E2E Architecture

Marco Gramaglia1, Alexandros Kaloxylos2, Panagiotis Spapis3, Xavier Costa4, Luis Miguel Contreras5, Riccardo Trivisonno3, Gerd Zimmermann6, Antonio Oliva1, Peter Rost7 and Patrick Marsch8

1 Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain

2 University of Peloponnese, Greece

3 Huawei German Research Center, Germany

4 NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany

5 Telefónica I + D, Spain

6 Deutsche Telekom, Germany

7 Nokia Bell Labs, Germany

8 Nokia, Poland (now Deutsche Bahn, Germany)

5.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the current trends in the overall design of 5th generation (5G) network architecture. While the previous chapters were mainly focused on the description of the requirements and the problem space, from now on we will provide details on the currently envisioned 5G solutions. This is intended to be a starting point of the next chapters for the reader of this book who will be made familiar with common concepts that are the fundamental pillars of 5G research and standardization, with more details on individual parts of the 5G system in the following chapters.

More precisely, this chapter describes the high‐level ideas behind the common architectural trends, with a first definition of their common capabilities and how they can be leveraged to provide the enhanced key performance indicators (KPIs) expected by 5G networks [1], as elaborated in Chapter 2.

This chapter is structured as follows. We first describe the common requirement and design principles that drive the current efforts in both standardization and research. We then describe how the end‐to‐end (E2E) architecture looks like, with the description of the main modules and which fundamental technical problems they will solve. The main part of this chapter is an overview of the innovative principles that are currently seen at the heart of the 5G network architecture. Finally, we describe the open issues on E2E architecture and a possible migration path.

5.2 Enablers and Design Principles

Future 5G networks will build on novel concepts that were not envisioned by the previous generation network architecture. The revolution provided by the introduction of software‐defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), as detailed in Section 10.2, opens the door to a large list of possible applications. On the other hand, heterogeneous requirements, as highlighted by the major stakeholders’ associations, such as Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) or the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP), will need to be addressed by novel architectural trends. In this section, we introduce some of the novel enablers that will be a fundamental part of future 5G networks and the associated requirements.

5.2.1 Modularization

The evolution of mobile communication systems towards 5G was intentionally aiming at achieving architecture flexibility, heterogeneous accesses and vertical business integration, leveraging on the significant advance on NFV and SDN. To enable the design of logical architectures tailored to performance and functional requirements of different use cases, the principle of architecture modularization and network function decomposition was proposed at the earliest 5G research stages. In particular, conventionally monolithic network functions, in 4th generation (4G) cellular often corresponding to physical network elements, are proposed to be split into basic modules or network functions (NFs) defined with proper granularity, both for the control plane (CP) and user plane (UP), thus allowing the definition of different logical architectures via the interconnection of different subsets of CP and UP NFs.

In the process of decomposing the NFs into basic modules, the distinction between NFs relating to the access network (AN) and core network (CN) emerged. To minimize the dependency of the 5G core on the access (and vice versa), and achieve the definition of a convergent network, providing connectivity via a multitude of accesses not only including cellular radio, a different AN/CN functional split and an interface model are necessary.

Besides flexibility, the architecture modularization provides the essentials to support network slicing, as a network slice can be defined as an independent logical network shaped by the interconnection of a subset of NFs, composing both CP and UP, and which can be independently instantiated and operated over physical or virtual infrastructure. Please see further details on network slicing in Chapter 8 and in the following section, and find a further elaboration on modularization in Section 5.4.

5.2.2 Network Slicing

In order to create tenant‐ or service‐specific networks, NGMN has proposed the concept of network slicing [1], as detailed in Chapter 8. While legacy systems host multiple telecommunication services, such as mobile broadband, voice, SMS, etc., on the same mobile network architecture, for instance composed of Long Term Evolution (LTE) radio access and the Evolved Packet Core (EPC), future 5G networks should also support shared or dedicated logical architectures customized to the respective telco or vertical services, such as enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), vehicular communications, ultra‐reliable low‐latency communications (URLLC), and massive machine‐type communications (mMTC), as introduced in Section 2.2. These services need very different KPIs that are hard to be fulfilled by legacy systems, as they are characterized by monolithic network elements that have tightly coupled hardware, software, and functionality. In contrast, future architecture leverages the decoupling of software‐based network functions from the underlying infrastructure resources by means of utilizing different resource abstraction technologies.

Furthermore, as explained in the previous paragraph, modularization will play a fundamental role. For instance, well‐known resource sharing technologies such as multiplexing and multitasking, e.g., wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) or radio scheduling, can be advantageously complemented by softwarization techniques such as NFV and SDN. Multitasking and multiplexing allow sharing physical infrastructure that is not virtualized. NFV and SDN allow different tenants to share the same general‐purpose hardware, such as commercial off‐the‐shelf (COTS) servers. In combination, these technologies allow building fully decoupled E2E networks on top of a common, shared infrastructure. Consequently, multiplexing will not happen on the network level anymore, but on the infrastructure level, as depicted in Figure 5‐1, yielding better quality of service (QoS) or quality of experience (QoE) for the subscriber (as different slices will have tailored orchestration for a given service) as well as improved levels of network operability for the mobile service provider or mobile network operator.

Network‐sliced architecture, with arrows from network infrastructure layer (bottom) to network control layer (middle) and to business layer (top).

Figure 5‐1. An example of a network‐sliced architecture.

In principle, a network slice is a logical network that provides specific network capabilities and network characteristics and comprises NFs, computing and networking resources to meet the performance requirements of the tenants, for instance verticals. This comprises both radio access network (RAN) and CN NFs and, depending on the degree of freedom that a tenant may have, also the management and orchestration (MANO) components. A network slice may be dedicated to a specific tenant or partially shared by several tenants that have the same performance requirements but different security or policy settings. The decoupling between the virtualized and the physical infrastructure allows for the efficient scaling in, out, up or down of the slices, hence suggesting the economic viability of this approach that can adapt the used resources on demand.

Network slices are created mostly with a business purpose: Following the 5G vertical markets paradigm [2], in which different tenants can get their own network customized for a specific purpose, an infrastructure provider will assign the required resources for a network slice which in turn realizes each service of a service provider portfolio (e.g., the vehicular URLLC network slice, the Factory of the Future URLLC network slice, and/or the health network mMTC network slice). The required resources are provided according to different resource commitment models, ranging from rather static reservations to on‐demand provisioning.

Network slicing calls for a novel architecture capable of flexibly orchestrating and configuring all the resources, functions, and entities used by a network slice. This role is played by the network softwarization concept described in the following section. Additional information and detailed aspects about network slicing can be found in Chapter 8.

5.2.3 Network Softwarization

Future 5G networks will bring the concept of network programmability beyond what is now possible with SDN. While SDN splits routing and forwarding capabilities of a switch and reassigns the former to an SDN controller, this split between logic and agent should be performed for any NF, including the ones related to the CP. That is, the SDN principles are extended to all control and data layers as well as management functions usually deployed in mobile networks. An example of this view is depicted in Figure 5‐2, in which an enhanced controller extends the SDN capabilities to different kinds of functions in the network.

The following three categories can be identified: (i) networking control functions (e.g., mobility and session management, and potentially QoS/QoE control); (ii) connectivity control functions (mainly packet forwarding or SDN‐based packet forwarding); and (iii) wireless control functions (e.g., radio link adaptation and scheduling). This last category, however, may not be fully implemented using a software‐defined approach, for instance due to scalability reasons.

Schematic flow of softwarization in a network slice, from network slice QoS requirements to app; to controller; to edge cloud (tower), SDN transport network, and network slice and cloud; and to application.

Figure 5‐2. Applying softwarization in a network slice.

There are many advantages of implementing selected wireless control functions in a way such that they are not bound anymore to specialized hardware, such as an LTE enhanced Node‐B (eNB), but rather become independent pieces of software. Network functionalities are then performed by a (virtualized) programmable and logically centralized controller that abstracts and, thus, homogenizes different network technologies. Such a controller will make network slices programmable by controlling the topology and functionality of the service chains as well as resource control inside the network slices. Further, this approach implies to have a unique control point for the network: By operating a small number of such controllers, network operators reduce the complexity of the network management and control.

Dense wireless networks, as envisioned in 5G, will benefit from this extension of the SDN approach. The control of mobility support schemes and adaptation to dynamic radio characteristics, such as the ones used in a multiple radio access technology (RAT) scenario, are performed by the controller that can employ especially tailored algorithms per network slice they are deployed in. Moreover, if needed, virtual NFs (VNFs) can be deployed closely to the users (e.g., in a network slice supporting vehicular URLLC) reducing their experienced latency. This feature is particularly desirable for the verticals market, as several network operators can provide their services to verticals by using a softwarized approach.

New services can, hence, be enabled by just modifying the controller functions: Services that were not initially included by an operator in its architecture design can now be introduced and implement service‐specific enhancements. A good example is the operation of base station (BS) schedulers: As the controller has a global view of the network slice, it can optimize (through an application) the mid‐ to long‐term behavior of scheduling algorithms and the resource allocation across them independently of the functional split implemented in the slice. This concept can be extended to the resource control across network slices. Controllers facilitate the optimization of network utilization: A network infrastructure provider may allocate unused resources to demanding network slices, provided that the service‐level agreement (SLA) is satisfied for all the hosted network slices. In this way, more verticals may share the same infrastructure, reducing operational costs as well as avoiding a time‐consuming deployment of dedicated infrastructure.

Another possible usage of such controllers is mobility management. As stated above, they extend the SDN concept to any kind of NF in the mobile network. So, a straightforward amendment of the SDN dialect, capable of directly handling user data tunnels, may be used to directly control the gateway entities of the network. However, the same idea can be used to directly control other low‐level user flows, steering traffic through NFs implementing a cloud RAN. That is, one centralized, flexible application can control heterogeneous NFs through specialized interfaces. Mobility management is just an example, but verticals may directly provide their customized applications if they desire to do so, focusing on a customized function behaviour. As depicted in Figure 5‐2, the controller offers a unique interface to several heterogeneous NFs ranging from wireless control to traffic steering.

5.2.4 Multi‐Tenancy

With the trend of increased heterogeneity in terms of KPIs among different services sharing the same infrastructure, 5G networks must be designed embracing this from the very beginning. Nowadays, very different applications share the same communication infrastructure, but communication networks were not designed for this purpose as the primary one. Moreover, the final goal of 5G is not only to support heterogeneous services, but also reduce the costs, i.e. operational expenditures (OPEX) and capital expenditures (CAPEX).

Theoretically, this customization goal can be achieved by having several physical networks deployed, one for each service (or even one for each business entity). Isolated services can hence use their resources in an optimal way, avoiding difficult re‐configuration of hardware and network entities as well as the need to accommodate possibly conflicting performance objectives. Clearly, this approach cannot be applied to real networks in a cost‐efficient manner; therefore, it calls for a solution that allows for both an efficient resource sharing and multi‐tenancy infrastructure utilization.

An intermediate approach to multi‐tenancy, which does not involve on‐the‐fly reconfigurations, is already standardized for 3rd generation (3G) cellular [3] and applied by many operators who currently share physical cell sites. However, the equipment still belongs to each operator or a joint venture of involved operators, limiting hence the achievable cost reduction. 5G networks will go one step further, pushing for the active sharing of resources within the same infrastructure among different tenants, allowing for the monetization of so‐called vertical sectors. In such scenarios, also non‐operators may utilize network resources and functions to compose their own (virtualized) network instance.

The future 5G network E2E architecture should hence build on the network programmability and network slicing concepts described in the previous two subsections, to create completely novel deployment choices. More specifically, the future E2E architecture of 5G networks shall not only allow for (re)programming the behavior of individual NFs, but also for the adaptation of the network topology, i.e., the geographical distribution of NFs. In other words, while the option of re‐configuring the behavior of network elements was already available in legacy systems (even though in a limited fashion only), the topology of such networks was static and bound to the geographical distribution of network nodes. In this way, the deployment location of a NF can a) be modified more easily, and b) be different for two instances of the very same NF, e.g., when instantiated for different network slices.

The result is an environment such as the one depicted in Figure 5‐3: Different verticals may create their own network slice to serve their terminals by having a business relationship with a telecom service provider which, in turn, orchestrates the NFs building a network slice by acquiring the necessary resources (both network and cloud) from different infrastructure providers.

By tenant, we here consider different vertical operators, such as an automotive vertical, a Factory of the Future (FoF) vertical or a content delivery network (CDN), but it may also be a standard mobile network operator (MNO). Further, an MNO can act as a telecom service provider and infrastructure provider (e.g., when owning the required resources, such as the RAN). We remark that Figure 5‐3 does not show the tenant vertical split on the user equipment (UE) basis.

A tenant‐enabled network displaying a box containing boxes labeled mobile network operator, telecom service provider, IT and network infrastructure provider, compute and storage, user terminals, etc.

Figure 5‐3. A tenant‐enabled network.

5.2.5 Mobile or Multi‐Access Edge Computing

A new communications and computing paradigm that has already been introduced in LTE, but which will become more essential and will require native support in the 5G system, is that of multi‐access edge computing (MEC), previously known as mobile edge computing. Here, the key concept is to move applications close to the radio, for instance, physically co‐located with base stations, as already depicted in Figure 5‐2 for the benefit of

  • reduced E2E latency for, e.g., URLLC use cases, as, for instance, the communication between a device and an application server can be kept in local proximity and need not involve a long‐distance transport network or cloud environment;
  • increased networking efficiency, as application data which is only needed locally can also be kept locally, and need not be unnecessarily routed over a large‐scale communications infrastructure;
  • increased security, because application data can be confined within areas where it is actually needed;
  • providing applications access to local context and communications‐related information (for instance, an application may make use of proximity information among devices).

The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) is the body that started the standardization of MEC, and it has issued a MEC architecture and framework in March 2016 [4], which is depicted in a highly simplified form in Figure 5‐4. Here, one can see MEC applications running on virtual machines (VMs) on a MEC hosting infrastructure, which would typically be the equipment of a network vendor, such as a base station. The main focus of the work of ETSI has been to standardize the MEC application platform, which aims to provide a common functional environment for MEC applications, so that (in principle) any MEC application from any vendor could run on any MEC hosting infrastructure from a different vendor. Also, the platform aims to support portability (e.g., the dynamic instantiation and execution of MEC applications in different environments based on application needs) and scalability. The MEC application platform, for instance, provides application programming interfaces (APIs) through which applications can register themselves, utilize communications services for, e.g., the communication among distributed MEC applications, or access local radio network information which could be of relevance for applications.

Typical MEC environment depicting MEC application platform on top of MEC hosting infrastructure with MEC application platform services such as traffic offload function, service registry, etc. linked to MEC app.

Figure 5‐4. High‐level overview on a typical MEC environment.

While the communication between MEC applications and the MEC application platform is now already standardized, the interaction of the latter and the 5G communications system is not. It has, for instance, been discussed in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) that the information provided from the 5G RAN or the 5G CN to the MEC hosting infrastructure and application platform should be standardized, and consequently, interfaces should be defined between related network entities and the MEC environment. However, at the time this book is written, it appears that 3GPP will likely not fully take up this topic before 3GPP Release 16. For the first commercial 5G products, it is, hence, left to proprietary implementation which information is passed from the 5G network to the MEC environment.

5.3 E2E Architecture Overview

The mobile network functional architecture has traditionally been divided into two main components: RAN and CN. With the current trend of network softwarization, the decomposition and the subsequent centralization of monolithic NFs, the border between these two components in 5G may not be as sharp as it was in previous generations. This certainly provides advantages when enabling the novel concepts described in the previous section, but it also entails a set of new challenges that have to be addressed by the new E2E architecture and the modules that will provide these functionalities.

Overall, there is a general agreement on how the E2E architecture will look like, as depicted in Figure 5‐5. This representation, as agreed by several relevant stakeholders in [5], includes several modules that will be described throughout this section, and will support the enabling concepts, such as network slicing, as described in Section 5.2 and detailed in Chapter 8.

E2E architecture displaying service level, network level (slice #2 and network operating system), and resources and functional level connected to secure network and service management.

Figure 5‐5. E2E architecture overview [5].

5.3.1 Physical Network Architecture

Future 5G networks will have a heterogeneous physical deployment, in terms of different frequency bands, different cell sizes, but also the co‐existence of different RATs and so‐called air interface variants (AIVs), as detailed in Section 6.4.1. In contrast with the current architecture, the introduction of network softwarization techniques will be the key to the physical deployment of different processing sites that will be used for different purposes according to the orchestrating services. We can mostly distinguish between two categories: edge clouds or central clouds.

A central cloud (or centralized cloud) typically comprises multiple powerful computing and storage resources which may be several hundred kilometres apart [6]. These data centres are connected among each other by a wide area network (WAN). The WAN also connects the data centres of the central cloud to the data centres of the edge cloud. Physically, this WAN is based on optical fibers with capacities of 10 Gbps and higher, see also Section 7.3. Its topology can differ significantly according to the needs and preferences of the network operator: It may have multiple hierarchy levels, e.g., long‐haul links on a high level that interconnect regional and metropolitan networks on the underlying level. On each of these hierarchy levels, star, ring, tree or chain topologies may be deployed. Redundancy must be foreseen in the WAN, because otherwise a router or link failure might affect a huge number of terminals. It should be noted that usually this WAN will not be available for exclusive use by 5G networks. Typically, it is shared between fixed and mobile services with the larger demand portion originating from fixed services.

The edge cloud is located in the vicinity of the RAN, which may reduce the delays and the jitter at the cost of reduced computational and storage resources [6]. The dominant requirements for the fronthaul connectivity between an edge cloud data center and the radio access point at the antenna site are low latency and high capacity, as detailed further in Sections 6.6.2 and 7.6.1. In the case of centralizing radio access protocol layers, latency should be less than 100 – 200 μs. Therefore, the distance between edge cloud and antenna site should not exceed a few 10 km, and a dedicated point‐to‐point connection should be used. For efficiency reasons, multiplexing (i.e., wave or time division multiplexing) several of these connections onto a single fiber are necessary. The suitability of Ethernet switching requires further studies as it introduces additional delay and delay jitter. The required speed of the fronthaul connection depends on the implemented fronthaul split, as detailed in Section 6.6.2, the properties of the radio signal that shall be transmitted over the air interface, and on the radio bandwidth and number of antennas or number of streams. It is typically in the range of 1 – 10 Gbps per antenna. Redundancy is usually not required, as a link failure will affect only few cells and thus a limited number of terminals. A deeper analysis of these aspects may be found in Chapter 7.

Aside the centralization of major parts of the radio access protocol processing, also dedicated base stations, either macro or small cells, can be installed at the antenna site. The backhaul of such base stations is usually based on optical fibers. Microwave links are cheaper to build than optical fibers but the achievable capacity of microwave links is significantly lower. Therefore, they are suitable only for backhauling sites with few cells and low data rates on the air interface, i.e. mostly single small cells. The necessary data rate of the backhaul connection is determined mainly by the rate of user plane traffic passing through a base station. The acceptable latency of backhaul connections depends on the requested radio functionality, e.g., when coordinated multi‐point (CoMP) transmission and reception shall be applied, latencies must be significantly lower than without CoMP. Redundancy mechanisms are not required for the backhaul for the same reason as in the case of fronthaul.

5.3.2 CN/RAN Split

Related to the functional split between the core and access networks, 3GPP has identified the following split for Release 14 [7]. The considered RAN functions include legacy RAN functions such as: transfer of user data, radio channel (de)ciphering, integrity protection and header compression, handover, inter‐cell interference coordination, load balancing, connection setup and release, routing of non‐access stratum (NAS) signaling, NAS messages and NAS node selection, synchronization, paging and positioning. Additionally, there are functions that have been introduced to support the new RAN. The new features include the tight interworking (including handovers) of the new radio with the Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E‐UTRA), and its functionality to support slice selection and also session management. The latter provides the means for the CN to create, modify or release a context and related resources in the new RAN associated with a particular protocol data unit (PDU) session. Note that the new radio supports the mapping between a QoS flow and a data radio bearer and the marking of QoS flow ID, as detailed in Section 5.3.3. This new information can be used by radio resource management (RRM) functions like scheduling or even admission control and offers customized support for slices. Also, some functions like paging may be moved towards the RAN to decrease the signaling load of the CN.

The new interface between the RAN and CN is a logical point‐to‐point interface and will support control and user plane separation. It is required to be open and future‐proof, and it will be decoupled within the possible RAN deployment variants. This interface is used for UE context management between core and access networks and the transport of NAS messages. The target is that the new interface should allow an independent evolution of the core and access networks and enable access‐agnostic CN functions.

The same principles are also followed in Release 15 [8], where the new RAN nodes are called Gigabit NodeBs (gNBs) and are interworked with eNBs. These nodes are using the Next Generation (NG) interface to connect to the CN functions, such as the Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF), User Plane Function (UPF) and Session Management Function (SMF), as detailed in Section 5.4.1. gNBs have similar functions like in Release 14 with the appropriate modifications that are needed due to the introduction of the new CN functions. A graphical representation of the allocation of the main functions in logical nodes, and the resulting split between NG‐RAN and 5G core (5GC), as defined by 3GPP, are provided in Figure 5‐6.

2 Boxes for 5G RAN with gNB (antenna icon) and 5 right arrows with labels (left) and 5G core network with cloud infrastructure (rectangle) and router (cylinder) linked to boxes with right arrows (right).

Figure 5‐6. Functional split between NG‐RAN and 5G core [8].

Apart from 3GPP activities, there is also ongoing research [5] of concepts aiming to provide a high degree of architecture flexibility, e.g., a flexible assignment and integration of RAN and CN functions. Focus of future research work is to develop all options and compare them in terms of flexibility, complexity and cost involved in meeting the requirements of future use cases.

5.3.3 QoS Architecture

As mentioned before, 5G will need to simultaneously accommodate a large diversity of use case requirements, as detailed in Section 2.2. This implies that there need to be flexible and highly granular E2E means to handle and prioritize different traffic types, or even different packets belonging to the same traffic type. As an example for the latter, it is typically desired to give short packets related to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection requests (and responses) a higher priority than other packets related to the same TCP traffic, in order to avoid an unnecessary delay of connection setup time.

In this respect, a key limitation in the LTE QoS architecture [9] is that the finest granularity of differentiating mobile data is on the level of radio bearers. Within one bearer, which can be established to reflect guaranteed bit‐rate or non‐guaranteed bit rate traffic and which is characterized by a QoS class identifier (reflecting priority, acceptable delay, and packet loss rate), all packets are treated in the same way. Also, there is a one‐to‐one mapping of radio bearers to EPS bearers. If now a single wireless communication link has to carry data related to very different service requirements, one would have to setup individual radio bearers to be able to sufficiently differentiate the traffic, which would be highly inefficient. Further, LTE is not able to treat packets within a PDU session differently, e.g., the aforementioned prioritization of TCP packets related to TCP session setup is not possible. Hence, there is a general consensus that 5G needs to provide a much more granular approach to QoS management, allowing for a more flexible and independent QoS handling in the CN and RAN, and in particular allowing a packet‐specific traffic differentiation when needed.

The aforementioned points are all reflected in the E2E QoS management architecture for 5G that 3GPP has agreed upon in [10],which is based on the notion of QoS flows that are identified through QoS flow IDs (QFIs), and which are managed by the SMF in the CN, as detailed in Section 5.4.1. A key point is that a single PDU session can relate to multiple QoS flows, which are characterized by a QoS profile provided by the SMF to the access network, one or more QoS rule(s) provided by the SMF to the UE, and service data flow (SDF) classification and QoS‐related information provided by the SMF to the UPF. The QoS profile contains the information on whether the flow is related to guaranteed bit‐rate or non‐guaranteed bit‐rate traffic, a 5G QoS identifier (5QI), and an allocation and retention priority (ARP). Based on this, the following processing of packets takes place in downlink and uplink, respectively:

  • In the downlink, the UPF in the CN applies the SDF classification rules to assign individual data packets to the configured QoS flows. In the access network, QoS flows can then be flexibly assigned to different data radio bearers (DRBs). It is important to note that this can be handled independently from the CN, as opposed to the LTE approach where there is a strict mapping of Evolved Packet System (EPS) bearers to radio bearers. Also, both the assignment of packets to QoS flows (e.g., based on deep packet inspection), and the assignment of flows to radio bearers, leave a lot of room for proprietary optimization. In 5G, the access network could for instance assign critical QoS flows to lower carrier frequencies, possibly applying further means for an increased reliability such as multi‐connectivity, while less critical QoS flows could use mmWave frequencies;
  • In the uplink, the UE evaluates packets against the QoS rules provided by the SMF, and assigns these accordingly to available QoS flows, which in return are mapped to available data radio bearers. Note that there is also the notion of reflective QoS handling, where the UE uses the QFI information contained in downlink packets to derive an equivalent handling of the related uplink packets.

A comparison of the E2E QoS architecture between LTE and 5G is provided in Figure 5‐7. In the LTE case, on the left side, we can see the bearer‐oriented approach with a strict one‐to‐one mapping between EPS‐bearers, EPS radio access bearers (E‐RAB), S1 and radio bearers. In the 5G case, on the right side, we see the flow‐based approach which allows to decouple the assignment of packets to flows (controlled by the CN) from the assignment of flows to DRBs (being in the responsibility of the RAN). The particular example of three different QoS flows mapped to two different DRBs is here to be seen as an example only. Note that in the context of introducing the new QoS architecture, 3GPP has also agreed to introduce a new UP protocol layer in the RAN above Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP), called Service Data Adaptation Protocol (SDAP). This is responsible to map QoS flows to radio bearers and mark the QoS flow in uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) packets, as detailed further in Section 6.4.2.

Illustrations of 4G QoS architecture with a cloud labeled EPC with 4 boxes labeled P-GW, S-GW, etc. (left) with right arrow to 5G QoS architecture with a cloud labeled 5GC with 3 boxes labeled UPF, gNB, and UE (right).

Figure 5‐7. Comparison between the LTE and 5G QoS architecture [8][10].

5.3.4 Spectrum Sharing Architecture Overview

Dealing with new scenarios together with the demands for high data rates and lower latencies have indicated the need for additional spectrum for cellular communications. However, since it is not trivial to allocate exclusively new spectrum bands for cellular communications, it is imperative to improve the spectrum usage through new spectrum sharing mechanisms. This implies that mobile network operators will have to cooperate and interact to cover the augmented traffic requirements. The details of the efficient spectrum sharing via coordination have been analyzed in Section 3.6. However, in summary we could say that the spectrum authorization regimes and spectrum access schemes can be divided into two categories based on the license that is provided to the users, as also detailed in Section 3.2:

  1. individual authorization approaches, which comprise the exclusive, co‐primary and licensed shared access (LSA) schemes, and
  2. general authorization approaches (e.g., license exempt or unlicensed), which include the unlicensed shared access (i.e., Wi‐Fi, Bluetooth, etc.), secondary horizontal shared access (i.e., TV white spaces) and the License Assisted Access (LAA) which enables the cellular system operation in unlicensed spectrum, as illustrated through an example mechanism in Section 12.5.1.

Figure 5‐8 provides an abstract representation of the required entities for the realization of spectrum sharing [11]. In particular, the regulator provides to the entities the terms of usage and undertakes to ensure that the rights of the licensees are protected. The incumbent users and the operators inform a centralized coordination entity for the spectrum use, whereas the operators that require additional spectrum resources contact this coordination entity for reserving resources. Several schemes have been proposed in the literature for the mechanisms handling the negotiation and the identification of the most suitable spectrum according to the service that each operator targets [12][13]. More detailed descriptions of each entity can be found in Section 3.6.

Abstract spectrum sharing architecture displaying boxes linked by solid and dashed arrows labeled Incumbent 1, Incumbent 2, Regulator, Coordination Entity, Operator A, Operator B, etc.

Figure 5‐8. Abstract spectrum sharing architecture.

5.3.5 Transport Network

5G RAN technologies will require novel fronthaul and backhaul solutions between the RAN and CN to deal with the significant traffic load increase forecasted. Furthermore, there will be a sizeable growth in the capillarity (i.e., points of attachment) of the network, since the traffic load increase in the 5G RAN will be supported by a larger number of base stations covering smaller areas (i.e., mobile network densification).

As discussed before, a promising approach to address this challenge is virtualization, which exploits the multiplexing gain of softwarized network functions on top of commoditized hardware. This has led to the cloud RAN concept where cellular base station functions are hosted in cloud computing centers. Once virtualized, base station functions can be flexibly distributed and moved across data centers, providing another degree of freedom for load balancing. Moreover, base station functions can be decomposed in many different ways, giving rise to the so‐called flexible functional split, where the radio protocol split between centralized and distributed base station functions can be adjusted on a case‐by‐case basis, as discussed in detail in Section 6.6.

In this context, the distinction between fronthaul and backhaul transport networks blurs, as varying portions of functionality of 5G points of attachment (5GPoAs) might be moved toward the network as required for cost efficiency reasons. Thus, traditional dimensioning approaches for the transport infrastructure will no longer be applicable with 5G, and a new generation of integrated fronthaul and backhaul technologies will be needed to bring CAPEX and OPEX to a reasonable return on investment (ROI) range, as for instance analyzed in detail in Section 7.6.1. Also, for cost reasons, the heterogeneity of transport network equipment must be tackled by unifying data, control, and management planes across all technologies as much as possible, as covered in Section 7.5. A redesign of the fronthaul/backhaul network segment is a key point for 5G networks, since current transport networks cannot cope with the amount of bandwidth required for 5G. Next generation radio interfaces, using 100 MHz channels and squeezing the bit‐per‐MHz ratio through massive multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) or even full‐duplex radios, requires a 10‐fold increase in capacity, which cannot be achieved just through the evolution of current technologies.

Current deployments of Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI) [14] or Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) [15] for the fronthaul traffic mainly use dark fibers to the remote radio heads (RRHs), as other technologies do not meet the stringent requirements of latency (e.g., about 100 microseconds for CPRI) and jitter (2 ppb). The usage of dark fiber might be acceptable for some markets, as the deployment of existing dark fiber is very broad. But this might not be the case for other markets, such as Europe. Ethernet, due to its dominant distribution on networks and technical equipment and the initiatives to develop it further [16], is therefore seen as the basis for combining fronthaul and backhaul technologies to provide cost‐effective and well‐accepted solutions. Because of such heterogeneity, the fronthaul and backhaul traffic of different gNBs or RRHs, even from different technologies, will share the same physical link. As detailed in Section 6.6, 3GPP is currently discussing various fronthaul split options that aim to alleviate the throughput, latency and jitter requirements on transport networks, for instance by applying function splits in the physical layer, such that some extent of beamforming and the conversion from frequency into time domain takes place at the radio unit as opposed to the central unit in the case of an OBSAI or CPRI based split. Similar considerations have also led to the enhanced CPRI (eCPRI) standard [17].

Considering the new challenges brought by 5G, novel architectures aimed at integrating fronthaul and backhaul in a common Crosshaul/Xhaul network are being defined [18][19]. These architectures thus aim to enable a flexible and software‐defined reconfiguration of all networking elements through a unified user plane and control plane interconnecting distributed 5G radio access and CN functions, hosted on in‐network cloud infrastructure.

In the following, we provide as an example a high‐level overview of an integrated fronthaul/backhaul architecture available in the literature [5]. This architecture is based on three main building blocks: (i) a control infrastructure (CI, in [5] referred to as XCI) using a unified, abstract network model for control plane integration; (ii) a unified user plane encompassing innovative high‐capacity transmission technologies and novel latency‐deterministic switch architectures based on forwarding elements (FEs, in [5] referred to as XFEs); and (iii) a set of computing capabilities in the form of processing units (PUs, in [5] referred to as XPUs). Figure 5‐9 depicts this architectural framework example.

5G Transport network reference architectural framework composed of northbound, eastbound, westbound, and southbound interfaces, 5G access and crosshaul MANO, access nodes, processing units, etc.

Figure 5‐9. Example of a 5G transport network reference architectural framework [20].

In the example, the CI is compliant with the ETSI NFV architecture for what concerns management and orchestration. It includes additionally a set of controllers for taking control actions over networking, storage and computing resources. On top of the CI, a number of applications can be located. Of special interest for multi‐domain environments is the multi‐tenancy application (MTA), conceived to support per‐tenant infrastructure management in multi‐tenancy scenarios.

The reader is referred to Chapter 7 and [21] for further details on the challenges and solutions envisioned for transport networks in 5G.

5.3.6 Control and Orchestration

In contrast with previous approaches in 3G and 4G, with the advent of SDN, NFV and 5G, the network services are to be realized by dynamically deploying functions and programming connectivity paths among them instead of re‐architecting the network. This will largely depend on the success of network‐wide service management. As a whole, this concept of network‐wide orchestration is associated with the replacement of the individual device configuration by a more powerful network services management mechanism able to provide network‐wide services definition, configuration, deployment and monitoring. By using network‐wide orchestration, services are not deployed, configured and managed in a node‐by‐node fashion as it is originally done in legacy systems. The increasing complexity that 5G will impose on the delivery and maintenance of services, supported by the slicing concept, force to manage the network in an integrated and coordinated way, and not as a collection of individual boxes and layers. For doing that, higher‐level abstractions and automated procedures are needed to manage and configure each single component of the whole network service at once.

The main advantage of this network‐wide orchestration is that it gives a single point of integration, providing a centralized representation of the distributed network no matter the number of resources involved or where they could be physically placed. This provides great opportunities for accessing KPI measurements and automation, opening up possibilities for the deployment of advanced services across all network domains. In this way, the inherent complexity of deploying and managing complex and feature‐rich services can be simplified by automating the underlying configuration and monitoring tasks from the orchestration module. For example, a complex distributed network service composed of multiple VNFs, physical NFs (PNFs), and network links connecting different clouds and a number of KPIs to be monitored, could be automatically deployed and managed from the orchestrator and treated as a single entity (i.e., a network service) in the network.

By the introduction of the slicing concept, 5G networks should hence consider orchestration at two different levels [22]:

  • inter‐slice orchestration, dealing with the orchestration of resources to conform the different network slices in the network, and
  • intra‐slice orchestration, referring to the orchestration of resources into the network slices.

5.4 Novel Concepts and Architectural Extensions

After having reviewed the common architectural trends in the previous section, we now highlight the specific solutions that have been devised by both research projects and standardization bodies to shape them. In this section, we provide a high‐level description of some of these selected solutions. Most of these are then analyzed more in detail in specific subsequent chapters of the book, which the reader is pointed to.

5.4.1 Architecture Modularization for the Core Network

Several research projects have provided reference models for the 5G modularized architecture, and a general reference scheme has also been agreed in 3GPP [23]. The model is illustrated in Figure 5‐10. The reference model formalizes the NFs as founding logical elements for different architectures and network slices, based on a separation between control and user planes and between AN and CN. Also, the model defines the complete interface model, including inter‐NF interfaces, CP‐UP interfaces, and the westbound interface (WBI), which allows CP interconnection and information exchange between CN and ANs, and between CN and UEs. It should be noted that in the model, NFs relating to the access network are denoted as access functions (AFs). The model also highlights each NF/AF as composed of a set of sub‐functions (SFs) by which the customization of NFs and AFs can be achieved.

The completion of the design of the 5G system architecture requires the definition and design of the set of NFs and relating interfaces, which is a high complexity engineering task, essentially for two reasons: On one hand, the problem has many variables and few constraints and hence a wide solution space. On the other hand, there are no clear and objective metrics to evaluate and compare alternative architectures. Often, novel network architectures are designed as an incremental evolution of existing ones, in the attempt of ensuring system backward compatibility and to fix specific shortcomings, but this approach does not fit the need of defining a clean‐slate architecture. Some relevant modularization methodologies have been provided by the literature, e.g., [24], often results of research projects. However, at this point in time, a final choice has already been made by the relevant standardization body 3GPP, and hence it is worth referencing to the agreed modularized architecture which the first deployments of the 5G network will feature [10]. This 5G modularized architecture is illustrated in Figure 5‐10, for simplicity here referring to a non‐roaming scenario.

3GPP 5G system with boxes labeled NEF, NFR, PCF, UDM, and AF connected to AMF, AUSF, and SMF. Under AMF are boxes labeled UE and RAN and UPF under SMF. UE, RAN, UPF, and oval labeled DN are linked by a line.

Figure 5‐10. 3GPP 5G system modularized architecture.

The architecture has been decomposed into a set of NFs, and orthogonal sets of NFs have been defined for CP and UP, denoted as CPFs and UPFs, respectively. CP NFs have been classified as common control network functions (CCNFs) and slice‐specific control network functions (SCNFs), to distinguish between those which might be shared among multiple network slices and slice‐specific NFs. Among CCNFs, a NF is dedicated to the slice selection, and is hence denoted as network slice selection function (NSSF). The following CN NFs have been so far defined. For the RAN NFs, in particular the differences to the functions in 4G, the reader is referred to Section 6.4.

  • Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF), including the termination of RAN CP interface (N2) and of the NAS interface (N1), NAS ciphering and integrity protection, mobility management, lawful interception, access authentication and authorization, security anchoring, and security context management;
  • Session Management Function (SMF), including session management, UE IP address allocation and management, UP functions selection and control, termination of interfaces towards PCF, policy enforcement and QoS, and roaming functionality. The SMF is connected to the UPF via the N4 interface;
  • Authentication Server Function (AUSF), providing authentication and authorization functionalities;
  • Network Exposure Function (NEF), providing means to collect, store and securely expose the services and capabilities provided by 3GPP NFs, e.g., to third parties or amongst NFs themselves;
  • Network Function Repository (NFR), maintaining and providing the deployed NF instances information when deploying, updating or removing NF instances, and supporting the service discovery function;
  • Policy Control Function (PCF), supporting a unified policy framework to govern network behaviours, providing policy rules to control plane function(s) to enforce them;
  • Unified Data Management (UDM), supporting the Authentication Credential Repository and Processing Function, storing the long‐term security credentials and subscription information;
  • Application Function (AF), representing any additional CP function which might be required by specific network slices, and which is potentially provided by third parties;
  • User Plane Function (UPF), including the following functionalities: anchor point for intra‐and inter‐RAT mobility, external PDU session point of interconnection, packet routing and forwarding, UP QoS handling, packet inspection and policy rule enforcement, lawful interception, traffic accounting, and reporting.

Within the modularized architecture framework, several interfacing models can be envisioned. In this respect, 5G systems will bring to light additional discontinuity with respect to legacy systems. As illustrated in Figure 5‐10, together with the legacy 4G point‐to‐point interface model (not shown in the picture, but included in [10]), an alternative southbound interface (SBI) model among CP NFs has been defined. Each CP NF exposes a SBI, by which the authorized NFs can access the services it provides. SBIs provide higher flexibility in the interaction among NFs and allow multiple alternative interconnections among those to define slice‐tailored architectures. Besides, the services exposed by NFs can be used for CP procedures customization.

5.4.2 RRC States

The UE state diagram has a direct impact to the UE context placement and the UE mobility management. In LTE, the UE Radio Resource Control (RRC) state diagram has two states, RRC Idle and RRC Connected, so as to reduce the complexity of mobility and connectivity procedures arising from having a larger number of states as in High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) systems. The RRC Idle minimizes the UE power consumption, network resource usage and memory consumption, while the RRC Connected was introduced for high UE activity and network‐controlled mobility. The state transition from RRC Connected to Idle and vice‐versa requires a considerable amount of signaling to setup the UE’s AS context in the RAN, and introduces a delay beyond the 5G CP latency requirement of 20 ms. The main characteristic of the Connected state is the RRC connection between the UE and the network and consequent allocation of logical dedicated unicast resources for the transfer of CP signaling or UP data in uplink or downlink. The UE has AS context in the RAN, and the RAN knows the cell where the UE is located. Thereafter, the RAN can transfer unicast data to or from the UE without RRC state transition related extra signaling.

However, this approach is sub‐optimal for cases where the UE has limited mobility and performs transmissions of rather small data that are followed by inactivity periods. In such cases, legacy systems typically move a UE back to Idle state in inactivity periods, leading to the problem that the UE has to establish a new connection to the network and perform the large set of actions mentioned before for every state change. If, on the other hand, a UE would be kept in RRC Connected also during longer inactivity periods, this would be suboptimal from a resource and energy efficiency perspective due to the permanent communication required between the AN and the UE.

For this reason, 3GPP has agreed on a new Connected Inactive state, which allows to keep the UE in a kind of ‘always ON’ state from the CN perspective, hence avoiding the additional signaling and respective delays involved in switching from Idle to Connected. Additionally, this approach maintains the UE context in the RAN, thus resulting in a reduction of the frequent UE context transmission to the RAN in case of sparse transmission followed by inactivity. Once the UE is registered to the 5G network, the connection to the CN is kept alive, though the RAN anyway may release the UE and transfer it to Idle state [25]. Further, the new Connected Inactive state provides a big range of reconfigurability options related to the UE tracking in the RAN, discontinuous reception (DRX) and discontinuous transmission (DTX) cycles, camping, measurements, and initial access configuration, etc., according to the actual use case requirements. For example, in case of static devices, the UE can always remain in the Connected Inactive state requiring only RAN tracking area updates for ensuring its operation, whereas in cases of eMBB use cases more frequent UE tracking and related tracking area update (TAU) can be applied. For details on the new RRC state in 5G, the reader is referred to Section 13.3.

5.4.3 Access‐agnostic 5G Core Network

As already stated, one of the goals of 5G networks is the minimization of any dependencies between core and access networks. This is desired to enable access convergence among 3GPP, non‐3GPP and fixed access networks. Such a convergence requires that the core and access networks are evolved in an independent way. In other words, the CN has to be “agnostic” to the characteristics and features of the access networks. Note that in previous 3GPP releases, similar goals were pursued under the “access integration” design goal, achieving only a certain level of interworking. With the design of “access‐agnostic” CNs, it is expected that a more flexible and future‐proof solution will be achieved. To achieve this notion of access‐agnostic core, three alternatives have been identified and examined.

The first approach, illustrated in Figure 5‐11, impacts the 5G CN only. It requires the NF terminating the AN/CN interface to be able to support all access networks (i.e., 5G RAN, LTE, Wi‐Fi, etc.). In practical terms, this would require the definition of a convergence sub‐function of the AMF. The advantage of this approach is that only the CN would be affected, and potentially all legacy access networks could be integrated without any modification required on their side. This solution, however, would increase the system complexity, as multiple AN‐CN interfaces would have to be supported (e.g., N2, S1, and Y2). Despite this complexity, this approach has finally been endorsed by 3GPP SA2 for 5G phase 1 systems (please refer to Section 17.2.1 for details of the phasing approach of 3GPP) exactly because no modifications are needed by the different access networks.

A second approach would be to define a common AN/CN interface, terminated by the AMF in the 5GC. This solution is the optimum solution from system perspective, but requires all access networks to support this single interface. Thus, the design complexity is pushed to the access, and existing interfaces (e.g., S1) would have to be replaced by the new interface. Such an approach would be less practical for already deployed and operational networks.

These two approaches would both lead to a tight integration of difference access networks, as actually system E2E behaviors could be consistently handled in terms of, e.g., mobility, security, QoS, etc., regardless of the access network being used.

A third approach, leading only to loose access integration is based on the definition of a convergence NAS layer protocol. This protocol, running at the UE and CN sides, would allow devices to roam throughout different access technologies even if mobility, security and QoS are treated differently. This approach is of lower complexity compared to the previous ones. However, it cannot be supported by legacy devices, rendering its adoption in the future complicated.

Access‐agnostic core network with multiple access networks depicting lines (N2, S1, and Y2) connecting 5G RAN, LTE, and Standalone non-36PP access to a box at the right labeled Convergence sublayer.

Figure 5‐11. Connecting an access‐agnostic core network with multiple access networks.

5.4.4 Roaming Support

MNOs have established since many years network capabilities for allowing the roaming of mobile users abroad. These capabilities usually involved expensive circuits and dedicated connections for handling the traffic of those users outside of the home network. The costs associated to this infrastructure setting is usually compensated by the payments of the roaming users when accessing their services.

In June 2017, the European Union has established a new roaming regulation applicable to 28 countries across Europe [26]. With this new regulation, the users from those countries will be able to use mobile services in the rest of the other European countries without extra charges.

This new situation incentivates a new manner of providing roaming services leveraging on multi‐operator NFV deployments. The case is described here for LTE networks, since the architecture for roaming in 5G has not yet been completely defined.

The roaming traffic can be categorized as control plane traffic and user plane traffic. The control plane traffic includes the subscriber information and charging information and it typically has a small footprint on the exchanged data as opposed to user plane traffic. When the subscriber uses a specific service of his/her home operator or accesses external networks, the user plane traffic needs to be routed to the home network through the home packet gateway (P‐GW). In roaming scenarios, the S8 interface connects serving gateway (S‐GW) and P‐GW nodes from different administrative domains, thus allowing the users to roam from a visited network to a home network and vice versa.

Figure 5‐12 graphically represents the possible new architectures for roaming. In (a), the conventional connection of packet core entities enabling the roaming services between two mobile operators are shown. In (b), the possible new architecture is depicted, where the greyed P‐GW represents the instantiation by the home operator of a P‐GW network function on premises of the visited network, allowing the local breakout of services without being transported from the home network. Further details on the proposal for this architecture are described in [27].

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 5‐12. Architectural options for roaming services; (a) conventional and (b) new option.

5.4.5 Softwarized Network Control

The future 5G network will introduce a novel concept of network control by extending the software‐defined routing or switching approach to all kinds of mobile NFs from both user and control plane, with a focus on wireless control functions such as scheduling or interference control. Therefore, different controllers have to be designed that apply the split between the logic of the network function and the part that can be controlled by an agent. This is a fundamental concept developed by some European research projects [22].

The role of such extended controller architecture is to abstract technology‐specific or implementation‐specific aspects of the network ecosystem, with interfaces towards the MANO stack and to different control applications implementing, e.g., QoE or QoS control or mobility management. A possible embodiment of this controller architecture is depicted in Figure 5‐13.

Possible enhanced network controller architecture indicated by a rounded box at the center with double-headed arrows labeled A, B, C, connected to parts such as Control App 1 to 4, dedicated NFs, shared NFs, etc.

Figure 5‐13. Possible enhanced network controller architecture.

An enhanced controller at the center of the architecture should have at least three kinds of interfaces: A southbound and northbound interface to and from the applications and NFs, and a third interface to the MANO. They are detailed next.

Interface A: This interface is used to enforce the conditions defined by the control applications that must be realized for a given traffic identifier on dedicated functions and resources in order to fulfil the targeted SLA. For example, via this interface the mobility management application can convey to the enhanced controller the exact network slice configuration, i.e., with the right NF type selection and the right composition and configuration of different NFs based on the selected network slice blueprint. On the other hand, this interface can convey the information regarding the current slice performance which is reported back to the corresponding control application. However, NFs may not just be assigned to a single network slice. In this case, this interface is used to enforce the conditions defined by the application that have to be realized for a given traffic type on shared resources and functions in order to fulfill the targeted SLA with respect to the relevant service policy.

Interface B: This controls and configures parameters of the dedicated or shared PNFs and VNFs which implement the NFs on the data path. This interface is hence used to configure and control these PNFs or VNFs. In case of shared NFs, these are likely to be NFs controlling scarce resources such as spectrum. The most common category of controllable NFs control SDN‐compatible routers or forwarders, building the path(s) that connect the VNFs of a service chain. The interface is equivalent to the southbound interface of an SDN controller.

Interface C: This interface is used to convey the control application specific information derived during the translation from high‐level tenant requests and established SLAs into the network slice resource provisioning, NFs logic, and lifecycle parameters. For example, with respect to the mobility management application, this interface can convey the information about the most suitable mobility management scheme and corresponding network slice template with respect to the agreed SLA and service policies. Depending on the QoS service requirements attached to the network slice, a corresponding mapping onto latency, bandwidth, computing and storage requirements, QoS thresholds to monitor, etc. can be conveyed to the QoS/QoE application via this interface.

5.4.6 Control/User Plane Split

Due to the envisioned extensive application of the software‐defined networking concept to all the NFs in a mobile network, the control and user plane will necessarily be split by the controllers, as controllers split the functionality between the application logic (i.e., the intelligence that runs in the applications) and the agents running in the NFs. Therefore, the 5G control and user plane architecture pivots on the controllers.

Applications are a centralized control layer that comprise an ecosystem of applications controlling the underlying NFs (dedicated or shared), exploiting the advantages of the SDN approach:

  • Joint access and core optimization: The transition towards a VNF based architecture is blurring the current concepts of access and CNs. The possibility of running VNFs almost everywhere in a cloudified network enable the possibility of jointly optimizing functions that have always been in separated boxes. This fact has important implications for the network control and orchestration;
  • One common interface to all network functions: Having one reference point (i.e., the interface A) on the northbound interface of the controllers allows for diversity in both NF and application developers. The controller should offer the necessary abstraction to provide efficient centralized control;
  • Efficient resource sharing: Having one centralized reference point for NFs assigned to different slices allows for their control according to the shared resources quota they are entitled to. This is a cleaner approach compared to different peer‐to‐peer interfaces across network functions.

The centralized approach provided by applications is, however, just one of the layers of the CP/UP architecture, as for example the one proposed in [22]. Not all the functionality can be split into a logic running on top of a controller and the agent running in the underlying NFs. That is, for different reasons, some of the control functionality should be managed in a legacy distributed way:

  • Legacy PNFs: Legacy PNFs that should be integrated into a network slice may not support the enhanced controller approach described above. Therefore, their behavior should be integrated through the southbound interface of the controllers;
  • Data locality: Some control NFs build on information available locally that should be processed with very low timing constraints. In this case, the performance gains obtained by a centralized approach may not be enough for certain NFs. For example, this is the case of link adaptation or Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ);
  • Scalability: For some NFs, the overhead introduced by a fully softwarized and centralized control may be too much, especially when configured for extreme situations. As an example, a centralized Medium Access Control (MAC) scheduler that controls several base stations may hardly be implementable as an application. Therefore, some of the functionality is necessarily offloaded to distributed schedulers that can operate at wire speed.

NFs are controlled through the southbound interface B described above. Also, the network functions mentioned before differ significantly from each other. Therefore, it is near at hand that interface B will require substantially different capabilities. However, this SBI might become very feature‐rich and complex.

Some NFs exist for which possibilities to split control and execution parts have been discussed already in literature and for which suitable interfaces have been described:

  • Mobility management: Aside the mobility management schemes standardized for LTE, other schemes like Proxy Mobile IP (PMIP), VertFor, OFNC and LIME have been discussed in the literature. For some of them, the OpenFlow protocol [28] would for instance be suitable to separate the controller from the router that redirects data packets when mobile terminals move;
  • Routers in the transport network: Routers in the transport network are the “classical SDN device”. Hence, for those the OpenFlow protocol would be suitable as well.

The above examples show that the properties of the southbound interfaces can vary for different NFs. It remains to be seen to which extent the requirements of different network functions on these interfaces can be homogenized. Ideally, all network functions could be served through a single common interface. If such an interface will become too feature‐rich and complex, an alternative might be to define several interfaces for groups of network functions with similar requirements.

5.5 Internetworking, Migration and Network Evolution

The concepts, architectural trends and techniques presented in the previous sections are specific to 5G. However, one fundamental aspect of the research efforts in this field is the compatibility with the current architecture and the migration path from the current 4G architecture to the 5G one. In this section, we discuss about how the current RAN and core architectures can be migrated to the future architectures.

5.5.1 Interworking with Earlier 3GPP RATs

The integration of novel 5G air interfaces and the evolution of LTE that goes beyond the previous generation integration paradigms enables a high‐performing multi‐RAT system that is able to treat accordingly mobility between the various RATs and air interface variants (AIVs), handle UP aggregation for the various RATs and AIVs, charging, etc. For details on the definition of the notion of AIVs and further details, the reader is referred to Section 6.4.

The integration of the 5G AIVs with the previous generations requires a common interface with the 5GC for supporting E2E network slicing, new 5G services, enhanced multi‐RAT integration with common CN functions (e.g., several CN functions could be designed to be independent of the access), and new CP/UP splits in the 5GC. Such interface further facilitates dual connectivity, simplifies NAS implementations (by, e.g., avoiding a dual protocol stack at the UE), UE context management, etc.

In the RAN, the various AIVs shall have their logical inter‐node interface, Xn, for mobility purposes, multi‐connectivity (in cases of non‐collocated deployments of nodes, smarter RAN paging based schemes, interference management, traffic engineering schemes, etc.)

Furthermore, a lot of sophisticated features such as Multimedia Broadcast Multicast System (MBMS), home eNBs, self‐organizing networks (SON) enhancements, IP multimedia sub‐system voice over LTE (IMS VoLTE), improved access control, mobility enhancements, etc., have already been added to LTE since Release 8, such that the interworking of the previous generations’ RAN with the 5GC can be straightforwardly implemented.

Figure 5‐14 shows the system architecture for the interworking between 4G and 5G. The interworking architecture enables users to move between the 4G and the 5G system. Further on, the system architecture must also enable the system to serve a user with 4G and 5G simultaneously, for instance via multi‐connectivity, as covered in detail in Section 6.5. As a further option, the 4G BS or eNB can also be directly connected to the 5G CN. In such a case, the EPC can be removed.

The LTE EPC and the 5GC interact to facilitate the aforementioned interworking. In particular, the Mobility Management Entity (MME) interacts directly with the 5G control plane functions (CPFs), such as the AMF, SMF, etc., as described in Section 5.4.1. Similarly, the S‐GW should be connected with the respective user plane functions of the 5G system as shown in the figure.

Simplified architecture for interworking between 4G and 5G displaying CPU icons labeled CPF, UPF, S-GW, and MME. Lines from UPF are connected to the transmitter tower icons in 5G (left) and 4G (right).

Figure 5‐14. Simplified architecture for interworking between 4G and 5G [10].

In this context, it is worth to delve a bit more into the specific scenarios of 4G/5G co‐deployment that 3GPP is considering [28], as illustrated in Figure 5‐15. The so‐called option 3 assumes that both LTE eNBs and 5G gNBs are connected to an EPC, and that LTE eNBs serve as the anchor layer for 4G/5G multi‐connectivity. This option is mainly envisioned for very early 5G deployments, for instance in hotspots, as it maximally builds upon the existing installed base. Option 4 corresponds to the opposite case, where both eLTE eNBs and 5G gNBs are connected to a 5GC, and the 5G gNBs serve as the mobility anchor. Finally, option 7 corresponds to the case where a 5GC is employed, but the eLTE eNBs serve as the anchor. This option may be interesting for MNOs who still want to utilize existing LTE deployments as the layer that likely provides the better coverage for a long period to come, but want to do an early network upgrade to the 5GC. Beyond these main options, 3GPP further distinguishes whether the 4G/5G multi‐connectivity is based on a bearer split at the master BS (default), whether the secondary BS has an independent UP connection to the CN (options 3a, 4a and 7a), or whether the bearer split is performed by the secondary BS (options 3x and 7x), as indicated through the three columns in Figure 5‐15. The latter two bearer usage options are for instance interesting for options 3 and 7, where the default bearer split at the (e)LTE eNB likely has the disadvantage that the LTE PDCP cannot handle the large data rates that the 5G gNB is expected to provide. Note that for brevity, the bearer split details are only shown for option 3 in the figure, as the principle is the same also for options 4 and 7.

Specific 4G/5G interworking options considered by 3GPP displaying 3 columns labeled Bearer split at master BS (left), Independent bearer at secondary BS (middle), and Bearer split at secondary BS (right).

Figure 5‐15. Specific 4G/5G interworking options considered by 3GPP [29].

5.5.2 Interworking with Non‐3GPP Access Networks

The interworking of cellular networks with any other types of access networks has been of prime importance to 3GPP for over the past decade. 3GPP supports the integration of non‐3GPP access (e.g., Wi‐Fi and WiMAX) to the cellular network so as to be able to offload traffic from the cellular network. Based on the success and the penetration of these networks, the efforts to define the interworking frameworks has mainly focused on the case of Wi‐Fi, where its paramount success offers new opportunities to the operators, since it allows them to take advantage of the use of unlicensed spectrum and offload traffic. Note that based on [30], the global mobile data traffic grew by 63% in 2016. Moreover, 60% of total mobile data traffic was offloaded onto the fixed network through Wi‐Fi or femtocells in 2016. Thus, the need to offload part of the traffic is expected to play a significant role for 5G networks where the growth of mobile data volumes from smartphones will be a dramatic one. Although Wi‐Fis are not considered to be a pervasive solution, they will provide location‐specific solutions for coverage and capacity in an economically viable way. Moreover, as Wi‐Fi has penetrated several application areas from sensors to vehicles’ communication, it is beneficial to integrate this radio access technology with the 5G access network to improve not only the experienced performance but also the security in a seamless way.

Non‐3GPP access networks may be distinguished as “trusted” and “non‐trusted” depending on whether the 3GPP operator trusts or not the communication of UEs with the EPC. The interworking can be further characterized as loose or tight. In a loose integration, the non‐3GPP network performance is usually not under the operator’s control and is used to allow partnership of operators with wireless Internet service providers (WISPs). A loose integration may result in the end user experience of a loss of IP session continuity when there is a movement among 3GPP and non‐3GPP access networks. In contrast, a tight integration suggests that the operator has performance control of the non‐3GPP access, and the integration point can be a common CN infrastructure, but current efforts also suggest an integration at the radio access network level. This type of integration targets service continuity among access networks and seamless service provision [31].

As mentioned before, the interworking with non‐3GPP access networks is an old story that starts with Release 6 and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Initial scenarios were discussing different options and levels of loose or tighter integration of the two systems. An example of the former was the interworking wireless local area network (I‐WLAN) that introduced an access and a data gateway to control the routing of the packets traveling to and from a Wi‐Fi access point (AP) together with an Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) server to perform the security functions. For a tight integration, the generic access network (GAN) framework, also known as unlicensed mobile access (UMA), introduced an appropriate controller in the RAN to hide from the network the fact that the base station was essentially a Wi‐Fi. This solution required for the UEs to be UMA‐compatible (i.e., support the needed protocols), but could offer several benefits like the execution of seamless handoffs among the networks.

In Release 8, the EPC also provided solutions (i.e., mobility, security, policy control, and charging) for a loose interworking between these different access systems through the introduction of the evolved Packet Data Gateway (ePDG) and the respective interface to policy, security and charging components. Moreover, an extra component called Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) was introduced to inform end devices about the existence of Wi‐Fi APs in their vicinity and the operator’s policies that were essentially influencing the control of the connections to the access networks [32]. Note that Release 8 did not allow simultaneous connections via multiple access networks. Thus, the ANDSF policies were defined on a per‐UE basis and not on a per‐flow basis, forcing all traffic to use just a single access network. These shortcomings were addressed in Release 10 where IP Flow Mobility (IFOM) and multi‐access Packet Data Network (PDN) connectivity (MAPCON) were introduced [33]. The former solution is a UE‐centric solution that allows a UE to be connected to the same PDN over different access networks with the support of Dual Stack Mobile IP v6 (DSMIPv6). The latter allows to establish multiple PDN connections through different RATs, and ANDSF was extended to include routing policies based on the PDN identifier (for the MAPCON case) and/or the destination IP address and port numbers (for the IFOM case). Since many operators have deployed network instead of user mobility protocols, as for instance the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Tunnelling Protocol (GTP), in Release 13, 3GPP has introduced Network‐Based Internet Protocol Flow Mobility (NBIFOM) [34]. This solution is based on Proxy Mobile IP (PMIP) or GTP based mobility protocols for both trusted and non‐trusted 3GPP networks so as to transfer the desired support functionality from the UE to the network. As with IFOM, in this case individual IP flows are able to switch from one access network to another within the same PDN connection.

We need also to note that 3GPP has further investigated the potential interworking of Hotspot 2.0 with ANDSF to further improve the network discovery and selection of Wi‐Fis over secure and trusted connections [35]. This is achieved by having the UE taking advantage of broadcast information transmitted by the Wi‐Fi (e.g., numbers of users associated with an access point, load of the backhaul link, etc.).

All the aforementioned solutions improve indeed the ability of a typical 4G network to steer traffic over the most desired access network. However, it is clear that all these solutions are essentially patches to the existing architecture over well‐defined interfaces and protocols (e.g., GTP). Also, improvements in the collection of information and the dissemination of policies and routing rules can enable algorithms to assist in the most optimum access selection [36]. However, for 5G networks, the possibility of introducing SDN solutions in the CN may greatly simplify the issue of traffic steering and minimize the need for complex and multiple solutions [37]. Over the past years several research proposals have analyzed the use of SDN and NFV in the CN [38]. The target is to fully separate control from data plane and also simplify routing in the CN, which also includes offloading techniques. Such solutions could be of interest to support roaming agreements between cellular operators and WISPs.

In Releases 13 and 14, 3GPP has started targeting solutions that fall under the category of a tighter integration among cellular and non‐cellular access networks. More specifically, the following are supported in Release 14 [39] at the RAN level and operate only when the UE is in ECM‐CONNECTED mode:

  • LTE‐WLAN Aggregation (LWA): It capitalizes on the dual connectivity split‐bearer architecture introduced in Release 12, where the aggregation of data links takes place at the PDCP layer. In this solution, the secondary link is provided by the Wi‐Fi access point. The solution supports a non‐collocated LWA scenario with non‐ideal backhaul as well as a collocated scenario or ideal backhaul. The mechanisms essentially provide a tight resource aggregation where a data radio bearer can be either switched between LTE and Wi‐Fi, or be split and provided simultaneously by the two access technologies. This solution needs for the UE to be upgraded with the so‐called LTE‐WLAN Aggregation Adaptation protocol (LWAAP), whereas the Wi‐Fi access point also needs to be upgraded with the WLAN Termination (WT) logical entity and support a new interface, called Xw, that connects it with the eNB. Figure 5‐16 illustrates the LWA radio protocol architecture for the non‐collocated scenario. Note that this approach is further elaborated in Section 6.5.3;
  • RAN‐controlled LTE‐WLAN Interworking (RCLWI): Allows the eNB to send a steering command to the UE for WLAN offload. This solution still uses the CN‐based offloading, but in this scheme the eNB is able to make the decision for traffic steering between the two access technologies, thus achieving a better performance compared to the previous solutions. This is a bearer handover solution and not a data aggregation one as LWA, and does not require the UE to be upgraded with the LWAAP protocol;
  • LTE‐WLAN radio‐level integration with IPsec Tunnel (LWIP): This is based on the aggregation of resources like in LWA, but on IP level, and hence no bearer splitting is possible. The Wi‐Fi link is controlled by the eNB. The solution introduces the use of IPsec tunnelling without requiring any modifications to the WLAN network, and hence supports the use of legacy WLAN networks.

Apart from the 3GPP activities, there are some research efforts to identify the possibilities to integrate 5G with Wi‐Fi either in a tight or loose way. The interested reader may refer to Section 6.5.3, where the benefits of tight integration are shown based on simulation results, though the price is naturally a higher implementation complexity.

LWA radio protocol architecture for non‐collocated scenario, with lightning bolt icons from Wi-Fi + WLAN NF to UE LTE + Wi-Fi interfaces and to eNB+LWAAP NF. 3 Boxes for MME, S-GW, and P-GW linked by lines to Wi-Fi + WLAN NF.

Figure 5‐16. LWA radio protocol architecture for the non‐collocated scenario [9].

Moreover, [39] identifies the cellular RAN assistance parameters that are provided to the UE via RRC signaling. These may include signal strength and quality thresholds, WLAN channel utilization thresholds, WLAN backhaul data rate thresholds, and a list of WLAN identifiers and Offload Preference Indicators (OPI). The same document also describes the rules that apply when, apart from the aforementioned mechanisms, Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) rules are also available in the network. Note that CN elements like the MME may also be involved in several cases to determine the WLAN offloading permissions for the UE and the PDN connection.

The current 3GPP architectural specifications for 5G [10] also support the connectivity of the UE via non‐3GPP access networks, e.g., WLAN access. Thus, in Release 15, the 5G CN will only support untrusted non‐3GPP access networks. More specifically, it will access networks deployed outside the 5G‐RAN. These are referred to as standalone non‐3GPP accesses. Figure 5‐17 presents the 5G architecture where an interworking function (N3IWF) is introduced to support the access through untrusted non‐3GPP access networks.

Non‐roaming architecture for the 5G CN with non‐3GPP access, displaying 3 boxes labeled 5G RAN, 5G core network, and standalone non-3GPP access connected by lines. The 1st two of which are linked to a box labeled UE.

Figure 5‐17. Non‐roaming architecture for the 5G CN with non‐3GPP access [10].

N3IWF supports the establishment of IPsec tunnels with the UE and relays the information needed to authenticate the UE and authorize its access to the 5G CN. It supports the AMF selection process and relays signaling between the UE and the AMF, and also handles signaling with the SMF. Moreover, it encapsulates packets for IPSec. A UE that accesses the 5G CN over a standalone non‐3GPP access shall, after UE attachment, support NAS signaling with 5G CN control plane functions. A UE simultaneously connected to the same 5G CN of a public land mobile network (PLMN) over 3GPP access and non‐3GPP access shall be served by a single AMF if the selected N3IWF is located in the same PLMN as the 3GPP access.

Finally, for the reason of completeness, we need to briefly address the case of enhanced Licensed‐Assisted Access (eLAA). This solution essentially enables operators to use both licensed and unlicensed spectrum. More specifically, in Releases 13 and 14, the specifications allow to aggregate licensed with unlicensed spectrum to enable opportunistic access and improve throughput. Initially, LAA was used to improve only downlink transmission by employing carrier aggregation with the unlicensed spectrum. The eLAA is used also for uplink transmissions by taking advantage of unused or lightly used channels in the 5 GHz band. To achieve this, dynamic channel selection is performed over unused channels. This solution periodically checks for available channels and automatically signals LTE off if a Wi‐Fi user is detected. It requires enhancements like channel sensing, discontinuous transmission on a carrier with limited maximum transmission duration, dynamic frequency selection, etc. These enhancements are impacting channel design, estimation and reporting, HARQ, and radio resource management.

Based on the previous analysis, it is clear that 3GPP is currently supporting a number of solutions for the integration between 3GPP and non‐3GPP systems, although not all of these solutions have been widely deployed. At the same time, the decision to move forward on the specification of 5G standards in phases will not bring a complete solution in one step. The current activities have focused mainly on the latest solutions like eLWA in order to improve the performance for the operators that control Wi‐Fis under their domain. On the other hand, it will still be beneficial for the operators to support roaming agreements with WISPs. Based on a recent study [40], operators have diverse data offload strategies in unlicensed spectrum. According to the study, “more than half (55%) of respondents plan to deploy Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) and prefer the notion of operating LTE in unlicensed spectrum. Wi‐Fi offload solutions, such as LTE + Wi‐Fi Link Aggregation (LWA) and LTE Wi‐Fi Integration, (a forerunner to the LWA), were both favored by 41 percent of respondents”.

In order for 5G networks to efficiently support the integration and interoperation of non‐3GPP access networks, we foresee two main areas where further investigations are needed. The first one, mentioned already, is related to the potential simplifications in a number of schemes that may arise with the adoption of SDN principles in the core and transport networks. The second issue is related to the support of the different access networks by the CN in an access‐agnostic way, as described in Section 5.4.3. This will require to select the most efficient option of the three alternatives and design the potential extensions needed by the 5G CN modules (e.g., AMF and SMF).

5.5.3 Network Evolution

The success of Internet data based services over the last decades has provided the fundamental basis of the global reachability of content accessed by the end‐users and served by content providers, which is facilitated by the interconnection of networks. Traditional interconnection services have been merely based on a pure interchange of IP traffic, even without direct physical connection of the parties. Advertisement of IP prefixes with the usage of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) protocol allows the parties to know how to reach a remote entity. This peer and transit model enables global connectivity.

Nowadays, the wide deployment of computing facilities across operators’ networks will bring the opportunity, enabled by multi‐tenancy, of offering a subset of such infrastructure to third parties, for the deployment of network functions, or even the trading of entire resource slices.

Furthermore, the envisioned 5G ecosystem of multi‐domain services provisioned in an automated on‐demand manner, by using virtualization and slicing capabilities in order to accommodate services beyond the footprint of a single administrative domain, will require to overcome the administrative domain borders, extending ownership and footprint through partnership, achieving multi‐provider orchestration. The opening of the network to verticals will also be an incentive for that. Evolutionary services like Virtual ‐Network‐Functions‐as‐a‐Service (VNFaaS) or Slice‐as‐a‐Service (SlaaS) are the target, favored by the advent of 5G networks, with strict requirements in terms of flexibility and performance. For more details on the related change of the mobile ecosystem, the reader is referred to Section 2.6. The solutions facilitating such multi‐domain environment should permit programmability, flexibility and automation, but should also allow for agile contracting, invoking and settling of services reducing significantly the time for provision.

5G networks are envisioned as a conglomerate of federated providers of both networking and compute resources, contributing to the overall resources required to fulfill a specific service level or marketplace agreement. 5G PPP advances in [5] some ideas about multi‐operator orchestration, where there should be mechanisms in place for orchestrating resources and/or services using domain orchestrators belonging to multiple administrative domains. For doing that, information about resource capabilities and service capabilities (in the form of supported network functions) should be interchanged between operators. This clearly goes beyond that existing interchange of IP prefixes for ensuring reachability. Those resources and functions have to be flexibly traded and provisioned in a secure manner.

A new role seems to emerge in the form of a multi‐domain orchestrator. Such an entity will be in charge of handling multi‐operator information and taking orchestration decisions in such an environment. New trust models need to be considered, since the level of information required for such orchestration actions between operators will necessarily be more detailed as it is now. Also new businesses have to be developed with the intricate ecosystem of a multiplicity of provider types (infrastructure, network, transit, service, etc.) and consumers, as discussed in Section 2.6.

Key to this new ecosystem will be the grade of standardization of the resulting mechanisms, e.g., protocols and APIs. While in a single administrative domain the interactions between different elements can be to some extent tailored and customized to the need of the single provider, in a collaborative multi‐operator environment it is required to define common mechanisms totally accepted by the parties. In a multi‐domain environment, it is necessary to have a common understanding on the services and resources offered by each party. To do that, the same semantics and abstractions have to be handled by the different administrative domains in order to ensure consistency. Such abstractions at technical level imply the utilization of common information and data models for the resources to be configured and used. It is then needed to work in a standard way of interchanging the necessary information in this new multi‐provider environment, as BGP has been for the traditional IP interconnection. That target is being developed in a number of initiatives, as described in Chapter 10.

5.6 Summary and Outlook

This chapter has reviewed the current trends in the E2E architectural design for 5G networks. In order to fulfill the heterogeneous and challenging requirements that are expected by future 5G networks, the network architecture will undoubtedly change from the one currently used by 4G networks. This comes from the recent spreading of different enablers, for instance along the lines of SDN and NFV, that finally allow for the implementation of several enhanced design requirements such as network slicing and multi‐tenancy.

These new features require new elements or management techniques in the architecture that are currently being developed by both 5G research projects and standardization entities. The new elements necessarily leverage on new architectural trends, such as a C/U‐plane split, a modularization of the architecture, and the definition of the necessary interfaces. Finally, the chapter has reviewed the current efforts in migrating the current architecture to the new 5G one. After this chapter has provided the big picture on the 5G E2E architecture and related novel design paradigms, the subsequent chapters will now delve into various details of the 5G architecture.


  1. 1 NGMN, White Paper, “5G White Paper”, March 2015
  2. 2 5G PPP, White Paper, “5G empowering verticals”, Feb. 2016
  3. 3 T. Frisanco, P. Tafertshofer, P. Lurin and R. Ang, “Infrastructure Sharing for Mobile Network Operators; From a Deployment and Operations View”, International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2008), Jan. 2008
  4. 4 ETSI Group Specification, “Mobile Edge Computing (MEC); Framework and Reference Architecture”, V1.1.1, Mar. 2016
  5. 5 5G PPP Architecture Working Group, White Paper, “View on 5G Architecture”, v2.0, July 2017
  6. 6 P. Mach and Z. Becvar, “Mobile Edge Computing: A Survey on Architecture and Computation Offloading”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1628–1656, Q3 2017
  7. 7 3GPP TR 38.912, “Study on New Radio access technology (Release 14)”, V14.1.0, Aug. 2017
  8. 8 3GPP TS 38.300, “NR and NG‐RAN Overall Description, Stage‐2 (Release 15)”, V15.0.0, Jan. 2018
  9. 9 3GPP TS 36.300, “Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E‐UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network, Overall Description (Release 14)”, V15.0.0, Jan. 2018
  10. 10 3GPP TS 23.501, “System Architecture for the 5G System (Release 15)”, V15.0.0, Dec. 2017
  11. 11 K. Chatzikokolakis, P. Spapis, A. Kaloxylos and N. Alonistioti, “Toward spectrum sharing: opportunities and technical enablers”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 26–33, July 2015
  12. 12 K. Chatzikokolakis, P. Spapis, A. Kaloxylos, G. Beinas and N. Alonistioti, “Spectrum sharing: A coordination framework enabled by fuzzy logic”, International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS 2015), July 2015
  13. 13 B. Singh, K. Koufos and O. Tirkkonen, “Co‐primary inter‐operator spectrum sharing using repeated games”, IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS 2014), Nov. 2014
  14. 14 Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI), OBSAI System Spec V2.0, see http://www.obsai.com/specs/OBSAI_System_Spec_V2.0.pdf
  15. 15 A. de la Oliva et al., “An overview of the CPRI specification and its applications to C‐RAN based LTE scenarios”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 152–159, Feb. 2016
  16. 16 IEEE 1904 Task Group, P1914.3, “Standard for Radio Over Ethernet Encapsulations and Mappings”, see https://standards.ieee.org/develop/project/1914.3.html
  17. 17 Enhanced Common Public Radio Interface (eCPRI), see http://www.cpri.info/spec.html
  18. 18 5G PPP 5G‐Crosshaul project, see http://5g‐crosshaul.eu/
  19. 19 5G PPP 5G‐Xhaul project, see http://www.5g‐xhaul‐project.eu/
  20. 20 5G PPP 5G‐Crosshaul project, Deliverable D1.1, “5G‐Crosshaul Initial System Design, Use Cases and Requirements”, Nov. 2016
  21. 21 X. Costa‐Perez, A. Garcia‐Saavedra, X. Li, T. Deiss et al., “5G‐Crosshaul: An SDN/NFV Integrated Fronthaul/Backhaul Transport Network Architecture”, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 38–45, Feb. 2017
  22. 22 5G PPP 5G NORMA project, Deliverable D5.2, “Definition and specification of connectivity and QoE/QoS management mechanisms – final report”, July 2017
  23. 23 3GPP TR 23.799, “Study on Architecture for Next Generation System”, V14.0.0, Dec. 2016
  24. 24 X. An et al., “Architecture modularisation for next generation mobile networks”, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2017), June 2017
  25. 25 I. L. Da Silva, G. Mildh, M. Säily and S. Hailu, “A novel state model for 5G Radio Access Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2016) Workshops, May 2016
  26. 26 REGULATION (EU) 2015/2120 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down measures concerning open internet access and amending Directive 2002/22/EC on universal service and users’ rights relating to electronic communications networks and services and Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union.
  27. 27 J. Kim, L.M. Contreras, H. Woesner, D. Fritzsche, L. Cominardi and C.J. Bernardos, “GiLAN Roaming: Roam Like at Home in a Multi‐Provider NFV Environment”, submitted to the IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks 2017
  28. 28 OpenFlow, see http://www.openflow.org
  29. 29 3GPP TR 38.801, “Study on new radio access technology: Radio access architecture and interfaces”, V14.0.0, April 2017.
  30. 30 Cisco, White Paper, “Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2016–2021”, see https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/service‐provider/visual‐networking‐index‐vni/mobile‐white‐paper‐c11‐520862.html
  31. 31 4GAmericas, “Integration of Cellular and WiFi networks”, Sept. 2013
  32. 32 M. Olsson, S. Sultana, S. Rommer, L. Frid and C. Mulligan, “SAE and the Evolved Packet Core. Driving the Mobile Broadband Revolution”, Elsevier Academic Press, 2009
  33. 33 F. Rebecchi et al., “Data Offloading Techniques in Cellular Networks: A Survey”,. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 17, no.2, pp. 580–602, Q2 2015
  34. 34 3GPP TS 23.161, “Network Based IP flow Mobility”, March 2016
  35. 35 S. Barbounakis et al., “Context‐aware, user‐driven, network‐controlled RAT selection for 5G networks”, Elsevier Computer Networks, 2016
  36. 36 K. Rao et al., “Network selection in heterogeneous environment: A step toward always best connected and served”, International Conference in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS 2013), Oct. 2013
  37. 37 O. Comeras et. al., “An evolutionary approach for the evolved packet system”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 184–191, July 2015
  38. 38 V.G. Nguyen et al., “SDN and Virtualization‐Based LTE Mobile Network Architectures: A Comprehensive Survey”, Wireless Personal Communications Journal, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 1401–1438, Feb. 2016
  39. 39 3GPP TS 23.402, “Architecture enhancements for non‐3GPP accesses (Release 15)”, V15.2.0, Dec. 2017
  40. 40 Telecommunications Industry Association –TIA Market Report, “5G operator Survey”, Jan. 2017
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