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Welcome to Take Control of Sharing Files in Tiger, version 1.0.

This ebook helps you share documents among computers and over the Internet safely. This ebook was written by Glenn Fleishman, edited by Tonya and Adam Engst, and published by TidBITS Electronic Publishing.

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  • Blue text indicates links. You can click any item in the Table of Contents to jump to that section. Cross-references are also links, as are URLs and email addresses.

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In reading this ebook, you may get stuck if you don’t know certain basic facts about Mac OS X or if you don’t understand Take Control syntax for things like working with menus or finding items in the Finder. Please note the following:

  • Path syntax: I occasionally use a path to show the location of a file or folder in your file system. Path text is formatted in bold type. For example, Tiger stores most utilities, such as Terminal, in the Utilities folder. The path to Terminal is: /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.

    The slash at the start of the path tells you to start from the root level of the disk. You will also encounter paths that begin with ~ (tilde), which is a shortcut for any user’s home directory. For example, if a person with the user name glenn wants to install fonts that only he can access, he would install them in his ~/Library/Fonts folder, which is just another way of writing /Users/glenn/Library/Fonts.

  • Finding preference panes: I sometimes refers to Mac OS X preferences that you may want to adjust. To change these system wide settings, open System Preferences by clicking its icon in the Dock or choosing System Preferences from the Apple menu. You access a particular preference pane by way of its icon, or the View menu. For example, to see “the Sharing preference pane,” you would launch System Preferences and then click the Sharing icon or choose View > Sharing.

  • Menus: When I describe choosing a command from a menu in the menu bar, I use an abbreviated description. For example, the abbreviated description for the menu command that creates a new folder in the Finder is “File > New Folder.”

What’s New

This ebook is a new version of Take Control of Sharing Files in Panther. The book has been updated to reflect the changes between Panther and Tiger, which are primarily cosmetic: some interface elements have changed, some aspects of file sharing have become simpler, and, generally, Tiger is more consistent in its use of terms and labels. Tiger didn’t introduce significant new methods, servers, or problems.

This new ebook provides:

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