
accountants, roles of: banking 137;  bookkeeping (and administrating) 1356;  business partner 13940;  changes in 1402;  consulting 13940;  controlling 1379;  overview of 1357

accounting, professional guidance in 1801, 181

accounting information systems (AIS): accounting 45;  AIS 2.0 1920;  commercial environment 3;  commercial revolution 15;  composition 7;  control-based decisions 3;  critical analysis 89;  decision-making 7;  definition of accounting 4, 1314;  discipline of accounting 13;  double-entry bookkeeping 3;  economic history 201;  elements 7;  ERP systems 89;  financial and management 3;  financial and non-financial data 7;  in the Information Age 1617;  information systems 57;  integration phase 1819;  internal and external requirements 14;  internet and e-commerce 8;  inventories and transactions track 1516;  legal perspective 4;  list making process 15;  management decision-making and control 78;  people, processes and technology 40, 41;  reputation 13;  role of accounting/accountants 10;  scandal and legislation 19;  scientific approach/management 14;  systems approach 14;  systems planning, design and implementation 40;  technologies underpinning 245;  technology-based system 7;  technology development 14;  unique identity 8;  value-adding roles 8

Accounting Procedure Documentation (APD): accountant user manual 76;  evolutionary adaption 734;  loss and manipulation/falsification 73;  paper-based input information 74;  procedural documentations 748;  requirements and boundary conditions 73;  technical process documentation 73

accounting-related technologies: cloud computing 134;  overview of 1345;  proponents 135;  robotisation 135;  stand-alone systems 1345

activity-based costing (ABC) 18

Adaptive Structuration Theory 262

Adler, R. W. 175

agile development model: advantages 52;  disadvantages 52;  extreme programming (XP) 51;  incremental model 51;  rapid development cycles 51

AIS 2.0: business intelligence (BI) 19;  cloud computing vs. Internet 20;  e-business layers 20;  ERP systems 19;  information sharing vs. social web 20;  IT systems 19;  landscape 19;  scandals 19;  technological advancement 19

Alkaraan, F. 175, 178

Alles, M. 210

Alles, M. G. 295

Alter, Steven 60

Anandarajan, A. 14

Andrikopoulos, V. 279

Anthony, Robert 57

application layers: components 42;  crosscutting services 423;  key layers 42;  logical view 412;  overview of 41, 42

applications software: analysis, design and testing phases 36;  commissioning business 36;  compatibility issues 36;  fulfill specific user functions 35;  functions 35;  in-house resources 356

architecture of network: campus area networks 29;  client-server model (C-S) 26, 27;  local area network 27, 278;  metropolitan area networks 29;  technological layout and configuration 26;  wide area network 28, 289

Artificial Intelligence (AI): cognitive functions 113;  cutting-edge technologies 108;  deep learning 11516;  internal decision-making 113;  learning and problem solving 113;  machine learning 11315;  Watson (cognitive) 1534

Association of Certified Accountants (ACCA) 296

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) 10

Atrill, P. 6

Aubert, Benoit 120

auditing approach: business systems 205;  computer-assisted auditing techniques 2067;  electronic data interchange (EDI) 205;  real-time approach see continuous auditing (CA);  real-time enterprise systems 206;  traditional auditor concerns 206

balanced scorecard (BSC) 18

Ballantine, Joan 292

Ballou, D. P. 194

Bannister, F. 277

Bell, T. B. 113

Bernard, Jean-Grégoire 120

Best, P. J. 215

best-of-bread (BoB) systems 623

Bhimani, A. 140

big bang model 501

big data: academic articles and professional reports 294;  audit environment 21213;  auditing and managerial accounting 296;  auditing function 295;  bimodal thinking 284;  Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) 285;  cognitive systems 145;  comprehensive expansion 161;  contributions 1578;  conventional datasets 282;  correlations 21213;  data-driven analysis 284;  data knowledge 1467;  data-processing infrastructure 284;  data protection and compliance 284;  digitalization 161;  ERP systems 1612;  extensions 1578;  finance department 1567;  Gartner assessment 157;  IBM’s Watson 1478;  implications 2946;  information technologies (IT) 2934;  Internet-based systems and devices 284;  Internet of Things 284;  knowledge management 147 (see knowledge management);  management accountants 2956;  management-accounting purposes 161;  mobile network 285;  numeric data 1546;  opportunities and challenges 162, 164;  overview of 146;  potential impact 295;  revolutionary 295;  small clean databases 295;  terminology 1624;  traditional transaction systems 212;  transformation 213;  volume, velocity, variety, veracity and value 146, 1623;  Watson (cognitive) 14854

Blanton, J. E. 275

Bodnar, G. H. 6

Boritz, J. E. 110, 194

Boyns, T. 13

Bracher, S. 112

Bradner, Jay 268

Brady, Malcolm 235

Bredmar, Krister 55

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 252, 285

Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) 285

Brown, D. 10, 164

Brown-Liburd, H. 295

Brynjolfsson, E. 162

Bumgarner, N. 207

Burchell, S. 84, 85, 85, 90, 91

Burns, J. 164

Busco, C. 183

Business Intelligence (BI): AIS 2.0 19;  information technologies (IT) 293;  system representation 251

business processes 413, 49, 60, 63

Business Processes Management (BPM): contextual factors 70, 70;  contextual view 70;  management approach 70

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) 292

bus topology 29, 2930

Callahan, C. 174

campus area networks (CANs) 29

capital investment decisions (CIDs): assumptions 175, 176;  bad design practices 175;  business case papers 174;  capturing non-financial factors 1757, 177;  DCF methods 173;  incorporation 1857;  integrated reporting and thinking 1825;  integrating non-financial information 1734;  interpretation 175, 176;  numbers/narrative 17980;  professional guidance 1801;  SID process 174;  spreadsheet 175;  strategic analysis and risk assessment 1779, 1789;  survey and case-based methods 174;  user-induced errors 175

Cao, M. 295

Carcello, J. V. 113

Carr, Nicholas 264

Carroll, Noel 39

Cecchini, M. 113

central processing unit (CPU) 32

challenges of management accounting: data generation and storage 1678;  processing, verification and analysis 168, 1689;  reporting and decision support 169;  traditional methods 169

change management: accounting issues 55;  administrative processes 645;  challenges 58;  competitive advantage 65;  ERP systems 578;  geometrical dimension 55;  information consumes 58;  information system 567;  management challenges 592;  management function 589;  stand-alone solution 57;  structured process 556;  technologies 55;  trends 624

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) 10

Checkland, Peter 57, 60

Chen, H. J. 10

Chen, Y. 115

Chenhall, R. H. 163

Child, J. 237

Choi, J. H. 113

Churet, C. 185

Cleary, P. 9

Cleary, Peter 3

Clegg, S. 141

cloud computing 134;  contractual issues 282, 283;  data protection 282;  ICT governance 282;  information technology 279;  migration 280;  NIST definition 279;  SaaS issues 281, 281;  security issues 2801, 281;  service models 279;  technological challenges 27980

Cloud Service Brokerage (CSB) 242

Cobham, D. 32

commercial revolution 15

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) 233n2

Computer Assisted Audit Tools (CAATs) 2067

connectedness, technology and 2667

continuous auditing (CA): aggregation and benchmarks 21112;  audit automation 209;  big data 21213;  business processes modeling 211;  CICA/AICPA 207;  components 207;  conceptual model 214;  continuous controls monitoring 208;  continuous data audit 208;  continuous risk monitoring and assessment 208;  contribution of process mining 215;  controls testing 214;  data analytics techniques 211;  definition 207;  development of 205, 21314;  implementation experiences 210;  input-data 214;  meta-data 214;  proactive audit 209;  process mining 214;  technical architecture 21011

continuous compliance monitoring (COMO) 207

continuous controls monitoring (CCM): concept of 207;  continuous data audit 208;  implementation of 210

continuous data audit (CDA) 2078

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) 10

continuous risk monitoring and assessment (CRMA) 208

contract management 1267

conventional neural networks (CNN) 116

Cram, W. Alec 193

Curtis, G. 32

Daffara, Carlo 268

database system software 35

data environment/ICT domain 83

data information: accessibility and confidentiality 129;  integrity and regulatory compliance 12930;  ownership and portability 129

data, role in AIS 1945;

data security and quality: customer relationship data 194;  definition 194, 195;  detective controls 2001;  identifying controls 198;  internal controls 193;  objectives 195, 195;  preventive controls 198200;  threats to 193, 1956, 197

Davenport, T. H. 162, 166, 292, 297

Davenport, Tom 269

David, J. S. 13

Dechow, N. 139, 140

decision-making systems: AIS design 91;  assumptions and beliefs 82;  Burchell et al. (1980) framework 846;  context 90;  contingency factors 81;  cost-effective 93;  data environment/ICT domain 83;  data/information 923;  drowning 92;  elements 91, 92;  environment 812;  framework of 834, 84;  human/computer relationship 82;  monetary/resources 90;  objectives and causalities 89;  operative and strategic decisions 90;  outsourcing decision 889;  perspectives 91;  policies and processes 90;  pricing decisions 867;  product mix decisions 878;  replacement investments 88;  robotics and automatization 91;  role of 86;  social actors 901;  strategic decisions 81;  technical form 89;  technological development 912;  technologies underpinning 245;  trends 913;  undocumented/unsystematic processes 90

decision support systems (DSS): information system 6;  phase 1617;  system representation 251

deep learning 11516

detective controls 2001

Dibbern, J. 124

digital transformation: Accounting Procedure Documentation (APD) 738;  BPM and ITM 78;  business processes 71;  Business Processes Management (BPM) 70, 70;  financial and management reporting 71;  IT management (ITM) 713;  managing business processes 6970;  operations and transactions 71;  technical implementation 71

discounted cash flow (DCF) 173

Ditmer, L. 231

drive organizational strategy 40, 41

Dunbar, R. 266

Eccles, R. G. 183

Eccles, R. 185

EDGAR database 11011

Edwards, J. R. 13

electronic data interchange (EDI) 205

Elliott, W. B. 97

Embedded Audit Modules (EAM) 21011

empirical analysis, of new AIS implementation 98100;  faster data processing 1001;  visualizations 1012;  management accountants 98;  objective 99;  temporal decoupling 1023;  enterprise application integration (EAI) technology 19

enterprise resource planning (ERP): analytical layer 18;  best-of-breed solutions 134;  BPM context 70, 70;  business processes 63;  change management 578;  critical analysis 8;  layers of 1819;  financial and management reporting 71;  implementation 62;  information system 6;  information technologies (IT) 2923;  integrated model 62;  integrated reporting 11;  integration phase 1819;  organisational accounting benefits 140;  organisational change 60;  Philz Coffee 59;  resistance to change 634;  role of accounting/accountants 10;  stand-alone systems 1345;  systems approach 14;  technologies underpinning 25;  traditional auditing 206

enterprise risk management (ERM) 208

event-driven process chain (EPC) 756

Executive Information Systems (EIS) 6

eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL): benefits 110;  calculation errors 110;  cash and cash equivalent 109;  cutting-edge technologies 108;  financial community 108;  financial information 109;  financial reporting concepts 109;  information integrity 110;  in-memory database technology 11112;  internal business decision-makers 109;  internal decision-making 111;  iXBRL (see inline XBRL (iXBRL));  measurement units 109;  metadata 117n1;  preventive controls 199200;  real-time data analytics 111;  semi-structured and unstructured 11617;  single spread-sheet 109;  taxonomy extensions 109;  XML (eXtensible Markup Language) 109

Fahy, M. J. 96

Ferris, Tim 268

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 4

financial reporting systems (FRS) 79

Fiorina, C. 149

Ford, Martin 269

full-time equivalents (FTEs) 221

Galbraith, J. 97

Galliers, Robert D. 292

Gärtner, Bernhard 161

Gelinas, U. J. 25

General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 4, 21819

generation and storage of opportunities: challenges 1678;  future-orientated/real-time data 1645;  integration 165;  management accounting 164;  opportunities 165, 165;  unstructured data 1656

Goal-Oriented Modelling (GRL) 45

Goretzki, L. 139, 141

Grabski, S. V. 293

Granlund, M. 7

Granlund, Markus 81

Granovetter, M. 267

graphical user interface (GUI) 26

Green, B. P. 113

Griffin, P. A. 294

Groot, T. 181

hardware: cabling/connection 34;  central processing unit (CPU) 32;  cloud-enabled devices 312;  communication devices 32;  communication/network devices 34;  computer hardware 32, 32;  flash disks 33;  input devices 323;  magnetic drives 33;  magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) 33;  network-human interface 32;  optical character recognition (OCR) 323;  optical disks 33;  output devices 334;  physical computing machinery and equipment 31;  process and store data 31;  processors 33;  random-access memory (RAM) 33;  routers 34;  storage devices 33;  switches 34;  systems model point 32;  wired (cabling)/wireless (NIC) 34

Haka, S. 174

Hall, J. A. 30

Hammer, M. 292

Harris, E. 173, 174, 180

Hassan, M. K. 140

Hazen, B. T. 168

Heeks, R. 277

Hiebl, Martin R. W. 161

Hinton, G. E. 115

Hirschheim, R. 238

Hoang, Thinh 173

Hodge, F. D. 97, 108

Hopper, T. 136

Hopwood, W. S. 6

IBM’s Watson: cognitive computing 147;  cognitive era 157;  current instantiation 148;  finance department 1567;  implications 1478

Ikäheimo, S. 83

Information Age (1950s and 1980s): DSS phase 1617;  mainframe phase 16;  personal computers (PCs) 17;  typewriters 16

information provision: analytical interpretation 104;  business partners 94;  data gathering 98;  data processing 104;  empirical analysis 98103;  empirical findings 956;  graphs and extensive tables 95;  innovation 94;  interactive visualizations 95;  management accountants 945;  managers’ direct access 104;  method 978;  multinational organization 95;  numbers and corresponding analyses 104;  reporting and decision support 103;  standardize and automate tasks 96;  technological changes 967;  transaction processing 103;  unstructured data/textual data 97

information security: m-BI system 253;  organisational perspective 253;  representation 253;  safety of resources (SoR) 253;  vulnerability of resources (VoR) 253

information systems (IS): accounting information 3;  change management 567;  conceptualisation of 262;  drill-down issues 6;  ERP systems 67;  evolution of 6;  exchange data/information 56;  facts and statistics 5;  factual sales data 56;  irrespective 6;  managerial decisions 6;  organisational/environment challenges 2767;  outsourcing 2778;  perspective 5;  project management challenges 2734;  subsequent benefits 7;  technology challenges 2745;  traditional challenges 273;  user resistance challenges 2756

information technology (IT): accounting and finance professions 2967;  accounting information 3;  accounting practice 2946;  automation 292;  big data 2934;  business intelligence systems 292;  Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) 292;  C-suite executive 298n3;  ERP system 2923;  financial accounting 5;  hybridisation 293;  obliteration 292;  organisations 294;  strategic business advisor 293;  traditional auditing 206

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) 279

inline XBRL (iXBRL) 11011

in-memory computing technologies: cutting-edge technologies 108;  internal auditor 11112;  RDBMS 112;  real-time data 111;  SAP HANA serves 112

Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) 296

integrated reporting (IR): framework 182, 182;  IIRC definitions 183, 184;  principles of 1825, 183;  reporting organisational performance 173

integrated thinking (ITh): context-driven scorecard 187;  definition 185;  financial analysis 187;  hard systems thinking 1856;  linear and segregated 185;  multi-capital scorecard (MCS) 187;  non-financial information 1867;  numerical analysis 186;  potential problems 185;  professional guidance 186;  strategic decision-making 185

integration, with data systems: aggregating data 2589;  authentication algorithms 257;  BI systems 251;  core fundamentals 259;  data-centric standpoint 258;  data-driven decision 251;  data-driven focus 257;  dual view of security 257;  finding 2557;  implementations of m-BI 251;  information security 2534;  interview transcription 254, 254;  m-BI system 252;  methodology 2545;  mobile business intelligence 2523;  point-of-view 258;  provider point of view 2567;  provider vs. users 258, 258;  secure encryption methods 257;  security of resources 257;  TechTarget 252;  user 2556;  vulnerability of resources 257

integration phase: ABC and BSC 18;  analytical layer 18;  EAI technology 19;  e-business layer 19;  ERP system 1819;  foundation layer 18;  global economy 18;  international trades 18;  process layer 18

integration-Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) 242

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) 268

Internal Control Systems (ICS): data environment/ICT domain 83;  documentation business process 756

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 4

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 4, 21819

International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) 1825, 184

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 255

Internet Protocol (IP) address 34

Issa, H. 114

iterative model 48, 49

IT management (ITM): designing internal controls 72, 723;  diagonal positioning 71, 72;  interpretation and potential changes 72, 723;  perspective 71;  problematic aspects 71

Jaber, Jacob 59

Jaber, Phil 59

Jack, L. 141

Järvenpää, M. 141

Johnson, H. T. 63

Kajtazi, Miranda 251

Kanellou, S. 10, 136

Kaplan, R.S. 58, 63, 184, 187

Kavitha, V. 280

Kelly, John 147

Kepes, B. 154

Keshava, S. 112

Keynes, John Maynard 267, 269

key performance indicators (KPIs) 70

Kholeif, A. 141

Kirby, Julie 269

Klaus, T. 275

knowledge management: capabilities 151;  resources 147

Kogan, A. 110, 114, 211

Kristandl, Gerhard 24

Krzus, M. 183

Lacity, M. C. 124, 238

Lambert, C. 141

Langefors, Börje 56

latent semantic analysis (LSA) 115

leverage standardization: costs and benefits 219;  financial reporting 218;  GAAP and IFRS 21819;  key requirements 219;  KPMG audit team 21920;  mandatory accounting rules 2313;  SOX see Sarbanes-Oxley Act; Lin, J. W. 113

lines of business (LOB) 221, 221

local area network (LAN) 18, 27, 278

Lynch, R. 96

Lynn, Theo 272

Machine Learning techniques 11314, 115

magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) 33

Malmi, T. 10, 164

management accounting: big data 1634;  data generation and storage 1646;  processing, verification and analysis 166;  reporting and decision support 1667

management challenges: change management and change agents 61;  cost-efficient manner 62;  organisational change 601;  rate of change 612;  technological solutions 59;  work centered analysis 60

Management Information Systems (MIS) 6, 25

Marabelli, M. 296

material resource planning (MRP) 25

McAfee, A. 162

McCumber, J. 194

McElroy, M. W. 187

McFarlan, F. W. 292

McLaney, E. 6

metropolitan area networks (MANs) 29

Millar V. E. 292

Mobile business intelligence 2523

Monitoring and Control Layer (MCL) 21011

Mouakket, S. 140

Mouritsen, J. 135, 139, 140, 142

multi-capital scorecard (MCS) 187

Nagle, Tadhg 262

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 279

Nelson R. R. 273, 274

networks: architecture 269;  attributes 26;  hard network 25;  hardware links 256;  mobile technologies 25;  network interface card (NIC) 25;  protocols 301;  technological view 25;  topology 2930;  wireless network 26

Newell, S. 296

Ngan, George 173

No, W. G. 110

Northcott, D. 175, 178

Norton, D. P. 58, 184, 187

Object-oriented programming languages (OOPL) 367

O’Leary, D. E. 146, 147

O’Leary, Daniel E. 145

Oliveira, J. 133, 141

Oliver, J. 185

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) 35

operating systems (OS) software, 345;  computer system 34;  crucial role 35;  functions 345;  Linux distributions 35;  virtual OS 35

operational procedures documentation: business process models 778;  factors 767;  principle process 77, 78;  security concept implementation 77, 77

optical character recognition (OCR) 323

organisational/environment challenges 2767

outsourcing, of AIS: adverse selection 126;  compliance and regulatory risk 278;  contract 120;  contract management 1267;  decision 121, 121, 1245;  definition 121, 277;  designing contract 126;  development and implementation 1223;  economic considerations 1245;  elements 1201;  growth 1234;  history of 1212;  interactions 121;  management of relationship 120;  managerial dilemmas 12930;  mitigating risks of 278;  operation 123;  political considerations 125;  regulations/technological landscapes 1301;  research 130;  performance risk 278;  relational risk 2778;  risk assessment 1278

Pacioli, Luca 3, 55

Panko, R. R. 175

Parker, D. B. 194

Paulsson, W. V. 13, 235, 239

people, processes and technology 40, 41

personal computers (PCs) 17

Philz Coffee 59

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 244, 279

Pezet, E. 141

Plumlee, M. A. 110

Plumlee, R. D. 110

PolymerCo 978

Porter, M. E. 86, 235, 292

Powell, S. G. 175

preventive controls: access control 198;  authorization 199;  biometrics 198;  centralized systems 199;  encryption 199;  eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) 199200;  intrusiveness 198;  off-the-shelf financial applications 199;  security policies 198

pricing decisions 867

probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) 115

procedural documentations: accountant user manual 76;  components/building blocks 745;  description 756;  event-driven process chain 75, 75;  implementation 74;  Internal Control Systems (ICS) 74;  operational procedures documentation 768;  questions 74;  technical system documentation 76

productivity 2679

professional guidance, in accounting 1801, 181

programming language 367, 36

protocols, network 301, 31

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) 220

quality-of-service (QoS) 29

Quattrone, P. 97, 104, 136, 167, 169

Quinn, M. 9

Ramarapu, N. K. 96

random-access memory (RAM) 33

Rehm, Sven-Volker 69

request for proposal (RFP) 43

Rezaee, Z. 210

Ribeiro, J. 140

Ribeiro, Maria Céu 205

Rifkin, J. 268

risk assessment 1278, 128

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 135

roles of accountants see accountants, roles of; accounting-related technologies

Rosati, Pierangelo 13, 272

Rudny, T. 112

Schneider, S. 294

Schultze, Ulrike 218

Selto, F. 181

Short, J. E. 292

Simon, H. 135

Singh, K. 215

software prototyping 467

Sowell, T. 263

Spathis, C. 10, 136

Srivastava, R. P. 110

Strauss, E. 37

Strong, D. M. 194, 274

Subashini, S. 280

Suddaby, R. 294

Sun, Ting 108

Taipaleenmäki, J. 83

Tanenbaum, A. S. 31

Tansley, A. G. 149

Tapscott, D. 263

Tayi, G. K. 194

technical system documentation 76

technologies: bit-torrent services 264;  connectedness 2667;  constrained view 264;  control deficiency 275;  data misfits 2745;  data processing and distribution 272;  Design Thinking 266;  Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives 264, 2656;  economics 262;  emerging challenges 27885;  empirical literature 272;  face-to-face communication 264;  functionality deficiencies 274;  gap information 2656;  information systems adoption 272;  information systems implementation 2738;  innovation 265;  natural collaborators 265;  organisational and culture 275;  peer-to-peer networks 264;  perspectives 2623, 272;  productivity 2679;  role deficiency 275;  shaping us individually 2634;  socio-technical theories 262;  techno-centric view 262;  unconstrained view 2645;  usability misfits 2745;  Xero 272

Teittinen, Henri 81

Thomas, M. P. 187

Thompson, J. D. 85

threats, to data security 193, 1956, 197

Tona, Olgerta 251

topologies (network) 29, 2930

trends of AIS, 624

Trinity: compliance journey 2212;  industries 221;  lines of business (LOB) 221, 221;  management reviews 225, 2256;  SOX compliance journey 2212;  year-1 (2003–2004) 2224, 223;  year-2 (2005) 224;  year-3 (2006) 224;  year-4 (2007) 224;  year-5 (2008) 22530;  year-6 (2009) 2301;  year-7 (2010) 2301

Tuden, A. 85

user resistance challenges 2756

Vaassen, E. 82

Van der Steen, M. 9

Vasarhelyi, M. A. 207, 210, 295

Vesty, G. 186, 187

V-model/verification-validation model 50, 51

Volkoff, O. 274

vulnerability of resources (VoR) 253, 254

Wagner, S. 231

Wang, R. Y. 194

Warren, J. D. 295

waterfall model 47, 48, 48

Watson (cognitive): accounting and auditing 156;  AI approaches 1534;  Alchemy language 150;  Big 4 auditing firms 1514;  built-in intelligence 154;  capabilities 1501;  categories 150;  concepts 1556, 156;  credit rating process 1523;  data insights 151;  data quality 155, 15556;  dependent and independent variable 154;  developer cloud 1489;  digital ecosystem 149;  document conversion 150;  due diligence platform 152;  eco-system 149;  five-part process 153, 153;  insights and relationship expansion 150;  integration 148;  language translation 151;  leases 152;  natural language interfaces 151;  non-Big 4 “audit-like” uses 153;  numeric data-analytics and knowledge 1546;  regulatory compliance 152;  risk management 1512;  tone analysis 148, 149;  Visual insights 151

Web 2.0 see AIS 2.0

weblogs 115

Wetherall, D. J. 31

Whiting, D. G. 113

wide area network (WAN) 18, 28, 289

Wiedemann, Nicolás J. B. 94

Wiegmann, Leona 94

Willcocks, L. 140

wired/wirelessly local area network (WLAN) 27, 278

wireless network card (WNIC) 26

Wright, A. M. 294

Yoon, K. 295

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