List of Abbreviations

3G3rd Generation (cellular communications)
3GPP3rd Generation Partnership Project
4G4th Generation (cellular communications)
5G5th Generation (cellular communications)
5G AP5G Action Plan
5G IA5G Infrastructure Association
5G PPP5th Generation Public Private Partnership
5GAA5G Automotive Association
5GC5G Core Network
5GMFFifth Generation Mobile Communication Promotion Forum
5GPoAs5G Points of Attachment
5GTTI5G Trial & Testing Initiative
AASActive Antenna System
ABGAlpha Beta Gamma
ABSAlmost Blank Subframes
ABNOApplications‐Based Network Operations
ACDMAlgebraic Channel Decomposition Multiplexing
A‐CPIApplication‐Controller Plane Interface
ADBAggregated Data Bundle
ADCAnalog‐to‐Digital Converter
AEAction Enforcer
AFApplication Function
AF‐xAdaptation Function–number x
AIAir Interface
AIVAir Interface Variant
ALAggregation level
AMAcknowledged Mode
AMCAdaptive Modulation and Coding
AMFAccess and Mobility Management Function
ANAccess Network
ANDSFAccess Network Discovery and Selection Function
AN‐IAccess Network‐Inner (layer)
ANNArtificial Neural Networks
AN‐OAccess Network‐Outer (layer)
ANQPAccess Network Query Protocol
APAccess Point
APIApplication Programming Interface
APTAverage Power Tracking
ARAugmented Reality
ARIBAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses
ARPAllocation and Retention Priority
ARPUAverage Revenue Per User
ARQAutomatic Repeat reQuest
ASAccess Stratum
ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit
AS‐PCEActive Stateful Path Computation Element
ATISAlliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
AUSFAuthentication Server Functions
BBUBaseBand Unit
BCHReed Muller or Bose, Ray‐Chaudhuri and Hocquenghem codes
BCJRBahl, Cocke, Jelinek and Raviv algorithm
BF‐OFDMBlock‐Filtered OFDM
BLERBlock Error Rate
BMSBroadcast/Multi‐cast Services
BPSKBinary Phase Shift Keying
BRPBeam Resource Pool
BSBase Station
BSMBasic Safety Message
BSRBuffer State Reporting
BSSBusiness Support System
B‐TAGBackbone VLAN Tag
BVTBandwidth‐Variable Transponders
C/ICarrier‐to‐Interference (ratio)
CACarrier Aggregation
CAGRCompound Annual Growth Rate
CAMCooperative Awareness Messages
CAPEXCapital Expenditures
CCDFComplementary Cumulative Distribution Function
CCEControl Channel Entity
CCHControl Channel
CCNFCommon Control Network Functions
CCSAChina Communications Standards Association
CDCode Division
CDFCumulative Distribution Function
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CDNContent Delivery Network
CHCluster Head
CIoTCellular Internet of Things
CLICross‐Link Interference
CMOControl, Management and Orchestration
CMOSComplementary Metal‐Oxide Semiconductor
CNCore Network
CoMPCoordinated/Cooperative Multi‐Point
COSTEuropean Cooperation in Science and Technology
COTSCommercial Off‐The‐Shelf
CPControl Plane
CPECommon Phase Error
CPM‐19Conference Preparatory Meeting in 2019
CP‐OFDMCyclic Prefix OFDM
CPRICommon Public Radio Interface
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CQIChannel Quality Indicator
C‐RAN or CRANCentralized/Cloud Radio Access Network
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
C‐RNTICell Radio Network Temporary Identifier
CRSCell‐specific Reference Symbols
CSIChannel State Information
CSITChannel State Information (transmitter side)
CSMA/CACarrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
CSPCommunication Service Provider
CTCConvolutional Turbo Codes
CTOChief Technology Officer
CUCentral Unit
DACDigital‐to‐Analog Converter
DASDistributed Antenna System
DBSCANDensity‐Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
DCDual Connectivity
DCCDecentralized Congestion Control
DCIDownlink Control Information
DCNDedicated Core Network
D‐CPIData‐Controller Plane Interface
DD‐OFDMDirect Detection OFDM
DDoSDistributed Denial of Service
DECORDedicated Core
DEIDrop Eligible Indicator
DENDecentralized Environmental Notification
DFTDigital Fourier Transform
DMCDense Multipath Component
DMRSDeModulation Reference Signal
DNSDomain Name System
DoSDenial of Service
DPDDigital Pre‐Distortion
DPDKData Plane Development Kit
DRD2D Receiver
D‐RANDistributed Radio Access Network
DRBData Radio Bearer
DRXDiscontinuous Reception
DSCDecentralized Congestion Control Sensitivity Control
DSPDigital Signal Processor
DSRCDedicated Short Range Communications
DTDecision Tree
DTTDigital Terrestrial Television
DTXDiscontinuous Transmission
DUDistributed Unit
DVBDigital Video Broadcasting
DWDMDense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
EATAEuropean Automotive‐Telecom Alliance
ECEuropean Commission
ECDSAElliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
EDCAEnhanced Distributed Channel Access
eICICEnhanced Inter‐Cell Interference Coordination
eIMTAEnhanced Interference Mitigation and Traffic Adaptation
EIRPEffective Isotropic Radiated Power
eLTEenhanced Long‐Term Evolution
EMElement Management
eMBBenhanced Mobile BroadBand
eMBMSenhanced Mobile Broadband Multimedia Services
EMFElectro‐Magnetic Field
eNBenhanced Node‐B
EPCEnhanced Packet Core
ePDCCHenhanced PDCCH
EPSEvolved Packet System
ETEnvelope Tracking
ETNEdge Transport Nodes
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute
EUEuropean Union
EVMError Vector Magnitude
F1Horizontal interface in the RAN
F1‐CHorizontal interface in the RAN (control plane)
F1‐UHorizontal interface in the RAN (user plane)
FBMCFilter Bank Multi‐Carrier
FBRFront‐to‐Back Ratio
FCAPSFault Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security
FCCFederal Communications Commission
FC‐OFDMFlexibly Configured – OFDM
FDFull Duplex
FDDFrequency Division Duplexing
FDMFrequency Division Multiplexing
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access
FDVFrame‐Delay Variation
FECForward Error Correction
FeICICFurther enhanced Inter‐Cell Interference Coordination
FFTFast Fourier Transform
FIFloat Intercept
FIRFinite Impulse Response
FNFalse Negatives
FPFalse Positives
FPGAField Programmable Gate Array
FQAMFrequency Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
FSFeature Selection
Fs‐CIntra‐RAN control plane interface
FSPLFree‐Space Path Loss
Fs‐UIntra‐RAN user plane interface
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
GAGenetic Algorithm
GAAGeneral Authorized Access
GaNGallium Nitride
GANGeneric Access Network
GDB/GLDBGeoLocation DataBase
GEPONGigabit Ethernet PON
GFDMGeneralized Frequency Division Multiplexing
GLOSAGreen Light Optimal Speed Advice
GMPLSGeneralized Multi‐Protocol Label Switching
gNBGigabit (enhanced) Node‐B
GOPSGiga Operations
GPPGeneral Purpose Processing
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GSCMGeometry‐based Stochastic Channel Model
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications
GTPGPRS Tunnelling Protocol
GUIGraphical User Interface
HARQHybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest
HDHigh Definition
HPAHigh Power Amplifier
HSICHybrid Self Interference Cancellation
HSPAHigh‐Speed Packet Access
HSSHome Subscriber System
HSTDHorizontal Security and Trust Domains
HTHPHigh Tower High Power
IADInterference‐Aware Detection
IASDInterference‐Aware Successive Decoding
IATInter‐Arrival Time
IATNInter Area Transport Node
IBFDIn‐Band Full‐Duplex
ICIInter Carrier Interference
ICICInter‐Cell Interference Coordination
I‐CPIIntermediate‐Controller Plane Interface
ICTInformation and Communications Technology
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
iFFTinverse Fast Fourier Transform
IFOMIP Flow Mobility
IICIndustrial Internet Consortium
IIRInfinite Impulse Response
IMSIP Multimedia Subsystem
IMTInternational Mobile Telecommunications
IMT2020 or IMT‐2020IMT for year 2020 and beyond
INRInterference‐to‐Noise Ratio
IoTInternet of Things
IPInternet Protocol
IPrIntellectual Property
IPsecInternet Protocol Security
IPv4Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6Internet Protocol version 6
IQInphase and Quadrature Phase
IRIncremental Redundancy
IR‐HARQincremental redundancy HARQ
ISDInter‐Site Distance
ISGIndustry Standard Group (in ETSI)
ISIInter Symbol Interference
ISMIndustrial, Scientific and Medical
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ITInformation Technology
I‐TAGBackbone Service Instance Tag
ITSIntelligent Transport Systems
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union
ITU‐RITU ‐ Radiocommunication sector
JTJoint transmission
KEDKnife Edge Diffraction
KPIKey Performance Indicator
KSPKnown Symbol Padding
KTXKorea Train eXpress
LAALicense(d)‐Assisted Access
LCPLogical Channel Prioritization
LDLinear Discriminant
LDMLocal Dynamic Map
LDPCLow Density Parity Check
LIMELinda in a Mobile Environment
LIPALocal IP Access
LLCLogical link control
LNALow Noise Amplifier
LOLocal Oscillator
LoRaLong Range, low power technology
LPWALow Power Wide Area
LSALicensed Shared Access
LSELeast Squares Estimation
LSOLifecycle Service Orchestration
LTE(‐A)Long‐Term Evolution (Advanced)
LWALTE‐WLAN Aggregation
LWAAPLTE‐WLAN Aggregation Adaptation protocol
LWIPLTE/Wi‐Fi Radio Level Integration Using IPsec Tunnel
MACMedium Access Control
MANOManagement & Orchestration
MAPMaximum a Posteriori
MAPCONMulti‐Access PDN Connectivity
MBBMobile BroadBand
MBHMMap‐Based Hybrid Modeling
MBMSMultimedia Broadcast Multicast Services
MBSFNMulticast‐Broadcast Single Frequency Network
MCCMission Critical Communications
MCPMeasurement Configuration Profile
MCSModulation and Coding Scheme
MdOMulti‐domain Orchestrator
MD‐PCEMulti‐Domain Path Computation Element
MECMobile Edge Computing or Multi‐Access Edge Computing
MeNBMaster (enhanced) Node‐B
METIS (‐II)Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty‐twenty Information Society (‐II)
MIBMaster Information Block
MICMinistry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
MIITMinistry of Industry and Information Technology
MIMOMultiple‐Input Multiple‐Output
MIPSMillion Instructions Per Second
MISOMultiple Input Single Output
MLMachine Learning
MLDMaximum Likelihood Decoding
MMMobility Management
MMCMassive Machine Communications
MMEMobility Management Entity
MMIMMOMassive Multiple‐Input Massive Multiple‐Output
MMSE‐IRCMinimum Mean Squared Error – Interference Rejection Combining
mMTCMassive Machine‐Type Communications
mmW, mmWavemillimeter‐Wave
MNOMobile Network Operator
MOCNMulti‐Operator Core Network
MOPMulti‐Objective Optimization
MORANMobile Operator Radio Access Network
MPMemory Polynomial
MPMessage Passing
MPLSMulti Protocol Label Switching
MPLS‐TPMPLS Transport Profile
MP‐TCPMulti‐Path Transmission Control Protocol
M‐RRCMaster Radio Resource Control
MSIPMinistry of Science, Information and Future Planning, South Korea
MTMobile Terminated
MTAMulti‐Tenancy Application
MTCMachine‐Type Communications
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit
MVNOMobile Virtual Network Operator
MWCMobile World Congress
N2Control plane interface betw. RAN and core network in 5GNG‐C
N3User plane interface betw. RAN and core network in 5GNG‐U
NACKNegative Acknowledged
NAICSNetwork Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression
NASNon Access Stratum
NBAPNode‐B Application Part
NBINorth Bound Interface
NBIFOMNetwork‐Based Internet Protocol Flow Mobility
NB‐IoTNarrowBand Internet of Things
NCONumerically Controlled Oscillator
NEFNetwork Exposure Function
NFNetwork Function
nFAPINetwork functional Application Programming Interface
NFVNetwork Function Virtualization
NFVINetwork Function Virtualization Infrastructure
NFVONFV Orchestrator
NGNext Generation
NG‐CControl plane interface betw. RAN and core network in 5GN2
NGCONew Generation Central Office
NGFINext Generation Fronthaul Interface
NGMNNext Generation Mobile Networks
NGPoPNext Generation Point of Presence
NG‐RANNext Generation Radio Access Network
NG‐UUser plane interface betw. RAN and core network in 5G → N3
NG‐UuInterface between network and device in 5G
NHTSANational Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NICNetwork Interface Controller
NMSENormalized Mean Square Error
NNNomadic Node
NNSFNetwork Node Selection Function
NOINotice of Inquiry
NPRMNotice of Proposed Rulemaking
NPVNet Present Value
NRNew Radio
NRANational Regulatory Authority
NRFNetwork Repository Function
NSNetwork Service
NSDNetwork Service Descriptors
NS‐FAIDNon‐Surjective Finite Alphabet Iterative Decoder
NSINetwork Slice Instance
NSMFNetwork Slice Management Function
NSSFNetwork Slice Selection Function
NSTNetwork Slice Template
NYUNew York University
OAIOpen Air Interface
OAMOperations, Administration and Management/Maintenance
OBSAIOpen Base Station Architecture Initiative
OBUOn‐Board Unit
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
OFDMAOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
OFNCOpen‐Flow Network Controller
OLTOptical Line Terminal
ONFOpen Networking Foundation
ONUOptical Network Unit
OOBOut Of Band
OPEXOperational Expenditures
OPIOffload Preference Indicator
OQAMOffset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
OSOperating System
OSIOpen System Interconnection
OSMOpen Source Management and Orchestration
OSSOperations Support System
OTNOptical Transport Network
OTTOver The Top
OvSOpen vSwitch
OVSDBOpen vSwitch Database Management Protocol
PAPower Amplifier
PAEPower Added Efficiency
PALPrimary Access Licenses
PAMPulse‐Amplitude Modulation
PAPRPeak‐to‐Average Power Ratio
PBBProvider Backbone Bridging
PBCHPhysical Broadcast CHannel
PCPolar Codes
PCAPrincipal Component Analysis
PCellPrimary Cell
PCFPolicy Control Function
PCHAPersonal Connected Health Alliance
PCIPhysical Cell ID
PCMParity Check Matrices
PCPPriority Code Points
PCRPilot Contamination Regime
PCRFPolicy and Charging Rules Function
PDCAPlan, Do, Check, Adjust
PDCCHPhysical Downlink Control CHannel
PDCPPacket Data Convergence Protocol
PDNPacket Data Network
PDPPower Delay Profile
PDSCHPhysical Downlink Shared Channel
PDUProtocol Data Unit
PDVPacket Delay Variation
PERPacket Error Rate
PGIAPre‐emptive Geometrical Interference Analysis
PGWPacket Data Network Gateway
PHYPhysical layer
PLLPhase‐Locked Loop
PLMNPublic Land Mobile Network
PLOSProbability Loss
PLSPhysical Layer Security
PMIPrecoding Matrix Indicator
PMIPProxy Mobile IP
PMSEProgramme Making and Special Events
PNPolyphase Network
PNFPhysical Network Function
P‐OFDMPulse Shaped OFDM
PONPassive Optical Network
PoPPoint of Presence
PPCPolyPhase Components
PPDRPublic Protection and Disaster Relief
PPIPower Preference Indicator
PPNPolyPhase Network
PPPPublic Private Partnership
PRACHPhysical Random Access CHannel
PRBPhysical Resource Block
PRGPrecoding Resource Block Group
PSPacket Switched
PSSPrimary Synchronization Signal
PUCCHPhysical Upling Control CHannel
PUSCHPhysical Uplink Shared CHannel
PVMProbe Vehicle Message
PVNOPrivate Virtual Network Operator
PWSPublic Warning System
QAMQuadrature Amplitude Modulation
QCIQoS Class Identifier
QFIQoS Flow Identity
QoEQuality of Experience
QoSQuality of Service
QPPQuadratic Permutation Polynomial
RARandom Access
RACHRandom Access Channel
RAMRandom Access Memory
RANRadio Access Network
RATRadio Access Technology
RAURadio Aggregation Unit
RBResource Block
RCCRadio Cloud Center
RCLWIRAN Controlled LTE WLAN Interworking
REResource Element
REGResource Element Groups
REMRadio Environment Map
RFRadio Frequency
RFSICRadio Frequency Self Interference Cancelation
RITRadio Interface Technology
RITAResearch and Innovative Technologies Administration
RLCRadio Link Control
RMResource Management
RMSRoot Mean Square
RNCRadio Network Controller
RoERadio over Ethernet
RoHCRobust Header Compression
ROIReturn on Investment
RRCRadio Resource Control
RRHRemote Radio Head
RRMRadio Resource Management
RRURemote Radio Unit
RSReference Symbol
RSARoadside Alert
RSCResources Sharing Cluster
RSRPReference Signal Received Power
RSRQReference Signal Received Quality
RTARAN Tracking Area
RTTRound Trip Time
RURemote Unit
SAESociety of Automotive Engineers
SASSpectrum Access System
SBIService‐Based Interface
S‐BVTSliceable‐Bandwidth Variable Transponders
SCSingle Carrier
SCellSecondary Cell
SCFSmall Cell Forum
SC‐FDMASingle Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access
SCMSpatial Channel Model
SCMESpatial Channel Model Extension
SCNFSlice‐specific Control Network Function
SDSlice Differentiator
SDAPService Data Adaptation Protocol
SDMASpace Division Multiple Access
SDM‐CSoftware‐Defined Mobile Network Controller
SDM‐XSoftware‐Defined Mobile Network Coordinator
SDNSoftware‐Defined Networking
SDRSoftware‐Defined Radio
SD‐RANSoftware‐Defined Radio Access Network
SDTSmall Data Transmission
SDUService Data Unit
SeNBSecondary enhanced Node‐B
SFBCSpatial‐Frequency Block Codes
SFNSingle Frequency Network
SGWServing Gateway
SHFSuper High Frequency
SISelf Interference
SIBSystem Information Block
SiCSilicon Carbide
SICSelf Interference Cancelation
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SIMOSingle Input Multiple Output
SINRSignal to Interference plus Noise Ratio
SIPTOSelected IP Traffic Offloading
SIWSubstrate Integrated Waveguide
SLAService Level Agreement
SMAService Monitoring & Analytics
SMFSession Management Function
SMSSpectrum Management System
SNSequence Number
SNRSignal‐to‐Noise Ratio
S‐NSSAISingle Network Slice Selection Assistance Information
SONSelf‐Organizing Network
SPStrict Priority
SPATSignal Phase and Timing
SPMSecurity Policy Manager
SPSSemi‐Persistent Scheduling
SPTPSmall Packet Transmit Procedure
SRScheduling Request
SRMSlice Resource Manager
S‐RRCSecondary Radio Resource Control
SRSSounding Reference Signal
SSBSynchronization Signal Block
SSSSecondary Synchronization Signal
SSTSlice/Service Type
SUSingle User
SVDSingle Value Decomposition
SVMSupport Vector Machine
SWASoftware Architectures
SWCMSliding‐Window Coded Modulation
TATiming Advance
TACTransmit Access Control
TAUTracking Area Update
TBCCTail‐Biting Convolutional Codes
TBSTransport Block Size
TCTurbo Code
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TDTime Division
TDCTransmit Datarate Control
TDDTime Division Duplex
TDMATime Division Multiple Access
TETraffic Engineering
TGTask Group
TMTransverse Magnetic
TMCTraffic Management Center
TMSTransmission Mode Selection
TNTransport Node
TNegTrue Negatives
TOTiming Offset
TOSCATopology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications
TPTrue Positives
TPCTransmit Power Control
TRTechnical Report
TRCTransmit Rate Control
TRPTransmission Reception Point
TSTechnical Specification
TSDSITelecommunications Standards Development Society
TSNTime‐Sensitive Networking
TSONTime Shared Optical Network
TTATelecommunications Technology Association
TTCTelecommunication Technology Committee
TTITransmission Time Interval
UCUse Case
UCAUse Customer Address
UDMUnified Data Management
UDNUltra‐Dense Network
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UEUser Equipment
UEFAUnion of European Football Associations
UF‐OFDMUniversal Filtered OFDM
UHDUltra High Definition
UHFUltra High Frequency
UKUnited Kingdom
UMUnacknowledged Mode
UMAUnlicensed Mobile Access
UPUser Plane
UPFUser Plane Function
URLLCUltra‐Reliable Low‐Latency Communications
USUnited States (of America)
USRPUniversal Software Radio Peripheral
UTRAUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) Terrestrial Radio Access
UWUnique Word
VCOVoltage‐Controlled Oscillator
VGAVariable Gain Amplifier
VIVirtualized Infrastructure
VIMVirtual Infrastructure Manager
VLANVirtual Local Area Network
VLIWVery Long Instruction Word
VNFVirtual Network Function
VNNVehicular Nomadic Node
VoLTEVoice over LTE
VPNVirtual Private Networks
VRVirtual Reality
vRAN/VRANVirtual Radio Access Network
VSFVirtual Security Function
VSTDVertical Security and Trust Domains
WANWide Area Network
WASWireless Access System
WAVEWireless Access in Vehicular Environments
WBIWest Bound Interface
WCDMAWideband Code Division Multiple Access
WDMWavelength Division Multiplexing
WFQWeighted Fair Queueing
WIWork Item
Wi‐FiTechnology for wireless local area networking based on IEEE 802.11 standards
WIMWAN Infrastructure Manager
WIMAXWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WINNER‐IIWireless world INitiative NEw Radio phase II
WLANWireless Local Area Network
WP5DITU‐R Work Package 5D
WRCWorld Radiocommunication Conference
WRC‐15WRC in 2015
WRC‐19WRC in 2019
WRRWeighted Round Robin
WSLMWeighted Selective Mapping Technique
WSMPWAVE Short Message Protocol
WTWLAN Termination
X2Interface between base stations in LTE
XGPON10‐Gigabit‐capable passive optical network
xMBBextreme Mobile BroadBand
XnInterface between base stations in 5G
ZPZero Padding
ZP‐OFDMZero Padding OFDM
ZTZero Tail
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