The Leader A

You can more precisely identify opportunities for sustaining Leader A by taking the following assessment. Leader A and Leader B sit on a continuum and a slippery slope, so it is good to regularly lift out of the noise to see if one of your five Ps may need some additional attention. Take note of places where you marked yourself below a 5.

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10

Leader B <__________________________________> Leader A

Leader B mode

Leader A mode



Feels drained by work and current activities.

Is engaged in work that provides a sense of passion and contribution. Makes effective choices on yesses and nos.



Has become lax about structures or rituals whereby time gets eaten away and energy is drained.

Has structures and rituals that match natural energy flows, protect time, and restore energy.



Has weak links on the team, gets overly involved, lacks a network of support, or has poor boundaries with others.

Regularly looks at the strength of the team and has the right people on the bus. Has a strong network of support and healthy boundaries with others.



Is easily triggered and readily “scratches the itch” when operating from autopilot or habit.

Is conscious and intentional. Is able to make effective choices for the situation at hand.



Feels anxious, agitated, or worried. Leadership actions stem from a place of striving, deficit, or the need to prove oneself.

Is at peace within and is able to accept, feel gratitude, and trust. Leadership actions stem from a place of principles and meaning.


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