When you want to cause long-term change, not a short-term blip

People fund long-term assets (like a car) with long-term finance (a loan); and short-term assets (iPod) with short-term finance (credit card).

After all, I have yet to see someone pay for a shirt by taking out a mortgage.

Similarly if you want to persuade people to change the way they think, feel and act forever, you’re going to have to tell them many times, over a long period of time.

We all know repetition works. It’s why we’re so good at remembering to clean our teeth and wash behind our ears: because, as children, we were reminded every day for years until it became second nature.

Given this, it’s strange how people often think that one communication, given once, is going to cause long-term change:

  • One-off roadshows that explain the company’s new vision (this doesn’t cause employees to change their mindset and priorities forever).
  • Cascades with minimal follow-up (this causes messages to become diluted/lost).
  • One-day workshops (these often change behaviours for a short period, before people revert back).
  • Sending one email called “FYI” (this causes . . . well, nothing).

These one-offs will never be enough. So, what should be done instead?

Well, learn from good examples of repetition that you see around you. For example:

When it became illegal in the UK to smoke in public places, there were adverts, media campaigns, notices everywhere – pubs, clubs, hotels, public buildings.

This meant everyone heard the message many, many times. They knew it was 100% definitely happening, and wasn’t a “flavor of the month” they could ignore.

And then, immediately after the ban started, there were a few tabloid articles about people saying “I’m not changing. I’ve smoked for forty years” and the like. But, the campaign kept going. In the end, the die-hards changed. And this new law has been a huge success. It’s “the way things are” now.

I guess there’s a lot your company could learn from this example? Like, the unrelenting follow-up, the choice of the right media (more on this in the next chapter), and staying on course until the stragglers catch up.

Simple Ways to Reinforce Key Messages

To cause long-term change, you’ll need long-term communications. For instance:

1. Pre-communication questions, to find your people’s key objectives and concerns.
2. Pre-communication tasters, to whet people’s appetite for the change.
3. Your main communications, tailored to address the objectives and concerns you uncovered earlier.
4. Relentless, disciplined, focused follow-up communications, such as:
Delivering weekly updates.
Sharing success stories.
Institutionalizing a coaching program.
Publicizing early wins.
Hosting regular meetings, for all relevant groups.
Seeking feedback, both formal and informal.
Stimulating water-cooler conversations.
Selecting and training-up mentors.
Delegating important follow-up roles to your best people.

Reinforce Messages the Right Number of Times

Follow-up is clearly important. But how much should you do? How many times should you tell them?

Well, like a bald man who’s washing his face – believe me, I worry a lot about this – there’s no right time to stop. But you can be sure of one thing: you will definitely have to communicate it more than once.

And, of course, people will need constant reminders and reassurance from you. If they don’t get it right first time, encourage them. Ask how you can help them change. After all, I’ve yet to see a parent say to their toddler who stumbles when taking their first step: “Listen son, you’re clearly not a walker”. So:

1. For communications you’ve recently delivered but didn’t follow-up: follow them up! Ask people how they’re progressing, offer help, share successes, and build momentum.
2. For all your future communications, prepare both the communication and follow-up beforehand, not just the communication. And then keep following-up until things stick.

You would never buy a house with a credit card.

And you’ll never cause long-term change with one communication.


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