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Type-Specifi c Resources
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
Page: 387
Meggs, Philip B. and
Rob Carter. Typographic
Specimens: The
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Wiley & Sons, 2006.
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Nouveau and Early Art
Deco Type and Design:
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Meynell, Francis.
The Typography
of Newspaper
Advertisements. New
York: Frederick A.
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Middendorp, Jan and
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Batty Publisher, 2007.
Morgan, Margaret. The
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Educational Series, 2006.
Morison, Stanley and
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Parker. Boston, MA:
David R. Godine, 1999.
Neuenschwander, Brody,
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Noordzij, Gerrit.
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Noordzij, Gerrit. The
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Paterson, Donald Gild-
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Typefi nder: The
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Rafaeli, Ari. Book
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Typography, Referenced
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Page: 388
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Rosentswieg, Gerry.
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Type-Specifi c Resources
Job:03171 Title:Typography Referenced (Rockport)
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