The construction of a decision tree

A decision tree is constructed by partitioning the training samples into successive subsets. The partitioning process is repeated in a recursive fashion on each subset. For each partitioning at a node, a condition test is conducted based on a value of a feature of the subset. When the subset shares the same class label, or no further splitting can improve the class purity of this subset, recursive partitioning on this node is finished.

Theoretically, for a partitioning on a feature (numerical or categorical) with n different values, there are n different ways of binary splitting (yes or no to the condition test), not to mention other ways of splitting. Without considering the order of features partitioning takes place on, there are already possible trees for an m-dimensional dataset.

Many algorithms have been developed to efficiently construct an accurate decision tree. Popular ones include:

  • ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3): which uses a greedy search in a top-down manner by selecting the best attribute to split the dataset on each iteration backtracking
  • C4.5: an improved version on ID3 by introducing backtracking where it traverses the constructed tree and replaces branches with leaf nodes if purity is improved this way.
  • CART (Classification and Regression Tree): which we will discuss in detail
  • CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector): which is often used in direct marketing in practice. It involves complicated statistical concepts, but basically determines the optimal way of merging predictive variables in order to best explain the outcome.

The basic idea of these algorithms is to grow the tree greedily by making a series of local optimizations on choosing the most significant feature to use for partitioning the data. The dataset is then split based on the optimal value of that feature. We will discuss the measurement of significant features and optimal splitting value of a feature in the next section.

We will now study in detail and implement the CART algorithm as the most notable decision tree algorithm in general. It constructs the tree by binary splitting and growing each node into left and right children. In each partition, it greedily searches for the most significant combination of features and their values, where all different possible combinations are tried and tested using a measurement function. With the selected feature and value as a splitting point, it then divides the data in a way that:

  • Samples with the feature of this value (for a categorical feature) or greater value (for a numerical feature) becomes the right child
  • The remainder becomes the left child

The preceding partitioning process repeats and recursively divides up the input samples into two subgroups. When the dataset becomes unmixed, a splitting process stops at a subgroup where any of the following two criteria meet:

  • Minimum number of samples for a new node: When the number of samples is not greater than the minimum number of samples required for a further split, a partitioning stops in order to prevent the tree from excessively tailoring to the training set and as a result overfitting.
  • Maximum depth of the tree: A node stops growing when its depth, which is defined as the number of partitioning taking place top-down starting from the root node, is not less than the maximum tree depth. Deeper trees are more specific to the training set and lead to overfitting.

A node with no branch out becomes a leaf and the dominant class of samples at this node is served as the prediction. Once all splitting processes finish, the tree is constructed and is portrayed with the information of assigned labels at terminal nodes and splitting points (feature + value) at all preceding internal nodes.

We will implement the CART decision tree algorithm from scratch after studying the metrics of selecting the optimal splitting features and values as promised.

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