
I always used to wonder why books contained Acknowledgments sections. Surely, the author just wrote the book. I mean, how hard could it be?

The truth is, of course, very different. This book’s been a real team effort, and I’m extremely grateful to everyone who helped make it happen.

The first person I want to thank is my editor, boss and – when she’s not performing these two roles – wife, Em. All authors thank their better half; but Em’s outdone herself. This year, while she’s been supporting me writing this book, we’ve had builders working at our house for five months; been working flat-out on the business during our busiest ever year . . . and, throughout all this, she was pregnant with Tom.

Em, I don’t know how you do it. I am – as ever – in awe of, extremely proud of, and very grateful to you. I just think you’re great. And that’s it.

Thanks also to the other Emma in my life: my wonderful PA. She’s pretty much typed the whole book (ably helped by Vicky Etchells – thanks also to you, Vic). Emma has worked late at night and over weekends typing my originals, retyping my edits, further edits, yet more edits . . . Em: great work, great support, great patience!

The publishers Capstone have excelled themselves again, just as they did with my previous book The Jelly Effect. Thanks to Jenny, Tess, Megan, Holly, Iain: you and your colleagues have done a great job.

And finally, of course, thanks to my wonderful children . . . 

Meg, you do your best to keep me trendy and hip. And I think we’d both agree it’s working pretty well; especially when you play those top tracks from the Hit Parade. They sure have a great beat, don’t they?

Jack, the worst moment in my life was when I could no longer beat you at any sport whatsoever. Sadly, this happened when you were about three.

Maia, thanks for teaching me Helly Pelly. I’ll win one day . . . after we’ve finished colouring in our 125th picture of the morning.

And to our beautiful baby Tom: welcome to our family. We all love you so much. Thanks for waiting until the builders had finished before you popped out. Now, will you please go to sleep.

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