Chapter 9
Methods Based on Models for Domain Knowledge

9.1 Correction with Data Modifying Rules

Domain experts who are familiar with a recurring statistical analyses acquire knowledge about errors that are typical for that process. This knowledge is often put to use by writing data processing scripts, for example, in SQL, R, or Python that modify the data to accommodate for such errors. The statements in these scripts can be fairly simple, and in fact they are often a sequence of rules that can be stated as

The aim of each such statement is to resolve an error (detected in the condition) for which an obvious solution or other amendment can be found. Some examples of data modifying rules that we have encountered in practice include the following:

  • If total revenues per total employees (in full-time equivalent) is less than 1000, all variables from the income slate must be divided by 1000.
  • If other staff costs is less than zero, replace with its absolute value.
  • If general expenditures exceeds one half of total expenditures, then total other expenditures is set to missing.

In the last case, a value is set to missing so that a better value can later be estimated by an imputation method.

This method of data correction is a common practice and may have a significant effect on the final results. In a study of Pannekoek et al. (2014), the effect of various data cleaning steps on two different multistep data cleaning processes was investigated. It was found that of all cells that were altered during the process, a majority was touched by data modifying rules. It was also shown that the change in mean value for some key variables may change significantly by application of such rules, for example, because they may correct for unit of measure errors.

The main advantage of data correction through such scripts is that it allows for a quick way to translate knowledge to (well-documented) code. Possible disadvantages include lack of reproducibility when code is not under a decent version control system or when manipulations are done by hand. Also, each statement solves a single problem, not taking into account other such statements or validation rules. Indeed, it is our experience that in some cases these scripts do more damage to a data set, in terms of the number of violated validation rules, than they do good. One would therefore like to keep track of such modifications, and at least have some knowledge about whether they interfere with each other or not.

One solution is to define simple knowledge rules not hard-coded in the processing software but to provide them as parameters to a program that applies the rules to data and monitors their effects. This way, the impact of each rule can be kept track of and evaluated. The implementation of such an approach is necessarily a trade-off between flexibility and maintainability. In the most flexible case, a user can insert arbitrary code to alter the data and the system only keeps track of the changes. This means that maintaining such a rule set is as complex as maintaining any software system. In particular, it will be very difficult to discover contradictions or redundancies in such code, and one needs to resort to software testing techniques to guarantee any level of quality. On the more restricted side, one can restrict the type of rules that may be specified, allowing for some (automated) ways of interpreting their properties before confronting them with the data.

Two interesting properties of such rules present themselves. First, note that the condition in rules of the type (9.1) detects an invalid situation. The first requirement we have on a modifying rule is therefore that it actually solves that particular invalidity. In other words, if we apply the same rule twice to a data set, no modification is done at the second round. Second, it would be nice if the rules do not interfere with each other. That is, if one such knowledge rule is applied, we do not wish it to modify the data in such a way that a second rule is necessary to repair the damage done. In general, we shall demand that the order of execution of such rules is not important. Both properties together greatly enhance maintainability and understandability of the rule sets.

In the following section, we will give a formal definition of modifying rules in terms of ‘modifying functions’. This allows us to make the two demands on modifying functions more precise and to study the conditions under which they hold. We shall see that we can obtain necessary and sufficient condition for the first demand and only a sufficient condition for the second. After discussing these general conditions, they will be made explicit for an important class of rules on numerical data. In Section 9.2, we will show how modifying rules can be applied to data from R. Readers who are less interested in the theoretical aspects can skip Section 9.1 on first reading.

9.1.1 Modifying Functions

In the following discussion, it will be assumed that the data to be treated is a rectangular data set consisting of c09-math-002 records and c09-math-003 variables, which are not necessarily stored in the correct type. The measurement domain of each variable is denoted c09-math-004, so a record of c09-math-005 variables is an element of c09-math-006 (this is a special case of the definition of the measurement domain in Section 6.3.1).

We interpret a modifying rule as a function c09-math-007. Both the input and the output are in the measurement domain, since we do not demand that a single modifying rule fixes every issue a record might have (although it is also not excluded). We will use the term modifying function (to be made precise at the end of this section) to indicate a function based on a data modifying rule.

Before giving the formal definitions, let us look at an example. Consider the following rule:

9.2 equation

For compactness we will use the shorthands c09-math-009 for general expenditures, c09-math-010 for total expenditures, and c09-math-011 for other expenditures. The measurement domains for each variable is given by c09-math-012, so we have c09-math-013. A formal expression of the rule in terms of a function is simply the following:

Here, the notation c09-math-015 indicates the open range c09-math-016. We also include explicitly the demand c09-math-017 since we do not want to (re)set a value unnecessarily.

The form of function (9.3) is easy to generalize in the following formal definition.

This definition includes the case where c09-math-026, meaning that c09-math-027 is transformed to c09-math-028 in any case. If c09-math-029 is a proper subset of c09-math-030 (c09-math-031), then we can interpret c09-math-032 as an invalid region, and the rule is an attempt to move a record c09-math-033 out of this invalid region.


Consider again the modifying function of Eq. (9.3). It is easy to see that if we replace a record c09-math-034 with c09-math-035 a second application of c09-math-036 will not change the result. To see this, we need to check two cases: the cases where the initial record satisfies the condition and the cases where the condition is not satisfied. Starting with the latter case, suppose that for our original record we have c09-math-037. In that case, we have c09-math-038 and therefore c09-math-039. Now, if we have c09-math-040 for the original record, we get c09-math-041. Since we now have c09-math-042, the result of c09-math-043.

The point is that once a record is moved out of an invalid region, we do not want the function to move it again. The property that iterating a function twice does not alter the result is referred to as the idempotent property of a function, which we will now define formally.

The idempotent property is not only desirable from the theoretical or subject-matter points of view. The main practical benefit is that the function, or its underlying rule, can be interpreted just by understanding the definition of the condition and the function c09-math-050 without regarding possible iterations of the rule. It is therefore useful to have some general conditions under which a modifying function is idempotent. Intuitively, a modifying function should be idempotent when c09-math-051 takes a record c09-math-052 out of the invalid region, as depicted in Figure 9.1. The following proposition claims that this is indeed a necessary and sufficient condition.

To show that c09-math-056 is indeed idempotent on whole c09-math-057 under these conditions we prove it separately for the complement of c09-math-058 in c09-math-059 (denoted c09-math-060) and for c09-math-061.

It is not difficult to define modifying functions that are not idempotent. Exercise 9.1.2 is aimed to give an example of how such situations may occur.

Illustration of Idempotency of a modifying function.

Figure 9.1 Idempotency of a modifying function. The full rectangle represents the measurement domain c09-math-080. The portion in the rectangle outside of c09-math-081 is valid according to the condition in c09-math-082. The region c09-math-083 is considered invalid. The function c09-math-084 maps an invalid record to a valid one and a valid record to itself.


Consider an example rule that can be used to detect and repair unit-of-measure errors where units are off by a factor of 1000. We use the same variables as in Eq. (9.3).

9.4 equation

The formal definition can be written as follows:

The result of applying both c09-math-087 and c09-math-088 to a record c09-math-089 may well be order-dependent. Consider a record for which c09-math-090. Then for sure it must be in c09-math-091. Now, if we apply first c09-math-092 and then c09-math-093 we get c09-math-094. If c09-math-095 then c09-math-096. Now, suppose we first execute c09-math-097 and then c09-math-098. We have c09-math-099.

So here we have a case where the order of execution of a set of modifying functions c09-math-100 may be important for the result. For larger sets of modifying rules, such interdependencies make the action of any single rule on a data set hard to judge. In the worst case, one function may undo the action of another. When designing a set of rules, it is therefore desirable to detect these cases so the ‘risk of collision’ can be assessed or to avoided altogether.

The technical term for independence of order of execution is called commutativity of two functions, which are now ready to define precisely.

Two functions trivially commute when they act on different variables. If two modifying functions c09-math-107 and c09-math-108 act on different variables in the condition as well as in the consequent, the action of the first function cannot alter the outcome of the second. Apart from acting on different variables, we can derive some very general sufficient (but not necessary) conditions under which two modifying functions commute. These are stated in the following proposition.

Before stating the proof, it is elucidating to consider the situation depicted in Figure 9.2. Here, c09-math-121 and c09-math-122 are modifying functions that we define to be idempotent on all of c09-math-123. On the right, we see that c09-math-124 and c09-math-125 commute on the point c09-math-126: the dashed lines correspond to c09-math-127 and the solid arrows correspond to c09-math-128. On the left, we see that c09-math-129 and c09-math-130 do not commute on the point c09-math-131, because c09-math-132 takes c09-math-133 into the invalid region of c09-math-134 (labeled c09-math-135), after which c09-math-136 takes c09-math-137 out of c09-math-138. Again, following the solid arrows corresponds to c09-math-139 and following the dashed lines corresponds to c09-math-140.

The proof of the proposition now consists of carefully considering the four regions in the diagram: c09-math-141 less the valid regions, region c09-math-142 less c09-math-143, region c09-math-144 less c09-math-145, and the intersection of c09-math-146 and c09-math-147.

Illustration of Commutativity of idempotent modifying functions.

Figure 9.2 Commutativity of idempotent modifying functions. The full rectangle including subsets c09-math-148 and c09-math-149 corresponds to the measurement domain c09-math-150. The idempotent modifying functions c09-math-151 and c09-math-152 commute on c09-math-153 but not on c09-math-154.

The above outline of a procedure combines the trivial notion that two functions commute when they act on different variables with the general conditions derived above. This procedure does not guarantee that mutually interfering rules can always be found automatically. It does provide a strategy that can be partially automated to indicate possible conflicts. In order to be able to explicitly test the conditions for idempotency or commutativity given in Propositions 9.1.3 and 9.1.5, we need to assume more about the type of rules. In the following section, these conditions are made explicit for an important class of direct rules.

9.1.2 A Class of Modifying Functions on Numerical Data

Many modification rules on numerical data that are used in practice can be written in the form

Here, the real matrices c09-math-204 and c09-math-205 are of dimensions c09-math-206 and c09-math-207, respectively, and we assume that the system c09-math-208 is feasible. A transformation that sends a vector c09-math-209 to c09-math-210 is called an affine map. Hence, we will call a modifying function as in Eq. (9.6) an affine modifier with linear inequality conditions, or AMLIC for short.

It was noted by Scholtus (2015) that affine maps cover several common operations that are performed either manually by analysts or via automated processing of modifying rules. In particular, we will show that such mappings can be used to replace values by a constant, multiply values by a constant, swap values in a record, and compute a value from a linear combination of other values in the record.

As an example, we will study three variables: turnover, other revenue, and total revenue. A record containing a value for each of these variables can be represented as a vector c09-math-211, where c09-math-212 is the value of turnover, c09-math-213 the value of other revenue, and c09-math-214 the value of total revenue.

There are other examples, which will be discussed in Exercise 9.1.5.

Given that several such common operations can be expressed in the form of Eq. (9.6), it is interesting to see if general and explicit conditions of idempotency and commutativity can be derived. As we will be shown next, this is indeed the case.


According to Proposition 9.1.3, we need to check if every vector c09-math-221 in c09-math-222 is mapped to a vector that satisfies the opposite. That is, we need to ensure that any vector c09-math-223 (c09-math-224) does not satisfy c09-math-225, that is, we demand that


for all c09-math-226 satisfying c09-math-227. These demands are summarized by stating that the system

has no solutions. The consistency of such systems can be determined, for example, through Fourier–Motzkin elimination.


Given two modifying functions c09-math-229 and c09-math-230 of the class defined by Eq. (9.6). Also define c09-math-231 and c09-math-232 to be their respective invalid regions, defined by c09-math-233 and c09-math-234. The modifying function of c09-math-235 is defined by c09-math-236 and the modifying function of c09-math-237 is defined by c09-math-238. Before stating Procedure 9.1.1 explicitly for this case, we derive sufficient conditions for the two functions to be commutative, in the case that they are idempotent.

If c09-math-239 and c09-math-240 are idempotent, we need to check the three conditions of Proposition 9.1.5. Conditions 1 and 2 are related to regions c09-math-241 and c09-math-242, respectively, and they state that any vector in those regions must be mapped outside of c09-math-243. Using a similar reasoning as for Eq. (9.7), we arrive at the conclusion that this is equivalent to stating that the systems of inequalities given by

have empty solution spaces.

The third condition states that for any vector in c09-math-245, the modifying functions must be equal so c09-math-246 for all c09-math-247. Let us denote with c09-math-248 the region where this equality holds, so c09-math-249. The condition implies that every c09-math-250 is also in c09-math-251, or c09-math-252. To express this in terms of systems of linear equations, we can restate this by demanding that c09-math-253. Now, c09-math-254 is a set of vectors that is defined by not satisfying a set of linear equalities. A vector is a member of this set when it violates at least one of those restrictions. Now, let us denote with c09-math-255 the c09-math-256th row of the matrix c09-math-257. The c09-math-258th restriction defining c09-math-259 is given by


For a vector to violate this restriction, it should satisfy either




We are now able to state the third condition in terms of demands on sets of linear restrictions. The set c09-math-260 is empty if for at least one of the c09-math-261 one of the two sets

is infeasible.

Now that we have derived explicit conditions for the commutativity of two modifiers we can specialize Procedure 9.1.1 to affine modifiers with linear inequality constraints. The above procedure is stated in a fairly general way, and may in principle involve many feasibility checks on systems of linear inequations. In practice, user-defined rules commonly involve only one or a few linear inequality conditions and only very simple transformations that involve few variables. So in many cases this procedure will be computationally tractable.

Exercises for Section 9.1

9.2 Rule-Based Correction with dcmodify

The package dcmodify implements a work flow where data modifying rules are not part of data processing software, but instead are stored and manipulated as parameters to a data cleaning workflow. The situation is depicted schematically as follows:

Scheme for a work flow where data are stored and manipulated as parameters to a data cleaning workflow.

Here, a set of rules defines how data is modified. The allowed rules are assignments that executed possibly within a (nested) conditional statement. Just like the validate package, dcmodify employs a subset of the R language for rule definition.

The simplest command-line use is implemented as the modify_so function, accepting a data.frame and one or more (conditional) modifying rules.

  dat <- data.frame(x = c(5,17), y = c("a","b"),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  modify_so(dat, if( x > 6 ) y <- "c")
  ##    x y
  ## 1  5 a
  ## 2 17 c

The function is set up so it can be integrated in a stream-like syntax facilitated by the magrittr package.

  dat %>% modify_so(
      if (x > 6) y <- "c"
   , if (y == "c") x <- 11 )
  ##    x y
  ## 1  5 a
  ## 2 11 c

We point out two observations. First, the conditional statements are interpreted as if they are executed record by record. Under the hood, optimization takes place to make sure that code is executed in vectorized manner. Second, the rules are executed sequentially. In the example, the first rule changes the value of y from "b" to "c". Next, the second rule changes the value of x from 6 to 11 in the second record because the value of y is now "c". (Needless to say, these two rules do not commute in the sense explained in the previous section). This is in fact default behavior that can be toggled by setting the sequential option to TRUE.

9.2.1 Reading Rules from File

The dcmodify package follows the structure of the validate package. Like in validate, there is an object storing rules, the difference being that rules are stored in an object called modifier and not validator, reflecting the purpose of the rules. To execute the rules, there is a function called modify that ‘confronts’ a data set with a set of modifying rules.

  mod <- modifier(
    if ( x > 6 ) y <- "c"
   , if ( y == "c" ) x <- 11
  modify(dat, mod)
  ##    x y
  ## 1  5 a
  ## 2 11 c

Modifying rules may be read from and stored to files just like validation rules, and the structure of the files is the same as discussed in Section 6.5.6, except that the rule syntax is different. So rule may be defined in a free-format text file such as the following:

# modifiers.txt
if ( x > 6 ){
  y <- "c"
if ( y == "c" ){
  x <- 11

Subsequently, rules may be read with modifier using the .file argument.

  mod <- modifier(.file="modifiers.txt")

Moreover, modifier objects support the same metadata as validator objects, so functions such as origin, label, and variables also work on modifier objects.

  ## [1] "x" "y"

Metadata can be defined using the yaml format described earlier in Section 6.5.6 as well. So, for example, the following file defines a bit of metadata for one of the rules defined earlier:

  expr: |
    if ( x > 6 ) y <- "c"
  name: fix_x
  description |
    When `x' is too large, the y-category must be 'c'.

9.2.2 Modifying Rule Syntax

The general structure of a modifying statement allowed currently by the dcmodify package follows the following very simple syntax diagram:

Illustration of a simple syntax diagram.

Curly braces (blocks) have been left out for clarity. In short, a modifying statement consists of one or more assignments, possibly executed under a (nested) conditional statement.

The following examples illustrate the type of rules that can be defined with this syntax:

  # multiple assignment
  if ( x> 0 ){
    x <- 0
    y <- 2 * y
  # nested conditions
  if ( x> 0 ){
    x <- 0
    if ( y < 10 ){
      y <- 2*y
  # reassignment
  x <- y - 7

Like in the validate package, it is possible to define variable macros (using the := operator) or variable groups (with vargroup). In other words, the modifier defined by

    x_limit := 10*median(x)
  , if ( x > x_limit) x <- NA

is equivalent to

  modifier( if ( x > 10*median(x) ) x <- NA )

9.2.3 Missing Values

It may occur that the condition in a modifying rule cannot be evaluated because one or more of the necessary values are missing. By default, the package then assumes that the result is FALSE. For example, compare the output for the two-record data set in the following code:

  dat <- data.frame(x=c(NA, 0), y=c(0,0))
  m <- modifier( if ( x == 0 ) y <- 1 )
  modify(dat, m)
  ##    x y
  ## 1 NA 0
  ## 2  0 1

In the first record, the condition x == 0 could not be evaluated so the result FALSE was assumed and consequently, y is left untouched. The second record could be evaluated normally.

The default assumption that an NA in the condition is interpreted as FALSE can be altered with the option na.condition.

  modify(dat, m, na.condition=TRUE)
  ##    x y
  ## 1 NA 1
  ## 2  0 1

9.2.4 Sequential and Sequence-Independent Execution

In principle, execution of one rule can influence the condition of another rule (see also the discussion of Section 9.1.1). As an example, consider the following single-row data set and sequence of modifications:

  dat <- data.frame(x = 0, y = 0)
  m <- modifier(
    if ( x == 0 ) x <- 1
  , if ( x == 0 ) y <- 1

If we apply the modifier to the data, the first modifying rule will set x to 1, since x equals zero. The consequent of the second rule is not executed since now x has changed.

It may occur that the decision to execute the second statement should not depend on previously executed rules. This can be controlled by setting the option sequential=FALSE. As an example, consider the following outputs:

  modify(dat, m)
  ##   x y
  ## 1 1 0
  modify(dat, m, sequential=FALSE)
  ##   x y
  ## 1 1 1

In the second case, the conditional part of a rule is always evaluated using the original data. So in the second case, the condition x == 0 always evaluated to TRUE, regardless of the changes made by the first rule.

9.2.5 Options Settings Management

The option settings for the dcmodify package are handled by the same options manager as for the validate package. This means (again) that options can be set on a global level using validate::voptions.


It is also possible to attach options to objects carrying rules, including modifier objects.

  voptions(m, sequential=FALSE)

The options hierarchy, where global options (set with voptions) are overruled by options attached to an object, which are again overruled by options passed during a function call are the same as for the validate package as well.

9.3 Deductive Correction

In some cases, inconsistencies in a data record can be traced back to a single origin, either by (automatic) reasoning based on the validation rules or by allowing for a weak assumption based on subject matter knowledge. In general, deductive correction methods allow one to use data available within a faulty record to find a unique correction that fixes one or more inconsistencies.

For example, suppose we have a numerical record with integer values c09-math-283, subject to the rule c09-math-284 (c09-math-285rofit plus c09-math-286ost equals c09-math-287urnover). Without any further information, Fellegi and Holt's principle tells us that one randomly chosen variable should be altered. However, if we study the values a little, we see that the record can be made consistent with the rule if we swap the last two digits in the value for turnover: c09-math-288, assuming that a typo has been made.

Over the years, several algorithms have been developed and implemented that allow various forms of deductive data correction. Such algorithms are often specific to a certain data type, a certain type of validation rules, and certain assumptions about the cause of error. In the following section, we highlight a number of those algorithms and show how they can be applied in R.

9.3.1 Correcting Typing Errors in Numeric Data

Integer data that is entered by humans may contain typing errors that cause violations of linear equality restrictions. If such errors can be detected, they may be repaired by replacing the erroneous value with a valid one. Scholtus (2009) describes a method for detecting and repairing typing errors in numerical data under linear restrictions. The basic idea is both elegant and simple; given a record violating one or more restrictions, one generates a number of candidate solutions by keeping one or more variables fixed and solving for the other ones using the linear restrictions. If the values in the candidate solution are not more than, say, a single typing error away from the original value, it is assumed that a typing error has been made. Finally, from all the candidate solutions, a trade-off between the minimal number of changes with the maximum number of resolved violations determines what changes are actually applied.

Area of Application

This method can be applied to records containing integer data, subject to at least set of linear equality restrictions that can be written as

where c09-math-290, and c09-math-291 have integer coefficients. Such a subset is necessary to generate candidate solutions. There may be more (in)equality restrictions, but these are only used to check that proposed solutions do not generate extra violations. The demand that c09-math-292 contains only integer values poses a restriction on the constraint matrix. In particular, c09-math-293 must be a totally unimodular matrix for Eq. (9.10) to have any integer solutions. A matrix is totally unimodular when every nonsingular square submatrix has determinant c09-math-294, which again implies that each coefficient c09-math-295. There are several tests for unimodularity available, such as those described by Heller and Tompkins (1956) or Raghavachari (1976), and the lintools R package implements a combination of them.

Although a general classification of unimodular matrices seems to be missing, the authors have never encountered a practical set of restrictions that did not satisfy the unimodularity criterion. The reason is that many restriction sets are balance restrictions of the form c09-math-296 that follow a tree-like structure. In such systems, there is a single overall result, for example, total profit c09-math-297 total revenue c09-math-298 total cost, and each term on the right-hand side is the sum of new subvariables (a list of particular costs, a list of particular revenues, and so on). Each subvariable can be the sum of new variables again. It is not hard to see that for this important class of tree-like balance structures, an integer solution can always be constructed by choosing an integer for the top result variable, and recursively choosing values down the tree, so in these cases the corresponding restriction matrix must be totally unimodular.

The Algorithm

In his original work, Scholtus identifies typographical errors by studying their effect on the decimal expansion of integers. Here, we generalize the method a little by treating an integer as a string and allowing for any typographical error based on an edit-based string metric as described in Section 5.4.1. This has the advantage that sign errors can be detected and repaired as well. Moreover, in the original formulation, the set of equality restrictions was limited to the form c09-math-299, whereas we treat the case of Eq. (9.10). The approach described as follows was first described in van der Loo et al. (2011).

The algorithm consists of two main parts. First, a list of candidate solutions is generated. Next, a subset of candidates that is in some sense optimal is selected from the set of candidates. The following procedure gives an overview of the algorithm.

Here, in step c09-math-319 attention is restricted to variables that occur only in violated restrictions since altering a variable that also occurs in a satisfied equality restriction would lead to new violations. To explain the second step, first note that given a violated restriction of the form c09-math-320, one can always find a solution that resolves the violation choosing a variable and solving it from the restriction. In step c09-math-321, this is done for each variable occurring in each violated restriction. Each such solution is considered a candidate if it differs no more than a certain string distance from the original value. The set of candidates c09-math-322 may therefore in general contain multiple suggestions for each variable. In step c09-math-323, the set of candidate solutions is reduced by selecting the subset of candidates that (1) contains only one suggestion for each chosen variable, (2) maximizes the set of satisfied restrictions, and (3) does not violate any extra restrictions that were not violated before. This maximization be performed by generating all subsets without duplicate suggestions and computing the violations after substituting the suggestions in the original record c09-math-324.

There are some extensions of this algorithm that make it more useful in practice. The first extension is to allow for linear (in)equations. The subset selection method in the final step can take these into account by checking that the chosen solution does not violate any new inequality restrictions. The second extension allows for missing values by eliminating missing values from the set of (in)equations before running the algorithm just described.

Correcting Typographical Errors in Numerical Data with R

The package deductive implements the algorithm for correcting typographical errors described above. The restrictions may be defined using the validate package. Example 9.3.10 can be computed in R as follows:

  dat <- data.frame(x1 = 123, x2 = 192, x3 = 252)
  v <- validate::validator(x1 + x2 == x3)
  deductive::correct_typos(dat, v)
  ##    x1  x2  x3
  ## 1 123 129 252

The correct_typos function accepts a data set and a rule set and returns a data set with corrections where possible. By default the maximum accepted edit distance (measured as optimal string alignment, see Section 5.4.1) equals one. The distance measure may be set by passing method="[methodId]" where [methodId] is any method accepted by stringdist::stringdist (see Section 5.4.2).

Here is an example with a sign error, which may be detected as a typographical error.

  dat <- data.frame(x1 = -123, x2 = 129, x3 = 252)
  ##    x1  x2  x3
  ## 1 123 129 252

The deductive package extends Procedure 9.3.1 by also rejecting solutions that would cause new violations of restrictions that are not used in deriving candidate solutions.

  dat <- data.frame(x1 = -123, x2 = 129, x3 = 252)
  v <- validate::validator(x1 + x2 == x3, x1 < 0)
  deductive::correct_typos(dat, v)
  ##     x1  x2  x3
  ## 1 -123 129 252

Here, no correction is applied to x1 since switching it from negative to positive would break the rule x1 < 0.

Exercises for Section 9.3.1

9.3.2 Deductive Imputation Using Linear Restrictions

Correction of numerical records that are subject to a set of linear (in)equations is often a multistep process during which existing values are accepted as correct, missing values imputed or erroneous values removed. Once all erroneous values are removed, a record can be thought of as consisting of two parts: a part with correct values and a part missing. Since the now-present values are deemed correct, they may be substituted in the system of restrictions, yielding a reduced system that applies to the unobserved values. If sufficient values have been substituted, the reduced set of restrictions may restrict one or more unobserved values to a unique value.

One way of flushing out such implied equalities for a variable, say c09-math-334, is by eliminating one by one all other variables until either no restriction pertaining to c09-math-335 is left, or an obvious unique value for c09-math-336 occurs. Repeating this procedure for each missing value yields every value that is uniquely implied by the reduced system of restrictions. For systems with inequalities, the elimination procedure involves Fourier–Motzkin elimination that quickly becomes intractable as the number of variables grows; the number of implied inequations maximally grows exponentially with the number of eliminated variables.

As an alternative, one may attempt to derive as many implied values as possible using other, more heuristic methods. These methods do not necessarily find every unique imputation, but they have significantly lower complexity than Fourier–Motzkin-based methods. Once the heuristic methods have been applied, a (possibly) smaller set of missing values remain, leaving a simpler problem for the elimination-based methods.

Below, we describe three such methods. The first one is based on computing the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse for the subset of equality restrictions, the second finds zero imputations in specific cases and the recursively third finds combined inequations that imply a simple equality.

Extracting Implied Values from the Subsystem of Equalities

For this method, we assume we have a numerical record c09-math-337 for which a number of values are missing. The values may have been missing from to begin with or perhaps have been removed after application of a suitable error localization method. We furthermore suppose that c09-math-338 must satisfy a set of linear restrictions denoted

It is possible that the record is subject to inequality restrictions as well, but these may be ignored here.

Sorting the values conveniently, we may write c09-math-340, where c09-math-341 stands for observed and c09-math-342 for missing. Likewise, the columns of the restriction matrix c09-math-343 can be sorted so that we can write


This may be rewritten to obtain a set of demands on the missing values, expressed in the observed values.

Note that the right-hand side of this equation is fully known since it is computed from the observed values.

We are now left with three cases. The first option is that the system c09-math-345 has no solutions. In that case, either the system of Eq. (9.11) was inconsistent to begin with, or the values of c09-math-346 are such that the system c09-math-347 is rendered inconsistent. Note that this is never the case when the original system was consistent and an appropriate error localization algorithm was applied. The second option is that c09-math-348 is square and of full rank so it can be inverted. In that case, we can impute the missing values uniquely by setting c09-math-349. The third option is that there are an infinite number of solutions. It can be shown that every solution c09-math-350 can be expressed as

where c09-math-352 is the so-called Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse of c09-math-353 and c09-math-354 is any vector in c09-math-355 with c09-math-356 the number of missings. We refer the reader to the appendix of this section for a short discussion of the Moore–Penrose matrix and the notation for this solution.

We may use Eq. (9.13) for deductive imputation in the following way. Suppose that the c09-math-357th row of the matrix c09-math-358 is filled with zeros. Since the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse is unique, the c09-math-359th coefficient of c09-math-360 is then uniquely determined by the c09-math-361th element of the first term in Eq. (9.13).

Using Nonnegativity Constraints

Under some specific circumstances, nonnegativity constraints combined with a linear equality restriction can lead to unique solutions. For example, suppose we have the following balance rule:

9.15 equation

where all c09-math-368. Now if c09-math-369, c09-math-370, and c09-math-371 are observed with values such that c09-math-372, and c09-math-373 and c09-math-374 are missing, the unique possible values for c09-math-375 and c09-math-376 equals zero (assuming that the observed values are indeed correct). Such cases occur for instance, where only nonzero values have been submitted to a survey or administrative system.

To generalize this to a general linear equality restriction, we write

9.16 equation

We may replace c09-math-378 with c09-math-379 if the following conditions are fulfilled (de Waal et al., 2011):

  • c09-math-380.
  • c09-math-381 is restricted by c09-math-382.
  • All coefficients of c09-math-383 have the same sign.

Deducing Values from Combined Inequalities

Given a record c09-math-390 subject to a set of rules c09-math-391. Substituting the observed values c09-math-392 in the set of inequations, we obtain a reduced system

If the reduced system contains one or more pairs of inequations of the form




then c09-math-394 may be substituted by c09-math-395. Since this method of imputation depends on substituting known values, the procedure is iterated by substituting imputed values into the system of inequations (9.17), detecting new pairs and imputing those until no new pairs are found.

Combining Methods

The three methods described above are not completely independent. For example, it is possible that after a record is partially imputed using Eq. (9.14), more zeros can be deductively imputed based on the nonnegativity constraints. These methods should therefore be applied in chain and iteratively until no further imputations can be found.

Deductive Imputation in R

The methods for deductive imputation mentioned above have been implemented in the deductive package. The function impute_lr (lr for linear restrictions) iteratively applies the heuristic methods, before computing the variable ranges of missing values by Fourier–Motzkin elimination. Here, we demonstrate Example 9.3.11.

  v <- validate::validator(
      x1 + x2      == x3
     , x4 + x5 + x6 == x1
     , x7 + x8      == x2
     , x9 + x10     == x3)
  dat <- data.frame(
      x1 = 100, x2=NA_real_, x3=NA_real_, x4 = 15, x5 = NA_real_
    , x6 = NA_real_, x7 = 25, x8 = 35, x9 = NA_real_, x10 = 5)
  ##    x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10
  ## 1 100 NA NA 15 NA NA 25 35 NA   5
  ##    x1 x2  x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8  x9 x10
  ## 1 100 60 160 15 NA NA 25 35 155   5

The function impute_lr accepts a data set and a number of rules in the form of a validator object. The result is a data set where fields that have a unique solution are imputed.

The following exercise shows how to apply impute_lr to a larger data set and how to interpret the results.

Exercises for Section 9.3.2

Appendix 9.A: Discussion of Equation (9.13)

Using some properties of the pseudoinverse, we will show that Eq. (9.13) is indeed a solution to the system of Eq. (9.12). Theory of the Moore–Penrose inverse is available in many textbooks, such as the book by Lipshutz and Lipson (2009) (where it is called the generalized inverse). The paper by Greville (1959) is a good early reference that discusses applications to linear systems and statistics.

The Moore–Penrose Pseudoinverse

The Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse (or just: pseudoinverse) is a generalization of the standard inverse of a square invertible matrix. Suppose that c09-math-403 is an invertible square matrix with singular value decomposition c09-math-404, then its inverse is given by c09-math-405 where c09-math-406 is the matrix with the reciprocal eigenvalues of c09-math-407 on the diagonal. If c09-math-408 is not of full rank (this includes the case where it is not square), we can still decompose it using a singular value decomposition but since one or more eigenvalues are zero, c09-math-409 is not defined. To compute the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse, c09-math-410 is replaced by c09-math-411, which is the matrix that has zero at the diagonal when the singular values are zero and the reciprocal singular value otherwise. We note that it is not necessary to use the svd theorem to define the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse, but the explicit construction does make it easier to understand the generalization and some of its properties.

In particular, it is easy to demonstrate by svd decomposition that the pseudoinverse of a matrix c09-math-412 has the property

This equation also shows that the matrix c09-math-414 is a left identity of c09-math-415. That is, it has the property that c09-math-416. Using associativity of matrix multiplication and Eq. (9.18), one sees that c09-math-417 is idempotent: c09-math-418.

9.A.2 Equation (9.13) is a Solution

First recall that if c09-math-419 is a solution to c09-math-420, than for any vector c09-math-421 for which c09-math-422, the vector c09-math-423 is also a solution (we say that c09-math-424). Using Eq. (9.18), we see that the second term in Eq. (9.13) is in c09-math-425:


So to show that Eq. (9.13) is a solution to the system of Eq. (9.12), we only need to show that the term


satisfies c09-math-426 (we introduce c09-math-427 as a convenient shorthand for c09-math-428). This can be done with the following calculation:


Here, we used that c09-math-429 spans a basis for the column space of c09-math-430.

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