A grant proposal should include the following elements (Figure 32):

image Cover letter

image An introduction to the organization requesting the grant

image A summary of the proposal

image A summary of any previous communications with the funding organization

image The amount of funding you are requesting

image The population that will be served by the grant

image The need the project will help solve

image Cover page

image Grant proposal title

image Submitted to: (funding organization’s name)

image Date

image Your contact information including name, title, organization, address, phone, and email

image Proposal report

image The content and format, varying depending on the requirements of the funding organization

A basic grant proposal should include the following sections:

image Project abstract or summary—a concise summary of the project that is no longer than one page. Write this section of the proposal last.

image Need for the project

image Population served

image Brief description of the project

image Goals and objectives of the project

image Applicant’s history

image How the program will be evaluated

image Statement of need

image Description of the problem

image Description of the population

image Description of how the project will help solve the problem

image Goals and objectives

image Program description

image Explanation of the program

image Details on how the program will be implemented

image Explanation of what will be accomplished

image Timeline, the schedule for project implementation

image Evaluation—information on how the success of the project will be measured

image Organization and staff information

image Description of the organization’s experience

image Staff qualifications

image Budget—a summary of the expenses for the project

image Appendix

image Research support

image Nonprofit tax status letter

image Annual report

Figure 32 Grant Proposal

(Courtesy of Isha Foundation)

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