
When I observe an individual growing successfully into a larger role I am delighted. Seeing an individual fully realise their potential is one of the biggest satisfactions of leadership. Why do some people raise their game successfully while others appear to struggle?

Peter Shaw has written a definitive guide to raising your game and achieving your full potential. He suggests that progress results from a blend of belief that comes from inner confidence and clarity of values, alongside practical action that is realistic, determined and planned. He talks persuasively of the balance between being and doing. Being is about thinking yourself fully into the role and doing is the practical behaviour and action that underpins success.

The book draws on a wealth of examples from individuals in different sectors. Peter's approach is as relevant to a junior manager as a chief executive. The sequence of short, focused chapters conclude with suggested practical actions that are always rooted in reality and ambitious. One of the distinctive contributions of the book is the list of questions that readers are invited to ask themselves under each theme: a few minutes' reflection on the questions in each chapter will always be worthwhile.

Peter draws on a wealth of experience as a director general in government and as an executive coach and facilitator. He brings both clarity and humanity into his coaching and his writing. Peter and I first met 15 years ago and our paths have crossed many times since. He has always been a source of encouragement to me. I know from those he coaches that his supportive and yet stretching approach is greatly appreciated. Many speak warmly of his coaching and as a result have raised their game in ways beyond their expectations.

Raise Your Game is the latest in a sequence of books by Peter that encapsulates the approach he uses in coaching in such a way that a wider audience can benefit. I commend this book wholeheartedly and I am sure that many will raise their game effectively as a result of putting ideas from the book into practice.

Suma Chakrabarti, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice

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