

abbreviation guide

days of the week, 15

months of the year, 15

postal, 16

time designations, 15

U.S. states, 16

U.S. territories, 16

weights and measures, 17

Ad Unit Guidelines, 27

agricultural fibers, 161

agricultural residues, 161

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript), 182

analog color proofs, 157

aqueous coating, 155

Attribution license, 11

Attribution No Derivatives license, 12

Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license, 12

Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license, 12

Attribution Share Alike license, 12


bar codes

for European products, 141

ink color, choice of, 141–144

standards for, 140

for U.S. products, 141

basis weight equivalents, 72–75


methods, evaluation of, 82

types of

case, 80

perfect, 80

plastic comb, 81

ring, 81

saddle stitch, 80

screw and post, 81

side stitch, 80

spiral and double-loop wire, 81

tape, 81

bleeds, 68, 70

bluelines, 157

budget estimates, 195–196

budgeting, 190–191

bulk, 74

bulk rate mail, 130, 132


caliper, 74

camera formats, 21

carbon dioxide, 161


folding, 106–110

tray-style, 98–100

tube-style, 101

certification organizations

Chlorine Free Products Association (CFPA), 166

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), 166, 167

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 159, 162, 165, 167

Green E, 166, 167

Green Seal, 167

International Standards Organization (ISO), 166, 167

chain of custody, 165

charts and tables

bar code standards, 141

basis weight and caliper equivalents, 75

Btu of energy used in paper production, 168

caliper and pages per inch, 74

display typeface specimens, 33–34

envelope styles and sizes, 87–92

environmentally friendly papers, 176–177

links in paper supply chain, 161

mail classifications, 125

measurement conversions, 8, 9

paper basis weight equivalents, 72–73, 75

paper estimator, 78

paper sheet sizes, 68, 69, 70, 71

paper usage guide, 79

process color finder, 222–311

proofreaders’ symbols, 14

reflectance values of inks, 141–144

text typeface specimens, 35–57

tint values for halftone screens, 24

tolerances for gatefolds, barrel, or roll folds, 85

trapping tolerances, 149

trimmed pages per standard paper size, 77

chlorine, 162

Chlorine Free Products Association (CFPA), 166

chlorine-free processing, 163, 166


financial negotiations with, 193–196

payment strategies for, 196–197


and bar codes, 141

and digital imaging, 20–25

duotones, 25

and paper types, 79

process color finder, 222–311

trapping tolerances, 149

use of in grids, 67

color bars, 68


negotiating, 193–196

rights and, 197–199

conservation of energy, 168

copyright, 10

copyright notice, 10

Creative Commons licensing, 11–12

infringement, 10

public domain, 10

transferring rights, 11

U.S. Copyright Office, 10

creative briefs

components of, 184, 186–187

creation of, 185

vs. design criteria, 188

managing to, 188

negative impact of not having, 184

as strategic tools, 184

uses of, 189

Creative Commons licensing, 11–12

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 182


decorative typefaces, 30

de-inking, 162, 170

design criteria, 188

die-cutting, 152

digital file formats, 20–21

digital printing, 148, 175

digital proofs, 157

dioxins, 162

display typefaces, 29, 33–34

Domtar, 164, 165

drilling paper, 153

duotones, 25


ecodesign. See sustainable design

ecofriendly design. See sustainable design

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), 166, 167

effluent, 162

elemental chlorine free (ECF), 162

em dash, 18

embossing, 151

en dash, 18

energy conservation, 168

engraving, 147


announcement or A-style, 90

baronial, 91

booklet (U.S.), 87

business announcement, 91

catalog (U.S.), 89

coin, 91

commercial and official (U.S.), 87

construction of, 86

international sizes, 91–92

metal clasp (U.S.), 90

policy (U.S.), 89

printing considerations for, 92

remittance (U.S.), 89

ticket (U.S.), 88

wallet flap, 90

window (U.S.), 88

environmental impact, of paper industry, 164, 168–169, 171

EPS file format, 20

estimates, 195–196

ethnographic research, 179

exdentation, 18


fiber sourcing, sustainable, 164–165

financial negotiations, 193–196


glossy vs. matte, 155

types of, 76, 154–156

finishing techniques

die-cutting, 152

drilling, 153

embossing, 151

foil stamping, 152

perforating, 153

punching, 153

scoring, 153

flexography, 148

focus groups, 179

foil stamping, 152

fold styles

barrel, 85

eight-page French fold, 84

eight-page gatefold, 84

eight-page parallel fold, 84

four-page short, 83

four-page simple, 83

gatefolds, 85

paper grain and, 84

roll, 85

six-page accordion, 83

six-page barrel or roll, 83

sixteen-page signature, 84

tolerances for, 85

folding cartons, 106–110

footnotes, standards for, 15

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 159, 162, 165, 167


certification of wood products, 165–167

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 159, 162, 165, 167

old growth forests and, 160

paper production and, 160

sustainable, 164–165

forms and contracts, 184–189


gatefolds, 85, 156

GIF file format, 20

grain, paper, 76

grammage equivalents, 73

gravure, 147

green design. See sustainable design

Green E, 166, 167

Green Seal, 167

grid design, 58–67


anatomy of, 59

composite, 65

constructional, 63

creation of, 62

graphic software for, 62

hierarchical, 67

margins and, 61

modular, 66

symmetry vs. asymmetry, 60

types of, 58

typographic unit, 64

uses for, 58

variables of, 58, 61

working with, 59

grippers, 68


halftone screens, 22–24

hanging punctuation, 18

holography, 149

hourly rate, determination of, 191–192

HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 182

hyphenation guide, 18



Ad Unit Guidelines, 27

camera formats, 21

digital file formats, 20–21

duotones, 25

halftone screens, 22–24

organization of, 58

scaling, 26

scanning resolution, 26

standard sizes for Web, 27

ink drawdowns, 157

ink-jet printing, 155


ecofriendly, 174

reflectance values of, 141–144

types of, 154

intellectual property rights, 197–198

Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), 27

International Standards Organization (ISO), 69–71, 166, 167


JPEG file format, 20


laminates, 156

layout, 58–67

leading, 32

legal resources, 13

lenticular printing, 149

letterpress, 147

licensing options, 198–199


mail. See postal services

mail classifications, 124–125

Mail Piece Design Analyst (MPA), 133

measurement equivalents

basis weight/caliper, 75

basis weight/grammage, 73

caliper/pages per inch, 74

formulas for, 9

inch decimals to inch fractions, 8

ISO sheet sizes and inch equivalents, 69–71

metric to imperial equivalents, 9

millimeters, points, and picas to inches, 8

North American sheet sizes and metric equivalents, 68

mill broke, 162

mobile design, 182–183


Nolo, 13

number and numeral usage, 17


offset inks, 154

offset lithography

defined, 146

inks, 154

sustainable design and, 173

types of, 150

VOCs released in, 174

old growth forests, 162

on-demand printing, 148, 175

oversized pages, 156


packaging styles

closure types, 102–105

folding cartons, 106–110

paper bags, 120–121

plastic bags, 122–123

plastic containers, 116–119

set-up boxes, 111–115

tray-style cartons, 98–100

tube-style cartons, 101

pages per inch (ppi), 74, 75


basis weight and caliper equivalents, 75

basis weight equivalents, 72–75

binding types, 80–82

bulk, 74

caliper, 74, 75

cutting and trimming, 151

envelopes, 86–92

environmentally friendly, 176–177

estimator, 78

finishes, 76, 151–153

fold styles, 83–84

grain, 76, 84

grammage system, 73

minimizing wasted trim, 77

mixed sources, 170–171

pages per inch (ppi), 74, 75

pocket folders, 93–97

postcard stock, 128

protective coatings, 154–156

recycled, 163, 169–173

reflectance values of, 141

sheet sizes

international (ISO), 69–71

North American, 68

supply chain of, 161

tree-free, 163, 171–172

usage guide, 79

paper bags, 120–121

paper dummy, 157

paper industry, environmental impact of, 164, 168–169, 171

paper production

renewable energy for, 168

sustainable, 164–165, 169

payment strategies, 196–197

PDF file format, 21

perforating paper, 153

plastic bags, 122–123

plastic containers, 116–119

pocket folders

printing considerations for, 97

styles, 93

templates, 94–97

postal abbreviations, 16

postal services

certificate of mailing, 131

certified mail, 131

COD (Collect on Delivery), 131

delivery confirmation, 131

insured mail, 131

Mail Piece Design Analyst (MPA), 133

registered mail, 131

return receipt, 131

return receipt for merchandise, 131

signature confirmation, 131

postal standards, international mail, 131

postal standards, U.S. mail

automated mailing rates, 132

bulk rate, 130, 132

business reply and courtesy reply mail, 133

delivery times, 129–130

label standards, 132

mail classifications, 124–125

package standards, 129

postcard paper stock requirements, 128

rate classifications, 129–130

self-mailers, sealing, 134–146

size requirements, 126–128

thickness requirements, 128

postal websites, 136–139

postcards, 124, 128

postconsumer waste (PCW), 162, 170

ppi (pages per inch), 74, 75

preconsumer waste, 162, 170


budgeting and, 190–191

estimates, 195–196

evaluating, 192

factors to consider when, 190–191

hourly rate, determining your, 191–192

learning about, 193

negotiating, 193–196

reviewing, 192

revisions, 195

prime marks, 18


cutting and trimming, 151

ecofriendly, 172–175

finishing techniques, 151–153

ink-jet printing, 155

inserting extras and/or oversize pages, 156

offset inks for, 154

sustainable design and, 160

trapping tolerances, 149

waterless, 175

printing processes

digital (on-demand), 148, 175

engraving, 147

flexography, 148

gravure, 147

holography, 149

lenticular printing, 149

letterpress, 147

offset lithography, 146, 150, 154

screen, 148

thermography, 147

waterless, 175

process color finder, 222–311

processed chlorine free (PCF), 163, 166

professional organizations, 216–217

proofing methods, 157

proofreaders’ symbols, 14

protective coatings, 154–156

prototyping, 180–181

public domain, 10

punching paper, 153


QR Codes

content for, 145

generating and reading, 145

standards for, 145

quotation marks, 18


Rainforest Alliance, 165

RAW file format, 21

ream weight. See basis weight equivalents

recycled paper, 169–170

de-inking, 162, 170

from mixed sources, 170–171

postconsumer waste, 162, 170

preconsumer waste, 162, 170

tree-free, 163, 171–172

reflectance values

of inks, 141–144

of papers, 141

renewable energy, 168

resources, 216–221

responsive design, 183

revisions, 195

royalty-based licensing, 199


sans serif typefaces, 29

scaling, an image, 26

scanning resolution, 26

scoring paper, 153

screen printing, 148

script typefaces, 30

serif typefaces, 29–30

service marks, 12–13

set-up boxes, 111–115

sheetfed offset lithography, 150

socially conscious design, 158

soy inks, 174

spot varnish, 155

sustainable design

certifications, 166–168

defined, 158

energy conservation and, 168

guidelines for, 159

printing, 172–175

in production, 160–161, 164–165, 169

renewable energy and, 168

shift toward, 158

terminology, 161–163


templates, pocket folders, 96–97

text, organization of, 58

text typefaces, 29, 35–57

thermography, 147

throw-outs, 156

TIFF file format, 21

time designations, 15

tip-ins, 156

tip-ons, 156

totally chlorine free (TCF), 163, 166

trademarks, 12–13

trapping tolerances, 149

tray-style cartons, 98–100

tree fiber, 160

tree-free paper, 163, 171–172

tube-style cartons, 101


categories of, 28–30

guide for, 33–57

identification of typefaces, 34

measurement of, 31–32

terminology, 28

typographic terms, 28


ultraviolet (UV) coating, 155

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 13

U.S. Copyright Office, 10

U.S. state abbreviations, 16

U.S. territories, 16

usability testing, 181

user experience (UX) design, 178

user interface (UI) design

mobile design, 182–183

phases of, 178

prototyping, 180–181

responsive design, 183

sketching, 179

usability testing, 181

user interface development, 181–182

user research, 178–179

wireframing, 179–180

user interviews, 179

user-based licensing, 198


varnishes, 154–155

virgin fiber, 160, 162, 163, 164, 166, 170, 171, 173

volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 163, 173, 174

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, 13


waterless printing, 175

web hosting companies, 183

web offset lithography, 150


environmental organizations, 166–167

postal, 137–139

weights and measures, 17

wireframing, 179–180

wood products, certification organizations for

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), 166, 167

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 165, 166, 167

Green E, 166, 167

Green Seal, 167

International Standards Organization (ISO), 166, 167

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