calculations, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Doing the Arithmetic, Summing the Data, Creating a Series of Calculations, Making Calculations with Functions, Creating Subtotals, Summarizing the Data with a PivotTable
averaging, counting, or summing, Summing the Data
formulas, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions
functions, Making Calculations with Functions
mathematical, Doing the Arithmetic
performing series of, Creating a Series of Calculations
PivotTables and, Summarizing the Data with a PivotTable
subtotals, Creating Subtotals
Calendar folder, Calendar, Scheduling a Meeting
Calendar view, Use the Calendar View
calendars, Inserting the Date and Time, E-Mailing Your Schedule, What’s Where in Outlook?, Sharing Calendars, Sharing Calendars
iCalendars, Sharing Calendars
reviewing, What’s Where in Outlook?
selecting, Inserting the Date and Time
sending via e-mail, E-Mailing Your Schedule
sharing, Sharing Calendars
callouts, Adding Shapes, Formatting a Shape
canceling, Dialog Box Decisions, Using Only the Keyboard
dialog-box choices, Dialog Box Decisions
keyboard-shortcut selections, Using Only the Keyboard
captions, Creating a Photo Album, Managing Pictures, Videos, and Sound Files
media files, Managing Pictures, Videos, and Sound Files
photos in PowerPoint, Creating a Photo Album
capturing pictures of slides, Creating Pictures of Your Slides
caret (^), Doing the Arithmetic
cases of text, Use Keyboard Shortcuts
categories, Adding Clip Art, Composing Different Types of Documents, Reusing Content, Find Database Templates Online
clip art, Adding Clip Art
Content Library, Reusing Content
databases, Find Database Templates Online
templates, Composing Different Types of Documents
category axes in charts, The Anatomy of a Chart
cautions, Working with Old Documents, Add an Effect, Researching a Subject, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs, Copying Your Formatting, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns, Calculate the Value of Cells, Customizing a Chart, Taking Your Show on the Road, Type Your Message Subject and Text, Sending or Receiving a File, Open an Attachment, Formatting E-Mail Messages, Formatting E-Mail Messages, Specify a Meeting Date and Time Manually, Use the Contact Window, Customizing Outlook, Collecting Data Using E-Mail, Protecting a Document, Workbook, or Presentation with a Password, Sign the Document, Fixing Office
buttons on toolbars, Customizing Outlook
collecting data with e-mail, Collecting Data Using E-Mail
combining chart types, Customizing a Chart
contact e-mail addresses, Use the Contact Window
converting older files, Working with Old Documents
copying formatting, Copying Your Formatting
deleting portions of tables, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns
digital signatures, Sign the Document
e-mail attachments, Sending or Receiving a File
e-mail formatting, Type Your Message Subject and Text
errors in formulas, Calculate the Value of Cells
hyperlinks, Formatting E-Mail Messages
paragraph spacing, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs
passwording files, Protecting a Document, Workbook, or Presentation with a Password
PowerPoint 97–2003 file format, Taking Your Show on the Road
research services, Researching a Subject
restoring pictures, Add an Effect
Rich Text formatting, Formatting E-Mail Messages
running diagnostics, Fixing Office
scheduling meetings, Specify a Meeting Date and Time Manually
viruses, Open an Attachment
CDs, Inserting Multimedia, Insert a Sound, Taking Your Show on the Road
accessing in presentations, Inserting Multimedia, Insert a Sound
packaging slide shows on, Taking Your Show on the Road
cell notation, Analyzing and Presenting Data in Excel
cell ranges, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Add Your Arguments, Summarizing the Data with a PivotTable
PivotTables, Summarizing the Data with a PivotTable
selecting, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Add Your Arguments
cell references, Excel’s Eccentricities, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Troubleshooting Formulas
cells (Excel), Working in Excel, What’s Where in Excel?, Editing the Data, Excel’s Eccentricities, Excel’s Eccentricities, Formatting Cells, Moving and Copying Data, Moving and Copying Data, Delete a Column or a Row, Formatting Cell Dimensions, Formatting Cell Dimensions, Analyzing and Presenting Data in Excel, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Calculate the Value of Cells, Calculate the Value of Cells, Add Your Arguments, Troubleshooting Formulas, Sorting the Data, Summarizing the Data with a PivotTable, Automatically Highlighting Certain Data, Automatically Highlighting Certain Data, Customizing Your Editing
addresses, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions
cell notation, Analyzing and Presenting Data in Excel
cell ranges, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Add Your Arguments, Summarizing the Data with a PivotTable
cell references, Excel’s Eccentricities, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Troubleshooting Formulas
conditional formatting, Automatically Highlighting Certain Data
copying contents, Moving and Copying Data
defined, Working in Excel, Excel’s Eccentricities
deleting contents, Delete a Column or a Row
dragging and dropping, Customizing Your Editing
editing, Editing the Data
formatting, Formatting Cells
highlighting, Automatically Highlighting Certain Data
moving contents, Moving and Copying Data
naming, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions
numeric values, Calculate the Value of Cells
resizing, Formatting Cell Dimensions
selecting, What’s Where in Excel?
sorting, Sorting the Data
text alignment, Formatting Cell Dimensions
values, Calculate the Value of Cells
cells (Word tables), Creating a Table from Scratch, Formatting a Table
formatting, Formatting a Table
moving to, Creating a Table from Scratch
centered tabs, Formatting with Tabs
centered text, Setting Paragraph Alignment
certificates, digital, Understanding E-Mail Encryption, Signing a Document or Workbook with a Visible Signature
chapters in Word documents, Creating Chapters
character formatting, Formatting Text, Copying Your Formatting
character spacing, Controlling the Look: Themes, Styles, and Fonts
character styles, Controlling the Look: Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Using Any Style, Formatting a List
bulleted and numbered lists, Formatting a List
formatting text with, Controlling the Look: Themes, Styles, and Fonts
symbols for, Using Any Style
characters, So Many Ways to Do It, Inserting an Equation, Tweaking Your Text, Tweaking Your Text
kerning, Tweaking Your Text
selecting, So Many Ways to Do It
spacing between, Tweaking Your Text
symbols, Inserting an Equation (see )
charges for research services, Researching a Subject
charts, What’s Where in Excel?, Use the PivotTable, The Anatomy of a Chart, Charting Your Data, Charting Your Data, Charting Your Data, Complete the Layout, Formatting a Chart, Formatting a Chart, Format an Element, Format an Element, Customizing a Chart, Customizing a Chart, Add an Axis, Add Your Content, Animate a SmartArt Graphic, Analyzing Data with a PivotChart, Change a PivotChart Chart Type, Inserting an Excel Chart into a Document, Publication, or Presentation
adding axes, Add an Axis
animation, Animate a SmartArt Graphic
combining multiple types in one chart, Customizing a Chart
creating, Charting Your Data
customizing, Customizing a Chart
editing data in, Complete the Layout
formatting, Formatting a Chart
formatting elements, Format an Element
illustrated, What’s Where in Excel?
inserting into slides, Add Your Content
layouts, Charting Your Data
moving to separate pages, Charting Your Data
overview, The Anatomy of a Chart
pasting into other programs, Inserting an Excel Chart into a Document, Publication, or Presentation
PivotCharts, Use the PivotTable, Analyzing Data with a PivotChart
selecting elements, Format an Element
switching types, Change a PivotChart Chart Type
themes, Formatting a Chart
check boxes, Dialog Box Decisions
checking spelling, Correcting Text Automatically (see )
circular references, Troubleshooting Formulas
citations, Inserting a Citation
classifications, Adding Clip Art (see )
clearing Clipboard, Paste the Cut or Copied Text
clicking, Adding an Action to a Slide, Changing Slide-Show Settings
assigning actions for, Adding an Action to a Slide
navigating through slides by, Changing Slide-Show Settings
clip art, What’s What in Office?, Adding Clip Art, Add Your Content, Insert a Sound, What’s Where in Publisher?, Formatting an Object, Managing Pictures, Videos, and Sound Files, Managing Pictures, Videos, and Sound Files
Clip Organizer, What’s What in Office?, Insert a Sound, Managing Pictures, Videos, and Sound Files
Clip Art objects, What’s Where in Publisher?, Managing Pictures, Videos, and Sound Files
formatting, Formatting an Object
inserting, Adding Clip Art, Add Your Content
Clip Art objects, What’s Where in Publisher?, Managing Pictures, Videos, and Sound Files
Clip Organizer, What’s What in Office?, Insert a Sound, Managing Pictures, Videos, and Sound Files
Clipboard, Moving and Copying Content
clips, media, Add Your Content (see )
closing, Dialog Box Decisions, Using Menus and Toolbars
dialog boxes, Dialog Box Decisions
menus, Using Menus and Toolbars
collaboration, Office’s File Formats, Working with Old Documents, Inserting a Relational Diagram, What’s Where in Word 2007?, Marking and Reviewing Changes in a Document, Review a Review, Review a Review, Comparing Documents Side by Side, Adding and Viewing Comments, Reviewing a Presentation, Sharing Calendars, Viewing Your Group’s Schedule, Viewing Your Group’s Schedule, Double-Checking Your Publication, Access File Formats, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files, Checking the Compatibility
combining changes from different reviewers, Review a Review
comments in Excel workbooks, Adding and Viewing Comments
comments in Word documents, What’s Where in Word 2007?
comparing versions of documents, Review a Review, Comparing Documents Side by Side
converting older files, Office’s File Formats, Working with Old Documents, Inserting a Relational Diagram, Access File Formats, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files, Checking the Compatibility
creating groups for Outlook scheduling, Viewing Your Group’s Schedule
reviewing presentations, Reviewing a Presentation
reviewing publications, Double-Checking Your Publication
sharing calendars, Sharing Calendars
tracking changes, Marking and Reviewing Changes in a Document
viewing group schedules, Viewing Your Group’s Schedule
collapsing outlines, Reorganizing a Document
Collect Data Through E-Mail Messages Wizard, Collecting Data Using E-Mail
color schemes, Creating a Publication from Scratch, Customizing the Window
publications, Creating a Publication from Scratch
windows in programs, Customizing the Window
color separations, Printing Your Publication
colors, Editing a Picture, Formatting a Shape, Fine-Tune the Result, Controlling the Look: Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Controlling the Look: Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Setting the Overall Look, Adding Emphasis and Special Formatting, Formatting Cells, Changing the Overall Look, Changing the Overall Look, Organizing Your Worksheets, Displaying Relative Values, What’s Where in PowerPoint?, Inserting a Table, Formatting a Slide, Format the Background, Adding Speaker Notes, Formatting E-Mail Messages, Add Formatting to a Message, Creating a Publication from Scratch, Modifying a Picture, Formatting an Object, Viewing and Annotating a Scanned Image or a Fax, Managing and Editing Your Pictures, Customizing the Window
annotation ink, Viewing and Annotating a Scanned Image or a Fax
e-mail text, Formatting E-Mail Messages, Add Formatting to a Message
graphics, Editing a Picture, Modifying a Picture, Managing and Editing Your Pictures
modifying themes, Changing the Overall Look
in publications, Creating a Publication from Scratch, Formatting an Object
shading in Excel tables, Inserting a Table
shapes, Formatting a Shape
slide backgrounds, Format the Background
slide schemes, What’s Where in PowerPoint?
slide text, Formatting a Slide
speaker-note schemes, Adding Speaker Notes
text in Excel cells, Formatting Cells, Changing the Overall Look, Displaying Relative Values
text in Word, Controlling the Look: Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Adding Emphasis and Special Formatting
themes, Controlling the Look: Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Setting the Overall Look
windows in programs, Customizing the Window
WordArt, Fine-Tune the Result
worksheet tabs, Organizing Your Worksheets
column breaks (Word text), Flowing Text into Columns
column guides (Publisher), Arranging Objects on the Page
Columnar forms, Step through the Form Wizard
columns (Excel), What’s Where in Excel?, Excel’s Eccentricities, Adding and Deleting Columns and Rows, Hiding Columns and Rows, Formatting Cell Dimensions, Creating a Table, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions, Sorting the Data, Filtering the Data, Filtering the Data, Separating Data into Columns, Creating Subtotals, Use the PivotTable, Reviewing the Data, Reviewing the Data
adding or deleting, Adding and Deleting Columns and Rows
cell references and, Cell References, Formulas, and Functions
defined, Excel’s Eccentricities
filtering, Filtering the Data
freezing, Reviewing the Data
headings, What’s Where in Excel?, Reviewing the Data
height, Formatting Cell Dimensions
hiding or displaying, Hiding Columns and Rows
PivotTables, Use the PivotTable
separating data into, Separating Data into Columns
sorting, Sorting the Data
subtotals, Creating Subtotals
switching rows and columns, Filtering the Data
tables, Creating a Table
columns (PowerPoint slides), Formatting a Slide
columns (Word tables), Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns, Formatting a Table, Sorting Your Information
deleting, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns
formatting, Formatting a Table
sorting content, Sorting Your Information
columns (Word text), Flowing Text into Columns
combining, Review a Review, Customizing a Chart
changes from different reviewers, Review a Review
chart types in one chart, Customizing a Chart
comma-separated data, Separating Data into Columns
command tabs, Working in Office, Using the Ribbon, Using Only the Keyboard, What’s Where in Excel?
commands, Working in Office, Using the Ribbon, Using Menus and Toolbars, Using Only the Keyboard, Using Only the Keyboard, What’s Where in Excel?, Control the Customization
keyboard shortcuts, Using Only the Keyboard
on menus, Using Menus and Toolbars
on Quick Access toolbar, Control the Customization
on Ribbon, Working in Office, Using the Ribbon, Using Only the Keyboard, What’s Where in Excel?
comments, Marking and Reviewing Changes in a Document (see )
commercial printers, Create a Document in Publisher
company logos on slides, Formatting a Slide
comparing documents, Review a Review, Comparing Documents Side by Side
Compatibility Checker, Checking the Compatibility
Compatibility mode, Working with Old Documents, Access File Formats, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files
Compatibility Pack, Working with Old Documents
completed tasks, Open the Task Item Window, Assigning Tasks
composite printouts, Printing Your Publication
CompuServe 2000, Setting Up E-Mail Accounts
computers in meeting rooms, Scheduling a Meeting
condensing characters, Tweaking Your Text
conditional expressions in mail merge, Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain, Creating a Form Letter
conditional formatting in Excel, Displaying Relative Values, Automatically Highlighting Certain Data, Customizing Conditional Formatting
conference and meeting rooms, Calendar, Scheduling a Meeting
Connect Text Boxes toolbar, What’s Where in Publisher?
Connect To A Network Projector Wizard, The Perils of Presentation
connecting, The Perils of Presentation, Flowing Text Among Text Boxes
monitors, The Perils of Presentation
text boxes, Flowing Text Among Text Boxes
consistency in formatting, Setting Paragraph Alignment
contacts, Sending E-Mail, Viewing Your Group’s Schedule, Managing Your Contacts, Creating and E-Mailing Contact Business Cards, Using Your Contacts List in a Mail Merge
adding to groups, Viewing Your Group’s Schedule
business cards, Creating and E-Mailing Contact Business Cards
creating, Managing Your Contacts
e-mail address books, Sending E-Mail
mail merging data from, Using Your Contacts List in a Mail Merge
Contacts folder, Calendar, Managing Your Contacts
content controls, Inserting an Equation, Insert a Citation
Content Library, What’s New in Office 2007?, Reusing Content
contextual spelling errors, Correct the Grammar
continuing text on later pages, Manually Flow the Text
continuously cycling slide shows, Customizing the Presentation
contrast in pictures, Editing a Picture, Creating a Photo Album, Modifying a Picture, Managing and Editing Your Pictures
Convert Text To Columns Wizard, Separating Data into Columns
converting, Office’s File Formats, Working with Old Documents, Inserting a Relational Diagram, Inserting a Relational Diagram, Creating a Table from Text, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes, Creating a Table, Use the Table, Separating Data into Columns, Converting Text into a SmartArt Graphic, Converting Text into WordArt, Creating a Show for Distribution, Access File Formats, Converting a Scanned Document into Text, Scanning a Document, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files, Checking the Compatibility
cells into Excel tables, Creating a Table
footnotes and endnotes, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes
older files, Office’s File Formats, Working with Old Documents, Inserting a Relational Diagram, Access File Formats, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files, Checking the Compatibility
presentations to older file formats, Creating a Show for Distribution
scanned documents into text, Converting a Scanned Document into Text
SmartArt into pictures, Inserting a Relational Diagram
tables into normal Excel cells, Use the Table
text documents into scanned images, Scanning a Document
text into Excel columns, Separating Data into Columns
text into SmartArt, Converting Text into a SmartArt Graphic
text into Word tables, Creating a Table from Text
text into WordArt, Converting Text into WordArt
copying, Use Keyboard Shortcuts, Moving and Copying Content, Paste the Cut or Copied Text, Text-Selection Methods, Copying Your Formatting, Moving and Copying Data, Copy Content to Adjacent Cells, Copy Content to Adjacent Cells, Copy Content to Adjacent Cells, Copy Content to Adjacent Cells, Creating a Series of Calculations, Including a Slide from Another Presentation, Move Messages Between Folders, Tacking Up Notes, Reusing Content, Adding Data to a Table, Importing Data, Importing Data, Inserting Excel Data into a Document, Publication, or Presentation, Inserting an Excel Chart into a Document, Publication, or Presentation, Analyzing a Word Table in Excel, Preparing PowerPoint Handouts in Word, Using Word to Prepare Publisher Text, Customizing Your Editing
Access data, Adding Data to a Table
Access database tables, Importing Data
calculations, Creating a Series of Calculations
to Clipboard, Moving and Copying Content
comments, Copy Content to Adjacent Cells
Content Library items, Reusing Content
data into databases, Importing Data
e-mail messages, Move Messages Between Folders
Excel cell contents, Copy Content to Adjacent Cells
Excel charts, Inserting an Excel Chart into a Document, Publication, or Presentation
Excel data, Moving and Copying Data, Inserting Excel Data into a Document, Publication, or Presentation
Excel formulas, Copy Content to Adjacent Cells
Excel values, Copy Content to Adjacent Cells
keyboard shortcuts, Use Keyboard Shortcuts
multiple items, Paste the Cut or Copied Text
notes, Tacking Up Notes
slides, Including a Slide from Another Presentation, Preparing PowerPoint Handouts in Word
with Smart Cut And Paste feature, Customizing Your Editing
Word tables, Analyzing a Word Table in Excel
Word text, Text-Selection Methods, Using Word to Prepare Publisher Text
Word text formatting, Copying Your Formatting
correcting spelling and grammar, Correcting Your Spelling and Grammar (see , )
costs for research services, Researching a Subject
cover pages, Inserting a Cover Page
crashing programs, Fixing Office
criteria, Filtering the Data, Automatically Highlighting Certain Data
in conditional formatting, Automatically Highlighting Certain Data
filtering Excel data with, Filtering the Data
cropping graphics, Changing the Size of a Picture, Modifying a Picture
currency, Inserting Special Characters, Formatting Numbers
formatting in Excel, Formatting Numbers
symbols, Inserting Special Characters
customizing, Set the Ribbon Display, Composing Different Types of Documents, Inserting a Cover Page, Creating a Series, Customizing a Chart, Animating Items on a Slide, Modifying the Default Layout, Customizing the Presentation, Creating Different Versions of a Slide Show, Changing Slide-Show Settings, Signing Your E-Mail, Customizing Outlook, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing Your Editing, Changing Your User Information, Customizing the Spelling and Grammar Checkers, Customizing Your Spelling Dictionaries, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files
dictionaries, Customizing Your Spelling Dictionaries
e-mail signatures, Signing Your E-Mail
editing options, Customizing Your Editing
Excel charts, Customizing a Chart
Excel data series, Creating a Series
Outlook toolbars, Customizing Outlook
paths to saved files, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files
PowerPoint animation effects, Animating Items on a Slide
PowerPoint presentations, Customizing the Presentation, Creating Different Versions of a Slide Show, Changing Slide-Show Settings
PowerPoint slide layout, Modifying the Default Layout
Quick Access toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
Ribbon display, Set the Ribbon Display
spelling and grammar options, Customizing the Spelling and Grammar Checkers
user information, Changing Your User Information
Word cover pages, Inserting a Cover Page
Word templates, Composing Different Types of Documents
cutting, Moving and Copying Content, Moving and Copying Data, Customizing Your Editing
Clipboard options, Moving and Copying Content
Excel data, Moving and Copying Data
with Smart Cut And Paste feature, Customizing Your Editing
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