Chapter 14. High-Speed I/O Interfaces

Mike Peng LiWavecrest, San Jose, California

T. M. MakIntel Corporation, Santa Clara, California

Kwang-Ting (Tim) ChengUniversity of California, Santa Barbara, California

About This Chapter

Regardless of how complex a semiconductor device or chip is, the first thing that has to be dealt with is its pins or input/output (I/O) interfaces. They can be connected and probed by a myriad set of instruments. From a test perspective, because these pins often are visible, they also carry complex specifications such as drive/sense levels, source/sink capability, leakage, etc. As the signaling rate of a device goes up, more of its signaling characteristics also are specified. This is evident by picking up any datasheet of a chip/component. As processor speed continues to increase, I/O has become the bottleneck, constraining system-level performance. A processor may compute very fast, but if the instructions and data do not reach the processor in time, it simply has to wait. Therefore, improving I/O performance is essential for improving system-level performance. Consequently, in current systems, I/O has become the most important element requiring special attention.

This chapter is devoted to high-speed parallel/serial I/O link testing at both chip and system levels. It starts with a discussion of various I/O architectures and then explores various test methodologies for them. In particular, we conduct an extensive overview of the signaling properties of high-speed serial I/O, including jitter, noise, and bit error rate (BER). We also present design-for-testability-assisted (DFT-assisted) test methods for manufacturing test. Novel DFT approaches for testing the emerging equalization and compensation circuits used in I/O links at signaling rates over 1 GHz are also covered. At the system level, interconnect test methods using the IEEE 1149.1 and 1149.6 boundary-scan standards as well as the interconnect BIST (IBIST) method are also included. Finally, we discuss the unique challenges associated with the data rate scaling of I/O interfaces.


Data communication has been around since the birth of telegraphy, way before any computers arrived on the scene. Early telegraphy primarily used Morse code to send text messages. Because this type of communication had to go hundreds and thousands of miles via a copper medium utilizing the then novel invention of electricity, it was deemed to be more economic to send a signal (coded as a series of short and long pulses) in a serial manner on a pair of wires. The use of the Morse code eventually became standardized, thus signaling the beginning of serial signal engineering.

Serial signaling has evolved to support computer-to-computer communications including Ethernet (and its various siblings). For electronic systems that are closer in proximity to each other, such as between boards or between components, designers may take liberty to use more wires or printed-circuit board (PCB) traces. At this level of communication, it is advantageous to use a less complex signaling scheme at the cost of more wires/board space. The term “bus” was invented. This essentially describes the communication pictorially: a set of data gets on a bus together and travels along together. Upon reaching a destination, they may depart together or continue onto the next stop. The bus can also pick up new data from any bus stop (agent) as long as a simple protocol is followed. A parallel bus is a common communication method, especially for component-to-component (on a board) and between board-to-board in close proximity.

Both parallel and serial communications have coexisted for a long time, and the choice is primarily based on the length of their interconnections. Once communication has to leave a box and goes for any distance greater than tens of meters, serial communication is more preferred. Anything less than that, the simplicity of parallel communication tends to win over.

As the need to move greater and greater amounts of data among big computer networks became more pressing, serial communication links evolved. They are capable of delivering data at a rate of multiple gigabits per second (Gbps). Communication standards for technologies capable of transmitting at these data rates are synchronous optical network (SONET), gigabit ethernet (GBE), fibre channel (FC), and those standards created by the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF). These communication standards are all serial links that utilize an embedded clock in the transmitting data stream, and the clock signal is recovered at the receive side.

In contrast, chip-to-chip I/O interconnect technology has been largely based on parallel bus technology for the past 40-plus years. The signaling mechanism is mostly based on a global clock, which qualifies the data from the transmit side, and the same global clock also will latch the data at the receive side. Nevertheless, to improve system-level performance, this system clock rate also has been increasing steadily to keep the data rate up. At a data rate of less than 1 Gbps, synchronized parallel I/Os with a global clock (GC) or a source synchronous (SS) I/O with a strobe is common. These are still expected to be the signaling methods of choice if the data rate is less than 1 Gbps. Special types of buses exist, such as hypertransport, where a strobe is sent along with the data on a per link basis. It can deliver data at up to a 5 Gbps rate. The consequence for such architecture is a large pin count for devices with many I/O pins.

Of course, improving system-level performance further is an important goal, and parallel signaling begins to show its limitations as transmission speeds increase. At data rates of more than 1 Gbps per wire, the parallel data bus architecture can no longer be sustained for nonforwarding strobe or clock types of architecture because of limitations such as the larger number of I/O pins and channel-to-channel skew. Instead, the distinct properties of serial signaling start to shine as each serial channel is self-timed by using an embedded clock so the channel-to-channel skew and mismatch issues associated with synchronized parallel I/O no longer apply. Short distance, chip-to-chip I/O links essentially have adopted the serial communication architectures developed for long-distance network communications, with some technological differences. Digital based clock-recovery (CR) technologies, for example, are widely used for chip-to-chip I/O links, such as phase interpolator (PI) or oversampling (OS), in addition to the conventional analog phase-locked loop (PLL). To provide for even more data bandwidth, the link can consist of multiple serial channels.

As we move to a serial signaling technology, there are a lot more signaling properties we have to consider. Even the tricky source synchronous (SS) timings would seem like child’s play compared with asynchronous serial timings. At multiple-Gbps data rates, a digital waveform appears to be an analog waveform at the receiver input because of the frequency-dependent lossy property of the channel or medium (PCB traces, cables, connectors, etc.). Timing edges tend to move around (jitter) because of power fluctuations and couplings from neighboring signals. As such, timing jitter and amplitude noise can be viewed as the consequences of signal waveform degradation, and data might be recognized erroneously and result in bit errors. These errors can be corrected either with error detection and correction protocols or by using a higher transaction-level protocol to request that data be resent. As long as the error rate, or to be more specific, the bit error rate (BER), is low enough, the higher data rate can compensate for occasional hiccups. Obviously, to achieve a good BER, which is typically 10–12 or less for most of the high-speed communication technologies, jitter and noise must satisfy certain limits.

As the data rate keeps increasing, the unit interval (UI)—the period during which a digital bit can exist—becomes shorter and shorter, and, as such, the system will be more susceptible to failures resulting from jitter and noise. Because of this failure mechanism, jitter, noise, and BER (JNB) testing becomes necessary for multiple Gbps and GHz devices and systems. Therefore, JNB testing needs to be conducted against their corresponding limits so that good interoperability can be verified and ensured.

Because jitter, noise, and BER can accumulate, JNB testing relies on statistical data analysis processes, and all the rules established for those processes should apply. Traditionally, jitter and noise were quantified mostly by either using the statistical range or peak-to-peak (PK-PK) value, or the root-mean-square (RMS) of the entire jitter statistical distribution. By the end of 1990, the concept of jitter components such as deterministic jitter (DJ) and random jitter (RJ) were first developed to better accommodate the testing needs for mainstream gigabit serial data communications architectures [Wilstrup 1998] [Li 1999] [NCITS 2001]. The motivation for this change was straightforward: neither PK-PK nor RMS can be a good metric for a commonly encountered jitter distribution containing both bounded deterministic (i.e., DJ) and unbounded random (i.e., RJ) processes. Think of deterministic jitter as jitters that are occurring periodically. This could be power noise that happens regularly because of another power hog switching somewhere on the power grid. Random jitter, on the other hand, is a result of various uncor-related events. This may occur in a particular cycle, but its occurrence pattern is not predictable. Separating jitter into DJ and RJ enables appropriate and accurate statistical metrics to be applied to the corresponding statistical processes. Furthermore, separating jitter into its components also enables developments of diagnostic and debug methods to pin down the exact root causes of the jitter problems, should a system fail. The jitter analysis metrology paradigm shift has triggered many innovations that we will discuss in more detail in the next section.

In addition to obeying statistical rules, JNB testing also follows the rules for serial communication because what matters is the JNB behavior in a system. It does not exist as a pure or unconstrained mathematical or statistical abstraction. Thus, understanding the link architecture, as well as JNB behaviors and characteristics in a link system, is necessary to develop appropriate simulation and measurement methods. An important concept established in testing JNB in a serial link is that the relevant JNB “seen” by a receiver is not necessarily the same raw JNB data as found at a transmitter output or receiver input [Li 2003, 2004]. Thus, to determine receiver jitter and noise responses and JNB properties, knowledge of the receiver architecture is critical. Both the equalization and clock recovery circuit are important and relevant to JNB characteristics. Equalization compensates for the frequency-dependent losses (rolling off at the high end) characteristic of the channel or media, and the clock recovery circuit helps to track the data even though it is jittery. For example, a transmitter may have significant jitter but will still work fine in an actual system because of the jitter tracking of the receiver clock recovery circuit. If this transmitter is tested without considering the receiver clock recovery jitter tracking, it would be mistested as a failing part.

At the same time, it is important to test these interfaces on a digital testing platform to keep test costs in check. This is because of the continued commoditization of serial link technology in the mainstream personal computer business and the fact that these interfaces are mostly I/O for large digital circuits (e.g., an I/O for memory or graphics interface hub). Testing the digital circuits on a digital tester while testing the I/O interfaces on an expensive mixed-signal tester is possible, but the high test costs of such an approach certainly limit its use. Many DFT-assisted test solutions implemented either on the silicon itself or on the custom loadboard were developed in the early 2000s.

Moreover, in the board test arena, people who have been testing their boards with boundary scan using the IEEE 1149.1 standard [IEEE 1149.1-2001] since the mid-1990s suddenly found that they could not count on the same technique any more as data rates increased. There is an effort to extend the 1149.1 standard to a new 1149.6 standard [IEEE 1149.6-2003] to deal with the AC-coupled nature of these high-speed links. However, because this is still based on an essentially DC testing infrastructure, there is no guarantee that the interfaces are up to the performance and speed requirements of these high-frequency links, even if they are tested to the 1149.6 standard. Several techniques have been in the works, the most visible of which is interconnect built-in self-test (IBIST) [Nejedlo 2003], which essentially tests the interface at a high data rate or at-speed with worst-case patterns.

High-Speed I/O Architectures

High-speed I/O architecture is largely driven by the demand of delivering higher data rates. Clock generation and distribution are important considerations in an I/O architecture. On the other hand, architecture determines the testing parameters and functionality requirements, as well as test methodologies. Therefore, it is important to first understand I/O architecture as well as its testing implications and requirements before discussing testing parameters and methodology.

Using a computer I/O bus as an example, at data rates of up to 200 Mbps, the commonly implemented I/O uses the global clock (GC) architecture in a parallel way. A global clock is sent to both transmitter and receiver of one link, and the receiver uses the subsequent clock edge of the same clock to drive its data latch. The GC architecture is limited by the skew and propagation delay for clock and data. To increase the data rate to speeds greater than 200 Mbps, source synchronous (SS) architecture was developed to deliver the data up to 1 Gbps. In the SS architecture, the transmitter sends a strobe signal along with the data signal. The strobe is used to latch the data at the receiver, and this removes the limitations of both clock skew and propagation delay in the GC. Both GC and SS are synchronized and parallel I/O buses as both transmitter and receiver use the same clock or strobe signal; hence, it is easy to interface with other synchronized systems. As the data rate increases beyond 1 Gbps, the skew between data bits in each parallel channel becomes a key limiting factor. To compensate, an embedded clock architecture was developed, which uses a clock embedded in the data stream that is recovered in the receiver. Because there is no clock or strobe sent along with data and data are self-timed, skew and propagation delay are not limitations for the embedded clock signaling architecture. We will discuss those architectures in sequence and address what components need to be tested and why.

Global Clock I/O Architectures

The most commonly used GC I/O architecture is shown in Figure 14.1. In this architecture, the signal is launched off one chip with the system clock and received at another chip at the following clock edge. At the sending end, there is a clock to signal delay (Tco) specification, and at the receiving end, there is setup (Tsetup) and hold time (Thold) on either side of the following clock edge.

Global clock (GC) data and clock timing relationship.

Figure 14.1. Global clock (GC) data and clock timing relationship.

Source Synchronous I/O Architectures

As the signaling rate increases, a problem arises. The clock skew between the sending component and the receiving component (board trace delay A-B shown in Figure 14.2) can cut into the cycle time. To compensate for this clock skew, the source synchronous (SS) architecture was developed [Ilkbahar 2001]. With this scheme, not only will the sending component send the signal, but also another strobe that is similar to a clock signal goes along with that signal. The receiving component uses this strobe to clock the signal. Hence, system-level clock skew is out of the picture. The designer only cares about the differential skew between the strobe and the signal, with the key timing specifications as the time valid before (the strobe) and time valid after (the strobe) (see Figure 14.3). With careful design, (e.g., identically sized drivers and matched layout), this signaling scheme allows the signaling rate to increase gradually from less than 10 to 50 Mbps to today’s 1066 Mbps.

Source synchronous (SS) signaling scheme.

Figure 14.2. Source synchronous (SS) signaling scheme.

SS timing definition.

Figure 14.3. SS timing definition.

As much as this new SS signaling scheme has improved system-level performance, another problem starts to show up when the data rate continues to increase. The parallel interface that we use to transfer lots of data becomes a bottleneck itself. The parallel bits of data from the sending/receiving component have to center around the strobes. The skews among these data bits caused by uneven driving speeds and propagation delays between parallel channels become a performance limitation (see Figure 14.3). Additionally, the multiple load nature of a parallel bus creates noises that also affect signal integrity (SI). Each of these loads can be considered a stub on the transmission line. Because the stub is never perfectly matched to the transmission line characteristics, some of the energy would be reflected and is superimposed on the signal, making it noisier. It is generally believed that beyond 1 Gbps, new signaling technology is required. One may still use SS or similar architectures such as hypertransport with higher data rate, but the number of loads has to be decreased correspondingly to minimize disruption to the transmission line characteristics.

Another solution to extend SS is to reduce the number of data bits per strobe or, in other words, provide more strobes for a wide data bus. This will increase the number of board traces or wires and is not economically feasible. This can continue up to the point where we need a strobe with a data bit; then there will not be data skew, but then we also expand the size of the bus to double.

Embedded Clock I/O Architectures

As pointed out earlier, at a data rate beyond 1 Gbps, we have to treat each data channel individually because of the possible skews among data channels. One solution is to apply a serial signaling technique whereby the clock is embedded in its transmitting data stream. At the receive side, this clock is recovered through a CR circuit. PLL circuits are commonly used for clock recovery, but there also exist other digital circuit techniques for this task. Figure 14.4 illustrates the block diagram of a serial link with a CR circuit placed on the receive side.

Serial link using embedded clock signal scheme.

Figure 14.4. Serial link using embedded clock signal scheme.

One may wonder: how does the clock get embedded into the data? The clock is periodic, but data are not. In other words, natural digital data do not resemble the clock. How would the clock recovery scheme work? The trick here is to make the data look more like a clock. By mapping a data word (e.g., 8 bits) onto another codeword (e.g., 10 bits), and only mapping to those with an even number of transitions (i.e., more or less an equal number of 1’s and 0’s, or DC balanced coding), the data stream will look more like a clock stream and the PLL at the receiver end can periodically synchronize to some of the transitions while it regenerates the clock.

In a serial embedded clock I/O link system, jitter is the dominant cause for performance degradation. Therefore, to recover the clock at the receiver, the PLL attempts to track the jitter to mitigate jitter’s negative impact on the receiver performance. To characterize the PLL in terms of its performance for tracking jitter, as well as to quantify the jitter “propagation” process from the transmitter to the receiver, some system transfer function concepts, such as linear time-invariant (LTI) system theory [Papoulis 1977] [Oppenheim 1996], must be incorporated. In an LTI system, its output signal can be determined by the convolution of its input and the impulse response of the system.

In the following, we start with the definition of various jitter components and their interaction hierarchy. Then, we describe how to separate jitter components, an important and practical topic in jitter testing and analysis. Finally, we discuss the extension of the jitter component concept and the separation methods for noise component analysis, and the interactions between jitter, noise, and BER.

Jitter Components

A popular and widely used definition for so-called phase jitter or accumulated jitter states that jitter is the time deviation of an edge transition from its ideal time location [Li 2004] [PCI-SIG 2004]. Phase jitter results from several sources of noise and thus it is desirable to classify jitter into components such that each of them can be attributed to a distinct process or an underlying mechanism causing the jitter. The tree given in Figure 14.5 illustrates the classification scheme of various jitter components and their relationships [Li 2000] [NCITS 2001].

Classification of various jitter components.

Figure 14.5. Classification of various jitter components.

Jitter or total jitter (TJ) can be separated into two major components: deterministic jitter (DJ) and random jitter (RJ). DJ’s probability density function (PDF) is bounded, whereas RJ’s PDF is Gaussian and unbounded. DJ can be further separated into three types: data-dependent jitter (DDJ), periodic jitter (PJ), and bounded-uncorrelated jitter (BUJ). RJ includes Gaussian jitter (GJ) and multiple Gaussian jitter (MGJ). There are two types of DDJ: duty cycle distortion (DCD) and intersymbol interference (ISI). Figure 14.6 shows the various jitter components and their associated PDFs in the context of an eye diagram.

Various jitter components and their associated PDFs.

Figure 14.6. Various jitter components and their associated PDFs.

Another means of classifying jitter is based on whether the jitter correlates to the data pattern or not: correlated jitter and uncorrelated jitter. Correlated jitter types include DDJ, DCD, and ISI, and uncorrelated jitter types include PJ, BUJ, MGJ, and GJ. This particular means of classifying jitter components offers additional insights to the jitter processes and enables development of better quantification methods.

Each jitter component has specific physical mechanisms and root causes associated with it. For DJ components, DCD can be caused by a reference voltage offset or a time delay between the rising and falling clock edges when it is digitally synthesized. ISI results from interaction between successive data bits. These data bits form an analog waveform with rich high-frequency components. As the waveform transverses through lossy and band-limiting materials (e.g., PCB traces), energy at some specific frequencies may be attenuated, resulting in data-dependent variation; hence the term ISI. PJ can be caused by periodic modulations or interferences. BUJ can be caused by crosstalk. RJ can be caused by thermal, flicker, or shot noises. Knowing the amount of each jitter component provides valuable diagnostic information for finding and, in turn, fixing a specific jitter failure problem.

Jitter Separation

There are two major approaches to separating individual jitter components. One method is based on the jitter PDF (see Figure 14.7) or cumulative distribution function (CDF) (see Figure 14.8) measurement. PDF is the normalized histogram of the signal edge times (i.e., how often the signal transitions at a particular time point). CDF, on the other hand, sorts the sampled edge time data in an ascending order to show the distribution profile. Another method is based on the jitter time record. Jitter PDF can be measured by instruments such as the sampling oscilloscope (SO) or time interval analyzer (TIA). Jitter CDF (sometimes called BER CDF) can be measured by a bit-error-rate tester (BERT). The jitter time record can be measured by a TIA or a real-time oscilloscope (RTO).

Jitter probability density function (PDF).

Figure 14.7. Jitter probability density function (PDF).

Jitter cumulative distribution function (CDF).

Figure 14.8. Jitter cumulative distribution function (CDF).

Jitter Separation Based on Statistical PDF or CDF

A widely accepted method for conducting PDF-based jitter separation is the Tailfit method [Li 1999]. Because the deterministic PDF is bounded, beyond certain jitter limit or the range of DJ, all the PDF-based jitter will be random jitter. Random jitter is naturally modeled by a Gaussian function (bell-shaped distribution). Therefore, the tail of a jitter PDF reflects the random jitter process, which, in general should be a Gaussian-type distribution. The Tailfit algorithm identifies a Gaussian curve with a symmetrical tail region to that of the distribution under evaluation. Two Gaussian curves (left and right side of the PDF) are fitted against each of the tail regions of the distribution until optimal matches are found. When an analytical Gaussian model is used to match those measured tail region PDFs through nonlinear fit or other optimization procedures, all the parameters defining a Gaussian distribution such as mean and RMS can be determined. Then the DJ PK-PK can be estimated as the difference between two means, and RJ σ (or RMS) will be the average of two tail σs. The application of the Tailfit method to a total jitter PDF is shown schematically in Figure 14.9.

Fitting Gaussian distribution curves to a jitter histogram Tailfit.

Figure 14.9. Fitting Gaussian distribution curves to a jitter histogram Tailfit.

The Tailfit method can be applied to a BER CDF if it is directly measured via instrument such as a BERT. In general, the mechanism is similar to that used in PDF fitting. However, because the base data are CDF, the model used to fit the tail region of the CDF should be an integrated Gaussian, which represents an error function [Hänsel 2004]. Also, the left tail of PDF corresponds to the right tail of the CDF. Similarly, the right tail of PDF corresponds to the left tail of the CDF. Tailfit for BER CDF is shown in Figure 14.10.

Tailfit for BER CDF.

Figure 14.10. Tailfit for BER CDF.

It could be hard to extract some second- or third-level DJ components shown in Figure 14.5, such as DCD, ISI, PJ, and DDJ, from the jitter PDF or CDF data. The reason is that the features and characteristics of those jitter components are “washed out” because of the summing and integration in deriving the PDF and CDF distributions.

In addition to separating jitter to its DJ and RJ components, Tailfit is used to estimate or extrapolate total jitter (TJ) with smaller measurement sample size or time. TJ is defined as the timing closure at a low BER level (10–12 or lower for most of the high-speed I/Os) on the BER CDF curve (see Figure 14.10). TJ can be determined based on direct measurement of BER CDF down to 10–12, but such method is time consuming and slow. With the Tailfit method, BER CDF at a low BER level (e.g., 10–12 or lower) can be estimated or extrapolated from a higher BER level (e.g., 10–6 or higher) with smaller sample size, enabling TJ estimation at the low BER level with fast throughput.

Jitter Separation Based on Frequency Spectrum

If a data stream is repeatedly sampled and captured in the time-domain via instruments such as TIA or RTO, then spectrum analysis can be carried out via time to frequency domain transformations such as Fourier transformation (FT). The mainstream methods for spectrum analysis of a stochastic process such as RJ include the autocorrelation method (for the time domain) and the power spectrum density (PSD) method (for the frequency domain) [Papoulis 1977] [Oppenheim 1996]. In [Wilstrup 1998], these two methods were first applied for jitter separation in the time and frequency domains, respectively. In these methods, repeated sampling of time deviations from the ideal locations produces a distribution of both DCD and ISI, whereas the variance function in the frequency domain results in a jitter PSD for PJ and RJ, which is uncorrelated to the data patterns. An exemplar jitter PSD function having both PJ and RJ is shown in Figure 14.11.

An exemplar plot of jitter power spectrum density (PSD).

Figure 14.11. An exemplar plot of jitter power spectrum density (PSD).

PJ components will be shown as spectral lines in the PSD function, and a sliding window technique can be used to identify the magnitude and frequency for each of the PJ components. Then, all PJ spectral lines are removed from the PSD function record. The residues can then be summed over a frequency band and the square root of the sum gives the RMS value of the RJ over that frequency band. Another similar jitter separation method—which employs undersampling, targets production testing, and measures the means of the edge transition times—has been developed by [Cai 2005].

A less accurate jitter estimation method using voltage time records can be accomplished by applying direct Fourier transform (FT) or fast Fourier transform (FFT) operation to convert the interpolated jitter time record (which is not a directly measured jitter time record) to its frequency domain spectrum. The data can then be squared to derive an approximated PSD [Ward 2004]. Unlike the spectrum shown in Figure 14.11, all jitter components, including the DJs, will show up in the PSD derived by this direct FFT approach. The DJs will appear as spectral lines as well. Therefore, if there is a PJ component whose frequency is an integer fraction of the pattern repeating frequency, then PJ and DDJ can no longer be separated. Similarly, this method will also introduce inaccuracy in the RJ estimation [Davenport 1987].

Jitter, Noise, and Bit-Error-Rate Interactions

A bit error can be caused by either timing jitter or amplitude noise, or both. An exemplar eye diagram degraded by both timing jitter and amplitude noise is shown in Figure 14.12. If both timing jitter and amplitude noise are considered for estimating the BER, then the BER CDF will become a two-dimensional (2-D) function. At 0.5 UI of the eye diagram, the noise PDF will contribute to the BER CDF in a manner similar to that of the timing jitter at zero-cross voltage. A 2-D jitter and noise PDF can be measured by a SO or RTO. Although a BERT can measure the 2-D BER CDF, the test time will be very long (several hours, typically) for BER measurement at the 10–12 level. Figure 14.12 shows an eye diagram in which the associated jitter and noise PDFs are highlighted.

A distorted eye diagram caused by timing jitter and amplitude noise.

Figure 14.12. A distorted eye diagram caused by timing jitter and amplitude noise.

Receiver Jitter Transfer Function

It is well known that a PLL [Gardner 1979] [Best 1999] has certain frequency response characteristics. Therefore, when a receiver uses a PLL to recover the clock and then to time/retime the received data, the jitter that the receiver “sees” will follow those certain frequency characteristics as well. Any good simulation or test methodology should emulate the actual system/device behavior. In the case of jitter output/receiver jitter input determination, the model setup for both design and test should be such that it determines the jitter specifically as what a receiver sees in the link system [Li 2003, 2004]. A receiver sees jitter on the data from its recovered clock; therefore it is a difference function from clock to data as shown in Figure 14.13.

A receiver jitter model.

Figure 14.13. A receiver jitter model.

Because the clock recovery circuits (e.g., PLL) typically have a low-pass transfer function HL(s), the jitter output will have a high-pass transfer function of HH(s) as shown in Figure 14.14. This is because HH(s) = 1–HL(s), assuming that there is no phase delay between data and clock.

Receiver jitter transfer function.

Figure 14.14. Receiver jitter transfer function.

Receiver Jitter Tolerance Function

The high-pass jitter magnitude transfer function |HH(s)| shown in Figure 14.15 suggests that a receiver is able to track or attenuate more low-frequency jitter at f < fc than at a higher frequency of f > fc·fc is the corner frequency below which the transfer function magnitude begins to decrease and above which it maintains a constant. This implies that a receiver can tolerate more low-frequency jitter than high-frequency jitter for a given BER performance goal. Therefore, the jitter tolerance function is the “mirror” function of the jitter transfer function around the unity gain, as shown in Figure 14.15. The higher the corner frequency (fc) is, the better the jitter tolerance capability will be. Similarly, the steeper the jitter transfer function slope is, the better the jitter tolerance capability will be. The corner frequency (fc) is typically defined as the data rate divided by 1667 for data communication standards such as FC. For example, when the data rate is 2.5 Gbps, the corner frequency fc is 1.5MHz (2.5GHz/1667), whereas the number 1667 is inherited from the early SONET standard and is related to the PLL phase track speed capability. Note that jitter transfer function determines the receiver jitter tolerance.

Receiver jitter tolerance function.

Figure 14.15. Receiver jitter tolerance function.

Obviously, the slope for the jitter transfer function ktra and the slope ktor for the jitter tolerance function both satisfy the relationship of ktra =–ktor. If the CR PLL, as shown in Figure 14.4, is a second-order system, then we will have ktra = 40 dB/decade. For a first-order or “golden” PLL, we will have ktra = 20 dB/decade. Certainly, a clock and data recovery unit using a higher order PLL will result in a better jitter tolerance capability. For the same corner frequency (fc), a second-order PLL has better jitter tolerance compared to a first-order PLL.

Testing of I/O Interfaces

We have introduced the architectures for three I/O links. In this section, we discuss the testing of these interfaces. We start with the test for global clock I/O, and then move to source synchronous I/O, and finally to embedded clock I/O. For embedded clock I/O testing, we further cover testing of the transmitter, receiver, channel, reference clock, and system BER. Tester attributes of functionality, accuracy, and throughput are also discussed.

Testing of Global Clock I/O

Testing of global clock interfaces is relatively straightforward on commercial automatic test equipment (ATE). The input waveform of both the clock and data inputs can be generated from the tester with the proper format and timing control. Because the clock is preprogrammed (usually set at somewhere within the tester’s cycle), all input setup and hold time will simply be timing generator edge placement around that clock edge (see Figure 14.16). The tester can strobe the output signal using either window strobe mode or edge strobe mode. The strobe edge or strobe window will be defined by the delay time specification.

Global clock I/O timing tests as implemented on ATE.

Figure 14.16. Global clock I/O timing tests as implemented on ATE.

Testing of Source Synchronous I/O

The testing of source synchronous interfaces is somewhat more complicated. For testing the input side, not much is changed from that of the global clock situation. One can program where the clocks (or strobes) are and then the other input signals are programmed around it according to the setup and hold time specification.

However, at the output side, the device under test (DUT) will send out both a strobe and the output data. The tester is supposed to use the strobe to strobe the data and has to ensure that the data have sufficient valid time before and after the strobe; however, the traditional tester architecture is not designed to use an external clock to strobe the data. This earlier architecture of the tester is designed to parallel-process all data coming from the DUT. Because of the limited level of tester pin-electronics integration, there is simply not enough time for the signal coming in through a pin-electronics card to be routed to another card to strobe the data.

Ten years after the introduction of the first source synchronous (SS) bus, newer generations of ATE are finally able to take advantage of the pin-electronics integration to route signals between the channels. The tester can now take the clock/strobe signal(s) out of the DUT to strobe the rest of the data pins natively [Sivaram 2004].

With the earlier generations of ATE, the usual way to get around the problem of testing for SS is to program a search routine to find where the output clock edge is and then program the window strobe for the corresponding data to ensure that the data are stable within the valid specification window (see Figure 14.17). This has the disadvantage of a longer test time, as time search is time consuming on the tester (each setting and resetting of the timing generator requires some time to settle once programmed). The tester accuracy also cuts into the measurement twice (first for the clock, and then for the data valid check) and will pose a hefty toll on product margin and yield. Another solution is to use the capture memory of the tester to undersample the outputs over a range of cycles to estimate where the data pin timing distribution is.

Source synchronous timing tests as implemented on ATE.

Figure 14.17. Source synchronous timing tests as implemented on ATE.

Both methods may work well for lower data rate (<400 Mbps) but are usually ineffective for higher data rate because of the native common mode noises, such as coupling and ground bounce effects, present on the SS bus. If there is a noise source in the DUT, this noise usually will manifest itself as a common mode symptom causing both strobe and data to jitter. Although the SS receiver may interpret the data correctly, external instrumentation using search or undersampling methods can see that the data eye shrinks, causing yield loss or lower bin-split.

An alternative test method is to add DFT to support high-speed SS I/O testing, which is the subject of Section 14.4.1. Because of the availability of newer generations of ATE that can support native SS, the problem also goes away if there is liberty to upgrade the tester fleet to support high-performance bus signaling.

Testing of Embedded Clock High-Speed Serial I/O

We focus on JNB tests for an embedded clock serial I/O, as they are the most challenging tasks because of the complexity in the test method and high precision requirements for the test equipment. We classify JNB tests into three major categories: (1) the JNB output test, (2) the JNB tolerance test, and (3) the link system test. JNB output is typically tested at either the transmitter output pin or the receiver input connector. For most long-haul network devices, a JNB output test verifies the performance of either the transmitter or the transmitter plus the medium or channel. For some new Gbps computer I/O standards, JNB testing may also include the reference clock. A JNB tolerance test involves setting the worst-case jitter and noise condition(s) at the receiver input pin and measuring the BER at its output. A JNB system test checks the overall BER comparing the data bits received by the receiver with the data bits sent by the transmitter.


There are two closely related requirements for a JNB output test: (1) a minimum eye-opening at BER = 10–12 under a compliance clock recovery jitter transfer function, and (2) worst-case test patterns. The minimum eye-opening defines two important metrics: TJ and total noise (TN), both correspond to a BER at the 10–12 level. A worst-case test pattern for generating worst-case DDJ and crosstalk jitter is needed for compliance test. Jitter components such as DJ and RJ are required for diagnostic testing and may also be required for some types of compliance testing.

Figure 14.18 shows a generic setup for JNB output testing. The critical elements of the clock recovery function (in terms of H[s]) and the data and clock input difference functions need to be in place. The eye diagram and its corresponding PDFs and CDFs measured in this way will have the right transfer function applied. Important jitter components, such as DJ, RJ, and TJ, as well as noise components, such as DN, RN, and TN, will be derived from those PDFs and CDFs with the required statistical confidence level.

A test setup for JNB output.

Figure 14.18. A test setup for JNB output.

Figure 14.19 illustrates the effect of using a recovered clock and a noncompliant clock (i.e., a jitter-free clock whose phase does not track the phase of data) when making a clock-to-data measurement at 2.5 Gbps with a 200-KHz periodic modulation added to the data signal. The measurement was performed with a built-in, programmable hardware clock recovery circuit. The results show that the DJ was 13 ps with the recovered clock (with a corner frequency fc = 1.5 MHz) and 140 ps with a noncompliant clock. Eye diagrams for both are also provided. This example illustrates the importance of incorporating the clock recovery frequency response in testing because the system with a higher corner frequency can tolerate more periodic jitter. Without a correct clock recovery frequency response incorporated in the testing system, good parts could easily be rejected, resulting in serious yield and revenue losses.

Eye diagrams based on compliance and noncompliance clocks.

Figure 14.19. Eye diagrams based on compliance and noncompliance clocks.

Figure 14.20 shows an example of JNB output compliance test results. This example shows a relatively clean eye diagram with sufficient jitter and noise margin with respect to a≤10–12 BER compliance zone. A good JNB output will have a wide-open eye with large eye-openings in both timing and amplitude axes or, equivalently, small timing jitter and amplitude noise.

A compliance JNB output test example.

Figure 14.20. A compliance JNB output test example.

Channel or Medium

The channel or medium of a high-speed I/O plays an important role in determining both system and component architectures. Because of the infrastructure legacy limitations and cost constraints, the improvement of channel performance has not been able to keep up with the data rate increase. Most of the improvements were in the architecture of the link as well as in the integrated circuits of transmitters and receivers.

Most channels used for high-speed I/O link are either copper or fiber-optics based. Most computer system channels, for example, are copper traces on PCB with FR-4 material. A copper-based channel typically suffers from frequency-dependent losses such as conductive skin effect and dielectric losses [Johnson 1993].

The effect of the lossy channel to the bit symbol, the waveform, the DDJ, and the data dependent noise (DDN) can be seen in the eye diagram shown in Figure 14.21. If the bandwidth of the channel is greater than the highest frequency content of the signal, then there will be no waveform distortion nor any DDJ or DDN introduced by the channel.

Lossy channel effect in terms of eye diagrams.

Figure 14.21. Lossy channel effect in terms of eye diagrams.

In theory, the channel can be characterized by a transfer function based on the LTI theorem. In practice, a channel is commonly characterized by the S-parameters that can be measured by a vector network analyzer (VNA) instrument. The S21 parameter gives the loss function from port 1 (input) to port 2 (output) and is the same as the channel transfer function Hch(s) in the LTI description of the channel.

For any given reference transmitter and receiver, the channel characteristic requirements can be specified to achieve the overall BER performance goal of the link [PCI-SIG, 2007]. If frequency-dependent loss is the only concern, then whether a channel meets the compliance requirement or not may be judged by comparing the measured S21 parameters function with the compliance mask, as shown in Figure 14.22.

S-parameter magnitude function for a channel.

Figure 14.22. S-parameter magnitude function for a channel.

However, a go-no go test method for the channel simply based on S21 magnitude can be too coarse because (1) S21 phase information is ignored, and (2) crosstalk and reflection-caused ripple may not be well captured and factored in for worst-case scenarios. If the channel is known to have a linear phase or a constant group delay, and has insignificant crosstalk and reflection, then the simple S21 magnitude-based channel test method may still work well.


The ultimate goal for JNB tolerance testing of a receiver is to verify that the receiver can operate at a target BER (i.e., 10–12) when either the input signal or jitter is operating under the worst possible conditions. There are two aspects regarding JNB tolerance testing. The first aspect involves verifying whether the receiver CR tolerance frequency response is indeed better than that of the target threshold. Figure 14.23 shows the concept for testing the receiver CR jitter tolerance frequency response.

Receiver jitter tolerance threshold for testing.

Figure 14.23. Receiver jitter tolerance threshold for testing.

The target threshold curve of the frequency response is indicated in the figure. If the measured jitter frequency tolerance curve is above the threshold curve, it indicates a passing result because the receiver clock recovery can tolerate or track more jitter than required. On the other hand, if the measured jitter frequency tolerance curve is below the threshold curve, then it indicates a failing result. Note that all three curves shown in the figure correspond to the same target BER (e.g., 10–12).

The second aspect is to verify the receiver tolerance capability under worst-case signaling, jitter, and noise input conditions. The worst-case conditions critically depend on the link architecture, and the jitter and signaling budgets [Li 2004] [PCI-SIG 2004, 2007]. A worst-case input signaling condition can be intuitively viewed with a worst-case input eye as shown in Figure 14.24.

A worst-case eye condition for receiver tolerance testing.

Figure 14.24. A worst-case eye condition for receiver tolerance testing.

Attention must be paid to the frequency content for this worst-case eye diagram because different jitter or noise spectrum content can give rise to a seemingly worst-case eye, yet the stressing level to the receiver and, in turn, the resulting BER can be quite different because of different receiver architectures.

To test for the worst-case jitter and noise condition, all the possible jitter and noise components should be present in the input signal. Figure 14.25 shows a testing setup to stress the worst-case receiver tolerance condition for achieving good test quality. The frequency response tolerance test is covered in this generic setup. Receiver jitter, noise, and signaling test can be exhaustive, given the relatively small number of potential control parameters and the resulting possible combinations. Furthermore, accurately calibrating the signal, jitter, and noise stimulus is important because inaccuracy in the jitter and noise stimulus can cause inaccurate results.

A generic setup for receiver jitter and signaling tests.

Figure 14.25. A generic setup for receiver jitter and signaling tests.

Specialized methodologies for receiver tolerance testing can be found in the literature. For example, in [Yamaguchi 2002], the authors proposed a method for measuring jitter tolerance of a high-speed receiver by utilizing the timing misalignment between the jittered source clock and the recovered clock.

Reference Clock

When testing Tx output or Rx input for a PI-based architecture, as shown in Figure 14.4, the reference clock signal needs to be clean so that there will be no contamination in JNB between the Tx, medium, and reference clock. At the same time, the reference clock itself must be tested according to bandpass filter function [Li 2004] [PCI-SIG 2004]. Figure 14.26 shows a typical transfer function magnitude frequency response. Notice that it is a bandpass function with a peaking. The 3 dB frequencies, peaking, and the overall shape depend on the PLL parameters and the propagation delay between the Tx and Rx route for the reference clock. An example of a reference clock jitter spectrum before and after the filter function that tracks the shape of the transfer function is illustrated in Figure 14.27.

Jitter transfer function for a reference clock.

Figure 14.26. Jitter transfer function for a reference clock.

Reference clock jitter spectra before and after the filter function.

Figure 14.27. Reference clock jitter spectra before and after the filter function.

System-Level Bit-Error-Rate Estimation

An approach proposed in [Hong 2004] and [Hong 2007] attempts to estimate the BER using the following two sets of parameters: (1) the jitter spectral information, extracted from the signal at the input of the receiver, which includes the RMS value of the RJ and the DJ characteristics, such as frequencies and amplitudes of the PJ components, and (2) the jitter transfer characteristics of the clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit including both magnitude and phase responses. In principle, if the frequency of input jitter is relatively low, the CDR circuit can track the jitter, and thus insignificant bit errors will occur. However, if the input jitter varies rapidly, the CDR circuit may not track the jitter, and some bit errors will occur. On the other hand, the CDR circuit has an opposite reaction to the internal noise of the CDR circuit. That is, the high-frequency component of the internal noise is transparent (and thus will be directly added) to the recovered clock, instead of being filtered out by the CDR circuit. In addition, the phase response of the CDR circuit, which determines the timing response in clock recovery, has a strong correlation to the BER [Hong 2004]. If the jitter frequency falls into the range where the phase delay is nonzero, the CDR circuit introduces some timing delay to the recovered clock, which will, in turn, contribute to the BER. At a specific frequency range, this timing delay can cause a significant increase of the BER. This work provides insight to the dependency of the BER variations on the jitter spectrum and the jitter transfer characteristics of a CDR circuit. Equations were derived for BER estimation based on the measured parameters mentioned above. The results of Figure 14.28 comparing the estimated and measured BER on a 2.5-Gbps commercial CDR circuit show high accuracy of the estimation technique.

BER estimation considering the CDR and jitter characteristics at the frequency region.

Figure 14.28. BER estimation considering the CDR and jitter characteristics at the frequency region.

Tester Apparatus Considerations

The accuracy of any tester apparatus used will affect the pass/fail results and product yield in testing JNB. This is true for both on-chip and off-chip testing, with a laboratory instrument or a production-oriented ATE system. Receiver emulation with appropriate clock recovery built-in may be achieved using a loopback method for system testing, but it remains a challenging problem for component testing. Also, BER at the level of 10–12 or below is not test-time friendly. Test time in the range of hours is required for BER at the level of 10–12. In this section, we discuss challenges related to the tester apparatus, as well as possible solutions.

Hardware Bandwidth and Accuracy

Testing hardware, including both the signal source stimulus and measurement receiver, needs to have little intrinsic DJ, RJ, DN, RN, as well as sufficient bandwidth for testing JNB. A bandwidth of 2.5 to five times the data rate is generally needed to generate an accurate JNB, its waveform, and the associated rise/fall time measurements. Figure 14.29 is an example of such a requirement with the assumption of a 10% total jitter margin for BER at the 10–12 level, of which 2% is from DJ and 8% from RJ. Using a 10-Gbps data rate as an example for which UI = 100 ps, at 10–12 BER, we obtain TJ = 0.1UI = 10 ps, DJ = 0.02UI = 2 ps, and RJ (rms) = (0.08UI)/14 = 0.571ps. The corresponding numbers can be derived for other data rates and the graph shows the upper limits of RJ and DJ as a function of data rate.

DJ and RJ for the tester as a function of data rate.

Figure 14.29. DJ and RJ for the tester as a function of data rate.

“In Situ” Testing to Emulate the Receiver

As described earlier, serial data communication uses the recovered clock as its reference for recovering data at the receiver. This CR unit forms a high-pass frequency response that allows the receiver to track the low-frequency jitter, as well as constitutes the mask for jitter tolerance testing. The jitter transfer function must be incorporated in JNB testing. Otherwise, JNB testing would result in either underestimation or overestimation. Both hardware clock recovery and digital-signaling-processing (DSP) based soft clock recovery can be used for JNB testing. However, designing a programmable clock recovery receiver for JNB testing, which has the features of sub-ps jitter generation and UI jitter tolerance at low frequency, is a nontrivial task. Soft clock recovery is possible if the real-time record has sufficient resolution and is obtained by a real-time sampling circuit. The real-time record is the key to enable the soft clock recovery, as it captures the phase information of the JNB [Li 2003].


Throughput is a critical metric for production testing. To catch one error at 10–12 BER for a 1-Gbps link requires about 103 seconds. To enhance the statistical confidence, a bit error sample of about 20 or more is needed per Poisson statistical requirement. This means that a good BER measurement with a BERT will take about 2×104 seconds to complete, which is too long for any practical production test to accept. Consider another example where an equivalent sampling scope is used for testing jitter via its eye-diagram function. Obtaining a timing jitter histogram with only a few thousand hits will take a few minutes. Although the time needed is much less than that required for taking 1012 samples, it is still much longer than the typical IC production test time, which often is less than 10 to 100 ms. Fortunately, there are available model-based extrapolation methods that have demonstrated the capability of estimating the TJ at 10–12 BER with good accuracy and high confidence at a total test time around 50 ms [Li 1999] [Hänsel 2004] [Cai 2005]. While achieving high test throughput is always favorable for any test process, this goal is more critical for high-volume and low-cost production test than low-volume laboratory design verification and characterization test.

DFT-Assisted Testing

Testing methods described in previous sections work well for characterization-level testing, but they have several distinct disadvantages for high volume manufacturing test. For high-volume manufacturing test, typical testing of the I/O interfaces on an ATE requires it to match the performance of the DUT’s I/O. I/O data rates can range from 1 GHz for parallel buses and more than 6 Gbps for serial links. ATE that meet these requirements cost quite a lot; in addition, test time and test programming complexities often mean delayed time-to-market. This combination can result in high product cost that may make the product noncompetitive. This becomes a problem when mass-market personal computers and consumer digital appliances increase their performance bandwidth and both high-speed parallel and serial I/O interfaces become the norm.

These trends and costs have motivated ways to test these products on mainstream test platforms (e.g., digital VLSI tester) with reasonable test time. There have been two trends: (1) making changes to the loadboard, and (2) incorporating I/O-specific DFT into the design. We refer to these test methods as DFT-assisted testing in which the DFT circuits are embedded on the loadboard or within the silicon itself. With this approach, no new or special equipment has to be purchased and time-to-market and product cost will fit into the business of mass marketing these technologies into the hands of consumers.

AC Loopback Testing

In the early 1990s, an I/O structural test methodology called I/O wrap [Gillis 1998] was developed. More commonly called I/O loopback, this method involves applying a transition fault test methodology to I/O circuitry. By tying an output to an input, the output data are launched and latched back into the input buffer on the following clock. As most signal pads are I/O in nature, the I/O wrap (I/O loopback) methodology is convenient. Input-only or output-only pads can be connected with the DFT circuit or wires/relays present on the loadboard. The limitation to this method is that, because the delay path is tested with the clock, the delay cannot be characterized without overstressing the other peripheral circuits. This approach is limited to testing gross delay defects, and timing specifications cannot be measured.

By the early 2000s, a test methodology known as AC I/O loopback testing had been proposed (see Figure 14.30). This uses the same loopback principle, but with a twist [Tripp 2004]. Rather than just using the clock to launch and capture the signal, the launch can be carried out by a delayed version of the clock or the capture be accomplished using an early version of the clock (see Figure 14.31). By controlling the delay, the relative delay between the strobes and data can be actually measured without precision timing measurements from ATE.

Using IO buffers as loopback components for an SS interface in which the strobes that clock the data out to the receive side also strobe the data loopback to itself.

Figure 14.30. Using IO buffers as loopback components for an SS interface in which the strobes that clock the data out to the receive side also strobe the data loopback to itself.

AC I/O loopback testing as a defect-based test method.

Figure 14.31. AC I/O loopback testing as a defect-based test method.

Essentially, this is transition fault testing of the I/O pair with a tighter clock cycle. Only the I/O circuits are tested in this method, thus preventing false fails from other circuits as in the case of speeding up the I/O wrap. This method works well with the source synchronous (SS) scheme, where the strobes are generated by the transmit side. In the SS signaling protocol, the absolute delay of the I/O is not critical; instead, the relative delay of the strobes and any associated data bits are important. These timing delays, denoted as time valid before (Tvb) and time valid after (Tva), describe the relationships between the strobe and the data bit (see Figure 14.3). So by moving the strobes from their central position to the trailing edges of the data (see Figure 14.32), we are stressing Tva and the setup time of the receiver latch. If we move the strobes toward the leading edge of the data, we are stressing Tvb and the receiving latch’s hold time. By stressing this combined timing, we know how much margin there is with the combined pair. If the induced delay to the clock/strobes is calibrated, we can even have more accurate measurements (timing margining) using this combined loop time than is possible with external instrumentation (see Figure 14.32). Because the failure mechanisms for signal delay and input setup/hold time are different, the probability of aliasing is low. Slightly different implementations can be applied to global clock (GC) interfaces.

Various elements in the AC IO loopback system to facilitate accurate timing test.

Figure 14.32. Various elements in the AC IO loopback system to facilitate accurate timing test.

Furthermore, because we are not measuring each data bit independently (this is a bus nonetheless), the delays of all of these data bits should be close to one another unless there are defects or local process variations. If a particular data bit is substantially different from the other data bits (see Figure 14.31), we can also conclude that a defect or local process variation exists with that particular bit and declare that to be a failure. This can also be viewed as a defect-based test method, especially if no calibration of the induced delay is made. The testing can also be carried out faster when all bits of the bus are compared simultaneously when the loop timing is tightened. A tight distribution of the passing region indicates all the bits are aligned, and a wider distribution of the passing region indicates some bits are slow or mis-aligned; all are causes to fail the chip. If further diagnosis is desired, then we can resume the stressing of individual bits.

High-Speed Serial-Link Loopback Testing

Instrumentation-based testing as explained in the previous section is much more accurate than that of DFT-assisted loopback test. However, it also requires special instruments to be set up, calibrated, and integrated into test platforms. The lengthy setup time, long test pattern sequence application, and data capture, which is typically followed by extensive numerical analysis, often require experienced personnel (e.g., a technician) and longer test time than would be desired in a high-volume manufacturing setting. As serial link technologies are deployed to an increasingly cost-sensitive commodity computing world, it is required to lower test costs.

For high-speed serial links, loopback testing is common, because input and output are conducted on separate channels (serial pair) and there is usually the accompanying transmit and receive channels even in a given component. Loopback testing has been around for as long as serial interfaces have been around.

However, simple loopback testing is just a simple functional test. All the required jitter and noise tests are not possible with this method, and there is no guarantee that the simple loopback test can interoperate with other similar components in an extreme environment. Loopback also makes diagnosis difficult because the defective component cannot be easily located. There is also the nonzero probability of aliasing—that is, a bad receiver, for example, may be covered up with an extremely good transmitter. Thus, within the industry one may also characterize loopback test as just a “system test,” as it is commonly used in a system setting to verify that the system is functional.

To improve on simple loopback testing, several approaches have incorporated jitter injection capabilities into the loopback to “stress” the signal and thus test the receiver’s jitter rejection or noise-tolerant capabilities [Laquai 2001] [Cai 2002, 2005] [Lin 2005]. Many of these approaches consist of passive resistance-inductance-capacitance (RLC) filters, which introduce frequency-dependent delays and losses to the various frequency components (or harmonics) of a high-speed serial signal. When various combinations of 1’s and 0’s are transmitted (e.g., ISI patterns), the signal will appear as various frequency harmonics (as data are never constant in the frequency domain). As different frequency components are attenuated differently, the resultant timing waveform will be distorted enough to resemble that of a worst-case jittering data eye. The filter can simply be placed on the loadboard between the input and output channels. It is a relatively cheap solution to an expensive test problem. Of course, the filter design has to be coupled with the driver’s characteristics (original spectral components), and it is data rate dependent (which determines the base frequency). This method also does not address the need to test the transmitter’s drive characteristics. A jittering transmitter signal will add to the distortion of the filter and will likely cause the Tx-Rx pair to fail to communicate reliably, resulting in the rejection of otherwise working devices. However, an extremely good receiver can also potentially hide a marginal transmitter, as the pair is essentially tested together.

Another proposed jitter measuring solution utilizes a undersampling method [Huang 2001] [Cai 2005]. The method utilizes the Rx to capture the data sent from its Tx via a loopback on the TIU or on the die itself. Instead of using the recovered clock to strobe the data, an alternate reference clock that has a frequency close enough to the data clock frequency is used to strobe the data. It will result in a much lower data rate (the “beat” fB of the two frequencies fD and fS) as shown in Figure 14.33, where fD is the frequency of the data, fS is the frequency of the sampling clock, and fB is the frequency of the “beat.” The jitter that exists on the data channel will dither the data captured. By analyzing the percentage of 1’s versus 0’s, one can deduce the jitter amount. Hardware and methodologies for performing this analysis in real time have been developed [Sunter 2004a, 2004b, 2005]. This can be implemented as a field programmable gate array (FPGA) on the loadboard (see Figure 14.34) or even embedded in the silicon itself, making the whole thing close enough to be called IOBIST. While undersampling has been proven to work theoretically, the authors have not addressed the issue with practical implementation (e.g., finding the right PLL for the 9.999-GHz sampling clock for a 10-GHz data frequency or the jitters introduced with routing this external clock to various serializers/deserializers on a chip with many high-speed serial channels).

Principle of undersampling for jitter measurement.

Figure 14.33. Principle of undersampling for jitter measurement.

Jitter measurement setup where reference clock, pattern generator, and analysis can be off-chip.

Figure 14.34. Jitter measurement setup where reference clock, pattern generator, and analysis can be off-chip.

In [Sunter 2005], the authors proposed that by monitoring the placement of the recovered clock versus the received data eye, jitter tolerance can be reduced. Although this is one indication that the recovered clock has centered and has the highest probability of correctly strobing the data eye, it cannot predict the dynamic behavior of the CDR circuit well enough for high-frequency jitters (i.e., the data eye and the recovered clock may close down the margins statistically, but the CDR may still be able to recover the data should the CDR circuit be dynamic enough to track the jittering signal). Hence, the scheme may be more conservative and may reject devices that are operational.

The last method as proposed in [Mak 2005] involves assessing data eye via margining as an approach to testing Gbps SerDes. The approach assumes that defective components are relatively rare, and loopback is established with a data pattern streaming through the lookback path. Testing consists of two parts. The first part uses the receiver, which is assumed to be good, to test for the size of a valid data eye. By varying the data strobe point (i.e., by changing the phase of the recovered clock) and the receiver threshold, an eye for the resulting data can be captured [Casper 2003]. A production test can consist of the four points that define the size of the minimum data eye required. The second part of this method is the stress test of the receiver with the transmitter. Again, it is assumed that the transmitter is good. Additional DFT, such as jitter injection into the high-speed clock or introducing small delays into the signal stream (such as those in pre- or de-emphasis circuits) will play the role in jitter injection so that the receiver can be stress tested. It is virtually impossible to generate all kinds of deterministic and random jitter required for the characterization of the serial link with all the necessary built-in DFT, particularly when a new interface is first designed and there is no way of knowing what the receivers are sensitive to; however, it is advisable for these jitter injection circuits to be programmable so that a richer or more diverse set of stimuli can be generated. The proper set of stimuli is defined only after extensive characterization of early samples to minimize both escapes and test time.

Similar techniques have also been reported in [Robertson 2005]. These techniques may not fully test the CDR circuit, as the same clock source may be used to generate the output data stream at the transmit side and drive the receiver circuits. One has to study the actual design to be sure that the jitter generated at the transmit side indeed can stress test the receiver circuits without aliasing.

Testing the Equalizers

A comprehensive test methodology would be more desirable and unavoidable as the frequency/data rate continues to increase. At a higher data rate, signal degradation through the channel will simply close the data eye. To alleviate the problem of signal degradation, modern receiver design employs a means for compensating or reducing the ISI in the received signal. The compensator for the ISI is called the equalizer. Various equalization techniques, which multiply the inverse response of the channel to flatten out the overall frequency response, have been developed to compensate for this channel effect. In addition, the channel characteristics may not be known in advance and might be time variant. To cope with such problems, several adaptation algorithms have also been developed to adjust the overall response depending on the channel conditions. The equalizer can be implemented either in the transmitter or in the receiver. The implementation of the transmitter equalizer is relatively easier than that of the receiver equalizer because the required finite impulse response (FIR) filter deals with the digital data at the transmit side, rather than the received analog data at the receive side. However, as channel information is not easily available at the transmitter, it is difficult to apply the adaptive technique at the transmitter. More recent publications [Jaussi 2005] tend to use the latter.

The approaches of equalization at the receiver can be divided into two categories: discrete-time equalization and continuous-time equalization. A discrete-time equalizer, which is based on the FIR filter, can take advantage of various digital adaptive algorithms. However, because equalization is based on the samples captured by the receiver’s recovered clock, there exists a cross-dependence between the equalizer and the clock recovery circuit. As the data rate increases, the power consumption would increase dramatically as a result of the large number of taps implemented in this type of equalizer. On the other hand, a continuous-time equalizer does not require a sampling clock, and thus the equalizer would work independent of the clock recovery circuit. Continuous-time equalizers have been investigated for low power and high-speed applications, and promising performance has been reported.

A DFT concept for testing digital equalizers is developed in [Lin 2006]. This proposed technique can be applied to a wide range of linear equalizers using various adaptive algorithms. The extra hardware required for the DFT solution needs only a scan chain, which can directly observe the state of the adaptation status of the equalizer, and one simple digital pattern generator. The overhead and the additional design effort of the approach are insignificant. With the proposed DFT solution, the equalizer in the serial-link receiver can be characterized and tested without direct access to the equalizer output. This alleviates the need for observing the equalizer output, which is often infeasible.

A method for testing continuous-time adaptive equalizers has recently been proposed [Hong 2007] which was validated by simulation on a low-power, 20-Gbps continuous-time adaptive passive equalizer. Figure 14.35 shows the architecture of a typical continuous-time adaptive equalizer. The equalizing filter either boosts the high-frequency components or attenuates the low-frequency components of the received input signal to compensate the high-frequency loss resulting from the channel. The adaptive servo loop, which adjusts the compensation gain of the equalizing filter, determines the control voltage by comparing the input and the output signals of the comparator. In practice, it is difficult to design a comparator that can generate a clean waveform for comparison at very high frequencies. Several design approaches for adaptation have been proposed to address this problem. These new methods use the power spectrum derived from the output signal of the equalizing filter for the adaptation, as shown in Figure 14.36. Because the power spectrum of a random signal can be described by a sinc-square function, the high-frequency loss can be detected by comparing the power densities of two different frequency ranges. Three different methods have been proposed to compare the power spectrum of the random signal: (1) two band-pass filters can be used to compare the power of two specific frequencies (see Figure 14.37a); (2) one low-pass filter and one high-pass filter can be used to compare the power between low-frequency and high-frequency portions of the signal (see Figure 14.37b); and (3) only one low-pass filter is used and the entire signal power is compared to the power of the low-frequency portion of the signal (see Figure 14.37c).

Architecture of a conventional continuous-time adaptive equalizer.

Figure 14.35. Architecture of a conventional continuous-time adaptive equalizer.

Architecture of a modified continuous-time adaptive equalizer.

Figure 14.36. Architecture of a modified continuous-time adaptive equalizer.

Three different architectures for power spectrum comparison.

Figure 14.37. Three different architectures for power spectrum comparison.

The main idea behind the approach in [Hong 2007] is to directly apply a two-sinusoidal-tone signal as test stimulus at the input of the equalizer, as opposed to a data pattern stressed through the channel, which has been commonly used for validating and characterizing the equalizers. The frequency for one of the two sinusoidal tones, denoted as fL, falls within the frequency band of the left filter in Figures 14.37a and 14.37b, and the frequency of the other tone, denoted as fH, falls within the frequency band of the right filter in Figures 14.34a, 14.34b, and 14.34c. To thoroughly mimic the channel response, this technique repeatedly applies the two-tone signal by gradually varying the magnitude ratio of fH and fL. Such test stimuli mimic different relative loss of the high-frequency components caused by the channel.

With the test stimuli, the RMS value at the output of the equalizer is measured for characterization and for fault detection. Based on the principle of how the continuous-time equalizer works, the adaptive servo loop of the equalizer attempts to maintain the ratio of fL to fH to the expected level based on the sinc2 function. Thus, if the test stimulus’s fL and fH magnitudes are within the range of the equalizer’s maximum compensation gain, the RMS value of the equalizer output should be a constant. Therefore, by carefully crafting the two-tone stimuli and inserting an RMS detector on-chip for monitoring the equalizer’s response to the two-tone stimuli, this technique can detect defects either in the equalization filter or in the adaptive servo loop that might not be easily detectable by the eye-diagram method.

In addition to the equalizers, other types of compensation elements are used in advanced I/O interfaces. One type of such compensation elements is the crosstalk canceler. Figure 14.38 illustrates an example architecture of an advanced transceiver, which includes a CDR circuit and a decision-feedback equalizer (DFE) in the receiver, a feed-forward equalizer (FFE) in the transmitter, and a crosstalk canceler between the transmitter and receiver. Such a transceiver has the capability to equalize the lossy channels, to remove signal reflections, and to actively cancel the crosstalk noise in the transceiver. For 10-Gbps data rate over backplane channels or other long-range applications, crosstalk that is the dominant noise for microstrip interconnects is becoming a limiting factor for signal integrity. Among various types of crosstalk sources, the near-end crosstalk (NEXT) is the most severe one [Vrazel 2006]. Active NEXT cancellation using a crosstalk canceler in the transceiver could be an effective solution to addressing the crosstalk problem [Pelard 2004] [Hur 2005].

Architecture of an advanced transceiver with a crosstalk canceler.

Figure 14.38. Architecture of an advanced transceiver with a crosstalk canceler.

A DFT solution for such an advanced transceiver is recently proposed in [Lin 2007]. The solution is an enhancement of the technique proposed in [Lin 2006]. The hardware requirement for the DFT solution contains only one shift-register chain and one simple digital pattern generator in the DFE, and three full-swing taps in the crosstalk canceler. With the proposed DFT solution, the transfer characteristic of the CDR in the receiver can be derived, and the DFE can be characterized and tested without direct access to the DFE output. This alleviates the need of external instruments for jitter testing and the need for observing the equalizer output, which are often infeasible in the high-volume production environment.

System-Level Interconnect Testing

Even though the chips are tested from the chip manufacturers, the chips will then have to be soldered (or socketed) onto the board. Such a board assembly process has its own set of manufacturing defect issues, not to mention that the bare PCB fabrication also can introduce its own defects. Please review Chapter 1.5.7 of the DFT book [Wang 2006]. Many of these defects are not easy for a bed-of-nails board tester to find, but the defects can affect system-level operation at the rated speed and worst-case environmental conditions (voltage, noise, etc.). Consequently, board or system manufacturers have to test these interfaces on the board as well as in the system and there is a spectrum of methodologies to choose from. It is, of course, possible to just put together the system and perform an end-user functional test of the whole system. However, the success rate of such a test is not high (because of the many chips mounted on a given board), and, even worse, there is no diagnostic information when the system fails to boot (or startup). Hence, the following methodologies are commonly developed and deployed in various kinds of board assembly and system-level manufacturing.

Interconnect Testing with Boundary Scan

The aim for this test method is to primarily identify board-level manufacturing problems, such as incorrectly placed devices (chips do look alike), rotated devices, bent leads, cold solder joints, improper socketing (if sockets are used), cracked PCB and traces, via problems, etc. The IEEE 1149.1 boundary-scan standard [IEEE 1149.1-2001] is commonly used for interconnect testing of above-mentioned manufacturing problems (see Figure 14.39).

P1149.1 system-level interconnect test.

Figure 14.39. P1149.1 system-level interconnect test.

The basic concept of the 1149.1 standard is the addition of a boundary-scan cell for every input or output pad in the chip. Through the test access port (TAP), each boundary-scan cell can be set to 1 or 0 independently through the boundary-scan chain. When the net connected to both ends of two chips (chip 1 and chip 2) implemented per the IEEE 1149.1 standard, the data that are driven by one end of the net are captured by the receiving boundary-scan cell and subsequently shifted out through the boundary-scan chain for analysis. This can detect and locate permanent faults, such as stuck-at, open, and short faults on the nets. Each chip often includes a 32-bit device identification (device-ID) register, which stores the vendor’s identification code (containing the manufacturer’s identity, the part number, and the version number of the chip). The 1149.1 boundary scan allows the designer or user to immediately pinpoint the errors to the defective interconnects or bad chips.

Many interconnect test algorithms and solutions have been proposed [Wang 1992]. For more information on the basics of the IEEE 1149.1 standard, please refer to [Bushnell 2000] and [Wang 2006].

Interconnect Testing with High-Speed Boundary Scan

The IEEE 1149.1 boundary-scan standard has been the mainstay for board-level interconnect testing since the early 1990s. However, the world of chip-level interconnects has changed from tens to hundreds of Mbps to that of multiple Gbps data rate. The signaling technologies for transferring those data have also changed from single-ended signaling to that of differential, clock embedded, and in some situation, even AC-coupled. Although one can design in the 1149.1 test access port (TAP) controller to run faster for testing these modern-day high-speed (SS) buses and serial links, it is becoming ineffective because of the non-performance-driven nature of the 1149.1 architecture. The state transition through the 1149.1 TAP controller state diagram (see Figure 1.4b in Chapter 1) from Update-DR (data are driven onto the net in one chip) to Capture-DR (data on the net are captured in the other chip) takes 2.5 TCK cycles (see [IEEE 1500-2005]). Moreover, the nature of differential and AC-coupled (there is no DC path) signaling on high-speed serial links also makes it incompatible with the 1149.1 standard.

The IEEE 1149.6 standard [IEEE 1149.6-2003] is an extension of the IEEE 1149.1 standard to deal with this differential, AC-coupled interface. With this standard, independently controllable digital driver logic and digital receiver logic (with the analog test receiver) under the control of the 1149.1 TAP controller are now implemented on both ends of the differential pads of the serial link so interconnect tests can be applied on these differential pads to detect defects that may exist between the differential lines. The analog test receiver is specially designed for edge detection for capacitive coupling. For a more thorough description of the IEEE 1149.6 standard, please refer to [IEEE 1149.6-2003] or Chapter 10 of [Wang 2006]. Because it is an extension of the 1149.1 standard and there is no change to the underlying TAP architecture, 1149.6 still basically runs at a relatively slow data rate. What this test method fails to address is that these new high-speed serial interfaces have to run billions of bits every second. Passing 1149.6 testing alone cannot guarantee the data rate nor transmission reliability, particularly when the system I/O is running at multiple Gbps data rate.

To examine this high-speed signaling issue a bit further, we can look into the test pattern requirement of testing these high-speed serial channels (interconnects). Because of the loss of signal energy in the medium (sockets, PCB traces, or cables), simple 1 and 0 patterns (or clock patterns) do not stress the interface enough. While an extended JTAG architecture to test SOC interconnects (parallel buses) for signal integrity has been reported in [Ahmed 2003], [Tehranipour 2003a], and [Tehranipour 2003b] where maximum aggressor (MA) and multiple transition (MT) fault models are employed (see Chapter 8), these methods have limited use for testing high-speed serial channels. Because differential signaling is used, they are resistant to common mode noises, such as coupling and ground bounce effects. The common mode noises are simply canceled out unless they make a difference between both lines. The issue with serial signaling is that the pattern changes so fast that before the pattern has a chance to go from one state to the opposite state fully, it has to go back to the original state again because of fast data changes (see the tightly packed data train in Figure 14.40). This creates data waveforms that are more difficult to differentiate (whether it is a 1 or a 0). Also, a long series of 0 or 1 patterns (the fatter portion of the waveform in Figure 14.40) also makes the signal saturated to one side, and when a single bit of data change comes along the signal will take a longer time to ramp before it has to change again. This makes for the worst-case data eye. This is called ISI. So data pattern is critical for board-level and system-level testing when the media play a major role.

Signal effect of intersymbol interference (ISI) on a high-speed serial link.

Figure 14.40. Signal effect of intersymbol interference (ISI) on a high-speed serial link.

Interconnect Built-In Self-Test

Interconnect built-in self-test (IBIST) was introduced in [Nejedlo 2003]. It is based on the premise that high-performance interfaces have to be tested at high speed. In a board manufacturing environment, it is desirable to separate board assembly defects without running full board-level functional tests. These types of tests should be carried out before the system attempts to boot/start up to increase the confidence level of the overall board manufacturing process.

Figure 14.41 shows an IBIST example with two components as applied for high-speed serial testing at the board level. The two sides (components) of the I/O interface are named master and slave (the order is not that important as the role of master/slave can be reversed). On the transmit side, IBIST consists of a programmable pattern generator behind the Tx driver or transmitter of the I/O interface in the high-speed serial link. On the receive side, IBIST consists of logic to route the received data (Rx) back to their own transmitter as well as error checking logic (XOR gates), which can check the pattern transmitted versus the received pattern. To further reduce the circuit requirement, the slave can simply implement the internal loopback circuit to support only the bounced back mode. With this reduced logic, it cannot independently send a pattern but will support the bounced back mode only. The independent pattern generator allows the interface to be tested independent of the core logic of the chip that has these high-speed interfaces. With this scheme, the master will take control of the whole test process. The included pattern generator on the master then drives a high-speed pattern to the slave side. Upon receiving it, the slave resends all the data that it has received (in bounce-back mode) immediately (bit-per-bit) through its own transmitter. The master’s receiver receives this retransmitted pattern and checks it against the original transmitted pattern. Error checking is done on a symbol-by-symbol basis so that the error can be pinned down to the exact bits and further logic reasoning can be done to figure out what the cause of the error may be. A second stream of data can also be initiated from the slave side to aid with further diagnosis. Control registers keep track of when an error is first detected and can be examined after the test patterns are transmitted and received.

BIST as applied for high-speed serial testing at the board level.

Figure 14.41. BIST as applied for high-speed serial testing at the board level.

To stress test the system, ample data varieties—from pseudo-random pattern generation to specific preloaded patterns (some specific patterns may be needed for specific jitter and ISI requirements)—can all be supported.

From the manufacturer standpoint, if such a system can be coupled with the electrical AC loopback system (described in an earlier section), in-system margin characterization is also possible, providing a much richer set of characterization data. This simply cannot be done with any aforementioned methods.

Future Challenges

Because we need to match the data bandwidth of the chip-to-chip connection with that of the core operating speed, increased use of serial link signaling is expected. Soon serial link signaling will replace most buses and perhaps many of the control signals as well. The methodologies for testing all of these types of high-speed serial signaling architectures must consider cost and quality. Increasingly, this points to the increased use of self-testing with DFT support [Kundu 2004], although its accuracy and fault coverage are not at a desirable level [Lin 2003].

To maintain a low BER, lower cost structures, higher channel counts, and more advanced architectures and silicon technologies are expected to be developed for multiple-Gbps I/Os in the near future. In particular, the implementation of even more aggressive equalization methods: transmitter-based, receiver-based, or hybrid, will occur as the data rates increase. Furthermore, to reduce crosstalk, reflection, and lossy-medium-induced jitter, the DFE will be widely implemented in the receiver to reduce the BER; consequently, test methodologies will have to advance to keep pace with future link and silicon architectures and technologies. To achieve an optimized test solution with acceptable accuracy, fault coverage, throughput, and cost, it is anticipated that both on-chip and off-chip test solutions will be necessary; for example, simple logical capabilities such as pattern generation and error detection should all be done internally via DFT/BIST. Other functions, such as jitter and noise generation and calibration, from pico second down to femto second signal and jitter output measurement, and component separation, may likely remain external operations—that is, until and unless better on-chip testing solutions are found. Although, because of its flexibility and accuracy, instrumentation-based testing is more preferred at the post-silicon validation phase, DFT-based test techniques will be more preferred for use in high-volume manufacturing because of their low costs and reasonable accuracy. Of course, DFT-based testing assumes that an interface will have reasonable margins to begin with. If precise testing is needed to test marginal products, direct instrumentation-based testing may not be avoided.

Another complication for testing is that serial signaling utilizes a layered communication protocol stack; the layer that connects to the pins is the physical layer (PHY). Not only does this layer drive the data and perform the clock/data recovery during receiving, it also has to initialize, detect, and train/retrain the signal between the sending and receiving ends. There is also a need for a link layer where tasks such as error detection and correction and data flow control are handled. In addition, there is a need for a protocol layer. This turns the internal data transfer into data packets that can then be handled by the link and PHY layers. A massive increase in logic content will result from the advances in I/O subsystems. To make matters worse, I/O subsystems run on their own clocks, each of which is synchronized to the recovered clock. This creates multiple clock domains on a given chip with multiple I/O channels. Cross-domain asynchronous clocking will result in nondeterministic chip responses and will ultimately lead to mismatches and yield loss [Mak 2004].

Concluding Remarks

Any semiconductor device must have I/O interface/interfaces, and an I/O failure will cause the device to fail. At multiple Gbps data rates, I/O testing goes beyond the conventional defect and functional tests, and jitter noise, and bit error rate (JNB) testing becomes mandatory to ensure the interoperability of the I/O link. In this chapter, we first reviewed JNB from statistical and system frequency response views. Jitter and noise component concepts and separation methods were reviewed, and the relationships between jitter and noise probability density functions (PDFs) and bit-error-rate (BER) cumulative density function (CDF) were also discussed.

Next, we reviewed serial link architectures and associated jitter transfer functions for two commonly implemented link inputs/outputs (I/Os), namely the data-driven phased-locked loop (PLL) clock recovery receiver and phase-interpolator (PI) clock recovery receiver. Jitter tracking and tolerance transfer functions were given for those receivers. Furthermore, the transfer function for the reference clock jitter at the receiver was also discussed.

We then presented the JNB component tests for output and receiving tolerances, as well as system tests including loopback. The output tests included both transmitter and reference clock outputs. We emphasized the importance of employing the clock recovery jitter transfer function in JNB testing. A compliance eye diagram with an eye mask corresponding to BER = 10–12 for output testing was introduced, and receiver tolerance testing was also introduced and reviewed. Test hardware bandwidth and noise floor, compliance clock recovery receiver, and test throughput were also discussed. We also discussed a technique for estimating BER based on jitter spectrum information in the data at the receiver’s input and the receiver’s jitter transfer characteristics, which are easier to measure than taking a direct measurement of the BER.

On-chip built-in design-for-testability (DFT) methods were presented. AC loopback tests, high-speed serial loopback, and receiver equalization tests were discussed. For the AC loopback test, both I/O wrap and AC I/O loopback test methods were reviewed, along with their characteristics.

Following the on-chip DFT methods, system interconnect test methods of high-speed boundary scan and interconnect built-in self-test (IBIST) were discussed. The IEEE 1149.1 and 1149.6 standards were covered for high-speed boundary scan test method.

As the data rate keeps increasing, JNB testing will encounter some challenging problems. At a 10-Gbps data rate, for example, the jitter noise floor of the testing instrument will need to be much smaller (in the hundreds of fs RMS or less) so that it will not eat away the jitter margin from the device under test (DUT). Following the same argument, jitter caused by the test fixture and socket will need to be removed or de-embedded from the testing results. At higher data rates, many equalization techniques will be used to compensate for jitter and noise from transmitter and channel so that an “open eye” can be achieved before the receiver sampling flop to warrant the required BER. In the multiple-lane high-speed I/O topology, as jitter amplification resulting from the mode conversion of the channel crosstalk becomes significant, new tests such as pulse width shrinkage (PWS) need to be enforced, posing a new and challenging test requirement. Whereas some novel ideas for testing equalizers have been proposed, some of which were discussed in this chapter, receiver equalization testing is still at its early stage. As data transmission rates continue to increase, many challenges remain for testing these advanced I/O transceivers in the coming years.



(Jitter) Why does jitter separate into different components? What are the benefits of the jitter component tree diagram shown in Figure 14.5?


(Embedded Clock) Why does the embedded clock link architecture become the mainstream when data rate reaches 1 Gbps?


(Jitter, Noise, and Bit Error Rate [JNB]) Is it possible to establish pass/fail JNB criteria for a link component (transmitter, receiver, channel, or reference clock) without knowing or assuming the properties for the other components and link architecture? Explain your answer.


(Jitter, Noise, Bit Error Rate, Transmitter, and Receiver) What are the major differences of the JNB limits between testing a transmitter and testing a receiver? Why does a standard receiver need to be defined when testing the transmitter, and why does a standard for the rest of the link (transmitter, channel, and reference clock) need to be defined when testing the receiver?


(Global Clock Timing Test) In Figure 14.16, which timing marker needs to be changed/programmed if the minimum delay specification needs to be tested?


(Source Synchronous Timing Test) In Figure 14.17, what other edge search algorithms exist that can be applied to test for the position of the strobe edge?


(System Interconnect Test) Why may random patterns not be sufficient for high-speed serial link testing? Identify at least two reasons.


The authors wish to thank Dr. Yi Cai of Agere, Dr. Anne Meixner of Intel, Masashi Shimanuchi of Credence, Dr. Takahiro Yamaguchi of Advantest Japan, William Eklow of Cisco Systems, and Professor Kuen-Jong Lee of National Cheng Kung University for reviewing the chapter and giving critical comments and suggestions.




High-Speed I/O Architectures

Testing of I/O Interfaces

DFT-Assisted Testing

System-Level Interconnect Testing

Future Challenges

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