The Leader A
Onboarding Worksheet Tool

If you are taking on a new role, you can more proactively ensure success by using the five Ps to see where you may need to shift or expand your capacity. Use the worksheet below for active planning. You can also use this worksheet to help someone else who may be onboarding into a new role that will impact their time and energy.

1. What is your new role or initiative?

2. Purpose: Reset Your Compass. What is your highest and best use in this new role? What are you most passionate and excited about for this new role?

3. Process: Reboot Your Personal Operating System. What structures or processes will you need to update in order to protect your time or recharge your energy in this role?

4. People: Raise Your Game, Raise the Game of Others. What will you need to do differently to leverage, empower, and inspire your team in this new role? What network of support do you need to be successful now? What updates to boundaries or rules of engagement with others will you need to navigate or establish?

5. Presence: Don’t Scratch the Itch. What old habits or triggers could get in the way of your success in this new role? What are new habits you would like to put in place to ensure success in this new role?

6. Peace: Loosen the Grip. What leadership principles and values will be important to guiding you in this new role? What milestones will you celebrate along the way?

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