Subject Index

Accommodation 8, 75 pp, 79, 235

Activity analysis 35

Anaesthesia 4, 29, 31, 36 pp, 40, 42, 281

Anticipation 4 pp, 8 p, 14, 25 pp, 35, 107, 111, 121, 123 p, 143, 159, 195, 286, 293 p

Assimilation 8, 235


Air Safety Reports 79 p, 83 p, 238 pp, 243 p, 248, 250, 255

Air Traffic Controller xxix, 7 p, 15 p, 23, 37, 82 p, 101 pp, 114 pp, 135 pp, 150 p, 163, 166, 195, 197, 204 p, 229 p, 239 p, 255, 258, 263 p, 266, 268, 273, 278, 287, 289

Airline 10 p, 19, 22 p, 70 p, 73, 75 pp, 79 p, 84 pp, 158, 205 pp, 269 p, 289

Airport safety 205, 208

Aviation Safety 7, 20, 25, 158, 204, 238 pp, 261, 264 p, 272

European Aviation 261

Bricolage 16

Complex adaptive systems 123, 127

Complex Systems 35, 121, 130, 143, 180, 216, 220, 228

Critical incidents 32, 136

Critical Incidents Technique 32

Decision making 25, 48, 54, 106, 223, 231 p, 244

Decompensation 31, 121, 127, 130 pp, 137 p

Defence-in-depth 20, 26

Disruption xxxvii, 31, 90 pp, 103, 110, 121 p, 128, 130, 134 pp, 143, 147, 151, 173, 212, 253, 277, 279 p

Downward resilience 157, 160 pp, 164, 166, 168 p

Energy 10, 18, 88, 177

Escalation 45, 47 pp, 99, 109 p

Fact-finding 199 pp

Factor analysis 145 p, 148, 240

Fatigue 65, 67 pp, 94, 97, 204

Fatigue risk management system 69, 73 p

Flight time limitations 69

Financial Crisis 173

Financial Services Systems 171, 177 pp, 181

Flight Data Monitoring 79 pp

Four cornerstones of resilience xxxvii, 61, 193

Ability to anticipate 39, 121, 124, 151, 193, 275, 286, 292, 296

Ability to learn 151, 155, 193, 195, 275, 287 p, 296

Ability to monitor 151, 193, 275, 284 p, 291

Ability to respond xxix, 3, 90, 92, 122, 147, 151, 193, 195, 275, 283 p, 292 p, 296

Functional Interdependencies 171, 186, 190

Functional Resonance Analysis Method 179 pp, 183, 185, 187, 253, 293

FRAM Modelling 180 p

Generic competencies 6, 45 pp, 50 pp, 54 pp

Goal rules 166, 168 pp

Healthcare 88, 237, 239, 242 p, 245 p, 249, 254 p, 276

Incident reporting systems 237 p, 246, 252 p, 255

Information management 47, 53

Irony of resilience 6, 9, 26

Just culture 147, 239

Loss control 88 p

Maintenance 87 pp, 96, 145, 158, 160, 163, 167, 253, 263, 267, 288 p

Maladaptive behaviour 121, 142

Multiple goals 157, 162

Northern Rock 171 p, 187 pp

Occupational Culture 263, 268 p

Operational risk 92

Pinging 88, 92 pp

Power generation 89

Predictive models 69, 71

Preparedness 146 p, 153 p

Proactive approach 209

Railway signalling 217

Readiness 3 p, 6, 100, 278, 284, 293

Reduced rests 70, 75, 79, 82

Reliability 39, 141, 148 p, 200, 232

Resilience Analysis Grid 124, 275, 283, 288 pp, 292, 295

Resilience engineering constructs 154

Risk monitoring 237, 239, 253 pp

Risk profile 87 p, 92 p, 95, 97 p, 100, 186 p, 253

Sacrificing decisions 9, 21

Safety culture xxix, 163, 197, 250 pp, 274

Safety investigations 199, 201

Safety Management xxix, xxxvi, 70, 73, 205, 207 p, 238, 255, 273

Safety Perspective 85, 193, 213, 257 p, 260 p, 269 p, 273

Self-reporting methods 155

Serendipity xxxii, 6, 8 p, 26,

Simulation 7, 18, 25 p, 45 p, 50 pp, 55 p, 104, 115

Sleep 40, 72, 75 p, 79 pp, 85

Socio-technical systems xxxv, 31, 197, 219 pp, 234 p, 254, 257

Split duty 70

Strategic resilience 9, 21

Stress, 16, 21, 23, 30, 34, 91 p, 97, 103, 106

Stress-strain 91

System Boundaries 178 p

Systems Theory 176

Unexpected Situations 93, 149 p, 152, 224

Unforeseen situations 34

Unthought-of situations 5, 29, 34 pp, 38 pp

Upward resilience 7, 157, 160 p, 163, 166, 168 pp

Urban firefighting 124

Variability 5, 29 pp, 34 p, 37, 39 p, 42 p, 77, 179 p, 194, 212, 256, 258, 279

Work hours 97

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