. Although zero current switching is possible, most approaches in the literature propose zero voltage switching types, including auxiliary resonant commutated pole (ARCP), coupled inductor with zero voltage transition (ZVT), and their combinations.

7.1    Notched DC Link Inverters for Brushless DC Motor Drive

The brushless DC motor (BDCM) has been widely used in industrial applications because of its low inertia, fast response, high power density, and high reliability, because of which it is maintenance-free. It exhibits the operating characteristics of a conventional commutated DC permanent magnet motor but eliminates the mechanical commutator and brushes. Hence, many problems associated with brushes are eliminated, such as radio-frequency interference and sparking, which is the potential source of ignition in an inflammable atmosphere. It is usually supplied by a hard-switching PWM inverter, which normally has low efficiency since the power losses across the switching devices are high. In order to reduce the losses, many soft-switching inverters have been designed [1].

The soft-switching operation of power inverters has attracted much attention in recent decades. In electric motor drive applications, soft-switching inverters are usually classified into three categories, namely, resonant pole inverters, resonant DC link inverters, and resonant AC link inverters [2]. The resonant pole inverter has the disadvantage of containing a large number of additional components, in comparison to other hard- and soft-switching inverter topologies. The resonant AC link inverter is not suitable for BDCM drivers.

In medium-power applications, the resonant DC link concept [3] offered a first practical and reliable way to reduce commutation losses and to eliminate individual snubbers. Thus, it allows high operating frequencies and improved efficiency. In this inverter, it is quite simple to get the zero voltage switching (ZVS) condition of the six main switches just by adding one auxiliary switch. However, the inverter has the drawbacks of high voltage stress of the switches and high voltage ripple of the DC link, the frequency of the inverter being related to the resonant frequency. Furthermore, the inductor power losses of the inverter are also considerable as current always flows in the inductor. In order to overcome the drawback of high voltage stress of the switches, the actively clamped resonant DC link inverter was introduced [4,5,6,7]. The control scheme of the inverter is exceedingly complex and the output contains subharmonics, which, in some cases, cannot be accepted. These inverters still do not overcome the drawback of high inductor power losses.

In order to generate voltage notches of the DC link at controllable instants and reduce the power losses of the inductor, several quasi-parallel resonant schemes were proposed [8,9,10]. As a dwell time is generally required after every notch, severe interference occurs, mainly in multiphase inverters, appreciably worsening the modulation quality. A novel DC-rail parallel resonant zero voltage transition (ZVT) voltage source inverter [11] was introduced that overcame many of the drawbacks mentioned earlier. However, it requires two ZVTs per PWM cycle, which lowers the output and limits the switch frequency of the inverter.

On the other hand, the majority of soft-switching inverters proposed in recent years have been aimed at induction motor drive applications. So it is necessary to research the novel topology of the soft-switching inverter and the special control circuit for BDCM drive systems. This chapter proposes a novel resonant DC link inverter for the BDCM drive system that can generate voltage notches of the DC link at controllable instants and widths. And the inverter possesses the advantages of low switching power loss, low inductor power loss, low voltage ripple of the DC link, low device voltage stress, and a simple control scheme.

The construction of the soft-switching inverter is shown in Figure 7.1. At the front is an uncontrolled rectifier for DC supply. The input AC supply can be single phase for low/medium power or three phases for medium/high power. It contains a resonant circuit, a conventional and control circuit. The resonant circuit contains three auxiliary switches (one IGBT and two fast switching thyristors), a resonant inductor, and a resonant capacitor. All auxiliary switches work under ZVS or zero current switching (ZCS) condition. It generates voltage notches of the DC link to guarantee that the main switches S1–S6 of the inverter will operate in ZVS condition. The fast-switching thyristor is the appropriate device as an auxiliary switch. We need not control the turn-off of a thyristor, because it has higher surge current capability than any other power semiconductor switch.


The construction of soft-switching for the BDCM drive system.

7.1.1    Resonant Circuit

The resonant circuit consists of three auxiliary switches, one resonant inductor, and one resonant capacitor. The auxiliary switches are controlled at a certain instant for resonance between inductor and capacitor. Thus, the voltage of the DC link reaches zero temporarily (voltage notch), and the main switches of the inverter reach assumed ZVS condition for commutation.

Since the resonant process is very short, the load current can be assumed constant. The equivalent resonant circuit is shown in Figure 7.2. The corresponding waveforms of the auxiliary switches gate signal, resonant capacitor voltage (uCr), inductor current (iLr), and current of switch SL (iSL) are shown in Figure 7.3. The operation of the ZVT process can be divided into six modes.


The equivalent resonant circuit.


Some waveforms of the equivalent circuit.

Mode 0 (as shown in Figure 7.4a) 0 < t < t0. Its operation is the same as that of the conventional inverter. Current flows from the DC source through SL to the load. The voltage across Cr (uCr) is equal to the supply voltage (Vs). The auxiliary switches Sa and Sb are in the off state.

Mode 1 (as shown in Figure 7.4b) t0 < t < t1. At the instant of phase current commutation or when the PWM signal is flipped from 1 to 0, thyristor Sa is fired (ZCS turns on due to Lr) and IGBT SL is turned off (ZVS turns off due to Cr) at the same time. Capacitor Cr resonates with inductor Lr, and the voltage across capacitor Cr is decreased. Redefining the initial time, we have the equation




Operation mode of the zero voltage switching process.

RLr is the resistance of inductor Lr, I0 is the load current, VS is the DC power supply voltage, with initial condition ucr (0) = VS, iLr (0) = 0. Solving Equation (7.1), we get





As the resonant frequency is very high (several hundred kHz), ωLr >> RLr, and the resonant inductor resistance RLr can be neglected. Then Equation (7.2) can be simplified as



That is,





Letting uCr(t) = 0, we get



iLr(t1) is zero at the same time. Then thyristor Sa turns itself off.

Mode 2 (as shown in Figure 7.4c) t1 < t < t2. None of the auxiliary switches is fired, and the voltage of the DC link (uCr) is zero. The main switches of the inverter can now be either turned on or turned off under ZVS condition during the interval. Load current flows through the freewheeling diode D.

Mode 3 (as shown in Figure 7.4d) t2 < t < t3. As the main switches have turned on or off, thyristor Sb is fired (ZCS turns on due to Lr), and iLr starts to build up linearly in the auxiliary branch. The current in the freewheeling diode D begins to fall linearly. The load current is slowly diverted from the freewheeling diodes to the resonant branch. But uCr is still equal to zero. We have



At t3, iLr equals the load current I0, and the current through the diode becomes zero. Thus, the freewheeling diode turns off under zero-current condition.

Mode 4 (as shown in Figure 7.4e) t3 < t < t4. iLr is increased continuously from I0 and uCr is increased from zero when the freewheeling diode D is turned off. Redefining the initial time, we can get the same equation as Equation (7.1). But the initial condition is uCr (0) = 0, iLr (0) = I0. Neglecting the inductor resistance and solving the equation, we get



That is,






uCr = E, IGBT SL is fired (ZVS turn on), and iLr = I0 again. The peak inductor current can be derived from Equation (7.8) as



Mode 5 (as shown in Figure 7.4f) t4 < t < t5. When the DC link voltage is equal to the supply voltage, auxiliary switch SL is turned on (ZVS turns on due to Cr). ilr decreases linear from I0 to zero at t5, and the thyristor Sb turns itself off.

Then the device returns to mode 0 again. The operation principle of the other procedure is the same as for a conventional inverter.

7.1.2    Design Considerations

The design of the resonant circuit is to determine the resonant capacitor Cr, resonant inductor Lr, and the switching instants of auxiliary switches Sa, Sb, and SL. It is assumed that the inductance of BDCM is much higher than the resonant inductance Lr From the analysis presented previously, the design considerations can be summarized as follows:

The auxiliary switch SL works under ZVS condition, and the voltage stress is the DC power supply voltage VS. The current flow through it is load current. The auxiliary switches Sa and Sb work under ZCS condition, the voltage stress is VS/2, and the peak current flow through them is iLr-m. As the resonant auxiliary switches Sa and Sb carry peak current only during switch transitions, they can be rated for a lower continuous current rating.

The resonant period is expressed as Tr=1/fr=2πLrCr; for a high-switching frequency inverter, Tr should be as short as possible. For getting the expected Tr, the resonant inductor and capacitor values have to be selected. The first component to be designed is the resonant inductor. A small inductance value can ensure small Tr, but the rising slope of the inductor current diLr/dt = VS/2Lr should be small enough to guarantee freewheeling diode turn-off. For a 600V to 1200V power diode, the reverse recovery time is about 50 to 200 ns, the rule to select an inductor is given by



Certainly, inductance is as high as possible. This implies that a high inductance value is necessary. Thus, an optimum value of the inductance has to be chosen that would reduce the inductor current rise slope, while keeping Tr small enough.

The capacitance value is inversely proportional to the ascending or descending slope of the DC link voltage. This means the capacitance is as high as possible for switch SL to get ZVS condition, but as the capacitance increases, more and more energy is stored in it. This energy should be charged or discharged via a resonant inductor; with high capacitance, the peak value of inductor current will be high. The peak value of iLr should be limited to twice the peak load current. From Equations (7.3),(7.4),(7.5),(7.6),(7.7),(7.8),(7.9),(7.10), we obtain



Thus, an optimum value of the capacitance has to be chosen that would limit the peak inductor current, while the ascending or descending slope of the DC link voltage is low enough.

7.1.3    Control Scheme

When the duty of PWM is 100%, that is, there is no PWM, the main switches of the inverter work under the commutation frequency. When it is time to commutate the phase current of the BDCM, we control the auxiliary switches Sa, Sb, and SL, and resonance occurs between Lr and Cr. The voltage of the DC link reaches zero temporarily; thus, ZVS condition of the main switches is obtained. When the duty of the PWM is less than 100%, the auxiliary switch SL works as a chopper. The main switches of the inverter do not switch on within a PWM cycle when the phase current need not commutate. It has the benefit of reducing the phase current drop when the PWM is off. The phase current is commutated when the DC link voltage becomes zero. So there is only one DC link voltage notch per PWM cycle. It is very important, especially for very low or very high duty of PWM, where the interval between two voltage notches is very short or even overlapped which will limit the tuning range.

The commutation logical circuit of the system is shown in Figure 7.5. It is similar to the conventional BDCM commutation logical circuit except that six D flip-flops are added to the output. Thus, the gate signal of the main switches is controlled by the synchronous pulse CK, which will be mentioned later, and the commutation can be synchronized with the auxiliary switches’ control circuit. The operation of the inverter can be divided into PWM operation and non-PWM operation.


Commutation logical circuit for main switches.    Non-PWM Operation

When the duty of PWM is 100%, that is, there is no PWM, the whole ZVT process (mode 1–mode 5) occurs when the phase current commutation is under way. The control scheme for the auxiliary switches in this operation is illustrated in Figure 7.6a. When mode 1 begins, the pulse signal for thyristor Sa is generated by a monostable flip-flop, and the gate signal for IGBT SL drops to a low level (i.e., turns off the SL) at the same time. Then the pulse signal for thyristor Sb and the synchronous pulse CK can be obtained after two short delays (delay 1 and delay 2, respectively). Obviously, delay 1 is longer than delay 2. Pulse CK is generated during mode 2 when the voltage of DC link is zero and the main switches of the inverter get ZVS condition. Then modes 3, 4, and 5 occur and the voltage of DC link is increased to that of the supply again.


Control scheme for the auxiliary switches in (a) non-PWM operation and (b) PWM operation.    PWM Operation

In this operation, the auxiliary switch SL works as a chopper, but the main switches of the inverter do not turn on or off within a single PWM cycle when the phase current need not commutate. The load current is commutated when the DC link voltage becomes zero, that is, when the PWM signal is 0 (as the PWM cycle is very short, it does not affect the operation of the motor). The control scheme for the auxiliary switches in PWM operation is illustrated in Figure 7.6b.

•  When the PWM signal is flipped from 1 to 0, mode 1 begins, the pulse signal for thyristor Sa is generated, and the gate signal for IGBT SL drops to a low level. But the voltage of the DC link does not increase until the PWM signal is flipped from 0 to 1. Pulse CK is generated during mode 2.

•  When the PWM signal is flipped from 0 to 1, mode 3 begins, and the pulse signal for thyristor Sb is generated (mode 3). Then when the voltage of the DC link is increased to E (voltage of supply), the gate signal for IGBT SL is flipped to a high level (modes 4 and 5).

Thus, only one ZVT occurs per PWM cycle: modes 1 and 2 for PWM turned off, modes 3, 4, and 5 for PWM turned on. And the switching frequency would not be greater than the PWM frequency.

Normally, a drive system requires a speed or position feedback signal to get high speed or position precision and be less susceptible to disturbance of load and power supply. A speed feedback signal can be derived from a tachometer-generator, optical encoder, or resolver, or it can be derived from the rotor position sensor. The quadrature encoder pulse (QEP) is a standard digital speed or position signal and can be input to many devices (e.g., special DSP for drive system TMS320C24x has a QEP receive circuit). The QEP can be derived from the rotor position sensor of a BDCM easily. The converter digital circuit and interesting waveforms are shown in Figure 7.7. Some single-chip computers have a digital counter and may require only direction and pulse signals; thus, the converter circuit can be simplified. The circuit can be implemented with a complex programmer logical device and only occupies part of one chip. The circuit can also be implemented by a gate array logic IC (e.g., 16V8) and a D flip-flop IC (e.g., 74LS74). With the circuit, a high-precision speed or position signal can be obtained when the motor speed is high or the drive system has a high ratio speed reduction mechanism. In high-performance systems, the rotor position sensor may be a resolver or optical encoder, with special-purpose decoding circuitry. At this level of control sophistication, it is possible to fine-tune the firing angles and the PWM control as a function of speed and load, to improve various aspects of performance such as efficiency, dynamic performance, or speed range.


Circuit of derived QEP from Hall signal and waveforms.

7.1.4    Simulation and Experimental Results

The proposed topology is verified by Psim simulation software. The schematic circuit of the soft-switching inverter is shown in Figure 7.8. The left bottom of the figure is the auxiliary switches’ gate signal generator circuit (see Figure 7.6), which is made up of a monostable flip-flop, delay, and logical gate. The gate signals of auxiliary switches Sa and Sb in PWM and no-PWM operation modes are combined by an OR gate. The gate signal of SL in the two operation modes is combined by an AND gate, and the synchronous signal (CK) is combined by a date selector. The middle bottom of the diagram shows the commutation logical circuit of the BDCM (see Figure 7.5); it is synchronized (by CK) with the auxiliary switches’ control circuit.

Waveforms of DC link voltage uCr, resonant inductor current iLr, BDCM phase current, inverter output line-line voltage, and gate signal of the auxiliary switches are shown in Figure 7.9. The resonant inductor Lr has an inductance of 10 μH, and the resonant capacitor Cr has a capacitance of 0.047 μF, so the period of the resonant circuit is about 4 μs. The frequency of the PWM is 20 kHz. From the figure, we can see that the output of the simulation matches the theoretical analysis. The waveforms in Figure 7.9b, d, e, f, g, and h are the same as in Figure 7.10.

In order to verify the theoretical analysis and simulation results, the proposed soft-switching inverter was tested on an experimental prototype rated as follows:

DC link voltage

240 V

Power of BDCM

3.3 Hp

Switching frequency

10 kHz

A polyester capacitor of 47 nF, 1500 V, was adopted as the DC link resonant capacitor Cr. The resonant inductor had an inductance of 6 μH/20 A, with a ferrite core. The design of the auxiliary switches’ control circuit was referenced from Figure 7.8. The monostable flip-flop can be implemented with IC 74LS123, the delay can be implemented by a Schmitt trigger and an RC circuit, and the logical gate can be replaced by a programmable logical device to reduce the number of ICs.


Schematic circuit of the drive system for Psim simulation.


Simulation results.


Voltage and current waveforms of switch SL in hard-switching and soft-switching inverters.

The waveforms of voltage across the switch and current under hard switching and soft switching are shown in Figures 7.10a and 7.10b, respectively. All the voltage signals come from differential probes, and there is a gain of 20. For voltage waveforms, 5.00 V/div = 100 V/div, which is the same for Figure 7.11. It can also be seen that there is a considerable overlap between the voltage and current waveforms under hard switching. The overlap is much less with soft switching.

The key waveforms with soft switching inverter are shown in Figure 7.11. The default scale is as follows: DC link voltage: 100 V/div, current: 20 A/div. The default switching frequency is 10 kHz. The DC link voltage is fixed at 240 V. These experimental waveforms are similar to the simulation waveforms in Figure 7.9.


Experiment waveforms.

7.2    Resonant Pole Inverter

The resonant pole inverter is a soft-switching DC/AC inverter circuit and is shown in Figure 7.12. Each resonant pole comprises a resonant inductor and a pair of resonant capacitors at each phase leg. These capacitors are directly connected in parallel to the main inverter switches in order to achieve zero voltage switching (ZVS) condition. In contrast to the resonant DC link inverter, the DC link voltage remains unaffected during the resonant transitions. These transitions occur separately at each resonant pole when the corresponding main inverter switch needs switching. Therefore, the main switches in the inverter phase legs can switch independently of each other and choose the commutation instant freely. Moreover, there is no additional main conduction path switch. Thus, the normal operation of the resonant pole inverter is precisely the same as that of the conventional hard-switching inverter [12].

The auxiliary resonant commutated pole (ARCP) inverter [13] and the ordinary resonant snubber inverter [14] provide a ZVS condition without increasing the device voltage and current stress. These inverters are able to achieve real PWM control. However, they require a stiff DC link capacitor bank that is center-taped to accomplish commutation. The center voltage of the DC link is susceptible to drift, which may affect the operation of the resonant circuit. The resonant transition inverter [15,16] uses only one auxiliary switch, whose switching frequency is much higher than that applied to the main switches. Thus, it will limit the switching frequency of the inverter. Furthermore, the three resonant branches of the inverter work together and will be affected by each other. A Y-configured resonant snubber inverter [17] has a floating neutral voltage that may cause overvoltage failure of the auxiliary switches. A delta (Δ)-configured resonant snubber inverter [18] avoids the floating neutral voltage and is suitable for multiphase operation without circulating currents between the off-state branch and its corresponding output load. However, the inverter requires three inductors and six auxiliary switches.


Resonant pole inverter.

Moreover, resonant pole inverters have been applied in induction motor drive applications. They are usually required to change two phase switch states at the same time to obtain a resonant path. It is not suitable for a BDCM drive system as only one switch is needed to change the switching state in a PWM cycle. The switching frequency of three upper switches (S1, S3, S5) is different from that of the three lower switches (S2, S4, S6) in an inverter for a BDCM drive system. All the switches have the same switching frequency in a conventional inverter for induction motor applications. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a novel topology for the soft-switching inverter and a special control circuit for BDCM drive systems. This chapter presents a specially designed resonant pole inverter that is suitable for BDCM drive systems and is easy to apply in industry. In addition, this inverter possesses the following advantages: low switching power losses, low inductor power losses, low switching noise, and simple control scheme.

7.2.1    Topology of Resonant Pole Inverter

A typical controller for a BDCM drive system [19] is shown in Figure 7.13.


Typical controller for the BDCM drive system.


Structure of the resonant pole inverter for the BDCM drive system.

The rotor position can be sensed by a Hall effect sensor or a slotted optical disk, providing three square-waves with phase shift in 120°. These signals are decoded by a combinatorial logic to provide the firing signals for 120° conduction on each of the three phases. The basic forward control loop is voltage control implemented by PWM (voltage reference signal compared with triangular wave or generated by microprocessor). The PWM is applied only to the lower switches. This not only reduces the current ripple but also avoids the need for wide bandwidth in the level-shifting circuit that feeds the upper switches. The three upper switches work under commutation frequency (typically, several hundred Hz) and the three lower switches work under PWM frequency (typically tens of kHz). So it is not important that the three upper switches work under soft-switching condition. The switching power losses can be reduced significantly and the auxiliary circuit would be simpler if only the three lower switches work under soft-switching condition. Thus, a specially designed resonant pole inverter for the BDCM drive system was introduced for this purpose. The structure of the proposed inverter is shown in Figure 7.14.

The system contains a diode bridge rectifier, a resonant circuit, a conventional three-phase inverter, and control circuitry. The resonant circuit consists of three auxiliary switches (Sa, Sb, Sc), one transformer with turn ratio 1: n, and two diodes Dfp and Dr. Diode Dfp is connected in parallel to the primary winding of the transformer, and diode Dr is connected in series with the secondary winding across the DC link. There is one snubber capacitor connected in parallel to each lower switch of the phase leg. The snubber capacitor resonates with the primary winding of the transformer. The emitters of the three auxiliary switches are connected together. Thus, the gate drive of these auxiliary switches can use one common output DC power supply.

In a whole PWM cycle, the three lower switches (S2, S4, S6) can be turned off in the ZVS condition as the snubber capacitors (Cra, Crb, Crc) can slow down the voltage rise rate. The turn-off power losses can be reduced, and the turn-off voltage spike is eliminated. Before turning on the lower switch, the corresponding auxiliary switch (Sa, Sb, Sc) must be turned on. The snubber capacitor is then discharged, and the lower switches reach the ZVS condition. During phase current commutation, the switching state is changed from one lower switch to another. For example, turn off S6 and turn on S2, S6 can be turned off directly in the ZVS condition, turning on auxiliary switch Sc to discharge the snubber capacitor Cr then switch S2 can achieve the ZVS condition. During phase current commutation, if the switching state is changed from one upper switch to another upper switch, the operation is the same as that of the hard-switching inverter, as the switching power losses of the upper switches are much smaller than those of the lower switches.

7.2.2    Operation Principle

For the sake of convenience, to describe the operation principle, we investigate the period of time when switch S1 is always turned on, when switch S6 works under PWM frequency, and when other main inverter switches are tuned off. Since the resonant transition is very short, it can be assumed that the load current is constant. The equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 7.15. VS is the DC link voltage, iLr is the transformer primary winding current, uS6 is the voltage drop across the switch S6 (i.e., snubber capacitor Crb voltage), and IO is the load current. The waveforms of the switches’ (S6, Sb) gate signal, PWM signal, main switch S6 voltage drop (uS6), and the transformer primary winding current (iLr) are shown in Figure 7.16, and the details will now be explained. Accordingly, at the instant t0t6, the operation of one switching cycle can be divided into seven modes.


Equivalent resonant circuit.


Key waveforms of the equivalent circuit.

Mode 0 [shown in Figure 7.17a] 0 < t < t0: After the lower switch S6 is turned off, load current flows through the upper freewheeling diode D3, the voltage drop uS6 (i.e., snubber capacitor Crb voltage) across the switch S6 is the same as that of the DC link voltage. The auxiliary resonant circuit does not operate.

Mode 1 [shown in Figure 7.17b] t0 < t < t1: If the switch S6 is turned on directly, the capacitor discharge surge current will also flow through switch S6; thus, switch S6 may face the risk of a second breakdown. The energy stored in the snubber capacitor must be discharged ahead of time. Thus, auxiliary switch Sb is turned on (ZCS turns on as the current iLr cannot change suddenly due to the transformer inductance). As the transformer primary winding current iLr begins to increase, the current flowing through the freewheeling diode decays. The secondary winding current iLrs also begins to conduct through diode Dr to the DC link. Both terminal voltages of the primary and secondary windings are equal to the DC link voltage VS. By neglecting the resistances of the windings and using the transformer equivalent circuit (referred to the primary side) [20], we get



where Ll1 and Ll2 are the primary and secondary winding leakage inductance, respectively, and is the transformer turn ratio 1:n. The transformer has a high magnetizing inductance. We can assume that iLrs = iLr/n, and rewrite Equation (7.13) as


Operation modes of the resonant pole inverter: (a) Mode 0, (b) Mode 1, (c) Mode 2, (d) Mode 3, (e) Mode 4, and (f) Mode 6.



where Lr is the equivalent inductance of the transformer Ll1 + Ll2/n2. The transformer primary winding current iLr increases linearly, and the mode terminates when iLr = IO. The interval of this mode can be determined by



Mode 2 [shown in Figure 7.17c] t1 < t < t2: At t = t1, all load current flows through the transformer primary winding, and the freewheeling diode D3 is turned off in the ZCS condition. The freewheeling diode reverse recovery problems are greatly reduced. The snubber capacitor Crb resonates with the transformer, and the voltage drop uS6 across switch S6 decays. By redefining the initial time, the transformer currents iLr, iLrs and capacitor voltage uS6 obey the equation



where Cr is the capacitance of snubber capacitor Crb. The transformer current iLrs = iLr/n, as in mode 1, with initial conditions uS6(0) = VS, iLr(0) = IO; then the solution of (7.16) is



where ωr=1/LrCr.

Let uCr(t) = 0, which shows the duration of the resonance



The interval is independent of the load current. At t = t2, the corresponding transformer primary current is



The peak value of the transformer primary current can also be determined:



Mode 3 [shown in Figure 7.17d] t2 < t < t3: When the capacitor voltage uS6 reaches zero at t = t2, the freewheeling diode Dpf begins to conduct. The current flowing through auxiliary switch Sb is the load current IO. The sum of the currents flowing through switch Sb and diode Dpf is the transformer primary winding current iLr The transformer primary voltage is zero, and the secondary voltage is VS. By redefining the initial time, we obtain



Since the transformer current iLrs = iLr/n as in Mode 1, we deduce Equation



The transformer primary current decays linearly, and the mode terminates while iLr = I0.With the initial condition given by (7.19), the interval of this mode can be determined by



The interval is also independent of the load current. During this mode, switch is turned on in ZVS condition.

Mode 4 [shown in Figure 7.17e] t3 < t < t4: The transformer primary winding current iLr decays linearly from load current IO to zero. Partial load current flows through the main switch S6. The sum of the currents flowing through switches S6 and Sb is equal to the load current IO. The sum of the currents flowing through switch Sb and diode Dfp is the transformer primary winding current iLr. By redefining the initial time, the transformer winding current obeys Equation (7.22) with the initial condition iLr(0) = IO. The interval of this mode is



The auxiliary switch Sb can be turned off in ZVS condition. In this case, after switch Sb is turned off, the transformer primary winding current flows through the freewheeling diode Dfp. The auxiliary switch Sb can be also be turned off in ZVS and zero current switching (ZCS) condition after iLr decays to zero.

Mode 5 [t4 < t < t5]: The transformer primary winding current decays to zero and the resonant circuit idles. This is likely the same operational state as the conventional hard-switching inverter. The load current flows from the DC link through the two switches S1 and S6, and the motor.

Mode 6 [shown in Figure 7.17f] t5 < t < t6: The main inverter switch S6 is turned directly off, and the resonant circuit does not work. The snubber capacitor Crb can slow down the rise rate of uS6, while the main switch S6 operates in ZVS condition. The duration of the mode is



The next period starts from Mode 0 again, but the load current flows through freewheeling diode D3. During phase current commutation, the switching state is changed from one lower switch to another (e.g., turn off S6 and turn on S2). S6 can be turned off directly in ZVS condition (similar to Mode 6). Turning on auxiliary switch Sc to discharge the snubber capacitor Crc, switch S2 can then get ZVS condition (similar to Modes 1–4).

7.2.3    Design Considerations

It is assumed that the inductance of BDCM is much higher than the transformer leakage inductance. From the previous analysis, the design considerations can be summarized as follows:

1.  Determine the value of snubber capacitor Cr, and the parameter of transformer.

2.  Select the main and auxiliary switches.

3.  Design the control circuitry for the main and auxiliary switches.

The turn ratio (1:n) of the transformer can be determined ahead. Equation (7.18) must satisfy



On the other hand, from Equation (7.24) the transformer primary winding current iLr will take a long time to decay to zero if n is too large. So n must be a relatively small number. The equivalent inductance of the transformer Lr = Ll 1 + Ll2/n2 is inversely proportional to the rise rate of the switch current when the auxiliary switches are turned on. This means that the equivalent inductance Lr should be sufficient to limit the rising rate of the switch current to work in ZCS condition. The selection of Lr can be referred to the rule depicted in Reference [21]:



where ton is the turn-on time of an IGBT and IOmax is the maximum load current. The snubber capacitance Cr is inversely proportional to the rise rate of the switch voltage drop when turning off the lower main inverter switches. It means that the capacitance should be as high as possible to limit the rising rate of the voltage to work in ZVS condition. The selection of the snubber capacitor can be determined as follows:



where toff is the turn-off time of an IGBT. However, as the capacitance increases, more energy is stored on it. This energy should be discharged when the lower main inverter switches are turned on. With high capacitance, the peak value of the transformer current will also be high. The peak value of iLr should be restricted to twice that of the maximum load current. From Equation (7.20), we obtain



Three lower switches of the inverter (i.e., S4, S6, S2) are turned on during Mode 3 (i.e., lag rising edge of PWM at the time range Δt1 + Δ t2 ~ Δt1 + Δ t2 + Δ t3). In order to turn on these switches at a fixed time (say ΔT1), lagging rising edge of PWM under various load current can be used for convenient control. The following condition should be satisfied:



Substitute Equations (7.15), (7.18), and (7.23) into Equation (7.30):



The whole switching transition time is expressed as



For high switching frequencies, Tw should be as short as possible. Select the equivalent inductance Lr and snubber capacitance Cr to satisfy Equations (7.26),(7.27),(7.28),(7.29),(7.30),(7.31), and Lr and Cr should be as small as possible.

As the transformer operates at high frequency (20 kHz), the magnetic core material can be ferrite. The design of the transformer needs the parameters of form factor, frequency, the input/output voltage, input/output maximum current, and ambient temperature. From Figure 7.16, the transformer current can be simplified as triangle waveforms, and the form factor can be then determined as 2/√3. The ambient temperature is dependent on the application field. Other parameters can be obtained from the previous section. The transformer only carries current during the transition of turning on a switch in one cycle, so the winding can be a smaller diameter one.

The main switches S1–6 work under ZVS condition; therefore, the voltage stress is equal to the DC link voltage VS. The device current rate can be load current. Auxiliary switches Sa–c work under the ZCS or ZVS condition, while the voltage stress is also equal to the DC link voltage VS. The peak current flowing through them is limited to double the maximum load current. As the auxiliary switches Sa-c carry the peak current only during switch transitions, they can be rated with a lower continuous current rating. The additional cost will not be too much.

The gate signal generator circuit is shown in Figure 7.18. The rotor position signal decode module produces the typical gate signal of the main switches. The inputs of the module are rotor position signals, rotating the direction of the motor, which “enables” the signal and PWM pulse train. The rotor position signals are three square waves with a phase shift in 120°. The “enable” signal is used to disable all outputs in case of emergency (e.g., overcurrent, overvoltage, and overheat). The PWM signal is the output of comparator, comparing the reference voltage signal with the triangular wave. The reference voltage signal is the output of the speed controller. The speed controller is a processor (single-chip computer or digital signal processor), and the PWM signal can be produced by software. The outputs (G1G6) of the module are the gate signals applying to the main inverter switches. The outputs G1,3,5 are the required gate signals for the three upper main inverter switches.


Gate signal generator circuit.


Gate signals GS4,6,2 and GSa,b,c from G4,6,2.

The gate signals of the three lower main inverter switches and auxiliary switches can be deduced from the outputs G4,6,2 as shown in Figure 7.19. The trailing edge of the gate signals for three lower main inverter switches GS4,6,2 is the same as that of G4,6,2, and the leading edge of GS4,6,2 lags G4,6,2 for a short time ΔT1. The gate signals for auxiliary switches GS4,6,2 have a fixed pulse width (ΔT2), the leading edge being the same as that of G4,6,2. The gate signals GSa,b,c are the outputs of monostable flip-flops M4,6,2 with the inputs G4,6,2. The three monostable flip-flops M4,6,2 have the same pulse width ΔT2. The gate signals GS4,6,2 are combined by the negative outputs of monostable flip-flops M1,3,5 and G4,6,2. The combining logical controller can be implemented by a D flip-flop with “preset” and “clear” terminals. The three monostable flip-flops M4,6,2 have the same pulse width ΔT1. Determination of the pulse widths of ΔT1 and ΔT2 is from theoretical analysis in the preceding subsection. In order to get the ZVS condition of the main inverter switches under various load currents, the lag time should satisfy



In order to get a soft-switching condition of the auxiliary switches, pulse width need only satisfy



7.2.4    Simulation and Experimental Results

The proposed topology is verified by the simulation software PSim. The DC link voltage is 300 V, and the maximum load current is 25 A. The parameters of the resonant circuit were determined from Equations (7.26),(7.27),(7.28),(7.29),(7.30),(7.31),(7.32). The transformer turns ratio is 1:4, and the leakage inductances of the primary secondary windings are 6 and 24 μH, respectively. Therefore, the equivalent transformer inductance Lr is 7.5 μH. The resonant capacitance Cr is 0.047 μF. Then, Δt1 + Δt2 and Δt1 + ΔT2 + ΔT3 can be determined under various load currents IO as shown in Figure 7.20, considering that the turn-off times of a switch with lagging time ΔT1 and pulse width ΔT2 are set to 2.1 μs and 5 μs, respectively. The frequency of the PWM is 20 kHz. Waveforms of transformer primary winding current iLr, switch S6 voltage drop uS6, PWM, main switch S6, and auxiliary switch Sb, and the gate signal under low and high load currents are shown in Figure 7.21. The figure shows that the inverter worked well under various load currents. In order to verify the theoretical analysis and simulation results, the inverter was tested by experiment. The test conditions are


Boundary of ΔT1 and ΔT2 under various load currents IO.


Simulation waveforms of iLr, uS6, PWM, S6, and Sb gate signal under various load currents: (a) under low load current (IO = 5 A) and (b) under high load current (IO = 25 A).

1.  DC link voltage: 300 V

2.  Power of BDCM: 3.3 Hp

3.  Rated phase current: 7.8 A

4.  Switching frequency: 20 kHz

Select a 50 A, 1200 V BSM 35 GB 120 DN2 dual IGBT module as main inverter switches, and a 30 A 600 V IMBH30D-060 IGBT as auxiliary switches. With datasheets of these switches and Equations (7.26),(7.27),(7.28),(7.29),(7.30),(7.31),(7.32), the value of inductance and capacitance can be determined. Three polyester capacitors of 47 nF/630 V were adopted as snubber capacitors for the three lower switches of the inverter. A highly magnetizing inductance transformer with turn ratio 1:4 was employed in the experiment. Fifty-two turn wires of size AWG 15 are selected as the primary winding, and 208 turn wires with size AWG 20 are selected as the secondary winding. The equivalent inductance is about 7 μH. The switching frequency is 20 kHz. The rotor position signal decode module is implemented by a 20 lead gate array logic (GAL) IC GAL16V8. The monostable flip-flop is set up by IC 74LS123, variable resistor, and capacitor. With Equations (7.33) and (7.34), lag time and pulse width are determined to be 2.5 and 5 μs, respectively.

The system is tested in light load and full load currents. The voltage waveforms across the main inverter switch uS6 and its gate signal with low and high load currents are shown in Figures 7.22a and 7.22b, respectively. All the voltage signals are measured by a differential probe with a gain of 20, for voltage waveform, 5.00 V/div 100 V/div. The waveforms of uS6 and the current iS6 are shown in Figure 7.22c. We can see that both dv/dt and di/dt are reduced significantly. The waveforms of uS6 and transformer primary winding current iLr are shown in Figure 7.22d. The phase current is shown in Figure 7.22e. It can be seen that the resonant pole inverter works well under various load currents, and there is little overlap between the voltage and current waveforms during soft-switching condition; therefore, the switching. The efficiency of hard switching and soft switching under rated speeds and various load torques (p.u.) are shown in Figure 7.23. Efficiency improves with the softswitching inverter. Therefore, the design of the system is successful.


Experiment waveforms: (a) Switch S6 voltage uS6 (top) and its gate signal (bottom) under low load current (100 V/div), (b) Switch S6 voltage uS6 (top) and its gate signal (bottom) under high load current (100 V/div), (c) Switch S6 voltage uS6 (top) and its current iS6 (bottom) (100 V/div, 5 A/div), (d) Switch S6 voltage uS6 (top) and transformer current iS6 (bottom) (100 V/div, 25 A/div), (e) waveforms of phase current (10 A/div).


Efficiency of hard switching and soft switching under various load torques (p.u.).

7.3    Transformer-Based Resonant DC Link Inverter

In order to generate voltage notches of the DC link at controllable instants and reduce the power losses of the inductor, several quasi-parallel resonant schemes were proposed [5,6,22]. As a dwell time is generally required after every notch, severe interference occurs, mainly in multiphase inverters, appreciably worsening the modulation quality. A novel DC rail parallel resonant zero voltage transition (ZVT) voltage source inverter [23] was introduced that overcomes many drawbacks mentioned earlier. However, it requires a stiff DC link capacitor bank that is center-taped to accomplish commutation. The center voltage of the DC link is susceptible to drift, which may affect the operation of the resonant circuit. In addition, it requires two ZVT per PWM cycle, which would lower the output voltage and limit the switch frequency of the inverter.


Structure of the resonant DC link inverter for the BDCM drive system.

On the other hand, the majority of soft-switching inverters proposed in recent years have been aimed at induction motor drive applications. So it was necessary to research the novel topology of soft-switching inverter and the special control circuit for BDCM drive systems. This chapter proposes a resonant DC link inverter based on a transformer for the BDCM drive system to solve the aforementioned problems. The inverter possesses the advantages of low switching power loss, low inductor power loss, low DC link voltage ripple, small device voltage stress, and a simple control scheme. The structure of the soft-switching inverter is shown in Figure 7.24 [24]. The system contains a diode bridge rectifier, a resonant circuit, a conventional three-phase inverter, and a control circuit. The resonant circuit consists of three auxiliary switches (SL, Sa, Sb) and corresponding built-in freewheeling diode (DL, Da, Db), one transformer with turn ratio 1:n, and one resonant capacitor. All auxiliary switches work under ZVS or zero current switching (ZCS) condition. The system generates voltage notches of the DC link to guarantee that the main switches (S1S6) of the inverter operate in ZVS condition.

7.3.1    Resonant Circuit

The resonant circuit consists of three auxiliary switches, one transformer, and one resonant capacitor. The auxiliary switches are controlled at a certain instant to obtain resonance between transformer and capacitor. Thus, the DC link voltage reaches zero temporarily (voltage notch), and the main switches of the inverter reach ZVS condition for commutation. Since the resonant process is very short, the load current can be assumed constant. The equivalent circuit of the inverter is shown in Figure 7.25. When VS is the DC power supply voltage, IO is the load current. The corresponding waveforms of the auxiliary switches gate signal, PWM signal, resonant capacitor voltage uCr (i.e., DC link voltage), the transformer primary winding current iLr, and current iSL of switch (SL) are illustrated in Figure 7.26. The DC link voltage is reduced to zero and then rises to the supply voltage again; this is called one zero voltage transition (ZVT) process or one DC link voltage notch. The operation of the ZVT process in one PWM cycle can be divided into eight modes.


Equivalent circuit of the inverter.

Mode 0 [shown in Figure 7.27a] 0 < t < t0: Its operation is the same as the conventional inverter. Current flows from DC power supply through SL to the load. The voltage uCr across resonant capacitor Cr is equal to the supply voltage VS. The auxiliary switches Sa and Sb are turned off.

Mode 1 [shown in Figure 7.27b] t0 < t < t1: When it is the instant for phase current commutation or the PWM signal is flipped from high to low, the auxiliary switch Sa is turned on with ZCS (as the iLr cannot suddenly change due to the transformer inductance) and switch SL is turned off with ZVS (as the voltage cannot be suddenly changed due to resonant capacitor Cr) at the same time. The transformer primary winding current iLr begins to increase, and the secondary winding current iLrs also begins to build up through diode Db to the DC link. The terminal voltages of primary and secondary windings of the transformer are the DC link voltage uCr and supply voltage VS, respectively. Capacitor Cr resonates with the transformer, and the DC link voltage uCr is decreased. Neglecting the resistances of windings and using the transformer equivalent circuit (referred to the primary side) [25], the transformer current iLr, iLrs, and DC link voltage uCr obey the equation


Key waveforms of the equivalent circuit.



where Ll1 and Ll2 are the primary and secondary winding leakage inductance, respectively. The transformer turn ratio is 1:n. The transformer has a high magnetizing inductance. We can assume that iLrs = iLr/n, with initial condition uCr(0) = VS, iLr(0) = 0; solving Equation (7.35), we get


Operation mode of the resonant DC link inverter: (a) Mode 0, (b) Mode 1, (c) Mode 2, (d) Mode 3, (e) Mode 4, (f) Mode 5, (g) Mode 6, and (h) Mode 7.



where Lr = Ll1 + Ll2/n2 is the equivalent inductance of the transformer, and ωr = √(1/LrCr) is the natural angular resonance frequency. Rewriting Equation (7.36), we get



where K=((n1)2V2S/n2+(I20Lr/Cr), α=arctan[nI0Lr/Cr/(n1)VS]. n is slightly less than 2 (the selection of the number will be explained later), and iLr will decay to zero faster than uCr Letting iLr(t) = 0, the duration of the resonance can be determined:



When iLr is reduced to zero, the auxiliary switch Sa can be turned off with ZCS condition. At t = t1, the corresponding dc link voltage uCr is



Mode 2 [shown in Figure 7.27c] t1 < t < t2: When the transformer current is reduced to zero, the resonant capacitor is discharged through load from initial condition as in Equation (7.39). The interval of this mode can be determined by



As has been mentioned, n is slightly less than 2, and the interval is normally very short.

Mode 3 [shown in Figure 7.27d] t2 < t < t3: The DC link voltage uCr is zero. The main switches of the inverter can now be either turned on or turned off under ZVS condition during this mode. Load current flows through the freewheeling diode D.

Mode 4 [shown in Figure 7.27e] t3 < t < t4: As the main switches have turned on or turned off, the auxiliary switch Sb is turned on with ZCS (as iLrs cannot suddenly change due to the transformer inductance) and the transformer secondary current iLrs starts to build up linearly. The transformer primary current iLr also begins to conduct through diode Da to the load. The current in the freewheeling diode D begins to fall linearly. The load current is slowly diverted from the freewheeling diodes to the resonant circuit. The DC link voltage uCr is still zero before the transformer primary current is greater than load current. The terminal voltages of transformer primary and secondary windings are zero and DC power supply voltage VS, respectively. Redefining the initial time, we obtain



Since the transformer current iLrs = iLr/n as in mode 1, we rewrite Equation (7.41) as



The transformer primary current is increased reverse-linearly from zero, and the mode terminates when iLr = -IO; the interval of this mode can be determined as



At t4, iLr equals the negative load current -IO, and the current through the diode D becomes zero. Thus, the freewheeling diode turns off under ZCS condition, and the diode reverse recovery problems are reduced.

Mode 5 [shown in Figure 7.27f] t4 < t < t5: The absolute value of iLr is continuously increased from IO, and uCr is increased from zero when the freewheeling diode D is turned off. Redefining the initial time, we can get the same equation as Equation (7.35). The initial condition is uCr(0) = 0, iLr(0) = -IO neglecting the inductor resistance and solving the equation, we get






uCr = VS, and the auxiliary switch SL is turned on with ZVS (due to Cr). The interval is independent of load current. At t = t5, the corresponding transformer primary current iLr is



The peak value of the transformer primary current can also be determined:



Mode 6 [shown in Figure 7.27g] t5 < t < t6: Both the terminal voltages of primary and secondary windings are equal to the supply voltage VS after the auxiliary switch SL is turned on. Redefining the initial time, we obtain



Since the transformer current iLrs = iLr/n as in mode 1, we rewrite Equation (7.48) as



The transformer primary current iLr decays linearly, and the mode terminates when iLr = -IO again. With the initial condition (Equation 7.46), the interval of this mode can be determined as



The interval is also independent of load current. As mentioned earlier, n is slightly less than 2, and the interval is also very short.

Mode 7 [shown in Figure 7.27h] t6 < t < t7: The transformer primary winding current iLr decays linearly from negative load current -IO to zero. Partial load current flows through the switch SL. The sum of the currents flowing through switch SL and transformer is equal to the load current IO. Redefining the initial time, the transformer winding current obeys Equation (7.49) with the initial condition iLr(0) = -IO. The interval of this mode is



Then auxiliary switch Sb can be also turned off with ZCS condition after iLr decays to zero (at any time after t7).

7.3.2    Design Considerations

It is assumed that the inductance of BDCM is much higher than the transformer leakage inductance. From the analysis presented previously, the design considerations can be summarized as follows:

1.  Determine the value of resonant capacitor Cr and the parameters of the transformer.

2.  Select the main switches and auxiliary switches.

3.  Design the gate signal for the auxiliary switches.

The turn ratio 1:n of the transformer can be determined ahead. From Equation (7.45), n must satisfy



On the other hand, from Equations (7.39) and (7.40), n should be as close to 2 as possible so that the duration of mode 2 would be not very long and would be small enough at the end of mode 1.

Normally, n can be selected in the range 1.7–1.9. The equivalent inductance of the transformer Lr = Ll1 + Ll2/n2 is inversely proportional to the rising rate of switch current when auxiliary switches are turned on. It means that the equivalent inductance Lr should be large enough to limit the rising rate of the switch current to work in ZCS condition. The selection of Lr can be referred to the rule depicted in Reference [26].



where ton is the turn-on time of switch Sa, and IOmax is the maximum load current. The resonant capacitance Cr is inversely proportional to the rising rate of switch voltage drop when switch SL is turned off. This means that the capacitance is as high as possible to limit the rising rate of the voltage to work in ZVS condition. The selection of the resonant capacitor can be determined as



where toff is the turn-off time of switch SL. However, as the capacitance increases, more energy is stored in it, and the peak value of transformer current will also be high. The peak value of iLr should be limited to twice the peak load current. From Equation (7.47), we obtain



The DC link voltage rising transition time is expressed as



For high switching frequency, Tw should be as short as possible. Select the equivalent inductance Lr and resonant capacitance Cr to satisfy the inequalities (7.52),(7.53),(7.54),(7.55); Lr and Cr should be as small as possible. Lr and Cr selection area is illustrated in Figure 7.28 to determine their values, and the valid area is shadowed, where B1B3 is the boundary, which is defined according to inequalities (7.52),(7.54),(7.55):


L and C selection area: (a) Case 1: B intersects B first and (b) Case 2: B intersects A first.







If boundary B3 intersects B1 first as shown in Figure 7.28a, the value of Lr and Cr in the intersection (i.e., A1) can be selected. Otherwise, the value of Lr and Cr in the intersection A2 is selected as shown in Figure 7.28b.

Main switches S1S6 work under ZVS condition, and the voltage stress is equal to the DC power supply voltage VS. The device current rate can be the load current. The auxiliary switch SL works under ZVS condition, and its voltage and current stresses are the same as for the main switches. Auxiliary switches Sa and Sb work under ZCS or ZVS condition, and the voltage stress is equal to the DC power supply voltage VS. The peak current flowing through them is limited to double the maximum load current. As the auxiliary switches Sa and Sb carry the peak current only during switch transitions, they can be the devices with lower continuous current ratings.

The design of the gate signal for auxiliary switches can be referenced from Figure 7.26. The trailing edge of the gate signal for auxiliary switch SL is the same as that of PWM, and the leading edge is determined by the output of the DC link voltage sensor. The gate signal for auxiliary switch Sa is a positive pulse with leading edge the same as the PWM trailing edge, and its width ΔTa should be greater than Δt1. From Equation (7.38), Δt1 is maximum when the load current is zero. So Δta can be a fixed value determined by



The gate signal for auxiliary switch Sb is also a pulse with leading edge the same as that of PWM, and its width ΔTb should be longer than t7t3 (i.e., Δt4 + Δt5 + Δt6 + Δt7). ΔTb can be determined from Equations (7.43), (7.45), (7.50), and (7.51):



7.3.3    Control Scheme

When the duty of PWM is 100%, that is, full duty cycle, the main switches of the inverter work under the commutation frequency. When it is the instant to commutate the phase current of the BDCM, we control the auxiliary switches Sa, Sb, and SL, and resonance occurs between transformer inductor Lr and capacitor Cr. The DC link voltage reaches zero temporarily; thus, ZVS condition of the main switches is obtained. When the duty of PWM is less than 100%, the auxiliary switch SL works as a chopper. The main switches of the inverter do not switch within a PWM cycle when the phase current need not commutate. It has the benefit of reducing phase current drop when the PWM is off. The phase current is commutated when the DC link voltage becomes zero. There is only one DC link voltage notch per PWM cycle. It is very important especially for very low or very high duty of PWM. Otherwise the interval between two voltage notches will be very short even when overlapped, which will limit the tuning range.

The commutation logical circuit of the system is shown in Figure 7.29. It is similar to the conventional BDCM commutation logical circuit except that six D flip-flops are added to the output. Thus, the gate signal of the main switches is controlled by the synchronous pulse CK, which will be mentioned later, and the commutation can be synchronized with the auxiliary switches’ control circuit (shown in Figure 7.30). The operation of the inverter can be divided into PWM operation and full duty cycle operation.


Commutation logical circuit for the main switches.


Control circuit for the auxiliary switches.    Full Duty Cycle Operation

When the duty of PWM is 100%, that is, full duty cycle, the whole ZVT process (mode 1–mode 7) occurs when the phase current commutation is under way. The monostable flip-flop M3 will generate one narrow negative pulse. The width of the pulse ΔT3 is determined by (Δt1 + Δt2 + T’c), where T’c is a constant, considering the turn-on/turn-off time of the main switches. If n is close to 2, Δt2 would be very short or uCr would be small enough at the end of the mode1, and ΔT3 can be determined by



where Tc is a constant that is greater than Tc. The data selector makes the output of monostable flip-flop M3 active. The monostable flip-flop M1 generates a positive pulse when the trailing edge of M3 negative pulse arrives. The pulse is the gate signal for auxiliary switch Sa, and its width is ATa, which is determined by inequality (7.60). The gate signal for switch SL is flipped to low at the same time. Then mode 1 begins, and the DC link voltage is reduced to zero. Synchronous pulse CK is also generated by a monostable flip-flop M4, and the pulse width Δtd should be greater than maximum Δt1 (i.e., π√LrCr). If the D flip-flops are rising edge active, then CK is connected to the negative output of M4, otherwise it is connected to the positive output. Thus, the active edge of pulse CK is within mode 3 when the voltage of the DC link is zero, and the main switches of the inverter are in ZVS condition. The monostable flip-flop M2 generates a positive pulse when the leading edge of negative pulse arrives. The pulse width of M2 is ΔTd,which is determined by inequality (7.61). Then modes 4–7 occur, and the DC link voltage is increased to that of the supply voltage again. The leading edge of the gate signal for switch SL is determined by the DC link voltage sensor signal. In other words, in full-cycle operation, when the phase current commutation is under way, the resonant circuit generates a DC link voltage notch to let main switches of the inverter switch under ZVS condition.    PWM Operation

In this operation, the data selector makes the PWM signal active. The auxiliary switch SL works as a chopper, but the main switches of the inverter do not turn on or turn off within a single PWM cycle when the phase current need not commutate. The load current is commutated when the DC link voltage becomes zero. (As the PWM cycle is very short, it does not affect the operation of the motor).

1.  When PWM signal is flipped down, mode 1 begins, the pulse signal for switch Sa is generated by M1, and the gate signal for switch SL drops to low. However, the voltage of the DC link does not increase until the PWM signal is flipped up. Pulse CK is also generated by M4 to locate the active edge of CK in mode 3.

2.  When the PWM signal is flipped up, mode 4 begins, and the pulse signal for switch Sb is generated at that moment. Then, when the voltage of the DC link is increased to the supply voltage VS, the gate signal for switch SL is flipped to a high level.

Thus, only one ZVT occurs per PWM cycle: modes 1 and 2 for PWM turning off, and modes 4, 5, 6, and 7 for PWM turning on. And the switching frequency would not be greater than the PWM frequency.

7.3.4    Simulation and Experimental Results

The proposed system is verified by simulation software PSim. The DC power supply voltage VS is 240 V, and the maximum load current is 12 A. The transformer turn ratio n is 1: 1.8, and the leakage inductances of the primary secondary windings are selected as 4 and 12.96 μH, respectively. So the equivalent transformer inductance Lr is about 8 μH. The resonant capacitance Cr is 0.1 μF. Switch Sa,b gate signal widths ΔTa and ΔTb are set to be 3 and 6 μs, respectively. The narrow negative pulse width ΔT3 in a full-duty cycle is set to 4.5 μs, and the delay time for synchronous pulse CK is set to 3.5 μs. The frequency of the PWM is 20 kHz. Waveforms of dc link voltage uCr, transformer primary winding current iLr, switch SL and diode DL current iSL/iDL, PWM, auxiliary switch gate signal under low and high load current are shown in Figure 7.31. The figure shows that the inverter worked well under various load currents.



Waveforms of uCr, iLr, iSL/iDL, PWM, auxiliary switches’ gate signal under various load currents: (a) under low load current (IO = 2 A) and (b) under high load current (IO = 8 A).

In order to verify the theoretical analysis and simulation results, the proposed soft switching inverter was tested on an experimental prototype. The DC link voltage is 240 V, the rated phase current is 7.8 A, and the switching frequency is 20 kHz. Select a 50 A/1200 V BSM 35 GB 120 DN2 dual IGBT module as the main inverter switches S1S6 and auxiliary switch SL, another switch in the same module of SL can be adopted as auxiliary switch Sa, and 30 A/600 V IMBH30D-060 IGBT as auxiliary switch Sb. With datasheets of these switches and Equations (7.52),(7.54),(7.55), the value of capacitance and the parameter of the transformer can be determined. A polyester capacitor of 0.1 μF, 1000 V was adopted as the DC link resonant capacitor Cr. A high magnetizing inductance transformer with turn ratio 1:1.8 was employed in the experiment. The equivalent inductance is about 8 μH under short-circuit test [25]. The switching frequency is 20 kHz. The monostable flip-flop is set up by IC 74LS123, variable resistor, and capacitor. The logical gate can be replaced by a programmable logical device to reduce the number of ICs. ΔTa, ΔTb, ΔT3, and ΔTd are set to 3, 6, 4.5, and 3.5 μs, respectively.

The system is tested under light and heavy loads. The waveform’s DC link voltage uCr and transformer primary winding current iLr under low and high load currents are shown in Figures 7.32a and 7.32b, respectively. The transformer-based resonant DC link inverter works well under various load currents. The waveforms of auxiliary switch SL voltage uSL and its current iSL are shown in Figure 7.32c. There is little overlap between the switch SL voltage and its current during the switching under soft-switching condition, so the switching power losses are low. The waveforms of the resonant DC link voltage uCr and synchronous signal CK are shown in Figure 7.32d, which the main switches can switch under ZVS condition during commutation. The phase current of BDCM is shown in Figure 7.32e. The design of the system is successful.


Experiment waveforms: (a) the DC link voltage uCr (top) and transformer current iLr (bottom) under low load current (100 V/div, 10 A/div), (b) the DC link voltage uCr (top) and transformer current iLr (bottom) under high load current (100 V/div, 10 A/div), (c) switch SL voltage (top) and current (bottom) (100 V/div, 10 A/div), (d) the DC link voltage uCr (top) and synchronous signal CK (bottom) (100 V/div), and (e) phase current of BDCM (5 A/div).


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