
  2. a
  3. abstraction leakage
  4. adist
  5. alphabet
  7. b
  8. branch and bound
  9. byte order mark
  11. c
  12. CART model imputation
  13. case conversion
  14. character repertoire
  15. chartr
  16. code point
  17. commutation
  18. cosine distance
  20. d
  21. daff protocol
  22. Damerau–Levenshtein distance
  23. data changes
    1. cell changes
    2. diff
    3. logging
    4. patch
    5. tracking
  24. data modifying function
  25. data modifying rule
  26. data point
  27. data set
  28. data transformation
  29. data validation
  30. database
    1. CRUD
  31. daylight saving time
  32. deductive correction
    1. correcting typos
  33. deductive imputation
  34. distance function
  35. domain knowledge
  37. e
  38. elasticnet regression
  39. EM algorithm
    1. multiple imputation
    2. multivariate normal
  40. EM-algorithm
  41. EMB algorithm
  42. error localization
  43. escape character
  44. extended regular expression
  46. f
  47. Fellegi and Holt principle
  48. floating point number
  49. fuzzy matching
  51. g
  52. graphs
  53. grepl
  54. gsub
  56. h
  57. Hamming distance
  58. hot deck imputation
  60. i
  61. iconv
  62. IDE
  63. idempotent
  64. imputation
  65. imputation variance
  66. Inf
  67. integer
    1. .Machine
    2. one's complement
    3. signed
  68. ISO
  69. ISOdate
  71. j
  72. Jaccard distance
  73. Jaro distance
  74. Jaro-Winkler distance
  76. k
  77. Kleene star
  79. l
  80. lasso regression
  81. leap seconds
  82. Levenshtein distance
  83. ligature
  84. linear model
  85. linear regression imputation
  86. log data changes
  87. longest common subsequence distance
  89. m
  90. M-estimation
  91. MAR
  92. matrix data
  93. MCAR
  94. mean imputation
  95. measurement
  96. missing data
    1. visualisation
  97. mixed integer program
    1. error localization
    2. rule set issues
  98. model residual
  99. model-based imputation
  100. modifying function
  101. multiple imputation
  103. n
  104. NA
  105. NaN
  106. nearest neighbor imputation
  107. NMAR
  108. normal numbers
  109. NULL
  110. numeric stability
  111. numerical tolerance
  113. o
  114. Olson tables
  115. optimal string alignment distance
  117. p
  118. paste
  119. perl
  120. POSIX time
  121. POSIXct
  122. predictive mean matching
  123. predictive model
  124. proxy imputation
  125. pseudo-inverse
  127. q
  128. q-gram distance
  129. q-gram profile
  131. r
  132. R
    1. array
    2. character
    3. data frame
    4. formula
    5. function
    6. matrix
    7. vector
  133. R package
    1. Amelia
    2. censusapi
    3. daff
    4. data.table
    5. DBI
    6. dcmodify
    7. deductive
    8. docopt
    9. dplyr
    10. editrules
    11. errorlocate
    12. eurostat
    13. ff
    14. ffbase
    15. glmnet
    16. gsubfn
    17. haven
    18. kernlab
    19. LaF
    20. lattice
    21. lintools
    22. Lubridate
    23. lubridate
    24. lumberjack
    25. magrittr
    26. MASS
    27. memisc
    28. mice
    29. microbenchmark
    30. missForest
    31. qdapRegex
    32. readr
    33. rex
    34. rhadoop
    35. RODBC
    36. rpart
    37. rspa
    38. rspa::match_restrictions
    39. RSQLite
    40. rvest
    41. simputation
    42. sparklyr
    43. sparkR
    44. stringdist
    45. stringi
    46. stringr
    47. textcat
    48. tibble
    49. tidycensus
    50. tidyr
    51. tm
    52. twitteR
    53. utils
    54. validate
    55. VIM
    56. VIM::aggr
    57. wbstats
    58. XML
    59. xml2
    60. yaml
    61. Zelig
  134. random forest imputation
  135. random hot deck imputation
  136. ratio imputation
  137. regex
  138. regular expression
    1. *,?,+
    2. back referencing
    3. character range
    4. greedy
    5. groups
    6. lazy
  139. relational algebra
  140. reliability weights
  141. ridge regression
  142. rule set
    1. quality
    2. simplification
  144. s
  145. sequential hot deck imputation
  146. soundex
  147. statistical value chain
  148. string
  149. string kernel
  150. string similarity
  151. stringdist
  152. strptime
  153. strsplit
  154. sub
  155. substr
  156. successive projection algorithm
  158. t
  159. tabular data
  160. TAI
  161. tidy data
  162. time series
  163. transliteration
  165. u
  166. unicode equivalence
  167. UTC
  169. v
  170. validation function
  171. validation rule
  173. w
  174. wildcard
  175. workflow
    1. data cleaning example
  177. x
  178. XML
  180. y
  181. YAML
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