
Ableton Live physical modeling (PM) software 28891

additive synthesis 12074; analog problems with 12430; borrowed synthesis and 1389; data sliders and 1423; Decay module and 154; digital signal processing effects 143; Discrete module and 1523; early electronic 1714; effect modules for 1545; envelope generators and 1368; filters and 139; formant filters and 13940; FX parameters 158; Gain module and 148, 149; global parameters of 1578; vs. granular synthesis 201; Hammond tone wheel organ 1701; historical perspective on 16970; LFOs and 138; loom and 1478; Loom filtering modules and 153; Master parameters 158; morph screen 15960; noise sources and 1401; Octaver module and 151, 152; Odd/Even module and 148, 149; Organ I and II modules 151, 152; performance level and 141; Phrase module 155; pitch/modulation wheels for 141; Random Drops module 155; recipes 147, 1609; resurgence of 1436; sample playback 140; sawtooth waves and 1345; Second Tone module and 1501; sequencers/arpeggiators and 143; sound types possible with 1312; Spectral Distortion/Modulation 159; square waves and 1356; Sync module and 150; theory 1203; time modules 156; tone generation and 1323; tool modules 156; triangle waves and 1334; waveform generators and 140; Wave module 157

ADSR envelope 22

advanced instrument example 801

AIR 1456

Alchemy, Camel Audio 21819; grain volume, size, and density 225; interface 2234; Master section 228; modulation matrix 2268; RTime/RPan controls 226; sound sources 2245; window 2256

algorithm 1/operators 1&2 example 99101

algorithms 96, 98, 1023

aliasing 132

alternating current (AC) 170

ambient bass recipe 1601

amplifier modulation, LFO 31

amplifiers 212

Amplitude Modulation 1048; evolution of 1078

amplitude shaping 215

analog additive synthesis, problems with 12430

Analog Circuit Behavior Synthesis 295

analog modeling 2926

Analog Purist live setup 3456

analog synthesizers, performing live with 31523; circuitry and 318, 31920; controlling 3203; extreme sonic manipulation and 316; logical interfacing with musicians and 31617; patch storage and 31819; size and weight as con of 319; sonic improvisation and 31718

arpeggiated sawtooth recipe 195, 197

arpeggiators 36; additive synthesis and 143

artifacts 132, 216, 217

Art instillation live setup 3523

Arturia MiniBrute 8, 34, 123

asynchronous granular synthesis 205

attack portion of envelope generators 23

audio interfaces 678

auto-samplers 823

balanced modulation 109

band pass filter (BPF) 1617

band reject filter 17

basic instrument example 7980

bass 20, 456

beat synced 302

Beauchamp, James 171

Belar, Herbert 54

Best of Both Worlds live setup 3423

Bode, Harald 112

Bode Ring Modulator 112

borrowed synthesis 1389; granular synthesis and 210

Buchla, Don 33, 36, 567, 190

Buchla Modular Electronic Music System 567

Cahill, Thaddeus 52

Carrier 968

Chamberlin, Harry 88

chorded trumpet recipe 501

cinematic tension pad recipe 22930

clock 35, 322

Collision 290

combination synthesis 273314; defined 273, 296; formant synthesis 283; historical perspective on 31114; Karplus-Strong synthesis 2823; McIntyre, Schumacher, and Woodhouse synthesis 2812; modal synthesis 281; overview of 273; physical modeling synthesis 2739, 28496; recipes 30311; waveguide synthesis, digital 27980; workstation synthesizers and 296303

complex wave 1223

continuous knobs 335

controllerism subculture 353

controllers 30, 334, 367, 3940

control voltage (C.V.) 9, 1819, 34

cool repeater recipe 1612

crossfades 75

CrusherX-Live! 219

cutoff frequency 15, 1718

dampened metallic hammer shimmer recipe 2378

data sliders 1423

DAW control: modulation in 11415; Vector Synthesis and 2501

Decay module 154

decay portion of envelope generators 23

deep synth bass recipe 3067

digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) 11

digital signal processing (DSP) effects 143

digital synthesizers 589; performing live with 3259

digital waveguide synthesis 27980, 312

Discrete module 1523

distant rhythms recipe 31011

Distorted Bells recipe 1623

distorted dissonant pop recipe 304

Distorted Movement recipe 1634

double modulation, wavetable synthesis and 1823

drawbars 171

drivers 2878

Duddell, William 52

DX-7 patch, creating 946, 1014; features of 1034; layers 1023; length 103; programming 104; sound segments 1012

East Coast synthesis 57

EDM Star live setup 3501

effected, evolving pad 434

effect modules, for additive synthesis 1545

electric guitar lead recipe 164

emphasis 18

envelope amount 19

envelope follower 317

envelope generators 227; additive synthesis and 1368; attack and 23; decay and 23; described 22; filter control with 257; release and 245; shape of 22; sound control and 22; sustain and 24; types of 223; understanding 27; wavetable synthesis and 182

ES2 model 2612; Vector Synthesis 2478

Eurorack Guru live setup 34850

Evolver 265; Vector Synthesis (VS) and 2656

evolving lead recipe 423

exciter controls 276

extreme sonic manipulation 316

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) 121

filter envelope 257; attack 25; decay 256; over pitch 267; release 26; sustain 26

filtering 1421; band pass 1617; band reject 17; cutoff frequency and 17, 18; envelope amount and 19; high pass 16; key follow and 1921; low pass 15; notch 17; overview of 1415; resonance and 18, 19; selection 21; shapes 14; using 1721; voltage control and 1819

filter modulation, LFO 31

filters, additive synthesis and 139

filter selection 21

filter voltage control 1819

fixed bandwidth 16

FL Studios 221, 298

FM Synthesis 956, 104, 111, 11517

formant filter 13940; formant synthesis and 283; granular synthesis and 21011

formant synthesis 283

Fourier synthesis 121

four-pole filter 15

frequency modulation 94, 956

full spectrum synth recipe 308

Funk Lead recipe 445

FX parameters 158

Gain module 148, 149

gate signal 21

glide 378

glissando 37

glisson synthesis, granular synthesis and 212

glistening auto-harp recipes 2345

glistening bells recipe 2367

globals, additive synthesis 1578

grain, granular synthesis and 200, 2013

grain density, granular synthesis and 2067

grain duration 2035; amplitude and 204; attack and 204; decay and 205; sustain and 2045

grain length modulated plucking recipes 2356

grainlet synthesis 212

grain order, granular synthesis and 207

grain playback speed, granular synthesis and 209

grain stream, granular synthesis and 2079

Graintable 2201

grain window 225

granular populations 203, 2078

granular synthesis 20043; vs. additive synthesis 201; Alchemy and 21819; CrusherX-Live! 219; defined 211; environment, complexity of 21113; formant filter and 21011; formant synthesis and 210; forms of 205; future of 2423; glisson synthesis and 212; grain and 2013; grain density and 2067; grain duration and 2035; grain order and 207; grain playback speed and 209; grain stream and 2079; historical perspective of 23942; Image-Line Granulizer 2212; Kyma X 220; Max/MSP 222; overview of 2001; pitch and 206; pitch shifting and 217; problems 209; Propellerhead Malstrom Graintable Synthesizer 2201; pulsar synthesis and 21213; recipes 22339; vs. sample-based synthesis 21315; synthesizers available with 21722; time stretching and 21516; wavelet synthesis and 212; Xenakis as godfather of 2402

Hammond, Laurens 53

Hammond Novachord 534

Hammond tone wheel organ 1701

Hanert, John M. 53

hardware synthesizers 11

harmonics 24

harmonic series 3

Harmonic Tone Generator 1712

headphones 65

heavy metal recipe 1989

high pass filter (HPF) 16

high rate of wobble recipe 3089

hold 278

hulusi gourd recipe 195, 196

hyper waves 89

Idle Chatter series 241

Image-Line Granulizer 2212

iPad control, vector Synthesis (VS) and 2512

Jack of all Trades live setup 3434

Jazz Mutant Lemur 3323

Jenny, Georges 54

Jordantron iPad app 912

joysticks 39, 246, 247

Karplus, Kevin 312

Karplus-Strong algorithm 312

Karplus-Strong (KS) synthesis 2823

Kent, E. L. 171

keyboard control 1921

keyboards 34

key follow 1921

Keymap Pro 83

key-switching 81

Kiev 26671; see also Korg Gadget iOS app

Kontakt 76

Korg Gadget iOS app 26671; Kiev Filter/Amp 268; Kiev interface 267; Kiev MIDI mapping 26871; Kiev modulation 267

Korg Kronos workstation synthesizers 297

KS (Karplus-Strong) synthesis 2823

Kyma X 220

laptop computers, software synthesizers and 3301

Leap Motion 248, 251, 2635

LFO (low frequency oscillator) 2733; additive synthesis and 138; amplifier modulation 31; filter modulation 31; vs. oscillators 28; overview of 278; pitch modulation 30; pulse/square wave 30; pulse width modulation 31; ramp wave 2930; sample and hold 313; sawtooth wave 29; sine wave 289; triangle wave 29; TRIGGER setting of 234, 236

logical interfacing with musicians 31617

Logic Pro 63, 180, 248, 271

Loom 1456; filtering modules, additive synthesis and 153; software, additive synthesis and 1478

loop 735; crossfade and 75; direction 745; optimal, section 734; release adjustments and 75

low burst pad recipe 2334

low frequency oscillator see LFO (low frequency oscillator)

low pass filter 15

Low String Repeat recipe 165

Malstrom Graintable Synthesizer 220

mapping 727

Martenot, Maurice 53

Master parameters 158

Max/MSP 222

McIntyre, Schumacher, and Woodhouse (MSW)synthesis 2812

Mellotron 88

Metallic Sequencer recipe 1667

MIDI see Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

Millennial live setup 3445

MiniBrute 8

MiniMoog 2, 5, 67, 27, 34, 578, 124, 319, 355

mixer 1867

modal synthesis 281

modifiers 2878

modular synthesizers, performing live with 3235

modulation 2733; see also LFO (low frequency oscillator)

modulation synthesis 94119; algorithm 1/operators 1&2 example 99101; Amplitude Modulation 1048; in DAWs 11415; DX-7 patch and 1014; history of 11517; phase distortion 11214; recipes 11719; Ring Modulation 10812; types of 949

modulation wheel 39

modulators 968

Moog, Bob 9, 14, 33

morph screen 15960

MOTU Volta software 3401

Moving Bell recipe 1678

MSW synthesis 2812

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) 328; controller connections 3368; to C.V. converters 3389; over Bluetooth 3378

Native Instruments 76

Natural Low Strings recipe 166

Nave 177

noise, subtractive synthesis and 1314

noise generators 141

noise sources, additive synthesis and 1401

nontuned percussion instruments, physical modeling (PM) synthesis and 279

notch filter 17

note-off trigger 75

Oasys workstation synthesizers 297

Octaver module 151, 152

Odd/Even module 148, 149

old shimmering pad recipe 3056

Olson, Harry 54

Ondes Martenot 53

Ondioline 54

Open Sound Control (OSC) 3323

Operators 96

Organ I and II modules 151, 152

OSC (Open Sound Control) 3323

oscillators 2, 913; digitally controlled 11; vs. LFOs 28; software-based 1112; sub 13; tune/detune features of 12; types of 9; using 1213; voltage controlled 911

oscillator sync 1213

overtones 3

Palm, Wolfgang 175

partial 127, 132

peak 18

percussive staccato pad recipe 468

performance controls 3740; glide 378; modulation wheel 39; pitch wheel 389; ribbon controllers 3940

performance level, additive synthesis and 141

performing live 31556; Analog Purist live setup 3456; with analog synthesizers 31523; Art instillation live setup 3523; Best of Both Worlds live setup 3423; with digital synthesizers 3259; EDM Star live setup 3501; Eurorack Guru live setup 34850; historical perspective on 3536; Jack of all Trades live setup 3434; Millennial live setup 3445; with modular synthesizers 3235; Processor Programmer live setup 347; retro DJ live setup 3512; with software synthesizers 32941; Wireless Wizard live setup 3478

periods 205, 312

phase distortion modulation 11214

Phrase module 155

physical modeling (PM) synthesis 2739; analog modeling and 2926; creating 2845; described 2735; features of 2756; hardware 285; nontuned percussion instruments and 279; software 28892; stringed instruments and 2767; Technics SX-WSA1 and 2878; tuned percussion instruments and 2779; VL line, Yamaha and 2867

pink noise 13, 41

pitch, granular synthesis and 206

pitch modulation, LFO 30

pitch shifting, granular synthesis and 217

pitch wheel 389

pixels 200

play the filter 201

pleasantly dissonant pad recipe 2301

plucked ambient thump recipe 2312

polyphony 54

portamento 37

PPG Wave 175

preset control 54, 58, 326

Processor Programmer live setup 347

Propellerhead Malstrom Graintable Synthesizer 2201

Prophet V, Vector Synthesis (VS) and 2526

Prophet VS: patches in Wavestation and 260; Vector Synthesis 2447

pro-sonic improvisation 31718

pulsars 213

pulsar synthesis, granular synthesis and 21213

pulse wave 78; LFO 30

pulse width modulation (PWM), LFO 31

punchy bass recipe 402

quasi-synchronous granular synthesis 205

R. A. Moog Modular System 556

ramp wave 67; LFO 2930

Random Drops module 155

range 12

RCA Electronic Sound Synthesizer 54

realistic muted bass recipe 3045

recipes, additive synthesis 147, 1609; ambient bass 1601; cool repeater 1612; Distorted Bells 1623; Distorted Movement 1634; electric guitar lead 164; Low String Repeat 165; Metallic Sequencer 1667; Moving Bell 1678; Natural Low Strings 166; Synth Bass 1689

recipes, combination synthesis modeling 30311; deep synth bass 3067; distant rhythms 31011; distorted dissonant pop 304; full spectrum synth 308; high rate of wobble 3089; old shimmering pad 3056; realistic muted bass 3045; stiff bouncing shimmer 303; synth keys 30910; vibrating bells 307

recipes, granular synthesis 22339; Alchemy, Camel Audio and 2238; cinematic tension pad 22930; dampened metallic hammer shimmer 2378; glistening auto-harp 2345; glistening bells 2367; grain length modulated plucking 2356; low burst pad 2334; pleasantly dissonant pad 2301; plucked ambient thump 2312; rhythmic modulation 2389; tyrell corporation pad 2323

recipes, modulation synthesis 11719; Bass 1 118; Brass 1 11718; E. Piano 119

recipes, subtractive synthesis 4052; chorded trumpet 501; effected, evolving pad 434; evolving lead 423; Funk Lead 445; percussive staccato pad 468; punchy bass 402; 60s Organ 489; slow, effected lead 4950; thick bass 456; wall of sound 512

recipes, wavetable synthesis 1949; arpeggiated sawtooth 195, 197; heavy metal 1989; hulusi gourd 195, 196; simple waveform collection 1978; voice patch 1945

release 22; adjustments 75; parameter of envelope generators 245

repeater 156

resonance 18, 19

resonators 2878

retro DJ live setup 3512

reversed gate signal 340

rhythmic modulation recipe 2389

ribbon controllers 3940

Ring Modulation 10812; in synthesizers 11012

Roland TR 808 drum machine 5, 352

rolling off 15

Rudess, Jordan 91

sample and hold, LFO 313

sample-based synthesis vs. granular synthesis 21315

sample playback, additive synthesis and 140

sampling/sample-based synthesis 6093; advanced instrument example 801; analog drum example 835; audio interfaces and 678; auto-samplers 823; basic instrument example 7980; basics of 612; described 623; direct connections and 69; editing 712; future of 923; vs. granular synthesis 21315; historical perspective on 8892; loops and 735; mapping 727; matching outputs and 6970; microphone guidelines for 68; nontraditional sound sources 857; notes and layers, recording 70; overview of 601; recording considerations for 635; recording tools for 668; source capture and 63; synthification 812; tweaking 77; USB microphone and 66; waveform sampling example 779

sawtooth wave 6; additive synthesis and 1345; hyper 8; LFO 29

Screenflow 87

Sculpture: Leap Motion and 2635; morph pad 292; physical modeling software 2912, 298303; Vector Synthesis 24850

Second Tone module 1501

sequencers 356; additive synthesis and 143

simple waveform collection recipe 1978

simple window 2234

sine wave, LFO 289

60s Organ recipe 489

slider 17, 97, 130, 1423

slope 15

slow, effected lead recipe 4950

smartphones, software synthesizers and 3312

Smith, Dave 265

software, physical modeling (PM) synthesis 28892; Ableton Live users and 28891; Sculpture and 2912, 298303

software-based oscillators 1112

software synthesizers, performing live with 32941; controlling 3346; hardware synthesizers and 3334; laptop computers and 3301; MIDI controller connections and 3368; MIDI to C.V. converters and 3389; MOTU Volta software and 3401; OSC and 3323; tablets/smartphones and 3312; volt/octave converters and 340

sonic improvisation 31718

Spectral Distortion/Modulation 159

spectral shaping see filtering

square waves 7; additive synthesis and 1356; hyper 8; LFO 30

step sequencer 35

stereo instruments, defined 1378

stiff bouncing shimmer recipe 303

stringed instruments: excitation 2767; material 276; physical makeup of 277; physical modeling synthesis and 2767

Strip Silence 71

Strong, Alexander 312

sub-oscillators 13

subtractive synthesis 159; amplifiers 212; amplitude shaping 215; arpeggiators and 36; Buchla Modular Electronic Music System 567; controlling 334; described 2; digital synthesizers and 589; early electronic instruments for 524; envelope generators 227; esoteric controllers 367; filtering and 1421; harmonics and 24; historical perspective on 529; keyboards and 34; MiniMoog 578; modulation and 2733; noise and 1314; oscillators and 913; performance controls 3740; R. A. Moog Modular System 556; recipes 4052; sequencers and 356; waveforms and 49

sustain parameter of envelope generators 24

synchronous granular synthesis 205

Sync module 150

Synth Bass recipe 1689

synthification 812

synth keys recipe 30910

tablets, software synthesizers and 3312

tail 156

Technics SX-WSA1 synthesizer 2878

Tempophon 240

Theremin, Leon 52

thick bass recipe 456

Thomson, Elihu 52

timbre 4

time modules 156

time stretching, granular synthesis and 21516

tone generation, additive synthesis and 1323

tool modules 156

touch plates 37

tremolo 28, 29

triangle wave 5; additive synthesis and 1334; LFO 29

trigger 30, 76, 84

tuned percussion instruments: exciter section 278; physical modeling synthesis and 2779; resonator section 2789

tweaking 77

two-pole filter 15

tyrell corporation pad recipe 2323

Überwave 187

USB microphone 66

vector plane 15960

Vector Synthesis (VS) 24472; DAW control and 2501; ES2 model 2478, 2612; Evolver and 2656; iPad control and 2512; Korg Gadget and 26671; Leap Motion, Sculpture and 2635; overview of 2447; programming 252; Prophet V and 2526; Prophet VS model 2447; Sculpture 24850; Wavestation, Korg and 25660

vibrating bells recipe 307

vibrato 28, 29

Virtual Acoustic Technology 286

virtual analog 292

VL line, Yamaha synthesizer 2867

voice patch recipe 1945

voltage control, filter 1819

voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) 911

volt/octave converters 340

VST (Virtual Studio Technology) synthesizers 11, 288, 293, 296

Waldorf nave 1837; interface 184; mixer section of 1867; oscillator section of 1867; wave section of 1846

wall of sound recipe 512

wave folding 8

waveform generators 140

waveforms 49

waveform sampling example 779

waveguide synthesis, digital 27980

wavelet synthesis 212

Wave module 157

Wavestation, Korg: effects and multisets with 260; Prophet VS patches in 260; Vector Synthesis and 2569; wave sequencing and 2589

wavetable synthesis 17599; creating wavetables 17981; double modulation and 1823; drive effect 188; envelope looping function 188; envelopes and 182; FX and Arp section of 191; keys and 1901; LFOs 189; MIDI section of 193; modulation options for 190; movement of 1778; overview of 175; principles of 1767; recipes 1949; tape and sys section of 1913; Überwave and 187; Waldorf nave and 1837; wave modulation 1789; waves and 187

West Coast synthesis 57

white noise 13, 41

Williams, C. N. 53

windowing 203

Wireless Wizard live setup 3478

workstation synthesizers 296303; described 2967; elements of 2978; Korg Kronos 297; Oasys 297; recipes 298; Sculpture and 298303

Xbox Kinect 348

Xpand 2 2501

Yamaha VL line synthesizer 2867

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