Conclusion: Build your momentum

To Keep Your Snowball Rolling, Just Turn Right

We recently had a new shower installed at home. It’s pretty similar to the old one, but the controls are now on the wall, not by the bath faucets. This means that, when I get into the bath, I have to turn right to switch the shower on, not left.

But for some reason, I just cannot remember to do this. I’m so in the habit of turn­ing left that, every morning, I turn left. I immediately realize (yet again) the controls aren’t there, then turn right.

I’m not sure why I keep forgetting. Maybe my brain’s not woken up yet; maybe my poor eyesight means I don’t see the controls, I don’t know.

But I do know I’ll crack it one day, because there are only so many times I can keep doing what I’ve always done (and keep getting instant feedback that it’s now pointless) before my brain recalibrates.

And that’s the potential challenge with this book . . . 

You see, I’ve written it so it’s as easy as possible for you to apply instantly. If you like, you “only” have to turn right to switch your shower on. The problem is, of course, that your brain is hardwired to turn left. You’ve been doing it for years.

As Andres Ericsson of Florida State University found from studying violinists and pianists, it takes 10,000 hours of purposeful practice to become an expert at something. And, you’ve already spent longer than this communicating in the way you do now. So, you’re an expert at that approach, even if it’s not the best way to do it.

Therefore, even if you’re quicker on the uptake than me and turn right immediately (and I truly hope you are!), will you still be doing so next week? Next month? Next year?

One of the advantages I have with my shower is that it’s impossible for me to keep doing the same thing. After all, there are no shower controls when I turn left. I have to change direction. But it isn’t like that for you:

  • Your next email could be good or bad.
  • Your next presentation could be interesting and drive action, or a boring information swap.
  • Your next Update Meeting could be a 10-minute “next steps” pit-stop or an hour-long series of tedious monologues.

So, here’s my final advice to you: help yourself embed the techniques you’ve liked best. To help you, use an “external force” – don’t just rely on your brain to remember – like:

  • Subscribe to my weekly tips to reinforce this book’s key messages – at
  • Create regular reminders – in your diary, a new screensaver, a note by your desk, a new autosignature that says “What are the next steps?”, and so on.
  • Seek peer support – tell your colleagues/boss what you’re looking to change and ask them to tell you when you forget.
  • Hire a coach.
  • Tell your manager you want to discuss improving your communication in your formal development targets.
  • Use the templates in the Appendix.

Anything that helps you remember when it matters.

One final thought: people sometimes tell me they feel intimidated by the size of the task. They say things like “but this might take six months to change”.

But, as I say to them:

  • You’re not saving time by not doing it. In six months’ time, you’re going to be six months older anyway. All that will happen by not doing it is that you’ll become even more of an expert at your current style – the one you want to change. So, become better, not just older.
  • Just choose 1–2 techniques and start with them. When they feel comfortable, move onto the next.

I cannot believe I keep forgetting to turn right with my shower. Just as you won’t believe how you forget some of this book’s techniques that you thought you’d always use.

But, imagine if you could embed them, such that every communication from now on was more impressive. Think of the time you’d save; all those “yeses” you’d get; the more fun you’d have; the less negatives you’d experience.

I’ve seen these techniques change the way thousands of people communicate, and the amazing benefits it’s brought them.

Embedding them will help you build such a Momentum Snowball that you’ll become unstoppable.

I know you can do this, and I wish you every success as you do.

Andy Bounds, January 2013

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