Use Cases, Scenarios, and their Impact on the Mobile Network Ecosystem

Salah Eddine Elayoubi1, Michał Maternia2, Jose F. Monserrat3, Frederic Pujol4, Panagiotis Spapis5, Valerio Frascolla6 and Davide Sorbara7

1 Orange Labs, France (now CentraleSupélec, France)

2 Nokia, Poland

3 Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

4 iDATE, France

5 Huawei German Research Center, Germany

6 Intel, Germany

7 Telecom Italia, Italy

With contributions from Damiano Rapone7, and Marco Caretti7.

2.1 Introduction

This chapter delves in detail into the use cases (UCs) widely assumed to be addressed by the 5th generation (5G) wireless and mobile communications system, and the related requirements. In particular, this chapter takes into consideration and aggregates the requirements from different bodies like the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN), and the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP). The next part of the chapter is an analysis of the 5G ecosystem evolutions that are needed, and the novel value chains that can be expected for some UCs.

The chapter is structured as follows. The main service types considered for 5G are initially introduced in Section 2.2, before their detailed requirements are discussed in Section 2.3. Section 2.4 then presents key 5G UCs as considered by NGMN and different 5G PPP research projects, and Section 2.5 elaborates particularly in the UCs further discussed in specific parts of this book. Section 2.6 then delves into the likely ecosystem evolutions from a 5G mobile network perspective, with emerging value chains of mobile network operators (MNOs), before the chapter is summarized in Section 2.7.

2.2 Main Service Types Considered for 5G

After several years of research and standardization on 5G wireless and mobile communications, there is broad consensus on the fact that 5G will not just be a simple evolution of 4G networks with new spectrum bands, higher spectral efficiencies and higher peak throughput, but also target new services and business models. In this respect, the main 5G service types typically considered are:

  • Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), related to human‐centric and enhanced access to multi‐media content, services and data with improved performance and increasingly seamless user experience. This service type, which can be seen as an evolution of the services nowadays provided by 4G networks, covers UCs with very different requirements, e.g. ranging from hotspot UCs characterized by a high user density, very high traffic capacity and low user mobility, to wide area coverage cases with medium to high user mobility, but the need for seamless radio coverage practically anywhere and anytime with visibly improved user data rates compared to today;
  • Ultra‐reliable and low‐latency communications (URLLC), related to UCs with stringent requirements for capabilities such as latency, reliability and availability. Examples include the wireless control of industrial manufacturing or production processes, remote medical surgery, distribution automation in a smart grid, transportation safety, etc. It is expected that URLLC services will provide a main part of the fundament for the 4th industrial revolution (often referred to as Industry 4.0) and have a substantial impact on industries far beyond the information and communication technology (ICT) industry;
  • Massive machine‐type communications (mMTC), capturing services that are characterized by a very large number of connected devices typically transmitting a relatively low volume of non‐delay‐sensitive data. However, the key challenge is here that devices are usually required to be low‐cost, and have a very long battery lifetime. Key examples for this service type would be logistics applications (e.g., involving the tracking of tagged objects), smart metering, or for instance agricultural applications where small, low‐cost and low‐power sensors are sprinkled over large areas to measure ground humidity, fertility, etc.

It is worth noting that these three service types have been considered quite early in the METIS project [1], under the names of extreme mobile broadband (xMBB, equivalent to eMBB), ultra‐reliable machine‐type communications (uMTC, equivalent to URLLC) and mMTC. They have also been adopted by ITU‐R Working Party 5D (WP5D), who have recently issued the draft new recommendation “IMT Vision ‐ Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond” [2], where IMT stands for International Mobile Telecommunications.

It should further be stressed that many services envisioned in the 5G era cannot easily be mapped to one of the three main service types as listed above, as they combine the challenges and requirements related to multiple service types. As an example, augmented reality is expected to play a major role in the 5G era, where information is overlaid to the real environment for the purpose of education, safety, training or gaming, and which poses high requirements on both throughput and latency. Similarly, some Factory of the Future [3] related UCs foresee the wireless communication of items in a factory environment where both energy efficiency and latency play a strong role. Especially such compound use cases combining different types of requirements ultimately pose the strongest challenges towards the development of the 5G system.

It goes without saying that considering each service type, or even single UCs, separately and building a 5G network accordingly, one would likely end up with very different 5G system designs and architectures. However, only a common design that accommodates all three service types is seen as an economically and environmentally sustainable solution, as discussed in more detail in Sections 15.3 and 15.4 on energy efficiency and techno‐economic assessment, respectively. In the following, we briefly present the groups of 5G UCs typically found in literature, which have been proposed as representative and specific embodiments of the three service types or mixtures thereof, with the main aim to understand the scenarios envisaged in the 2020‐2030 time horizon and have a reference for the development of the 5G system. We first start, in the next section, by listing the detailed requirements of these main 5G UCs.

2.3 5G Service Requirements

Even if the qualitative requirements of the three main 5G service types can be roughly understood from their description, there is a need for defining them in quantitative terms. Towards this aim, the ITU‐R has considered a set of parameters to be key capabilities of IMT‐2020 [3]:

  • Peak data rate, referring to the maximum achievable data rate under ideal conditions per user or device in bits per second. The minimum 5G requirements for peak data rate are 20 Gbps in the downlink (DL) and 10 Gbps in the uplink (UL);
  • Peak spectral efficiency, defined as the maximum data rate under ideal conditions normalized by the channel bandwidth, in bps/Hz. The target set by ITU‐R is 30 bps/Hz in the DL and 15 bps/Hz in the UL. The combination of this key performance indicator (KPI) and the aforementioned peak data rate requirement results in the need for 2‐3 GHz of spectrum to meet the stated requirements;
  • User experienced data rate, referring to the achievable data rate that is available ubiquitously across the coverage area to a mobile user or device in bits per second. This KPI corresponds to the 5% point of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the user throughput, and represents a kind of minimum user experience in the coverage area. This requirement is set by ITU‐R to 100 Mbps in the DL and 50 Mbps in the UL;
  • 5th percentile user spectral efficiency, referring to the 5% point of the CDF of the user throughput normalized by the channel bandwidth in bps/Hz. The minimum requirements for this KPI depend on the test environments as follows:
    • Indoor Hotspot: 0.3 bps/Hz in the DL, 0.21 bps/Hz in the UL;
    • Dense Urban: 0.225 bps/Hz in the DL, 0.15 bps/Hz in the UL;
    • Rural: 0.12 bps/Hz in the DL, 0.045 bps/Hz in the UL.
  • Average spectral efficiency, also known as spectrum efficiency and defined as the average data throughput per unit of spectrum resource and per cell in bps/Hz/cell. Again, the minimum requirements depend on the test environments as follows:
    • Indoor Hotspot: 9 bps/Hz/cell in the DL, 6.75 bps/Hz/cell in the UL;
    • Dense Urban: 7.8 bps/Hz/cell in the DL, 5.4 bps/Hz/cell in the UL;
    • Rural: 3.3 bps/Hz/cell in the DL, 1.6 bps/Hz/cell in the UL.
  • Area traffic capacity, defined as the total traffic throughput served per geographic area in Mbps/m2. ITU‐R has defined this objective only for the indoor hotspot case, with a target of 10 Mbps/m2 for the DL;
  • User plane latency, given as the contribution of the radio network to the time from when the source sends a packet to when the destination receives it. The one‐way end‐to‐end (E2E) latency requirement is set to 4 ms for eMBB services and 1 ms for URLLC;
  • Control plane latency, reflecting the transition time from idle to active state. The objective is to make this transition in less than 20 ms;
  • Connection density, corresponding to the total number of connected and/or accessible devices per unit area. ITU‐R has specified a target of 1 000 000 devices per km2 for mMTC services;
  • Energy efficiency, on the network side referring to the quantity of information bits transmitted to or received from users, per unit of energy consumption of the RAN, and on the device side to the quantity of information bits per unit of energy consumption of the communication module, in both cases in bits/Joule. The specification given by ITU‐R in this respect is that IMT‐2020 air interfaces must have the capability to support a high sleep ratio and long sleep duration;
  • Reliability, defined as the success probability of transmitting a data packet before a given deadline. The target is to transmit Medium Access Control (MAC) packets of 32 bytes in less than 1 ms in the cell edge of the dense urban test environment with 99.999% probability;
  • Mobility, here defined as the maximum speed at which a defined quality of service (QoS) and seamless transfer between radio nodes which may belong to different layers and/or radio access technologies can be achieved. For the rural test environment, the normalized traffic channel link data rate at 500 km/h, reflecting the average user spectral efficiency, must be larger than 0.45 bps/Hz in the UL;
  • Mobility interruption time, being the time during which the device cannot exchange data packets because of handover procedures. The minimum requirement for mobility interruption time is 0 ms, essentially meaning that a make‐before‐break paradigm has to be applied, i.e., the connection to the new cell has to be set up before the old one is dropped;
  • Bandwidth, referring to the maximum aggregated system bandwidth. At least 100 MHz must be supported, but ITU‐R encourages proponents to support bandwidths of more than 1 GHz.

The set of the eight most significant capabilities expected for IMT‐2020 are shown in Figure 2‐1 (a), in comparison with those of IMT‐Advanced. Since the importance of the achieved capability values is not the same for all three service types, the comparison among the service types is additionally given in Figure 2‐1 (b).

2 Web diagrams illustrating the expected enhancements of IMT‐2020 vs. IMT‐Advanced (top) and importance of KPIs for different service types (bottom).

Figure 2‐1. Key capabilities of IMT beyond 2020 [2]. a) Expected enhancements of IMT‐2020 vs. IMT‐Advanced. b) Importance of KPIs for different service types.

As of energy efficiency, it is considered as an overall design goal for the entire 5G system. For eMBB services, the energy consumption on the infrastructure side is very important, while device battery life is critical for mMTC services. The METIS‐II project adopted the principle that the energy efficiency improvement in 5G should follow at least the capacity improvement [5], i.e., the overall energy consumption should be similar or ideally lower than that in existing networks [6] [7], despite the large traffic growth. Since the 5G system is expected to see several hundred times or even a thousand times the traffic of legacy systems, while having the same or less energy consumption, network energy efficiency consequently also has to increase by a factor of several hundred times or a thousand.

2.4 Use Cases Considered in NGMN and 5G PPP Projects

Several 5G PPP projects have proposed new scenarios for identifying the requirements of 5G. Similarly, other initiatives like NGMN, and standardization bodies like 3GPP and ITU‐R, have captured the respective requirements so as to drive the research for handling the future demands. This process has resulted in a large number of UCs with diverse requirements. The METIS‐II project has performed a detailed analysis of these in order to identify the similarities and the gaps between the already proposed UCs [4]. We present here a summary of this analysis of the challenging UCs originating from NGMN and from 5G PPP Phase 1 projects [7].

2.4.1 NGMN use Case Groups

According to NGMN [5], the business context beyond 2020 will be notably different from today, since it will have to handle the new UCs and business models driven by the customers’ and operators’ needs. According to the NGMN vision, 5G will have to support, apart from the evolution of mobile broadband, new UCs ranging from delay‐sensitive video applications to ultra‐low latency, from high speed entertainment applications in a vehicle to mobility for connected objects, and from best effort applications to reliable and ultra‐reliable applications, for instance related to health and safety.

Thus, NGNM has performed a thorough analysis for capturing all the customers’ and operators’ needs. The analysis is based on 25 UCs for 5G grouped into eight UC families, as listed in Table 2‐1 and illustrated in Figure 2‐2. The UCs and UC families serve as an input for stipulating requirements and defining the building blocks of the 5G system design.

8 Panels labeled broadband access in dense areas, broadband access everywhere, higher user mobility, lifeline communication, etc. In the panels are images of a gauge, a bullet train, a doctor, a network, etc.

Figure 2‐2. UC families considered by NGMN with representative UCs [6].

According to the NGMN 5G White Paper [5], the UC analysis is not exhaustive, though it provides a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the requirements of 5G. One can identify the key requirements and characteristics of each UC proposed by NGMN as listed in Table 2‐1.

Table 2‐1. NGMN use case analysis by their characteristics and the dominant 5G service type, with H = high, L = low, and M = medium denoting the stringency of requirements.

UC descriptionUC requirementsService type
UCUC nameNumber of devicesMobilityTraffic typeLatencyReliabilityAvailabilityeMBBURLLCmMTC
 1Pervasive videoHLContinuousLLX
 2Smart officeHNoContinuousLLX
 3Operator cloud servicesHYesContinuousMLX
 4HD video/photo sharing in stadiums or open air gatheringsHNoContinuousMHX
 550+ Mbps everywhereLHContinuousHHX
 6Ultra‐low‐cost networksLMContinuousMLX
 7High‐speed trainMHAll typesLLX
 8Remote computingLHContinuousLLX
 9Moving hotspotsLHBurstyLHX
103D connectivity, e.g. for aircraftsLHHLHX
11Smart wearablesHHPeriodicLHX
12Sensor networksHLPeriodicLHX
13Mobile video surveillanceHHContinuousLHXX
14Tactile InternetHHVarious typesLHHX
15Natural disasterHLShort messagesHHHXX
16Automated traffic control and drivingLHAll typesLHHX
17Collaborative robots: A control network for robotsLNoContinuousLHHX
18eHealth: extreme life criticalHNo/LShort messagesLHHX
19Remote object manipulation, e.g. for remote surgeryLLContinuousLHHX
203D connectivity, e.g. for dronesLHContinuousLHHX
21Public safetyLLContinuousLHHX
22News and informationHHAll typesHX
23Local broadcast‐like servicesHLAll typesHX
24Regional broadcast‐like servicesHHAll typesHX
25National broadcast‐like servicesHHAll typesHX

2.4.2 Use Case Groups from 5G PPP Phase 1 Projects

Taking into consideration the rich literature of 5G UCs and scenarios including those of NGMN described before, 5G PPP Phase 1 projects have defined a set of UCs with the aim of evaluating the technological and architectural innovations developed in the projects. Without entering into the details of each project UC, we present here a grouping of these UCs and a mapping between these and the business cases identified in vertical industries.

Even if different 5G PPP projects have defined their own UCs, an in‐depth analysis of these reveals strong similarities. This is because all 5G PPP projects agree on the three 5G service types listed in Section 2.2, and start in their UC definitions from the results of the METIS project, NGMN, ITU and other fora.

The UCs of 5G PPP Phase 1 projects can, ultimately, be classified into six families, as described in the 5G PPP White Paper on UCs and performance models [8] and detailed in Table 2‐2.

Table 2‐2. 5G PPP Phase 1 use case families.

Dense urbanIndoor and outdoor UCs, all in a dense urban environment
Broadband (50+ Mbps) everywhereUCs that focus on suburban, rural environments and high speed trains
Connected vehiclesUCs containing URLLC and/or eMBB services related to vehicles, i.e. vehicle‐to‐vehicle (V2V) and/or vehicle‐to‐anything (V2X) applications
Future smart officesUCs with very high data rates and low latency, indoor
Low‐bandwidth Internet of Things (IoT)UCs with a very large number of connected objects
Tactile Internet and automationUCs with ultra‐reliable communication and eMBB flavor

This classification into UC families allows having a general idea on the individual UCs and their requirements, e.g., a UC belonging to the family “Future smart offices” is necessarily characterized by an indoor environment and very high user rates. However, this general classification does not reveal the detailed requirements of the UC, which may differ depending on the targeted application. Some UC families may feature enhanced diversity in terms of mixed requirements as well as mixed application environments, an example being the “Dense urban” UC family, where early 5G users could experience services demanding extreme data rates, such as virtual reality and ultra‐high definition video in both indoor and outdoor environments, both requiring very high data rates but having heterogeneous latency requirements.

2.4.3 Mapping of the 5G‐PPP Use Case Families to the Vertical Use Cases

While the 5G PPP projects have been intentionally mixing services with different requirements for the purpose of challenging the 5G RAN design, the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA), i.e. the private side of the 5G PPP including industry manufacturers, telecommunications operators, service providers and SMEs, has adopted a vertical industry driven approach in its business case definition, where each business case describes a specific vertical need and its requirements, as described in the 5G PPP White Paper on vertical requirements [8]. Table 2‐3 illustrates the ambition of 5G PPP for a 5G network federating the needs of vertical industries.

Table 2‐3. Vertical industry business cases.

Vertical IndustryAssociated business casesCorresponding 5G PPP use case families
AutomotiveA1‐Automated driving
A2‐Road safety and traffic efficiency services
A3‐Digitalization of transport and logistics
A4‐Intelligent navigation
A5‐Information society on the road
A6‐Nomadic nodes
Connected vehicles
eHealthH1‐Assets and interventions management in hospitals
H2‐Robotics (remote surgery, cloud service robotics for assisted living)
HЗ‐Remote monitoring of health or wellness data
H4‐Smarter medication
Dense urban (H3, H4)
Broadband everywhere (H3, H4)
IoT (H3)
Tactile Internet (H2, H3)
EnergyE1‐Grid access
E2‐Grid backhaul
E3‐Grid backbone
Dense urban (E1)
Broadband everywhere (E3)
IoT (E1)
Tactile Internet (E2, E3)
Media & EntertainmentME1‐Ultra high fidelity media
ME2‐On‐site live event experience
ME3‐User generated content & machine generated content
ME4‐Immersive and integrated media
ME5‐Cooperative media production
ME6‐Collaborative gaming
Dense urban (ME2, ME6)
Broadband everywhere (ME1, ME3, ME4)
Future smart offices (ME5)
Factories of the futureF1‐Time‐critical process optimization inside factory to support zero‐defect manufacturing
F2‐Non time‐critical optimizations inside factory to realize increased flexibility and eco‐sustainability, and to increase operational efficiency
F3‐Remote maintenance and control optimizing the cost of operation while increasing uptime
F4‐Seamless intra‐/inter‐enterprise communication, allowing the monitoring of assets distributed in larger areas, the efficient coordination of cross value chain activities and the optimization of logistic flows
F5‐Connected goods, to facilitate the creation of new value added services
Dense urban (F2, F3, F4, F5)
Broadband everywhere (F2, F4)
IoT (F5)
Tactile Internet (F1, F3)

Having a closer look at the business cases of Table 2‐3, we can see that the 5G PPP UC families cover the requirements of most of them. Consequently, Table 2‐4 highlights the relationship between the 8 NGMN UC families, the 6 5G PPP UC families and the main 5G service types.

Table 2‐4. Relationship between the NGMN use case families, 5G PPP use case families and the three main 5G service types.

NGMN UC families5G PPP UC families5G service types
Broadband access in dense areasDense urban, Future smart officeseMBB
Broadband access everywhereBroadband (50+ Mbps) everywhere
Broadcast‐like services
Higher user mobility
Massive Internet of ThingsLow‐bandwidth IoTmMTC
Extreme real‐time communicationsTactile Internet and automationURLLC
Lifeline communications
Ultra‐reliable communicationsConnected vehicles

2.5 Typical Use Cases Considered in this Book

Although the different chapters of this book focus on different aspects of the system design and do not necessarily investigate specific UCs, there are several UCs that are mostly represented in the book, in particular when it comes to performance evaluation, as covered in detail in Chapter 15. This section gives additional context and explanations for setting certain 5G KPI requirements in these representative UCs.

2.5.1 Dense Urban Information Society

Dense urban information society is a UC referring to the connectivity requirements of humans living in dense urban areas. This environment can host each of the 5G generic service types as defined in Section 2.2: high data rates of eMBB for both indoor and outdoor users, a massive number of mMTC transmissions (despite the limited area, the 3D distribution of mMTC devices pushes the overall number of communicating machines to the extreme), and the presence of URLLC, e.g., for vehicles. Such combination of services makes this environment critical when considering potential 5G solutions.

Evaluation results for dense urban information society presented in this book, e.g. in Section 15.2, focus on challenges of eMBB communication for human‐generated and human‐consumed traffic. eMBB users are located both indoors (following a 3D distribution) and outdoors. 5G should be able to provide public cloud services with expected user throughputs of up to 300 and 50 Mbps in DL and UL, respectively. In case of transmissions used by device‐centric services, as for instance the communication between user equipments (UEs) or sensors, the required user throughput is in the range of 10 Mbps. Altogether, the 5G network is required to maintain those data rates for 95% of locations and time, for the users that on average generate a traffic volume of 500 GBytes per month. These assumptions lead to the overall traffic volume density of 750 and 125 Gbps/km2 in the busy hour for DL and UL, respectively. Finally, the network should achieve this performance while taking into account cost and energy consumption. These expenses should be at the similar level as today’s expenses for both infrastructure and broadband UE devices.

To efficiently cope with the uneven distribution of the traffic in dense urban environments, radio access sites are deployed in a heterogeneous network (HetNet) configuration. On one hand, an urban macro layer provides wide network coverage and caters for the edge users’ experience and for the users on the move. To enable high data rates and relatively wide coverage, macro stations operate at a carrier frequency of, e.g., 3.5 GHz and are deployed every, e.g., 200 m, with antennas above the rooftop level. On the other hand, a small cell base station (BS) layer boosts available capacity over specific areas. To avoid heavy interference, small cell BSs are deployed with the minimum distance of 20 m between each other. They operate at millimetre‐wave (mmWave) frequencies around 30 GHz and utilize a total system bandwidth of about 800 MHz. In contrary to macro BSs, antennas of small cells are located below the roof‐top level, e.g., on the lamp post. Both cell types are expected to exploit massive antenna arrays.

2.5.2 Smart City

The main idea behind the Smart City concept is to exploit wireless communication of mMTC and IoT devices, to improve the overall quality of urban life, as also discussed in the context of early 5G trials in Section 17.3.1. This improvement can manifest in various ways, e.g., through a more efficient usage of utilities, better health and social care, or even faster public transport. To achieve this effect, low‐cost and low energy consumption devices interact with each other or with city dwellers through applications running, e.g., directly in their own smartphones or in the cloud. As the legacy cellular systems were initially developed for broadband applications and the notion of Smart Cities only arose when the standard was already mature, 5G has the chance to provide a native support for this UC to fully address its expectations in a cost‐efficient manner.

Although there are numerous applications related to Smart City concepts, out of which some are already implemented while new ones are constantly developed, there are certain challenges related to wireless communication that are common to the majority of appliances, and which 5G should address. Coverage, often characterized by the maximum coupling loss of the radio link, is one of such challenges. It is commonly associated with rural deployments, but the extensive penetration losses related to the attenuation or radio signal while propagating through building walls for indoor devices may be a crucial factor (e.g., for the case of a gas meter located in a basement). Coverage is also directly linked with the availability of a given service in an urban area, which is expected to be at the level of at least 99.9%. Another crucial metric is the energy efficient operation of Smart City units, as these are often located in isolated locations where battery exchange or recharge is difficult. To keep the costs at a low level, at least 10 years of energy efficient radio operations on a single 5 Wh battery should be possible, assuming sporadic data exchange. Low cost is also the driver for reduced complexity, as the Smart City devices are expected to be deployed in large volumes, which is also challenging for the radio network. The latter may in extreme cases for instance need to handle up to 1 million devices per km2. Especially initial access solutions, as detailed in Section 13.2, are critical to meet aforementioned requirements.

2.5.3 Connected Cars

The connected cars UC facilitates safe and time‐efficient journey by enabling URLLC services between the cars and their surrounding, as covered in detail in Chapter 14. The most critical KPIs that quantify the performance of such communication are ultra‐high reliability and very low latency for the low payload messages exchanged for safety and efficiency reasons. Additionally, when driving in a car, bus or train, passengers are expecting the availability of remote services, despite the high mobility conditions. Such eMBB service may be used to provide entertainment or connectivity for humans on the move.

The performance assessment of the connected cars UC that is given in this book in Section 15.2 is based on an evaluation of URLLC only. As the safety of the passengers is at stake, an unpreceded level of reliability of transmissions is expected, with a specific target of 99.999%. This reliability is expected for low payload messages (up to 1600 Byte packets) that are exchanged periodically every 100 ms between connected cars.

Different environments are foreseen for testing the performance of the connected cars UC, and each one brings slightly different challenges. In a highway scenario, cars are moving at the speed of 140 km/h, using 3 lines in each direction. Network coverage is provided by rural macro BSs distributed with a distance of 1732 m between each other, and operating at a carrier frequency around 800 MHz with antennas located on high masts. The challenging factor here is the high velocity and related physical phenomena that deteriorate the error rate of the radio transmission. In an urban scenario, cars are moving at the maximum velocity of 60 km/h. However, the density of vehicles in proximity is much higher than in a freeway case. Network coverage is provided by urban macro BSs deployed with an inter‐site‐distance of 500 m, and with 10 MHz reserved for URLLC services at a carrier frequency around 2 GHz. In both highway and urban scenarios, a carrier frequency of 5.9 GHz is used for the sidelink communication between the vehicles, related to the dedicated Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) bands that are defined in detail in Section 14.2.3.

2.5.4 Industry Automation

The industry automation UC is URLLC‐related and refers to the Factories of the Future, as defined in more detail in Table 2‐3. It involves direct device‐to‐device (D2D) communications between machines as well as access point to machine communications. The focus in this book is on URLLC services within the factory, whose requirements depend on the specific UC and range in terms of latency from 1 to 10 ms, in all cases requiring very high reliability. The traffic pattern also depends on the specific industrial UC, and is typically a mix of periodic and event‐triggered traffic. The performance of specific concepts for network slicing is best done against requirements and assumptions of this UC, and hence an industry automation UC is also used as a detailed example for network slicing in Section 8.2.5.

2.5.5 Broadcast/Multicast Communications

In addition to the legacy broadcast services deployed today, e.g. TV, the fully mobile and connected society will need an efficient distribution of information from one source to many destinations [11], see also the video broadcasting scenario in Section 15.2. These services may distribute contents as done today, i.e. typically only using DL, but also provide an UL feedback channel for interactive services or acknowledgement information. Both real‐time and non‐real‐time services are possible. Furthermore, such services are well suited to accommodate the needs of vertical industries. These services are characterized by having a wide distribution, in terms of either geographical distribution and/or a large address space, i.e., many end‐users.

2.6 Envisioned Mobile Network Ecosystem Evolution

2.6.1 Current Mobile Network Ecosystem

The value chain of mobile networks is currently specialized into segments that include content‐related services and applications, network infrastructure, integration services, access devices, and a multitude of sub‐segments and niche applications. Figure 2‐3 presents the current value chain of the mobile telecommunications industry. This value chain starts with the hardware providers that manufacture network equipment (i.e., BSs, network controllers, gateways, etc.) and user devices (i.e., mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, dongles). Software providers developing software enablers (middleware and applications), occupy the second position as they allow operating infrastructure and devices. Then come the facility and equipment managers (i.e., tower companies and urban furniture managers) that own assets which are useful for network coverage and capacity extensions. Note that MNOs are also subcontracting some of the network operation and management tasks to equipment vendors or specialized companies. MNOs are then in the middle of this value chain, intermediating between infrastructure players and content and service‐related players. Among this latter group, we can cite content providers, over‐the‐top (OTT) players, especially those that provide telecommunication services (e.g., voice and video conferencing) and service providers that offer wireless services to end clients. Their services include voice calls (e.g., local, regional, national, and international), voice services like voice mail, caller ID, call waiting, call forwarding, and data services like SMS messaging, text alerts, Web browsing, e‐mailing, streaming, etc., and mobile TV services. End users occupy the last position in this value chain. Note that this denomination covers a wide spectrum of customers as will be detailed in Section 2.6.3.

Diagram with arrows labeled (left–right) hardware markers, software providers, facility & equipment managers, mobile network operators, content providers, OTT players, service providers, and end users.

Figure 2‐3. Current value chain of the mobile telecommunications industry.

2.6.2 Identification of New Players and their Roles in 5G

In its 5G White Paper [5], NGMN describes new business models expected with 5G. New business roles described in this document make reference to asset providers, connectivity providers and partner service providers. In this section, we use the previous section on the identification of the current players and NGMN's input as a basis to identify new players and roles in the 5G field, as developed in [5]. Note that 5G IA produced a White Paper for Mobile World Congress 2017 [12] which also identified new business roles with 5G, and the related analysis converges to a large extent to that of [5]. Connectivity Providers

The business models associated to connectivity providers can be differentiated between “basic” and “enriched” models and are the following:

  • Basic connectivity providers: In this model, only best effort IP connectivity is provided. This is the “dumb pipe” model for mobile operators, and we can include Wi‐Fi access providers in the same model. In the years to come, we might see new players such as satellite service providers, low‐power wide‐area (LPWA) players, loons' players, etc. Wi‐Fi first players, which use Wi‐Fi as the primary connection option and switch to a mobile network only as a “backup solution”, could play a bigger role in bundling other access networks as well (e.g., satellite, LPWA, loons). In the energy sector, an example of a basic connectivity provider is an evolution of the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) concept called a private virtual network operator (PVNO). The long‐term needs of energy grids are not fulfilled by existing mobile networks, leading the players of this sector to become MVNOs and to take full or partial control of a wireless network. The PVNO could control elements of the core network such as customer database and SIM cards. In countries like the Netherlands and France, utility companies have deployed cellular networks and were awarded spectrum for their own needs, as for instance in the 450 MHz band in the Netherlands;
  • Enhanced connectivity providers could increase operator differentiation through network quality and configurability. Public safety players, new MVNOs providing machine‐to‐machine (M2M) enriched services (for vertical sectors, security purposes, etc.) could appear in this field. The broadcasting sector could also propose a new model called “tower overlay over 5G” (TOo5G), in which the broadcast operator would use its high‐tower high‐power (HTHP) infrastructure; the latter being already in place and serving for digital terrestrial television (DTT) services. This dedicated broadcasting infrastructure would provide broadcast and multicast services (such as video streaming) with lower transmission costs than in unicast mode, but the viability of this solution will depend on the 5G design choices, for instance related to the integration of digital video broadcasting (DVB) like air interfaces in 5G, and on the development of evolved multimedia broadcast multicast services (MBMS) solutions. Asset Providers

The asset provider role covers both network sharing models and Anything‐as‐a‐Service or Everything‐as‐a‐Service (XaaS) models. With XaaS, everything can be accessed on demand via the cloud. XaaS gives a first sight at what would be the future of cloud services. Users have access to services remotely, whatever the device.

In addition to the Small‐Cells‐as‐a‐Service (SCaaS), XaaS asset provider models identified in the NGMN White Paper are Infrastructure‐as‐a‐Service (IaaS), Platform‐as‐a‐Service (PaaS) and Network‐as‐a‐Service (NaaS). They should bring completely new business models in the 5G field.

In the IaaS model, hardware (e.g., servers, routers, etc.) and software elements, maintenance and backup means are managed by a third‐party provider. These providers are able to provide dynamic scaling and policy‐based services. They charge their customers on a subscription basis and can also take into account the amount of virtual machine space used. In the IaaS model, it is expected that Internet or traditional information technology (IT) companies such as IBM, HP, Google, etc., could become important players with 5G.

As of SCaaS, other parties can also provide it, and vendors are already entering this market. Municipalities or real estate owners can also jump into the business and monetize access to small cells. For example, small cells located in street furniture can be deployed almost anywhere and very close to the user.

In the PaaS model, applications are delivered over the Internet. Hardware and software tools are hosted by the infrastructure provider which provides applications to its customers. Internet and IT companies (e.g., Salesforce, Google, Microsoft, etc.) and telecom players will play a role here.

In the NaaS business model, network services are virtually delivered over the Internet thanks to the virtualization of network functions, as detailed in Section 10.2.2. This can be done on a monthly subscription or on a pay‐per‐use basis.

Network sharing represents another dimension for asset providers with real‐time network sharing. One could for instance envision dynamic network sharing between commercial mobile networks and public safety networks. Capacity would be made available to commercial operators in absence of emergencies. Spectrum brokers could also play a role in the future and manage spectrum resources on behalf of mobile network operators in order to allow for real‐time management of the spectrum. New Players in Relation with RAN Evolution

With the expected development of cloud RAN architectures, new players such as content delivery network (CDN) providers or data center players could play a significant role, as listed in the following:

  • Data center players could also operate baseband units (BBUs) in a centralized infrastructure, i.e. data centers, in the form of a large concentration of servers and databases. A limit to their possible investment in this field is the limited number of data centers, which are today only present in large cities;
  • CDN players could provide services to mobile operators in supporting content hosting closer to the edge of the network. Today, Akamai dominates the market, followed by LimeLight and Jetstream;
  • New players could offer both BBU hosting and management and CDN capabilities, and play a role in RAN sharing agreements;
  • Relay owners could propose relays to extend coverage of a wireless network or to increase the area spectral efficiency, by means of shortening the radio path distance among end users and access nodes. The actor running and maintaining the relay could be an MNO, an end user that wants to provide enhanced performance in its specific area, or a third party like a restaurant owner interested in providing coverage enhancement based on a specific agreement with an MNO and the usage of the radio resources of the same. Partner Service Providers

Disintermediation of the value chain provides opportunities to create innovative services. With its network, the MNO provides bandwidth to customers and evolves from the former pricing model (i.e., per minute, per volume, per data rate, etc.) to a value pricing model (i.e., involving various QoS metrics, availability, prioritization, latency, etc.).

In the partner service provider model, the MNO offer can be enriched by partners or, the other way round, the partner offer could be enriched by MNOs’ capabilities and services.

  • MNO capabilities and offers enriched by partners: In this model, the mobile operator still provides the service to the end user. As an example, collaboration with OTTs enables MNOs to differentiate their offers. In the coming years, payment solutions, content or integrated streaming solutions could be added by partners. In vertical industries (e.g., related to Factories of the Future), new players could provide data analysis on top of sensing & communications provided by the 5G operator;
  • Partner offers enriched by MNOs’ capabilities and services: In the second model, third party or OTTs are using an MNO's network and have a direct relationship with customers. Products such as smart body analyzer devices or smart wearables could use health monitoring features and connectivity provided by the MNO.

2.6.3 Evolution of the MNO‐Centric Value Net

Having identified, in the previous section, the main actors and the interactions between these, the focus of this section is now on the MNOs, as they are expected to play a central role in 5G, as in previous generations. We construct the value net of these MNOs and its evolution with 5G, the aim being to identify their coopetition relations with the other actors.

The value net model has been elaborated by [13]. This model is a complementary approach to the value chain framework, but the analysis is more comprehensive, as the main players have to be integrated in four categories, namely customers, suppliers, competitors and complementors, following a vertical and horizontal dimension. Figure 2‐4 gives the current value net of MNOs.

Diagram of current value net of MNOs, depicted by a shaded box labeled mobile network operator surrounded by boxes for customers, complementors, suppliers, and competitors. All boxes are interconnected.

Figure 2‐4. Current value net of MNOs [14].

We first begin by defining customers, as this will give us a clear view about the positioning of the MNO. Two kinds of customers are identified: End users, either in the mass market (i.e., individuals), or other business customers (i.e., private companies or public administrations) are contracting with the MNO as a service provider. MVNOs, however, are customers of the MNO, as they buy the right to use its network in order to serve their customers. When the MNO sells network access rights to MVNOs, it is behaving as a network operator. Based on this analysis, we can see that customer groups can be classified into two groups: customers of the MNO as a service provider, and customers of the MNO as a network operator. We will keep this classification for the rest of our analysis of the value net.

Next, we stay in the vertical dimension and identify suppliers. As a network operator, the MNO has as suppliers infrastructure vendors and network operation & management software makers, as identified in Figure 2‐4. On the other hand, as a service provider, the MNO has as suppliers device manufacturers, as service providers usually buy devices from manufacturers and sell them at lower prices to end users.

Let us now move to the horizontal dimension and identify competitors. As a service provider, each MNO has as obvious competitors all other service providers, them being MNOs or MVNOs. OTT players, like Skype and Viber, are also seen as competitors of the MNO as a service provider, as they propose substitution services (e.g., voice, video conferences, etc.). As a network operator, the considered MNO has as competitors the other MNOs, as they offer the same services for MVNOs.

The most difficult task is to identify complementors whose presence incites customers to buy more services from the MNO. Obviously, content providers (e.g., online game developers, Google maps, TV channels, etc.) act as complementors, as people are more willing to buy mobile data access in order to benefit from their favorite contents everywhere. Device manufacturers are also complementors, as end users consider smartphones and tablets as valuable devices by themselves, and a smartphone or a tablet will be more useful with a wireless Internet connection. The device application developing industry is also a complementor, as the multitude of smartphone applications incites users to buy a smartphone and to subscribe to a mobile data connection. Note that we do not make a distinction between complementors of the MNO as service provider or as network operator, as they are generally the same in the way that they stimulate the need for network access.

Figure 2‐5 shows the evolution of the value net of MNOs with 5G, based on the 5G player identification in the previous sections. We start with the evolution of the group of customers where PVNOs join MVNOs as customers of the MNO as a network operator, and where verticals, by directly buying connectivity to their customers, become customers of the MNO as a service provider. The same verticals become complementors as, by moving towards more connectivity, they provide needs for people (i.e., individuals and professionals) for 5G services.

As for the suppliers of the MNO, the increased heterogeneity and the virtualization of networks are expected to diversify their list. The lists of equipment vendors and of network operation and management software suppliers are joined by classical IT companies like IBM, HP, etc., which provide processing servers and virtual network software, for instance based on software‐defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), as detailed in Section 10.2. Data center players may play a role in managing hostels of BBUs in this context, especially for cloud RAN architectures. Asset providers like facility managers, urban furniture managers and tower companies are expected to have a larger role in the deployment and the management of parts of the access network, reinforcing their position as suppliers of the MNO as a network operator. With the evolution of spectrum regulation and the allocation of new bands under innovative authorization schemes such as licensed shared access (LSA) and licensed‐assisted access (LAA), detailed in Section 3.2, spectrum brokers could play a role in the future and manage spectrum resources on behalf of mobile network operators in order to allow real‐time management of the spectrum. Finally, as a service provider, the MNO can make deals with CDN players for content hosting near end users at the network edge, making them suppliers with regards to its role as a service provider.

Diagram of evolution of the value net of MNOs with 5G, depicted by a shaded box labeled MNO surrounded by boxes for customers, complementors, suppliers, and competitors. All boxes are interconnected.

Figure 2‐5. Evolution of the value net of MNOs with 5G [14].

Finally, the advent of new LPWA networks and various access networks based on satellites and loons in addition to the increased integration of Wi‐Fi evolutions within the 5G network introduce a variety of new competitors to the MNO in the RAN. A possible scenario, as discussed previously, is the emergence of large Wi‐Fi players in the bundling of these various access networks. Regarding the service provider role of the MNO, PVNOs and MTC operators join MVNOs as competitors for offering services to end users.

2.7 Summary and Outlook

In this chapter, an overview of the envisioned main 5G service types eMBB, mMTC and URLLC and related requirements was presented, after which the 5G UCs from two main sources, namely NGMN and 5G PPP Phase 1 projects, were detailed. The synergies and commonalities between these UCs show a large consensus in the community on this topic. It was also shown how these UCs map to vertical needs, allowing 5G to reach a wide range of verticals, especially with mMTC and URLLC services.

The chapter then focused on highlighting the impact of the UCs on the evolution of the mobile network ecosystem, and showed how the mobile network operators' value net is expected to transform, with the introduction of new actors and the evolution of the position of existing actors.

It is clear that in order to fulfil the requirements of the identified 5G services and use cases, and to enable the discussed value net transformations, the 5G architecture has to substantially evolve from that of legacy systems, as detailed in Chapters 5‐10.


  1. 1 FP7 METIS project, Deliverable D1.5, “Updated scenarios, requirements and KPIs for 5G mobile and wireless system with recommendations for future investigations”, Apr. 2015
  2. 2 ITU‐R WP5D, Draft New Recommendation, “IMT Vision ‐ Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond”, Doc. R12‐SG05‐C‐0199 (approved by Study Group SG5), June 2015
  3. 3 International Electrotechnical Commission, White Paper, “Factory of the Future”, 2015, see www.iec.ch/whitepaper/pdf/iecWP‐futurefactory‐LR‐en.pdf
  4. 4 ITU‐R, Draft New Report, IMT‐2020.TECH PERF REQ, “Minimum requirements related to technical performance for IMT‐2020 radio interface(s)”, Feb. 2017
  5. 5 5G PPP METIS‐II project, Deliverable D1.1, “Refined scenarios and requirements, consolidated use cases, and qualitative techno‐economic feasibility assessment”, Jan. 2016
  6. 6 NGMN Alliance, "NGMN 5G White Paper", Feb. 2015
  7. 7 ITU‐R, Recommendation ITU‐R M.2083‐0, “IMT vision – framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond”, Sept. 2015
  8. 8 5G Public‐Private Partnership (5G PPP), see https://5g‐ppp.eu/
  9. 9 S. E. El Ayoubi and M. Maternia (editors), “5G PPP paper on use cases and performance models”, May 2016
  10. 10 FP7 METIS project, Deliverable D6.6, “Final report on the METIS 5G system concept and technology roadmap”, May 2015
  11. 11 J. Calabuig, J. F. Monserrat, and D. Gomez‐Barquero, “5th generation mobile networks: A new opportunity for the convergence of mobile broadband and broadcast services”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 198–205, Feb. 2015
  12. 12 S. E. El Ayoubi (editor), “5G innovations for new business opportunities”, 5G IA White Paper for Mobile World Congress 2017, Feb. 2017
  13. 13 A. Brandenburger and B. Nalebuff, “Co‐opetition”, New York, Doubleday, 1996
  14. 14 F. Pujol, S. E. El Ayoubi, J. Markendahl and L. Salahaldin, “Mobile telecommunications ecosystem evolutions with 5G”, Communications & Strategies, 109, 2016
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