• Abdi, Youcef, on motivation 31–34
  • Able, Dylan Alcott 77
  • abuse of athletes 170–171
  • accountability in culture 162
  • achievement goal theory, John Nicholls 28
  • action
    • —igniting motivation 3–4
    • —taking 188–189
  • adaptive perfectionism 67–69
  • Alcott, Dylan
    • Able 77
    • —on positive emotional self‐talk 77
    • —on relaxing 86
  • All for One (documentary) 37–38
  • Andersen, Dave
    • —on choice and sacrifice 13
    • —on culture 145
    • —keeping going after injuries 51–52
    • —on leadership 114–115, 124
    • —on resilience 244
    • —and self‐talk 73–74
    • —on support 200–201
  • anxiety zone 150–151
  • The application of goal setting to sports, Edwin Locke and Gary Latham 16
  • artificial deadlines, creating 5
  • associative focus methods 81–82
  • athlete‐centred environments 175–176
  • Athletics, Percy Cerutty xliv, 4
  • attitude, nurturing talent xix–xxi
  • attribution style 58–59
  • autonomy 9–10


  • Bandura, Albert
    • —and reciprocal determinism 146–147
    • —on self‐efficacy 217
  • Barty, Ashleigh, taking a break xix
  • behaviour
    • —culture and 141–143
    • —looking beyond 176–177
  • behavioural standards, upholding xxxix
  • behaviours, describing 161
  • being in the present 90
  • benchmarking 20–22
  • Biles, Simone, emotional challenges of 187
  • Blaine, David, and standing still 71–72
  • body language 92–93
  • Bounce, Matthew Syed xxxi
  • Bradman, Sir Donald, and attention to detail 90–91
  • Brady, Tom, low draft pick for xxiv
  • breaks, taking 30
  • breathing, diaphragmatic 200
  • broad and narrow focus, switching between 82–83
  • Brownlow Medal
    • —draft picks and xxiii
    • —won by Sam Mitchell xxi


  • Campbell, Cate, and taking action 188–189
  • The Captain Class, Sam Walker 130–131
  • celebrating culture 162
  • celebration 25–26
  • Cerutty, Percy, Athletics xliv, 4
  • challenges, in life 56–58
  • champions 48–49
  • change, effect on culture of 164–165
  • Chasing Great, Richie McCaw 159–160
  • Chatfield, Bianca, as leader 106
  • choices and sacrifices 11–13
  • chunking and race plans 95–99
  • clarity and routines 99–102
  • clutch moments 226–228
  • coach influence on culture 145–147
  • cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and thinking traps 194–195
  • collaboration, balance with competitiveness 165
  • collective efficacy 65
  • Collins, Dave, on champions 48–49
  • Colvin, Geoff, Talent is Overrated 22
  • communication
    • —in leadership 133
    • —and relationships 154–156
  • comparison, curse of 183
  • competence 9–10
  • competence and confidence 217–218
  • competitiveness
    • —balance with collaboration 165
    • —learning 223–225
  • composure in leadership 133–134
  • confidence
    • —and competence 217–218
    • —enhancing 17
  • confidence‐competence gap 218
  • contributor to leadership, being a 132
  • control of effort and execution 91–92
  • Cooper, Jacqui
    • —greatest performance by 230–232
    • —on keeping it clean and simple 244
    • —and leadership 116–117
    • —resilience of 49–51
    • —and routines 101
    • —on talent and persistence xxxii–xxxiv
  • counterfactual thinking 191–192
  • Cox, Catherine, as leader 106
  • Coyle, Daniel, The Talent Code xxiv
  • cramping 87
  • creative goals 18–20
  • Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, Flow 84
  • cues, physical and visual 92
  • cultural consistency 147–148
  • culture
    • —athlete and coach influence on 145–147
    • —building 160–163
    • —challenges to 164–165
    • —and environment 27–28
    • —keeping a good 165–167
    • —leading 113–115
    • —in practice 137–141
  • curious self‐talk 78–80


  • daily positives, recording 172–173
  • data and measurement in culture 163
  • deadlines, creating artificial 5
  • debriefing 61–64
  • decisions, culture and 141–143
  • detail, attention to 90–91
  • determination in leadership 133
  • Diamonds, leadership by example in 105–108
  • diaphragmatic breathing 200
  • disappointments
    • —keeping going after 52–54
    • —letting go of 191–192
  • displaying culture 162
  • dissociative focus methods 81–82
  • distractions, handling 87–88
  • diversity in culture 163
  • Djokovic, Novak, and the little voice 75–76
  • doing, managing 195–197
  • draft picks, personal attributes and qualities in xxv
  • Draper, Scott
    • —on competing better 223–225
    • —a life challenge for 56–58
    • —on meaning 233–234
    • —and neutral self‐talk 78–79
    • —on reducing nerves 236
    • —and support 201
  • drivers, intrinsic and extrinsic 4–7, 225–226


  • early bolters xxxiv–xxxv
  • Edmondson, Amy
    • —on psychological safety 148–149
    • The Fearless Organization 150–151
  • effort
    • —control of 91–92
    • —maximising 225–226
  • ego and task 28–29
  • Elliott, Herb
    • —on ingredients for success 244
    • —and mindfulness 197
    • —on mindset xliv
    • —on mindset in Rome (1960) 208–209
    • —on motivation 7
  • Elliott, Herb and Alan Trengrove, The Golden Mile 7
  • emotional fatigue 29–30
  • Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman 152–153
  • emotional intelligence
    • —and leadership 122–123
    • —and performance 152–153
  • emotional self‐talk 76–77
  • Endure, Alex Hutchinson xxvi
  • engagement 10–11
  • engagement in culture 160–161
  • enjoyment 26
  • enjoyment, importance of xxvii–xxviii
  • enjoyment‐intensity balance 165
  • environment
    • —and culture 27–28
    • —effect on wellbeing and mental health 176–177
    • —managing 195–196
  • environments, helpful xl–xlii
  • Ericsson, Anders and Robert Pool, Peak xxix
  • execution, control of 91–92
  • expectation and motivation 22–24
  • experience, learning from 49
  • explanatory style 58–59
  • external focus 81–82
  • external leaders 126
  • extrinsic drivers 4–7, 225–226


  • failure, fear of 17
  • The Fearless Organization, Amy Edmondson 150–151
  • feedback 61–64
  • Fleming, Neil, on learning styles 150
  • flexibility 67–69
  • Flintoff‐King, Debbie
    • —on imagery 219–220
    • —and the little voice 75
    • —on sacrifices and choices 11
  • Flow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 84
  • flow state, getting in a 83–85, 226–228
  • focus
    • —growing in direction of xxi–xxii
    • —internal or external 81–82
    • —switching between narrow and broad 82–83
  • formal leadership 124–127
  • Forrester, Nicole, background to career xxxviii–xl


  • geography, effect on culture 164
  • Gladwell, Malcolm, Outliers xxix
  • goal setting
    • —art of 15–16
    • —using 14–15
  • goals
    • —avoiding 17
    • —creative 18–20
    • —owning 17–18
  • The Golden Mile, Herb Elliott and Alan Trengrove 7, 208
  • Goleman, Daniel, Emotional Intelligence 152–153
  • good culture, keeping 165–167
  • Gould, Daniel
    • —and high performers 211–213
    • —study on adaptive perfectionism by 67–68
  • gratitude, showing 184–185
  • Gretzky, Wayne xxvii–xxviii
  • group dynamics 26–27
  • group structure 65
  • growing and learning 150–152


  • Hall, Linden, mantra of 80
  • Harris, Tayla
    • —insights of 243
    • —and wellbeing 169–171
  • Hayman, Mat
    • —on culture 142–143
    • —on formal leadership 124
    • —help‐seeking by 191
    • —on meeting a challenge 242
    • —on resilience 37–39
  • help‐seeking 189–191
  • helplessness, learned 59–60
  • hierarchy of leadership 111
  • high performance, paths to 242–244
  • high performers, mental skills of 211–213
  • high‐performance environments, culture in 143–154
  • human, being 13–14
  • ‘hurt locker’ 225
  • Hutchinson, Alex, Endure xxvi


  • identity with respect to sport 186–188
  • imagery and visualisation 218–220
  • In Search of Greatness, Gabe Polsky xxvii–xxviii
  • incidents, managing 118–120
  • individual influence on culture 145–147
  • individual mindset plans 213–214
  • influence, and leadership 106–110
  • informal leadership 124–127
  • injuries, keeping going after 50–52
  • The Inner Athlete, Robert Nideffer 82–83
  • integrating culture into processes 162–163
  • intensity‐enjoyment balance 165
  • internal focus 81–82
  • intrinsic drivers 4–7, 225–226


  • Jenkins, Neil, and self‐talk 77–78
  • Jerome, Wendy, and optimism skills 59–60
  • Jordan, Michael, Hall of Fame speech (2009) 6
  • journal keeping 186
  • journey, managing the 191–192
  • junior Grand Slam finalists, review of xvii–xviii


  • keeping going
    • —after injuries, setbacks and disappointments 50–54
    • —mindset for xviii–xix
  • kindness, showing 184–185
  • Kipchoge, Eliud, sub‐two‐hour marathon by 228–230


  • Lassila, Lydia, and Jacqui Cooper xxxii, xxxiii
  • late bloomers xxxiv–xxxv
  • leaders
    • —and culture 162
    • —types of 126
  • leadership
    • —by example 105–108
    • —and emotional intelligence 122–123
    • —formal and informal 124–127
    • —and influence 106–110
    • —what and how of 110–111
  • leadership density 127–129
  • leadership groups 129–130
  • leadership growth 121–124
  • leadership qualities 131–134
  • leading culture 113–115
  • leading others 115–117
  • leading self 111–113
  • leading situations 118–120
  • leading structure and systems 120–121
  • learned helplessness and optimism 59–61
  • learning and growing 150–152
  • learning styles 150
  • learning to lose 54–56
  • learning zone 150–151
  • leaving a sport, reasons for xxxv–xxxvi, 30–31
  • legacy statements 138–139
  • life challenges 56–58
  • lifestyle for high performance 214–216
  • Lipshut, Geoff, and Jacqui Cooper xxxiii
  • the little voice 75–76
  • Locke, Edwin and Gary Latham, The application of goal setting to sports 16
  • losing, learning about 54–56
  • Lundqvist, Carolina, and wellbeing 178


  • McCaw, Richie, Chasing Great 159
  • McKay, Mike, and obsession 215
  • mantras 80–81
  • mastery approaches 65
  • mastery climate 157–158
  • meaning 31–34
  • meaning and performance 233–234
  • mental health
    • —destigmatising 179
    • —WHO definition of 177
  • mental health concerns, incidence of 180–181
  • mental skills
    • —of high performers 211–213
    • —for juniors 222
  • mental skills programs 220–222
  • mentors and supports 200–201
  • metacognition 46
  • Mills, Patty, on culture 166
  • mindfulness 197–199
  • mindset
    • —of Herb Elliott in Rome (1960) 208–209
    • —and self‐talk 232
  • mindset foundation, laying xv–xvi
  • mindset plans, individual 213–214
  • mindset skills, coaching in 60
  • mindset variables xxiv–xxvii
  • Mitchell, Sam
    • —on culture 143
    • —on goal‐setting 15–16
    • —on leadership 122–123
    • —on performance 243–244
    • —on talent xxi–xxii
  • Moloney, Ash, clutch moment by 227
  • monitoring culture 163
  • motivation
    • —ignited by action 3–4
    • —loss of 31
  • motivation and expectation 21–23
  • motivational challenges, managing 29–31
  • motivational dynamics 26–27
  • motivators, having multiple 7–9
  • Muir, Bridget
    • —on having a holistic picture 244
    • —on leadership 121–122
    • —on motivation 1–3
    • —resilience of 44–45
    • —and ‘summit fever’ 119
  • multiple motivators 7–9


  • Nadal, Rafael, on learning to lose 54–56
  • narrative, managing the 191–192
  • narrow and broad focus, switching between 82–83
  • negative self‐talk 78–80
  • nerves
    • —managing 236–237
    • —managing through reframing 236–238
    • —taking control of 238–240
  • neutral self‐talk 78–80
  • New Zealand All Blacks, culture of 158–160
  • Nicholls, John, and achievement goal theory 28
  • Nideffer, Robert
    • —on focus 82–83
    • The Inner Athlete 82–83


  • Ognenovski, Sasa
    • —on competitiveness 242–243
    • —keeping going after disappointment 52–54
    • —and lifestyle 215
    • —and performance mentality 216
    • —on sustaining drive 12–13
  • open mind, resilience grows with 46–48
  • optimism
    • —learned 59–61
    • —and positivity 240–242
  • optimism skills, coaching in 59–61
  • others, leading 115–117
  • Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell xxix
  • owning goals 17–18


  • passion 31–34
  • patience, and persistence xxxii–xxxiv
  • Peak, Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool xxix
  • Pearson, Sally, on talent xliii
  • peers, importance of 27
  • perfectionist striving vs perfectionistic concerns 67–69
  • performance
    • —and meaning 233–234
    • —supporting 161
  • performance anxiety, managing 236
  • performance mindset xvi
  • performance platform 216–217
  • persistence, and patience xxxii–xxxiv
  • ‘person first, athlete second’ 173–175
  • personal relationships and leadership 116
  • personality and performance 210–211
  • physical cues 92
  • physical environment, effect on culture 164
  • plans, adopting and adapting 98
  • Polsky, Gabe, In Search of Greatness xxvii–xxviii
  • positive, finding the 172–173
  • positive emotional self‐talk 77
  • positive feedback 24–25
  • positive performers in leadership 134
  • positive self‐talk 78–80
  • positivity and optimism 240–242
  • practice, how much to xxviii–xxx
  • Pratt, Nicole
    • —and culture 144–145
    • —on flow 83–84
    • —on goal setting 18–20
    • —on motivation 8
    • —and routines 102
    • —on sharing triumphs 172
    • —on strengths 234
  • present, being in the 90
  • prevention v cure in wellbeing 181–182
  • proactive leadership 109
  • proactive self‐talk 78–80
  • Project Aristotle at Google 149
  • psychological characteristics and performance 210–211
  • psychological safety 148–149
  • psychological variables, testing for xxvi
  • purpose 31–34
  • Pygmalion in the Classroom, Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson 23


  • race plans and chunking 95–99
  • Rafa: My Story, Rafael Nadal 56
  • reciprocal determinism 146–147
  • recovery, need for 192–194
  • reflecting 61–64
  • reflective attribution style 58–59
  • reframing, managing nerves through 236–238
  • relatedness 9–10
  • relationship to sport 186–188
  • relationships and communication 154–156
  • relaxation 86
  • resilience
    • —aiming for 39–41
    • —components of 41–43
    • —learning approach to building 48–50
    • —and open mindedness 46–48
    • —team 64–66
  • resilience compass 42–43
  • resilience strategies, multiple 43–46
  • rest
    • —need for 192–194
    • —role of 30
  • reviewing 61–64
  • rewards 24–25
  • Rice, Jerry xxvii–xxviii
  • Ritter, Mick, and Sonic Motorsport xli–xlii
  • Rosenthal, Robert and Lenore Jacobson, Pygmalion in the Classroom 23
  • routines and clarity 99–102


  • sacrifices and choices 11–12
  • Sanders, Storm
    • —on goal setting 17
    • —on motivation 9
    • —on positivity 240–241
    • —and routines 99–101
    • —on talent and attitude xix–xxi
    • —and transition 66–67
    • —and wellbeing 187–188
  • Schinke, Robert, and optimism skills 60–61
  • Schroeder, Peter, on culture and leadership 145–146
  • secondary errors 88–90
  • self, leading 111–113
  • self‐acceptance 182–184
  • self‐appreciation 182–184
  • self‐belief as leadership quality 134
  • self‐compassion 182–184
  • self‐determination theory (SDT) 9
  • self‐efficacy 217
  • self‐permission 182–184
  • self‐positivity 25–26
  • self‐regulation 85–86
  • self‐talk
    • —effect of 73–75
    • —managing 61
    • —types of 76–77, 78–80
  • Seligman, Martin, and positive psychology 59–60
  • setbacks, keeping going after 50–54
  • seven summits 1–3
  • sharing culture 162
  • simple plans, creating and executing 230
  • situations, leading 118–120
  • Six‐Star Wellbeing and Engagement survey 202
  • size, effect on culture 164
  • sleep, need for 192–194
  • social capital 65
  • social leaders 126
  • Sonic Motorsport and Mick Ritter xli–xlii
  • sport integrity in leadership 132
  • standing still as basic activity 71–72
  • Stoltenberg, Jason, coaching Ash Barty xix
  • strengths, maximising 234–235
  • structure, leading 120–121
  • success
    • —different paths to xxx–xxxii
    • —early and future xvi–xviii
  • summits, seven 1–3
  • super champions, champions and almosts 48–49
  • superhuman, not being 12–13
  • supports and mentors 200–201
  • Swann, Christian, on flow 84
  • Syed, Matthew, Bounce xxxi
  • systems, leading 120–121


  • tactical self‐talk 76–77
  • taking action 188–189
  • talent
    • —is not enough xliii–xliv
    • —nurtured by attitude xix–xxi
    • —overrating of xxiii–xxiv
  • The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle xxiv
  • Talent is Overrated, Geoff Colvin 22
  • The Tan, running on 96–98
  • Tander, Garth
    • —on choice and sacrifice 12
    • —on finding resilience 46–48
    • —insights of 243
    • —and secondary errors 88–90
    • —on team culture 155–156
  • task and ego 28–29
  • task leaders 126
  • Taylor, Rohan, and team culture 137–141
  • Taylor‐Smith, Shelley, on mindset and self‐talk 232
  • team culture 155–156
  • team and others focus, in leadership 132–133
  • team resilience 64–66
  • technical self‐talk 76–77
  • 10 000 hours rule xxviii–xxix
  • terminology of culture 160–161
  • thinking
    • —culture and 141–143
    • —managing 196
  • thinking traps, escaping through CBT 194–195
  • threats to athletes 170–171
  • time, use of 93–95
  • Titmus, Ariarne, on benchmarking 20–21
  • transition
    • —navigating 66–67
    • —and seriousness xxxv
  • Tyzzer, Craig, coaching Ash Barty xix


  • values
    • —congruency of in culture 163
    • —describing 161
  • verbal feedback, overuse of 24–25
  • visual cues 92
  • visualisation and imagery 218–220
  • vulnerability, times of 66–67


  • Walker, Sam, The Captain Class 130–131
  • Watson, Liz
    • —on leadership by example 105–108
    • —on leadership density 129
    • —on performance 242
  • wellbeing
    • —challenges to 171–172
    • —factors affecting 175
  • wellbeing checklist 203–205
  • wellbeing concerns, incidence of 180–181
  • wellbeing hygiene 173
  • wellbeing and mental health 173–175, 177–179
    • —destigmatising 179
  • wellbeing programs and data 202–203
  • Whincup, Jamie, on environment xl–xliii
  • Winning Attitudes, Debbie Flintoff‐King in 11, 75


  • zone, getting in the 83–85
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